HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-04-11, Page 3�: . " I i�,:�,',': ,,� �ii" tkl",F �` � , . _Z�l , . . � ;�� ��!IA­_A . , r 1i I " .1 -4 . . 11, .�.. 0 IR I . , �, ,; � . ,� !" i�F, I , , � �,�� " � -1 .1 1. 'i I 101. �� 117 , , I 11 I ,,, ", , """ , , " . I I . 3 i .1 I P.4't. ,"0,-4t,116 I , """, 1, �, I - 4 ,,, I. , ", " w � w , ', _. , 'i,�-_ �,, I . q I - , I "A't"", T *o4c a IV( t I- .! - � "�-�,-----,�-.'�,.-��-,-�,-.;,�,-,$,,�- ­---�­�PIITFIPIW, --,r_-,,- , I—- --1111111".11,1111,11111M , . , �7.7­ .."'y'., . - � �, ____7nT7_7711r._19_1FT_ ­ .1"-- -k, --wIrl F,V7Mw.,WW-,M.r, W17� I � � , � , I . � � i� I ,,, '____,17_1 ,� __ 7- ",-I-- 717 ,%� 1 17,,17� �� . . � , . . , I � I I � , �, I . I . , . I , . I I , 77W,111 e, , ,,, � ,y � , 111!!,61! � 7 - I., , . I I I � I ".1 11 , I �: 1. . " �_. � ,,, , . I . .1 � 4 . .1 , I - N', -A; �, , ,�,:',' I ,, ,­_, ,� .. , � , . , . . :, � .� :�, - ':', . I 1 . I �� �, I . . . " 'r 17 , ,�­ - . 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I I , _9 'M . �4 opening a 54#1up'-pop , , , gnt . : I �, , 7� ,, 7,��, � , , � - : , �',', ,V�-, 3re'i -, ,.; . F ,-,'- _..O,�R � '"'tw - 44F � ��fisw I 11 . 12W1,0xvipoted, aw 044%-', �Xcitj �� ,., ., AR4KF,X.qAAVJV . ,� 1. ,. . . I.. I I �1. .1 4, pufA44 1. Ito, *44 � $, LM40 I ,' fr,� il' I .. . 1 �. 044,10441, I ". , ". WS"t Voy,-" :�.. ,7: 1 1 1, . . ,. A �' ITanlerr U � � ',: , L� � . ­ , �, ". . � �, .� � � I � ' . . nrn , t - . W", 16,; � 11 - ,� 1. . I � � I I , .t' .'Y", 4 A �, 1, of, bl"grc , -'124 - ,"� . .� .% �, `,`�,`, ,��, , , da, , � . .. � I I 1. .1- ." . � � 4boi# Aprivopation. Ali 4 at, � -..A *pWiLIRM 'OnV1011"."_�0LI)iz � ,,�.,. , .. 11 '. .1 I I 1. I .. � , r, �tl,,,. �!:,� U I � 11 I -POsiegSl , haife uged IU: ov�4 , , �',, ,.. 11­,��10, 111, I i 11., , I . cOM . It , _ _ , - "'' -, �­.­1,7 1, ikk,'j� . . �" -,h 00'.3".04 a- ck'­% A k,", - " " - 11 - was f9nd.Of it. TThQ dA%,t ; that -,U '' � , , I �, � - ,.,- i . , I ­ I . ., � X,!**;���;' I �'_ �' I kus beg gxp 1�', " I � , ,� 'L, �1­1 . � Per eopmov,,. -�, .4, ,,th4, �0.* , , tf , .169 , �,,.:�- It '2114Y Xmw� mon4toritaiis And there�l I ,4 , - -;� I " . " b � � 1 4144- of � 044944.�, Top, Wag q,&T?1WA ,�fi, �.,Iit�,,:, 1: - - ve 11 I ii­,.�t , , � 11 - I - 1. , . rdone, . � � I 111. . - _ - 880—me It can I 0. 9 WaTA ox arm,p. -sImpn -:o , � - . � a , ­: I I I I .�*.-prin,) 0$. .*be , , " ,�Ah�, ;;� ,� - . yf � and far ffis, last f . . 11� 1% . , I :_ �'. �. I WE - 0w YOUS it has been MR, , , � . _._ , � 1, F-APPA-TA"A W- � , F" I new'Conad " .. , � , ,,,,, qJR4 - � . , .; � - - 1, ; " � 14ri coat,of aMs,j)etwav;A4�.. ,.�,;!, . I , - 11 X , 0 1!'11'W*iW% overdone until the Publi� has been so -_ +1­� 44 -IA I � I � " � i� . . 1�1 , _ � ,_ " I ,, I % F I 111E ., , 11 . I . , . ,:;. .. 009SIT140M 004*90.,, � �:, �, i, ,� I vitiated 'in taste that It rqgardo any 1 ., � , . I . I , , - - � ,*Y� � '... , ,�, , , I , , , - .� . "", - - .. �, ,10,,4 , :. other musical diet than we highly . , , I i 0 - 4"1101104 ,,,-_�, , . ,., 4 . � - � . _ _ , - _.;� - im � . . 11, 1- 41- 11.1. �11 1wR­ I III III III III � I . . I .. . ,�.: x .. .. .. d . .. � . - !"M "' spiced and peppered dish Of'syXICO a- .. --- _=1 = - - _-] ��! , �` ,, � � ". ,_ . .. , .. . . . '.. I I I.. I','. . ", tion 45 tame, and unpalatable. F . . .11 . . - I � I :. "", I?,'' I _ I � I ,_:1, � , ,- -1 o,, . 10,000 * 44devis will emigrate,froi . __ _:.1 , , . _ . " - __ F Bu PW ,�'. .i I �;, , 1.,, �. I I - � t�! �f '14 '' I �il ;4"- , , '"�,� .... t, though jazz can be defen0ed their nativeland -this summer to sel I. �A , � � . I �� i!:. -e7 ., ,,� . �- as conceivably and occas4pually int , er. tle , i ' , k4 FOOIJ�- $0,0VU) B)l SEAL110 �#4*tios., T_1nd;71)4-,doeff 'not enter esting and Meritorious, ft Is tbo often in Canada, ,according to Erie . , 't �:, .1, , ,._:., . . . I � . 1. 1. thWit '_ � . 1. r . � 'i. . Kofrte, Figrush, eposular agent for th rbm MWICA.P. qrsdeasion. very: goll.. N1. merely sensational and siismel�ss- distritt. Mr. Korte expe � -e , rally advocates that, a,ll. food, produjIls' r - But there- ird 'Oemg%th�ngs in w&ch SiVce� the music of an age does give , cts that froi , I - I umber will k okchange bi�..b" lending a clue to th,4 mental and spiritual cate in Northern Ontario. mhould be,sold Wseal6d. packages' to ifi- qualities of those who live in that age, 1,000 to 1,600 of -this n -to prevent meat ftom being iidectaxl, _�-_ or;busli Irispect butcher shops Jure f eudabip-boal , I! r. exampfe- it is the most serious of indictments St. Job � ,vities rig prr"Nnng' Itnh(.l - A -U seems to'promow ratAw n . ri ts 6 . . I her,din�,a,g b2o aw'Ing'Tiopka may be against our own tiThes that the popu- ns, W. F. -Encouraging re many prohibit milk from being sold plvasa .. . T *M4Lte friend lar songs so often have utterly inane fishing fleet In the gulf and Indies . the , ilt r' jit.6t-Inti . s ports are being received fromthe see 4 m . in bulk sna.kridually this will c9me a d AY eipoui%g�, the . growth of Or viciously suggestive words, ,and tions are that the catch this year wil i with everythh"" I DA" was congenial Aa:5.tes',,A.7 Whep a person that so nmegi of the instrumental be the beat for some time the ' first t,-fntro.due, the �,ckage idea likeEr A book v ": b it ad�ds to his as regards tea, over thirty-two years so - music should consist of barbaric from the White ,Bay states that ic ' c%,Xt�e, � - A diepatel . pleasure if he c " '"d"It immediately noises produced by perfoi who floes in t I . ago, and "SALADA" is'still a little to some friend, who, he- knows, will accompany rmers he neighborhood are dotto . purer and a little better than other enjoy it equ their racket with the with white coats as f a r as the eye eai .tea& It has by far the, largest sale. wqtii him. ally and will talk it over struts and wriggles of a drunken sav- see A similar, -report came f,ron . . : . . Anyone who makes it a age. Jazz of that kind -and it is so i��Ilingate, and with - rule never to borrow or le�d a book the wind keep ,.l _� ; ... - . common that we often think of it ing the ice packed along the north ? , -and we have 4�"Td f0f.such'persons the only kind-fs bad enough and I VARNA -assumes an unsocial' 'attitude and through, I east coast, shore fishermen are prom. cuts himself off fi�om one of the plea- There ican be bad music, in the o eek) sures of friends -hip. I c, just as there Ottawa, r * Moreover, if you find that you,have is bad literature; and jazz is So often Notes.�Quite a number of the Parr � . made the mistake of lending a book the eleven months of the fiscal year I Line people took in Clinton Fair.- to an irresponsible borrower yo bad that we shall be glad when it goes ending February wa.,3 $1,771,351,12831 . u ean out of fashion, leaving behind it,per- We are gFlad to report that Mr. Lanty -always ask for it without th'e embar- haPs a few songs that will giv or $193,1$8,500 more than in the cor- Beatty, of this place, is recovering e le- responding eleven months of the prev- -from this recent illness. -Mr. Daniel rassment that askinIr for the repay- gitimate variety to a concert singer's ious year. Both imPortS and exports . Smitk left here for Buffalo money loan would caus-3. programme. where "Have . wp, wish him every you finishW witfi that book shared in the increase. Exportswere success- Dan yet?" you can saY., t'I wanted to ------*— up $95,000,000. . spent .three years with Mr. Frank glance over the last part of it Again " I Coleman of the Parr Line and has 13Y ,,me such -subterfuge you can ai SPRING IMPURITIES St. John, N. B. -The approaching _ :gone t9 join Mr. Lorne Coleman who ways recover your property without DUE TO POOR BLOOD close of the winter port of St. John 'has secured a good position there. seeming to rebuke the borrower for A To — draws attention to the fact that -this I I 'Dan will be much missed in our midst, ,his neglect. .. nic Medicine a decessit�' at terminus has experienced the great- ) especially in the orchestra, as he was When borrowing and lending lead This Season. est year in its history in passenger always ready to do his part. -Mrs. S, travel The successful crop in West - i to an exchange of ideas and stimulate Dr. Williams, Pink Pills are an all- ern Ca'nada last year is given as one Johnston and daughters left last Fri- interest -and enthusiasm. they are de- year-round tonic for the blood and Of the reasons for the increased pas - ,day morning for Flint, Mich. Mrs. sirable practices; but borrowing or nerves. But they are especially valu- senger travel, as it gave many the e Johnston is an old resident of th lending money never produces any Babylon Line and will be greatly such results. able in the spring when the system is' opportunity of paying their first visit :missed in our inj�st._Mr. Frank Cole- - loaded with impurities as a result of abroad since settling on western lands. man disposed of a carload of export PITY LOVE-LORN, GORILLA DE- the indoor life of the winter months. cattle to Mr. Devereux, of near Sea- . There is no other season when the Vancouver, B, C. -Announcement forth., They were a fine' bunch and SIRES TOBE LOVED blood is so much in need of purifying was made recently that work w -Mr, Coleman obtained I ould I . and enriching, and every dose of these start immediately on the 2,000,000 It's tough'on' the poor gorilla. Like pills helps to enrich the blood. In & bushel elevator of Spillers, Limited, - _=_ the late President Wilson he wants to spring one feels weak and tired -Dr. of England The plant will cost $2,- t be loved, but nob6dy evor,will. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. 5N,000 and' will provde work for THE WHOLE FAMILY I i I In his new book, "In Brightest Afri- , In the spring the appetite is often 9 . ome months for several hundred men. TAKES THEM I ,a," Mr. Carl E. Akeley, the famous I poor -Dr. Williams, Pink Pills de- This elevator will bring the port big game hunter and taxidermist, I velop the appetite, tone the stomach storage capacity to 7,000..000 bushels. -Mrs. J. Lister Praises Dodd's takes pity on the Poor love-lorn beast. and aid weak digestion. It is in the Kidney Pills. — , The author bids us dismiss the spring that *poisoris in the blood find Ottawa, Ont. -Marriages seems to popular idea that the gorilla is the an Outlet in disfiguring Pimples, be increasing in popularity in Canada. %Ontario Lady is Enthusiastic and.most ferocious animal on earth. "I eruptions and boil% -Dr. William,, According to a recent con�;us bulletin, Gives Her Views About Dodd's I believe." he says, "that the gorilla is Pink Pills clear the skin because they Kidney Pills and Dodd's Dyspep�ia normally a perfectly amiable and de- go to the root of ; the proportion of married persons in 'Tablets. the trouble in the! each sex was greater in 1921 (when ring anaernia, rheu- the last census was taken) than in - 1, I ever observed was very young, matism, indigestion, neuralgia and either 1911 or 1901. In 1921 the per- Ravensworth, Ont., April 7th. (Spe I cent creature. The f - irst living goril- blood. In the sp cial).-­"l strofigly recommend Dodd's and its chief aim in life seemed a de- many other troubles are most persis- centage of married males was 37.49 t 'a 0 -jYrf6ei. ood and Kidney Pills and would not be with- sire to be loved- This has seemed to tent because of poor, weak bl and of married ferfralets, 88.32, In . cut them in blie'libube a The the chief characteristic of the few it is at this time when all nature 1911 the percentages -were: Married Both� my husband and myself, also live g,,i],,, Iba�e seen in captivity.,, takes on new life that the blood most males, 34.85; married females, 36.07. the children, take them. I Nevertheless, be adds the caution, seriously needs attention. Some peo- -_ I have also taken your Dodd's "I believe that the white man who ple dose themselves with purgatives, Ottawa, Ont. -Approximately 450,- I)yspepsia Tablets with great sue- will allow a gorilla to get within ten but these only further weaken them- 00,0 placements were made in the . �cegs. I was unable to do my work or feet of him without shooting is a selves. A purgative merely gallops whole Dominion la ,eat. After taking two boxes I feel f,,I.,, . st Year, which is 2nyself again and have not been r through the system, emptying the an increase of 69.o0o over the pre - es not help the blood. ceding year, and thirty per cent. of -t comes which enable one to compare "man's On the other hand, Dr. Williams, Pin� these were for farm work, according 'bothered since." This statemen Here a e a few measurements bowels, but do 7from. Mrs, J. Lister, well knowm and nearest relative" with the present Pills enrich the blood which reaches made at the an- laighly respected resident here. to an announcement Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly.on world's champion heavyweight. every organ in the body, bringing new nual convention of employment of - the k,Mney,s, putting them in condition Height .... Gorilla. Dempsey. strength and vigor to weak, easily ficials. I Try . i .. 3601b. .. 1981b. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring St. John, N. B. -It is understood to strain all the impurities out of the Weigh 5ft. 71hin. .. 6ft. lin. tired men, women and children. blood. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets act Chest .. .. 62in. .,. 42in. -they will not disappoint you. that engineers, representing a syndi-I -on the stomach, giving it the strength Upper arm. 18in. .. 161/4in. Sold by all medicine dealers Or sent cate and by-product oven makers are to fully digest the food. Reach ...... 97in. .. 74in. by mail at 50 cent investigating the possibility of" the With good digestion and pure blood Calf ...... 15%.in. .. 15 1/1 in. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, erection of a coke and by-products the body is in condition to combat the � Ills t1pat daily make their attacks on -1-430— Ont. plant here in the near future at a cost ,-ood'bealth. ' of between $2 000 000 and IR2 5on non I., Dodd's Kidney Pills and Dodd's -SPRING WEATHER __________.0-_ I . The capacity I of the propose I d p I ]ant I)yspepsia Tablets can be obtained HARD *ON BABY CANADA I will be in the vicinity of 100,00,0 tons :from all druggists. � I — . of coke a year and the erection of the - The Canadian Spring weather --one Edmonton, Ata. - Judging from buildings and installation of inachin- i day mild and bright; the next raw and present blustery, is indications, the procuction of ery will require nearly a year to BORROWING AND LENDING extremely hard on the creamery baby. Conditions butter will establish a new carry out. , I are such that the high record for Alberta in 1924. At � Neither a borrower or a lender be," mother cannot take the little one out the present time there are 74 cream- Ottawa, Ont. -During the last year said *Polonius in his farewell Jecture for the fresh air so much to be desir- eries in operation, being supplied by 12,429 motor trucks, valued at $4,503, - vf a4ml6nition and advice to his son ed" He is confined to the house which 40,000 farmers, and it is estimated 000 were exported from Canada, as Laertq.; and he reminded him that is often over -heated and badly venti- that they will have a combined out- compared with 2,564 trucks valued at `loan oft loses both itself and friend.'? lated. He catches cold; his little put in 1924 of 18,000,000 pounds of $1,094,000, in the precedinw year, In Vba,t' Polonius 'had in adrid was of 'stomach and bowels become disorder- butter, as compared With 15,417,070 the ,am, period, as against 35,394, �eourse borrowing or lending money ed and the mother soon 'has a sick pounds manufactured by the fifty- valued at $21,059,00,0, in 1922. Ship- 'That should never be anything but � baby to look after. To prevent this four creameries operating last year intents were made to the United King - busihess transaction, carried out be- , tween responsible and based an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets should be given. They regu- I - Regina, Sask.-Fur dom, Australia, New Zealand and other cou ntrie8. persons Qn definite resources and obligations. late the stomach and bowels, thus number pelts to the of 1,462,288 and valued at P Irt such circumstances borrowing and lending be preventing �or relieving colds, simple $2,242,835,. f evers,, colic or any other the constituted. the catch of Otcaws, Ont. -The number of farms occupied in Canada has increased I may profitable to both I of many Saskatchewan minor ills of childhood. The Tablets cording trappers in 1923, ac- to the annual report of the from 511,073 in 1901 to 711,090 in — are sold by medicine dealers or by chief game warden of the province. 1921, according to the agricultural IT "" 0 ' mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. than Muskrat was responsible for more 50 ee nsus bulletin issued by the Depart - merit of Trade and Commerce. The prairie provinces, all of them being I of per cent. of the. total value the catch, amounting to $1,623.44 acreage of occupied farms has in- A3,P'I�R,,IN ___.*� in value. Next in order of import- creased from 63,422.338 in 1901. and less. Forecasts made by Nmrious au - ,horities on the Pacific coast indicate IS "JAZZ" GOOD MUSIC? ance were coyote pelts, valued at 108,968,715 in 1911 to 140,887,903 4 $124,900, followed by beaver, valued acres in 1921. The area of improved * A few weeks ago a concert singer at $99,264. land in Canada in 1921 was 70,796,648 44 in f Inji � I Beware ,o tations. of high reputation set Wagging the acres, and the area of unimproved tongues of the musical critics of New Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. -The lum- land was 70,118,355 ac�es. York by including in a programme ber cut in Northern Ontario and the IN � of severely "intellectual', music of the Georgian modern sort a group of popular songs estimated Bay district during 1923 is at 620,078,0100 feet, I I Montreal, Que.-The Canadian Pa - & that might fairly be described as gai-t "jazz.pp as a- 557,268,000 feet in 1922, an cific Railway's pavilion at the British Empire Exhibition, to be held in Lon 11 F$ 4 increase The critics hotly debated whether the of 62,810,000 feet. In lath output in the same district in - don from April 23rd to October, will " rm such songs are relilly music, except 1923 amounted to 250,897,000 pieces, be one of the features of the $200,- 0()0001D show, All the I of a barbarous -sort. Was it dignified compared tor a singer of taste and education 1922, with 227,855,000 pieces fid an increase of 23,042,000 etc s e activities of the'company will be shown, as well R5, I to offer them to her audience? Most Of th6m thought not, but one of the pi . Ottawa, Ont. -Mineral production q a, Canadian natural resources Find industry. Native wild animal life ,. sprightliest of them argued that it in was; for, as be the 019,832, Canada in 1923 was valued at $214,- will be placeO all ,�ver the building. On the ground flo,�r there ere 7,700 1 1 1 pointed out, jazz songs clearly interested and amused 242 as compared with $184,297,- in 1922, an increase of 16.1 Per square feet, around which runs a 400 foot fri,-ze illustrni;ng the - I . . Vnlesg you see the "Bayer Cross" ou the audience, which sat decorously cent., bored by most of the dry and often by according to a bulletin issued the bureau Of statistics. By Canadian Pacific route front Great Britain, a- or on tablets you sro not get- t dissonant music that "advanced" coin- vinces, posers delight in. pro- the value of production was cross the Atlantir. through Canada, theno� across the P;irific to Japan and �T0 le genuine Bayer Aspirin proved S 0 lit:� mbillions and prescribed bY distributed As for jazz in general, there 1.9 no 916,836; as follows: Ontario, $79,- British CAlumbia, $44,143,- Cl1in.4. In this diorama are moving ��Ii physicidng over . twenty-three years for , question that it is music, Some of it 390; Alberta, $�1,646,816; Nova Scotia models of Canadian Pacific liners me- chanica)), in,atod. y driven and illilm � colds Headache - Toothadba I ­ Lumbago is inferior music, noisy, unrefined and ,$30,534,176; .sensual in suggestion, but .some of it Yukon, . Quebec, $19,827,495 ; $2,641,745; New Bruns wick, The train service across Canada is depicted by two trans-CAada trains, / N"ritia Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain is delightfully fresh and lively, It all $2,206,846; appeals directiv and strongly to the ,Saskatchewan, . Manitoba, $1,758,908 and $1,349,620. each consisting of a locomotive aml Accept "Bayer Ta,bl*� of Aspirin" --? v. 1, — _1­� I_ . eniotions, and that Is one of the prop- er tests of music. Judg,'ed by that Victoria B C —An active , .1 eight coaches. All ,�nfety devices and track equipment will be in Operation. .�r Y. C " Re g! contains I . . __ gra- An electrically lighted 5,000 bulb map ;1 � IIATLY Of Milst pretentious tion policy is being p rsued by t , proven directions. I �. test, I - the u he . ?Audy -boxe Of compositions of the present era can British Columbia government of Canada, 40 feet by 12 feet, will twelva tablets cost few o6rits. trug- in show where the nnhiral resources and �, gists also sell bottles of 24 ,afid 100. hardly be called music at all., 'Me Narope and ather countrieg, and in production of Cminds, are located. A , � I � . I � Aspirin is the traddt mark (Jrbgistbre&,fi% authbrs of them,toil painhilly to ex- this connection the minister of lands Japanese life scene inclitiding models ,f Gimada) of Bager Matufaditite oflXono. press through them definite Intellect- recently an o Mfthat a Dutch or- of houses, bridges. .street and other . I seetleacidestei of Sall 11 .of& -14 -Mi tal ideas instead of getiellalized hu� ga AtonFe"iered to purchase sights will also be shown, as well as P1 4 l -1 �� , nh . 'A 'r . fid inan eirnotio�q-,- ther6fore they tcotM 0000 ,e a of land in the Stuart a fruit orchard scene in British Co- -Is well at, 'A ' I , , ib known th �k 20 it I- . I .2s;* manufacture, to ogiis . 4 .; %%%% I 11, 6 #1,elody, Abominate tuTils , and prefer lake district for the purpose of colon- lurglbia,, Moving Piet es 11 b . I'll . 4 1 11,' . : , . ,q,t imitations, the T 09 of � 11. .11, 41480talhce to harmony, Jazz hi,q h'ation of Dutch Agriculturists, ur wi e � projected daily In a spacious lectuTe. . I 91201if will be otdim itid wltw" fhfk Ad*4-titage over ,wch mmic., It . I hall. Quite a number of AmeripAn , � gow*at trade mark, thb I ayft., "' does fl6t 41M at the'Imp6salble. it ,Port " Arthur, Ont._ApVr6�dnjately a sociatioy I I . . ., � , "I , , I I , 1.�� .� I . I s; 19 and societies voill hold - � . . I . . I , . , . "I I , , I . I . I � 'i I., . "I . " ,� �.� , ", 4 I . . . I 11 . - - ". 11. . . '' " ­ :111'' . . - I., . . ,, .., �V , ;', , , .. ;, . I I � , � , �, ,� I 1, '., � : I 11 . . , I � . I , . _ . , ,", �. �/ ,;,.," i ..,�,,��,�:,,��; �,,��� " �,�: �­:,I, , ., , " .�,, , '.��, . , � � I 1 .; , I 'i, � � � � .,k ., _ �' , I , I I � � . I . , I ","'. , , . . , .. . .., ., , i, �', I , , - , � . . ....... �','.. ��.�., �:: � � "i i - ,, � , . I I I . 'i � � 1�1 I '! - , , - -4��%�`A'Ij��I­­ , �p, , i, � , , , i ,� -.,�: -� . , , . � � "":,-LO :� ,;, '.. I I . I . . � , �, .1 , , 'j, . . , . ,� , 'y .��.i;il . I I . �� ­ ­!"', ,: ,,.,�,�', ., .1-1 I . I .1 1. _,�N ­K.Iliagn ?Zi, ..­1­11;,?i11­ I. !.I.: I ". 11;V.`:,'�,k, �'A4,L,i'�,,gi,v,ir­,�, _1­.,� -1, .. .;. ...­ ".... -+ -ml. , e 4 , '..., - . I . I ,1� : 1. I . � i 1, ­, 1 , I . . �, - 'Jui t � , ti it ... 11e, ,;; I *, ,� I ," '_ I . kvatkeal,, Que. -�_ .Produo ion 0 . I � , Ile, , . , .... , �,e.;, .�" j�-j�',X. �.�', �, : �� 11P � a ,,, J 1.,:: "I newsprint in Canada. duringthe vionfla .11 J . .. ,. I 11 1. ,.,�,."�:";�'. ,,, � 7 �, "i.,:1 11 .1,11 1�1'1 . � "", .111-1 1 -Ig - � 11 , ,Jr.ag of 4 ,�, � - ,�ebrua.vy Amounted to111,664 toO I "' - , , a '01" W'.? an increase of 2�oo.o-,tonw over, %e 'O ��Tx­­, ;- ' . �,?%A.'�., I IC Previous Mtoutk accitrding, to &U I Wol; �R'_�� . He- I I H Mi, - . tin Issued -by the Canadian . 11 �ffi Pulp � .1 R,� e Paper Association.. For the. tw? - �.,,�. I a I tlh�v �, I ,� Months ending February, production � �1, � I , - 1, amounted to 221,539 tons, complired i � I .... �: I .� .. �! , , 11 VM�'411�01.­ �� .P111, q i , i " " " �� - . with 191,028 to is in the correspon& I � , ­;11,1� I 1p�� �,,,,_� 1;'ARM ,. �,�; � .. I '. ", . .. .. "_.., ing period a year ago. A-RDWCOD flom, 4V6 *, � "'. I :: �- 1 1. ". '1V . " �� . ., _111�1��,.� � 4 � I I - . I J, I . I# 111�415 4��f,t'�.-.�,-".-,: , ; , 111 , , . Im I f IN , . ., .11iinkl- I I* , I H economy. Titeir first low.1i, I 11 . . . '. .1, . I I . ., .. . .I),- - � Charlottetown, P. E. I.—The value and they ktat a Iffethae.,, ', :' , , - , 4 , ", I of production of fisheries of Prince on � : I _ �;� Edward Island in 1923 was $1,754,866 1 sufficient Booriog to ver :P1 � � - . .* . ,,, � .... .... I on your requiremen" . %,-11 ... :�. �p';'Iv__ ... I I I., ��'.�,� -,,, I an increase over the previous year of , .. I , , ' wood flwrs rae-ver 11 .. 11 ;_ �� :.1 ... ,�,'.`, Z $142,267. Lobstering is the chief iu� 0 .1 "I . ,.;�, . I I , .. . - I , . .,�, .. . . 11 , ------ _. . �; I dustry of the fisheries of the prov- On the Wood, but omn &ad . . � � �1, ,,,��, v * I 1 14. ) �... , -?, , . w 1. I., , -, , ,; ,. , I ince and in IM accounted for $1,405,- how they economize in mouey. � * � �,�;,­` .,� ", I . I ''I I 4�1� ,� '­,:�:�.; . 906 of the total value of the catch, effort they save tretlmendoumy. 16 , 'd, L I ­:.,, '' �j.�' � . or 80r per cent. The smelt fishery is Charnk--in .1 . � � I _- 11.1-1 " : actual selling value --they -, -N next in importance to lobstering. The "I At L " i- �', :, ','� ` . I . I net value of smelts in 1923 was Mieasuv-ablY to ,the value of your b=e. . . . I , , ,�, I I 1 $121,233. 1 . �. I" . . Semnan-Kent Hardwood, Fhmring is M:" . . , 11., I .� .� I I . 'a PlaftlL I - Vancouver, B. C—Lumber export Red Oak, Quarter Cut Wbite Oak Birmho WOW I . trade from the Fraser River mills and Beech--�-each of which has its oem I ­", 6:kv� . I ,,, . has been smashing all recor,ds, judg- character and beauty. ., I I ing from production figures for Fehr- I � . . . 11 . I uary, just issued. Keeping u- to the I I . : pace set at the commencement of the .. I , ., year, an outstanding increase of lum- ". � I 1� M ber exports is recorded. For the X" � * %_F - I.. I _1 " I month of February alone an increase I �'. � . � ill . ��JA�Jii�ij of 15,171,956 feet of lumber valued at 111�� I I $108,639, is shown over the corres - ponding period of 1923. The total I I'- I r 111 ffil 1 , , . � . , , exports for February, 1924, was 7,- 1 I 813307 feet, valued at $160,454, as 1 % I V I 11" coi�;pared with 2,640,409, feet, valued ,­�� - at $52,815, in the same month in the entire buikUng of a Ford 1923. closed body requires 38 hours Va.neouver, B. C. -One hundred deep sea ships arrived in Vancouver FOR SALE BY during February. This is a port re- - cord. During January the arrivals � were 92 deep sea vessels. Another Port record, made on February 29th, was the number of ships in port. The � 11L Ir If"% T T w-% w-% X LLWIT- & "ONS � Previous reported record was 43 deep I sea ships at one time, whereas on February 29th there were 46, ____� Winnipeg,'Man.-For the first time in the history of the Canadian pa S..Cxfofth, Ont, , grain trade wheat has been exported from the Dominion to the South American continent, one of Canada's largest ex- I 11 porters having the honor of recently handling the first shipment from Winnipeg to Rio de Janerio. The -1 - DID HIMEMMMIIIHHIIIIHIHIIfluiliiumfmfnlulkliuifuilliffigiiniD MMI shipment was made through the port of Vancouver via the Panama Canal. Edmonton, Alta. -Both Edrno�ton and Calgary grain inspection that the business with the eastern part of Canada as well as with the and $400,000 in irrigation work in the Southern Okanagan district. The ,since the beginning of the grain season Orient this year will be considerably heavier than the chief item comprised in this expendi- have eclipsed all records. In Edmon- was case during 1923. ture will be the extension of the bit ton the receipts during the period irrigation ditch as far south as the mentioned were 12,567,500 bushels, while in the same time the Calgary Winnipeg, Man. -Seven hundred international boundary line. inspections were 31,833,000 bushels. The great bulk of this C,echo-Slovaks have arrived in Win- nipeg during the last few days, the Montreal, Que.-Every available foot of docking space in the harbor of grain was wheat. first of 3,000 settlers expected from Montreal has bee leas for el 4 n. ed th 92 Czecho-Slovakia during the spring. season, according to a stateiAent Vancouver, B. C. -A heavy booking They are being distributed by im:rni- made by the port's general manager. A lumber is indicated in British Co- gration authorities throughout the He states that all indications point lumbia for Canadian Atlantic ports, prairie provinces, all of them being to a record season this year. Appli- amd already arrangements are being anxi ous to take up farms. cations have been received for sev- .rnade to handle this prospective busi- . — .. eral more sheds than the harbor com- less. Forecasts made by Nmrious au - ,horities on the Pacific coast indicate Victoria, B. C. -It is understood that the Provincial government con- mission possesses. Two new sheAs will be completed in time for the op. ___ — --- -- - templates spending between $300,000 __ ening of navigation. ' I - ...-. -.- - __ - - _________ ___ 1________.______ ____�__ I - IVYA,42 4M - I !'JT_ -IT, -1, 1-6 -r.-,F-, M - �- 1_1*11:11_11 112 �",;�_o , , theFord crankshaf it ismachined on a selective gear shift car— ac=ately to one thousandth part of an inch— there is no possibility of failure to accomplish gear shift in the the Ford front axle is made to Pord car. Ilere ip�-no chance withstand shocks and strains ten of clashing gears'in the Ford tim greater than are ever met tr-ansmission— in ordinary usage— 15,000 operations are per - 4k, the Ford car is cornpo-,A-d of four formed in the building ci each complete units: Power Phmt— Ford chassis— Front Running Gear—RearRun- ning Gea-r—Frame— the entire buikUng of a Ford closed body requires 38 hours only five movements of band and 15 minutes during which and feet are -required to accom- time the body passes through plish the shift from neutral to the hands of 249 sk:illed bod7� high on a Ford car as against 15 builders, trimmers and finishers. , See Any Amthorized Ford DeaLev I I � F, � I I . F, 1) - A . ; I . I I 11, � I I � , ... i �_ CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS cp,mc � : il � I I ,�. I � I ." . I ,� I � 1. , ­. . . - ­­ .11 , " , ,,,,, 1, 11 ­ _: 3i , -1 - �� - 1- :i 11 ­_­.L�a �­ &,�_­11.1 � , .. A"i-iii-1; ,: — _ , , I I I .1 . ... -1- 11 I - _­_ _­,_�*,�_­­111_1. -1 I- . ___ ____ - ­ �_1_9, ��4__Ll_­- -.-.- " - -1td..- ... I � ..­ -1 ''..11-111 � _-1-_ � - � I I I :1 � � � I � 1:��'­ . . . , � , . � I " -.F I,. �",,,�,,,�,,'�;rki,���;��,';'?i �,',.50, ,� , 0 '11f;.", , ,�,'dg%,,t . � � . 11 � I 11, 1,;.1 1 .1 . 11 I , ,�,,� I " .1 I � 71 ­1,1'­­�, 1- ,., "". 1", � I I I . � I :�,-. ... f. e, , . � .%. �'. � I ,. "", , " " #, wi­,z'q,� , ,�'. ,. . - . ;'� 'Iff �, �, . I I ... ;, �1� 'k,11".; � I . _�, , :� , ­ �' ,�,'-.4�,.�!i��iv��'�'IR"�,,�i�!,��,��i'll'i-l';��4l�,��., . , I . I I I . :­* �. 1, , I., I , , , , . M,i� " I ,''.1.1 . I . � I 1;11� - I � 1.".", , �_,:: .111 I �,':, 111: k".. ., " ,� �', , �, -,;,, �,� �,� I �. , ,, � 11 . , ;,'�, - ,­'�,., � " � T, �, �,i� i 1, 0, �,.� , f P", "" ,',�,�� � 11 "I I ;'I 1.11�,"ItAl�� -11111". 11, -, ":1"I" , .. I'll, � � `il� .. � " ", 11­1�,1',-',�%1,-,JF,Z'& -, ,,,,,,. "I �, �.N� �, ,,�; ��:, ,-, I , � �,;11'i+ "Re", . , �" �, "', , , 11 I " �. .,�� . ,,, I 5 11111411 "11", 11­j� 'I'l-1,11-.11-MIP� ��� . ul__ __,,..�, 11 I I � .. :� � ,�, � 1. I , � ,. ..%).,��­, � .� I 'n 11 , ,;,.4, ", , ;� i I ; I �� i I , . 11 Pu___ . . �,w.,,,!� 1 ;, � , �