HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-05-30, Page 3I .,—. I ­­`T`77"�', � I � �, I I'll, � ,,�� �," �` j, '' " " �, � , 1. , '".o­­�%T �A,,,, �:, � � _ �_,­ 11� L 111:� I I ­ I .1 71 ". ­­� "I I "_-_-1-1- _,-- ­­ -7,-__T" "t -r- --m-, '7-, �r��'M . I � �.�­' ". 'r IT,.- .7* "r - �; . .. I �­ . 1:1 � . I , 1, I I , I I . . . � t . , � 171 � , . 1. I . I I � I 11 ,, � 9 I . � I .. I . I , I � � .,� ; . . ,. ;­. ''. I � I , I(Ay ^ to" 'd, — v. -, �­_� � ! �� :, ,7�-, , �,;�� .,., 11 �:% � .1� I., I'll I I �:,� .� 1: I I � I I'-, � �. . . I . ,*,, �-�'� " ,':', ',:!,,�, , � � , I , , " , . 't I I I � I , ��t_­_,_��!� ., �� I I, ,:"I' :,�', - � , 1� lo - � � , 1� - 1,� , I — .1 I , .� : ; �,.� I %. � , , ,* MW .I __ I - ­ - I ­ . — ., ., - ,.­ , 1, � � I I - MONO" � __­­ . I - .- I ­_ __ ­ . :�­­� Al, L ...... 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" 1*W1 r,-qV1rA7,V4 044,A).4g10'Al 1�0 ,�.,�I�v . , . - _ 212 ,,,,,,, -,R", ;,,W,, ,;�,3L ,"',:% N�.,;`,�T�,��,;X, I � , - - - U, - f 419pr pr� kl(g , . � , I , ,. ,.:.", - - "I - � ., . # - , 6 'PI e ' 0 " . . . , ., .',7._V F ''i. , , . I I "t i4i 0"Is'. ... , - xpugted , ylo - . ". I �� x,,,,�,i:�: I S :: . �, �� . 4ella%ousll (C _� 1pt� �� rest OQ4. I 0, , �_ 5 . , � . . : ; , F�411 t :,,f� �. .. . I. ­ '. I I ;11114411, AW t, I li� - , , I ''e , �;.. �, =% I � ��,.'.i"i�,�- � ", �� I , -r -0..'state, — , . house V M. � I Aw", . " � . I d4tkI,Jg 110 * 6000" '119 14; I 04'�j: J# , i4p*o* vf . - 11,11. � . crude bil'output, 14 r � W , . , 4 '4AV*Ir" 16*'erg fovihe Y*Iou� -V*W-04ried ..;Z' : r�R I t4:: ;�,'e, , - I- I �v I I : ; - 1� .� � . l,"d of eatest, light- g]r"tly, some having, �, q, - Ot. 7,00 WOO tyapml, , ­V�. , t .� " �. , , , i P, - � , - , . ": 01! A � 1W I " , I ," ' � - ''o " th -, , 1777 ­. . """ - ;:':' 7��­' ` " � - 7: F -­��_,,_ - 21.j -per cent. 0, prQ#u.,, ' _ U.Ma %,�AW , I I ": 'I - , �, , _4biout , I e4 11�y : li ,., , J � k,"Y' '� ' ' " L : , _ , gi , , "_ _ . I . - ., �" ,, 144 , .77'., 1 1 ... the nine Staficlord Ull pgo4io,pi 'c - 't; ' ' -'M# r; p ;�IFAA ; .. '.. .. . . . _* . � ., � I "', �, I .. ", LA, P0;: cent , 9 � . . �,. � I , _ ,* qm . .I 9===== ir.- - , ,. and tomp , #0 ,I � =0i I - , I I , . . horses 1699wing-some m6a wiWOnj iul, �VqMgo _V�R jp,�,�p,W ,.I , I., '" . 'I". ... I 1. . I . A� �e I 11� ..". ppr0es? 38, - by large ino ,- . ','�, - � I ; " . .,. . % - I �Jeacrlvti 0 � three hdrsqs a day. -Over. the cle , 0.1i er.;ixgr,'g ,. , I W. . �., -1 . . � �­ no) , ��e Fly. L �.;�'q.3401 .1 . - .! wma . � �� ) , r - , :,,,Iliy d , t nib'ies, and 40A per 4qur, 91,21ime uy, also kzQ,. , -cO= Me JOW401.4 .) A. X.O. ,­, L v - feet,,as * -in d,:,$or , y t p little. Wepodeum, or. the +"o COWWP�,�� " * I - I ."� ' ' ' '' - I? 5 , - , �� . '3119, I , L bly th Uk ATISr :MOTHERS � , ,3r� . M...not'usq try 300 borseq was piql)A .a, '' a) _ , I . I U " L -L I ,.ZKTW, .?4** ..... ... � i . .�,, , . � I ,-, � - ' - .k a*erqge. TA�t' meant 51,000 raelf , , I �w _ , I I r �i��" gi� as - 60eoiak-pittpc6q. The b6over's hind . f , ­ L 4�:' � -� � . 'Ise 4iw,", - -W;w, L, 4"'i _ 11 146 other -jiledf , t ­l,refineil obdut 4$A pe ,, ya s, �reiiembles , L 1;� , '. �, %� Oil the next t6- it , * [e,,� - �� , $t4 dard, oil, were kept inhard work re*ulirly ' L , �� " � g,,�,-,� great foot has five t6�o , r 3L* Stomo`X , 'L "Caleltran . 'Z " i -4, ., , . Wj I . � - I � a4tisirtion to mothers as does B#by's the outside. toe the "O is alit. or di. ce t is nuum , . ,Ile COMM94i'40,use fly ia� size and hunting alone. rm 1*1 I , �dq t i � .. �P� , � . ' R , ese, Tablets -vided and At. ,MO.M ell, - In I . -, � ableWL epmpamRs, 4X.1 per cent. by jq�ge in" The stable dy bites much feeding, 14 pounds of corn per day, 6" , A " 1 1; 4 � On the A , y bus* of *t tl_�A­ .!dQ'L OW , - own - ., Th , are aba#e. r the 'toW, 7 W " ,, , Vf;L PIN '14 a tll�. I L , of the Stove -after *e;' f - OL Q; I , , OfiNQU'L �of li I . cowideratioA dependeAt coi#bWnes and 15.1 per, cent. uarder, ;Jyl"�Aulte a sharp sting. it this meant Over a season thirty- I ., giv - -g -, - . . = 44114749okfeiv, the 4ow,b9rqbhb . 4 Of I - 0% I . . �1.6 , ­ " ,­­. - � 0=141 WOUlu. . UaWrally: thi �. to by the little IudepeudeirW. Of, the ,, al,, a b1090 sucker ana`.a, very per- five weeks the consumption of nearly I � 11 "'OUM ,, t r . t a �� up $amovar. - ; . I "! _P,'4119,�L . __ � 40'. grovigx-" cWA 44 bs61"4JPJT I e, a, freak, 4.6worgrp lit 'toe- pipe lines 69 r 13er cent is controlled 6 ua ers of oats a year. T auese ' �ilir�� - q;r I -1 ­ . � I 4Q 48rm naijxr"11K explains, the L an thin skin covering .. 'SeJap L VW hotiZe� ,, , 'to ­­, - , -'Tk , ifi - . . . ,, buy t* 11 � 04.9'a I 201, aia�ent tease.. �,Wjie X, _�,: --, T '*are Lmi _ imal's wat- by the, Standard Oil companies, and, ,tie legs, y 'L iture �,,7rit I I - 1: 0 -always good'. , he"tAb;,eta Id., L 6%4t4 ,a of cattle . fursh alreaAj '14 L mon -.4r Al , , ,*,and abdpme n� i on, such a, number of hors- .� . g, I 11 ! 4 & ': but tho - 1#4*1�1' prOes Connecting with nearly 36 per cent.0by the big incie- and horses 4 thii-awk they, attack. sometinw it I Im apiblai,to get Vio , * A� � I _ 4� erprooftng.. .s. - . , ,.,§f.,,.., I nda ,000 tons of bay - bowels aupL�'AjWe t*.n,*,e qtomach ducts . . main- house without "idt t 'As * , "M , , Jrough; v whim regul4W this-- Qpening. at t1ke 'toe na 1 are t ny pendent co bin An Sta The' hig'. pip 1PRim- , � � I the - I ­ - I I in, es. d rd when bout on saListying the � oul require 66 % - * - w, 4e, Jaw . whichAead from the oil saes. OU\is the big marketer." 1'r t hirOt an 51,000 nso of straw. Ire = out . plivi 4 1 and buiig#r�. A-�--uEher times t�ey may tained, therefore, that the tenant. -Next one Watches -the lower x'o*bar aa i , r - ",:.� . . ,r*# r.1v T", M I .and thus relieVe'baby jyf gy of the In waterord6fing his coat the beaver - I rest qu1et1X Q;*.the animal's back or Hunts were Ous _ '' , ralnor tIls - of -- chililhood, such as con- simply cotytb& his fur with his hind - splendid customers of the farmers. advertisements for, suctions, Vftch front mikstakes I NW 11, 0, 11 . , - , I pr . on the istabLe,.wal.l. Any person who I ' L* ': W . _W� L atipatiou, iniftestiqu,,goldsf coV", 'tl- feet, this action causing the oil to Quite apart -from that fact, th ... was are social events, . and- buys there Cq4nectl' i '. RUN IN CANADA, aas to milk 0 . 9A?. ArW §�V.q . . __XW "o .��!' 'I . -0 -.w,n ::: N� 4COnCer,ning them, Mis'."Arthqr Filli ' -W.z during the summer I W-.-q0sV 1. on, flow from the. ages to the opening at another consideration: What would other pieces. Finally one, bas the more eeirtam..'A pbon period' ls'461,1'aciluainted with the . ��6 -, at,,. Sylves#-% `Que.,­VTites:--PBaby's the split nail. ,Mr. Thouipson says Th" e that,tilese little creatures the hunting people be doin if they missing furniture made to -order at thousand to fte tbougaad_,Y� ­_*., .1, I "unoyaric 9 . - -A � 0 e beauties and -adv4utages of can create. 1 And when the stable fly were -hunting? the wicker and bamboo shops The being A,`1alf,a. dpllur,. .a I 114 " ki , � Own Tablets have been-- of wonderfu that when he was- first told this, by not There was no I . '. .1, I . . ' , 1enefit t6 my haby� .who was suffering an old woodsman, he regarded it as a nt�ario are stressed in the special is ably assisted by the house fly and reason why they should spend the regular furniture shops 'are patron- tion thers' is the mw;91,,r-`, ; illj � , . .;frorpi couptip . tourist Jun6 issue of Rod and Gun in , winter in England, when they might ized only as a last resort by the ex, charge, 'FXeA,7at,L,*' : ,-,;� I .. 9".-M., ce;A."R. � , " , - always keep, th%,TAblets ou hand took every Canada. In addition to a description - perienced home furnisher. New- tremisly d= A - to ­ t 4�, ­ 1�1 E .1� , .ption and ilidig4stion. I :j,k,. But afterward he .Lie horn hy, both the cow and the I -.T and . 9%_ . i V f, . opportunity to watch, and, like others, of Ontario's tourist ,Liiik,r have "ything but a pleasant !be basking in the sunshine of the R1, � 1 A I I �� � , , , . � .... , , 1. comers, however, are often deluded installed. lfti. 114tTep , � , 11�`; �Would a0ise all' mothers to do like� gttractions and , ,inie in their eAueavors to be at least iera or of Egypt. But their staying '. 0.4 'all, k :� , "� 'Ill, .� .1, � . found"the statement to be absolutely ... ious points of auty in the prov- uAiueLdefeat id"'ifillk production. The in England meant money spent for into going to makers and ordering she has se ' 4VIP - '. "' ` I 11 I - -wise." The Tablets are sold by medi- true ,, be, . Q4 141. ', 'A=V. : . , . A, ,einp dealers or by mail at 25 cents a ince, with 'suggestions for sumirner stable fly bie�de prin.cipaRy in decay- the benefit of British trade instead of everything newly made from beds to phone standine f ., � .; ,Z.".,: I ,,, , I curtain braekets. This process is ently it is necessary.. g" " ; " 1k . .. I b -ox from The Dr. Williams! Medicine . .410— camps 'and trips, the stories in -the aig refuse. horse manure, rotting money spent abroad. =. ," .0 11 .. Z, ": e I ne deal with fishing and camp- s,rkw-materials that are. too fre- , ,; . . . . . . 1i oCo., Bro kville, Ont. magazi . costly, but the furniture is very, possess an instrument Ancl, tow. I'll, "I - � I � �.. � I I I ­ .. .1 . � 11 . , , . I I � g, , I . I ,- . ! � � 'PALE, WA14 CHEEKS AND DULL ing in "Algonquin Park, with timber queutly � 0 pretty while it lasts, which is not negotiations with the edn'*14,1w, " - � ' found quite close to the farm . . long, as it is xidt, sturdy. With the have it ins _.*'a .1-1, ,�' I I.... ,,, 1, ,� , -1- ..W+.A�,�, * , I 11,1 ., s,arveying in northern Ontario and .)aildiugs durin4 the suminer period talte . id 06mie,oite , - . 'I , , 4i " 'I. .. . . . - , ..L. ­ . . . . . . - .�,,,� : ! EYES , hunting and out-of-d,bor stories in ,�aAm it is possi-lole Lo Reep them at SAYS HE IS A house and the gas stove the Mathe- as though it'were ai� eiectrit s .1 �11 � THE BEAVEWS. WATERPROOF a I , ; �, - ,,�,,,,��,,�.; � I ,,�. � �'. I,-, , . �. sons took ,over the two servants, a Sometimes owners 6f I 06)66, .,;, ,,.'o" 6 , Is Prod That the Blood � Thin and other parts of the I Of spe- uistance. NEW MAN married couple, en they ale ino'16 I., � fat'-Ri" I province. COAT cial interest this month will be the A:he Treatment Usually OfferetL their wages being 86 sell them �wh b' � i .. Impure. . I yen a month. Had they been really the instrument being. the V M" r.� dqli�s' "' "" , �,., ! ., - �,l , _ .-I I I � ",r,k - i I " . � . "r 11 : . � 4, �1. story of the Le Pas Dog Derby, which "to prevent 6e stable fly from an- THAT'S WHY NOVA SCOTIA MAN "high collar" as the Japanese term able article f fur�tur the* jijj`4.'-' �N., � �111 n4"',;mz3 , 11 _. . �"­Q., 1, I �� �1,1�� -e , . 't th;:�� ;% ,,, We do: -not wonder much at th It is the blood that gives color to has been written by M. U. Bates who noying animall, Providing darkened PRAISES DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS I,, they would also have hired a sess they areonuturs�ll�k 'I :� � ;�'�` . Yact that. fish� cait stand it to be wet was Rod and Gun in Canadials special a .. �, .. I,, 11 .. � 11,;, the cheeks and lipe,,m well as bright- 3LUDWS, pens, .sheds or other shelters Japanese boy to act as butler .And with it. , � , " �.:.� , I 1. A�l �, all the t1me; they are stActly aquatic ness to the eyes. If your blood gets representative at this picturesque in which th4s aninials can retreat is a Mr. J. J. Comeau who suffered from . I adviser and interpreter. Such; In Tokio the most experienced 61).� ' �-" i� ' ", . I . socia , , . '' " 11 �01 ,_�� "I in I �, .. ... , �creatures. Butihow about those ard- thin the color will fade'and the eyes event. A large number 6f unusually .00d practice:" ' Spraying or brushing Kid1tey trouble, found relief * servants are extremely useful for erators are given-'eharge'of the ,ge. ,'.", I � -mals that are orga'aized for a dry-, - We animals over with liquid-ny re- Dodd's Kidney Pills. . � ; 111 �� � � � � � � , teo'-,- .- � , -, ! " � . . I . , "e photographs illustrate this des , " , * the time bevE ! !, , ��, . 11� I I , . grow dim! - .. - land �xistence, yet spend a large part this happeris .cription. The June number of Rod e is they seem to know just who is.who, phones with 'the Ibw num It irn., .. " I I you will notice that you tire easily ,jellants is also advised. Ther no Lower Saulnierville, N. S., May 26. in the city, and save their employers other circumstanee that adds- to th�ir. ­ - '' rl",.I ; ,',.,��.­­' I ' . I �of their time in.water?- How do the and Gun in Canada contains eighty- r,penanE of very enduring efliciency, (Special.) -Mr. Comeau, a well known ? . , . .0� �,�'.) and are subject to headaches and from numeTops errors. - cost, and another feature z to be ' M' :��,�1�11, .11 � . Polar bear, the inink, muskrat, otter backaches, f6r the blood � eight pages brimful of stories and DUL a number of such now in common and respected resident here is a I! goes every- With servants in Japan it is not sidered io the Japanese belief 11.1. I and beaver manage to keep the in- where and the entire sys-terykfeels the articles dealing with practically ev- use are worth while even it their staunch friend of Dodd's Kidney Pills. the first cost but the upkeep that is ceitain numbers' "is luckiei e - -:- - - ternal organio dry and warn, en- effects when it becom,es thi - ry phase of sportsmen's interests. eiiect is so short as to require daAly He has tried them and found ,them important. In addition to their others. Lacking phones, sueh mes - ' - . n. Dr. Wil- 8- ,o h to prevent fatal chilling? Rod and Gfin in Canada is publish- or twice a dayapplicaLion. This may good. This is what he says: � � ­-."t,!�,� k Pills contain the elements wages they all get graft fr6m the , ages as would otherwise be sent pyfw. :1.. ;�-:�. � , ,;, , . I Ufature tabes'Xare of these prob- liams' Pin seem a lot of work, but a man with d 0�'. , � neces�s4ry to enrich the blood, and this ed by W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Woodstock, "I am over 60 years of age, an merchants. Their commissions on -the wire are sent'by messenger, 17re, �-� ,,��,�� . Isms in various way.' Perhaps the Ont. " an auto spray holding two gallons of have suffered so much from Kidney . , 1 , � , , . Inost interesting thing of its kind- better blood strengthens the nerves liquid can go'. over a line of twenty troublis. I took several boxes of all purchases range from one perjerably a coolie or I *kshaw. nian.. 11 �,.,� ".1' r, � ; , , I '' , and all the organs of the body, brings cent. to ten per cent., and it is nat- �The notes thus exchanged are coca' . -,:,�,, , - I ',�Z,' positively o4onishing, If fou have 0 (;uwa in five minutes. A successful Dodd's Kidney Pillsy and ns ' !,-�. ,_� ,, a glow of healt� to the cheeks, bright- urally to their interest to overstock chits, -and I tead of a book of tele-, `�,.� ' d , ''. '' .had no knowle ge of it -is the water- preparation that can be used as a exactly a new man. I shall always . . . . . . . . ��� "I . ness to the eye§ and a general feeling THE CHEAPER CUTS OF BEEF bpray is made by wixing the follow- their employers with groceries and phone numbers -one gets a chit boo�� �_� I ��� - . -remain a friend of Dodd's Kidney �'�5 , -proofing methods of beavers. Every- 'of -renewed health and strength. Miss. g:- whatever else they may be eiltrusted �Wheu one writes a note to a -ftiiWAC-."�:," �1,1 - � ... -.V ". . . . , , �..�� , -one is More or less familiar with the Florence Johnson, Stratford, Ont., The pot roast which is frequently in / Pills." to buy. In addition to receiving I the message and the 'chit book are . �, �, I - 1'house,0 and dam -building aetivitl6s lbs. laundry soap. 1% qts. oil of tar. It is wonderful how some people �... -, who has proved the value of Dr. Wil- used by the thrifty housewife in the 111/9 qts. coal Tar aw. � qts. coat oil. their percentage they will, if they! given to the bearer who delivers the - ,,,,� ... . .. - I ' "' -of the beaver, and we know he Is *in liams, Pink Pills in.case.s of this kind, effort to keep down her butcher bill -t -,2 qts. fish OIL 3 qES. Wnal(i Oil. will go on suffering day after day, can, resell some of the commodities'one and walits for the -receipt to bo .. ":,�'i � - I -the water a great'deal indeed. The with aches and pains, backaches and J , ' " . _31 says:--�'A few years ago I was great- and still provide good meals, may be D�.isolve tiie lauriary soap in water I to other servants. The sFrvayrts 1 acknowledged in the other.' Na& ' �-� .1 Teason he does not suffer is found in rheumatism. They suffer because ­.� ,,%:::. I -Ili ly run down; my blood was very poor made from many of the cheaper cuts, aud. then add the ULner ingredients themselves are not fed by their mas_ I sender has a private chit book, and I �'��,'!*u . . " e nature of hie coat und his method . they are not aware of the fact that in .� � - I and my nervous system in bad shape. such as the chuck, ,of the beef car- --d wore water to ina" 30 gallons of ters. They are said to "eat them -Ino doubt many a long eveniig ,;,� ... �, . �,:.-.,`.",�,, , In compensation for t . " .... After being WIped with a damp -1PrUY- kidneys, which are the source of the I ..... �� I ,of oiling it. His fur is of two kinds, The doctor said my condition was due cass. they can get relief. Strengthen the selves." heir I whiled away in Toldo, by people lodlc� , ­4ong, coarse, reddish -brown hair pilfering habits which do not occur I Ing over these records and W,Dnftr� � ",,�,,, � to improper diet and lack of fresh air. cloth it is placed in a covered bake zfidditional Treatment Suggested. trouble, and these pains vanish. . 4outside afrid underneath, an inner fur I then to them as. immoral, and which are I Ing at the authors of the vartous- . . I �,!. . -of soft gray. commenced eating the food he pan or casserole, with two cups or Poisons and traps are sometimes Dodd's Kidiley Pills .stimulate and of Isignatures and tr . I ... ��, , I advised and went out daily for a walk, more of hot water. It should be' cov- used and can be made very efficient strengthen weak kidneys. They are , ying to Teme t .. .", n*.m, -,�' . The inner fur provides warmth, and 1'1�1 5 I did not improve, however, .and was ered tightly and baked in a moderate agents in stable lir-centrol it used , th4 Japanese servants are � the contents of the Tiote, fv.r,. v3d* I " is kept dry by application of oil to used- and recommended all over the course . `,��Z I much -discouraged. A friend advised oven or on top of the stove, keeping with ordinary intellig,ence and thor- world. . extremely polite. They bow deeply I the receipt is 1hii p'reserveial.:` ' Chi': " . ' - `� ' �r' I -the outer fur. Let me tell you in the `� - I , r me to try Dr. Williams' Pink pills. I the beat just below the boiling point. uughness. Formaldehyde is one of .010. when addressing their employers, i the whole, ,Mrs. Matheson findis thab� -. 'M ' --words of Raymond Thompson, how . I ­­ � lost no time in getting a supply and Pamphlet No. 43 of the Department Lue beath poisons to use in fly de- UNUSUAL FEATURES OF JAP- the master receiving the deeper of I it is not,such a hardship to Ao with- ,41'. -this oiling is done. The front feet of can truthfully say that when i had of Agriculture at Ottawa, obtainable SLtUCUOnd Mix two ounces of for- , ANESE HOUSEKEEPING the bows. They are escorted to the out a telephone In. Toldo as in ali . i` ,�� I -the -beaver are much like human hands finished the first box I could note an from the Ptiblicktions Branch, shows Liia.Ldehyd'e with I % quarts of milk, door when they go out and obeis- � American city, and that the lack , A , �, , . � �_ . liaving long slender fingers. The improvement. From Ithen on the pro- how the mfiat bill may be reduced by -sweeten with brown sugar, and place People who are about to leave To-, ances are made to them. If a long has its compensating features. I ,�,� . , . � mails ir� long and slightly curved, to gress was steady. My complexion, utilizing the cheaper cuts Of beef. ,,u a window where the dies congre- ronto to set up house in Tokio will I . .. I.. -M aid the animal in digging and in which had been pale and sallow, be- One-half hour's time for each pound gate. In stabi�s and pig pens pro- probably be interested in the account - =__==�= T',�.' 'liandling thef trees, mud and stones ptirly darkened, one.wiudow may be S i _. ��V, . , _ I I gan to take on a heal v glow I felt of meat in the roast is recommended. Ida Mathe on gives of her experience �', ..... 111 -which he uses in his work. Tbe hind a great deal stronger and my ai)petite uarter before 'elt uncovered to provide the neces- in The Japan Magazine. It is a mat- -feet, on the .other hand, are very became normal, and soon my health serving, pared potatoes and sliced sary fight to attract -the flies to the ter of great difficulty to find a house - large and sttong and are fully web- was fully restored. Before using Dr. carrots and onions may be added. poison dish. if the stable man will which Occidentals, would consider hab- 'bed for swimming. The nails on the Williams, Pink Pills I did not know When -ready to serve, the roast should at the beginning of the season pro- it�&e because Japan is f,verpopulat- I 'hind toes are rather short and stubby, anything about their wonderful quali- be removed to a hot platter and the vLae shelves on which to place'poison ed with people og all kinds and class - in comparison to those of the fore ties, bji&,now I recommend them to all g"ravy thickened and seasoned. If the dislies high enough llp to be Out Of .s cxcept trustworthy reA estate ag-1 I . sufferii�g from similar a' meat.is very fat, it is advisable to tue way and where there iA light, e , nts We gather there 'are none of , . ilments," jie,ap the same replenished from day . I I � You can get these pills from any remove the fat from the top c;f the to uay with lotuiaLdehyde, milk and these in Tokio. So one has to adveK- . medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents gra�,y before thickenirig, The phamph- ;-ugar and seu that ail other mois- tise in the papers and visit all the: :. ' � offered. Real Japanese bous­� I a box fro- Tile Dr. Williams, Medi- let contains many other recipes for L111-1 is covered up, millions of flies houses I "utilizing the cheaper cuts of beef. es, new and smelling of the fragrant I ,*-" cine Co., Brockville, Ont. can be destruyud with little effort. wood are extremely scarc I . 0 - - A general clean up daily to pensive Like the telephone they are . - - Wfz; Pv.SL Increasing by breeding is luxuries of the very vich and. tAe / - 55,000 MILES OF PIPE CARRY OIL HAIRLESS LITTERS AND POTAS- very necessary w ny,control; in tact salaried American usually takes what � tliere is litie 0c in. trying to polson ,^ a n I FROM WELLS TO MARKET SIUM IODIDE or trap ]lies it ,,% k2 are so shiftless aud is called a half-caste house, namely, a . J - . ategiectful of sanitary conditions as to house of foreign design , but includ- vivelkemarhable In a recent statement to sharehold- . Certain definite abnormalities in PeiWit them LO breed wholesale. ing Japanese features. such houses, . � . ers of his corporation, Harry F. Sin. pigs such as complete or partial hair- clean up is the first and last word we gather, like the newspaper i _- . ." I clair reported that the Sinclair Pipe lessness, undeveloped hoofs, blind- in stable fly control.—i- Stevenson, amalgamations that Mr. Munsey is " -. " � Line Company, the stock of which is ness, large flabby and unnaturally de- jupt. of Extunsion, O.A. College, continually making, contain the , - 11W , Ri ,11i 1111n (� , ,Mill� 11 ,�,,,�_, 1 IV- 4- 4f I , - . .. -'-�11. i med half by the Sinclair Consoli- veloped neek and head at rise orn uuaiph. I wors � , ,�,J, ow I , AIV," the same i!ause or causes. Pigs so � I .�:,."A . 11 ...... �10.!! i, dated Oil Corporation and 'half by the --.--.---- � ____ __ , . - 4 ---.,--,. 4 �, �, - �, Standard Oil Company of Indiana, affected usually die although the sow Stack Thresbing Has Advantages. --- I . - I 11, , 1. remains normal. I 11 I I I I �, operates 4,012 miles of pipe lines . . I I �� .. Aecords show that it costs the I - � __ iferving all the important fields at Pregnant sows which are fed a .. / highly nitrogenous ration, given ins&- �armer a little more to stack his �,. . I Kanslis, Oklahoma and North and grain and thresh it train the stack .. %� . Central Texas, axid reaching from ficient exercise, and little or no veg- . ., � " --) W , ,� � I Aiaij it does to thresh directly from .: �, the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mex-' etable or mineral matter are usually 4. , I . wu field. The coat of threshing alone I - "I � , J . the heaviest sufferers. I I . : /, . ico. An extension of this pipe line, This indicates a deficiency of so-rae ,ii threshing from the stack Is less , I , ... 1, 717 miles long, reaching from Mis- , g in the .1 11 I I - 1, . necessary element in the ration. Con- i'lian we cost of threshin. I .., , , I sourf to Wyoming and, now almost eid, but when the cost of stacking, .� � I � completed, "will make the Sincla . trol of the trouble lies in preventive . . . r wawli must lie taken into co"ider- 1. I pipe line system the most extensil feeding and improved management of ,,tiuu, is added, the cost of stacking � �. � . I . ve the sow. It is imperative that the -9 ­ � , in the world under one ownership, and anu tareshing trom the stack Is a iiL- A- 4V - i . lz� I I. I will create the first direat outlet from take daily ex- ,,e luglier. i'u Offset this, however, Z-4 G f .,� . ercise. In so far as is practical, se - . 0 I ,1 the WyoWng fields to the markets of p We straw anci grain are usually of a What U I I '. - I the world. The Wyoming exte arate'the feed trough, sleeping cabin ueLter quality. Considerable iciss is " dT 4'rh 1� Affse -6as' rRidin ns'OP, and hay rack, or if the iiow is housed fes . 9 wtwh1vill have a carrying capacity of iiaely to result from leaving grain � in a shed or straw stack adjacent to . 4 ,,I � - 40,000 barrels of crude oil a dity, will or situated in the barn yard, th We shock a long while waiLing for �� � 1. �.",� . I ough should be placed som. Luis true it wet weather prevails. I I I Car' is, o Ford soon be in operation and will also be feeding tr ,ue threshing maculne. Especiaily is Othte,r lceeyirkka�,s Sle2A,PK�? , available by extensions to .serve new distance away so that she has no al. . . � :1 fields which may be developed not only urthermoTe, if grain is stacked as I ... .. I �1,1 tH&D Ey�d �oon as it Is lit 111 case Of wet weather I I . � pped ternative but to take exercise. Close ". I I in Wyoming but also in Mont6na, Col- confinement of the pregnant sow LnL plow can be started. Shocks Ask and answer 9his ques�ion honestly l orado, Nebraska and the Dakotas " � f , 11 ust be carefully avoided. - I , A 'Over car tracks and �Landing an3 iongth of time on fields . I :1. .�, Sup*menting this statement ;�iii,h 'Bran sbould always form part of ,3eeded to grass kill out the grass. Your mirror can tell you what plexion lovely, ;adiant, youthful. I , , .11 � zutty roads with that hints at the va-stness of an in- the ration and to this sh Id be uouse4tienuy in fields of this kind other eyes see -if you will con- But beware of harsh cleansing '111,,� smooth glicting motion- dustry yet in its infancy and vaguely On . . . added such meals as-shor shou Id be threshed or stack- snit it honestly. and honestly ac- methods. They injure skin. 1 �i L116 grain . I . I I I I'll t With comprehended by the public, the New i,g,s, oats or barley supplemenWd -,ki as early as po,ssible. cept its judgn')CTIt. I Wash thoroughly with I I I H&D's. Theyarenotonly . York Herald informs us that at least with five per cent. of tankage and one I �,?� . 50,000 miles of underground pipelines per cent. of bone meal. Pulped man- -_ I But you need not fear its ver- Pahnolive Soap ach night be- .1, I restful ----save your nerves- now operating in this country trans- gels or boiled turnips and clover hay, The tomato is closely related to the dict. flecaiise iinlovely skin need fore retiring. Rub the creamy, . �,.�� 14 but they save your car. The potato, and while the actual food not renlain milovely. The allur- foaniv lather well into the tiny , 'I , , %� . 4 I - POA annually no less than 387,000,000 preferably alfalfa, are suitable 1. Rinse - aiid repeat the but tborougli cleansing qualities -, rm of I , P� Minerals in the fo that of the potato, it has certain qual- gavo voit inay be yours tnd,i:�. waqhing. Then rinse again since the days of Cleopatra. And I , � same jarring shocks do not barrels of ciude petroleum anywhere roughages. value of the ioinato is not so great as ing yonthful complexion Nature porc _ , � ,��' get to the chassis. The3l� are from a few miles up to 1,400. Daily charcoal, earth, soft coal or wood "women now frillow Then ---if skin is dry -a' I ­� -they bring 150,000 barrels all th' ities that rnal(�! it one of the most Millions of PP" a it is inexpensive. . . ,tbsorbed,by the H & D's. e Way ashes, etc., should always be available thi- -iniple. rule to keep the rarli- little cold crcam. That is all. Skin If you will ask anyone who is - sows. ance and brawy of schoolgirl so cared f.,r is not injured by Be sure you get Palmolive - . %�� idetintinental for the 11)", I from the eastern and -in desirable of ,)ur garden crops. J 1�1' , em 'it tell you he fields'to the A,tlantic' seaboard. They Farmers are not only profiting by ' which i- never sold unwrapped. 1�i �! * . Y" ,us th he wl � If these measures fall, medicinal complexion. You can, too. co,miotic5z, by wind and sun, or , .1 n ,wo`Uf9.+ &; v4thout H&D'a for are under the supervision of the In- treatment must be'resorted to. Scien- itilDpIng their poultry co-operatively, hv flirt . All dealers have it. After even a 1 � 1 1 1 . �,, .. Inansitimes, their cost.-- terstate Commerce' Commission and tific investigation has demonstrated nut they arp getting into the fleld of Just this . short peripd of this treatment. vl; , I . , serve all oil producers alike,,wbether that the addition of Id"dine in some Jusiness, learning business methods cleange 111C �;kin regularly, au- The simple.. and carrect way you will sree a marked improve- . 1, ... % ":' - � . I ePIUCES YJVSTALLED they be independent or otherwise. form to the sow's ration may re .1�id how to care for their poultry to thoritics say, to keep your corn- You cannot find a mote effec- inent in your skin. I I ''I .."....v, I med ,�, , , 7 1� -A*a55engdr'A­.CdrS .... I ........................... $20 Oil, we read, was first piped to the the trouble. In Eastern Canada where -;ut the best resultir - tive beauty treatment. Be- Many now use Palmolive for - I. 1�'�Ii ;v � . .......................... -.435 Atlantic seaboard In 1881. The line only an occasional litter may af- A oow that has to uae her energy 11,40de in callse I. . Ford Tmek....."..' be Palmolive Soap is the bath -letting it do for the . . 11 ran from Bradford, Pm, to Saddle fected, exercise and proper feedri warming the lee cold water she Canada _ I - !71,� . , 1. - - , - blended of rare palm and whole body what it does for tha . 11 � JOHN'�. V. DALY River, N, J. whence twb branches di- should be successful, but where hair. drinks can't use that energy to makG I- olive oils -famous fcr�.mild face. 1, � ­'ri��,, . . 11 'POO D)MALUR verged to ayonne and Long Island lessixesA is common iodine should be wilk� I . - I . ­ . 11 .. � � . 1�11 .11 . . . . . 1. I - - " ity. ad-wifilistered during the gestation .- . I ­ _ - --- - " �, - , C, , ... , I Seafor* , - qjftt� i --*-- Volume dod .1 � ,�, 1�_­_­_,... I .- . r1o' "From that time on, as production period, or at least for the greater � jaersen &,et their baled hav Rn the ;� THE PALMOLIVB7 COMPANY 617 . ;�. ': ' , � ��' ..p � I .I,.; , 112d,07 , , , , . I rapMly increased, pipe line construe- part of it. A solution of one ounce manew and humans net theira in the 01. 1. S. CANDA, Llh=Eb I , . 14, V , . tion raced to keep up with it. Eve-ey,'of poWsium iodide in a gallon of LW A qualiv Ar vrmoipes ToTbat6 W0101=4 m I.' ;� oil field is interlaeed with Iguthening water may be prepared and when magazines.14aultoba rares Pre= "I Nv; , I I ", '-�,,,.�:, ,,"I'M' �,�i�,', � � I . I !�,,':�i ;4;1.-..% .. .. .. , �, ,�!�'<�!:;�, I lines,, and frqn�, all the ftnportazat -this solution is supplied to the sow pah�2 and Oliva aah"tiablad ekajo*&Aa '�'��­`.I; �%."',"."" I � - - I - flelds bi,& trunk lines'run to Pie,re- in the iiieal rat�oii at the mte of one Thavo b M0 IssKudInz age at � IA,e� I . I � 1, � - � ,'i':�`! �,,,�,4;1,, I 1. I &Aliw I %J%O X&aPe AeV60b W60 fb, Pb&###10a &&#� . ,("`�11- cha , __ � fining and shl Ing eentres. The tablespoonful peYday sho gets a daily which a mcdm% gM 1$amw atV It �, I - -" j v , g", ,'�?,�-§Ii�,'.; . , 1� ,,, . . .... �r� - ", &VfA�,!',�� I , I ,.. �.. I b � : ... -11. � . I , , 'I y � .��,U'i.��,,'�',il��i.�.,,,���'�� I.. I � I ffi,tl I . ­ . _....1. , VO��Vg�,XNI�!.-:�' I- I � syatm has lft6al, .; &16�6ht �i mtwket , allowance -of about two, grains of the �ap�6",�p . m I ''I I I I .76 .!& .W ato" §M I I � __ I .WWid* i 4 , 1� .� . the casti evotr - :I '!� :,;�,`��'..,�'�!,fflr,k� , A,Vp&,- '. i,__ ­,41_1N I to - 01 wdlland drug, which ia sufficient, ___17!;;; 11 ,!�'���g,gg I I I . � . - '. I . . ,� . .�. - -."N'. ""Z g"".�,,.:j,; 1. .1 I � , i . �. !" ,.�, ,�, ,,e'A I . " . �. .. I , "S'. I . �. I / I . I I � - . .11 . ! ,� ... "­ -1,k"i'. , , � - "I 1�' I I . I . 0 I 1 , 1 ,,,:4�": , ,��, .,"M�Iiwlw "I % i . N � I . .. � S". , fl, � .f'M.01� . . \ � I I . 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