HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-12-14, Page 5• i• Lt Lt le d 't, 1 D off, .he nu' Lys al - re. lill, • :1 !I1 ii!! I 1 i 1 'Loy f• r ^^e'1 at has packed this 'store 1 a; ' BOYS' SUITS SiapPy all wad Suite for boys, in,aizas fro* $, to 17 years. All nSW pat., terns, styles and colors. Norfolk coats and ' full lined bloomers. Valnesl to $15.00. $6.65 Handkerchiefs a>' *' t ti , o c.a agity every day e since this Quitting Business Sale Started It is impossible to overemphasise the importance of this Quitting Business Sale to the people ala this community. Mere words fail to do it justice, only'by personal inspection of the true significance o the drastic reduOk ions throughout the store. No article has except ; irinal `; disposal'pricea are'ie8.a in most every instance than to -day's wholele costs. A wonderful opportunity t o anticipatryom. awn, future needs and to purchase for gift making is afforded by this sale. In justice to yourself you should look Over the Pry quoted and then see the Merchandise itself, Irl mot departments thistocks are still quitd:complete and you will be agreeably surprised at the high quality of merchandise we are offering at such low prices• • .a.a�srwwr.., An ideal gift for Xmas. Regular 15c to 45c values. Now 7tol9c TOWELS. • Fancy Turkish Towels in extra large size, with fringed ends, that make splendid, useful Christ- mas Gifts. These towels retail regularly at 75c each. Now they are only 48a Men'sFine Suits Here you may choose a fine hand - tailored Suit at less than the price of just the ordinary kind. Only the best of pure wool, cold water shrunk ma- terials enter into the manufacture of these garments. Snappy styles for the young men as well as the more conservative styles for older men. $25.00 to $45.00 values are going now at 16.65 to 26.85 35c Prints 19c Both light and dark colors are included in this offering. Best quality -30 inch Canadian Prints. Regular 19c 35c value. Per yard 1 • • If You ValueMoney •Corne Now' And get your share of the Real Bargains LADIES' HOSE Pure Silk and Silk and , Wool Mixtures in a vari- ety of the new and want- ed colors. These are the celebrated Hole Proof brand and sell regularly at $1.50 and $1.75. Now only 98c Furs FOR Christmas Gifts... Nothing would be more appreciated by Mother, Wife, Daughter or Sweetheart than a beautiful set of • Furs, Here you have your unrestricted choice of the finest line of Furs ever shown in this vi- cinity. Many are at less than One -Half Price; Boys' and Girls' HOSE CORSETS YARD SILKS 86 in. Gold Seal Black Duchess Silks anti heavy s weight eepe,•de•ahiue, 40 in. wide in oil the wanted Mars, These are the ,en - Wm' inverted Swiss Crepes, 8,8 values, per yd. $1.69 A Corset for figure can be found lamer stock of Nemo, Goddess, e -la -Grace and D. & A. wakes. Roth front and back lace models. $2.00 to $8.50 values. 1.29 to5.45 Knit from pure wool worsted yarn in either heavy or medium ribbed. Full double soles and high spliced heels. To 85c values. 48c Men's $22.00 Suit Lengths $9.98 Men's $100 Neckwear at 5i 8c 3 %yard suit lengths of Pure Wool, English Serge, in Brown, Navy Hundreds of Silk Knit and Plain Si Ties to choose from in 8C and Grey. Only about `20 left in this lot, so get yours now. the popular four-in-hand styles. Re $1.00 ties, now 5JY Hundreds of Unadvertised • suprise - , await, your choosing here' and now -7:901E U1/26) COUCH & SCHNEIDER Co. Ltd, MITCHELL, ONTARIO DUBLIN Notes.—Mr. Downey, of Buffalo, the 3ldisses Duggan, Stratford, and Miss Marion Bowker, Toronto, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. Frank Mc- Connell. STANLEY School Report -The following is the report of School Section No. 7, Stanley. The names are in order of merit: Sr. IV.—Lettie Love, Earl Love, Muriel Carlile, Gladys Steph- enson, Elmer Turner, Clarence Steph- enson. Sr. III.—Ralph Turner, Mar- tha Carlile, Grace Love. Jr. III.— Clarence Reickert. Jr. II.—Alvin Reickert, Gladys Coleman. Jr. I.— lIelen Anderson, Irene Turner, Geo. Stephenson.—Ruby Taylor, Teacher. McKILLOP Chanage of Date.—The date of the entertainment by the pupils of School Section No. 4, McKillop, has been changed to the evening of Thursday, December 20th. Farm Sold.—Mr. Thomas Grieve, -who recently retired from farming to take up his residence in Seaforth, has sold his farm, Lot 32 on the secoad concession to Mr. Albert Harrison, of Goderich Township, who gets imme- diate possession. The farm contains 100 acres, is ideally situated and has on it excellent buildings. The price paid was $7,500. Mr. Harrison has purchased a fine home at a very rea- sonable figure. Telephone Hearing.—In our report of the McKillop Telephone petition Iheard before the representative of the Ontario Municipal and Railway Board t Seaforth on Tuesday of last week, the name of Reeve F. McQuaid was omitted from those present. Mr. Mc- Quaid represented the township at the meeting. North End Notes.—The nice mild weather continues at time of writing. The longer it lasts the better it will be. --The kiddies are happy in antici- pation of the ('hristmas true enter- tainment, which will he held at Bethel church on the evening of Friday, Dec., 21st.—Mr. Robinson, the pastor, preached an instructive sermon last Sabbath and the offertory by the choir was delightfully rendered.—A slumber of young men, who went to the United States some time ago, are back home. Employment there is pretty slack just now.—A number -who went to the New Ontario woods are also back. The weather was cold back there, and the work, was not easy. --Joseph Thornton and' George Stewart have a job of cutting stove -wood for Alex. Ross.—Hunters from Seafg9rth were down in the little cedar .ewanip last week. There is an odd rabbit to be seen, but whether game or no game, the shooters app'bar to enjoy it,—There is quite an industry being maintained down in the old pine swamp, in the manufacture of turpentine and charcoal. These are being made froth pine stumps, and it Is said that there is goad money to be made at the job. BIRTHS James.- in Hibbert, on December lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Jame, (nee A. Grace Dalrymple), a son -Philip Alexander. Bullard.- In McKillop, on December 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard, a dausrhter. MARRIAGES Parke- Conant. -At bride a home in Stanley, . on Wednesday, November 21st, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Kippen, Clarear srfr —t Mise Pearl Ruth Consitt. Purdy -Dalrymple. --.At the Manse, Kippen, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, on December 5th, 1923. Leenwood Rutua Purdy to Mise Susie Christen Dalrymple. DEATHS Ellison. -In Egmondville. on December 13th, Laurence Ellison, in his 89th year. NOMINATION MEETING A meeting for nominating a Reeve and four' Councillors for the Municipality of the Township of McKillop, for the year11924: In accordance with the Ontario Statutes. 1914. Chapter 192, 'Sections 68 to 69. it is enacted by the Council of the Township of McKillop (1) That Candidates for a Reeve and four Councillors be nominated en Monday, the 81st day of December, 1928, at School House No. 6, McKillop, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. (2) In the event of more .persona being nominated than are required to fill the sev- eral offices. an election will be held on Monday, the 7thi• day of January. 1924, at the following named places: Polling Division No., 1- G. K. Holland's house. Lot 10, Concession 5, James Evans, D.R.O., Thomas Moylan, P. C. Posltng Division No, 2 --James 1 llem'a House, Lot 25, Concession 5, Juhn McDowel, D.R.O., James. Hillen. P. C. iPollirig Division No. 8 -Jos. Smith's house, Lot 10, Concession 12, John Leeming, D.R.O., John Murray, P. C. Polling Division No. 4 -School House No. 7, Lot 26, Conceiwion 12, John Bal1four, D. R. 0., Willis Dundee, P. C. JOHN McNAY, 2922-2 Clerk. SALE REGISTER - IMPORTANT NOTICES On Wednesday, December 19th, at 1 o'clock STRAYED ON TO MY'' PREMISES, LOT p.m., on Lot 82, Concession 13, McKillop, Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Mrs. 21, Concession 13, Hay, a red steer about Alden McGavin, Proprietrea9; Thos. Brown. 2 years old. Owner may have same by pros - Auctioneer. 2921x2 ung property and paying expenses. E. F. KLOPP, Zurich. 2922-2 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF fj0 HEAD OF CHOICE Durham, Hereford and Polled -Angus Heif- ers and Steers, 11 Leicester Ewes, Durham cow 8 years, to freshen December 2$rd, two chunks of pigs about 75 pounds, rubber tired top buggy, at Connell's Barn, Clinton, on Monday, December 17th, at 1 o'clock ''sharp. Thio is an exceptionally choice lot of well bred cattle, bred and raised in Huron County. Terms of Sale. -8 months' credit on approved joint notes or four •per cent. straight allowed for cash. JOHN TURNER and NORMAN HOLLAND, Proprietors; G. 11. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 2922-1 • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implemento.---Oaear Klopp has been in- structed to sell by public auction at Soldan'o Willow Hall Farm, London Road, near Hen- sall, on Thursday, December 27th, at one o'clock p.m., sharp. the following: Stock - 1 horse 11 years old, weight 1550 pounds 1 'hors.. 12 years old, weight 1650 pounds ; 1 driver 10 years old, weight 1100 pounds ; 1 driver 10 years old, also weighing 1100' lb.: 11 heifer calf year old, 1 steer c>tlf 7 months Implements. -One" wagon complete with 8 -inch tire, ' 1 wagon gear 2 -inch tire, one wagon gear 2% -inch tire, Massey -Harris binder 7 foot cut, one Deering disc. 1 Deer- ing seed drill 13 hoe, nearly new, Massey - Harris riding gang plow, 5wection iron har- rowa, combination Walking., plow, John Deere mower 5 foot 'cut, Frost & Woad mower 5 foot cut, John Deere hay rake •10 foot, 1 buggy, 1 set 2>,- inch sleighs, 1 improved Chatham fanning mill. 2 double set work harness, 1 set double drlving harness, 2 0Pta single driving harness, 'one saddle, 1 stove. base burner. Terms. -Five month's credit on sums over 810. Five per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN and ARTHUR COXWORTH. Proprietors; Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. 3 m x 5 C hristmas Goods - Overshoes for Ladies, three and four -buckle, Jersey Cloth And Cashmerett; also showing the New Combination Buckle and Button Overshoe -'-very new, easy to put on, and very neat appearing. Specials in Felt Slippers for Children, from Infanst size 2 to Misses' size 2. Ladies' Felt Slippers, $1.00 to $2.50. A pair of Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes is just the Christmas Gift for Boy or Girl. Evening Slippers in Black, Brown and Silver Satin, Spatts, Shoe Trees and Fine Shoes, very appropriate. Make your old Satin Slippers look like new with a bottle of. r1C Satin Renewer, at LJ C Tape away the grey appearance from your Rubbers; make ?5C them look like new with a bottle of Nu-Ruhber, for LJ ti RED W. WIGG { ESTRAY H"BiFER.--STRAYED FROM LOT 24. Concession 6. Mc lop, o December let, a red heifer. Fin. rd advise.e ROGER MCCLURE, No. Seafor Phon 12-285, Seaforth. 2922x1 ESTRAY HEIFER.--STRA r , To THE Premises of the undersigned, Lot 11, Concession 9, McKillop, about the end of September, a red heifer with little white. Owner may have same on proving property and paying charges. MARTIN MURRAY. Phone 23 on 20, Dublin. 2921x8 FOR' SALE OR RENT. HOUSE AND LOT for sale or rent in the village of Bruce - field: two-thirds acre of land; good Tar, hard and soft water: ..table and hen E&use. Possession given immediately. Appl to JOHN V. DIEHL, Clinton, Ont. 2919-tf ESTRAYED FROM LOT 15, CONCESSION 4, Hibbert, on November 12th, two sows, one large sow weight between three and four hundred and one sow about 175 pounds, both white. Please notify FRANK GALLAOHER, Dublin P. 0. Phone 47 ring 10, Dubli 2J20x$ REGISTERED SHORTHORN BULL FOR Sale.- - For sale on Lot 14, Concession 2, Tuckeremith, a bull calf, nine months old, Sky Pilot (163836), sire Kippen Lad 1109050), dam ary Queen of Scots (181289). This 1. a g imal and will he sold cheap. Apply to W. Doig, L.L.W. Port Huron, Michigan. Suite 5 Stevens Bldg. 2921-2 @ g -SALE.—LOT 30, CONCESSION 2, McKillo0 Roxboro, % of an acre of land. On the premises there is an 8 -room brick house, good cellar, hot air furnace, hard and soft water inside, telephone and rural mail delivery; also stable, buggy house and henhouse; strawberries, raspberries, plum. pear and cherry trees. Two and one-half miles from Seaforth ; leas than one-quarter mile from school. AppLv to JOHN McMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Phone 20-236. 2918-tf MEN'S SOCKS Reny weight Soles „r knit from pure wool •; yarn, 75c values. 4 Men's Overc�ats In men's and young men's models that are the last word in material, style and workmanship. Here you will find Coats made of that- soft, warm imported English plaid back material that gives warmth without excessive weight. All the new col- ors and patterns. Three piece belts or belted backs. $25.00 to $40.00 values, now are 15.95 to 22.95 10 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR --89c With a purchase of $5.00 or over in any Department. FARM FOR SALE. -.FARM OF 110 ACRES, Lot 18, Concession 5, McKillop. There are on the premises a good frame house, hard and soft water; barn 80x38, first class stabl- ing, water in the barn, also good hen house; 90 acres plowed. The farm is situated 51, miles from Seaforth or Dublin; convenient to church and school. For further particu- lars apply on the premises, or HUGH FLYNN, Dublin, Ont. 2922-tf NOTICE OF AI'I'LICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Minnie Martha Moes, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, William George Mose, of the City of London, in the County of Middle- sex on the ground of adultery. Dated at London in the Province of On- tario, the tenth day of November, 1928. L. N. WEEKES, Solicitor for the Applicant. 2919`5 NOMINATION MEETING - The annual meeting of the elector. of the Township of Tuckensmith for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1924, will be held at Walker's Hall, Hrucefleld, • on Monday, De- cember' 31st. 1923. at 1 p.m. If a poll he necessary, such pi41 shall be opened on Mon- day, January 7th, 1924, at the following places and by the following officers: No. 1- Mills' Carriage Shop• W. C. Govenlock• D.R.O.. John lieinke, P. C.: No. 2 --School No. 8. Same+ McGeoch, D. R. 0.. H. M. Chesney, P. C.; No. 3- School House No. 4, G. N. 'turner. D. R. 0., George Layton, P. C.; No. 4--Sch..] House No. 3, Thomas Chap- man, D. R. 0., J. W. McIntosh, P.C.; No. 5 --School House No. 1, Robert Traquair, D. R. O.. R. D. Bell. P.C., No. 6 School House No. 9. William Sinclair, D. R. 0., Alexander Sinclair, P. C. Poll open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. D. F. McGREGOR, 2922-2 Returning Officer. Make This A Radio Christmas BROADCAST YOUR CHRISTMAS CHEER. SANTA ('.LAKs WILL TRAVEL ON THE WAVES OF RADIO. THE ETHER IS EVERYWHERE—ANI) SO IS SANTA. Get in touch with him in his own element. Order you Radio Set now, and hear the tingling of sleigh hells a4 he brings with him the season of good cheer. And what could be better on Christmas Night then to "listen in" on the songs of the ages, the chimes of the distant cathedrals, the news of the world, and the jazz of to -day. Pay special atten- tion to the following outstanding features:— Westinghouse Rao Sets are operated with ordinary tele- phone dry cells, no storage battery required. We guarantee these Sets to receive 1,000 miles, and have heard Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, with the same Receiving Set. THE PRICE OF THIS SET 15 $75.00 ('OMPLETE. Everyhddy "chip in" and get. a Radio for Christmas. Reid Bros., Seaforth PRONE 19. DR. D. H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 2920x8 u NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE ie hereby gives mamma to the Statutes in that behalf that aU persons haw- ing claims against the estate of John Mc- Callum, late a the Township of McKillop, County of Huron, deceased, who died on the ]0th day of November, 1928, are required on or before the 5th day of January, 1923. to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security /if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said Inat mentioned date the Newts of tlbe said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the lith day of December,,' 1929. R. B. HATS. 2922-3 Administrator's 8oiiettoe, Christmas Gifts 1 The table is the tabernacle of the home. A nicely decorated and well -loaded table on Christmas Eve remains in the memory of every member of the fam- ily for ever. Why cover the table with an old shab- by -looking piece of cloth when only for a little money you can get from us a nice Pure White Linen Cloth that will surely brighten up the room and the heart and soul as well. We extra reduced the prices on this occasion on all our Linens and Damask. Pure ' Linen Table Cloth, two yards $1.49 wide ; worth $2.75, for Table Damask, 58 inches wide; worth 95c $1.75, for Pure Linen Table Cloth, ready to use, 90x66 inches; worth $6.50, for............$4.25 and 72x58 inches, with blue or pink iS3•25 border, worth $4.85, for, Ladies' and Gents' Silk and Wool Scarfs, from -79c to 2.75 Silk Crepe -de -chine Waists, worth $6.50, for Ties of all descriptions, from Ladies' Gloves, from $3.95 49c to $1.25 75c to SI.49 Our tables and shelves are filled with lots, of art- icles too numerous to mention, that suggest' a nice Christmas gift, and as with everything that we sell they are of the best quality, and seal at a very low );rice. We are cordially inviting everybody to vis- it our store and itnspect our goods and prices. Cheifetz Bros.,Seaforth r