HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-12-28, Page 4-, ....... - +r. .. tl u�..,.-.a ..,,N ,•�c. ^m�*+::'.,.•r r �, ..:s.0^„*rr�w-,�,,•;. ...I u.
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ln;t took place tewart, as P 1 r 'of. b wiebt. :.all the readers of ,.T,he patients,- Mr,: ally,, c ? � t ;e r,. #tA yt e Dash- Messrs. E, Mole; W, Edmottds earl conducive to rho hhno apd s o Y Y s' a l ; •,ti 5 l9e{ ` d #
a thx Palter . hdPPY attd'. osHarotis zie. al? 'bur, +ri)la a il.r° ::n� >, / e,';, r ,� ('
i Yc - t was W..Bristow... God. p. a.:. �T
00. It. The e � viv b } New.Ye(tx 1. a 11epe that, air, Qo retold 'etrle;;a Tprotit ap�n � At aha elOs '': other Y r ,: ,,
r the oecaslop, The Late John Walker.—Ia the Father Kealy Is survived Y � , a
itlldeetlrated ,for hick oc- r hA al , o€'the Mercan or, honest�ri'1thYuauess aBd loess h'4i .ye at the bornea pf•,:ilbe,l ir:I'llk x)r�':. i Y ,::.,
.• uHils and people from the death of Mr, John Walker, a broths . ,fin . y r Z oGrg ?Pr;of �- extend .11nr ver thank , jrz, , ;"". "
curred at his home m, BrnoAfiold on: file "Marina, Syracuse, New York;- a will. be largely rn evideaos itt 1484. mo r, lkjre; n, ldbald .,::. rrai ,
?;'' a o" died everything to make the as die K soar of the same School $sport.--ThO followin Is oux iii ge,,--Mi. ton`. v etv, „' . '.1, .
r ' �` rp¢ nt n ucceas. There were Christmas Day, this township h ai4tert Mrs. Sa 1 g a ' th y..,; rl 1JU$ = f " lid
.neinme e. a visit' our irlendsr i1' w
P:?a,;�. o ues Highland dancing lost ons of its oldest, most widely city, and a ctlusin, Mrs.-.W. B[iada, the report: p School .settles No, 7, Ville, err tl,is an annual visitor to ;Iiur n'..
yn'`,y 3dfills, uwnol g ', $. im er- known and greatly respected real- who has been with Father Scaly for McSillop, for November=.and Decem= village, is. sli ad9ng ,
, ' °' ,•and .lastly. Santa Claus was P Mr. Walk r had been in fail, the past fifteeb Years. ber• Sr. TV—George Love, Alex, daughter and son i i-ltiwi`: ,Rev ""'
adnnted by otte of the gentlemen and dente. e P r' aAd i r,.
health for the past year or two After the chanting 4f-the Office of C1atSk. Jr:,xV—Eva Scarlett (Hon.), ,Mxa, Lunda. a£ t&e Manse. The good ness slid i'011rt4'a�ear 'A� .�R 1OOli
"" 'each child got a pretty basket of mg a solemn Effie aalfo Sr. 111--Grace Som- people of Kippop, always "welepm0, ` ,
.candy, pop corn, etc, The trustee but was able to be about until Y hiehDmaea bol requiethe lm Coram Epic- Orville(Heil j, Hilda stswart .(Hon:) Follett among them. =Miss F,tto .tar . 1 rd 1N�th �l�ea6ilr11
e t0 Q�A'jQ�I r' y'"`
,j ; ' there is Albert Morenz, formerly of month ago, since when he gr dually g 1 roti, of Toronto, •is spending the holm r k
copo, was offered by the Rev. J. S. Billie Thomer• Jr. III—Rose Dria1 elf .
d • I;gmoudville, and the teacher, Miss sank until the end came on Tuesday. your continued eonfideriee aT
:;r''� Egna Dale, of Scathe The deceased was the only son of the O'Connor, of Fort Worth, assisted by (Hon), Arthur Balfour, Orval Holmes, days at her home' here.-Miss Gladgs -;' 1
late George Walker, and was the last Rev. J. G. O'Donohoe, of Waxahachie, Sr. II—Dorothy Somerville and Dore- McLean, of the London Normal y
k MANLEY surviving member of his family, his as deacon, and Rev, W. F. O'Brien, thy Driscoll, equal (lion), Helen School, =pont the holidays at the home ?
LLLLLthree sisters having predeceased him, of Texarkana, subdeacon. An eloqu- Somerville.'•.Jr. II—George Taylor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James again serving you during x9�i. .a`. " IL
11 t �, Notes,.—Mr. Fred Eckert was in ant tribute to the memory of Father (Hon.), Grace Perdue (Hon,) Sr. B. McLean, of the London Abad.—Mr.. ..
rl _He was born on the Walker home- a
" Waterloo last week attending the at
on the Mill Road, now owned Kealy was p;(gi by Rev, Louie J: Primer—Wallace Shannon. (Hon.), and Mrs. Emerson Smith and Yamily !
?:' funeral of the Late Alexander Dantzer, b Mr. George McCartney, 73 years Harrington, of allas. After the Walter Somerville. School was open spent Christmas at the home of Mr, � Our sincere wish la that the
Mr. Joe McLaughlin and Albert Sie- y final absolution, which was pionounc- 190 days for 1923. Best attendants and Mrs. Smith, of Zurich.—Misses
, moa have returned home from the ago, and continued to reside there un- y
Vii`;' northern lumber woods, and think til thirteen years ago, when he pur- ed 'by the Rt. }tev. Joseph P. Lynch, —Ross Driscoll, 190 days; Dorothy Grace and Margarst Cooper, g$ Lon-
iM1.`l life is too short to live there. chased the Walker House is Bruce. D.D., Bishop ,of -Dallas, the mortal Driscoll, 190 days; Walter Somerville, don, spent Christmas at the home of NEW YEAR will hold for you and
:: The Late Robert Kennedy. — he field, which he has since conducted. remains of Fat}�er Kealy were. laid 189 days.—E. M. Little, Teacher. their parents, Mr, and Mrs. William
" He was a man of cheerful disponi- to rest in the shadow of the chu4ch The Old Years Checks; The New Cooper, of, the London Road--Mr. , yours, HEALTH, HAPPINESS
r"` angel of death again visited our burg tion; Pond of company, a genial host he had served so well. May be rest year's Blasts. and' Verner
Russell Geoghegan and ant
)`' on Sunday and took a well known Verner MaGlymont, of London, spent
and a kind friend, and his familiar in peace. Oh woe is mine, oh ill spent year, and PROSPERITY.
resident, in the person of Mr. Robert figure and cordial greeting will be The above article taken froth the What ghosts molest my midnight lair, Christmas at Mlle home of Mr. and
1. Kennedy, in his 93rd year, after a missed by many in the days to come. Gainesville paper, announces the Another chance for me and I Urs. James McCtymont of our vii- � /
prolonged illness. Mr. Kennedy. was Fifty years ago herwns oiled ^ ^ ar- death of a former well known and Will hug it like a grizzly bear, lege.—Mr. Robert >aaymand oR the �..,_,.:
a former resident of Port Elgin and riage to Miss Annie McKay, of Tuck- dearly beloved priest of St. Co- 2nd o Tuckerith friends
is ending s
was moved here about three months Today I'll voice my New YE8L vows: few holidays with friends in Detroit,
ago to his son-in-law's, Me. George ersmith, who survives him together Kealy . The death of Father Vacate McKillop's easy chair, —Mr. Roy Butts, of Flint, Mich., via- • •
with t family of two sons and two Kealy will be deeply regret- At G, to buy a suit of jeans, ited at the home of his brother, Mr.
e: Sternigle, where his death took place. daughters, George, of Hensall; Mrs. ted by his many friends here. Many And go to work, I don't care where.
jra&� —'41 Go
His remains were taken to Port McDougall, of Tiverton, and Miss years he labored faithfully among us Edgar Biitts, of our village. — Mr.
Elgin on Monday for burial beside Cold January's ears will hear and Mra. Gordon Pybus and children,
his wife, who predeceased him years Annie Walker and Hugh, at home, all as assistant pastor of St. Columbian. Me in the woods with axe ablair, ■
of whom have the sympathy of many He will be remembered as a brilliant Between the February blasts of Swift Current, a let are, visiting +
ago, He is survived by one son, friend• in their bereavement. Mr. orator. Fourteen years ago, when at the home of the letter's parents, gyp
Joseph, of Palmerston, who formerly q Big wood piles a the sun will Rare. Township.—Mr.
o and Mrs. Henry Ricker of Huy � SEAFORTH
Walker was a member of the Sons the corner stone of the new St. Colum- When winter {eaves the gravel pits,
conducted a blacksmith business in of Scotland and also of the Foresters ban church was laid, he returned to And windmills start upon each stair,' Township Christmas
and Mra, oma o Butt
this place, and six daug_ rs; Mrs. deliver the principal address of the Nor then will April find me fooling, spent Christmas at, the home of Mi,
Lodge. The funeral was held from and Mrs. William Butt, of Seaforth. TELEPHONE 11 OPPOOME t103010RIOTAL HOTLlIir
George Sternigle and Mrs, Edward the Presbyterian church, Brucefield, day, and the glad hand of welcome EvaporatingI'll be there."
Drager, of this place; two reside :n on Thursday afternoon, his popular- that was given him by the entire —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron, of
Port Elgin, and two rn Toronto. I it and the high esteem in which he The ay and L's along the line Brucefield, spent Christmas a i the
y g parish and surrounding towns, be- At daybreak to their homes repair home of Mr. T, Mollis and family, of
i was held being amply testified by the spoke more eloquently than words the To my ten-gallon syrup cans, our village.
TUCKERSMITH large number who attended to pay a high esteem in which he was held. These sleep-in lads they can't compare.
Notes.—Mr. Will G. Strong, of the i last tribute of respect to the memory Nptwithstanding the fact that it is In seeding days don't come to buy �� dinner and it certainly. was a most Blanche Petty, of Toronto, and a
1. staff of the Kent Street School, Ot- of one who had spent so many years many years since he left us, still his Or deal about the big bay mare; HENSALL sumptuous one in every respect, in- former resident of our village, is J
taws, for higher English and Applied amongst them Interment was made memory lives in the minds and hearts Oh, Geordie, I'll be busy then, eluding all the best things and enjoyable
spending a week or so here with her
Arts, is spending the holiday at the in Baird's cemetery, of all who knew him, we sympathize And speeding like a Belgium hare. Died In Toronto.—The death oc- set viands and proved an enjoyable many relatives and friends. — Mr.
home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs.•, Notes.—Mr. Hugh and Frank Me- with the people of Gainesville in the I'll buckle to the road gang boys, curred in Toronto on December 22nd part of the anniversary. Mr. Robert Gordon McConnell, - Detroit, spent
Georgi Strong.—Miss Marion Gib- Gregor are spending their holidays great loss they have sustained, and When shorn the sheep and changed of Flora J., beloved wife of Dr. Jas. Bonthron, the groom, was born in Christmas with his parents at the
bings, of Orillia, formerly of Clinton, at the home of their parents, Mr, and even as the joyoua bells of Yuletide my wear, A. Munn, of 1406 Queen's St, West. FiPeshire, Scotland, emigrating to Manse.—Mrs. T. Murdock and daugh-
spent the week end at the home of Mrs. H. McGregor.—Mr. Wm. Baird announces the coming of the Prince And with young Jim the grader guide The deceased had been ill for some this country in,the year 1866 and en- ter, Miss Ethel. Murdock, spent the
Mr. and Mrs. George Strong. and family, of Toronto, are spending of Peace, the gladness of this tom- Though perspiration drowns my hair. monthq, Interment tgok place at gaged for many years in the general Christmas holidays, with Mrs. Mur-
11, School Report.—The following is Christmas at Mr. Baird's home in munity will be tinged with, sadness, If Nealie helps me with the hay, Park Lawu Cemetery, Toronto, on store with his father in Rodgerville, dock's son-in-law and daughter, Dr.
lire report of School Section No. 9, Stanley.—Mr. W. W. McQueen, of in the passing of Father Kealy. The sweltering harvest hest I'll bear, Monday, December 24th. His ac- well known as Mr, James Bonthron, a B. Campbell and 'Mrs. Campbell, of
Tuckersnrith, for the month of De- Toronto, visited at the home of his And when big Joe and Frank Comes in quaintances in Hensall extend to Dr. most enterprising merchant, and do- Toronto,Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn
comber, The names are in order of parents, Mr, and Mrs. James 'Mc The sheaves by threes will hit the Munn their deepest sympatl;y in his ing in those early years of Huron and children spent Christmas with; -°r
merit Those marked 'were absent Queen last week.—Mr. Cecil Simpson McKILLOP sad bereavement. Couhty a large and flourishing buei- Mrs. Glenn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
one or more days. Jr. IV re Jessie and Ml John Hehner are spending square. Christmas Visitors.—Christmas day nese. Mr. Bonthron afterwards en. Thomas Dickson, of this vilalge,—.Mr.
The husky lads along the fourth,
Finlayson, Vera Forsyth, Mary Doig, their holidays at their homes here.— Eighth Line Notes.—The Christmas On end will stand their curls so fair, Passed over very quietly and pleas- gaged in business in same kind in gist,
W. E. Hemphill, our popular drug-
Thelma Elgie, Lorine Bell, 'Etta The annual Christmas entertainment, entertainment held in the Evangelical And J. McQuaid will,say, by darn, antly in our village. 'There was not Hensall for many years, and prev- gist, had one of the busiest and best
Taylor. Jr. III — Alex. Chesney," which was held last Friday evening, church here on Christmas night prow- good sleighing, nor yet good wheel- ious to engaging in business taught Christmas trade he ever had and his
A lad like this is rather rare.
Robert Upshall, ,Jean McLachlan, !'was a great success. The Superin- ed,a decided success.—We are pleas- ing, and there was not as much driv- school for several years and was place was undoubtedly headquarters
Wilmer Broadfoot, "Arthur Finlay- tendent, Mr. Hough, and the commit- ed ' rec"`9 that Albert, the little son Now M. J. asks what led this guy ing or •traffic as usual, but yet our what might be termed an all round for Santa Claus—The many friends
To wake and sound such loud fanfare; streets were quite lively with the man, being a P
9eA, Jr. II—Hazel McLachlan, Hilda 'tee and their helpers who trained the of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rose, who was g good musician, a good of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hem hill
Kennedy, It was last night I spent at Jack's,
Dorothy Elgie Haien children, deserve great credit as recently operated on for appendicitis numbers out walking and calling on speaker and singer, and an able and are pleased to meet them li=re on a
t' Broadfoot. First Class — Marjorie they certainly did their work well. in Seaforth Hospital, is recovering Beneath an awful lantern glare. friends, including a large number of versatile entertainer with a fine,sense visit They are now residing in
Hay, Helen Upshall and Margaret All the officers of the Sunday school nicely.—On Sunday last Mr. Ken- Collecting Vincent just returned, visitors and we noticed the following of humor. Mrs. Bonthron, the bride, Saskatchewan, but were formerly res-
Hay equal, Margaret Irvine, Mar- during the year are' devoted to Mis- nedy, 82 years of age, died at -the And sits him down to count the fare, who were here spending Christmas was the second daughter of the late idents of our village.—Mr. and Mrs. "'
And Jack he lit another match,
gat Broadfoot, Alex. Irvine. Primer Bions, so the congregation is asked home of his daughter, Mrs. G. Stern- holidays: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemp- Mr. James White, well known as a William Beaver spent Christmas th
Clash Mac Chesney, h y p And I looked meat axe at the pair. �t
o HOdgert, for an offering n purchase supplies home
Rev. Alberti conducted ser- hill, from the West and former real- most enterprising horse buyer and their daughter, Miss Salina, at' Kit.
x+`:' Billy Dalrymple, isatiel Alyxander. and papers to be given by envelope vices at the house Sunday afternoon, As Joe and Basil ran' it up, dents of our village; a number of Mr. shipper, and was married at the home chener.— Mr. John Stesey and Hugh
Within me-burned such dark despair, and Mrs. R. Cudmore's sons' and of her parents, by the Rev. John Buchanan, Hensall boys, spent Christ-
`The,beat spellers for the month are on the fright of the entertainment. when the corpse was taken to the Full three feet high those checks
as" follows: Fourth, Jessie Finlay- They responded most generously, the Boyd undertaking parlors at Mitchell, daughters,' from Toronto, together ,Logic, the, first pastor of" what' was mas with their relatives.•—Mr•. Jas.
son; Third, Jean McLachlan; Second, offering amounting to $96.—Word and on Monday was taken to Port were p, with friends and members of their known as the Warrensyill@ or Rodger Nicholl fs in ,tit! Starling Bank as
Dorothy Elie slid Hilda Kennedy, has been received here from Mr. Nor- Elgin for burial.—The sleigh bells And rea9, rid signed, and stamped family, and we believe Mr. and Mrs. ville Presbyterian church and now lieving Mr, Glen Broadfoot Who has
with care. 8
equal.— G. G. Ross, Teacher. man Johnston, of Dawson Creek, B. are again tinkling. I felt like M. John's moulting hen, Cudmore had 17 or more for Christ long deceased. Mrs. Bonthron prow- been ill of 'late.—Russell oath, 01 M
School Report.—Tire following is C., by Mrs. William Douglass, Lib- Death of a Pioneer.—On December For me the year had ended bare, mac; Miss Jessie, M. Belt and Mies ed a' most capable and helpful part London. spent Christmas with friends
' the report of School Section No. 3, rary Secretary of the W. M. S., 21st, one of the pioneers of McKillop And yawning on the calendar Fenlon and . Wilson Berry, all of net in life and possessed many ex- here.—The annual Christmas tree ea-
Tudrersmith, for December: Sr. IV thanking the Society for the Presby- passed away, namely Mr. Ludwi Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. their
Bon- Gear qualities and until the past hurcnme t held in the Methgdist
—H, Davidson, 84; E. Broadfoot, 79; terian Records, which they sent to Hoegy, after a lingering illness of An ill-spent year I did declare. thron and members of their family, Year was unusually smart and active church n day evening of 'jest
But I have changed, no more for me
W. Broadfoot, 77; H. Armstrong, 74; him during the past year. He said some months. He was born its Hes- To look meat axe i will forbear, from Detroit; Mr. A. Ingram, of and in spirit and grit is still remark- we was a success, the pro-
W. McCartney, 71; C. Armstrong and they were much appreciated and af- sen Dorm State, Germany, in 1847, Now Pete stop fookin sly at Tim, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John B. ably young and smilrt, for one of her gramme consisting of recitations,
1.r F. Scoter, (ties), 88; S. Reid, 87 ; C. ter they were through reading them and was aged 76 years, 6 months and Buchanan and Mr, and Mrs. John D. years, but illness has confined her a songs, drills and dialogues, was thor-
And Lou get off that Cling stare.
Broadfoot 64; W. Scott, 62; J. Foth- they sent them on >w three other 10 days. At the age of five be came Reid, Mr. King, Mr, and Mrs. M. Ort- good deal to her room during the past oughly enjoyed by all. A well lades
erin ham, 61; E. Papple, 57; A. laces, where the had no church ser- to Canada with his areata and sob Soon popularities big seat wein, Miss Margaret Habkirk and year. The many relatives and friends tree was walso an important feature
g P Y P ,Will hold me in it* pleasant snare,
%'' Za e, 42; "A. Munro, 40. Jr. III— vices or Sunday school. He would tied in Logan township, later on in ' Miss Edna McDonald, all of London; of Mr. and Mrs, Bonthron wish them of the evening, delighting the child- r,
p And'so'n ht and famed and bowed be-
�t``ri'., •C: Fiol's�tead, 82; F..-Stackbouse; 81; like to have Sunday school papers McKillop, where he lived the rest of fore, Mr. James Parka, of Chicago, Mr. and still many years of happy married ren.' The' roceeda coated to over
q'11-;' D. Broadfoot, 78; M. Taylor, 71; `M. sent for circulation. — Mr. Hugh itis life. In 1872 he was married to Mrs. Wilson, of Stratford; Mr. and life.. $43.—In spite of the disagreeable
And borrowed from all I can spare.
Papple, 40; M. Chapman, 24; 'G. Berry, our enterprising new store- Louisa Buermann, who survives him, And many functions far,and near, Mrs. Alonzo Ortw,ein, of Detroit; Miss Briefs.—Mr. and Mrs. Alexander weather, the Christmas service in t
rrr Papple (absent). Sr. II—D. Wilson, keeper, sent an invitation to the child- with a family of ten children, Mr. Alice Dougal]; of Sarnia; Dr. Ross, I. Sparks very ,pleasantly entertained a Methodist church was well attended
For me McKillop will repare, Dougall, of London, and Mr. and Mra. large number of their relatives special manic by, the choir
88; I. McKnight, 85; J. Broadfoot, 84; ran of the schools, No. 3, Tucker- Haegy was a life-long member of the I'll sit in cushioned seats of those g
M. W on, 83; G. Broadfoot, 82; O. smith and No. 10, Stanley, to come Evangelical Church, McKillop. He Milne Rennie, of Seaforth; Mr, Arn- Christmas.— Mr, and Mrs. Willi en in a splendid manner. At
Zapf=, 74; E. Walters, 73; E. Scott, to his store one night ]sat week is survived by his widow and ten Swell literary ladies share. old Meek and sister, Miss Winnifred Dougall also entertained the members the evening service, Mr. Sarduel Ren-
So boys, now wish me right good luck Meek, Toronto; Mr. Geer a Moore, of their family when a very pleasant his, of Detroit, sang an excellent solo.
�' ?0; M. Walters, 69; H. Munro, 61; when good old Santa was there an children, namely: Adam William For I'm against an avvfnl dare, �°f g
C. Taylor, 66. Jr. IL—M. Eliott, B. presented each one with a fine orange. and Fred, also (Lena), Mrs. Henry And yoneread be kind, don't say of M aford; Mr. Mervyn Brown, of time was spent—Dr, Jame: •G. Bell, --The annus] meeting of the Sunday
I'll McCartney, R. Papple. Sr. I—B. It took eight dozen oranges to go Weitersen, of McKillop; Mrs. WHliam Once more Wiseacres shooting air. Toronto, Mr. William Reynolds, of of Harrisburg, Penn., is spending the School Board of Management will be
l`' Elliott, C. Oke, E. Broadfoot, G. over the bunch, This was a great Ewald (Hilanda), in Michigan; Mrs. Tilsonburg; Mr. Alexander McMur- holidays here at his former iters.— held on Friday evening, December
Wright, B. Armstrong, B. Caldwell. treat for the boys and girls.—Mr. J. William Kies (Mary),' in Stratford; trie, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. E. Our business men report a good 28th, instead of Thursday evening as
1. ` Pr—W, Papple, E. Wilson. H. Wal- G. Kaiser and son have sold out their Louisa, in Saskatchewan; Louis, in Morrison and little daughter, of Clin- Christmas trade and their places of first announced.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
ZURICH ton; Miss Mary Ho arth and Miea business were Widely decorated.—Mr. McKay were visited this week by
t'; °.. tors. These are the best spellers for business here, blacksmith shop and Seaforth; George and Henry, in Grey gg
, the month: Sr. IV, H.,Davidson; Jr. garage, to a gentleman fmm Dash- township. One sister, Mra. John Eg- Notes—The Christmas entertain- Helen Fisher, of Toronto; Miss Irma William Gram, of Lansing, Mich., is their two sons, Louis, of Toronto, and
5t:;..: III, D. Broadfoot; Sr. Ii, G. Broad- wood.—Mr. Austin Wheeler, of De- Bert, in McKillop, and one brother, merits in the churches were 'enjoyed Rennie and brother, Samuel, Cecil here visiting his parents, also his sin- Russell, of London, and their daugh-
��,;, loot; Jr. II, B. McCartney; Sr, I, B. troit, is spending his holidays at the William, in Saskatchewan, also 22 "byaarge congregations. The children Hudson and sister, Miss Lnay and ter, Miss Ada, who is attending a ter, Mise' Nellie McKay, of Windsor.
' Elliott. Number on the roll, 44 ; home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. grandchildren. The funeral took .acquitted themselves in their usual friend, ]Bliss Doyle, all of Detroit. ladies' college in Michigan.—Mr. Wm, -The closing exercises in our public
average attendance, 39.—M. McNain, Wheeler. place on Sunday to McKillop Evange- satisfactory manner.—The concert of Golden Anniversary.—On Christ- Morton, of Stratford, is here for the school were very interesting and
Teacher. ]teal cemetery, Rev, G. G. Gross eon- the Zurich public school, held in the mss day a very happy event and one holidays.—Mr, William Bonthron is much enjoyed and showed fine abil-
School Report.—The following is ST. COLUMBAN ducting services. The sympathy of Town Hall last Friday evening, was that only occurs once in fifty years in here from the 'West visiting his (ty on the part of the scholars.—Intor
'0V.,i ,.- -the report for December of School Death of Rev, James A. Kealy.— the community is extended to the a 'success and the hall was comfort- married life, took place at the home mother, Mrs. James Bonthron, Sr.— the Sunday school entertainment of
11 e Ser-tion No. 2, Tuckersmith: Fourth As times turbulent stream ru§hea family in their bereavement. ably ffiled�Next Monday the nom- of Mr, and Mrs. Rohert Bonthron, of Wor has been received bo Mrs. Thos. the Methodist church on d proved
bra,;,' Class: Total, 320—Etta Bell, 279; on into the peaceful waters of eters- A Good Concert At No. 4.—A large inations for reeve aid councillors far this village, when their three sons, Sherritt, of this village, of the death evening, Mr, Ed. I indenfield proved
•a, Dorothy McLean, 259; Annie Me- ity, it fromtimeto time carries on number of parents and friends as- Hay township and for Police Trustees James W., of Hensall; William D., of of her eldest daughter, Sover(Suseign,
n) Sask., a splendid Santa Claus and Mies
",',>I Naughton, 253; Mar ar=t McDonald, Detroit, and Frederick G., of New William Colwill, of Sovereign, Saak., Violet Whitesidea a splendid trainer
g its crest some being more valued, sembled to bear the charming pro- for Zurich will be beld. Municipal on December 21st She leaves a hos- for the children in getting up their
,.r,;. • 264; Duncan Cooper, 222: Sr. II ttPore beloved, and more useful than gramme given by the pupils and matters are very quiet and no elegy York City, each with their wives and
'�' t•` Class, Total, 390—Stewart Cudmore, those of the more ordinary walks of young people of School Section No. tions are looked for.—Mr. Ferdinand • a number of grandchildren, and four band, four sons and one daughter. parts.—The Sunday School entertain-
°� Clan , Total, Cooper, 324. Jr. II The deceased had been an invalid merit and Christmas tree in St.
0"'V-',,; p life, one whose demise casts a gl,:,,m 4, McKillop, on Thursday evening, M. ess, who is not enjoying the best daughters, Mrs. J, McMartin (Edith), from rheumatism for several ears. Paul's church on Fridayevening last
ti4,f ,; Class; Total, 380—Jack Cooper, 343; over the prospects which were bright- December 20th, in their gorgeously of health, left on Wednesday for St. of Barrie' Mrs,S. Vair (Margaret), of —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolf, was well attended and uch enjoyed
'Verna ; McGregor, 339. First Class— ened by his labors. Such a one was decorated school room. It was a de. Joseph's Hospital, .London, where he Toronto; Mrs. Cecil Simpson, (Louise)
�;•,,.,., . dotal, 126—Charlie Cudmore, 119. the pastor of St. Marys church tided success. How delightful to see will take treatments—Mr, Will Hess, of Brucefield and Mrs. T. C. Joynt, visited by relatives at Christmas by all present, particularly the child-
1 ' Primer—Lloyd Cooper, 103. Pro- Gainesville, Texas, Rev. J. A. Kealy, the manner in which our young poo- of Detroit, and Mr, rand Moa. L N. (Florence), of Hensall, all the mem- time.—Miss Grotto Lamm(e has tae- ren, and Mr. Louis Clark did his part
°'� meted from Jr IL to Sr. II —Jack whose death occurred suddenly on pie conducted themselves, a great deal Taggart and Miss Adelaide Pitcher, hers of their family were present to en part in a number of concerts as splendidly as :Santa Claus.—Mr. and
'f Cooper, Verna McGregor. Promoted Thursday evening, November 29th, of talent was shown. Our aged of South Bend, Ind, visited relatives take part in and enjoy the golden violinst during the past weeks.— Mrs. Charles Nicholls, of London,
: =, :': from Sr. II to r, 1 —Stewart Cud- fathers, Mr. George Campbell and Mr. and friends here during the week.— anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns and son, visited their relatives, Mrs. D. ce, on
m1 G Thanksgiving Day. g P Kenneth, spent Christmas with their hart, and daughter, Miss Beatrice, e-
tf ' more, Beatrice ooper. Number on His death was as unexpected as it Elden Kerr, received much applause, Among the visitors in town for the Bonthron. It goes without saying
"'�� that a most enjoyable time was spent. relatives near Chiselhurst.—The song Wednesday last.—Mra. C. A. Mc-
,1. roll for Deceneb , 11; average at- is mournful, and it brings dee sor. and Mr. Sheen and Mr. Gallager did holiday, we notice<J the iollowingr Presbyterian Donnell and daughters, Misaea Doro-
r? %- tendance, 10.93— Mellis, Teacher. row to all who knew him in public most creditably. Rev. Mr. Ferguson Elton Schnell, Detroit; Edward Mr. Will D. Bonthron, of the firm of service held in Carmel Preab
,, Successful Concert. happy con- and private life not only among his proved to be a most genial chairman. Schnell, Saskatchewan; Lloyd Hey, Price W tefliouse; accountants, ,of church on Sunday evening last, was thy and Mildred, accompanied by
elusion to the school ter ook lace a
n! P people of St. Marys parish, but the The programme included choruses by London; C. O. Hoffman Gait; Miss Detroit/ and of which Detroit branch largely attended and much enjoyed Miss Hattie Sutherland; motored to
�, oa Thursday evening, Dece er 20th, entire city of Gainesville, where he the whole school; vocal numbers by Lillian Weseloh London; F, Siebert, William is the managers and resident and there was a lengthy programme London on Saturday last.—Mr. Wm.
rr .. is the form of a concert, __&r
y the had hosts of friends among people a Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. Detroit; E. Roby, Kitchener.—Christ member, gave the toast, "The Groom," consisting of quartettes, solos, hymns, Peart, of Wisconsin, is here visiting
iii ichil'dren of School Sect o. 9, all beliefs and creeds, and all'walka Boyd, .each was much enjoyed; dia- mss Day was a white Christmas des in a neat speech, which was slily re- gnintettea and anthems. We regret his mother and brother.—Mr. and
t&Y Todkersmith, in the scho, house, un- of life. IJuring the years he spent logues, which were well rendered and pits then weather prophets. A real spend
ed to by the groom, Mr. Bon- that space at this particular time pre- Mrs. John McD. Wilson were visited
r• er the direction of their teacher, Miss
,, d here, he proved himself not only the from which we might gain some prat- snow storm prevailed Last Sunday and thron, in his usually able manner, vents giving a more particularized ac- on Christmas by their daughters and
i,u ' ,0 G. Ross. The skilful manner in dearly beloved and scholarly priest of tical points; recitations given with the wet snow clinging to the trees, and in which all joined in the heart. count of this Eery excellent service a number of relat}ves.—Mr. and Mrs.
ufi W i6hich the youthful performers exe- t. Mars church, but a broad mind- much zest and a pantomine, "Rock of hedges and wires made a pretty pie- fest o1 congratulations. At this fund- of song. Suffice it to say that the Wes, Caldwell spent Christmas with
S Y g tore the groom danced the Highland leader, Mr. W. O. Goodwin, and his their friends here.=Mr. Neil Sparks
ctited their numerous and varied ed and honorable gentleman. Ages," was nicely presented. All ture. The day was spent by many
, , ,1!. 11a'rts, including recitations, dialogues, Father Kealy sang high masa on the numbers were well received and in visiting and others went hunting Fling in a manner which-Could not wife, as org(tnist, and the large choir of Detroit, spent Christmas in ys at
"Sty 1rhoruReg, drills, aeroatiea and tableaux Thanksgiving morning, and was in showed careful training and reflected in the woods. well be surpassed for a gentleman rendered all their parts in a manner —Dr. G. Smith spent the holidays at
+ : , tr eaftful and diligent re- his usual health until a short time great credit on Miss Kerr, the teacher. +��s nearing' eighty years of age, but his that elicited very much praise.—Miss Currie, with his parents.
dl cry go p
3 X.t'` 'a,'�.,,.,'par"ati'ori; MiGs Ione Stewart and Mr. before hie death. At b.46 that voice, After the programme, Santa Claus in stepping gave evidence a one scarce -of r.�.�r��.r.�,.�u...w,.a...
it ask "wait rorsyth assisted with well so like a silver bell, was bushed for- his usual happy style, appeared and KIPPEN a hty -and t age in the matter of
1° °, "sa}0red adios . Mr: Albert AYtexan- ever, he peacefully passed into stern- with several of the children ae help- q w ra of Tbant s "—I wteh to thank !ny agility 'and grace and •$fterwards all
,try � :, , e}' 3ri'hW 119u6T happy manner, acted ity. He was one of those friends in ers, took charge of the pretty and many
iranaee aai gibe yeee�tha¢ria hsbout the sons and daughters joined' in step
q,-�n alae �haitittran, b14ss Eva Strong was need who are friends indeed, and the heavy laden Christmas tree. Many I ping oA all the old time and popular `
dose nna exten to one aria an teat wie es dances in a manner'that gave evi-
'y ' tit's al a .aQ8bmliati t for the mus ebmmunity bag lest one of its most were the presents distributed, not a aq d 9taepetity in the enuring year. :W. L, d
Y",+ (' t' y' ors of the pr9gramme, This eminent land useful citizens• religion, child was forgotten. After the fes- MAIlis. 2s24-r Bence of early traitling an nimble• Milliner Sale tit i` ' ., .r ro'aght,:out a large and ap- b to of its, ablest defenders; human. tividea of the tree, the National An Notes—Ther Kippen i1orticul'tural hogs of action to the stirring music
)2 t "'4ildfonnae,' ;s M h failed the ity, ore of its warmest supporters; thein was sung. Society will hold its annual meeting of the violin and- piano,. the former in
" o(( tcdioitt"proceeds amormto I education, a champion who was ever North End Notes: -The heavy fall for the election o£. oi8cers and other the ha:rds of ,their father, the'groom EveryHat"must be sold. A Wl101e OlIlIldbW. frill Of
fEli •", , 4 x ` ` ' ;early to co operate with the phyei- of snow on Sunday hie changed the business, on 'Thursday evening, fan, aecempaiiied'' on the piano by `
M1x t , g Bonthron. The refit smart Hats at' 1'.9& worth three times that
,i,., ,. cal, social and religious environment appearance of thine in genersl.� 10 at 8:30 in the school room Of Mrs,, - Sarineg Vl!; + I1 y,
resents were bdtlt. ltiluneroua,; on "+?'.: to forth a better manhood and we- The Christmas tree entertainment at thy. Presbyterian churteh, - Details' o e nlueh. Come and get a pretty; new. Hit' for the heli-
Q4ias a ', ,.very..tflanhood g
Bethel ivas. all right. f14e' bildren lite tneetirrg,will lie iven later Tli, coatiy,.anfl nearlp'al1 of gold' rtg rite
stn $sr of the Father Ileal was horn in ,S use treated 'to candies an woreMethodist Sunday e,11001 • held theitr:Occasion: called for 'and spoke for the day at a Cheat I3arga.t y yraC wha and the resents of the trap annual ChtisttAra>i. erl ainlhent -dti 'esteatn tihd', pOt%atrN-af .the femil Orc�e'1is takellLfo rDr Cleaniri and W11 kilida bf laundry.1+iety; YoEle,Augost 2', 18118, He ro pPY ! . ,, illi f r n{x: parsnteta ar ,o�nin ,:'to ,lite'; . , , :&Wed his, eat•] educattoft,-tri :•that brought lots of Joy. UPWatde of ft FridaAy geCenlba$ 1r) 11k '' 1 „ 1�+O108t Cit, aulldr%+. ,, Y n inat th'c btlr, 1'oifI -:'+� JI•vison a ted "a k6airman is hag ;11JO 1#±b ,01 , later ,graduating, in iii gemiii tv take , .. d G,fona o e gO, O- r oar t A i2l$rgtfis . tlr:�tit,. ■rrtlrid t way ;tlto,:ie ao t bf a soli d. o'a fie. > nay: ;.ba se ':..:£r - L Assum ti Itr , . .'61"'. rid" a' tiffs : ,.a�> , : ,. �.� i ' Flo.i� Y id p }r �y y�{ y�yr� icetaira , a wirfa'al',,,ritlk"tiv tY.,/.leo.,�irttd..,,,nrdiihtlb'rT.,,wore
.nit?tn>..,.tli:;ib�f tatitYhs' 6 :. .. 't61 � � 1ih..'! _ 7!� .,v, ",_. }?......; ,, . ;,�.. .,a BW- wnrc,.,..l��s.L;:..:lar�..�Yl •;.wM �w� i� �+i•'i�Fi�'b ,: :,,, eli it � I