HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-01-11, Page 31, I "I ­ ­�­11� � � 'L , . '', , , I r , -- ;; , - , 1� , !, � 1�,' !,�! , , . I ,1:1�""IW , " , , "�,Pw-rp�7 -!,E', , - . ­,159.'�­t I'�!7,7517W'7��ITP�F,7'iv�'-7-%r -Ts'. —.111 "," -11-1117 17V 17TT? r, , T � �,�g�­­,:`�4�.­f`;, I . - -, � m, - 7' ',',T%y,7r- , 7-- -� - . , I — '. %,45 I . . �, . , �' I ,I 7 � ,; " ­ -� - . . -- , ... I , . 117. - - I , . , , , 7 -T- V ls�Tmwl -, 71�1.1 7 VT .��, W. I . . 1 !7,7 ,� ,, . , I I , � I I � I � � . I I . , �� �­ � , . - 11 I I I I � . I I : I I . I " I "', � I . , , , .. , i " 1 I I - . , - , , . �, ��,� ... ... � . [� , ,� I — 11 I . .1 I I I . � .11 � ,;:, , . , , I �� ­ , �,* � i;� � � .,�, , I , I I I I � . I , . , I : I � I ­ :1 ,� . , � " f""'WW"'N '%it, 1, ; , I I I -- . . . ., �', , I � i. �. � ­�', � I � - I I I .. 1. 0 , . '11" , * , I I � . I � I .1.eC, "., ., *1- , I I I . 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': , ,osingin,A W! . ioVqrftW-,ftf 1 W , 0 1-4 , Tiq , Q*', ­­.... I" � `!.:� II, � ,,, I I . . 1, � ., 11 1, 1 1.4 � I �- ""W �,& �'.��"T'­ I , - _ . I . " wr, "I * .94 . � ,L - , o , - � M , 4. 9 ? fq,rn ' ;' ow , 0Pe -"- 940VI 1­,'�." . I W, i#941 th4t � . �6, 'f the 41$-� has i 11 11b IBI ,,overed - and the ni�)st MOB, WoW xl�,Otfm % , , - th6, $QUrC . 0 - ; ,, di ( M00105., " ^r ­ 4 - go ,' e .1 . - , .14 1-1 . 1. 1. - Another thing that .this' :e" � 11 I � 11 i � ' - � ... . . . - "" �, I , WZ1 " mt � 1,�,F,l L I . ..,.., . I P I I - ,r� —, .­ . . ' ' e Feep ,'her fo�t 'liliobepn or ,axqner . ntryr � 31*16.. . � 10, , .. ,� . , .. " . , e e w�aa 10e* ,One , th,eoiy.`ia careful' inv6stigation ''has � shOwn IV., A,Pl Aa41M;.WXh akwRit9i M 1�11 ls� '11'11��!�� I '. ,� ; ..­ I . -, , . nany. , .6 - at' thi 10mv fO W.P, W .". mw 1�,Iil clegffly 't the hich peosl6ne � ru ,some of tim -o �� W1, , �, 1'4:,`� . I , . . - I - I I'm , �.- that the- ge P 0 1 1 ary wr in,asn's),mai-, # , , '' 11 , I �. . '�afii6r,�4, Be / Bpeellilaltors iftto',corn huelfie , =4 ,.. ca - th '�ce ' iw, w . � , ..no 1711 .,* . , 'tha -'only ly to . 11on 04 d ti eaf npeds,,$s, to. tu t b6an i ear. , _ , ....W. a. asP .. for ig`� , tiiffs-, irinoeontly:,J*- )��fh tbeBe -deg sJo heartily -, tha rned fuj�. hel" ,.: . . or -to pJease' 44 A ,, , 1 ';' M It P, .1). ' , q " 1 7� !j cattle Seddip -,t, she�104 .. . , l4jq*ixt b4f the . , b . � . ,. outbreaks is to'slangbter I ­ ., � 1. I i ,so ,, bash, Times -Star, I . �� �,,' .. - . 'i'el' . � �, I ., � itt,le �,ouea� ,-' The days - dre -:-pl4ce, of their- ort,gin ev ' : lifected `as' iwell � as ,300', We! 86briVeit', "La Voulup , . .C. .. . 40feabs who follow'.1ilm, ,A , t'141 4.04' Q ... I .., at the apimal .i of. I ,.� " 11 . �Qt cpld fecte4 . . ,o# , . + lid natiir� bu ug � ..-. � ' -, . -----L- * . . I "q ' li.�. ., .1. . fhange4We,.6no bfight, �the . r ­ the risk ,of *hich was to - ally enough- Whas hequ ox -Ay on'r4ro Of t1w ,4,e �� V, � . and ihippOid -to, �nsl"d­by way. � of. evqy-one which. has un #ck t6 her through- . - . . atio4�,, , , , , ,. ,� � I , . 11 and storiyfy�, fliat the �motho� Ja afraid ­, I .If tc - I , . I Many A man gets cleaned in ciir�y occasions that, be gets a good *0 .1 . q � I— , , , i, . 1 T .11 F, , ,�i I 'I . -R,611and.' :. i� - 1`� ­�: I �" . � .. I out her. uro,, t = ,�"!j �­J,.�' �,, . � 40ugh-'4er greed wa * j . id ArofoBsion- th'At"N4, , � ; �1. I I I . , - -thlhlri�o out'for the r, , , ., � s Politics.. Newcastle Courier. . .1 . 031, 1: '41 . , *1 11 � to t4kp ,thia; N. , '. ., - � ; �., M oe Ion, , P,�,:r'�­ , . - TTT to turn 0. -'-'AJ4inoiidB,. At � 19 L . . in an, Eastern, paper.' . In - the war. small men 1144"-pil ^: ,;, , ; 11 . . IVAnotiler theory � is -Jeis ,igreeable." The *oat serious previous out- . a 431 . m , ., aii:�4nd'eX6r,cis,* th6y ,nQ4 so .111111 I - � "* - . . , ", I 40. .111111 . * now 0 i - � 1, I . I 1-1 , 0 land -mouth disea Be' of -gly -pro- ', . ,fiV,'O'the fir4t `4uesti" kod' break of 'koQt . Goulu�, fini� i4rong, � �retty, took to, he *sts stron qerin,on, eSarlbed -as F!#V , � . I C�MA,0 , 1,,�p j;�;If i a "' . . �,e q , 1�" .. eRL c.. . is the season,of the year when. even further in this diieetion 117an' ' -T V 111111 I In doxwequen J.twk,� f . dancing, � She+.appeAred..at,the open- Small moh � arq.�. . -,kD'� - . � . ,. , 1. . C, , y, are Q t - fox-riier aniong whose cattle, dis- re4lit. record in Europe have occur- This . ., "" * � t, . �N,g . � k� � W, TORI�WMF ,I ��V'-..­ , .Mp, Irr;overhe�.Ltod., badly .. ,,�n . iiig- of the-01impi rand young perEions,.at home.fror4 college , ,,, T' ,t 1.11.1i S, ' "�� ',.,' " ;. Al�'�'.', � I �, L ,� I 1'..� asej� ' : ... � Whdxv� does red in'GermAny and Switzerland, The h, next the - G , Ramsay Mael)w�ald,-- Th t baptaill. �­Jlv, dreoge Ow � 0 �."), ��ft . 1+1 s ,..do I R, L "' ,ts r6k "i out"isi.' d tolerate their parents iii.best they � ., I � �,`P- - hurt. him. M , . �,,'.�� -, I L ,t�lb . � xo�ms anil aro'sodil eizqd, � f or , 1. appel�ro ,�; 0 0 so, -tight-fitting 0 .1 I � o tions are to ean—Indianapolis News. I �., ,� W��.,, �. . , �.)" M , `0;;)l,is 'souree i Arnbassadews " abd Lthe de � oap 'him. out. are pot! grey ip � e -A I 'r " Q �1, .vQr I grippp., -'What is -need, , ,to, kopp � ed c9me from?" If lie Swi Hotel, a�,6 later ,at the birth'of the . . . ,t the time, t a 1 , "'a o,ol'-,;",t,�"",;",.�"@",.""�, ,,-,,,, I 1,4�'i""F1 I B An effort was In ­ �-FXRAP` I � , s � -, I h �-. . "I will re .,. . . lin Rouge, and had, not been ther . 11, I Ances. Had be shqwti.� himself in vative. LA-FolliAtel Ig e#o�tljj­o ,�­f;,.F. ." ., I " -E:, ` ""', . 11 11 �� a 's' Own .,a s Germany there, is be c"ied forthwith in this country. , Caping sp4tsw-0,*1bio", ""S - , -the Jittle,, op ,W611 . is � aris. Then .she passed to the Atoll- 40 of the Senate fo,r treaskiable. utter, )4e is . d, h � a i"Aw""OW. i. , , �,R- ,,JK',!.,.'3 .es made rip more ado about the'Inatter., They .include treating the boot and P . ,4 �V I . 1, t4' His, -herd is promptly, � I ' TablOs. Thoy will al� , N, - ... olqughtered-'. shoes. of every .passenger arriving by op �L, ­� '.�". . i;stomach-.an'd. bbwels�-aud i A�fit � e . �;'­"'- �,"'�`,�;,r � .r -, , s +.ey� q, � �i A,i' - I- Inv*siugatiofi� by thi 'board ol� ag�!- vehicle from the outside - world . into very long before she gained fame VETERAN.,LA FOLLETTE'AIM� certain places h6.'would. h . been those who in ka f, ' � . % "�� , . I `� �r � i .. I I ' li� . He Senators have close --por#ol ft- . I'. I '0148'.0 I, by the �e �he 1paby, 0. � ­ , , sir, p. and fortune as the chore amie of the . mobbed pr perhaps lyne ��--,�, � I ;Ml : ' . I I 'culture indicate : t4rouih tabulations a protected area .'and, if necessary, "I = '! Q, g6t..,Qvef the,-wtn"r­Be4-X AT PRESIDENCY . ;jh%F,..1-; come I ,;JIV 'I.,., Z11 - , ­�­'T -�.,,,;i, f,� . . . . . . . � ;-.,,-, � Grand Duke Alexis, who had . was a member of that "little group and are amenablo4 th'', ��",; ,� �,,,;i, -�,.��., �.. " li�a to inquiries, that. in rqany treating the tro&er'legs of -men and .,e�,v -,­�-.-R' ;0K, ., , � ' 'e Tabletg Rf -! r6p . ­ �;o 1, ., , �� ssoll �n perf �t'safefy. "Th . .. , 4 4�, '1� ., I ec - of wilful men" denounced by Presi- comradeship. ObserV:eft,,*.,,`.% ',,�,I�-�.�, 1-1-;1 I . , " is - at tfie hea .�, 4, 1111,�,r­,:,;,.�­,t� 1 . . ,�'. oi .", ,4are +sold "by.-niedieW6 deaWXp or by instances,, even, in a majority of the the skirts of women. In this way, ict to Par ' d- of a Czilri.st Only. one nian who has strong Pl(es- , �,` ­ �! "I � !!� ,,�p�,,, , ---All ., I �� 1­ efit outbreaks, foodimported from is sa�d, the Swiss epi4emi, w, missidn , in idential ambitions, with the exception dent Wilson. Yet when he went back no where else, are f I ' d"'W' IqAd , , 1, ;,."� . rien s. ps so, -­;" . -"-,.A- ��, 1 ­­ , . V14 - it), cepts"'a lidi fkom Th6 Dr. 'ec s ' � I., . 1. . I " ` I't ," , ;Ip 1 ... � _Willi at 2 Germany throi4gh Holland has been Aecked. ' , enders the Russians fairly of the' President himself, has 'peen to his people. for re-election he tri- ily or pleansantly made As in th - 0 ,I'M " I . - o!1-011- , ,, 1-,i1..-..,, am�'. Med0ne Co.t- Brqpkville:, A- I . , , ", �1-1 ... 11 lt�l . used. . Just whether human beings are stoi�ned the Moulin Rouge, night af- pleased by -the announcament of umphed. That was in 1922 when ate. "Battling Bob' fits 140110"�­Of` :,. -.1 " . � wa '111. WK, e, . � 11 �. !4)4t� : , - : . . . I .�,�!i,'. ,�q I "... - - I , I � In nearly every .other ease there s ;ceptible to this infection seems to ter night. Alexis actually fell in Henry� Ford that he will not be a the feelings engendered by the war them. Nobody has any s,trin 11 , ,'��,�; � " . . I 1111 qs� on: -*- "i"I'l 1� 1K , , ­,, , -4 . love with Ld Goulue ;it first sight, , candidate and i for Coolidge, - That had generally subsided, but we sus- him, political 16 1, , '­'.�,,n, I I - .. - , are at least rumors of the visitations be a inoot point, but, several, golf . r wei4l. � ,Vven 1ii% �` �5: ��.��, ,-;t, I + I . -, is ... , .. .1, �, I � . ' , �., . .� "" � .1:1 �' 0. %r o' ,P' ... � �� :.�,�,. . e , ., ", , . and it is'still rela'ted how after the niall'is Senator La Follette. His hat lby.:Al ,.`� . i of the mysterious stranger, and in �ourses "have k been closed in the in- pect that in Wisconsin the feelimgs fellow progressives d ' t N ' � I - �'�. I.J: ' , . . . . I ­,,,�',,. ,.,,. . 1-� Salaries should ilot be deterrftining some instances there.,is visible'evi- fected areas, riding to hounds has show he staged* a memorable, Party is no't yet in the ring, but he does not engendered by the war were the feel- his confidblices. He is a loa�j '*.w '­`.�,',�;;t , I" , , ,�, -��?'��:��',,.�6,� 111., 11, , , ,��4'1". ' Qlements in the acceptance of Places dence that he . left bohm'd him,' I at the Cafe American for h' ings that LaFollette was shrewd en- wholly, devoted to ll�.tisk..of'Ak­ " ­ ` I � .' I '.' F� t , hez, " . r� 11 I , .� on a been brought to ail abrupt end is, new deny that the height of his ambition ,. . , 1'. ` ii, . and ' ., � �- .. . .- , ",i�;,, 11 i In'the `judiciary./ But the light -o -love, who danced on the is to reach the White House. Pitted ough to cater to, when the war was ing the political fortunejg� of e�, ; ., ,�,� salaries +farm afterwards stricken the'infected Ino foot passeogers'are allowed from . A I - '; " . able. ! I . of at its height, � . M. LaFollette. ' . I . ,. ". I "I 1. �,' �,11 It;, I . " . � ', . ;,�, �41 I , '­ I . ..' �!,­ �� ' , ' ' ' "' -should, not be so low that only lq*y- hoof land ankle joint of a dead cow. any of the infected areas to enter t against Ford it would be a case. .... ... J%-', I ' . . .. " -, . . �,, I " �, ,j�,' I �ers 6f indepenjdent'Wealth can accept With chara0eristle reticen�e the :au- ,inv, of the uninfected districts. Set up in a beautAl ni'ansion in two radicals cont�ending, with the It would be a great mistake to Senator LaPaIlette is now 68' y,qam .., ,�,, ." , ,, �. `t, .1 I - '�;. I ,t'�,.� I ,alIevation to the , bench. - Detroit tho:rities refuse either to confirm br the Bois de Boulogne, .with her"own odds all in favor of Ford; but pitted suppose that Senator LaFollette is old, and the custom hpi boon- to �11. Y'1,14'i 1. . "I � X , , ,��Nl I � . This is the season of caftle shows I b! 1. 4:.1 "�'I"I"'q I , ...", .:. . . �. ." ­� I . . , rtleiswrey- � I " i�­ � -Vews. - I dapy -the. se'nsationai rumors of in� and although one or two - have been carriage, , and ,men servants, and against a man like Coolidge for . th, any such uncouth character as! Mag- elect younger men to the "'' -�6% . , � -7;�.Ji.�,,-,,i 1, , + - - � , � ;�.'T , ' - �' . .1 , , ' - , , : *. .�;, . - . loritional- infection. Many accept the held the: have been failures, of ,smothered in jewels, La 'Goulue boundless . voer&77 ." 7� A- � V nomination, or against McAdoo in the mas John,%o�, who is one of his follow- but he posi�esses ,, ­ I.. .11 - . z, , I .1 ,. paised from onR rich protector to actual race it would be a case of a �rs. Magnus will have a lot to learn and is one bf the hardost workqks4a, .1. - ­,. 1',, I :.,..Zn�%q . � : , refusal to deny. them as a confirma- course. Most of them have been in- , , ", , � ., . � . ­;�":","�­ . ff, :'�` , " - ". I I I nother. Her ' � "y � tion of their truth. c radical against a conservative, or, as � I i - � , "'O, � .. ' . definitely postponed. The epidemi a quadrilles declining in at Washington, but not even Senator thp Senate. The :taik of ' organ='Mg ,' , .�, � t . ritish secret is expected to have a most unfavor- , Rouge' -no ,Mwk '. 1 ,,�-, � ��,, - .... I -Rusband �nd Wife ' ' popularity in time, the Moulin I Lodge can teach LaFollette anything a third party would t+ The energies of the, B LaFoIlette would say, a reactionary. I , e too .: . . . . . . . sought to cut down La Goulue's sal- about the game. He has been play- for'him and perhaps this"idea.1s. iii, �� I -,- - Both Roceiie 'Bettefit .service are now being directed to thq able effect upon the price of meats. Unless something very' unexpected . ,:. -:,!";1., � I - '. � ' -' `�f . . . � ary. , So' La Goulue quit and opened happens in the meantime, ing it for a lifetime, sometimes alone. his miQ. He halls Ford'B, anxiolInce- , ��� .. 1, ", I, , - , , ". . . disAvery of how much of the im- At the great Smithfield Shov� it is . Coolidge i . ­ J, ���, ",; �.,. . a show with ex -dancers from, the and sometimes in combination with, ,nent in the certain knowledge that 4 .. 1�1­1;..l .... menpe qlaintities (?f cattle food im- required,,even of the animals ex- . will receive the nomina�tion of his I .111, . I,. - RECOM- ' , -Labor .movementi. , '�" MR. N. +'St. HILAIRE i others. No ,nLan has had a harder had the Farmer ; ;�;�� . MENDS DODWS KIDNEY ported from Holland really originates bibited by the King. that none shall T�oulin. She . toured France, Bel- party which regards LaF'61lette as . . . . . . . . �'..,;. � . . �zj- in G�rmany. go back to their owners but that all glum and' England and later went an outsider. But it is in the power fight in the Senate and this no doubt which is so strong in the West,. be- , .�. %�,'J � � ' , "" I 4 , '. - �; PILLS TO ALL WHO has tended to embiter him. He gives come a political machine it. woula .. I" � �.... � A peculiarity of the whole epidem- shall be slaughtered after the show'.9 into partnership with a man who' of LaFollette, the leader -of a radical , .�, �.;. , � . * .­.. . SUFFER. � to close. Not a beast can go back to ran a big touri g managene. Still Western' bloc in the 'Senate, to frus- no quarter in debate and has lone have nominated the Detroit manufac-w: ... . : . ,`ii ; . n �,!i . I . . . I ic has been the fact that it seems .. young and beautiful, in the next year . since learned not to ask it. While turer. Now if a third party 60.1yies -.: , , ­f.k , � ;.1 � � I . . have been selective in its appear- its owne.r. trate the President's legislative pro- ` 1. " , rom. pains or two La Goulue E -et herself to tam- rly all of his colleagues belie-A�e him into existence he feels that'he would -, Y `,�i. CR�ebec Man who suffered f gramme, and to send him on to the nea . �. ,7.v ance. The most valuable breeding d K+ , , . z , & . ing hyenas,- wolvei, bears and lions- Republican convention without a to be wrong on whatever question he be the likeliest nominee. It is ­z,� in, the back got 'relief immediately . evom I ".11 ' ".. .. , - and milch herds have been those I .... .... �., i.'' � through using Dodd's Kidney Pills. . But she quarreled with her partner, single achievement to his credit. is discussing, there is norle of them possible that he hopes for the Repub- ,� .. .. 1, � .. I I �'i ", - I - 1: I ''. which have been stricken first and HEADACHES FOR WEEKS and decided to set 'up on hei% Owh. i Would this help or hurt LaFol that relishes the task of'setting him lican nomination, incredible as this , - -�,`�., Fast Angus . Que-, January 7th. ' lette - ,�,, .1 � .� " " . < it is from them as. centers of iTifec- This was in the early 90's, when' himself? One can be reasonably right. He is invariably well inform- may seem. His nomination would ,... � , �, v� " , Special).-"BAh my wife' and my- tion, often so idely geparated that They Soon Disappeared After t* . I . I ��, I �­, , , . --self have , !obtained great relief ' w she made a sensational re -en ry at i sure that if LaFollette does it it will ed. The, deductions he draws from wreak worse havoc in the Republican ,1 I ­. Dodd's "Kidney Pills." it is difficult to see'-ho�w the epidem- Using Dr. Williams' Pink Neuilly, . ! ' ts may be erroneous, but the party than the nominktion of Brygm . -11 .- -.­-, , . I a his fac . " -11 - Abrougf, using help him. He 'is about as shrewd -� ' 1. ' �­!, I 11 1 A, " g�,'f� Hilaire, who le could have communicat�d without . Pills. It was now that she began her de- ' politician a., the'e. In committee he is on the free silver platform did in 'the .1 " �,�','!,­; ­ ' '. .." I ., , ai from one to the other, that it has sgent, Though �he still retained her; ,errors. particularly difficult to combat, even Democratic uarty-l"ould .be that .� 4, So says Mr. N. St. d there is in the United facts are r - -n-this place. ,11 took 2 boxes States to -day, arid makes few I . .�...� - . , .."', , I . . lives i spread. . Every woman, at times, finds the own beasts for several years, she the � . '11A ney Pills for pains qn though be is in a hopeless minority, amount to nomination of Rev .., ,��, �� �of Dodd's �Kid No man in the Senate has been . 11'.. , � " �Ii ... e :.. I t ; These widely, separated centers of routine of houW.work irksome. But found herself reduced mor and more denounced so persistently and He is Billy Sunday as'an Episcopal bishop�. . ,,�'­..,, .. I :my kidneys and back and they did infection, witb such- discoveries as how much more difficult are the daily; and had to -sell her dearest animals over which is generally the case. . I I I � �, ­, , , � �, �11 I - . � - good im . . -W- � . .me, I I."; ��:�, � I , IF " ' that which I have spoken 'of,,as the tasks of the home to the woman Who I to keep the menagerie going. - I I : �,`,'4 , 'keep'a box in the house. My wife I . '�:�.� � ��,, � I , 3has also used them and they hav(� kle joint of an animal is nervous and rundown? She pre -1 The once idoliz4d beauty had now . : I , �­,. 1p, ' f ,-- - -- !�-­- ­­­­ . - -.--- -,------ - ­ ­­.. ,----- ­--­ ­­ - - — "I ��"" -done her much good, and she is very long dead o the plague, have been pares meals for the family, but has � grown portly, but she became as I -----­- ------ : I ,11 11, . ; . , �� p.Tateful. To -day we are quite re- the things which have caused much . no ap�etite for food. What she does,well known in the provinces as she I . , I . . " �: , � � bitter suspicions and whie'li have eat distresses her, headaches and' I : -`�',': lieved, thirnks to -Dodd's, Kidney Pills. bad formerly been in Paris, though . � . � �AR I , I , I - made the matter of the epidemic one � dizziness follow, there is a fluttering I - . , �11 -1 recommend them to all who suffer. . on a much lower plane. Her men- . 'e-1 -, � � , . . - �. , 1yorn, kidney trouble -and bad back ' " for the government secret service as of the heart, and the complexion be-- I agerie grAdually deteriorated, and I � ­— I mmmlm� � I :­ . well as for the animal health divi- cordes pale. In cases of debility of I . - ,� Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate and . I finally, ten, years ago, came'to con- I � � - � I � ,',,� � , strengthen ,weak kidneys. You will sion of -the board of agrioulture. this kind building tip the blood is sist of a tent of rough tarpaulin, be- I . . I ""', , "� -be surprised how quickly they be -gin Cheshire, the county after which generally effective. By improving side which, in a circus vehicle, the I I " � ,j . 1, " A " -to cleanse and purify, to soothe and the .famous cheese is namod, and one the quality of the blood and increas- staff and animals livea gypsylike. I I I . . I., . of the finest dairying regions in the ' its quantity, nourishment is car , %.; ' the kidneys, at the same time - The wagon, drawn by an aged horse, I ,. ",-.� . '� to the shattered nerves. . The ap - I ..:::: -be4l w*ld, is the county* most virulently I, e% . I �: - 'Ibackaches and rheumatism disappear. . was the sole means of transport for - - f ct0d. The fierceness with which peti�e invariably improves and gradu- I ----- - I I . ,"e. i .,. � � � . I 0 � I ,,,.,'� Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- In �e La G.oulue's company. Ultimately, . P I neys. p :1 i- I . " mey Pills do not make sound kid the disease is raging there is incred- ally the exhausted system is toned u the menagerie was reduced Ao one I -,-, 1! . I . ible. and the whole 6utlook of life is sleepy, toothless old lion. When es- . . . ....", 2. I N The area is shut away from com- brightened. Mrs. Gen. Grant, R. R. he once beloved . I,, �, I i . I tablished at a -fair, t I ��,�', ; � . I': � .. ': ... TOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE IN munication with the outside world No. 1, Markdale, Ont., tells for the', of dukes, now a fat old woman, I I ... . t I as far as possible and the belief that benefit of others the great berietit Dr I dirty and unkempt and wearing year � - .. � I , I " f.: - ., r� 11 ENGLAND I !ven. birds can convey the disease Williams' Pink Pills were io her in'in and year out the same old black, . :1 I I I is causing an unexampled slaughter a run down condition. She says:-: dress with a bedraggl­4 lace collar, I . . .,� ", �� , , The slaughter of cattle which al- of birds of all v*rieties whether or "If anyone can strongly recommend ,would stand in front (Ithe entrance I . I ­ , - 'i -ready has been,forced by 'the preg- not they are protected by law. The,Dr. Williarps, Pink Pills I feel I can. exhorting the passers-by to enter.1 . . I . 11. , ..., . I dreaded and incredibly, farmers hold thAt the. protection of! For over four years I had been trou- i I I 1! 1. .. I I 'de a young man beat incel- � ?.1 , , ,4 � - - ., ance, of the - By her , .� � .. i I -virulent foot and *mouth disease is. a their herds is far and away more' bled with my nerves, and f6r weeks 1 santly on an old drum. . I 11, : ��, - I , ... me I would suffer erribly with, , 411 than the te a Goulue's son. , " I matter - of very serious moment not important prot�ction of � at a ti 1 Tile drummer was I., I . 4only t the owners of the Aive stock birds. !headaches. My blood was very thin. I The third and remaining member of, I � but tootbe cost of English living now In this area, which has, been at-' I ',ad no appetite. could hardly go' -- � � , , I the company -was a s. t.one deaf old - . = . , - I and for some years ensuing. fected since August, the word long'4bout. I was afraid to stay alone in , man who played the corohet-this I . - �. - w nights before Christ- since passed along that dogs might; the house as I feared something would ' I - ; - I �, - .11 . Up to a fe ed to try I was La Goulue's former butler. When � I I .��- I. .. I /I I 0 , - .1 ,. -mas the number of - outbreaks had be the carriers of the plague from �bappe'n me. Finally I decid I the tent was full, La Goulue would / I 11 ie had ne- farm to farm arid there are few dogs, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they - uttoning � N "! =mounted to 1,210 and thes . , I ' step into the cage. and, unb I 1�­ --cessitated the slaughter by the health left alive to -day. n diIian. as her ancient dress at the left shoulder, , -"_ .1 J,.!� We 21,834 Golf playing has been stopped 1 drr; now the picture of health. I have , . p :authorities of 40,174 ca would show where r,nv of her former ,qe - g�ats, all throughout great areas of England' incr�asiid in weight, the headaches I I ," � lions had torn her flosh. Then she ! , . _pigs, 1S,469 sheep and 33 i . . kl� �afton the best of breeding animals. in consequence of the prevalence of I come no more, and my ne�ves are as would provoke the old lion until it .1 hoof -and -mouth disease. . good as ever they were. -Before I MIMI_ . .� 4 As thote seems to have been found the would growl and run around. That - ". Special services are held weekly and began taking Dr. Williams' Pin'< Pills A he New �'. .,.. .11 � -110,way of checking the spread of the I was the entire show. The war was �, . Ing 4P 0 . 41 a torri- in sorad instances daily in the I life was a burden row I enjoy livi . IN" . . . " -plague, it is expected that thi churches and elsewhere at which and I hope some' other womati will became impossible dX & %�Mlw "I Sp loss Of England's best livestock to feed the lion and it had to be kill- IV -Ord Tourme %oxax ­',�,111. is certain to ccmtinue. . offered by the farmers take courage from my experience. for ed. La Goulue's son %vas conscripted I % I , . I �; ", V the British law, owners of and townspeop . Tudor ,le that the terrible epi- I feel sure that what this medicine I and was captured by the Germans. For the motorist who requires a good -locking car of I 1. ­`- , .,�o demic. may be brought bb an end by did for me it can do for other,;." . � ,,, animals slaugr , I htered for the common I I La Goulue descended to peddling unusual serviceability, the new Ford Touring Car is a �,, . - I must be divine power. . fei" . . 1good at a tim �Vou can get these Pills from any candy on the boulevArds. A few 1� . -reasonably compensated ri?m the By day pillars of smoke rise in all � splendid investment. !, " -41deasury. Up to date the, 0 ensa- directions from the pyres on which medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a months ago she changed to vegetables I 0 . � '. I To the sti4rdiness and endurance for which the Ford is . .,., � . t ,ander the carcasses of slaughtered animals box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine: in the apache -like Rue Lepic and ear- ?.; ! -Von tbui paid has run ly morning royster(-rs often see the universally famous have been added new feature-, which ],�X , ,;%(loo,000, of which perha s $1,250,- are incinerated and by night the Co., Brockvil . le, Ont. / former queen of Montmartre pushing materially enhance the appearance of the car and add to �. - I . � 1, I A000 has _,been salvaged -by the sale countryside is literally lighted by -8. I ,- a barraw on her way to the markets. the comfort of the passengers. , 1 �, ,,of healthy . Cardasses ,from herds such fires. * * ooling efficiency 1� %%%. slaughtered not 4 because they were Occupants of uninfected farmsteads WAS IDOL OF PARTS; NOW SELLS - -----------.0�-- The new radiator is higher, giving greater c ! �1. I �. left. -alive are afraid to go to market or even to -the hood and cowl are larger affording increased leg- ,� 11 I 11 -infected but beeause if - visit their neighbors because of the VEGETABLES * room, and Khe steering -post is braced for easier driving. ��!' -they ;:Wre likely to become so. I , .", I Add to the loss .� du�/ to such feai that they may pick up germs at "Thirty years ago you -wouldn't HUMAN DEVELICTS I With roomy accommodations for five passengers, the . ,.,�, I "'.. �Islaughter tbat'due to -the immense their destination or along the waty, ,:!";: have spoken to me like that!" A fat I new Ford Touring Car is undoubtedly the most practical 1'.�.',., . , ,, 1, . �expense of inspeeMoiI4 e:�perimenta- 6nd if a wayfarer.is believed to be old Frenchwoman is vociferating.1 Paraguay has long been a favorite I_---------_ general utility car on the market. - ,' j n . 13 - -Uon and efforts : to stamp out the ,from -an infected farm no one yvill, She and her'vegetable barrow have refuge for men froni other climes 1, ,, . 11 plague and it is belfev�a,tbnt this ,approach or even spt�ak to .him or just been- pushed aside by a gendarme who for one reason or another felt .., I is- her. � , . New Folrd FaIces ... I I . . ,one outbreak. of foot-an0-moutli'd . in the Rue. Lepic in Montmartre. No, better with many miles between I . . � � " I.. I rty � I , � ��! I , I - ` I �l I � � . I I 0 � t :: � I � I -ease has lilready co4t tUb' Bri#sb Many farmsteads short of feed I indeed, she would not have been thus them and their native countrios. In I Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 - Truck, $495 , f- " ,, . ,­­ 1axpayer 'in the neighborhobd.- 6-f have been,odriven to resort to- old manhandltd a generation ago, but the following examples it would ob- - - l�ct,i�.31.,ting�.dLighffngFouip--1$85-00��t— I ::: �..... " . E ''A , � days �vhon I Y" ... " I 11 11 . -46 000,000. . . time subterfuge of the helped with low courtesy by grand viously have 'been unkind to give too I I , Fordor Sedan, $895 . ,". , . I cient �� I . . '. 11 Two *eeks ago Sir Robert Saftaers, -�'drrns were far more self-suffi , Coupe,$665 , �,,.. � .�� I .1 dukes and millionaires into her bar- definite details. El�tric.�tarfing�dLightt-gEq-(omniSt-nd-rdo-th�m&"- + : .1 -minister of agrictilttire, 'placed.' thS than they are to -day and the busi- che-and 'round about this VeTy in a village not fir from Asuncion . \ "'.., ­ . - �­ . . . I . -�, I th' � ness. of the rural center dealers in ou . nd fal of "La lives a baron from one of the oldest . . . All prices 1. o. b. Ford, Ontario. C-overnment Taxes extm .. -.:�y . I . probable . loss at 47,500,000. W1. 'in � pot too� The rise a � ".. I ,�,m � . L'. � . tes W,ayb all kinds of commodities has. been s and noblest houses in Prussia. On T -he New annaboms :,-, � � � f J& -day of two thosp estima A 11 Fordmodels can be obtained through p . , '. -4. .1 A to t1A,00006(L It is'obvious st4glnated to a. pbint which meatis � -- — zzzLz--�� the wall of his 'mud -floored but hangs . The new Ford Runabout ig as Ir ,14.,. � ,- 11 I I � '.1 . . 9 the Ford Weekly archase Plara .... I ­that�&rth&'Increiso *ill. be neces- vittual,lvin to,thern. an affectionately autogtap)led photo- ginart �nd businesq-like a car as ,"�.'�,p . ��.M , m ­ I " , i � A ; i%rj befUTO the -6tai Cost Of the Theq sensational statements that the . ' The baron, you will find on the road today. . . I " . - graill of Wilhelm If. t .1t� I , ge.visitAtiort,can - I I arrangernent of the rear - .... �, � be, approach dis&40 'B being intentionally spread - like his Paraguayan wife and brood The new, U J. ," istitin . . I F. DAL AV COOK BIRO& .h., . I � - 1. � . - L . , I oiig4h,ht6d Ili the; eastern, part of -&ot habitually, ,".., ..... �'. 11.1--- 1. .. - � � - I 1- — t . of children. goes bare deelt gives abundant storage 11 ­ , ­ � .1 . - �Zzz� - I �, �, I County 110rhak The reason attrib- IL 1, 1:. yet o4ings to a monorl6, last remnant ' capacity, allowing a considerable , -, I I . ' � .�; V . I - . '. ­­ . -- r� %is, Is that those who spread I load to he carried in its lock- - Hensall � I . I 1� ­ � I lited to of his vanished splendbrr' Seaforth . �11 ---­.­- ��-, � ;, ­, ....L. eight compartraent. ri 1. .1 I 1.11-, I � I , ,it are aftibus t-41'loWer the position - Working in ari Isolated cattle . ... I � �� I 0,�. Aik"Ala I . I . of. Great BAtat In the raising and , �� f . . camp is the brother' of the royal This is the logical car for tbose � 11 d . Xing � I I j��'.41 i I .- ,-maw � - I Par �, !11. � , equer .1), ; � I ticulady the ekportation of livd- ry of a Scandirylikrian king. His wbo require a good looking. 1! .... 11 ,� * I r,twdy and economical car at the . flwm_w_�-- . -� , :.1 , ; stock. I I . -­� W I 4�, " I to"", if, I �, . story includes a duel With a qemi- , . X� I A -;­ , " .� , I i. . . I . .. 1,�, i;-, . I , 'r I., � 0 .. to I .Whetiler or'ftt this is. the ease that er die aftections'of a lowest possible com � Q. . I . .,.;�, 10 . f .: I � "; 1, I t I I � . royal scion ov . . I I . I �, '. I . I ", � - .. 1 I It I - rogult, certainll�',�hb boon. accom,jpli§b� 1 14 . � I . % , ',�, .1 I I . � . -girl. Of thi� Viking' lijoe Atrength . � I K- ,,, � . o pqvMW fo, 4�6 1 � - 00 i" O�' Erigland's 41liort trade in meAta I Arid bestitk, cana, native rum, i -q . I ,� ,r. I �";,A �fl It I . I � ­ � �,'f.. C.41TIO W"=?. 4%, I gifid liveStock. 1149 been 'broughtl� to I .. . I I , 'R I i' , ' .. . AU011: ,, � 1� T 11�10 . 11, I I slowly robbing him. . . . I . . NptntWU F � �,, ,� .1 � L � I I e, , � , � 1, ".. i�h--Afupt ,and Agolube� efid, - . . .11 � I 1-, ;�,,�.­ I A'�j�','!,'�� . W , . -mit cwwboY baS . - . , %1.4.,VRr0.,1 . � � I , AA American Foi I . . I I I �� i'� tb *gs in eastern Difit'ham that the' ' � I I I I . I , . . I , , beeni more fortirtuatik ' He claims 1 � � �� �, I �,,. ;fi . . . . " �'?, - ,. �. I "'. ,i� . *,4�01kdl.� .., I I At�. 101". ", , 11 . rA 'MISPW"i of Iottj platr drlgi�l � 0 . . I I " 1 1411 dih AWL I � tqico� t6 have been a member of the . I I . ... .1 . ,,, , I , . ,L . ��. i',d&�,- It-wie tedalled A a %&gpdctg- Is RAilgets, but,*Ja' �6n%Ynonly , 61,"o Moyon COMPAN A' Lill I I T Irb,* , , it, � ' M: . 0 A � � iic, . �11�.iev'. I . I V�'�i"�,'� I " �. I Texi I ' * k$?�O� 0RTA,R1Ww � P�%, 0 � v1. - . , ,. 1", � , ." ", " ., I ! , rl+1�19 dresiod , 11 � - ,,, 1111111 Q . . � I I 1- ,:�,, .,7 t ,� , , ,�­ �, , � .� S, �,,� I III, ", ,".., - " ; 11 I , I I � ­ I�L-.. . - � ,��.,.7�,,,.,�,,,���i.,,.',,�,,�. ­ ir � .�, trell'. k i . , , -11 -Z ,""., I -1.,'-y, ­ I . � - ��J�0 NA, ,, � , thought thit hiA ba4, bon "About . I �.­ 1�­ -1 � ,---11�,l 141011 .'�'.­­;t ',:, ��,z �, I 1� , " ,1: I - �� " - ill l�,l 141011 I i I . 11 . I.' I 01p 111111 I mm"01 .. L', ­� .. 1,��,Jry,� " A': I . 11� , PvTore", mvyr � le'Alvili'O.", op- f rlrt'4 911 . two� juMps ahead . .­.;"� ,. , I I I - . ".. I � of 4he An"ars." -- 111 .1 - ---.-"- ... " 11 I � I � 1 .41141 ... � �... . , - " " , I I �,;, ".0 0.4. 1 , - .1. � ..... 1� I I . - ­�­ . " , 1. 11 �. t :i , "'.'.. : , � . . 1. N. , "' -�,, �, , ". ,­ ­ -1.1A, 4.n -., A tlng , td'l .. . ") ': I z, ,A�.,�.-­�Ix. ,�', , �, i, 'il,�, '4, ; �,o .� , ",;.. 7-.�,­q. , ... .. .� '4. I ,. M, j?,k- . . , ,,�, T� - T. ... , p � Tite Papagiday. e I � n, �i, � ".11-1 1, ,� e'-.'.. �, " .%"*� R -nn! 11 " I I I I , 41..., i, - %,. �,,46', . I , Wi i the Aft . . . . . . , " I I'M I , I I . '' . . . . "", -, 11. I .,� . . ... I �:il�, 1. , ,�� � -.1 �., .- I . . I I � , . I � I ... . , , - ,, - � I V, , . " '', - . , I , , . . , �, !, �, . . . . I 1�. I � - �,.- ,� , , , . � �, '.. I �,�, I " ,'11,�K,!'�� iq 1� if. ,� , , 'Ir " I I � . , . � . ;W',''. �4!�� ". - . 1A, -L I .)S�,���,�:,�,! ". ".."t . ', ,, , � , �,9�::,.`-,` i �,-­ k,..f. - �c 615' , 1, ': " �'�' �,' � �.� , � . " , ., I . I f I ! . , 1.,. 74 1 . 11 ; - � , . : I � I , "i I I , .1 K . I - . I . t� I "'. ,­��, �.. . I ; , . : , �A!I,"� , , " ; ; ,,- ,4�� � �:,� , ,� "� �, , I., �� t�, , �,J­ � ',i( . I .11 I . . . i:,.,�,V'1.% I �q ""' �;� " 11 � I " � e'Wn.�.n'i - . � , � " 1,,;.. .. '' I � 1� , - ,� , " ", "� �") - , , I . . 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