HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-12-14, Page 3yyf
'6t b4kL �% t'4,eciX,w4.lS.)�T.'1+:
ri,, m gated ; chilld17:r*m ' can' find
g�Irrrelieftaro lith : the els et
'Baby s Own ab etc. The Tablets are
a mild but thorqegle liptative Which,
, er,;fail to regulatejtbbe bowele and
:otonsach, thus driving out conittipa-
tion and indigestion, colds' slid simple
• Sievers. Concerning them' Mrs. Gas-
. : pard Daigle; Denrain, Qee., writes :'
"Baby's Own Tablets have been of
great benefit to..my little boy, who
wee suffering.. from constipation and
indigestion. • They quickly relieved'
him and now her, is in the best of
health." The Tablets are sold by.
medicine'dealers er by mail at 26c a
box from The br. ,Williams' Medicine;
Co, Brockville, Ont.
Fort William, Ont. -For the first
time in the history of theso'•porte, so
far as is known, cargoes of wheat
are-. clearingdirect for European
pores. Four Norwegian • ships re-
ecently loaded with wheat sailed;,for
'Ireland and a Spanish wheat vessel
,cleared for New York and thence a-
ci oss the Atlantic. Over 43 boats
cleared Mime this port within a
Calgary,. Alta.—The Prince of
Wales's ranch at High River, Alta.,
contributed the highest priced bull
at.a recent fall sale here. Prince-
ton Crusader, ablooded yearling,
librought $285.: �
(continued from page 1.) ,
Moved by Messrs. Miller and Iian-
9ey that•the council make a supple-
mentary .grant of $1,165.67 to• pay
the cost of completion of the road
from the C.N.R. track to London Road
abridge in -Clinton.
Moved by Messrs. Munnings and
Erwin that the Warden appoint a
.committee.to draft a resolution mem-
eralizing the Provincial and Dominion
-Governments against any further de -
vesting of lake,gater through Chicago
.drainage canal. The Warden named
fir. Milne and Messes.Munnings and
Robertson as the committee.
The following correspondence was
read by the Clerk:
From Mr. J. E. Tom, statement of
expenses as Public School Inspector.
Motion from the Clinton Hospital
hoard to be present at the opening.
Letter from Robert Higgins, ask-
ing an allowance for extra auditing.
Under the head of enquiries, the
matter 'of signing orders and.attend-
ance of the Warden was asked to be
explained. It was explained, that' the
'Warden attended twice a month.
The House of Refuge Committee
reported and the report taken up in
committee with Mr. Neeb in the chair.
"The report was adopted as read.
The Road and Bridge Committee
reported with Mr. Munnings in the
chair. The report was adopted as
The County Property Committee
aeported and the report was taken
alp in committee, with Dr. Milne in
the chair. The report was adopted.
'Moved bee Messrs. Knight and Er-
win that the insurance on the Court
Mouse be increased from $10,000 to
:$25,000.—Sent to Executive Com-
Moved by Messrs. Coates and Mc-
Quaid, that a certain portion of road
sou nth 8th concession of Usborne,
,ding the north boundary and
econnectin with the county road lead-
ing to ublin, be taken over as a
county, d.
Move br"Messrs. Robertson and
-Collins, 'that a resolution be passed,
asking the Good Roads Commission
and the town of' Goderich to get to-
gether in an effort to make the hill
leading from the G.T.R. bridge, to
the bridge at Saltford, put in a safe
condition, for traffic.
Moved by Messrs. Milne and Nay-
lor that th dangerous places on
Road o. Provincial County eRoad
from Wi am to London, be protect-
ed with fence and rail at double S
turn at Unioe Cemetery et first turn
cut of Blyth.—Sent to Geed Roads
Commission: ' -
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Hayes
that the spur leading from %Road No.
4, leading southerly- to Centralia sta-
. tion, be extended from the turn at
]the station easterly to London Road.
-"Referred to Good Roads Commis-
On motion of Messrs. Neeb and
Hanley, the council adjourned to meet
een Thursday.
. Kerr With refµ
toereiicthae t4 • was referred
: ,.
The. fo Jawing applications for. the
position of Manager .and Matron, -Of
the; Huron County Home, were .
and •.on. merlon of Hissers. McQuaid
and Armstrong were laid on the table
to be aeted upon later:
Mr. andiefrs, John Jamieson, Luck.
now; Mit and eerie 'W.• Lindsay,
lli'nesting* e 1 r' end Mrs. John , S.
neer, West Lorne,; Mr. and Mrs.
John W. McKay, Brussels; Mr. and.
Mrs. William Cunningham, Brussels;.
Mr. end Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Gode-
rich; Mr. ande Mrs; John Jacob, Exe-
ter. '
Mr, Irwin, Provincial Engineer,
was present and was asked to ad-
dress the council.
1 Mr\ Irwin spoke of the importance
of the hew Highway Traffic Act and'
the need of•ebecoming familiar with
its provisions, as they were very im-
portant in the attempt to secure the
same traffic .and a proper 'protection
of our reads. He spoke with praise
of the condition of Huron roads
throughoutthe .county. Mr Irwin
gave moat of his address To the work
of the townships, which he found do-
ing good work.
Only nineteen townships of his dis-
trict Mill: were continuing statute la-
bor, nine- of ' which were in Huron.
The•average price per yard inile of
gravel by statute labor was $1.05; in
Huron, .92.2- cent, per mile, The av-
erage price by contract for thedis-
trict was 351-3 cents for Huron; 35.8
cents per yard mile. Dumping gravel
in large quantities was strongly con-
demned. It should be put on in thin
coats to protect the good bed already
Haulage of gravel by truck was
by far -the better and cheaper method
of putting on gravel. It was the most
of labor that, made road work ex-
pensive. -
In Elgin, 20c and 21c per yard inile
by trucks, 'and some townships in
Kent use these trucks to great ad-
vantage. They cost from 3800 to
$1,200, but they are a great saving in
road building. -
The work on Victoria Street, Gode-
rich, and in Brussels and Clinton, were
particularly commended as being
very 'Wise expenditures.
eIn'apeaking of the asphalt brick
pavement on a cement foundation in,
Seaforth, he said the best plan would
be to remove all the bricks and put
on a tarvia top oh the foundation
already provided. A tarvia top
should cost from 80c to 90c per
square yard. This would not include
the removing of the top already on_
Itwas not advlaable, nor would it
pay to • crush' the old bricks and put
on back streets.
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
Grieve, that the council- has listened
with much pleasure and profit to the
address of Mr. Irwin, and to show
the appreciation in which his services
have been held by this council, we
wish to call the attention of the Pro-
vincial Government to the untiring
efforts of Mr. Irwin, and would ask
them to consider favorably the ad-
vancement of Mr. Irwin in the De-
partment of Highways, and that a
copy of this resolution be sent to the
Premier and to the Minister of High-
The report of the Education Com-
mittee was presented with Mr. John-
ston in the chair. The report was
Moved by Messrs. Baeker and Mc-
Quaid, that a supplementary grant of
$2,655.80 be made to the Village of
Brussels for `improvements to'Turn--
Turn=berry Street. Referred to Good Roads-
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Tip-
ling,that the Warden and Clerk be
requested to memoralize the Provin-
cial Gotternment to have. Magistrates
appointed in the severe] centres •of
the county as formerly, instead of the
preseitt ' system.—Sent / to- Special
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
Cdates, that an allowance of $100 be
made the local Mothers' Al owance
Board for services during the, past
year, to be divided as follows: Chair:
man, $30; Secretary, $25; each of the
three. members, $15.—Referred to
Executive Committee.
Moved by Messrs. Spotton and
Inglis, that the main road leaidng to
Clifford be' immediately put in ,a safe
condition. Referred, to Good Roads
Moved by Messrs. Grieve and Mc-
Quaid;' that' a . grant of $6,000 be
made to the Town of Seaforth, under
the Highways 'Improvement Act, for
construction work on Main Street
from, the. C.N.R. tracks to the Pro-
The Wonder Kidney
' Liver z.)' Stomach Tonic
as Nationally Advertised
Sold by
t'h trleii A 'erjtar't, Seafortliy told
a good `e3riiggist everywhere,
tis ,.'8,1,9;4014
nC oi< V�fO fol
Men*, r u e l F arta ee
of houseteh d ; " berg rec$ly
ed by the Baler
ot;ed' by'c Mes$
rs, :. 9(cEwen and
Ai'1hstrong: that the elslise, be .refer.
red, to the C` flinal.Audit Board.. The
report as amended was'then adopted.
• The Executive Committee repotted
with Mr. Fear•in the chair: The re-
port , vas"adopted''as read.-
Meeteaid-Collins—:That the County
Engh eer furnish to the Reeves, of
the several municipalities a statement
of the total disbursements on county
toads ill' their municipalities for
1923, said statement to be sent be-
fore nomination meeting.
Moved b
Mears Neeb
Y and Hayes
that _a committee-' composed of the
Clerk, Treasurer and County Road
Superintendent be appointed to equal-
ize the expenditure on our designated
roadsefor the years 1921 to 1923, in.
elusive, and report at the January
' Moved by Messrs. Geiger and Tip-
ling=that owing to extra cost of
cement road at Hensall, costing
$36:148, that the by-law passed for
$30,000 in 1922, which was not suf.
ficient for the county's -share, that a
grant of $6,746 be therefore given to
meet'hhe balance of tlfl'e expenditure.
-iRefrred to Good Roads Commis-
The matter of apilbinting a Man-
ager end Matron* for the Huron Codn-
ty House of Refuge was; then taken
up, and it was decided to ballot for
the candidates.
The Clerk. read the names of the
candidates and each was given an
opportunity to speak to the Council,
which those present did.
On tele fourth ballot ie,was found
that Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs had a clear
It was moved by Messrs. McQuaid
and Hanley, that Mr.'and Mrs. Jacobs'
having received a majority of the
votes cast, that they be appointed
Manager and Matron and that a by- t
law be drafted confirming the ap-
pointment, .
On motion of Messrs. Erwin and
Hanley the council adjourned to meet
at 7.30 p.m.
'When the council met,. pursuant to
adjournment, Mr. J. M. Govenlock,
ex -Warden, who was present, was
asked to address the council.
Mr. Govenlock complimented the
Warden on his election and noted
that all were looking pleasant and
that some who had been elected for
1924 looked relieved.
Mr. Knight moved. that the Wtrden
be asked to vacate the chair and that
Sleeve Hanley be substituted. -
Mr. Hanley took the chair and .in
very suitable words outlined the du-
ties of this part of the programme
and asked that Warden Beavers come
forward and asked Mr. Armstrong to
read an addre a to him, after which
Reeve A. E. Erwin, of Bayfield, pre-
sented him With ra very- handsome
gold headed • • ere; the council stand-
ing througho4
The Warden -made a very suitable
reply, thanking the council for the
splendid testimony of their tender-
ness of heart-and.generostty.
The council then rose and sang,
"For He is a Jolly Good Fellow," and
brief addresses were given by Messrs.
Armstrong, McQnaid, Douglas, Neeb,
Tipling 'and Erwin. The chair was
then resumed by the Warden, and -the
usiness of the session proceeded
The Warden stated that Mr, Griffin
had notified hint that he and Mrs.
Griffin were willing td vacate the gaol
residence as soon as possible and that
he was willing to refund to the coun-
ty the sum of $200 to pay a portion
of the expenses incurred through hie
'occupancy of the gaol.
Ex -Warden Robert McKay, of Eg-
mondville; who was present, was
asked to speak and stated that since
he had been Warden in 1913, some
thirty-two of those who sat with him
had passed -away.
On motion -of Messrs. Neeb and
Hayes; the council then adjourned to
meet on Friday."
Under the head of "Enquiries," Mr.
McQuaid asked with reference to the
arrangement made with the Towne
ship of Colborne as to road expendi-
Satisfactory explanations were
made by Mr. Robertson and the War-
Mr. Baeker brought up the matter
ef, paying compensation to an em-
ployee on a connecting link, whether
it should be charged to the village or
the county.
It was decided that it should be
charged to the cost of the road.
The report of the Special Com-
mittee was read, with Mr. Buchanan
in the chair. The report was adopt-
The report of the County Property
was read, with Mr. McNab in -the
chair. The report was adopted.
The report of the Good Roads Com-
mission was presented, with Mr.
Robertson in the chair. The report
was adopted.
Moved byosar:A-Hanley and Rob-
ertson, that t Treasurer be instruct-
ed to issue "a Pay cheque for Decem-
ber to the -family) of the late Mr•
Lindsay. • ' '
Mr. Spotton `made an explanation
regarding the extra amount paid the
, .Manager and Matron of the County
Home, that it was added as salary
but Should have, been' added as a
After s aging the Natognal Anthem,
thb Centel'. on Motion • of Measrs.
a$neQnn 1
the gfi la rotaao
Wit' a supplement_
to the vfflago of
cemmeed ,that ,``4hE
under an egieeineet
to bebwee the • Cor
village 'and the co
Re motion of G yye and '•McQuaid
that a' grant of $6,000 Riede toe
town of Seaforth foie improvenreete.
We recommend that; ,Erthe work is,to
-be done next year that the matter be
left over foe the January seesipa.
Re motion of Milne and Douglas.
We recommend no action.
Re motion of goates and McQuaid
that road in Uslforne`;be assumed as
a county'road. We recommend that
these roads be aasumed as a county
road'and that a by-law be passed in
January confirming this action.
Re motion of Neeb and Halves, We
recommend that, the rad be assumed
as a county road and -that it be 'in-
cluded in the January' by-law.
Re account from Hay Township of
$9.74, being county road assessment
on a municipal drain. We recom-
mend that the same be paid.
Re claim of Wm. McEwen for $8
fee damages sustained at byroad. We
recommend that the same be paid.
Re claim of Punsworth for dam-
ages to car, we recommend no ac-
Re claim of C. W. Milligan for
damages to car on the Bayfield Road,
we recommedn no -action.
Re claim of John Dempsey for
damages, we recommend no action.
Re claim of Stephen,Foley for dam-
ages to buggy on - Dtfnlop hill, , we
recommend no action.
Re communication from the Vil-
lage' of Lucknow, re road south, of
the village, .we recomnterff that the
Engineer attend to :eine.
Re communicatiod< of Mr. McTag-
gart, of Usborne, re demages to car,
we recommend no action.
Re motion of . Geiger and Tipling,
or a grant of $6446, we recommend
hat no action be taken until the High-
ways Departtttent have been ponsult-
Your committee recomfnend some
improvement on Road No. 12, Mc-
Killop, at Grieve's Bridge.—John. Mc-
Nabb, Chairman.
Education Committee.
The Education Committee reported
that the request of the Lucknow.
Continuation School for grant for
Huron -County pupils amounting to
$1174, having been found correct, be
That the request of the -Continua-
tion School at Clifford for grant for
Huron County pupils amounting to
$643.88, having been found correct,
be paid. --C. A. Robertson, Chairman.
Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee reported
as follows:
Re motion of Knight and Erwin,
we recommend that a policy of $25,-
000 insurance be taken out on the
Court House, and we further recom-
mend that the Clerk 'communicate
with . the secretaries of the several
Mutual Companies in the county with
a view of getting insurance at a low
rate, and if possible, to have this in-
surance, so placed as we think that
t s property is sufficiently isolated
toget such insurance.
Re motion of Erwin and Knight,
we recommend that a grant of $500
be made to the Children's Shelter to
defray the expenses incurred this
Re motion of McQuaid and Coates,
we recommend that this amount be
paid and we further recommend that
the Warden and Clerk draft a mem-
orial, asking the Provincial Legisla-
ture to amend the act, so that here-
after such remuneration will be born
by the Provincial Government.
Re request of- Queen Mary Hospital
for Consumptives. Toronto, for grant,
we recommend no action.
Re statement of expense accounts
Of the Public School Inspectors, such
as travelling expenses, etc.,, for which
information the Committee and Coun-
cil asked for at the January session,
we recommend that the amounts paid
our school inspectors, $525, be not in-
creased.—F. J. McQuaid, Chairman.
County Property.
The report of the County Property
Committee was as follows:
Re gaoler's report, we recommend
the same be accepted.
Re occupancy of gaol residence, we
recommend that this .committee be
empowered to have Mr. Griffin, the
ex -gaoler, removed from the gaol
residence and Mrs. Griffin, the matron
given quarters in the gaol•proper.—
Thomas Inglis, Chairman:
Pi tiomdf', the
ce l# -v nit 'a lateral f
and t acid "cal w k -alas be
grant in de coat of fr bSlf.4 iby
esala. , We to Re' c 'Mies totiha
sant, ba' made blouse. of 'Refuge "m Goderieli, our<
be en'ter'ed' in. committee. wilted the' town ere Goderich
ethe pf the -to have 'committed •to te' asylum
as she' watt Mt' a fit'subjectto remain
an climate' of the ' C,punty' home' and
this y, has been "removed from the
Special Committee.
The report of the Special Com-
mittee was as follows:
Re motion of Neeb and Tipling, we
recommend that this be done.
Re motion of Hays and Hanley, we
recommend that this be done.
We would also ask This council to
1emoralize the (Matto Legislature
to have the statute so amended that
all county officials paid by the coun-
ty, shall be appointed by the county.
—J. F. Johnston, Chairman.
France Comittittee.
The Finance Committeereportedas
follows: •- -
Re the regt.est of the Workmen's
Compensation Board; re D. Kennedy,
we recommend that the sum of
$238.74 be paid D. Kennedy. •
Re thee regnest o£: tie -Wingham
Hospital, re Kennedy ;for $117.50,
we reedmmeitd that ehle he paid.
The tender of Mr Reeves of Clinton
for bread was accepted ate$4per hun-
dred.. '
Mr, Hawkins was.
given the ,conte
tract for installing a new .up-to•date
isnk in the basement at :spot of $140.
This work is 'npt fully completed- yet
and is being done under the inspection
of'M . TorranceMiller,
The Warden called a- special meet-
ing of the committee an November
13th to consider a communication
from Mr. Robertson foran increase
of salary for himself ad Mrs. Rob-
ertson and also his reaignatione to
take effect January. 1st, if said in-
crease wasof granted. The- increase
in salary ashked was $$440p0. '
Your committee rdeommended .that
no increase be granted: We also re-
commend that Mr. and Mrs. Robert-
son's'rteiignation be accepted to take
effect on December 31st. -
Your committee instructed, thein -
specter and manager to dispose of
the driving mare as she had become
unmanageable and to procure a suit-
able one in her plass. The same has
been done at a cost of 385.
We looked over thefull set of
books kept by the Inspector and they
were found satisfactory, and full in-
formation of all inmates is kept for
reference and ate open for inspection.
There is at the present -tips lo the
credit of the paying innkatd of the
county home the sum of $4;545,65,.
also the sum of $600 which is to be
paid on an order of the County Judge
also a house;' and lot in Exeter, which
has not been sold. The proceeds of
sale to be turned ever to the county.—
Mat. Armstrong, Chairman.
Road and Bridge.
The report of the Road and Bridge
Committee was as follows:
The Committee met at Clinton on
July 19th and examined the county
bridges on the Bayfield River.
The bridge on Concession 2, Stan-
ley, was found to require repairs to
Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Cotopauy'
the approaches, guard fence and
stringers, and it was left with the
chairman of the committee torhave
these carried out, which has been
Glen's bridge was found to be in
good condition and the Varna bridge,
to be in need of having the approach-
es widened. I
The next bridge examined was the
bridge at the corner of the county
adjoining Lambton and Middlesex.
This bridge appears to be used but
very little. The approaches had been
so washed that an automobile could
not pass in safety. It was proposed
to ascertain the wishes of Lambton
and Middlesex. with a view to having -
the bridge made passable.
The bridges on the Middlesex -
Stephen boundary were examined and
it was found that the approaches to
the Mud Creek bridge and the Aux
Sauble bridge required to be widen-
Small repairs were found necessary
to some bridges on the Usborne-Hib-
bert boundary and on the Usborne-
Tuckersmith bouedary. The approach-
es to Black's bridge on the McKillQp-
Hullett boundary should be widened
and Ball's bridge will require a new
floor in 1924.
The Hohnesville" bridge : and torr
Summerhill bridge were examinef
and found to be in good repair. - ,,e
On July 27th the committee Iiteh
at Wingham and examined the eenne.
ty bridges in the town. It was 'de-'
cided to have certainrepairs made is
the south approach of Xeckenzila
bridge, which have beet ' ed out
by Mr. Tipling,' rte' ,
We examined county bridges ,Soni
the lernee-Turnberry and the $rues
Howick, boundary and found them tw
be in good condition.
Michel bridge on , the 'Howie*,
Turnberry boundary required a new
floor and Mr. Spotton was authorized ,
to have the work done.
Day's bridge, at Wroifeter ' yiud
Baylor's on the '' Hawick -Wallace
boundary were found to be in good
condition. ,
On :the Emma -Grey boundary some
repairs wereand necessary to the
approaches athe two bridges, and
.the Brussels age was in need of a
new floor.
No new bridges were found im-
mediately necessary, although it is,
expected .that a small bridge will be
required in 1924 on the Usborne-
Hibbert boundary. --G. B. Hanley,
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In the New Fordor Sedan the well-known Ford sturdiness,
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