HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-12-28, Page 8Ir WOP „.T vr v-• #0*.•°, , ugo§4 xIXE1A; 04104,7* , • • eel* helL,Ware ant 1.140:444% , • ' kr; OlIPIPYM6nt or to enhente repas 4.1 1.04T144'44r, , tl10000..' They. de both these risings, 1.4:11,4 ' 9 4,10 tad's. If war gee Sing f, outesi closed On but the* PA/HUT ciNeetti (4;re tO /ee- 44.414*e hethe Jaz Wee 44011.1POsiS SufferinL and to Preen& fetind.'to. 'eontain nuts. There iv.irstart life. No eitfeen hats perferins OI ICwere fidd guessiatel.sregistered„, and a detY he owes hie community Auiffl three of 'these made hp Mrs, Joseph til he haft_g.ontributed to the local Atitinitai, of Tuo4ersn$411, Mrs. Alex, hospital. Ernees he is a steckheldor Searite, L Seater*, ,aud M. William or a sannerter, he has .no right to Patrick, Titcheranittlk were the cor. expect Arrows whet his turn arrives. • rect ones. TO settle Ine matter these' The hest thing about it, however, is three names were 'Pig in a hat, the that the Isogintal, iV debtors and .,, 3( (New Year 4';'q;;A•16 luck one being Mrs Atkinson, who nurses, and al its std , will turn out It thank our many tomers for past 4 dapwpiyshyanodu rosperous 1924 611g rfr Sproat & Sproat won the fine goose, given as the prize. to the last person to render aid to • rise meaneet man • in the neighbor- ' hood. U be is sick or injured, no G. W. V. A. Notes.-4Last night a questions are asked and n.b account - grand audience greeted Krug Broe. at ing demanded because of the lifetime our annual Christmas dame. There of neglected duty. He may have were Just enough present to fill the cursed or laughed at 'the hospital, be - hall without overcrowding, though it may have treated its solicitors with would be a pleasure for the executive scorn, be may have sneered at its to have the guests. come a trifle needs. In spite of all this, the hos- earlier. The music was all that could pital will be there to strain its every be desired and the hall was tastily facility to serve him when he is Fraser. This together with the you? Where is your nearest hospital? decorated by the manager, Mr. Grant brought in as a patient Look about . 1 many beautifiil gowns worn by the No matter whether you have any spe- I guests, added a brilliance of color, dal tie, that hospital is your hospital. quite the best we have ever had. Al- It will help you when you need here. together the executive feel quite sat- Help it when it needs your help." isfied with the returns from their ef- fort this year. .4 , Wanted.-4'wo High School girls or bore; New Year's night, ' January lst, fur.... 1. house- APDIY o E.P...iter gf2iri the Crescent Five, our local orchestra, For sate: -ane Portland cutter, as good as will supply the music for a dance new; one top buggy. Thomas M. Grieve292E4g8- from nine o'clock until one -thirty. No mondville, lunch will be served. This is put on Salt -We will unload a ear of •ottio. svadlltl Have The. GROUP PHOTOS taken while the Children are all at home. D. F. Buck ' PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTH ONVARIO. • ?.6 Hutchison's For Groceries for the benefit of our Christmas vis- • ? Oamojatinoto sy 9rdcsr f°kMa=a 'eV.; onWJanu- itors, and the boys will surely sur- prise. everybody by the excellence of their playing,- Egmondville School. -The follow- ing is the report of the Christmas exams and term work for Egitiond- ville 'school.. Names are in order, of merit: Sr. IV., Total 600, Honours, 450; Pass 360 -Alex. Finnigan, 494; Winnifred Kruse, 488; Jeannette Fin- nigan, 438; Margaret Ferguson, 410; Frank Kling, 342. Jr. III., Total, 440; Honours, 330; Pass, 260 -Willie McDonald, 416; Frank Case, 376; Mary Kling, 352; Margaret Strong, 842; Glenn Hays, 332; Willie Miller, 330; Roy McGonigle, 328; Raymond Nott, 314. Sr. II -Robbie McDonald, Sylvia Roney, Willie Dupee. Jr. II - Charlie Ferguson, Irene Strong. -Jr. L-Nargaret Case, Harold Finnigan, George Kruse, Margaret Finnigan. Sr. Primer -Jessie Smith, Vivian Townsend, Margaret Smith, Palmer Coombs. Jr, Primer -Mina Stewart, Grace Finnigan, Mary Case. Those with not more than three mistakes for December: 'Alex. Finnigan, Willie ALMOND ICING-Bodley's at 25c McDonald, Glenn,Hays, Willie Miller, per %-lb. tin; 50c for pound tin. Frank Case, Robbie McDonald. Num- cANDussa pEEL__mccefiaehies, ber on roll, 29; average attendance Ported, drained, free of sugar and for month, 28.-A. M. Knechtel, ary 12th. W. M.0Stewart. Phone 77. For Sale. -42 cords choice body wood 18 Loddon Normal School, are sending, melee long. 1 cutter nearly new, '2 eels single harn , 2 drivers, 1 new Daley churn. the holidays at their homes in town. 2924,1 -Miss Mary Crosbie, of St. Davids, Apply Carlin Bros.' Garage. House For Sala -For sale the brieln rest- is spending the holidays at her home dente on Goderich Street West, formerly here. -Mrs. S. Neely spent Christmas at the home of her son in London. - Messrs. Brenton, Howard and Leslie Kerr, of Toronto, spent Christmas, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerr. -Mr. Garnet Sillery, of the London Normal School, is spending the holidays at his home in town. - Reeve E. Klepp, of Hay township, was a town visitor on Thutsday last. -Miss Mary Hays, of Wellesley, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays. -Mrs. W. B. Horton left for Toronto on Saturday to ineet her husband, who arrived -in the city from Calgary on Sdnday, and both spent Christmas here, the guests of Mrs. Horton's par-. 29213x4 ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat, in CMIrville, Ont. Wantea.-An kin& as healthy live fowl at Egmondville.-Mr. Frank Faulkner, the Commercial Hotel every Wedneedar. of Toronto,„ and Mr. Fred Faulkner, starting September 19th. Highest cash pries. of Windsor -spent Christmas at their Buying for Gunn and Langlois Co. P.M to be in before 12 o'clock. Phone 18-247. J. o. home on George Street -Mrs. Grim - McMichael. 290941 mer, of Stratford, spent Christmas Purse Lost -Loot on Main Street, Seaforth. with her mother, Mrs. J. Twiss.--Mr. on Saturday evening last a gray hand basr. conMining a small coin pease and a return D. H. Wilson, of Waterloo, spent ti ket to B ebrid e and a fountain pen Christmas with his p_arents, Mr„9.1201 Finder plessre''leavegat The Expositor OS" MTS. J. A. Wilson. -Mr. Hays, and receive reward 2924-1 of Detroit, spent Christmas with his of Stratford. will speak on the question of mother. MTS. J. H. Hays. -Mr. and ° a fk 13815 71 11 •"4`. \''rt 5 PttekIP NEW Ttikk sot,. • T!so, mpsonst,_:: Hoolum - . ,sio ays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs,. , T. Tnrnball.-Mis Worm "Went, Detroit, spent Cbrierinas *Whiff arents, Mr. and' M. W. Anoirde-- iss Alice Garbett, of 'Brantford, *is pending the holidays with lier mother here.e-Miss Gladys Thompson, -of iagara Falls, and Miss Ruth Themes. on, of Tileonburg, are spending the olidays with their parents, Mr. and. rs. J. B. 'Thommion-Mr. Robert eid, -of Detrhit, spent Christmas ,at is home •herii.--4,11,1r. 'Frank Freemaa. nd Miss Irma Freeman, of Toronto, pent Christmas at the home of their ether, Mr. W. reeinan.--Mr. Alvin Oke, of the School of Science, To- rdnto, spendieg the holidays with his parents, Mu and Mrs. Andrew, ke.-Miss Helen Dickson, of Toron- to, is spending the Christmas holt: aye with her mother, Mrs. Adam Dickson. -Mr. William Morrow,' of Hamilton, is visiting his mother here. -Miss Gladys McPhee, Miss Mary Bell and Miss , Mary Laing, of the WOrerite. Or10,10ii0 Tiridgehtly$40 , *say. theit :UMW Vusheetti'of Torjinte, ePant. at the honieOf Mr, :11 LI; S v worenrof L,014Pui lOttlt T*40 /467 at the home of Mr.,and Mrs,A,, A itay.--Miss Gertrude CardrioOf 0 il- ratan; spent the holiday at her h Me here. --Mr . and Mrs. Harry ECM, 44 ,Sacnia, ispent Mristsnaa, at *a pftr4 andel home Of Mr. and; Mrs. W. Mier, tewr.-Mies Ethel jaokilon, of Blank - some' Hall, is spending the -holidays with her aunt, Mise Jack:eon, in Eg- mondville-Miss Anna Atkinson, of: Detroit, spent Christin,as arthe borne of her mother in town. -Mr. and *S. Robert Smith, of Chesley, spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. .1. Patterson. -Dr. Larkin will, close his discussion of church union tlext Sun- day evening. -Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knechtel and -son, Keith, of 'Moose Jaw, are spending the winter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W., Xnechtel-Mr. Louis Horan,' of Iowa, spent Christmas at the home pf bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Horan. - Messrs. Harvey Bristow, of Windsor, and Leslie Bristow, of Dundee spent Christmas at their home here. -Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse,' of -Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Irawson and daughter, of Auburn, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sclater. -s-Miss Elizabeth McCowan, of To- ronto, spent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Cowan, Roxboro, -Miss J. Kilechtel has returned to her home in Egmond- ville from an extended visit with To- ronto and Hamilton friends. -Mr. W. Laing, of Milverton, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laing. -Mr. Harold Twit- chell, of Detroit, spent Christmas with his grandmother, Mrs. C. Golding. -- Miss Dorothy O'Connell, of Detroit, is spending the holidays with her mother in town. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clusp- maftand -Mr. Garnet Chapman spent Christmas with friends in Winghate. -Mre -Hill, of Moorsfield, spent 'Christmas at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. Chapman. -Mr. Leonard Hudson, of Windsor, is spending- the holidays with h18 parents, Mr: and Mrs. Isaac Hudson. -Mr. H. Mason, of Port Elgin, was a Christmas guest at the home of Mr. Hugh McKay. - Mr, and Mrs. Hall and- son, of To- ronto, . spent Christmas at the par- ental home of Mr., and Mrs. John Horan. -Mr. P. C. Calder, of To- ronto, spent Christmas with Seaforth friends. -Mr. and Mrs. L. Kahle, of Detroit, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T. Baker. -Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Richards, of Stratford, and Miss Mary . Modeland,, of . Cheslex, spent Christmas at the pardritir Dime of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Modeland.- Miss Madge Stewart, of Stratford, i spending the Christmas holidays wi her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stew- art, -Dr. MacGregor, of London, and Dr. Martin, of Stratford, will speak on the question of Church Union at the Seaforth Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening. January 2nd. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie, of 'Brus- sels, spent Christmas at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Gillespie, James Street. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Intosh, of Kitchener, spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. .Tames McIntosh. -Dr. Eyerett Rivers, of Windsor, speet the holiday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.rJames Rivers. -Miss Thelma Pethick, of London, is spending the holidays at her home on North Main Street. -Miss Mary Stew- art, of Toronto TJniversity, is spend; ing the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Stew- art -Mr. Gordon Willis, of Bramp- ton, spent Christmas with lis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Willie -Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson 'and, daugh ter, Irene, of St Marys, and lar. 0. Foreman, of Woodstock, spent"Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mode - land. -Mr, Ernest Edge, of Queen'e University, Kingston. is spending the holidays at hie home here. -Mr. and Mira. Partridge, of Toronto, spent Christmae with Mrs. Partridge's par, ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, -Mr. Harold Coates, of .the School 63 Science, Toronto, is, spending the holt- dais with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. E. CoateS.-Mr. Jack Hinchlay, of the Galt Collegiate Staff, is spending the holidays at his home )ere. -Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McClelland, of To- ronto, spent 'Christmas at the holt*, of Major and Mrs. R. S. flays. -Mr, Harvey Burrows, of the Toronto Den- tal School, is, spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and, MrS. F. J. Burrows. -Mr. Jack Thompson, of St Marys, spent Christmas with Mr. and- Mo. T. G. Scott -Mrs. B. Bar- wick, of Winthrop, spent Christmas day, with her niece, Mrs. White, viii.. liam Street. Mrs. Barwick is • 00 years of age, but is still ahle to 'en., joy to the fullest the pleasures of the fetstiye season. -,--Miss Bethune, who- spent the past'few months in British Coltimhia, has returned to her home here, - Mr. and Mrs, Jannee O'Leary. and daughter, of , Winnipeg,, anent Christrnas ,week the Oasts of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fortune. -'The Cres- cent 'nye will 'proride the Mink. dit the dance iti .St. Jannis( Parielt Han tinder the aigspices of the yoangladies on, Thiirsday evening 'of nextweels...:, Masers, Cliffprd ilixrit„Of Londe% and, Amor Arm i' of Detrert,:ape Christ- mas a tile ofoiorthelt . and IVrrti., Ed, cHunt' - 'Mr,..fitia Mra.,-En .dint liter, Miter .. owned try the late Dr. J. G. con. pp y to J, W. Beattie or R. S. Ham, Seaforth, Ex- ecutors. 2921-21 Grocery Fixtures For 5a1e.-1 computing scale, 1 platform scale, 1 refrigerutor, 2 show eases, 4 small CASeS. 1 colt. mill, 1 meat slicer, 1 broom rack, 1 'cheese safe. Thorne. Daly, Seaforth. 292141 Tmcher WanterL-Seaforth Public School for Book I. Duties to commence after Christ - ma. holidays. Initial salary $750.00. Asnill- cation., received up to the 2821h. M. Mc- Kellar, Secretary: 2928-tf Cara Refinished, tors made new to order: celluloid replaced in mrtaias and repaired. Upholstering of all kinds. Good bon buggy for sale. /tool>, at Davis' Blacksmith Shop, Deyereux's Old Stand, Seaforth. P.919-tf Valuable Property For flale.-Whe Chisholm Block, formerly eeepeled by Reid and Wilson. Good, solid sulstorfitial building In best dis- trict Can be purchased right for quick sale. Closing up &tate. Apply to W. S. Rash. only -5c per lb. dearer than the Teacher. Dr. MacGregor, of London, and Dr. Martin. Scheldrup-Watson.-A very pretty Church Union at the Smforth Presbyterian Mi.S. James Gillespie of Toronto, nearly half sugar. phsehstery, Fig, Pear and Apri-j of Mr, and Mrs. James Watson, Gode- moo. 20244 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. Pembroke, are spending the Christ - Biggest line. Beat co-operation. Goods on Naval Oranges, at per dozen, 25c, time. A permanent, profitable hardness for Mail hOlidaYi3 !with their parents, r. 35c 40c 50c 60c 75c. , Stewart, of Waterloo, spent Christ - makes a fine Christmas present for Ont. on/ 2922x8 mas at the home of her parents, Mr, saucer of first quality china. Not .A Green Christmas.-Notwith_ and Mrs. D. IL Stewar-Mrs. Snell with each pound goes a cup and standing the predictions of many and daiighter, Miss Margaret, of ' patmd, 20c, conaisting of Almonds, weather prophets, Tuesday last was Collingwood. are spending the Christ- 611,IIED NUTS. -New, fresh, at per not a green Christmas, although the mas holidays vrith friends ip Seaforth Pecans. weathernian waited until almost the apd vicinity. --Mr. W. 'Scott, of Lon - Walnuts, Brasile Filberts and last moment until he produced the don, .spent Christmas at the home of 8 crown, per lb. 50c snow. ' On Sunday there waa quite a his sister, Mrs: j. J. Cluff.-,--Miss Mary SHELLED ALISIONDS.-New fruit, heavy fall, and snow fell all Christ- Keating, of Toronto, spent the Christ - SHELLED WALNUTS. -Bordeaux, mas day, making the sleighing very mas holidays with relatives in town. PEANUT BUTTER. --A Bargain,- good. Since then the weather has -Rev. 'A. W. McIntosh. B.D., an old ordinary peel, which is sometimes church on Wednesday evening January 2nd. spent Christmas with dr. killespies CANDIED FRUITS Pineapple, wedding was solemnized at the home Meeting to open at 8 o'clock.' Silver The rich Street, w. • Thursdy De- Wanted-Deliabl man in Huron County. -Miss Pluirlia Cowan, of Walker - Handle Watkins Supreme Product, (estb. 55 ville, and Miss Kate Cowan of 498A- /0-G' 1311- pdlendid assortment of cember 20th, at one o'clock, when years). Direct to home. Largest comPanY• Yourself. Write age, occupation, votere... ad Mrs. Jaiws Cowan -Miss rie Christ - their eldest daughter, Gretta Thor - burn, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Scheldrup, of Regina, son of the late M. A. and of Mrs. Scheldrup, of Minneapolis. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. M. Larkin, D.D., of First Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. The bride, who was given in marriage by her fther, looked beautiful in a navy blue' georgette drss, beaded with gray pearls and trimmed with gray squirrel, and wore a corsage boquet of Ophelia roses and Lily of the Val- ley. She was attended by her sister, Miss Marion Watson, of New York, J. . Watkins Co.. Dept. MB.. Hamilton. LITIMILL*, TEA. -Black or Mixed, new fruit, per lb. 50c been moderate and cold by turns, but ' ''' regular 30e, for 20c. McLaren's in the selighing is still with us. All tins. This is just a clearing lot who wore a pretty gown of gray silk last week, however, the weather was pl.itrited by the small pails. Fresh, °lido* Specials due to the tins having been sup- • flts georgette with corsage baguet of very mild, and farmers have been able pink roses. Mr. Leslie Watson, of to keep on ploughing without inter- ,f;:. 't.class, and cannot be repeated. Windsor. was groomsman. Miss Mur- ruption. On Friday afternoon and ''":` ' NOW PLAYING /lethally cheaper than bulk peanut iel Williis played the wedding march Saturday last, Messrs. W. Bell and butter. -CHINA DINNER SETS. --96 pieces and during the signing of the register T. Beattie plowed thirteen acres with , at very interesting prce, two- - thinks of regular price. 1.44. F0 D. Hutchison phone 166. 11 16, NEW LAMP BURNS 949, AIR BEATS ELECTRIC OR GAS new oli lamp that gives an am- hrillint, soft, white light, even better thalfgas or electricitysh been aft taned. by the, TJ. S. Governmen and ding universities and fon d to , superior th 10 ordinary oil 1 nap. nztsWithout odor, smoke ot noise --, Olptimping up, is simple, clean, a, Burns 04% air and 6* common ,....•,g ne (coal oil). 4 , -• inventor, F. N. Johson, 246 £t4. -W, Montreal, is offering a lamp on 10 days' 'Or teen to give one FREE to ilmt Met in each locality who will h. introduce it. Write him to- ter -U particulars. Also tusk "to etp ain ho* You can get the and without experiefice or W $25�-t4 $500 per month. Loofa Listen! Miss Beth Willis sang beautifully a tractor on the farm recently sold "At Dawning I Love You." The house by Mr. Thomas Grieve, and the land decorations were in Christmas colors. never worked better. That is some - Following the ceremony luncheon was thing very unusual for this section. served, after which Mr. and Mrs. THOS MEIGHAN SCheldrUp left on the afternoon train Christmas Services. -On Sunday -in- _ "HOMEWARD BOUND" -A Paispnount Picture- , for Toronto and New York. They evening last, special Christmas ser- From the itory, "The Light 'to will reside in Regina. vices were held in St. Thomas' church. Leeward," hy Peter B. Kyne. After the rector's sermon, taken from MATINEE ATTJRDAY, 3 p.m. tata, "A Visit to Santa Claus Hall," Bethlehem," the choir told the story rendered by the Sunday school schol- of the birth of Jesus Christ very Monday, Tutday and Wednesday, ar,. of St. Thcongs' church in the beautifully in song commencing with DOUGLAS MacLEAN Parish Hall on Fkiday evening last, the hymn,"Hark, the Herald Angels was enthusiastically received by a Sing," after which followed four very ,^nng AtorrEsTor, capacity audience. Among those tak- feeling anthems, "0 'Be Joyful in the ing principal parts were: Santa Claus Lord," "The First Chris (Clair Merner), Mother Santa (Thel- "Nazareth," "There W rna Johnstone), Mr. Stingyman (Wal- and the solo, "The Gift, ter Bateman), Jack Canuck (Gerald E. Bateman, Miss Thel Snowden), Janey Canuck (velyn Mrs. J. R; Arc ihald, Peterson), Queen of Song (Greta and Miss Gue a Bro Merner), Mickey (Sidney Dungey), parts. The solo art the brownies. Christmas fairies, sung by Miss Brown, the congrega- woodland fairies, earthland boys and tion kneeling, was soul inspiring in girls, the Indian maidens and awk- effect. Much credit is due th Mr. ward bpys, took part in the perform- Qeorge B. Clarke, organist, and Mr. ance. The cantata was under the E: W. Bateman, choir leader, for the leadership of Mr. E. W. Bateman and rendering of such a beautiful service. Mr. George Clark, as pianist, to whom Mr. Clarke's playing of "Berceuse" much credit is due for the, excellent (Dickinson) during the offertory was entertainment The presentation of particularly appreciated. The service prizes to the scholars was made by on Christmas morning, at which Hely Santa Claus at the close of the pro- Commumoh was administered, was gramme, which concluded with the well attended by communicants. The National . Anthem. The customary rector preached a forceful sermon ap- 1 vid d d e ro riath far the occasion Resolu- RJ ed lover by the ladies of the con- tions of thanks were tendered by the Musical Cantata. -The musical can- the words: "Let us now go even into s Morn, epherds" g by Mr. nstone, A. Case took solo oly Night," super, so amp Pro e an pr p p gteation, given to the Sunday school Sunday school seholars on Sunday scholars, was everything that could last to Mr. W. E. Bateman, as leader, AM WANTED be desired. The rector Rev. T. II. and Mr. George Clarke, as organist, Erown, and the Sunday School Super- and others, who liberally donated the • intendent, Mr. P. G. Naelin, were in appropriate gifts which added Christ- uot 0/1119 21 cream Market their happiest vein on the occasion. ns cheer to their festivities,end von are also a large will be conveyed to them personally 1111,r__°01,,nitra Tichi The Hospital. The well by IVIiss Verde at, the Secretary- , °/"" 3" ' l'e."‘"" known Dr Royal 5, Copelahd, To. Treasurer of the school. ron• to is at present engaged ni writ - Mg a series of newspaper artieles in 114.7 and the Tortsbto Daily Star, under the aption of "Your ealth," in Whieh 'Y020 perneee some peetinent remarks are *tide use ke* , raillasa of in the sulgeet natter63' "What • ;' are you doingtolitelP:th'eliosnitni?". • • .feel4ustile4 In atrining that tha °.sininniffiedne f43.,21orninents are p dreepeet- to the re- - l'7 40heetiltal here and , r'� enliven, hig,ct 441 inerited disatin on- Of ItievAA ymPathr ;Oft 0,Pert elweit, f r't. 4.6 Local Briefs., --Mr. adMrto 11; 11. White and two Children, df olrn Alberta, are visiting Min..White's sisters, Mrs: 3. A,: Korey and Mrs. A. P. 3"oynt.-,8fise IL U. lreung rooter snrtaatt*iti it 11;e.. hante. of her intitlier,-Nes;;,1, Triting**Ss 'S> 1,14ett-o1 !t4.70#40. A' .4. ch*tslos etio,q4k, ,ms rorVirtii M. Y. 'tie SAC Mae' Olen from Wilheolher s great stage success. Here's themost successful rac- ing comedy4eatna of 19231 ADMISSIOV, 20' and 16 cents. Matinees Monday and New Year's Day.00 and 15c. rmeess f.; 71 71 004t ' eting by the.f•t'ae0P 6 fi .ett 10.• 11 aufter , ' 010042 06' •41140r de)01,4. re)..R0 0 P as 4tritit her ,..paren 131UPRObhA;44104'1401011;',004400i,r Ots AP' t, tei r44. .0„:92%r q7nt'7,0 jig; ntc ; and *Sap " The Blehn: artizationr di,` women: ed that, a the a please swas the pr hership ry^ 01144.z, 4/. *02 9L9' 1111403 eOtage A4 4z anti 4 ,44vnIc sn the preffetlin40n of *el". 40*Ird, , Rays trg,- OPeral Reareta 17 1111 raen01110.-Migia j (40 Grieve, cif • Beavettinif 18 . open ing 'rite hOidaYe. With: lier'paren% atitl"Mrs. Thee. lestne Enteltitionomas a Ghriatmas guest at' tin; hcond of; his. parents, Mr. end Mis. F. Hutchi- son. -Miss Jessie McMillan, of To ronto, spent Christmas with her pr-- ents, Nr. and Mrs. W. McMillen, in Egmendville,-Miss IVIerY 2dnioxds, of Toroto, is spending the holidays at her hom,e on Goderich Street. West, -Rev. R, Fulton Irwin and Mrs. I - win spent Christmas with friends in Lucknow.-Miss Bend Ballantyne, of Watrloo, anent Christmas with her fatler, Mr'. William Ballantyne. -Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter, of Peterboro, were Christmas guests at the home of Mrs. James Beattie. - Miss Leila Best, of Meaford, b spending the holidays at the home of her father, Mr. J. M. Best. -Mr. and Mrs. Nargraves and son and Miss Gladys ShiBinglaw, of Toronto, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Shillinglaw in Tucker - smith. -Dr. Aubrey Crich, of Cale- donia, s,pent Christmas at his home here. -Mr, Cecil Smith, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mtn. J. H. Smith. - Miss Mary Gillespie, of the Harriston Col- legiate staff, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. qind *Mrs. Jas. Gillespie -r. R. Boyd, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd.. ---Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barber and family spent Christ- mas at M„ Barber's home in Georges town. -Mr. Ralph Smith, of Flint, Michigan, is spending the holidays with his parnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. -The Mises Neil, of Strat- fordespent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Neil, Miss Marjory Brown, of Toronto; 'spent Christmas with her parents at the tY1 Sbe 77 API) • The •patrons' One Of able ass the seas renewe edation �d of our nel friends.' is most valu- • The spirit ef n hrings -to us raciation softies and of IleYr Nisfid -0; , • Eng Heine HelPeaitilie eeeSt tion telAing, .4ohnatani,i,! • for i924 Vet. Prenidnt; 110143r3 let adce:;'Pritlident,i. Nes; Ministin;,2nd rite I;preidenti- Dinemera; ViCesPreeident; SgretaryLMr,,Peter,„Manigot%;: treasarrer, Mrs.' R, N.•DTiglaii; Herne:, Helpers' Becretary,MieOilarr John - Mori; Sapplr Secretary, Mrs. W. Strapgerat Secretar, Mrs- • nainstd Nesisertger Secretarb;' Mrs, Hobert MODZide; Library Sucre.' tary,. Mrs. Clark; :ress Secretary: . Mrs. Lundy.' ' , ^ •OffAKE .„ „ Missien Hand., --The :open meeting of the Miseioe Band -was bald in the church' aftettnoon, De- ' 15th. Miss ..lblberta .paVaided and a programme was given IT 4.)e meMbers tif-. the Band, •which,.Was muell enjoyed by-thotie prsept. There ..were nine junior • life! members made* and the offerin.gaineunted to. $75.03, In the conthet the Red. ride were the winners, and at qur neat meeting .the Sailer side Will furnielt the treat, Al the Close of the ineetingthe Oillget% were elected for the earning year. Notes..s4diss Margaret Tough.: he. spending the helidays under the Peek' ental Grace Malmo .uta Miss' Mardert MeYers; who..Ure. ats tending 'school at Esteter,, ae home for the' Inilidays.,--MieVEleiiiier denfield, of -London' spending' .tbli holidays with. her grandparents, and Mrs, Thoriias Johnefot Margaret Douglas is spegtding the. holidays under the parental refer - Mrs. Clarke and family spent. Men. day evening with friends in glisielz- MOB' Alberta Finlay Is at preeent vis- iting friends at Ripley and Kites • cardine erehere' Dine Of the: sates ti NECUYEAR. GREETINGS GRATEFUL for the liberal par tronage of a public appreciative of good values and- painstaldng service through • the year just closing, we desiketo-etend to our many Friends and Patrons A NEW YEAR'S GREETING OF GOOD WISHES fora PROSPEROUS ANO APPY NINETEEN T ' . . . . . Maythogy�be with o'oil,0ee tfie it 11crw: ,#1.4411f.P3118$ , ak the •• aid ' -17 TR' Teli' 51 r 72 lk, 58 14 '' • '.. 31 '01 Rta 5? 81 25