HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-01-11, Page 7IR 14 , 0 / ,. ., I 11 I . ',.','I- " , I -,-,,,;, ,7�­':,I_7 �� - ­ ,- -, �',-'f�T,!.,�­- , ­ , '7't 1,7",,R� '_ "I 1117"WiF717 - - "I . ,. N7 .� � 4 7 -7 , . " � W41M k , , ff , ,�, q . �.. , I , * , 'T , ,�7. W_1071�7 . ,,,�� 11 , �AmVir�,4­ ­F,­-� -i T.TPT7,--R7'- � _ ­ , - ­ I". �` - 70 _1 7", ��.� - '11;y�zl� ,;?., 1z - " '.� . , � , I . :, I . , , 1. 5 V15 1 I � I ,s ." 1.�-,,,, , I ,J' I .I �, �, I P. .� I "" I .� ,� �7 , , ,Y­��., " ; . 717 1 I _11 - 11 �, 11 ., T 4F� 11 'ITF . 11 , ��11,�; ,,;' �, Y, , 'y, 9 , , , ; " I ........... : I I � � , " 1, . . � �, . I , III. I ... i 1� - , 1� ,:1 A4,4 ...... , , I . I , � '! ,� , , i I, ", .. I I - .1 I I I I . I I I I I I % � I I .. I I ,, I � I . I .� "I I , ... . , "': I I . . . . . 11 I ­ ",z , '110 i .. �� , , "' 1: , ; , I . I I I I I , I � I � � , I I : I I I I � : , , 1 4 1 1 , � : ! 1 � , I I I I I I 1i I , I4, , I I- , " I . i , , I I � " . I I � � I . , . 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Au a 4,01M !. , '6 : ,., � -$* -F 1#9W , , L :pchl 116hiel aniqug bs- tak a " , h� � 0 IV2 .. .... . . �., - OuZ.r - ,� , ,, .::."`,t,i 11 . V,,W, "' 74,�i-TAX. I come a editorijil iqprq�� ' , faxm�,. 1 : I 11, ' ' ve. Inglesby 7pi#tJ 1g4116ty ruents were barb � 1. , _ � , -1, -1-1 ;0911 L5,,,. �,�,,,-�i . - I . . I _ . . ,f4,t " *' I " I I , Z'. -�rlpq�` W_'qahae to- the X "14=4_ . ' ot�j . .atloni Of aD­0V4r1hg, .h�7 N 11 ... � . I I" 'A* 0 � -1 1, , "i, � , . hO laTMA U#P AOrn 91Y Upon- 861116 It'd- pard and:- , 10" I! " .6 � . I ,� , 0044, li_,; ZA I I , , , A I _W c6lm� i4v t�At , . N , . I . . , . �10 Tenvp!W Plan 0 PYN A' %, Irl I 4 tq06 pri V ,- � � . �� ". , . I- olle �Tq I � j,':"., , , � , �, :% -, � , - - ' he4d for bb .,X. W N711 * � ad them , Dabney"s �? wfgft'. ' WO.#4 to Xbutr"L, tioh;, Onnoticed, And uit- 'all pe gettin 011 _� ,"",, . .,A,QuQZ,q'0r*,*r -,!#',f.� I ,, ��'�'f'k 4, , " - t ,,; aro 1AC1,0410J) ,6,00, W Ir i 11 OU 'for the . 19'0w there, are mills * the South ��-, , ,,A*, 21. �; ",'If'#' " , '! : � ' 44d:r7,Q 4 '6 * .ad., ,, . 11 . ) I ! %I � awr-1kna, . 4 les'l .; V4�� ­ , ., - t' to; kao WW 0 ,�Viro- not loft lbo i4i" ""' , ; ' - i , , �ba a 40a; ro, � `e* 09"at * �14L' have ' made tbose in the jolntslmo - c t . I 1-1 '' '7 _ an '! =AfkabAO' caf�b'k Of'r histOk "T, . I I Maybe lbat lilgle*by bqd otberjAethoo� ofli - ­­J­y��w 11 , I ,�,�,!: ' , - T,t 1"�.�, ' '', � 1 'ii�m ­ 9AW-R.. �0;�4y i " �f - result, ' 0 I .) - I 1WW410­ , ae0elx �Fpi�'hv. eiven as, tk, Oident,,' had,, P14114, barren 0 � a dpwrided Clarion himself, rigbt now. ' ' I which do obey -the state la*s and ri- � i, I ­ ' L . 2 P or ;for . I 1 �, have 'seen ,d ' '; " t "WV ,11 , ' 'to , " � ,.y,* -,-q. ,� _72140 , I , it", � . � � i X . � I � . :, m lie AL ,TUL ' T attack, " loss pleaiaut t1wh '00,�Jri.%l -M44nr�� i ,, � � . . I tr��, and'suir& , P .� - Prlce# "letfons as to hours worlil- —A, , ., 1, . . . �.yo �,44 . IR %ovu-, WMA Xue 'AT04M. Ma. A-0. 1,, I .0. � ,.- , _ i , �'t ��, 7, .11 , - I . r , )w .- .1� , 11�:. .11 ;1*W0.A11A4tkM_ h : t4A,11.14e,C%0adtW vo - Maybe the know4l t1ili !town '0 we�l tions, wages tbel*g for V1 I ­­ ­� I . T.Wiv,�-,, "N . . iw�*. pku*,!�W . joj;�iihe dr�k bones of a pro . , karito. �: Ats: *W.6, 1arge.0 , - " f � . , I . . P. , , , bu-4 ­41*001 � . ­ I . vlll� .. ' , -.4,ir-1 ­ .., ­� . ,0�b � *0 : " -.0 lied '64S U*atl4e U , sanitation, safety ap , -'.+. r&,34, .. �, . I_ ::".'.- ,, It satisfied 'he's deid sure #obpAy�that b�ys, a advertiser,% piniult4nedual,v wit-lidtow itoej*tbatchk did" -11 . % � in the-,%tmog_ -ject and nj4ke it live. � . ,a - there ore - , %. - _,,V1,h,_.,,% �Iyl t . � .. III". 11_r''_�, . . so that be, ifaig.4t,ilrilik � . - a,.q- s, chil labo.t. But .� I, :1. � , - m I . , . .L. f- . ­ of; his bJo,totXes;, he Wlawtid that odd er here �, . Tlave the. -nerve oth -- ' their -advertisements fi.9 14 , ,I'll 11 11 . . _ ". - . phete sak6uic twist- in, him to newspap ers.vrhieh do not. Ours gotorlous- ,. A th Cl, .., "" �ud it buzzed, 00AV, k 41, 1 , , , . . � I . . ­­_�_; - , ", . .. . : . a 4. ; - I . , p I . . I ­(� : I - � , I " lgr �o, thii he nklabt, T#,, stand � thus "bliscurely in the back- to print anyt.hing or' think an*)"g ly.didnit. : . loll. 1, , � 1. how I happened V .. .1.1 I ::: '111, I 777-?'!_—'- o .� 1-1, lcv�a��qax tra� . 4% ' -think hl thiji' out,." s�JA� .This IFohnny lx�P -. ' I ' '_ � ' . � I , . . ,.� . . . I . I 11 joer)ao.,4f by.f - qc1und arid pull the strings. ' I think b� didn't Approve of. Yes, I guess John Flint and ray mothar li�d had , � I 4%, .." . ,OnqLdeA . L 1. . 's, )Psli. a., I I 1. 11 . . 6onqtract thq i � ' L( - . . L. ", .... I'll .1 A, �, I - ' " 1-ttw , , I P W11", -1. � , 111tt, th flt§t *6wo.': � YA .. , N : , tluies;_ h6 dilved - lil'tolAinobE�1A rV_00XA* -too,: thAt there uiAot have been .1p that's' it." many a conference �Lbout deplorAbj I jA " 'L ' I-. . ,,, - isiT,& ow ,, I . 'T ' V - ixo� 11 , , As, �� I L I 111. , , - . qhn li�t to Latire , I .W. a costs goo L n am , lgw-mar � � 1, � ., 1* - L L . L ' "W _ L i�� , , ;;i, , ' L ,,*, 4 .. L.. xfg lit had -costs god . QW., C .pm , . " ' - ,'� . .. ' 1� their,,4ulet rd6iing'plues to obtaill his min�L since that morril high'is your gentle way," cut in cases which both knew,! ibut -were , � - R . _ .1 . _ . , out ads is a had habit. It 14 "' _ � jqolj�jto,�S,- I , 104 " - � I ., ,F. 11 I I Norlwtets , A09avey- ' later. Ing.] I I , I money,. It should be nipped in the agent�, ,esbyo g4o 'V, L Jul, . I ofAcial.,, sources U y his nest, Laurence, "of telling me I'd better i_ 11, 1 141 ' 'j'L � _"'_ * .Lft. from. u4sliall'Llile watched the bluejAy dest powerless to change. The best they "'i, . -1 ,F� ; r��""�'81� .- p - .. .To: to go a ­ 7Wag m ,',Mi ."I b,5�9 ' I . p ? '' - , L' , J I '. ", . .. ", .. I - -*aA a fainillar larion bud. You've got - fter adVer to giareli on to _gw,W,, �,,, ,xv ,� �-'4�'�"' �.. � . ,,w L ,. L.� ��,1, -4 "L'i­% _ , _ "­,'' 'k " � - ig" , ' 00w In the. E( . � �_ .., "*r `471d _ j)tari" Public,' factA . In Que �hb b a sense Of Testitu#Qn. bustle. out, and gather in the C had been able to do was to. tabulate �" , ke "am sie '..watch him do, itf- � --, , � , . 16 Building, 9PPOO4 ,= 0 scur 't ' �. , �� .'�' , I 1. . ,�- I.- . . friend of aJ . _14ns, ee0mi&stip or ,in the. dark, ha� -had ,worked for before Inglesby beats me to it, isn't Users like that and'. m ' ' �� A , - .. )r& such cases, with names and facts and .a I I . Vh� x4maitor 90,08. civil. Poking ov'er ancient *docu- the,thing in the right'light. _� SaYi "Never!" oaid­ La4ea ' id ' "I'�"h,'4 -1 evil. 9till keeping himself hidden it it?" . _ Ce, ��ap ,3:20 - I dates, but precious little had been' ac- . L L I , _4�ZA.ilk,. ,4 1-l"'111 . , I I . 00!0 , 4kV if , ',., � 1. - , what's ,that thing- you, were his Mouth. . I, - � . 1, � , - I .. W . � . � - . ,- . ments, reading glass1n,hand (for.' pleased him npwA6 work'for good.'So "Me?" The Butterfly Man looked complish,d for th6 Welfare of the parson, "'No 9 74 1�' ,N44,L I i f t q 'a �.'_ �'� _� , ' , - , �% _�� I " � 4 I - saying The other " � " � . in addition to lameness, he had the there ,hi� sat in hij workrooml and pained. "I'm not,telling you to buy mill people; for.those who might have I , .4t",ij,,kc�, ,,, 14 ........ 0 " I . '. . . , . 11_1',��, 1 , ". doy--!-the thing J; The Butterfly, , I . . , ,y . �, � , �W , I. MOUVFOOT, KILLORAN AND, handicap of mfs�rable eyestib,t), he cast filaments here and there,, and anything. I'm only thinking of the helped had been too busy, or perhapg asked you to read overi remember?" ,his- eyebro*s. 'Vell "O �L�...", I . " 'T' -i . 11 � . . � . ''� I h 'r -�'V­ . �t - . . , � - HOLMES - . I I would spend hours copying them Gut -all obituaries. Ask the' parsom I'm- u to "When the scorner is. punished, the going,to do about i0 L., Fig, t Q� I: � , , . spun a web, whic4"gradually netted unwilli g, listen'or to act. L . � , , r . ­_ V".. .111-11 , ' .11 � -for while his work 0 -with your pretty little Garionli ,,�. ,,Ir"%,?­L�.'t,;'�'�_ . �.P.. ,,�,�, ..�jL�.'t'�`,� '. I . Urrintem, Solicitors, No"ries Pub- word for word, s Applebor . I I'm addicted to 'am, like some people But, as FlintAnsisted, the.Aew Civic simple is made,wise; and when the! , ,_ , ' Vi #*:ete. Moneytolend. InSeadbrtb are the,very oposite of'being a Mere . I . . . . ' I "' 'N",� 4 ,� There was, for instance, the Clarion, are to booze. But if you'd promise, League was ready and ripe to $truct6d, he receiveth knowl- ,,not big enough, thoVh. �yo TH-1i.- _,". ' ,u cou 1t',.R4", .' � . hear wise is in , � 11 '11'1��­_,., _� �) I documents, h � . I si�All';,�',�,�".&­.,! `�"; %`4 ,, " �, 1, an M9n ' an the old corner for thexxi now " �',,.-;" I " I , - , day of each week. Office ir; , collection of dry lega him t," , We. wspaper to keep op I what Madame had to tell. At ,edge," I quoted Solomon. make it a handy sort of,,brick to pa -1,,n';-_�,4,� �,��,!' V: 11 , , . Am 'Ologli. W. Proudfoot, KC., 3 made. a point of taking with ' "I'liat's it' exactly. You see," 'he him in the eye with if yoti 1aim,�,­,,­;�­,-,,!;1­ I ! - . ' in our, town from time immemorial. why, I might come out and beg you one meeting, therefore, she took th I a, ., ,,, �.,.,,,�­'." I " , . E.. Holmes. his Boston home a copy - of averY 'ht straight and pitch har�d enogg*, I _1�4. ��K) " - . . - P" - �Ai,�: " 4, � � $0 ,a explained, "there's always the rig . , _ ' ' , _� I,, I ­ I � available papere beaxing� on, the eub.- I suppose it might have �een a fairly to buy the Clarion, n6lW it's going floor and told them. When she h � _.�,�""_,_,t� ��`. , f, 11. , ,r,'F,, , __ ,_5 11 I. . 1116 finished they named a committee to way out, if you've got serise enough up against. him yourself?"" yo:)U�X-e-`_ `Z.1,4�c­r I �;:`�-0",!,� 1 � ___ _. d � Ject. that inte,resied hib� at the time. 'good, county paper once�-but for gheap. Yep�all. on account of �, �,,r`.�",",N,1�,R , � . � —t . ' 'Onty'you mustn't get Tat- not strong enoug] , , ".i,%'­J�1, 1; ". , ,I,- , . I - 4 eithir-'. ­yafte,',�� � �ilI`.", , .� Par Isit'.to Montreal some years it had spluttered so feeb- obituaries', And he , -i, �� , . .*tirmure ' to find it. P 4 � - 1, -, �1, . d'_1 ' investigate -mill conditions �n Apple-' , � � - , 41--,"', . " . kman's first v1 . . : I � . man, wliatever YOU may ire *-War�, " , 1, , � ",Xl. . TETERINARY IS43' wh " a ,student. of- ly that one wondered how it survived . �, boro. tled and try to make your getaway, .1 oil:,;, ��"` � . 11 t ',' . was in ! en, � � �, q �A.',� ' � m )i ' .., Fll;� I � I ' � h1l. In spite of �Pis, nobody in "Our dear little JohnfiWas left -alive' That work was done with a pains- -prod hi into fiTizig,,'soi ,a, 'r ',_ ",�,",�; - �',. F.-HARBURN, V. S. .. tv;��i�ty, he. set out from, Boston on an at out the wrong door or the front win- You can I . . . . . . :?, � �,� , ", I � � j z -� 11. . g kids from his m0l�;­, iik�� 'you " ' " .., I lkv . Honor,1graduate 'of Ontario Veteria­ early seallch for historical materials, our county could get himself Pecently To reach the interes age of five taking thoroughness, and the commit- dow--that ,%poils things. The parson poor �1 b . 1. :"', 1� �.. I - k h' f d . 11 , "'OPR " I Awy-college.-lind bon0rary m4ftbet of exam'inifig on the way the battlefields born or married, or buried, without When -'W � tee's final PePort was very unpleas- has given the right tip. That can't ma e Jjn ee 'am after be!s- , - .,: -, v� ­ , � I I., �:�­ 1 I . .1 A . I 11 �1: I',, 1 9 .. 11��, o�,,.�: . is6ciation �of the Ontario -of - ' . I , old chap Ss�l on had a great bean fired lem, caif you. And ylo,q calili ", " , " f, N Alm Me Lak6 Champlain, a due and proper notice in the Clarion. . . �:­ t., . I _fJ�.t,­ I ., - _�_ . _ *'ed As Lake George and ant readirig. But the names signed , I? rp ' '_��,­`�,� 71 -diseasem of ' no- "Tlrat's.just aboiut:�ks much as I on him, didn keep. him from beconalp% Senator ­...­ ��, ,�?,, - , . . . _�!terinsry �College�'Vreats eoming od to St. Johns and Chamblyr To the country folks an obituary to it were so unassailable, the facts ' ' less" - I I :1 .,; � `,",,-.5� I , . - -a can'stand of that, my son!" said 1, so A few days r there appeared, Inglesby either, ,n e paused: - � -� ;,;,�,,; I q WA-4ornestic autrnals by the most mod and visiting Montreal. Ile gathered tice in its columns was as much incontrovertible, that Dabney 44 , , I �. 1. ,- I .. . ' ' ,� - 'Y-' I I 8 � an ..... space whic for years had been impressively, you can 'miA(I 'bi ,.:�, W, . . !!!!! notes of the Hope Gate and other im- matter of forAu as a clergyman at hastily. � thought best to print it in full and in the , m, , . , `��; t, - . , 4:�.r , ,, a. ' � 11 �� �,� �.,-,: . � . ,-1 I I � . -.A.. , *e I . ,�t 0 e, � a pqrtaut localities -at 'Quebec and, on one's obsequies. It . simply wasn:t re- "The parson's got so awful tender later to issue it in, pamphlet form It occupied by the bigger of the two even with a man his money a � u � � . , Otel, in 8 bt-' SeafO - his way back to �oston through the speetable to be' buried" -without pro- heart," the Butterfly Man explained has become a classic for this sort o advertisements, the following pleas- can't beat. Now think." : . I . . ­' . . , I ,�,�,ti,�,.,' ., f . � , - �,-,� I ', ' � , �, . , '... '­�",I­., . . ­ .".. ' ' � , �� or rs.left atthe hotel *11 re- whit, 3/lountains,'noted many stories per comment in the Clarion. Where- and Laurence was graceless enough thing now, and, it irk always quoted ant notice: The young man bit his lip an& :1" ' ' ..�..',._ 4 I � . . . �`!� � . . . L, , , ". , �v 10five prompt attentidn- Nig t calla of frontier life and border warfare. fore the paper always held open half to grin. I . . fr6wned The Butterfly�-Man watch-, t 1.-1 �,:��, , .. when similar investigations are nec- ' ' . . �;. I I - I . quizzically through- his ass'. � . . meolved at the office - Perhaps It was at this time �hat he a c'olumit for obituary notidles and "Well, as I was about to say: I essary elsewhere. I People Who Disapprove of ed him 91 � , "":L, �4, 9 �, 1 � . L ",' t .. � . . made the trip to which he refers in poetry. . . happened to think'lnglesby would be It was the Butterfly Man who had Civic Cleanliness, es. . . I . I., - .1 , , �', � , . - .. ,, ,b 11 I , I � I 'i""! . . 11 i _�","-, . I - , . � , 1: ,�__ i I'll, ,; "- , t 11 "Montcalm and W&Ifie": "I once, These dismal productions had first brute enough to choke out my pet taken that report and had written A Better Town, "Don't take it �* hard," he'..grlu- ", ,, , ,�,,�,,, i, I . - 11 _ � JOHN GRIEVE. V.. S. when- a college student, f oll6wed' on &tter Kiddies, ned. "And don't let the whole tsal- � ... 1"... .1'. _1,1 . . . . , . I brought the Clarion to Mr. Flint's no- column, or make folks pay for it, and and revised it, and clothed it with.a I . I'll I , � �, '' Ili ' . --- 11 ' , Ronor graduate of Ontario Veterin- foot the routes of Rogers from Lake I and . vation of South Carolina hai2g ,,'too..., . . - ,w 11 ,1111 tice. Hit used to snigger at sight of things like that haven't,got any busi- terrible earnestness and force. its . �. _.1_,1j,4 . . * .... I ... i College. All diseases of domestic Memphrenmagog to Connedticut." e to A Square Deal for Everybody, ' heavy on your shoulders. Leave �' I'll, .�..'�,',�, ,, Ary . at. It was in 1856, the year in which the paper. He said it made him sure ness to have price tags on 'em. So plain words were alive. It seem d . .1 - I'll, . ,222 `,,�,. animals treated, Calls promptly the d(�ad walked. Hie cut out all! 1 got to thinking of you. You're me, when I read them that I heard Also - ' something to God Almighty- lte,...�, ' "I �� � ' - - ,.,4, I et. he tried his hand at fiction and pub- ­ . ,�. ��:,:�, , ,.t*fided to and charges moderate. V on," that he made those lugubrious and home-made I young and tender; also a colleg(� man, Disa managed to pull the coc�y -little brute. ` ­ -, ` ��l . . . a bluejay's ribald screech . . . .1 A .1 1;1. I . �11,�_',�;;.�;�,,� . ' ' 4*' � office lished "Vassal Mort Advertising in the Clarion. through worse and tougher situations-,' ­. �', I 1, ashtary'Dentistr,y a specialty. va verses and pasted them in a big blark 1 and you're itching to wash and iron And the heart-rending. and piercing �, , I � - , 4n I d residence on Goderich street. one a trip to Montreal, Quebec and.No . ,, ',,,�'J � scrapbook. He had a fashion of i Applebore-" .he took off his glasses cries of a little brown niotherbird . than Inglesby! Also, He ran the - �... ,," ,i,� - Scotia. This -was his first visit to the I 11 I :,_,��,'�, . ,L 11 , , , 11 , it � , ;�', � _ _ �:L, -1 I 1 4k*r. enst of Dr. Scott'w office, �ea i and de- And the space once occupied by the rest of the world for a few years be-- .. , �,��, , . � 103011. . 4cadjan country. strolling down to the paper's offic I 1 and wiped them delicately and de- whose -nest had b6en ravaged other advertiser w fore kou and I got here to help Him ':: ' . ' I - �!e�, � ' Desirifig s6me personal knowledge and snipping out all such notices an rliberately. . stroyed, . . . 7 A�.;i, I with it." . . � �­­',�i,;. - '. � � I - of.the Fren�h-Canadian people, h6 poems from its country exchan es. A "Did you also get io thinking," Appleboro gasped, and sat up, and, .. - , . � W, 2 . 9 OBITUARIES t'You're a cocky brute yourself," � � � ,,:�",�,�J speut some weeks in 187S in visiting more ghoulish' and fearsome collec- - said Laurence, crisply, "that I'm just rubbed its eyes. That such things 1 . . . �'I'�� _,. A . I ,�u � .... ,i� I said LaurencR, critically. � , ��,'. I - DEMICAL 9everal fipnilies living on their seig� tion than he acquired I never else- about making my salt at present, and could be occurring here; in this pleas- 1 . . . . . .. I .. �Z,_, , .. - I 1­11i,�, . . I . ; _ , � "'. . I adow of their I That ghastly poetry in which the "I can aff Ord to be, because I c . I I . . i�eurles along the dhores of the St..- where beheld, It was a taste which still you're suggesting that I tie a ant little place, in the sh I � , �,�, t;,, DR. G. W. DUFFT9 . soul of the Butterfly Man reveled ap- open my hand this minute and =1 , ,. ,,�"...,�.,, I . Lawrence below Quebec. "It Is un- gastonished me. Sometinles he would dead old'newspaper abotAl my neck clitTrelies, within reach of their homes! .. I . 111.1'.;wil. , .., � . . . Hensall, Ontario. fortunate," pays his biographer, gleefully read aloud one which par- I and jump overboard? One might No .one dared to even question the peared ih that column thereafter. It you the button. Why, the very man 1, I � � ."::!". I , " , . phone Charles Haight Farnham, "th t we ticularly delighted him: fancy you hankered to add my obitu- trUth of that report, however, and it w0s a conspicuous space, and the you need is xight in your reachi . if �.:: .,�,A 11 "I Ofilce over Joynt's Block; 8. � � . 1: �'�`, I I . t. ' M Office at Walk%r.f'ou�p.- Bruce- ,have nothing characteristic to te�l of ary to your collectioAj,�Jie_finished, went before the Gr.and--Jury intacL horn of rural mourning in �irinterls you could get him to put his name . , , ,!.., I , It I I . . .; .11 � - _ _119ifiig his frequent -visits to. Canada. He "A Christian wife and off The Grand Jury very promptly call- I ' It was, again -A Ingl6sb��i. the * Bfg -U � ,,;"�,,, - ,.n ri&y:. I nk was exalted among us. i rL, , " . �n Tuesday 'im spring seven I with a touch of tartness. . I .� . I -'.,�,', � 2 to 5 p.m.; phone No. 31-142. Grad- made many pleasant acquaintances at guess whose hand wouldn't be in it." . : : I I , Mourn fo�.John Peters who has gone The Butterfly Man smiled ever so ed'Mr. Inglesby before it. They were not very hard to - .;: ,�: . luate of the Faculty Qf Medicine, Montreal and at Quebec, among both i � had directed those counterblows. : Laurerce stared. The Butterfly . ,%. I to heaven gently. polite to him, of course, but they did � .. .� - 4 Western University, Un'don. 4em- the English and the French writers, When we met' those two advertis- Man stared back at him. .7;1, " . But as for him we are sure he can "The Clarion is the county paper," manage to ask him some very un- .",A�­ lay and clerical." - ers on the street afterward we greet- "Look here," said he slowly. "You . I:, tl� - " f, bar of the College of Physicians and weep no more, he ekplained patiently. "It was here pleasant and rather personal ques I . I sprgeons of Ontario. Post-G-kaduate again at Quebec He is happy with the lovely ankels first. It's has been here A long time, tions, and they did manage to impress ed them with ironical smiles intended remember my nest, and *what that . .� It:, 1, . . member of Resident Staffs of Recei-0 and in 1886 he made a journey to to enrage. They had at Inglesb3�s bluejay did for it? And what you I �_Zcl�' on that bright shore." and people are used to it. It knows upon him that cetrtain things men- i - � .�I " �.. I . and Grace Hospitals, Detroit for Montreal, the Lake of Two Moun- instigation been guilty of a tactical said? Well, I've looked about a bit, . �. � _�'. % �� �� Ing, I I by heart how they think and feel and tioned in the Civic League's report . ;; 111 ... � . � . ", ,�, , 18 trionths. Post-Gradutite member tains, the Chaudiers and the Long My mother was l,orrified.' She said, how they want to be told Athey think must not be allowed to reoccur. One blunder of which the meri behind the and I've seen the bluejay at work- 1 , -�:� 14 - ' , ' , _ ." , , " Of Resident Staff in Midwifery at Sault and then to Quebec to study in en fiendish and unex- Oh, befl, I can't talk abo�t this thing, ... :1'�., A I severely, that she couldn't to save her and feel. And you ought to know juror -he was a planter -had even Clarion had tak . � , . .1 '. i..1. 11 � for detail the scenes/ connected with tage. It had simply nev- but I've watched the pqtty-faced, hol- . : ". , Herman Kiefer'Hospital, Detroit, - life see why any mortal man should Carolina people when it comes right had the temerity to say out loud the pected advan 1;. �, I 'r; , :! �,'Z " I . tbree nionths. Wolfe's attack. er occurred to either that a small low -chested, empty -bellied kids -that I � ".". . � This was the man who first saw snigger because � Christian wife and down to prying them loose from ugly word "penetentiary." . '. 1!., � . .dare to "come don't even have guts enough left to, I.r - . I the light one hundred years ago, the children seven mourned for John something they're used 'to!" He Inglesby was shocked. He hadn't town editor might . ;.. . I . I Iman who lighted the pages of Cana- Peters, who had gone to heaven. The paused, to let that,sink in. I known. He was a man of large back." The impossible had actually laugh, . . . Somebody ought to sock ....... "I'll, . ��s�;, - I � I . ", ; DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY Butterfly Man looked up, meekly. "There's no reason why the Clarion interests and he had to leave a great happened. it to that brute, on account of those �� -�V... ,s "" �g, ,.., 11 than -history wJth his genius for the I tb�ink- it was this slackening of kids. He ought to be headed off- .. ;�.. , ��P . .. � I I Bayfield. picturesque; the man who for many And -of a sudden my Mother stopped should keep on being a dead one, is deal to the discretion of superintend- his power which alarmed Inglesby make him feel he's to be shoold out- . � .�� W * Graduate 'Dublin University, Ire- yqars practically blind, never able to sliort, rqgarded him with open mouth there? There's plenty room for a ents and -foremen. It might be, yes, . ".o'.;!,j I 11� - , X. ,�. use his eyes e�cept to a very limited -�tily. He re- live daily right here and now, if it he could understand how it might into action. side! And I think I know the one . . . . . . . . . ,� .... laind. Late Extern Assistant Master and eyes, and retired'ha "Mr. Inglesiby," said the Butterfly mZn that can shoo him." He paused 4;, 11 and extent; crippled at times by a chronic sumed his pasting. was run right. Why, this town's blue very well be -that his confidence had 11 . I Rotunda Hospital for Women Man to me one night, casually, "has again, with his head sunk forward. 1�_,, 0% Children, Dublin. ,Office at residence affection of the nerves; a constant "I've got a hankering for what you molded for a live paper! 'Look here' beeii abused. He would look into _ 11, , sufferer from sleeplessness and in- got him a new private secretary. He This was so new 3 John Flint to me . I .,,I ;. . Istely occupied by Mrs. Parsons. might call grave poetry,". said he, You go buy the Clarion. It won't these things personally hereafter. �;,. i 11 tense he�4 and w came this afternoon. His name is that I had no words. I was too lost. � , 4 - )RotLrs,'9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. pain in the ho pensively. "Yes, sir; an obituary like cost *you much. Believe me, you'll Why. he was even 'now busily engag- 4 i � I, %� I � Sundays, I to 2 P.M. 2866,-26 trampled pain and physical infirmity that is like an all -day sucker to me. find it mighty handy -power of the ed compiling a "Book of Rules fo'r Hunter --J. Howard Hunter. He in sheer wonder. 1. � ", , I � under foot, and performed an amax- Say, don't you reckon they make the press, all the usual guff, you know! Employees." He deplored the almost dresses as if he wrote checks for .a "The man I mean bates politics. , .: ... � 1. � I I living and he looks exactly like he I've been told he has said openly it's- �..­ I" I , , , I � Ing life -work that would have been people they're written about feel I sha'n't have to worry about obitu- universal unrest among employees. est, he's the original he nut a gentleman's game any more. ."., heavy even for the strongest glad they're dead and done for good aries, but I bet you dollars to dough- It was a very bad sign. Very. Due dresses. Hon �, 1, 11 . E&. F. J. BURROWS physique. with folks that could spring some- iTuts some people will wake up some almost entirely tp agitators, too. god they use to advertise suspenders You've got to make him see it can be- . . ..1i I Officeand residence, Goderick street % thing like that on a poor stiff? Wait morning worrying a w6ole lot about He didn't come out of that investi- and collars and neverTips and that made one. You've got te make him I . Y ;'1.111 Well, once make. . ., 4wit of t1ke Methodist ckurck, geafortli Canada 1143our. , a minute, parson -you can't afford to editorials. Mayne -people like to gation without some of it, ,lime sort of thing in the classy magazines. see it as a duty. . I., '' 11 I fune 46. coroner for t1le County of Canadian flour was exported to 49 miss Broken-hearted Admirer: think they think what they think sticking to him, and this annoyed and I bet you Inglesby's got to fork over him see that, and he'll smash Ingles- I .0 , k Iftron. different countries last October, thQ themselves. They don't. They think irritated and enraged him more than a mansized bucket of dough per, to by." ? I I ," �, , . .'' I , - � . �— total quantity shipped out being ,,Miss Matty, I watched thee laid in what their hom,e newspapers tell we guessed, for we hadn't' as yet keep, him. There's be a flutter of 'You can't mean -for heaven's �:I'. 0 calico in -this burg from now on, for sake " I , .r'." 1,155,274 barrels as compaxed with the gloom p . y grave's embrace, them to think. And this is your great learned the man's ambition. Also, the that fellow certainly linows how to "I do mean. James Eustis." (: . : i.. . DR. C. MACKAY 855,232 barrels In October of 1922. Where nobody can evermore - press big -chance to get the town ear and women kept following him up. They ", .1 . was the shout into it good and li)ud." ear his face. He'sdg-ilt-edged from Laurence got up, and walked a- .. �,�;; . CL Mhekay konor graduate of Tria- While Great Britain r weet face. meant to make him comply with the w 1, I rt to finish!" bout, whistling. I " ... 1. . 1W lyniveTaity, and gold medallist of largest customer, taking nearly 400.� When you were alive I often thought A week or so later Mayne & Son strict letter of the law, if that were '-Its '. � 1, , , .., birrel3, Germany took nearly surprised Appleboro by purchasing humanly possible. Laurence, lounging on the steps, " Good Lord! " said he, and I never � - ,� -, 1, I I - T*Jimity Medical College; member.of 000 bar- of thee with fond pride, He was far too shrewd not to re- thought of him in that light. Why , j , 44, Co*ffegs of Pliyalcians and Bar- 260,000 barrels. over 70,000 And meant to call around some night the moribund -Clarion. They didn't looked up with a smile. . ­ . Oft@. Of Ontario. , rels went to Newfo1ndiand, and a and ask you to be my loving bride. have to go into debt for it, either- cognize this; for he presently called "His arrival," said he, "has been . . . he'd sweep everything clean be- . . �,.4 'I ,. I duly chronicled in to -day's press. fore him!" . zl.. v / like quantity to Greece, while China But alas, there is, a sorrowful sad- They got it for an absurdly low sum, on uLy mother and offered her what- �. ". ", ,,, ��­4 .. __ , Cease speaking in parables, Bugbun- I am a priest. I am not even an ' - and Norway took some 40,000 barrels ness in my bosom to -day, although folks said, with sniffs, that ever aid he could reasonably give. ter, and tell us what's on your mind." rrish priest, Therfore politiez do not : ��; i ! 14�., " I I 1.1.,. I each. Other EuTdpean . countries For I never did it and now can never anything paid for that rag was too Her work was invaluable; his fore- .� . A � , DR. 13� HUGH ROSS which bought Canadian wheat flour .. The Butterfly Man hesitated for a interest Me so keenly as they might fl., � I :: .. i . . . . . I I ., ' .)"Imdoilte. of University of Toronto in October Included Belgium, 15on- really know what you would Say. much. . : men and superintendents had instru,�- moment. Then another. But even to my slow mind . � - I :1,� 4. Miss Matty, the time may cbme when "Nevertheless," said 'the Butterfly tions to give her any information she I.. ; . I aly. "Why, it's this way," said he the suitability of Eustis was appar- 1� I, I J , ,, gulty- "of Medicine, member of 001- mark, Esthonla. INnIand, It w he n ' ���. 1, ..�� 1. '' � gtom f olland, Poland, Sw9- I can remember thee as a brother, Man to me, complacently, "that's the asked for, to s'ho r anything i slowly. "I -hear thing,;. A bit hern ont. Of an honored name, just, sure,. I . Q P�yqlcliaxs and Sur . I'�.:, � . 11;111,r'io R I 11 And lay my fond ifue heart at the little ji1nmy thaVs going to grow up the mills she wished to -see, and to I, � I . I 1= I 101, '10& ,gfidnate cours" In den and Turkey. The British West loving feet of another. ' and crack some fat cribs. Watch it report to headquarters any sugges- Ptnd there, you see, as folks tell me. kind, sagacious, a builder, a teacher, I", � , I Indies were good customers, as wqll f. what I've heard together, and a pionper, the plainer people all over 1, aw 011h(dal Sakool of Clidea,go; to the er-younger em- I PU ,.fl 11 - k1lik, , Iq 110spital 1411tion, as Cuba. Countries in South and For though just nt present I can do grow!" tions as think it over. Of course 11 1, I I didn't the state lepned upon his judgmdnt. 1: q "I , , , I I - &L 141 - West Africa, '. -I,q , , I W 1: V I jt'k, , %,o a ; Islands in the Ps,effie no' a :,(g I , IV, eti s us it is nob good was rather doubtful. . It was true make.. If that were not enough .she need anybody to tell me fnglesby was A sanc-. .4hrowd Man of large ffafis, � " 1 �7;1' 1 , � 7 V nd "i I �. ,� Lhing but sigh and groan, I watched; but, like most others, I ployees, she might be kind enough to 'A. i� I ., 51, Enki-18" .,*_'-0 af�� ack of D6L ocean, South Amcrican Republica - sore because the Clarion got away other able men of affairs respected ,_ � 13f ", I and British possessions, and foreign for a man to dwell alone. that the Clarion immediately showed Might, he suggestei, call on him per- .WS. I t�115,1,'Z4 fr him. He exi3ect.ed it to die. It and admired him. The state, know- I., , , I alas, I'm married, signs of reviving life. And that Jim sonally. - Really, orte couldn't but ad- om . "M , I t . . didn't.. .,)r)d for, what he had .I "', 811 _'I I countries throughout Asia, proved But even though, He thought it wouldn't pay ing wh,:t hf, s' " I my poor Dabney, a college friend from upstate e the savoir faire of this large iilw , , " , , - i purchasers for Canadian flour, � I � i ....— And oft in the tore night I will wake whom Laurence had induced to ac- unctious being, so fluent, .so plausible, ,�,A r ''; 10 a ML heart will still be true, qiir hertff isn't in acrompl;-,hed for her f. -Triers, what . ." - . I . b -Re yet. And he knows the paper be meant to her agriculturVLI inter- - N. I _ ­ . 1 I .; . - 1,� , I � 'as position of until one happened to catch of a sud- P a . )� III:! � �. ____ I-lood Grain Through Canade- and weep to think she never can cept the rather precarid is growing. He's too wise a guy to ests, ailirited and trust, -d him. If �, , . . . ' I .. 1.1 . 1. ,, . I . I �. , be you." A editor and manager, wrbte pleasantly den that hard and ruthless gleam : �, . I I . 1. I ­ I - . 1; � W . ! I . 1 I let on fi�'s beVn .stung for fair, once E,uc:tis ivs,t-d ,ny gift ,ithi. the -11", , ; "", I . k - "CV01419,05 ., - . -United States grain shipped from, �. 'A Broken-hearted Admirer." as well as pungently. and so set, us which, in spite of all his caution, . 1.4 I '... � I . I % , . in his life. but be don't propose to power nf t'or, ur-ple to ggive,'he had 1� � � I � ... . .. . I . I . Canadian ports auring the croD year . all to talking. would leap at times into his cold .,.11. L11 , I -1 - let himself in for any Imore body but to ,.ig,n,*fy that desire. And yet, . ''V11 , 0i TH US BROWO� � Sept4mber 1. 1922, to August 31, . � I . . ��:, . - the to*- "Ain't that sad and sweet, though? I suppose it was because it really eyes. 'In my Butte?lly Man to . . 1. :. . I Lieftsed 41121 , foridet for 1923, totalled 95 million bus ' he can help. So be looks if had %.- "I I J . . "" hels, ac- or isn't he a hypocrite pure blows than . 1. � 11: 11 . . I ; I ot Sur* And 6AIL CWTeS06"IOA I 10oVdlu9 to a r,( ,T01A compiled by the said the Butterfly Man admiringly- had something to say, and that some- "Is he, I about R bit and he gets him an agen' shaw us lhis! It.., . I I I . I 0 ' "Don't you hope those lovin 'and.simple, or are such men self -de- ...., - , ­,_ goluen " 1, 'Domlalba Bureau i3f Statistics. This "Rur11i7nt.e,r,*' said Laurence, re- �,�, " . I O" . . % for sAI6 daus C* ,g feet thing very pertinent to our local in- .", �� _ � (­ 11 � I d I � tip plioge 91, SeAMII e dxtra loving when Broken- terests and affairs, that we learned ceived?" mused my mother, pucker- 'Hor than you, Mayne, hut young , 11 �, . �, HAI k' �ik�ani total handlings of approxi- will .b too -and even better look- �,pectfiylly. 'IT' vou ",�r take the I _i ��V , . � � I . " , , 1�. _., I � . 11"', heaAed makes lem -a present of his and liked to quote �, .,�. , : r 010s. Charges *44� i"t#ly :jig "Ile will do nothing, f r 1117 0h, . " .1 the Clarion. It ing her brows, ,,� , , . , , �� �000,000 bushels in Can- , I,.,." .­, 0 61; . , _ ing. That agent will be everywhere notion to rnab-,� rm, p-evidfrint, vill'�Pqt% I I -'O, , .I �;.` . , .I do I gauslit"L � idlaim public ele*itors, ;a it was fotid heart, parson? Wouldn't it he made a neat appearance in new black I know, that he can well avoid. But , 1. , �f � ftd� 691"Ofte retty soon. The town will fall for stand hr.h,ffd and .-how in(,. how to.-ruh,, . -'*t` 0 � 1. to I qomething fierce if they stepped on type, and this pleased us. It had, too -he gave Me Of fiiS 'Own accord his .1 L - li� 1� , . . �11. I'- . I . .. 1 V �, .. 11 ? , . � - - ry, p -en Say, how many of you folkq the Unilr_d S'.ates On greased, - .. , , , � - f the grain pam ,.��, � ... I - 11 , , - 11 I . , p fi hi . I 1, .;,;. , * ,�111A .11, 3 _ I r 11 11 � :: e:'elevators at la,ke ports itl Gee, I cried in my hat when I a newer, clearer, louder note, which personal check for fty dollars, for I ,�41'..::Ir � r-F.—L. i- '' i ., . ., . , . .0 �,�.,� - ..... ­ ),�now what Inglesby really wants, wheels 7 " 1�'.-;� 1, I � ."�.�A, , , , .. 1. I � . .. I I atill Xdw wasn't it a made itself heard over the whole that poor consumptive Shivers wo- . % I .. "I ,,,, , ­, . ... I I ". I - "I" . I I., I I � ft first ,read th a�lyhow?" ,,, , I � . . ... , . ta of 1611t. I � �P , � I _i - ", �0 "', , , - .1.. .40t, dvioua� 1004? Jon8w , a- I .. �,. . neidence that, even as Ma- co "Eve' thing in sight," said Lau- . ,��'. Y � ,, . curious cot unty. The' c6unty rn�brchants and man." (Continu4next wo3ek.) , �, ... . i I 11.1 _102 84h i,of Aeorilg,� , 1 I I ohn flint with ' to adver- "She contracted her disease work- .. ,;,� � , , , ry __ _. _�_ I ,% ..... � J. -All- I � 11 .. -.4_� � "al *., 3 � 11 , ,,,, � "do , n ! I . em6d - -:�"" I ,. I I I , , - 0 , MV 105tats ,x6r- . 'giports Grow. .1 i her " 1, .Ak nd -rreth ., 11. I . - $, 22t , I b. f � #ov� Chpose dame, I regakded 3 op- farmers began once n1dre promptly. . i i , Pn mouth and eyes� arid retired hast- tise in its pages, as John Flint, who ing in his Mill and living in one of r 'I?­ ,:,� � i� , so ing around the corn- To Ft0e Willi-, tbe closet b � .� *m-Nc'. M , .. ­ Canada eX�Ortdd $4,778,000 worth ily? watched it Jealou5ly-f6eling reappn- his houses pn the wages he pai4 I �no. 14P wants to tome out in C1 I ,Z,,� t 1 VIA, -, , ; , , the lock " door 6'4 thing Of tAPtaV. . , I � 41 " t -r, � ­ � . I 1. � A , Aow': 4'1"�', SW6, I., "Ib" of cheese to,iiiiatra countries, durizig For some'time the Clakion had been sible He interds to But a . I � ,�, alp in . ­ -for Laurence's puf0hase of it- said 1, 'IT migitt remind you to be- wnc day R"On motwir Vill give - . �:i�ir,' � ,.. 11 I :I " ", �dve;� - # 11 Th , ��I-, '.. *1 . I . thp onen Rrd be IT- , 1 .61,111,41, ", " . I I - October. id Aguto represents an getting *ois6 and worte,, heaven was happy to poirit oilt. ware of the Greeks when they come . 1. . I . � ., i,.,, ,,, i " �, 1� " J*.,; ; . ,t.24,900 over the total kpows hot, it managed to appear on One thing, too, became mote and bearing -gifts." be a �ig i�oise in Washington, Gentle- him a tiok--iu�-O,-�R*a "PburvaL . ';,_�",;!�,L,,'. , 1'�. I" - . I � I . I . . . ., , q�!, " . . �9�i ,,,, . ,. . . - ­.� f 142,111. , , . 4 �6xported in 1922* dine i(nd Vre dipeeted each issue to more evident. 'The wok(ten- wye be- "Proverb for proverb," said she. ; , I �'­ I , VT %7_, �'.' . ;4 . � v�fliie of cheee - . ..'� 4, �,� ,,.;�, �, - � �, , :0;§8 I I I I ��., i "': ''. . '� , 'i I�T!�� 11 Gil .-The tnited S606 consumer, taking 'I it *nsiiyt �hows to Ap- hind the Clarion in a t,6hd plialani. "The hair of the dog is good for -Its .=== ___ = —== =-=-= = t �_ - = =_ = = , r -- i 6 : �, r �: = �4 = -_- 1Z = t'z � , . . � 1-1 , I � I i . -,.� '. ' i , last. � , .,� � '.. I I ,�i � ,be . .. , � .'­,� . .. .. I ­ ,� 1�1 . . .. . " ­ , .. , .11 I * :� 2� , . .. . ... , V I � 0� . �. _. , ao h,, pleboro tha it ' ' a " . L'. ejr, � , � hdriadwelkht� va,luol, al 11 e bite" , I , -V, �, , ',,,'�_ , , . I . _ �0, was �n its last lelts. They ktie* it meant R t "' I ;.I;!, � . ,, -111 , ,�:__�_, , .� ,',!A,,q% - � r. ­ .. � �� I __ . I.?i� , J �`� ,, I _-5--, __Ir_ � ,� ,� � .. 1. ,f '1�ifty_&Mqrs isn't much for a . I , I .� v, , , , " . �,;',.,?�- - ^ , 11 . , , ., , " . ,4. 00. I was ift t partioulatly Interested in i6tich -spoke artioulat.1 atid public- �6 , I " - �;'.?� 1-1` ". I . .. � I __ ­­­ - �� I .. i . I i . ,,, � ,+_".:A� " , X!."Tell � ." �, ust be 1.11,��'. ;,�,.­,' � I .f . , � �: .. , I I ...''', I..''.. "2= ,;, ,. 1'�, & 'W!" � .1 ". I J, ,i�, . , ,� , tv" ,,� . , � 1 r � I ­ I -n ly, All itsistant. voice *Meh in wiman A Ffe " 'M IM0 aAI,L,�,Y�k n(J0j.JiVPjJ . I 111i'�,�', , ',,,I ,L". . � . 1. - , " ___ - .11 . 1. �e,&., � � .. � : ,'�;!� '� "?", -'. . I I I .11 . . I 1. I " ods, IV 4 ,a, 0"W..� iII I 204WII�XtT. ,�.. , " � , � , , . ... - : " 'N if I I � I 132ne - - ". 9- 6bitukiles ; aha*ered.i. It noticed eV6ry MotheTe dollars buys considerable , , " ��'. its , as . d demisyA, nC having Joh 'Fif;y ,� . . Fli t19 a oft, %4 a , % , , k, - i'i in A'Wb0a'y'oU get SLOCfl , . ,,�7�9, ., ., ", - emed" a," 1404 it- ��, 10hi 141fit- but he Watched. it 21 - OW1 Xsc�ting Dorcas activit�k', Ladieg' Aid, condart in the shape of milk and ice a V xlvz, V :, - I—— I , ,. I T1. , L , W I NaIJA elftil AMUL I I 'A iJ. "�,;'Xity'.$7- ,. I 2,11 I . I �,1,: ,,,,�­ , " " 1$ ,� ... it" I . 91 N Rki �,;. , , , , , , I I I I 'I I � I I 1, , 'i I I 'I i , 11 I—. ,IT', I I .1 . 1-1 h (P 49,D1d you� kno 40% ked to Altar ;6udld . , ", ­,,, ,­�I ­�­­ ' "�I,� ,,,.� �� . �j.,*11,6 � pasus, V017'., im� temperatiqa�- gathering -; and eggs, When it's; gone -if poor . ., . .1 . I ,W '10 , i � I 'I, . j, , 0 V �� , � t., ' ' ­� `P , .� , T , j� 1, ", i � I '0 . . . . . . &"'�� "'Al" 'J - � . .. *4 '" A %h6 ­dAW ,, Bits llfieft*l k1that tli� �,04 eookb vetspe,Wully of �%'q Shivers f1%'ftJ%.i­'1 9BAll Vkke- the BR16- �� M!, : 1. I � T ;,�_' 4. M1,ga ."� tautona" , Of- ICIATib-A porkagis'" I I N I.. � � ev0s, � .. � I 1, 00,41 ��,, I ik WMW 0- *06 Abd Mist 8411 1 4 § M _ 11.1'. . , IV6 td, " H4-allitit6d tiAt M1111191t . I '��, :,�: ��X, I : . " .� -_ . 1. I . Xot 9 , It 0� Add_hl � � I ,'�!, i.� 1.1"LT. .� , ia reab to bi I � dully Of the I, %�� ,'t��;I"WILJ,tt�.,,',, , ", . . I . . :,W ,_" � , C, �� . , '. I 11 . ex "'n' I , _.. ., ,. , , �, 1!...,; " _ , - 11-4- . ,, " 1� I I , 1�111AIAN , to 9 ;, "', '.., e � ; N"Ito A I 42 *. in 4. '_'RA , .11 .f � .g L gague. Ruth D Nil , 0;, n 1, ­ igg ,., . .. I. 11 W, x d go S64 I" .�.;. 'T"11 iii, , PpAppsp.­ - � 414th-hotl got, 11 ,b ,01 , P� �` ­ ifflgl� ". ",Rlla ,� " , 1i ". ., ! �, vvt�, heV%,'$,'% . 1� MI—RUN-Ein. 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