HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-01-25, Page 2'J '17- IIe Asse a awp, a*.;glory down to Men blest abode- tQW94, 'top, v�dth men- His ps�6* t4gy; �s' people's God. Isaac Watts.. PRAY= Tk. the God ]Vke tbaosap lbo of t gh,ty God, then art P-W.Us iin Thee we live and el And hav #new,� tW,,� Yq doi &�i or, of 16 ida of Thy Holy Spirit we ed ;u$ oW el e our being. Without d " " e;;4 renuxites iiild Wental; a -9,4M % 1 7 7 �� 7." 1 , f gogglkUr', t. welpt tbA 7, thA: I 911PA iWWAV V`PJPVA, W.0plamijil, thOr'9* q did him Aay, ne.; #
I ur �way but we thank -specialists; but U0414 Ith,at we are led on from 0 p int good Oed U do, so,. he go*414, V# !PWIANW, J'�tFhan ti� ever having before us the FluW-7 Z gAieud AtLVTfPCL 141MIJ.' Z' =ted- frop a ffi.t 'r of fire by night and the pillar is ',7 eca a a x"r noit.,pf Militk ',.bf Coni4erce 1) U he says in q tetter� OLQUO a portAmbe aq TAUCA of 71141tion y day. Jesus Christ the For Bev en yeaxs,. I %'A%g�ked terib,[Z' tlxe'� iiWoons one is the way, the light, ale th4 L'Adyaph �bq.ol& housei., but J", isfrom fleadach' I estl9a. to �-ll who own His sway. 9 -Vis, �ufs. Awme Aning up Med t PIT a d of all. a would lle�ed. The 4 . . Y. W- W.: � - 1, had belching gap, bitter Q', TVTW WIP us to crown Him Lor come up in my MAfek!Ag a r1ey. �10W p0ple'bpt *g actual 14 40 AUW Builei §he a to' original p ns wervC doubt disoi r tb the ,vItTio' and was terribly,00 these ugua;ly 'w�te _h, 1921 ut b4oged by Te' neceWity .4 9TA4 . y , Fruit-a-tives and 04a grand., fr t 1�4 ogneernod; , n: ome way wItI4 ..t It S, S. �ESSON FOR JAN. 2 e leagi4eridd - tomm ,an en relief .)grotesque),:�, 1# y1g. They w9rp d. 7 medicine made me well". w 04p 4QVI, �'
_kgiat'. 47*W;. trial sise 25 At dealers or se4r, Lesson Title_—Israel Saved at the' 50c. a bo�c, 6 for $2..50, a. caitie it WAS -�not� t6 the relieving inU�ed by,..,U -side odr to a. pl, 11 WAS-a'most.-Tu a' forces z but to the 4,efbhdlugi:e forces 'room- in Ceid Sea. oy 'Ugit-a-tive 4lich, she transacted tier :4ctofy.6 14ue n
0 that public honors weitt. Limited, Ottawa,,Qnt. was Wr- Abusipdss� , - fty one person 0140T the'Place by the Titnt ',�Tard' siurriqn4er ,ii,V- t6 .:h� Lesson Passage—Exod. 14:21-31. The blackest day,of _.t4ewai wag Mitted to doq�r the d6feAt of CqkerLso.,' which was a an4-� 6xi4re. it thorOU&5ji 4, —Mary Bakei Edd:� 'for -,t,1n4eAWe w� t .`ie Goiden Text—Exod. U blw to the British 1*op wo le which had That --W;a but two QouUterp4#s in the Great whoin Mm. .Winchester liod, .�arl 14,rg-, Eipio We read in the first part of this world. iiihey sow, the direelion of opmW Bj I)ut tn%s w War, namely, the 'iiAvqX,,diafeat -AV propriate, admiratih. I he nole, 14th chapter t�at God instructed Mos-: the stream which * set in motibn by 'He'jwo' d: Cronel and. th.- _,disastdr ito.the Flft4, front door, opel3ed 'but twice whil "fq t so i6xo.y es to encainp by the sea- also that, Him -who rules the nations, and is he gate, of Army in the last German driv6 of Mrs. Winchester lived, to perihit Mis' inve""' Pharaoh and his army ov4;rtook them; destined to overflow thEi world. The t 4, 1918. Even yei the word falls omi- Eddy to enter and to leave.' tt o him iul'1800 a gift there. The children of Israel were,! fact which ought t6i stimulate us nousLy on the ear. Foi this disas- ed, the ih1;Pd'tiDiie VA or hiimanly speaking, trapped, being'above all others iS, not that we have to, Britlah' hemmed in by the m6untains on two contributed to the conyeuion of a few ter Buller blained a !subordinate, but the owner, Wa.§ carri progress'..,; WJtb thEt -Vqioney". 4P bou�;ht, There a sipah fatin In- Kent; Wherb., oe is e4t, -�.i: sides, by, the sea whether he WAS. right or wrong, the pallbeare in front and by souls, however valuable'these may p ...... public refused_,to see the re onsi- ticular rooiAs to which.-neithek the,xest-cof-hig days.- Pharaoh's host behind. Help, if help. be, but that we are. diffii§lng A knowl- v bility shi 6 was was to be found, must come from, edge of Christiani�y throughout the �fted. The, privie rro? ants nori'workmen ever penetrated" In 2ar1wfi&l4'4.cas?a the econo6lb
wa. frontal attack u4pa, a - position ad- after tilipy'liad been completed. one beu�4 pr,pis iqveative gentu t' above and from above it did �ome, world. Missionaries in the midst of mirably adapti6d to resist it, and it is entirely A Vol - olined With white, satin axi7d niaiply Wht§.,ov�n ii�ountry, which" On seeing the army behind some masses Of heathenism seem like le cried to God, being sore afraid, but es crying in the wildernesd—Re- was known that Buller had a weak- in it were'lcopt many, gorgeous giowiis a ipa4, oart;'- "in. the, textile ,trade. ID Moses. formers before the Reformation but ness for frontal attacks. It was the of varzoug'L Color$. �. tk"e Mrs. Gre4t Britatft..was 'ngt so fibrtuna.te others murmured against defeat at Colense that led 'to Rober�s Winchestet WAS, won ro arra r her- in andthbr,gt6at Oi(tnch oitt i' pre- For the time being they forgot the future missionaries '117 see conver- y galling forgot sions follow every termonl -We and Kitchener being sent out. Later self while.'awaiting the visit of the Nearly ;se,.venty1',y6ar`B,:jgq. a young slavery in Egypt on, Buller was sent ho - ----- God's sparing mercy when the first -'pare them. May they and ie- spirits with which she used to com- British chemist, the way for sumed c6mmand of 'the f covered a propeia orces at mupb was also r* oo�n -4t ext&�iiiat-dje§, born in every Egyptian home died; not forget the pioneers who worked blue oal' tar, 'buCit -rern'airted.Lfor' Aldershot, the most jmporfani home which was 4upposed to he frequen or them'in the thick gloom with a few rays to fo�rgot all Moses had done f ted frold a 'Bu eyplot t felt that be was by another shift of spirits. Mrs. rman'enterprisd to command. it he and, above all, forgot the signifi-icheer them ekeept such a flow from in disgrace and many new§.paper it- Wincheste cance of the ever present pillar of I faith in Gods, promises. r believed that She had D�any. cii,pitallied British baius� Amid,, te made upon him. her ry, W tacks we cloud by dqy And the pillar of fire by I The fr�quent 6naultations With her built-up dye_.'AnqX!st � lucift-be Government either urigenerously or husband, fdreL,'the.W4r almosT, (The Diary of Livingsto dominated th6 night. But Moses, calm in the midst wisely refu'sed to come to�his deence The interior of the house is a world., 'A ?Ir"Wilhim -Perkin,djed in o this panic, counselled them saying, And finally- he weas sPugi td speech' labyrinth,, �and since it has been 1:907J11A,0f 'yeMirs and honors, -blit- "Teir strength is to sit still." Then in his own , behalf. 'then This wis 'a bought by�.-4 syndicate for ight;.See- the fruits Of'his.discovery had 'went before the camp of Israel, e -i 6ugd SERVICE'CORPS was promptly reir6d on half -pay, neces delua�4gt -is,noW,being,recrettea,' -lean I-t&a,fqreigrLJand. TheBritish they saw "the angel of God, which! BULLER THE CREATOR OF AR31Y breact of army discipline., and he ing purposes, it has beeif f passed moved and went behind them, so that w aTy. to post 'directions every y fe�t His death oce'urrdd. seven yearis later. fe a�,ad by, a'stroke of fortulie At has, or* else a person might be the one came not near the other all U.r,., I - enils S e unpleasant nieinorifs Lof But, disappointing though the come lost And wander for ho t tea th� §Pr',VIbes ofosir Willlam�,B' -19 an the night." (Verses oors and Son, 'W"Hatnfliienry., M- C uth African war will be recalled to achievements were in South Africa, eontains rooms, 2,WD d himself a 6be Gkrments, 6 r' d 20). So -publication of a Gen. Buller has to hii credit one of 10,00.0 wiriddws, many of the doo- Ist -of �,Adhtevelneint reown.� Verses 21-23.—God's Sovereignty British minds by the Toronto �Glohe�- W1 SE in ows opening -on blank�walls.. cleansed, RPR over Nature. life of. Gefi. Sir Redvers Buller, un- the greatest army reforms the and wind dertaken at the request of his widow, Post 'fifty years. Jug most -notable Not n on the Atue phoe . nix. so The stretching out of Moses' hapd� who, felt that her,,distinguisbed hus achievement was Dot, as' generau� same level,.' and well vv" that steps are Dec"- s followed by a mir as in prayer wa band was not given his due while'he supposed1 as a leader in the field, sary everywhere 'the result being Severki fi4, insur and 1 plemn' ance companies 7- "'y acle. It was night but the darkness I lived. Probably -he wa! but -as an administrator in the years long staircases 'of ver slight rise, aie:na 3 not it has y ed af tet 'the. �.phbenix the fib- in odor 9 so pleasing to, the' WAS D124 noon -day light by the pil- I been pointed -out that -w 1*87 and 1807. In this decade he tu�ning . back and 'forward upon ulous lered' bird �f the Egiptlans. L -hey was Quartermastef�Gejierall�- Under- themseIve§` like m6untalh paths. According to thi4 story, told to� Her- Hotis lar of fire between the childrep of I ols received is rarely fairness. e keeper. Israel apd the Egyptians. The east I Are either overpraised or unjustly Secretary of, Ireland and 'Adjutant- Some of the staircases arej eighteen od6tus; the bird ame. from Ar aia, . ...... ... ... wind begaii to, blow and, as Moses in I blamed. They, are credited With vir- General. � As Utider-8eprehary he inches wi&,, and some of the hall- every 60*0: yea rs,;' hearing the, bybdy hi]s on'g of Deliverance puts it "With tues'. and with failings which they �was, in' 6e 6pinion or' his chief, ways two Aet The corridors are of hijs��fatkerxhbalmedin abAll of the kast of th-nostrils the -waters n4ever possess. So it was with Gen , �3ir Michael Hicks -Beach, a lament- Miles long."" The fittings are very MyVrh,:at;d buiiedhim:ill. th, -tegnple. were gathered together, the floods Buller. He was expected to able Tailure, but the biography shows valuable, most of them being of gold of the's�� Herbdotus,-shyg tb4b pic- stood upright as a heap, and, the speedy End to the South African war that he did the best he could to deal 6r silver plate. Bathrooms are seat- ttires of'the bird' -Sen�t It- with. depths were congealed in the, heart -was not able to do this. But nb-, fairly and even gently with th -qd eveiy�here, there bein twn- goldelk red ifle e ton-' tei .9 an pl, magO closely p� of the sea," body could have done it, The South ants - in the eviction period, and that tY Of them parked in one battery. s9mbling-,an eagle in 917,e and sha Moses and Aaron, taking the lead,: African waras not oiie to have been. he was not Buccessfur"because they' Sifiks also hbound, even upon the According to. Pliuy, th.ere�is only.one stepped upon the dry land thus form-. speedily ended. That was the -prime did no� keep faith, �?Arjs greatest ser- stairs. There is a magnificent -ball-' Nh6ehix at 6, ime, and, hp, 'at - fh% 'hen the v9!st company of miscalculation of the British public. V1 builds.'himsbif I ed, and t bur- close' oA,,,lits'long fife, ce, to 'his country, and one that room, never used. 'Therb ae men. women, children and herds fol- Assuming that it was one to -be counted heavily.- in the Great *ar glar-prdof vaultsand firbprbof safeb, a �tes� With -.t*Igg of cassia, frankincense on Which he lowed. Before murning they were squelched like" a rebellibn, it Was not 1 was his creation of.the-Army Service and. a noble 'pipe organ that nobody di,a's. From safe upon the opposite Shore. The unreasohable to assume that Buller Corps. Before Buller created' the ever played. But the spirit guide, or his corpse is generated a,woriA W Egyptians followed hard after and was the man for the job- But even department' transporta,tibn and �si;p_ qqntractor or - whoever or whatever growa into the*young bad gotten half -way over. No doubt after it had been learned that the war ply were two diff4r6ht !rvices, They- it was that told,Mrs. Winchester that the Detrblt,N�ws. one wpre i e n,� bl theyt and the executive wwk w1as carvied rerhained unc iiipleted, was lay al in t chi no't to have been ab 0 ,tis ................. pressed forward but, then as now, it solved of the blame for not making on by contractors. 'They were used taken .after all. City of Alfe Suh,br�'burps him ldren of Israel would rise As Buller seems ey did not be- 'Ifis father, ou,the heARG their confidence iii, overtaking the was to be a lonk and tediou i�t even military departments, she w6uld live is long as h 'r house Tacitus gays that the,,you was true that the one that putteth On it a swift one. by the army, but'ill But the,niost fazatiar forb2 of- the his harness should not boast as be Africa has long 'been' called the long to the army. Buller reorganiz- legend 1.9 'w-#ete the Phoeiiix iq. 413�- The Lord ]Doked-,graveyard of military reputAtions, and in ian b which sub- that taketh it off . ed them ' scribed,'m,an,In4 ado'caieers in the new Proper No eS. gists on. air'� fr 500". ,yeats, a ter -upon the host out of the pillar of fire, and it is to ttractLve that it was man- iker.-S be - admitted that few corps SO a ,,hoes, -,V�hlch, ifiding hl� WID!go with siltes and it was troubled. British officers who b;ad reputations ned by some 6f the bes-t-trained soi- From the Manchester GiDardi ' . .. .. . I . I i . I .
an., i1he file� to Helid0ols, enters the'. at the beginning of We war there diers in the army� The report tizat a Yorkshire c ollier ter To clear the . baUnee'of o6 suck' of HO
erses. '24 -28 --Pharaoh- and His had -Unproved them when it came to zipli-there, and isi,,fixirned to ash�61&,.. tried to have a clold chTistened '$One- on tfiet,altar. 140t day tbe,�Ohtig Shoes,-Ve re.ofterin" thein at -.a S'0' ecial Price Bost Destroyed. an end. The most distinguish9d ex- 441ready f eathered.; Oh the 9
toomany" is but- an nstakice pf how phoenix 1. The chariots which'had been driv-1ception, of course. is Lord Kitchener. some folk. try to inlake the 'Fifth Corn- a fu I a growa* mosT th4d'day Iiii piniong'aril "Boys'-Hocke %$2.25 eu-so confidently began to,waver, the Whether Lord Roberts materially ep- -IftTRAORDIN�ARY HOUSE- *andment diffi�ult to observ' 7 and $2.50 a. The amd h6,joalutes the briesf`,a:ud file n whdels no longer turned easily and I hanced his already great reputation IN AREWCA- registers of Somerset Hquse reveal, away., 1,1&tni 9. Hitch ....... .. $9.46 soon began to fail off. Confusion re- may be questioned. Th efeare even (sEsserts a cortbspondent )sode cruel ulted and from being the pursuersithose who contend that had Lord jolms in the maXter of names * es- '�L ies' Hockey Shoie .......... $2.15 and'$giiiO the EgWtiaus tried to turn and flee. Kitchener not impiessed -his -1�yputa- One bf the - mbt' extraordinary pelpially wbere-the surname lends'it- WorUbrS choose, wom �6 Ian Rditor.
They self 'to punn�. QU�pkly fd '$3.95,., houses in the world is that built in 19.. - - - '' . .'. .'w
could 'not for terror took hold tion in South AfA a, it might have ing as "Arch, Bishop," 41 Ahother L -Hitch at ........... San Jose, Ca�, by the late Sarah L. lowed Alise, Alarjaret. lJonditeid, A -rat on them and they were abnvinded 1 "Roisd udd," �rim Rose Mdn,s- sizes, at ................... $2.95 of been well for his c ntm giin& then Winchester, *idovv. 9f the ion of the woman dhairmU of tAe. ge'neriicon- a fe*
that "they that meddle with God's 1he never would have been made Will'Berst Sudden Deal th," �4n-yie founder of the Vnn&ester firearins C 0 ffi,v r, gressift the British tr people meddle to their own hurt." Secretary of War in 1914, and iniiny "]�Ifred,-Gott Barelegs," and ade unions, into Lightung Hit* - ......... $4.35 ............. The great day of the wrath of God contingent mistakes would have been concern. It took t1arty-eight, years to important tofl ."Partridge Roat." A clergyman who ace *161 the -cobAclls had come to them and none vp1as able -nee the World War build and is yet h in your old,rubbers look like new for 25n�nt�, avoided. But si unAnis ed, and is died, recently- burdened . eack * of - big of the'Ziltish la6or'move ienC' Miss abs�rbed some� children with spine, ateeft BaYbari V,6OttQX1 4as been, - chosen to stand-, was fought on a far different scale supposed to -have 00%000- 'of names ttle''df Ne,*,rabber'. rgap of. to any other war in his6ry, previ- the eccentric W.Oman's chiefly archaic, iand there is editor � of "the o" with 4 bo -v4alth. 11Pc athe"Wojkers� AEdUbAti' Al. Assocla, Verses '26-29—The Return of the ous txperience .b�urrted or little. centric' a-, pbrhaps too Trian iii Derby with a name*for every mild,a word. Waters. Strat�egy sind tactics had to'be 'ex- s o on. Nn't let your SatikSUppers gq sloppy When a She� wa briouslk in the - alphabet, 'commencing U temporized. outh sane, and apparentlX,un4e� blie nn: With Buller in S With Anna an&ending with Zara. fold, stag bf 56bottle of -ent. -He ffuence''Of ungcru�droug 8 #Itists, for the I I , III bring back that Ajgain the Lord spake to Moses; Africa, the case �vag diffet Satn Renewer w It a hoVo. "a -Informatifft peatance a does, not J
t career p, 'the -was stretched overtbe had had a brillian. she believedthae,as I&Ag a W ap iwe the. fabrid again his hand glss;
sea, but Peath not Del!Wsince remained u was first.hoet War, at Sdakin, and in the nfligshed he Would' live. tqdpa nIdA, tahr Ala z�y had a little lamp; 'Itwo.,;Yer a there. God triumphed kloyiouslY Gordon Relief Therefore, sh� ordered tliat building t51 Xx-ptidition. He had the horse and his rider were thrown shown 'himself a. first class soldier operations should ,go'on continuous- Re:0 beau was 'Reniy Stout, W6 tpifcoiM# u the last one per- Nat oven Roberts was morq itespapt- ly. - When'she fifilshed one part of AuJ'eVery ti%e tbat llen.tda M-ein� depa'i�ra 11 U mica, at.* sodi% "46conomics, at. rt ished;there. The little lamp went -Mit. age,, She'di tingul# ad by the inen under him thati'Bul- the house she WOU4 begin with oil- Aed, 4911 Verses 30-3L—The Effect Upon the'ler, who' seemed to. itypffy, all that other thAt had no rdlation to it, but —Detroit of - ea�,uq
ereas. attached by meg:ps of a staik or a -W Israelites. f go LjWned b4foyie passage or a door. The c6nsequence'' won d or is that when one lodim at the house, a 4tud'e4tt �Aei ii�ersloji' Aq WP God said to Moses, "I will get ihramble over several acres, it )dfal le4lg , honor upon Pharaoh, and upon al' Presents the asPat of a huddled vii�, a6gu finivad air, CIA600 host, upon his -chariots and upoin is BACK A-000 lage with scores or, hundred -F of sop- by the i"Ih,, horsemen." Th� dead bodies were orate. roofs. in thig extriordina two r The shore by- tb. tide y upon building Mrs. Wiiiihester spent' t9e a d there the lay—the warriors of y best years of er.,life broodii1g, on" '0 ia Yew hours ago, prostrate befoKe TER.RIBY spiritism. sl�, -)bii*�kd 1p� W the eyes of the Israelites. In the go Mrs-. Winch IrftUtionst, Bart., Wit Fort,,� yean a est�4,s Bew' word of Iqaiah "they went forth are husband died. afid-Ah-oftly afterward,. Lad!0 ,�O_ toa 0 ke'a'tly a tiquif 6f t)iia,Domjn� he W -McMahon Tells Ha�v and looked upon the carcasses of t she her only chikL.- Sife' w�s a ofriti�t Tnen that had transgressed against I I Ion, I Fond &fief by TaWn , Lridia` f tueb crude iptellect' that she dIstI*aA1&Wd recdtd,..whoi ea4 bad a rV4 God." E "Y - .9 tho v pl.d, them.deeply, fill them with awe an H Such a sight would effect ugt'ilArkder -and lightnin& to be. MES FAham�s getabk QUL TY inherited an 1m- Uld Akuly Sbtrlte- Corog lb C6MPQ"d the work of si)jrfts, and she vri.ts t�� %literikthhe tritish'ativiy; In 1'814; wonder at the marvellous power used rified eyry, tibie, the. phenomiena, oc-' ieifiod �vv�Liilfoiis A�pollit 20 their' They would 00 f 00 ad. ' -,She curr FEATIJAING , dtn; 1h, the M4ante a oh., LYON K; ni�nse fortune in .Addition to royal� I I 'y
be razid &shatued of thelf murthur- Chatbam, Ont.-1�14ta a in6a and woulti resolve never giin Pinkliani'a Vegetabio CvAp6unA for a to, distrust K -be in&, 4, ran -do" condi ties whii6h ate said to, h IN I � - rrl , . U �c ages or despair,*f help didtf after the birth of . I Ave at) A d citor ov ut $1,000 a "The$r were baptized' Abe. alail-olles of tj and'xlts.: w i my, baby hot. I Iad� terrible pains and had hotteig, hedvetL t to weak,vot 0. to do, �u A IcaV-1eld Pord� lit,' -in the sea" (1,Coi 10$).; e Wot backache, Andwaa tiredand n6thing b th VScOtOhhit fit td do my worki;;in4 tqro i1or niy three please hersolf, and pre He .3s 90iftUdith be ax"'by birth, HAV -6, dtir, tut hplliAn, fiittviTe tors tb4t assAilied'h4k"and 6 son of 'Oras to be tro �4 r -- tea TAILO, litilu- children. Une,,dayil received your 'Bistd mainly in ap1#6aMng hjjer. bbrn at 0 an- oA bar AAd little lbdok And rW esson a Jit cating- v :to -�e Ag e'V30141ne': Vb tho ut1§6at, wi W alid,mary S teahad; matt :01kii Aruba.— tept-6mis- r 6vierc Alud -nmpy an ve 4 I b1i and ?e lit.
the,vogetable Co#qound- 16ft N, 90 oatoldi."L be d IlIfy df 6-hanied t6Aell �Aktari Sat) �m rA ehd and D ot !PdftbA- fttOanr1*6rdvh ih busljr - dfidoid 'a Inj V. e essaryou sd6.,E b. n or oar -in -6in A * I -]DA;.�A filo I,#,- J . - IMA A:T0 0* �Pha I for tubdMil
: rk hast foft$ big iQA-'X'
tra hab#. P, ANA %d; tb,�, i!4
-WO- "I' - td It 9AI, in t f I Arn to —Mrs. J. X -mba-ARON, pl, Fmarv.oy 11 d 'Fadkq on -t#' Are 1W �k*k,�,�,fi -the a 'a e i 6 -khi' ',DOI -.:gMd ti st.�!Chatfiam, OIL wall an t 042i log tt '�!,ZPTYWINO %HA'yet Aspi�rvt r b6 dd jltttl0k, bi t n pr y,
E Vegetable 0 Millift.� 1umftl' Zod 4a luili"duAls'.
rYom, To ftAoota and ligrus,,bus am if� -Lqg re 6f 'd 0 us 6 Pa Sidi n t And 1118 m lug ib IW gos�* th Aly ... �VI'4 L wig, tho rel 1'era the tioit Vto _d' 110 pas, gA.0 - �A. 'Iron Ot 21 V i "lilt ot Wo .9