HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-02-15, Page 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... -7 ..... . .... 'O -Old all, :Mot MOM, 'I'Ae P44 ''VIV 4XV)p I'A the city; S. M-40440 ce anyo -is WAcA 02 the, T� _U JeffeM hQspita oard, �D. q b +V V ,.,A b I in t4e.wmad W� Boa T., eo on aln. -Ad, a X;k., PereivgL Sw of Xngliw , U4 boar( p1lier,,conservativ# club 4.la, M Ptreet, X Paper, fix l.1-17 Viet ka kirk invi Jll! F. Taylor and J, W" Flevii not be 4nd �r organization having a no e Manitoba Le% h rA dslature� The city poll k11 r A X W M A �Q a 1,05. t 1, t eto to gain public attention. fyout the time the cortep left S, ma— we a was tolled at seven,aecond IlAter $1f � 4144, being centrally ��Ojaz A the The"WIPPlione office reg iiji no doubt, add to the al� lm 10hor's pric itow NOW tpf this board, which should son officiated at the last rites ove ltpvin upst n 4vu '9 AUVANCING, . is es. n on graveside, Where Rev. E. X Andel� IssloA ched t Mattbew church uutilit, _be Subscr r all Maghzipos Beaf.Or local ted, wor4ail of,mos a pro" a generat 44venience. BraAd4on's illustrious dead, Hundreds -7 m psons Iof citizens paid their last respects to an iideal Wffe aod truw m V- 'a o ein 14 Ar 14% A. 'duz*- her husband. site iv�e, by, 9 it Society is giving a euchre in the G, the city hall on Spiturday morning- OK Red Cross EuehreThe Red Cross the deceased at the lyijW in state by a1amily 9�,Ahre(t 4au fspeldjo,117,10 OVIR a, J, O'Com%4, Mire. W, V. A- Rooms on Wednesday after- PHONE s noon, February 2Rh, at 2.30 o'clock. Prank j4i� iiiin`4
and Mrs. $ill$, 0 1*5 Admission 50 cents. . The Society Notice.—Vulcanizing men's rubber bootis- had a poso two "ors ago, F. DA and. sixteen g 'I n, ilene6 qrhy. .havo. hoping for the patronage of all the laiW galoshes a speciality., A. M. Hill. and although� �41 - iiilfof Seaforth,' She,'is. so all ive ;-0 i4 *4owed decided im. d oi.� an oerat N ppefidiciv� Mrs. I1adies of the town, as money is very - 4�
provement.f�j i fewdays, the Serious b one brother and- o pqse4�..,ox Q�f bootol on, hur�a .,�:of 144 SalQFor sale in es * In h ca much needed at 'the present time House For luau, of et, and -witt A� �Ink pf ue7 to Apply to Thomas Andrews, Mill street, Sea. ress of hpm,�"Odltion had been r ury Cole and r 2928-tf aliied fo�. e or six da�s, Mr. Frank Allen, of Marysi , all their new, , oi 'cks6n," le4rio ,,she iq�l idalij rry on the different activiti r past fiV tha
i son,'' I "Iy of curlers omp0ed of which the Red Cross is engaged. There S.I..-A. 8-rooi- house, full basement, Mrs. W"I was bom at,Aoxboro, that are liVing-of a`f oiglo* Ro,p$ Sprpat, G. T', of,tha D(J.N IB�thun"nd'T,. Jobnov; tor, is in the world t,6 -day no humanitar- furnace. hard and soft water, electric lights, being tMe 6iiikth daughter of thelate The funeral was held ion Bank el"K 6nt sun,.., lson Mnday son.wpre in Paris on Uhnday VIA tath room; three lots, large barn. Apply s cott, 'and liv John DON'T TAK iety of fruit tree4 and amen fruits. J" S ed at the Scott morning, February litk,to St. Jame�s in thepne ddy. bonspell at that"pl4ce day with his,6 er, MitiL, ian farce,,whidh can be called upon in any great, crisis to serve all men BUY whatever the' to S. Little. Goderich Street West. 293lx4 homestead ;�il her marriage to Mr. Catholic Church, of ftich the de- and were succeg�f�l in winniug.:the�. everywhere, ir race, E * ty Cement Sacks -Ag empty cement- John M. �2P$4n, some 35 years ago,' eed.was a member. the fu4eral third prize. -One 1ulfdred and' sixtyi; creed, save th be returned not later than ten at, enrolled under the sack'nbpynust when she AP t� her,husb' Robertson's Cough days owing to the change in price of empty �nd's home, mass was celebrated by -Rev. F"t4et hockey fapr, accompanied the team to ............ hamer of the Red Cross. After &acks returnable. George A. Sills & son.. Lot 35, Coucessibil 5, McKillop. A- Mullin. and was noteworthy in that Ight last :on the Syrup Clinton ian Monday ni nq further veran- bout 20 May next there will be Fo Efule.-A. 7 -roomed houae� large yeafi ago Mr. Wilson dispos-' so many of -the deceaseds family were special train. -Mrs. Jan�qs Wittson -is - Noths.-The 'A P. F. Club wer6 Howard's, Cough work now dh, r furnace. electri� lights, town water and ed of his r, Mrs. visiting atAlld home of her sister, enteftaine Syrup ............. ......... cistern; good, garden. On North Main carried on for the soldiers and their good derice in Seaforth, which has� since O'Cqnnell, presided at the organ; 'her 'a , in -The m home of *Mr. 'M. Murray wh6rei�� good location. Apply to Mrs. Jennie Mrs,.. F ir Clinton. any the Patterson. e -home. She was a -woman son-in-law, Mr; Frank Mlls, " sang- a Seaforth friends of Mr. Andrew Scott, Alf §PeAt an enjoyable. time, all,leav-. Electric Oil I
the HeT daughte 24c mony available for d si- partic�pants. d Wt- tuesday, evening,4t
34C C dependents by the Patriotic Fund. Street
29 b en their
......... That wi be, large- . .......... ........ sh will then have t( . g'mamv lovable tracts of solo 110 94lutaris" in exceptionally, Rrucefield, will 'rekret to learn thai iug, wishing their host and hostess Notice. -The person �rho got the wrong possessm
Mentholatum undertaken by the Red Cross, for shoe and 'rubber at the Palace Rink on Fri- possessing many lovable 'traits of fine voice and five, of her grandsons he had the misfortune to 81 y happy reti(ras 6n the oiceas I49c, ly P while man .......... ............... .. neither a soldier nor his family,should I day night, February Sth, please call at Hays, pathy and kindness made and retain- served in the sanctuary., As was to coming out "of hi tore on Tuesday sion,Mr., -C. Deltz, -had, -the udsfor- to Livery baril and receive their own. 21MIXI ok in their distress ' 6 Pain Killer have to lo For Sale. -A brick cotta ed for her many warm friends-_ She be'4expected-of one who had, held such night and in the rfall fracture his leg. tunt of losing' le, of 'his herd of 49 charity. The necessity of being ready 9111. seven rooms took an act*ie part in all church a *,ell known place in tfie ........... ............... to meet emergencies was demon- and an attic, cellar, verandah, electric lights, . ommunity aho� the, knee. -Mt. Bert, Archibald, cat le by admimst in altpeter in- Bad -way's Ready Relief �mic hard and soft water inside; barn, garden, work, being- A member and regular for so mapy years, the gathering, at principal of the Listowel Collegiate, stead 6f salts. -Mr. Ed,'Sternagle ig attendant .�of First Presbyterian the church, was a,,very large Mrs. orking hard to win the -prize o� the C�Lurch fdr many years. She is suf- presentative one, among the out of James Archibald, thit week. -Miss London Advrtiser_ and his mdny-� 34c trated at the time of the epidL fruit trees. Apply to J. M. Henderson, W. and Ite- was visiting his parents,, Mr, and
.......... ............. .... of typhoid in Cochrane ast spring, William street, Seafortb. 293Ox2 House For Sale. -For sale the brick resi- Camphorated when the appeal came to the Red town mourners being Mr. and Mrs. F. 34c dence on Goderich Street West formerly vived by her,husband and two daugh Madge Stewart is in Toront6 this 1riends wish -him s�iccesi,The mon5r. Oil ............ ............. Cross for help. owned by the late Dr. J. G. Scott Apply to ters Mrs. Irving Sutherland, of Owen A116n, Mrs. Crozier and Mrs. Chester -
J. W. Beattie or R. S. Hays, Seafortk week ittending the millillnery open-� friends of Miss Margaret XcLauglhiru - EX Sou�d, and :.Mis Jessie Wilson, of field, of Stj Marys; Mr. Frank Cole- - Antiphogistine 4retpleased to bear that she is'.' 99C The Carnival. -The carnival held in ecutors. 2921.tg Kitchener, and also by three brothers man, KineArdine, and Mrs. Coleman, ags.--4Mrs_/James Scott and two sols who have been spending some months 1 covering from her re.cent'�Ilne 0. .......... .......... ........ the Palace Rink bn Friday evening We Ravi a ClockTor You. -i -Make a pur- 9
and three sisters, Mrs. James Grieve Mitchell. Interment was made in St. hai of two cakes of Cream Olive Soup and r's Worm Mille C akes of soap Harpurhey, James' church cemetery, the pall- Powders ........... ........ 44 lost was favored with ideal weather, 't a Guess Free. How many C iind Miss Lizzie Scott, of r winow? W. M Feed and Mrs.. J, G. Wilson, of Etonia, bearers being Messrs. G. Ae Sills., good ice and an exceptionally good tie on Stewirt, Flour,
Peroxide attendance, both skaters and spee- & Groceries. Phone 77. 2900-tf sa8k. and. Archie D. Scot7t, Joseph Bobert Devereaux, Louis Dev�reaux, ............. ........ ....... 24c tators. Those in costume made a .,House For Sale -Six -roomed frurne ,, Scott' and �Jramea R� Scott, of Me- James Devereaux, Jc�seph Keating and Egmondville, good cellar with cistern. �411 acre of land. hen house: situated opposite Killop_all -of whom have the very M. Broderick, very pretty sight as they circled the Bring no your Clean, Fresh Egg Dirty and Small Eggs Pa I 141 for ice to the excellent music -provided church sheds: electric lights. For further par- sincere. sym; patily of' the. community, ON by the Highlanders -Band, and after ticulars apply to Miss McLellan or at The in th& sud4en. and great bereave as No. 2s. Expositor Office: 29Wtf the judging all enjoyed the fine skat- I ment, -The -b -be brought to' The CounciL-The. regular r House and Lot ror Salie.-7-roomed frame .pdy will oonthly THOROBREAD FLOUR Seaforth bit Friday morning a4d the meeting of the- Senfoith-to council ....... 440 i.g and umsical programme. The house. electric Iiihis.. large cistern, It. chen per cwt . ............ followings were the successful prize builtf new. and remainder of house remetilled funeral will be held, from� was held in., the 6uncil, Chamber oni three.years ago. Also house on Flappers' costume, Ist, Gil- `�` 1�, First Prdsb�iieziian church on Ftiday 'Monday evening, all'the memlier� be-' winners 20 x 30. movable, cauld be fixed gver suitable chriat Livingstone; 2nd, Jean Low6ry; for dwelling -house. For further pa afternoon Fi riticulars
ai two o'clock, after whia ing -Present. The report of the n- s gerl Wait,46 ttlee ladies, character costume, ist- apply,. to Alex. Kennedy. North Main Street interment wig - be made in Maitland- ance Commi was adopted and the imDortant Item W. J. FIMG". A_ - y A 2930sS following accounts ordered to be Jean Cluff; 2nd Peggy Alexander; bank cemietkT. une, John, For Sole. -An 11 -roomed frame house wffh William Gillespie, salary, $76; John Phone 72. gentlemen's character costu woodshed, electric lights, furnace, cellar ith 0; Crich, Harold Frost; giils' comic cement Iloor, hard und soft water. There Death of Mrs'. Thomas Daly. -The A. Wilson. $75; John Knigb�, $65.0 are twp lots, suitable for large gardep. filso death occurred at the fardily home on I�0 Marjorie costume, Martha Reid, bert Edour, wages, $60; George A. Hundreds of Thrifty Women Aro-.,� fruit trees and small fruits. There is also Si Sow, account, $41.17- Public Bickel; girls' comic cospw 1, under a good me stable and driving shed. For par- John Street, SeAforth, on Saturday 14 years, Doreen Hudson, Ona Nichol; ticulars apply to Miss A- Crusbi% Centre morning ce Allen, beloved wife Utilities Conuuission, account, $21.70; boys' comic costume, Stanley Nichol, street, Seaforth. 29-19x4 of Mr. Daly, after an'illness Canadian National Railways,' for A. Sillery; boys' comic costume under "Martha Madc,Over."-It is the intention crossing protection, 97e; R. Bell E. A Hutchison's of the Winthrop Y. P. S. to present the T., Co., account, $2.60; Municipal 14 years, B. Venus, Jack Cardno '.Martha Made Over." in Coven Church. World, 63c; Bell Telephone"Co $2.814 New' S ' n,�'W_ ash,G 'd Pri 00 8
gentlemen's comic costumte, Karl Winthrop, on Friday evening, February 22nd. For Groceries Ament, Arthur Burrow's; National at 8 p.m.th Y u may need to he made over King Edward Sanitorium, account for too, and e 0 g of this instructive moral Now. Playing December and January, $93; "William
character costuni, i Mrs. B. Hilebrandt, play may be aeee11pnfVl to that nd, as well as -$4.50; E. Hobbs, scale ingpection, Canad . S. A. The full of interest to you. The play will include MARY MILES MINTER Chittenden, account, $74.4q; R IEL CRYSTAL WHITE SYRUP also an excellent programme of "rusic and readings. 2931-2 Rankin, insurance, $13.50. Crich -2 IV. judges were Messrs. C. P. Sills, W. J. C Duncan and Ross Sproat. with ANTONIO MORENO tills, regular 35c, Beattie. -That the Mayor be author- 25 ...... and ERNEST TORRANCE -release to Mr: F.
for ............ Methodist Official. Meeting- - The ized to sign the WE NOW -ANNOUNCE Holmested, and accep BAKING $YRUP-(Not baking Mo- February meeting of the Official Eginondville Church -The annual t the $4b,000 of o congregational meeting of the Eg- -in- the will of the late William.Scott, and lasses-), in bulk, Sc Board of the Methodist church was the total amount be placed in 'trust FIRSTrARRIVAL$ mondille church was held ill the `�THE TRAIE- OF THE LONESOME' pound ............. held on Monday evening! in the board room. Fifteen members 7ere school'room of the church on Wed- to the credit of the Corporation of the Town of Seai for hospital PINEr' Now
Pre nesday evening of last week. with' a We believe this to be superior to sent. A good deal of busTess was purposes and legal expenses in con- an ha good attenda ' nee of members present. THE BOOK: has been for years ection with same. Chapman -Hut- y brand of baking Molasses for transacted in a very �Pjl The reports -showed the past year to the best seller of all romances of the n hiking purposes and the pri�e at it A committee was app ' d to bave.been a most successful one"Pr0- Kentucky mountaiiis. chison.-That _ the municipal council' least one-third lower. look into the titer ma of aving a -of Seaforth desires to gress having been made,in all depart of 'the town' FRENCH CAST", SOAP -We h4ve memorial tablets put up in memory meints. Tw. THE- PLAY� had a long run on endorse the action.qf the delegation the genuine Shell Brand in of the young- men of the church who enty-e-ght new members 'Broadway and, is still being played of January 11th., 1924, repesenting farge bars at .......... ....,30c fell in the Great Wai7. -Plans were were added to ite roll during the throughout America.' over'threia hundred and fifty munici- year, ten by certificate and eighteen made for a congrqgational meeting, by profession of faith. There were THE SONG: has been sung and palities in requesting the Honorable 'Price a little higher than ordinary Whistled and played ouphon,gaph, to be -held on Wednesday 'evening, 8 deaths and 12 ba. Prime Minister of Canada and �is -quality much higher. ptisms. The a.) ll ovei the world.- March 12th. Arrangements were al- mounts contributed by the various Government to use every effort to ell- SOMME NAPTAA SOAP -We have -h have re- so made fGr raising the apportioned hurch organizations were as follows: NOW A PARAMOUNT PICTURE able the Hydro, Electrie'Power Com- it. People of Seafort 9tilm amount ofmoney in connection with c -57; Women's Auxiliary, cently had the privilege of te church union. The annual issions, $766. mission to develop electric energy on Think of, it! Ongliams
the excellence of this Soap through review of $314-04; Neil Shaw Young Women's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the St. Lawrence River on behalf of sample. The Soap trade is going the Christian.life, teaching, and Other. Auxiliary, $254.62; Ladies' Aid the mu-nicipalities of the Province of for Summer fro'cks--and
qualifications of the local preachers, $152.91; Sunday School, $143.23; Mis, The Chicago Daily News prize -win- Ontario. And in View 9f the immedi7 'fashion favors Ahem as strongly to Naphtha Soaps. There exh6rters and class leaders, took sion Band, $63.90, Young People's ning Story ate necessity ofmaking provisioil. for 'is wreason. place and was found satisfactory. The Society, $61.1L The total amount an 'adequate supply of power to meet much as it does -any othei "BROKEN CHAINS'it AMMONIA POWDER. -4 pastor was asked to repeat at the raised the municipal and Witstrial -reqRire- for all purposes duritlig,the wash' fabric. No wonder
10 -:cent packages ........... 25c Sabbath services a number of ser- year was $4,036.25. The Boa*U of winner of, the $10,00Q prize in com- ments of this Province we respect- mons he preached during the recent Management for (the coming year is petition with over 3,000 manuscripts. fully request that.the Government of; manufactures have , ri�- SHOE DRESSING SPECI-AL.-T;vo evangelistic meetings, as they dealt composed of James Howatt, W. D. - Produed by Goldw-yn.with � Canada, approve the, plais of the R.Y. sponded pnerousi�1,0- th6 ottles for price, of One. This is with very important themes. I He al- Smith. John Elgie, John McCaa,Kont- Colleen Moore , Malcolm MacGregor dro Electric Power Coninission of - Moody's Perfect Shoe Dressing. We so received a very hearty invitation gomery Patrick, A, Wallace, Angus Claire Windsor., Ernest Torrance Ontario for the, development of the big d6mand for'G' hams'
St. Lawrence river and the un er- ate overstocked. For a limited to return as pastor_fQr next year, 'Murray, R. Colenian, Robert McKay, d by producing beautiful ef-
iime, 2 bottles for ........... 25c which be accepted just as h W A thur Routledge, Hiarry Tyndall, taking of the -first�stage in such de- ar I' r Four young men wore app( e y at Marri4burg an that fects that are decidedly t- )inted f.l:'Roger. Rice.' The pastor is. Rev., W. t irst Class Dairy Butter, CLEAN, the quarter, to receive the offering at D. McDonald, B.A. e action be taken do that the Pri n c e s s lviiea,-oTent Fresh Eggs, Dried Apples in large the Sabbah services: Murray S commencement of.. this work may -not tractive. - And every,wo- bright quarters, and Poultry, Alive av- man and Miss will hav�, at auge, Willie Barber, Alvin Sillery and McKillop Insurance Company. -The be delayed. Passed this 11th day of NEW GINGHAMS or Dressed, taken in exchange fo" Walter Hoegy. Fo 'bruari 1924., Crich-Hutellison-
ur men were ap- annual meeting of the McKillop,Mut Fe leFast one Gingham frock in Goods. I I I I from n
pointed to look after the interests of ual Fire Insurance Company wa that th& toWn,,Ijdt one thousand dol-
s held lars to the credit of the Public Utili- 'her summer wardrobe,Come
strangers coming to the congregation. in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday BIRTHDAY PARTY. ties Commission pn account.. Beattie- 26c TO -50' iMany other matters of interest were afterwoon of last week with a goodly C nd -,See the early shi;;Rfig- Haigh. -That a court attended to. Th� meeting was brought number of policy bol4ers in attend- ."d f revision be A Yard. Of the held on Mari to deal -with ap- se popular. wash F. D. Hutch' to a close with'prayer by the pastor. ance. ison The Presid"t, Mr. James Con- peals against' w4 Irs anolly, of Goderich, occupied the chair, terwor frontage fabrics. 161L Funeral of Hon. 0. Old Fashioned,, Social tax. , Cardno-Chapman. � That the k. Coldwell- and briefly outlined the past year's - I public school be Wd $500. on accouni. uary 31st, business. The number 9f policies in h- e �7_ USICAL EVENNG Cri. Hutchison. -That the Mayoro o ng e evence to the ' orce a e close of he year was -and Treasurer sell to the Public Util-
funeral services of e late Hon --- 'D 2 40A* the amount i—A lZaage -forII
Coldwell, of that c#y, and bli of the
premium notes- $280,431, and the as-'
ities Comfoission the bond for $UOO
purchas�d from them. -By-law No. 225
outstanding public men in Manitoba.
Mr. Coldwell started his law career
sesments for the year amounted to
$19,635.40. The Company suffe;7ed
to borrow money for current 6xpens-
Jn the law office of Mr. F. Holmsted,
som� very heavy losses during-tbe
K.C., I Seafortb, and wa a son of
the late 'William Edward Coldwell,
year, the total being $18,140.55; but
notVfithstanding this fact, the Corn-
several readings and finally passed.
for man- y years a well known resi-
pany, financially, is in a Very enviable
of the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... -7 ..... . .... 'O -Old all, :Mot MOM, 'I'Ae P44 ''VIV 4XV)p I'A the city; S. M-40440 ce anyo -is WAcA 02 the, T� _U JeffeM hQspita oard, �D. q b +V V ,.,A b I in t4e.wmad W� Boa T., eo on aln. -Ad, a X;k., PereivgL Sw of Xngliw , U4 boar( p1lier,,conservativ# club 4.la, M Ptreet, X Paper, fix l.1-17 Viet ka kirk invi Jll! F. Taylor and J, W" Flevii not be 4nd �r organization having a no e Manitoba Le% h rA dslature� The city poll k11 r A X W M A �Q a 1,05. t 1, t eto to gain public attention. fyout the time the cortep left S, ma— we a was tolled at seven,aecond IlAter $1f � 4144, being centrally ��Ojaz A the The"WIPPlione office reg iiji no doubt, add to the al� lm 10hor's pric itow NOW tpf this board, which should son officiated at the last rites ove ltpvin upst n 4vu '9 AUVANCING, . is es. n on graveside, Where Rev. E. X Andel� IssloA ched t Mattbew church uutilit, _be Subscr r all Maghzipos Beaf.Or local ted, wor4ail of,mos a pro" a generat 44venience. BraAd4on's illustrious dead, Hundreds -7 m psons Iof citizens paid their last respects to an iideal Wffe aod truw m V- 'a o ein 14 Ar 14% A. 'duz*- her husband. site iv�e, by, 9 it Society is giving a euchre in the G, the city hall on Spiturday morning- OK Red Cross EuehreThe Red Cross the deceased at the lyijW in state by a1amily 9�,Ahre(t 4au fspeldjo,117,10 OVIR a, J, O'Com%4, Mire. W, V. A- Rooms on Wednesday after- PHONE s noon, February 2Rh, at 2.30 o'clock. Prank j4i� iiiin`4
and Mrs. $ill$, 0 1*5 Admission 50 cents. . The Society Notice.—Vulcanizing men's rubber bootis- had a poso two "ors ago, F. DA and. sixteen g 'I n, ilene6 qrhy. .havo. hoping for the patronage of all the laiW galoshes a speciality., A. M. Hill. and although� �41 - iiilfof Seaforth,' She,'is. so all ive ;-0 i4 *4owed decided im. d oi.� an oerat N ppefidiciv� Mrs. I1adies of the town, as money is very - 4�
provement.f�j i fewdays, the Serious b one brother and- o pqse4�..,ox Q�f bootol on, hur�a .,�:of 144 SalQFor sale in es * In h ca much needed at 'the present time House For luau, of et, and -witt A� �Ink pf ue7 to Apply to Thomas Andrews, Mill street, Sea. ress of hpm,�"Odltion had been r ury Cole and r 2928-tf aliied fo�. e or six da�s, Mr. Frank Allen, of Marysi , all their new, , oi 'cks6n," le4rio ,,she iq�l idalij rry on the different activiti r past fiV tha
i son,'' I "Iy of curlers omp0ed of which the Red Cross is engaged. There S.I..-A. 8-rooi- house, full basement, Mrs. W"I was bom at,Aoxboro, that are liVing-of a`f oiglo* Ro,p$ Sprpat, G. T', of,tha D(J.N IB�thun"nd'T,. Jobnov; tor, is in the world t,6 -day no humanitar- furnace. hard and soft water, electric lights, being tMe 6iiikth daughter of thelate The funeral was held ion Bank el"K 6nt sun,.., lson Mnday son.wpre in Paris on Uhnday VIA tath room; three lots, large barn. Apply s cott, 'and liv John DON'T TAK iety of fruit tree4 and amen fruits. J" S ed at the Scott morning, February litk,to St. Jame�s in thepne ddy. bonspell at that"pl4ce day with his,6 er, MitiL, ian farce,,whidh can be called upon in any great, crisis to serve all men BUY whatever the' to S. Little. Goderich Street West. 293lx4 homestead ;�il her marriage to Mr. Catholic Church, of ftich the de- and were succeg�f�l in winniug.:the�. everywhere, ir race, E * ty Cement Sacks -Ag empty cement- John M. �2P$4n, some 35 years ago,' eed.was a member. the fu4eral third prize. -One 1ulfdred and' sixtyi; creed, save th be returned not later than ten at, enrolled under the sack'nbpynust when she AP t� her,husb' Robertson's Cough days owing to the change in price of empty �nd's home, mass was celebrated by -Rev. F"t4et hockey fapr, accompanied the team to ............ hamer of the Red Cross. After &acks returnable. George A. Sills & son.. Lot 35, Coucessibil 5, McKillop. A- Mullin. and was noteworthy in that Ight last :on the Syrup Clinton ian Monday ni nq further veran- bout 20 May next there will be Fo Efule.-A. 7 -roomed houae� large yeafi ago Mr. Wilson dispos-' so many of -the deceaseds family were special train. -Mrs. Jan�qs Wittson -is - Noths.-The 'A P. F. Club wer6 Howard's, Cough work now dh, r furnace. electri� lights, town water and ed of his r, Mrs. visiting atAlld home of her sister, enteftaine Syrup ............. ......... cistern; good, garden. On North Main carried on for the soldiers and their good derice in Seaforth, which has� since O'Cqnnell, presided at the organ; 'her 'a , in -The m home of *Mr. 'M. Murray wh6rei�� good location. Apply to Mrs. Jennie Mrs,.. F ir Clinton. any the Patterson. e -home. She was a -woman son-in-law, Mr; Frank Mlls, " sang- a Seaforth friends of Mr. Andrew Scott, Alf §PeAt an enjoyable. time, all,leav-. Electric Oil I
the HeT daughte 24c mony available for d si- partic�pants. d Wt- tuesday, evening,4t
34C C dependents by the Patriotic Fund. Street
29 b en their
......... That wi be, large- . .......... ........ sh will then have t( . g'mamv lovable tracts of solo 110 94lutaris" in exceptionally, Rrucefield, will 'rekret to learn thai iug, wishing their host and hostess Notice. -The person �rho got the wrong possessm
Mentholatum undertaken by the Red Cross, for shoe and 'rubber at the Palace Rink on Fri- possessing many lovable 'traits of fine voice and five, of her grandsons he had the misfortune to 81 y happy reti(ras 6n the oiceas I49c, ly P while man .......... ............... .. neither a soldier nor his family,should I day night, February Sth, please call at Hays, pathy and kindness made and retain- served in the sanctuary., As was to coming out "of hi tore on Tuesday sion,Mr., -C. Deltz, -had, -the udsfor- to Livery baril and receive their own. 21MIXI ok in their distress ' 6 Pain Killer have to lo For Sale. -A brick cotta ed for her many warm friends-_ She be'4expected-of one who had, held such night and in the rfall fracture his leg. tunt of losing' le, of 'his herd of 49 charity. The necessity of being ready 9111. seven rooms took an act*ie part in all church a *,ell known place in tfie ........... ............... to meet emergencies was demon- and an attic, cellar, verandah, electric lights, . ommunity aho� the, knee. -Mt. Bert, Archibald, cat le by admimst in altpeter in- Bad -way's Ready Relief �mic hard and soft water inside; barn, garden, work, being- A member and regular for so mapy years, the gathering, at principal of the Listowel Collegiate, stead 6f salts. -Mr. Ed,'Sternagle ig attendant .�of First Presbyterian the church, was a,,very large Mrs. orking hard to win the -prize o� the C�Lurch fdr many years. She is suf- presentative one, among the out of James Archibald, thit week. -Miss London Advrtiser_ and his mdny-� 34c trated at the time of the epidL fruit trees. Apply to J. M. Henderson, W. and Ite- was visiting his parents,, Mr, and
.......... ............. .... of typhoid in Cochrane ast spring, William street, Seafortb. 293Ox2 House For Sale. -For sale the brick resi- Camphorated when the appeal came to the Red town mourners being Mr. and Mrs. F. 34c dence on Goderich Street West formerly vived by her,husband and two daugh Madge Stewart is in Toront6 this 1riends wish -him s�iccesi,The mon5r. Oil ............ ............. Cross for help. owned by the late Dr. J. G. Scott Apply to ters Mrs. Irving Sutherland, of Owen A116n, Mrs. Crozier and Mrs. Chester -
J. W. Beattie or R. S. Hays, Seafortk week ittending the millillnery open-� friends of Miss Margaret XcLauglhiru - EX Sou�d, and :.Mis Jessie Wilson, of field, of Stj Marys; Mr. Frank Cole- - Antiphogistine 4retpleased to bear that she is'.' 99C The Carnival. -The carnival held in ecutors. 2921.tg Kitchener, and also by three brothers man, KineArdine, and Mrs. Coleman, ags.--4Mrs_/James Scott and two sols who have been spending some months 1 covering from her re.cent'�Ilne 0. .......... .......... ........ the Palace Rink bn Friday evening We Ravi a ClockTor You. -i -Make a pur- 9
and three sisters, Mrs. James Grieve Mitchell. Interment was made in St. hai of two cakes of Cream Olive Soup and r's Worm Mille C akes of soap Harpurhey, James' church cemetery, the pall- Powders ........... ........ 44 lost was favored with ideal weather, 't a Guess Free. How many C iind Miss Lizzie Scott, of r winow? W. M Feed and Mrs.. J, G. Wilson, of Etonia, bearers being Messrs. G. Ae Sills., good ice and an exceptionally good tie on Stewirt, Flour,
Peroxide attendance, both skaters and spee- & Groceries. Phone 77. 2900-tf sa8k. and. Archie D. Scot7t, Joseph Bobert Devereaux, Louis Dev�reaux, ............. ........ ....... 24c tators. Those in costume made a .,House For Sale -Six -roomed frurne ,, Scott' and �Jramea R� Scott, of Me- James Devereaux, Jc�seph Keating and Egmondville, good cellar with cistern. �411 acre of land. hen house: situated opposite Killop_all -of whom have the very M. Broderick, very pretty sight as they circled the Bring no your Clean, Fresh Egg Dirty and Small Eggs Pa I 141 for ice to the excellent music -provided church sheds: electric lights. For further par- sincere. sym; patily of' the. community, ON by the Highlanders -Band, and after ticulars apply to Miss McLellan or at The in th& sud4en. and great bereave as No. 2s. Expositor Office: 29Wtf the judging all enjoyed the fine skat- I ment, -The -b -be brought to' The CounciL-The. regular r House and Lot ror Salie.-7-roomed frame .pdy will oonthly THOROBREAD FLOUR Seaforth bit Friday morning a4d the meeting of the- Senfoith-to council ....... 440 i.g and umsical programme. The house. electric Iiihis.. large cistern, It. chen per cwt . ............ followings were the successful prize builtf new. and remainder of house remetilled funeral will be held, from� was held in., the 6uncil, Chamber oni three.years ago. Also house on Flappers' costume, Ist, Gil- `�` 1�, First Prdsb�iieziian church on Ftiday 'Monday evening, all'the memlier� be-' winners 20 x 30. movable, cauld be fixed gver suitable chriat Livingstone; 2nd, Jean Low6ry; for dwelling -house. For further pa afternoon Fi riticulars
ai two o'clock, after whia ing -Present. The report of the n- s gerl Wait,46 ttlee ladies, character costume, ist- apply,. to Alex. Kennedy. North Main Street interment wig - be made in Maitland- ance Commi was adopted and the imDortant Item W. J. FIMG". A_ - y A 2930sS following accounts ordered to be Jean Cluff; 2nd Peggy Alexander; bank cemietkT. une, John, For Sole. -An 11 -roomed frame house wffh William Gillespie, salary, $76; John Phone 72. gentlemen's character costu woodshed, electric lights, furnace, cellar ith 0; Crich, Harold Frost; giils' comic cement Iloor, hard und soft water. There Death of Mrs'. Thomas Daly. -The A. Wilson. $75; John Knigb�, $65.0 are twp lots, suitable for large gardep. filso death occurred at the fardily home on I�0 Marjorie costume, Martha Reid, bert Edour, wages, $60; George A. Hundreds of Thrifty Women Aro-.,� fruit trees and small fruits. There is also Si Sow, account, $41.17- Public Bickel; girls' comic cospw 1, under a good me stable and driving shed. For par- John Street, SeAforth, on Saturday 14 years, Doreen Hudson, Ona Nichol; ticulars apply to Miss A- Crusbi% Centre morning ce Allen, beloved wife Utilities Conuuission, account, $21.70; boys' comic costume, Stanley Nichol, street, Seaforth. 29-19x4 of Mr. Daly, after an'illness Canadian National Railways,' for A. Sillery; boys' comic costume under "Martha Madc,Over."-It is the intention crossing protection, 97e; R. Bell E. A Hutchison's of the Winthrop Y. P. S. to present the T., Co., account, $2.60; Municipal 14 years, B. Venus, Jack Cardno '.Martha Made Over." in Coven Church. World, 63c; Bell Telephone"Co $2.814 New' S ' n,�'W_ ash,G 'd Pri 00 8
gentlemen's comic costumte, Karl Winthrop, on Friday evening, February 22nd. For Groceries Ament, Arthur Burrow's; National at 8 p.m.th Y u may need to he made over King Edward Sanitorium, account for too, and e 0 g of this instructive moral Now. Playing December and January, $93; "William
character costuni, i Mrs. B. Hilebrandt, play may be aeee11pnfVl to that nd, as well as -$4.50; E. Hobbs, scale ingpection, Canad . S. A. The full of interest to you. The play will include MARY MILES MINTER Chittenden, account, $74.4q; R IEL CRYSTAL WHITE SYRUP also an excellent programme of "rusic and readings. 2931-2 Rankin, insurance, $13.50. Crich -2 IV. judges were Messrs. C. P. Sills, W. J. C Duncan and Ross Sproat. with ANTONIO MORENO tills, regular 35c, Beattie. -That the Mayor be author- 25 ...... and ERNEST TORRANCE -release to Mr: F.
for ............ Methodist Official. Meeting- - The ized to sign the WE NOW -ANNOUNCE Holmested, and accep BAKING $YRUP-(Not baking Mo- February meeting of the Official Eginondville Church -The annual t the $4b,000 of o congregational meeting of the Eg- -in- the will of the late William.Scott, and lasses-), in bulk, Sc Board of the Methodist church was the total amount be placed in 'trust FIRSTrARRIVAL$ mondille church was held ill the `�THE TRAIE- OF THE LONESOME' pound ............. held on Monday evening! in the board room. Fifteen members 7ere school'room of the church on Wed- to the credit of the Corporation of the Town of Seai for hospital PINEr' Now
Pre nesday evening of last week. with' a We believe this to be superior to sent. A good deal of busTess was purposes and legal expenses in con- an ha good attenda ' nee of members present. THE BOOK: has been for years ection with same. Chapman -Hut- y brand of baking Molasses for transacted in a very �Pjl The reports -showed the past year to the best seller of all romances of the n hiking purposes and the pri�e at it A committee was app ' d to bave.been a most successful one"Pr0- Kentucky mountaiiis. chison.-That _ the municipal council' least one-third lower. look into the titer ma of aving a -of Seaforth desires to gress having been made,in all depart of 'the town' FRENCH CAST", SOAP -We h4ve memorial tablets put up in memory meints. Tw. THE- PLAY� had a long run on endorse the action.qf the delegation the genuine Shell Brand in of the young- men of the church who enty-e-ght new members 'Broadway and, is still being played of January 11th., 1924, repesenting farge bars at .......... ....,30c fell in the Great Wai7. -Plans were were added to ite roll during the throughout America.' over'threia hundred and fifty munici- year, ten by certificate and eighteen made for a congrqgational meeting, by profession of faith. There were THE SONG: has been sung and palities in requesting the Honorable 'Price a little higher than ordinary Whistled and played ouphon,gaph, to be -held on Wednesday 'evening, 8 deaths and 12 ba. Prime Minister of Canada and �is -quality much higher. ptisms. The a.) ll ovei the world.- March 12th. Arrangements were al- mounts contributed by the various Government to use every effort to ell- SOMME NAPTAA SOAP -We have -h have re- so made fGr raising the apportioned hurch organizations were as follows: NOW A PARAMOUNT PICTURE able the Hydro, Electrie'Power Com- it. People of Seafort 9tilm amount ofmoney in connection with c -57; Women's Auxiliary, cently had the privilege of te church union. The annual issions, $766. mission to develop electric energy on Think of, it! Ongliams
the excellence of this Soap through review of $314-04; Neil Shaw Young Women's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the St. Lawrence River on behalf of sample. The Soap trade is going the Christian.life, teaching, and Other. Auxiliary, $254.62; Ladies' Aid the mu-nicipalities of the Province of for Summer fro'cks--and
qualifications of the local preachers, $152.91; Sunday School, $143.23; Mis, The Chicago Daily News prize -win- Ontario. And in View 9f the immedi7 'fashion favors Ahem as strongly to Naphtha Soaps. There exh6rters and class leaders, took sion Band, $63.90, Young People's ning Story ate necessity ofmaking provisioil. for 'is wreason. place and was found satisfactory. The Society, $61.1L The total amount an 'adequate supply of power to meet much as it does -any othei "BROKEN CHAINS'it AMMONIA POWDER. -4 pastor was asked to repeat at the raised the municipal and Witstrial -reqRire- for all purposes duritlig,the wash' fabric. No wonder
10 -:cent packages ........... 25c Sabbath services a number of ser- year was $4,036.25. The Boa*U of winner of, the $10,00Q prize in com- ments of this Province we respect- mons he preached during the recent Management for (the coming year is petition with over 3,000 manuscripts. fully request that.the Government of; manufactures have , ri�- SHOE DRESSING SPECI-AL.-T;vo evangelistic meetings, as they dealt composed of James Howatt, W. D. - Produed by Goldw-yn.with � Canada, approve the, plais of the R.Y. sponded pnerousi�1,0- th6 ottles for price, of One. This is with very important themes. I He al- Smith. John Elgie, John McCaa,Kont- Colleen Moore , Malcolm MacGregor dro Electric Power Coninission of - Moody's Perfect Shoe Dressing. We so received a very hearty invitation gomery Patrick, A, Wallace, Angus Claire Windsor., Ernest Torrance Ontario for the, development of the big d6mand for'G' hams'
St. Lawrence river and the un er- ate overstocked. For a limited to return as pastor_fQr next year, 'Murray, R. Colenian, Robert McKay, d by producing beautiful ef-
iime, 2 bottles for ........... 25c which be accepted just as h W A thur Routledge, Hiarry Tyndall, taking of the -first�stage in such de- ar I' r Four young men wore app( e y at Marri4burg an that fects that are decidedly t- )inted f.l:'Roger. Rice.' The pastor is. Rev., W. t irst Class Dairy Butter, CLEAN, the quarter, to receive the offering at D. McDonald, B.A. e action be taken do that the Pri n c e s s lviiea,-oTent Fresh Eggs, Dried Apples in large the Sabbah services: Murray S commencement of.. this work may -not tractive. - And every,wo- bright quarters, and Poultry, Alive av- man and Miss will hav�, at auge, Willie Barber, Alvin Sillery and McKillop Insurance Company. -The be delayed. Passed this 11th day of NEW GINGHAMS or Dressed, taken in exchange fo" Walter Hoegy. Fo 'bruari 1924., Crich-Hutellison-
ur men were ap- annual meeting of the McKillop,Mut Fe leFast one Gingham frock in Goods. I I I I from n
pointed to look after the interests of ual Fire Insurance Company wa that th& toWn,,Ijdt one thousand dol-
s held lars to the credit of the Public Utili- 'her summer wardrobe,Come
strangers coming to the congregation. in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday BIRTHDAY PARTY. ties Commission pn account.. Beattie- 26c TO -50' iMany other matters of interest were afterwoon of last week with a goodly C nd -,See the early shi;;Rfig- Haigh. -That a court attended to. Th� meeting was brought number of policy bol4ers in attend- ."d f revision be A Yard. Of the held on Mari to deal -with ap- se popular. wash F. D. Hutch' to a close with'prayer by the pastor. ance. ison The Presid"t, Mr. James Con- peals against' w4 Irs anolly, of Goderich, occupied the chair, terwor frontage fabrics. 161L Funeral of Hon. 0. Old Fashioned,, Social tax. , Cardno-Chapman. � That the k. Coldwell- and briefly outlined the past year's - I public school be Wd $500. on accouni. uary 31st, business. The number 9f policies in h- e �7_ USICAL EVENNG Cri. Hutchison. -That the Mayoro o ng e evence to the ' orce a e close of he year was -and Treasurer sell to the Public Util-
funeral services of e late Hon --- 'D 2 40A* the amount i—A lZaage -forII
Coldwell, of that c#y, and bli of the
premium notes- $280,431, and the as-'
ities Comfoission the bond for $UOO
purchas�d from them. -By-law No. 225
outstanding public men in Manitoba.
Mr. Coldwell started his law career
sesments for the year amounted to
$19,635.40. The Company suffe;7ed
to borrow money for current 6xpens-
Jn the law office of Mr. F. Holmsted,
som� very heavy losses during-tbe
es and,\ By-law N -o. 256, exempting
certain farm, lands, were 61ven their
K.C., I Seafortb, and wa a son of
the late 'William Edward Coldwell,
year, the total being $18,140.55; but
notVfithstanding this fact, the Corn-
several readings and finally passed.
for man- y years a well known resi-
pany, financially, is in a Very enviable
of the
Crich-,T`u Inbull.-TIlat the property
committee be authorized to purchase
dent of Hullett township: "St. Mat-
p4ition and is one of the outstanding
a carload of coal if dedmed advisable.
thew's-church pvas none too large for
Municipal eo�npanios of the province.
- I of the
A financial statement wds presie�hted
the crowd who attended the civic
funeral obsequies f the late Hdn.
ne total reeeipts for the year were:
$29,711.38, and the expenditures $22, -
from the Seafort Highlanders Band.
George R. Coldwell, R ,C., Saturday
676.95, leaving cash balance in the
in the -School Room
Cardno-Chapman.-That a by:.Ia'w
be piepared to give the Band thei-r'
afternoon, Long befor6�the hour ap-
pointed the whole of the seating
bank of $7,034-43. . All -the old Direc-
tors we -re re-elected, which speaks
'17sual grant of $400, payable"$200 in
cornmodation, with the exception of
well for the confidence reposed in the
mana � + 1, 4u ill
I _
Admissiod-�Oae Copper
February, $100 in Julynd October.
.1 . — .. .
that part reserved for e funeral e po ey 14olders. -very �igrj6f your age -G. W
party, was taken; and while there The Directors are: Alex. Broadfoot, For e Local Briefs. -Mr. Spencer,
All over 100"years, -half, price Vrineip
Seaforth, John G. Grieve Walton; al of the Seafoi-th Collegiate,
ws none of the lugubrious melan- I %
�p A1jW choly of some funerals, a solenwity William Rinn, eaforth; John Benne-t has Purcliase(I the Tesldeb�ce of Misfs AL weis, Dublin; M, Gibson. Brucefleld; Lukes on Wilson Strebt, and will take pervaded which made it evident that James Evans, Beech -wood; James Con- possession next mon'th. Miss Lukes, 'I=. INSURANCE the peopl� of trandon realizpd their COPY, nolly, Goderich, Roblert Ferris, Har- 0 hA% betn i residett'in Sidaforth loss. The full choir of the, church Wh som, lock- George R. McCartney for years, iintiandt returning to was present and adr'ac Seaforth. ed up the aisle Tmmediately- after the annual meeting N� Toronto. Dar. Spencer has secured a VOILES STILL A BIG FACTOR LB Combined 064NVice nd'Aii fine residential property. -The Ladies, at the head of the procession, 'I's the. Board of. Directors met to select septic motil Aid of the Methodist church Will hold k is Col�iplete mathoUfUleS) RVAD 0MC9-SFAr'0P-T9, (DlqT- Grace Archbishop Matheson reading their officers and transact other busi- tAlth of (No Wash G'o�o"ds Stoc the opentng sentences of the bquti- n,,,. The old officerg were re-electedi March 17th,- ful Anglican burial perviee, man- as follows. Pr#g., JaS. COJIlolly, Gode- -0 W: and Mra.,Jar4es Carlin, of the w effects are now will OdOrieh Pkesiddlit while the fulletial march being VlAyed ri . vit:e-P`l1&,k1deiIt, James Evans, ' V_ .0 D?cidedlye
sl 'Huron Road, spent the week end with,
iho�rn that d.-Trft& choir came tke p0lbeaters, then the frien&A in 139yfleld.-Mr. and. Mr,,- A. selves in a, Migtful manner to the CAmpb,611 were' the guests of Mr. a-nd. 2e odd, ;VIC resident by V, D. Delapoer. Fol10w'nX the 10eeichwoo4,; Secretaryi-Treagirref,'D. lend them F.,McGreftor, Seaforth, pew s -A IVS: tyles for later casket, draped Vith the n Jack, Mkg. McLaughlin; in Crolwarty, on J_ Many exclusive
0ont9iningall th4tas moftal. ,of the
It '1140 1 Degth of M M. Wilson. -z -Vile ftfieday.-Mrs. Pekelder, of Wis. dres'6 lengths, 01fift06, dead <t6f people of Sefortli were great;lj Sur. contin, 4A a glest at the hwile of ber Aft�, Chtirtem Mtlr- moiirnets ote- the vidow for qons, Prised and deeply shocked When wo-ed P 9: -45C t -Yard._:'
i2 M*ATA, 0MV4 "T61h iftd arOck, Mt. wag reedived on Thursday mol Ing 9 '18 V- 136119;tarl h6s t6birlied Iram a, vib, Wid of W death of X", John, i son, Patb IT vnt� ffftmll ITE MV a' A" er la& avid' Co&Unod�: Wargft. Aft- VIII& 661�t?i%d At the home of het :0 A Gddtildft Iiist *#ek fbt ------ 7— ditigh r It Owen Sound W Vo in 01-mer'l Vial 11it th Iddli Aff(Iffilteleg iddli* Lj;Adoh, the b
ja s 6 16 bad gone to St OlWi� 1i 414 dW 1110 a, ooteb. Fill' elm gp %61"`,`491� 06 psi f 01 MCI I �kwft I F. , 1. "I �,, :� Awok, IN dO ;A To 6,