HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-01-11, Page 6• 1 4 trW Ir Your Choice WE are going ts start the New Year"iight,bt.making a 140o ete sa:cri4ce of all: ' .. . broken lines and sizes in our stock, 44-0, a, good maty thousand dollars worth at prices that enables us to undersell any competition. We wishOlha.nlc our cus,T of popular merchandise that every housettola feqUires* ioilliell ,134s )3eert.piirthased. tomers for their patronage of this store in the past and the _offerings ,which We are, I making during thisSale: demonstrate our ability to give the values which have • maintained your confidence in the past and we wish to state tiosti emphatically that no time in this store's history have' we been in a more fortunate position than at. present in the , purchase of our needs tb make thisSale the biggest success yet, giving . attained in retailing by super values. . . Of Our Beautiful And Most Attractive Ladies' ,Coats at a Fraction of Their True Value. This is a complete sacrifice to clear every coat. There is not one reserved on our racks. Mods Overcoats • That are made of the finest fabrics, beau- tifully tailored in ,styles that men will be - eager to wear. Every. Coat 4in the store in the winter weights must be sold down: to the very last coat. $12.50 8 Coats in .sizes 36 to 40. Regularly' sold as Yhigh as $20.00 or more, and in all Wool Cloths ; good patterns and up-to- date models. $18.50 11 Coats at this particu- lar prite in exceptional styles and choice fabrics, formerly sold up to -$30. All must go at this Big Saving Price. $24.50 10 Coats in this lot. They are indeed a fine group of the season's s rtest and most dur". able 'garments at such saving that enable you to buy Coats worth. $35 for only $24.50. rm. S28.50 4 Coats only ,at this pi -ice. They are in a class by themselves and have been retailed by many stores at$50.00 this sea- son. Don't .wait, as they will not. $9.5C 20 Coats at this price, some with fur collars and others plain. Sizes 36, 38, 40. This is a quick clean up Rrice. Not a coat worth less than $t8.50 at the price on sale. All good patterns arid cloths of'good material $16.50 Ladies, this Is a rare chance to buy a Coat that sells in any store for $25 to $35, at the low price. You will be delighted with these 9oats. They are lined all through, s4nd some have fur collars, others plain.'Sizes 34 to 44. $24.50 Values that you will be surprized to see at the low price. They are Coats that are worth from $35 to $45. All sizes and a big range of the sea- son's most fashionable cloths and ma- terials. Fur triinmed and otherwise. LADIES' D $3.95 27 Dresses in the lot. You cannot buy the material in any one of them_ at this price. Serges, Silks and many other materials in the lot. This price is for a complete sale of every Dress. j. •,, E SES 95 • 19 Dresses at this price, and there is not a Dress on the rack that is worth less than double this price to- day. Sizes from 34 to 44. Don't de- lay, Ladies, as this price will sell them. We have decided to sell every Dress in our stock, so we have priced, them all at prices that will be a complete surprise. Be they are decided bargains. Be mire and get one or more $13.50 Yes, we have Dresses to -day at this price, that you will be proud to wear; 'beautifully designed in finest Silk, Crepes, Tricotines and „Serges, Satins, etc. Every Dress below the cost of factory production. Suits for Men and Boys, Underpriced Every garment that is left from our Fall season in broken sizes and lines will be reduced to such prices that the.public will realize that this is the most unusual opportunity to buy Clothing they ever had. Men's Suits at $13.50 smartly tailored in reliable cloths. No man need go without a New Suit now, as we have taken the high out of price, haven't we? Be fair with your- si1 3.50 self and buy that Suit Men's Tailor Made Suits .74 10 Suit Lengths of fine Worsteds to clear at con nn Made to your order. Any style preferred splIt/IUU Men's Fine Tailored Suits of Pure Botany Wool Cloths in new models, just arrived. $32.50 Special These Suits are in a class by themsely.es for style and -9 Materials. Boys' Overcoats 55.75 All of our Coats in small' sizes at the price., OC 7C Nothing but gdod reliable cloth , Boy's Overcoats 58.75 These Coats are all of the finest material in $8 sizes to 34. .Unusual values ........ .75 Boys' Suits 53.95 Wbile they last, a group of odd Suits eo nc. in sizes up to 26 Ipth Boy& Suits 55.95 The Suits are roade of very neat patterns 'in Canadian Tweeds and are exceptionil value. Sizes 28, 30, 32,-33, 34 SHOES -FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY The Shoe Department will be overflowing with most unusual values. Bring thern all in and have them fitted with our Shoes at prices below factory cost. LADIES' SHOES 57 pairs of Shoes in a large variety of styles to clear at this very low price. Oxfords, High Shoes L95 and Strap Slippers LA IFS' SHOES 43 Pair in this lot -a tunity to buy high class Shoes LADIES' S rare oppor- $2.25' ES 75 Pair of high class Shoes of good make, in 03r:frds, Slippers and High Shoes. This lot consist of a great many pairs of Empress Shoes, values to $8.00 Women's Rubber Boots 20 Pairt $3.00 first quality MEN'S FINE SHOES All the broken lines and sizes in our stock of high class Shoes, to clear at this prima. Values that were formerly sold up to $8.00 $3.95 Mn's Heavy Rubbers These are broken lines which we are not carrying in stock, and are worth from $3.00 to $4.50 FELT KA "` 00 10 $2.50 OYS' HEAVY RUBBERS Just a few pair in this el ag lot for January clearance...., W (ma Every pair on sale at prices to sell every pair. AU sizes, 3 to 7. LADTS9 RU E „ .5 About 75 Pair of Light Rubbers in Brown and Black, in broken lines and sizes. To o.lear Ladies' Spats; 51 All sizes CHILDREN'S LEGGINS 69c 010i -daily keduced faun nag 41epti4e OYS! FINE SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES These are broken lines and sizes, formerly priced up to $2.50. Sizes, 3 to 7 in the lot for 98c CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes, 7 to 10V2 in this lot, former- ly priced up to $3.25. Your choice while/ they last.. Brown and Black Calf Leather. Sizes 1 to 5. To clear $235 C !LW'S !I_TBIER BOOTS This is the heavy boot P Mei -yr and is worth $3.25. . LOTS' RUB; ER „LOTS This is a very fine quality Boot, and is 'worth $4,25, . ea cn t),,,a.ou tiye'Ma.,,ehnaw ats Revilat a van" able' doh tits! #000 • GROCERY ARGAINS MATCHES, regular 15c. Sale price per box OATMEAL, /25C 6 pounds for CHOICE SEEDLESS 25c RAISINS, 2 for SALMON, Red, 25c Choice TOILET SOAP, 25c very fine, 3 for CATSUP, 35. quart bottle KUNZ() CLEANER, 25c 8 for PURE COCOA, 1 OC per pound PAY YOUR ACCOUNT Do you awe us an overdue "account?, If so, it must be paid. STAPLE DRY GOODS • BARGAINS BLEACHED COTTON -These are two especially good cottons and are Much under- 0c, 25c priced BLEACHED SHETING. - Get your supply of this Sheeting; 75c it is very fine at, yard UNBLEACHED COTTON. -Here are two eloths that are unbeatable at this price s. 20c 25c UNBLEACHED SHEETING -Two pieces arilY, very special PILLOW COTTOPIS. '39c Fine qdality. Sale price KHAKI. SiIIRTING,-The finest piece of Khaki that was ever Mit on our countert. Very specialryard BLACK DENIM. -This is a heavy weight Denim. Regular 60c values 450 I OXFORD SHRTING.-A clean cut pattern' of Shirting with 27c blue, stripe , PLANELETTE BLANKTS- 25 pair to clear at this price; 2 65 very fine quality LINING. -Special purchase of beautiful pattern in a splendid quality FANCY POPLIN. -This cloth is most suitable for Dresses and child- ren's wear. Very Special 38c TABLE LINE. You will be pleased with. this Cloth at this price. Two pietes only at this low price TFIESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF DUI LINES. 50c 40c 750 UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES -REDUCED Vests, Drawers and Bloomers, in broken lines and sizes that wete reg- ularly priced up to $1.50.. 89c All at' one priee for Ladies' poat Sweaters A Pure Wool Sweater Coat in shades of White, Black, Peaptick Blue, Fawn and Rose. All sizes. eiD Arm Exceptional value .POIL WOOL RIB HOSE Pure Wool Rib Hose; sizes 61/2 to Pair Special price 59c LADIES' BLOUSES Most attractive styles in this sea- son's Mouses. Regular price eo up to $7. Sale price Oalt I SILKS, SATINS, Etc. This i$ the greatest Silk bargain you have yet seen. About 400 yaqls of different shades of very fine Silks. Regularly sold up to $4. $2,i60 Sale price Children's Dress Serge, Comes in different dark shades - Blue, Brown and Red. Yard • 95c Velour -Cloth for Kimonos This is just a new cloth and is Sate pride pr IkEirti - . 1 , . 1. • • • , exceptionally fine . 0 .. ...„.... , , Comforter Chlatti and Drapery i:dpi7esnfottra quality mate:ials, splendid' *terns. yaAny, .. , re • rs, • a • i 41'. ' _ . r, , .44•11 ALE Or Itt 68' , g:keeti Tarre1411: .' 44 21 "41411. 0 qrs 0 :81nri,144:411j:6.,".411, ',.. ',..:...',4 ll'Ull ni et, . -- f .,. 4,190itiolo. . .,. .., ..„„:•,• ftU MEN'S .43ANTS These were specially purchased for this sale at eo go 7E and $5 a reduced price Wo, Woo w Sizes, 34 to 46 in this Lot. MEN'S OVERALLS Heavy Stripe Overalls, with bib. All sizes, 34 to 44. Price • $1 75 Men's Heavy Sox, VI nn 3 for fiP I NUU Men's Work Mitts, lined Pair ° MEN'S CAPS 480 About 5 dozen Winter,. weight, with ear 1ps. To, (clear 'MEN'S NEKW-EAR Regular $1.60 Values. About five dozen to clear eial 48c BOYS' SWEATER COATS Sizes 28 to 34 only* Price $1.49 I Men's Pullover Sweater These are extra quality garmenta - in broken lines and sizes,. it,9 aft and must be cleared 4-"` ii!w! HANDKERCHIEFS Regular 50e line. (111 Sale price, 3 for W !mu MEN'S FINE SHIRTS These are Shirts:that have become soiled in showing and are splelid • value. IllottlIr itize& Meti's1Contbhistion INDERWEAR This i one of the outsiarklitig bar - $215 MEWS MUFFLERS In "Silh and lAtool materials, . price itp to $1..i70. 95o Sale Pride, MEN'S Four drily Of Kalligart Seaver. Thigt CoM is tbelog;sold by other stores'at SAles at $36.0.' Dtp"t delay, it a elisititetor a good goat $200 for a limited time SLK SHIRTS Stitglettopti Silk Shirts iti .400. Regular , gains. Sizes84 to 42 • • 090 4 V4.