HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-05-30, Page 5TIES It ;rYbSPTA'h x.merrn«i+.pi,e' 9q1<' deli . Wu'o111 4 QV Otte. 1404tey real 4d ENTS 'WAN= ;;.. . Addresgi 49 Goodyear WaterprOof Coats (:0 240 Albert St., Otteewa; : Out Thursday', May P. 4924. ms s, pe 'dozen. , .... 20e �lattrert per.lb. . ,... r...30' to 32c Pea&o per b,1,1091. • .91.10 to $1.3;0 cltatd, os polf'bag ...4 .. .1.00 o ¢'Pct' 1t ,t. a. $1.25 • tit o``pev • .........40e 'Pesti 'b i. e . ...... 95e pow pig°�ttill , too s. o,evoovov$80000 arley, per bushel .............60e r r;-17 BAN MARKET Toronto May 27th.—Beans—Qktnadiam, hand emlaltcd. Hb 61/20; primes, Gab POULTRY MARKET Toronto, May 27 11, 1924. L1ve Mewed [Mena, over 5 lbs, 26 08 do., 4 to 6 lbs. 24 do. 8 to 4 lbs. , 15 18 Spring chickens, 2 lbs. and over10 80 Boosters , 18 22 Duoklinge, over 6 lbs.. 28 Do., 4 to 5 lbs. 24 -ter- — DAIRY MARKET p 9 1ooronto, May 27th.—Cheese---New, large, 116/ to 17c; twins, 17 to 18c; triplets, 18 'to Ileo; Stilton, 20c. Old, large, 22 to 2$c: *wins, 28 to 24c; .triplets, 24 to 25e. Butter—Finest creamery prints, 36 to 36c; No. 1 creamery, 34 to 35c; No. 2, 38 to 34c; dairy, 28 to 80c. Eggs—Extras, fresh, in cartons, 33 to 34c; rxtra loose, 81c; firsts, 28c; eeconds, 24c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 27th.—Manitoba wheat—Slo. 1 Northern, 51.141/4 ; No. 3 Northern, 51.07%. Manitoba oats—No. 3 C.W., 431/c;. No. 2, 42 cents. Manitoba barley—Nominal. All the above c.i.f., bay porta. Ontario barley -65 to 70c. American corn—No. 2 yellow, 96c. Buckwheat—No. 2, 76 to 80c. Ontario Rye -74 to 78c. Peas—,No. 2, $1.40 to $1.45. M91feed—Delivered, Montreal 'freights, bags 4ncladed: Bram, per ton, $23.00; shorts, per ton, 524.00; middlings, 530.00; good feed ffiour, 51.86. Ontario wheat—No. 2 white, nominal. Ontario No. 2 white oats -39 to 41c. Ontario corn—Nominal. Ontario 4opuur—Ninety per cent. patent to .jute bags, ,/Montreal, prompt shipment, $4.95 ; 'Toronto basis, $4.95; bulk seaboard. $4.60. Manitoba flour -1st patents. in jute sacks, 16.30 per barrels ; 2nd patents, $5.80. Hay—Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, track Toronto, $16.00: No. 2, 516.00: No. 3, $18.00 to $14.00: mixed, 511.00 to 511.50; lower gradee, $10 to $12.00. Straw—Car1ots, per ton, 69.50 to $10. Standard recleaned screening, f.o.b., bay sorts, per ton, $17.00. LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, May 27th.—Cattle, 2,000; slow ; [heavy grades steady; yearlings and butchers. 35 to 25 cents lower; cows •and bulls steady; whipping stetrs, 59.30 to $10.50; butchers, 88 to 59; yearlings, 58.75 to 510.50; heifers, $3 to $8.26; fair to choice cows, $3.75 to $7.00; anners and cutters, $2.25 to 53.75; bulls, 13.25 to $6.25; stockers and feeders, 54.00 to 16.25; fresh cows and springers active and steady, $35 to $120. Calves, 2,800; active; choice 50 cents high- •er; $11 to $11.50; fair to good, $9.50 to 110.50; culls, $6 to $7; others, unchanged. Hogs, 15,200; active and steady to 10 cents lower: heavy, $7.90; mixed, $7.90 to 58.00; gorkers, $7.90 to 58.05; light yorkers, 57.25 to 58: pigs, 57.25; roughs, $6.50 to 56.75; stags, 54.00 to 54.50. Sheep and lambs, 7,300: active; lambs, $7 to 514.75; yearlings, $7 to 512; wethers, 25e tower; $8.50 to $9; ewes, 50 cents lower, $8 to $7; mixed sheep, 20 cents lower, $7.50 to 18.00. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May 27th.— With a light receipt and salesmen looking for an advance in prices, trade in cattle here was somewhat slow in starting, but picked up activity by noon. and before 2 p.m. there were 2,500 head over the scales. Heavy steers for export sold steady at 8 .to 8'4 cents for the bulk of choice, with one top load at 8.65 cents and another load at 8.40 cents. Medium Breavies sold down to 7% cents. The export 2)ny included some of the beat heifers at '7% to 714 cents ; cows, up to 6% cents, with two primes at 7 cente; quite a few butcher steers under the 1,200 -pound mark, and a few bulls, prices on the whole being just steady with the beast of last and trade brisk. In the home butcher section prices on the good to choice steers and heifers were 10 to 15 cents up, cows showing a return to the strength that they displayed np to Wednes- day last, and bulls bolding steady. An odd load of Western butchers sold at 6 to 61,6c, Vont very few of the 'native steers or heifers brought less than 6% cents per pound. Pack- er and local butcher buyers were busy from .just before noon and on, and the offering of 1,273 cattle was practically cleaned up: Geo. tree for Harris Abattoir Co. bought 880 ead, paying 6.60 to 7.75e for handywelght butchers, 6 to 6% cents for good to choice cows, 4 to 4% cents for plain cows, and 8.40 to 6% cente for bulls. Some 50 baby beeves taeld at from 7% to 8 cents, and five loads of feeders at from 612 to 7.10 cents per pound. Stockers were lacking in the day's supply of cattle, and with grass backward inquiry for 4Sat kind was not strong. Light volume in the calf supply failed to Smprove selling possibilities for thole offered. An odd top made 11 cents, but outride of tIbat there were few veals at the 10-1014c spread, and 6 to 9 cents per pound covered the bulk of the sales, while some common calves sold down to 4% cents. Lambs sold slow at price= about steady with 'Emit week's decline, the best sales in bulk Veering at $12.60 per head, while cull lambs told at $6 each. For ,the first time this sea- son a ahare of the lamb offering sold by the •pound, at a range of 15 to 18 cents, the former price being paid for some of the light kinds. Some lambs weighing es much es 75 pounds, but a bit below top quality. brought 17 cents. Sheep walnut showed no improvement, the bulk of the good butchers milling at 7 centa, with culla down to 4 cents -per pound. Only a few tope made 8 cents Der Domed. Quotations: Export steers, choice, $8,00 to 88.50; do., good, 57.50 to 57.75; export heif- ers, 67.25 to 57.50; baby beeves, 57.50 to $9; Why he tortured with ECZEMA? EZ T u E NEW FIND Will give you' positive lasting results 10T ECZE'112A. Intense itching and all chronic intim:1 vatory skin disetls- es; has no equal for Burps and Scalds. Can now be procured at Aber'hart's Drug Store, Seaforth, or sent postpaid tin receipt of price '.$1.00 per Pack- age, or 6 Packages for $83.00, br C i:i °, S. MIDAfl & CO. Dublin, Ont.' • S94- do..4+0`0... $7,26; do„a�alia','; 101 , y.- I . �i Aittal i1'ipeaw, i,on, 9,bta'. y' mala,• Mr.. a'ni�. ARia lid 5. Z l ', , G • mob 4cam 2 i lir , , cy--'tom An , va 14 to ' id.. and h5ro . ply, -s .opWV r,John. x'uthe r —tn ] 8o , or '$ " 8th. 41i nand . M -ins tdhoii. an SO 10, as "SLr, nag/ Kok Iatoll Mott, a` 6011.. SrdiabulT--•Ina h1Ltch 1. on alai 17th, to Alts. and .barn Fred Sra 1.b.rs', a st114 Campbell,-�In Codericb, .on 'May 20th, tap "Mr. and MM. Jognoo At.. Cardlp a eon. Johnstonl.--lin Goderich, on May 10th, to Air. and Bins, E. G. Johnston. a son=38odei ick Ian, MARRIAGES Azo trona--Ggaid,--lee! Windsor. on May 18. Buss ;fella .Gpnld, daughter of the late James Gold;' formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Prneat 'Ari strong DEATRS Wallace. --In Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, en May 56th, Helen Cairns, beloved wife of James Wallace, aged 47 years. McMichael.—Ia Cleveland, Ohio, en Friday, May 23rd, Bert B:. McMichael, aged 44 years, 6 months and 11 days. Taylor.—At Goderich, on Map 20th, Lillian Mary Kerr, beloved wife of Dr. Alexander Taylor. Craigie.—At Brockville, on May 18th, Ada w.abel McClinton, beloved wife of Robert W. Craigie. Stevens.—In Stanley Township, on May 18th. Walter J. Stevens, aged 69 years and 5 months. - IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 center per mingle verse and 26 cents for mate additional verse. In loving memory of our dea{ Ella, who passed away May 31st, 1928. The midnight stars are gleaming On a lone and silent grave; Beneath sleeps our dear Ella, The one we could not save. Her suffering was great, her pain severe, She bore it with patience till God drew near, Then without bidding a last farewell. She quietly went home in Heaven to dwell. Father and Mother, Brothers and Sinter. CARD OF THANKS We gratefully acknowledge the many kind expressions of sympathy extended to us in our recent great bereavement, Mr. William Hiles and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. 2946x1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Jaynes Wallace and Mrs. Charles Harri- gan desire to thank their many friends for their kind acts and expressions of sympathy to them during their recent bereavement. 2946x1 CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our many friends in Sea -forth and vicinity for their great kind- ness to us during our stay in town, and particularly since the accident which befel Mrs. Inglis on February 12th. Words, writ- ten or spoken, cannot express our gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. W. INGLIS, 2916x1 Walhalla, N. D. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up to June 10th, 6 p.m. for the erection of a new room to Hensall Public School. Plans and specifications can be had on application to Secretary -Treasurer. A. L. CASE. 2946-2 Secretary -Treasurer IMPORTANT NOTICES I DASTURE TO LET.—COULD TAKE ABOUT fL 10 bead of cattle for the summer. Apply to THOMAS J. COULTER, Egmondville, 294?-tf ESTRAY COLT.—STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undersigned. Lot 15, Con- cession 7, Stanley Township, about Tuesday, May 20th, a bright bay mare colt 'with white face, 8 year old heavy draft. Finder please phone 2 on 622, Clinton Central, or write WILLIAM LOGAN, Varna. 2946x8 r +TOCK FOR SALE—PURE BED HOL- stein females, a14 ages ; 2 young melee grey gelding risingsfarmer's good driv- er, thoroughly relish l TF` single or double. Apply to J. R. A ALD, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 168. 2937-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—FOR SALE on Egmondville hill, 11fa etroy brick house and % acres of land, some seeded to alfalfa. House consists of 6 rooms also pantry, wood- shed and chemical lavatory, cement cellar, electric lights, hard and soft water in house. A good stable and hen Yard, also garden with small fruits. Convenient to church, school and stere. A bargain for quick sale_ Apply to JOHN RANKIN AGENCY. Seaforth. 2988-tf MORTGAGE SALE OF A 4 VALUABLE FA IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT, IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, nig., Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, the 14th June, 1924, at two o'clock, in the afternoon, all and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises situate, ly- ing and being in the "Township of Hibbert, in said County of Perth, being composed o4 Lot number Twenty-two (22), in the Ninth (9th) Conceesion, of the said Township of Hibbert, containing by admeasurement one hundred (100) acres of land be the Same more or less. There are erected anon the Dy a brick dwelling house, 28 x A0, 2 ston frame barn 40 x 80 with brick foundation, hog pen 80 x 80 and frame driving shed 26x80. The property is well watered bar an ever Bow- ing spring creek and good walla. The property will be offered for sale nab- jeet to a reserved bid and to the existing lease. TERMS OF SALE: Ten (10) per cent, of the purchase money to be paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. without interest, when the purchaser. will be entitled to a Conveyance. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day bf sale and may be had in the ree'antiGne from the nnder- signed. Dated the 17th day o4 May, A.D.; 11920. II. HAYS vE vnentrS SOL$CITOR. Thome Brown, Auedanoov. 5045-4 11:441.TA0.10013,1Fai4 Tandem tor tbp ooEat'14gtrtgr4 card s og tbo Nash` Biosar"pu Throb. MoWllopa wt bo moved .01 1 Satprduy„ -.1itinte 14tsj 3524, who.nwi bo epeuoQ a(, 1,8.0 5taa 1. illi tl►o Cuz ldbroril Maf., Okerge414 Film Der" cent. eog`iraet acoonlunny 4y7p�lea, LowOoot o aro' or snot.' o tlr;- ae- cot*1: 'Pismo and open at $rot 80. 1:M a- oiou 8, blcEillop TOW Ohipo. Excaavotten, 8070 yaxvla. ai , a JOffN' leN 2046 MEH>i6. POPULAR STAINS The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follows: , The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Approved Enrolment l'7o. 478 Form 1 EMPEROR McKINNEY (54151) 1653 Will stand for mares during _.a season. 1924, at his own stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Termme.--/To insure a foal, $12.00. CHARLES RILEY Proprietor and Manager Phone 11 on 186, Seaforth, Ont, The Pare Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 231 Form I. LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [21567] (18603) Vol. 29, B. C. S. B. Will, stand for the imrrovement of stock this season, as -follows: Monday.—Will leave his own stable. Beech- wood, and go to Charles Purshelbury's, Brod- hagen, for noon; then by way of the 8th con- cession to his own stable until Wednesday morning. Wednesday.—.To John Shannon's, Concession 8, McKillop, for noon; then to Owen- Flynn's, Hullett, for night. Thursday. —To William Anderson's, McKillop, for noon; then to his own stable until Saturday. Sat- urday.—To Thomas O'Rourke's, Concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for nicht. Terms—To insure a foal, $13.00. JAMES EVANS, Proprietor & Manager, Beechwood - - - - Ontario The Imported Clydesdale Stallion MAKWIRA 15938) [15279], Vol. XXXIII Passed Enrolment No. 864 Form 1 Will travel the following route this season: Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Staffs, and go north to the 4th Conceseion.IHibbert, and then west to Frank Jordan's, for noon ; then south to the 7th Concession, east to the Centre Road and then south to Staffa to nis own stable for night. Tflesday.—West un the Sth Concession to John McLellan's, Tucl•er- smith, for noon; then west to the 3rd Con- cession and south to the Kipper Road and south to George Glenn's, 'London Road, for night. Wednesday.—South to the first side road and east by way of Chiselhurst to John McDougall's, for noon; then east to the Cen- tre Road and north to his own stable for night- Thursday.—At his own stable. Fri- day.—South by way of Centre Road to Thames Road to John Duncs 's, for noon; then south by way of Winchelsea, to George Brock's, for night, Saturday.—Bast to the Sunshine Line and north to Albert Scott's, for noon; then north to the Cromarty Line and west to Staffa to his own stable for night_ Terms. -2'o insure a foal, $15.00. JOHN LIVINGSTONE • Proprietor and Manager Staffa, Ont. The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion BONNIE GLENGYRE No. [23820] (19938) Approved Enrolment No. 854 Form A 1 Will stand for mares for the season of 1924 as follows: Monday.—Will leave his own stable, one mile south of Mitchell, and proceed to R. and A. Gray's, Lot 8, Concession 5, Hibbert, for noon; thence to John Cairns', Lot 21, Cqn- cession 6, Hibbert, for night. Tuesday.—Will proceed to John Story's, Lot 7, Concession 7. Tuckersmith, for noon; thence to William S. Broadfoot's, Lot 25, Concession 5, Tucker - smith, for night. Wednesday.—Will proceed M Angus McKinnon's, Lot 10, Concession 11, Tuckersmith, for noon ; thence across and down to James Hill's, Concession 8, Hibbert, for night. Thursday.—Will proceed via Staffs and across to Oswald Walker's, one-half mile east of Cromarty, for noon: thence to Thos. Cdlquhoun'e. Gowrie, for night. Friday.— Will proceed to Joseph Skinners, north of Munro. for noon: thence to his own "stable for night. Saturday.—Will proceed to Fred Horn's, two miles east of Mitchell, for noon; thence to his own stable for night, where be will remain till the following Monday morn- ing. Terms.—To insure a foal, $15.00. FRED COLQUHOUN, Proprietor. John Malaney, Manager. The Premium Clydesdale Stallion BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form A 1 Terms to insure, $16.00. Monday.—Will leave his own stable. Bruce - field, and go west on Bayfield Road to 2nd Concession of Stanley to John Buchart's, for noon; then north and wet to Ed. Glenn, Jr.'s, for night. Tuesday.—Down Fourth Concession to Bannockburn, then to Varna et the Temperance Hotel, for noon ; then sopth on the Parr Line to Wm. Foster's, for might. @Vednmday.—South to Hills Green and east to the Town Line at Walter Fairbairn's, for noose; then down the second Concession of Hay to Robert McLaren's, London Road, for night. Thursday. -1t- H. Harvey's, Kip - pen, for noon; then by way of the Red School muse to Robert Doig's, for night. Friday.— est on the 7th Concession to Gemmell's Corner and north to George McCartney's, for noon ; then to MCAdam's Side Road and north to the 2nd Concession and west to James Carnochan's, for night. Saturday.—By Broad - foot's Bridge and south to the Mill Road, to his own stable at Brucefeld. ROBERT MURDOCH, Proprietor & Manager. The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion. Approved Enrolment No. 982 Form A 1 BRITIS HERO No. (18264) [20573] Will stand for mares during the season of 1924, as follows: Monday.—Will leave his own stable at Har.. purhey and go west to George Dale & Sons. Alma, for noon ; then south and east to Sandy McMi'chael's, on the Boundary for night. Tues- day.—West to Constance, then north and east to John Dodd's, Lot 86, Concession 11, Me- Ki11op, for noon; then eget 4 the North Gravel Road and north to Leadbury to Wm. McGavin'a, Lot 28, Concession 12, McKillop, for night. Wednesday.—West and north 4o James Watt's, Boundary of Hullett, for noon ; then north and east to Archie Ptielop'o, Lot 2, Concession 14, Grey, for night. Thurodar.— North and east to William Memraingway'0, Lot 6, Concession 12. Grey, for noon; then east to Caronbrook, and south to James Pal - ton's, lath eoncessian of Grey for night. Fri- day—Bast and south to John Bnlgur's, Lot 0. Ooncession 17, Gray, for noon: then south to John Price's Lot 18, Cceasion 9, 11do13i110 for night. Prices, and wept to his own stable for noon, where lis will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms, --To inure n foal, $186.00. WILLIAM COI,QU}urtaiC 5i T t'tR. Prdpt?etar, it ell oil, O9tt. 3. G. 83oMICHA8Yfa, MAMAS -ft it Tito ".lti+RKp idr '(livddai3M I 4 'OEM AXE STEEP., 24A'P (188614 Enrolment We 584 Aptgxove$ win sfl ' $9,$ 9 G roo t aIr MIS OW T or. . $ Cumberland sogisk is ono o4 tate bast iitoc1r herega theat, over aimed the Water1d %%a iiuported #1y 'lite 1,600 T. J. S . e who ne everyone know,' never handled ing , but the beet money . wild buy, tits' stock was never beaten in the show ring in Buglond and h has been ua ly. sucoesofui eta ca etre bare. a0 eqour Fall and- Spring Shows will testae. He stood as premiumhorse for 8 year: In 000 dis- trict before coming this country at a service fee of $100. Any farmer wishing in neo Como of • Steel's stock, Ajaould take an hoar off and visit any a'the following owners: Don- ald Burns, Joh Uell, Roger Northcott, El- mer Todd, G. E. Thompson, AI. faarvey, Jas. McGregor, D. Brintnell and maul others. which space will not permit to mention. Terms,;to insure, $13.00. JAMES B. SIMPSON, Manager. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Joshua Pollard, late of the Township of Blanchard, 4n the County of Perth. Gentle- man, deceased, veto died on or about the 20th day of Marcia, 1924, are required to send on or before the 7th day of June, 1924, to L. Harstone. Solicitor for the Adminietratrix, Mary Ann Pollard of the said Township of Blanchard, widow, their names and full par- ticulars of their claims duly verified and that after such'last men vltioned date the said Ad- ministratrix xall proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. L. RARSTONE St. Marys, Ontario. Solicitor for the Adminiatratrix. Dated at St. Marys this 17th day of May, 1924. 29454 COURT OF REVISION The Council of McKillop Township will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 14th, 1924, at 10 o'clock am. Persons appealing against their assessment should not- ify the Clerk on or before June 4th. JORN McNAY, 2946-3 CLERK. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMIT The Township Council will meet as a Court of Revision en the . Aaamssn nt Roll at the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 31st, 1924, at 2 p.m. Appeals against the 'assessment most be in the hands o4 the Clerk on or before May 21st, 1924. D. F. McGREGOR, 2944-2 Clerk. SAT 0 tvorcy O•5J When i opked' in yogi 6B�': bas't3kg�' r'trastin g gno will' taste mighty goi ,,, but you must first haVe your rand. And Stewart's Me:Wtu . market is the plaice' `to get it. e sp eia1iZe on high ade roast ts°�-Eaef ,a�mo, Veal, 14n, lam. DUMART'S MEATS A SPECIALTY. D. H. STEWART Main Street - SeaA'orth. Phony »'. $pe0 `1a l llows '. your moth CHOPPING and ROLLING After Mey 1st we will run our Chopping Mill every Tuesday of each week during the summer months. Chop can be left in at ony Erne. We also have a good stock of Tile on hand from 2% inch up 4 a inch. Phone 14 on 160. - KRUSE IROS. 294222 Deo D.H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 2943x4 O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son O Funeral Directors and O Licensed Embalmers. O Finest Motor and Horse O drawn equipment. Beattie O Block, Main Street, opposite 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. O Holmes' residence, Goderich 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 residence over store. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up - 0 holstering neatly done. O Phone, Night or Day, 119. 00000000000000 0 00 000 <> 000 O O O O O°O 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 O 0 O Licensed Embalmer and O O Funeral Director. O Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 O Equipment. O O Night and Day Service. 0 O Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 O 2921-52 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Dr. W. R. NIMMO, DC.Sp.C. REGISTERED CHIROPRACTOR SPECIALIST Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods of natural therapeutics, spinal adjustment, and corrective dietetics. Head Office over Seaforth Pharmacy Hours -10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 6 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday Branch Offices at Clinton and Londesboro. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNT I1 , The Council of the Corporation of the Conn- ty of Huron will meet in. the Council Cham- ber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, 1924. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of ConneiL GEO. W. HOLMAN, COUNTY CLERK. Goderich.,. May 15th, 1924. 2945-2 c O O® 0 0 0 0 0® 0 0 0 • W. .11, Walker & Son 0 O O O . J. Walker, Funeral Di - O rector and Embalmer. 0 O 0 O Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 O as requested. 0 .. 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOX &C<1) Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer. H. C. BOX Best Motor and Horse-drawn equipment. Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Can': 11ay7 (':,;Rs Phone 175. (Phone 45. 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 00000000000 rk h For c n We have a Men's Work Shoe lighter in construc- tion than the ordinary work shoe, but sturdy enough for farm work, with a gen'.ine Oak tan Sole, priced at $4.50. Heavy Work Shoes at $3.50, $4.00, S4.50 and $4.75. SANDALS FO SCHOL AND DRESS - Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals, $2.00, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. The Hollywood's Patent Sandal at $3.60 is very new. Smoked Elk Sandals at $3.50 and $5.00. Grey Suede Sandals at $5.50 and $6.00. Infant's Sandals at $1.35; Child's at $1.76. Fre Seahr The Running Shoe season is again with ,.r Evezy' 4 want a pair for the' different sport theyf llow---the t-6 ,s a' girls will need a pair for every day wear. Tey' make a service- able summer shoe and, ars quite inexpensive; We .are, again of- fering the public that well known spEAp KING line 'wade by} the Independent Rubber Cal. We have shoos of this line for "+every member of the family. Of course our usual moderate lee :is: with our Running Shoes. For Boys and Girls A pair of high cut Running Shoes or Oxfords, or if neither of these are preferred we would mention canvas slipPers with rub. ber soles. . For Men Almost every plan indulges in some outdoor sport, ,be it lawn tennis or bowling or something in this order. Enjoy your 'sport with shoes that are cool and light on your feet—a pair of Run- ning Shoes or Oxfords. For Workmen For workmen we have some real good lines with heavy duck uppers and thick rubber sales and heels. An ideal shoe'for sum- mer work: For Women In this line we have very nice canvas slippers with rubber soles. We would draw your attention to the fact that the white shoe season is also at hand. Come in and look over our several lines of these. ' MAKE YOUR SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT J. H. Smith & Som Fine Footwear and Foot Comfort SEAFORTH - - PHONE 51. Ferguson's Suits for the young men in Light Greys and checks, from.... S20 to $2, Men's Standard Blues S28 to $32.50 from Men's Blue Suits with a written S35 guarantee Men's Standard Greys, $22.50 to $32.50' from ST AW HATS Men's Fancy Straw ats from LA S150 -• $3 IES' HOSIERY Ladies' Silk Hose in Black, Grey, Siege, obolink, FilPrice 5c and White. ���5c $2.25 u 1 hos, Ferguson SEAFtRT : e - o e - ONTARIO. C7 r W agli est arket Price for o f GT S a mea71 Choice Ground Ser eninis $22.00 parr ton in bu era' bag o ID) 11Y rIP URE ItF ;1 mi and Shorts at Lowest Prices„ d Limited S AFORTII Successors to Rob Roy Mills, Limited ". aY �J• lv