HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-12-07, Page 5rgk ecember66, int Eggs, - . ,;�: dozen ,. Butter, per ib. 82 to Ste I . peF, OWL Mortgage Sale d1,ttM LANDS IN THE n OR McKILLOP. BY-LAW 3, 1 of the 14141 (of Tr t.er of the Remen% Cst,* oils 9epartttY for Ultima Sir; Ne, 1, of Townehips of Heand ,Hibbert, in the Carotin, of Hnror and girth. to raise ,by way of loan the thin et Tea Thosuiand Dollars (110,000). es hirleghtig_ Vader • angl •* vista* +ort son Ibe giedirotib i m�Ma kr in t r lit., to twin me. OtD- a depghr .,Ban•. On November *5*, A. F. MacEwen, a sot, on November 11th, to A. J. Oooper, a daughter'. iri` Clinton, on November 27th, to lire. Rocs Forrester, (nee Agues ), s daughter. swa d ''Person- ilubbsrt � , on Novem- ber not, at the ' home of the room s another, by the Be.. 8. F. B.A.. L.Th., rector of Trinity church, Ill Mind Hulbert, recently.. of London, England, to John Peamon. of Bestiai& DSATU8 rlitltrauhar.--.In Clinton, on November 28th, Isabel Bell Fluker,. wife of Wilfred C. Far- quhar, in her 82nd year. Sharpe. -At Crystal City, Manitoba, on No- vember 28rd, Andrew Sharpe, formerly of Hthel, in his 89th year. 00.00 000000000 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 4 Funeral Directors and 0 Licensed Embalmers. 4 Finest Motor and Horse O dradvn equipment. Beattie 4 Bloat, Main Street, opposite 0 The xpositor Office. 8. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O° Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 residence over store. -O Flowers furnished on short -0 notice. AU kinds of up - 0 holstering neatly done. O Phone, Night or Day, 119. 0 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O• 0 0 00000000n 000, IMPORTANT NOTICES WSTRAY HEIFER. --STRAYED ON '1'O THE 'Premises of the undersigned, lot 11, Concession 9, McKillop, about the end of September, a red heifer with little white. owner may have same on pro', ing property sand paying charges. MARTIN MURRAY. Phone 28 on 20. Dublin. 2921x3 REGISTERED SHORTHORN BIJLL FOR Sale. ---,For sale on Lot 14, Concession 2. 'Tuckersmith, a bull calf nine months old. Sky Pilot (168886), sire Kippen Lad (109850), dam Mary Queen of Scots (1812891_ This m m good animal and will he sold cheap. Apply to W. M. Doig, L.L.B., Port Huron, Michigan :Suite 5, Stevens Bldg. 292!-2 BARREDROCKS FOR SALE. E. B. Thompson strain of Barred Rocks for rale. Choice birds. Apply to JAMES DOR- RANCE, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth, or phone 131 on 239. 2920-2 B011 SAL),- OR RENT. -HOUSE AND LOT for sale or rent in the village of Bruce - Held; two-thirds acre of land; good cellar, bard and soft water: stable and hen house. Possession given immediately. Apply to .JOHN V. DIEHL, Clinton. Ont. 2919-tf Bj STRAYED FROM LOT 15, CONCEA,SION 4, Hibbert, on November 12th, two sows, one large sow weight between three and four tluadred and one solo • about 476 pounds, both white. Please notify FRANK GALLAGHER, Dublin P. O. Phone 47 ring 10, Dublin. 3920x8 BOR SALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY: one Sawyer-Maeaey 20 H. P. engine and ,separator with straw cutter, also one Bidwell ',bean thresher and one Lister gasoline engine 9 horse power. All In good condition. For aisle cheap. Apply to JOHN THIRSK, R. R. Silo. 2, Zurich. 2904-tf VOR SALE. -LOT 80, CONCESSION 2. McKillop. Roxboro, % of an acre of tend. On the premises there is an 8 -room brick house, good cellar, hot air furnace. hard and soft water inside, telephone and rural email delivery; also stable, buggy house and t,enhouse : ,trawberri., raspberries, plum, year and cherry trees. Two and one-half smilers from Seaforth : less than one-quarter anile from school. Apply to JOHN McMIL- LAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Phone 20-286. 2916-11 -000000000000 -O 0 O W. J. CLEARY o O 0 O Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Director. 0 O Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 -0 Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 O 2921-52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debentures for Sale The Town of Seaforth has 92,000.00 In- -atalment Debentures for sale, Instalment Principal and Interest payable in fifteen an - real payments. Interest 5% per cent. JOHN A. WILSON. X92.-2 Treasurer. Special Prices on LEATHER GOODS For Christmas 100 Pairs Travellers' Samples, Fine Gloves, at Wholesale Price, Wool A;my Blankets, all wool, at $3.25 Calf Skin Army Gauntlets, special, at 90c Army Haversacks for schoolboys, only 89c Horse Hide Mitts, lined, at 85c, $1.00, to $2.25. _ Horsefitce Gauntlets, regular, $4.50, for $3.50 Leather Lined Clab Bags $7.25 Suit Cases, from $1.75 to $14.00 Single Harness, we make them, $25.00 up to $35.00. Horse Blankets, with stay -on, lined. Robes, No. 1 Saskatchewan, $14.00 to $19.00. Halters, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes. Shoe Repairing a Specialty. Broderick's LEATHER GOOD STORE. in; fdbwspgg i')44:1)62 4 rer°ibial ;sense thgly-de. (olid 4„d le 011 and in a aoad eta& of cultivation mid i. well' situated PPMthe thriving Tsltlas of IALJ Twenty : (94) per of moths* ..saes h' in oaton the day 10.1 rad the Woo"without Merest, tabs!' Woo" here- after. The purchaser will be Teetered `tlo Otru ntrehosa Further portionless andel me mot isle will be made known OD the dry' of Bale and Mel be bad in the meantime freesthe undersigned. L A. BAYS erisesede Selidit.r T. Brown. Anotioneer. Dated et Seaforth, Ontario, this 6th day of Decerober. 1921. 2921-8 , AUCTION SALES 'PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURN- 1'CURE.---The undersigned will sell by private sale at her residence on John Street,! Seaforth, three blocks west of Main- Street,( her entire household effect., conaistins of two bedroom suites, dining room suite, Morris chair, hall mirror, hall tree, several rockers. kitchen table, ki hon sideboard, kitchen chloro, 'Royal Oxfo range as good as new; r number of pictur , 8 rugs end a number of lamps, lawn mower as good as new, two screen doom, some wood and coal and num- erous other small article.. All will be sold without reserve as the owner is leaving town. Term. --Cash. MRS. R. KtRLLY, ,Proprle-, tress. 2920x2 AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE, HOGS AND 114)RSES, on Saturday, December 8th, mile south of Clinton on Hayfield Road, C 1 o'clock, as follows: Horses -Heavy draft gelding raping 8 years, heavy draft 'illy rising 2 years. Cattle- 5 year old Gurn- ey due in January, 3 year old Gurnsey due January, 8 year old Durham due April hat, 6 year old Durham in calf, 8 year old !anew cow, 3 yearling steers, 4 yearling xifers, thoroughbred Durham bull 20 months ,Id; 50 choice pullets, 4 choice Leicester Pitts 1 sow due to farrow " time of rhe, 000 with 6 pigs 5 weeks old, sow due March 1st, 3 sows due January lot, 5 sows 'ue January 15th, 11 store hogs averagin•t 150 lbs., 6 store hogs average 90 lbs., thorough - :,red York hog l% years old. Implements -- Two Two good fertilizer drill., Froot & Wood and Deering ; lumber wagon, Massey -Harris man- ure spreader, Massey -Harris Linder 6 foot cut in good shape, spring wagon, new hay rack. Terms. All auras of 910 and under, ca,h : over that amount 10• months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes or a di.+count of 5 per cent straight off for cash. 07,EI,1, and BISHACK, Proprietors ; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2921-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND FEED.- W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on East Half of Lot 12, Concraeion 6, Town.- ship own=ship of Hibbert, on Friday, December 14th. 1923, the following: Horses --1 black Per- cheron mare 7 years old; agriculturale mare; grey driving horse 7 years old. Cattle -1 cow with calf at foot, 1 cow supposed to calve in February, 15 steers rising 2 years old, 1 Spring calf. Hogs 6 brood sows due in January and February, 7 pigs about 75 Pounds each, 6 pigs 0 months old, 10 pigs two months old, 10 pigs 4 months old, 1 pure bred hog 1% years old. Fowl --Some pullets and 8 old geese. Grain --500 bushels mixed grain, peas and oats ; 40 bushel's seed barley. Also 1 set double harness, 1 net single harness, 1 set of scales. 2000 lbs. capacity. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms. -All rums of 510 and under, cash ; over thnt amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with • !Lana- fide property owners as security, or a discount of 4 per cent. will be given for cash in lieu of notes. Positively no reserve. PATRICK F. RYAN. Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2921-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF' FARM Stock and Implements.- T. M. Kelly, auc- tioneer, has received inetructiona from Mra. Gilbert &Ikens to sell by public auction on South Half Lot 31, Concession 2. Township of Logan, on Thursday, December 13th, 1923, the following: The Farm- 50 acres of choice land with good brick house, kitchen and wood shed, bank barn, 86x56, with cement floors, with good pig pen, hen house and driving shed, two wells, one with windmill: close to school, about 23 acres plowed and balance needed down. Hersrn -- Agricultural brood mare 12 years old, agricultural gelding ris- ing 5 yearx old, agrtfcultural gelding rising 3 yearn old, aged home. Cattle- -Durham cow fresh about 3 weeks, Holstein cow due to calve Janelary. 20th, Durham cow due to calve March lat. Durham cow due to calve March 31st, Holstein cow due to calve March 12th, Durham farrow cow, 3 calves rising one year old, small calf° about 3 weeks old. Hogs, Poultry, Hay, Straw York sow bred six weeks, 8 chunks, about 50 young hens, two duets and one drake. A quantity red clover hay and sweet clover hay; quantity of straw. Grain. -275 bushels Oat., 40 bushels good seed oats, 50 bushels mixed grain. Implements, Etc.-Massey-Harria binder 6 foot cut with sheaf carrier, Deering, mower 5 foot cut, horse rake, hay loader, Clover Leaf manure spread- er, seed drill, cultivator, set iron harrows, walking •.low, scaler, wagon, set sleighs. cutter nearly new, good buggy. Ford car in good condition. grinding atone, fanning mile, new hay fork, car, rope and pulleys and slings, cream separator, wheelbarrow, stock rack, hay rack, ladder, 'scoop shovel,• long handle shovel, set double harness, lief single harness, forks, hoes, crowbar, cook stove and other articles found on the farm. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. Terme- All sums of 910 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent, off for cash on credit amounts. MRS. GILBERT AIKENS, Proprietress.: T. M. Kelly, Auctioneer, Sebringville, R. R. No. 1. Phone 628•r 23. 2921-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK, IM - elements and Household Effects, the property of the late Reeve Lindsay, will take `place at Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Town- ship, 5 miles southwest of Clinton, on Wed- nesday, December 19th, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, as follows: Horses -Draft mare 11 yearn, ouppoaed to be in foal, Percheron mare rising four years, gray Percheron horse ris- ing 3 years, Percheron horse rising 2, driving horse quiet and reliable, driving mare eight years old. Cattle- lw 4 years old due to freshen let of .January. heifer 3 years to freshen 20th January, cow 9 years. to freshen 29th January ; cow -four years to freshen COth January. cow 5 years to freshen 2nd of .Fehruary, cow 6 years to freshen frith of February. cow 6 years to freshen 8th of April. black cow 10 years to freshen 20th of May, heifer R yearn to freshen hat of February, 2 heifers rising 2 yearn, 3 steers rising 2 years, 6 spring calves. Piga-Brood SOW due to litter time of sale. Implements - Massey -Harris hinder 7 foot cut, Maasey- Harris mower 6 foot cut, Massey -Harris hay rake, Massey -Harris corn binder, spring tooth cultivator, 2 set of discs, steel roller, diamond harrows 4 section. Massey -Harris seed drill, 12 hoe: Massey -Harris riding plow, 2 walk- ing plows, twin plow, Massey -Harris bean ecuffter and puller 'complete), horse scuffles, wagon, hay rack, set of hob aleighs, truck wagn', gravel box, rubber tired buggy, steel tired buggy. Portland cutter, hay rake, Frost & Wood: Chatham fanning mill, DeLaval No. 15 cream separator new, well windless and bucket. 2 set double harness, set single harness, 6 horse collars, about 50 tons 'clover end timothy hay, hay fork, car, rope and slings. grinding stone, quantity of lumber. root pulper, quantity of root,', about 100 Leg- horn hens, a number of geese and ducks and a Collie dog, wheelbarrow, quantity of potatoes'. 'Household Effects -Home Comfort steel range, washing machine Red Star with wringer, Daisy churn, 2 email tabor, exten- sion table, kitchen table, glass cupboard, New Home sewing machine. linoleum 12 by 18, 2 ruga 9 by 12 and 11 by 8, organ, parlor suite, sideboard, 2 rocking chefis, kitchen chairs, picture., two bedroom suites, R beds, 2 carpet,. lounge. and other articles too numerous to mention. Term,. -Roots, fowl and all sums of $10 and under, cash-; over that amount 10 months' credit allowed on bankable paper or diaeount of 6 per cent. straight for cash. Everything to be mold and satisfactorily settled for on day of Rale and before being removed from prert'tisea. LBW ANDERSON, JOHN F. BEACOM, Admtnb- tratare : Geo, ii. Elliott, Auetloarae. 9$21-2 SOW. of Trustees' of the ate School for Union 1, of the Townehloi of L. in the of BvrAa':a�i Ragyir0:t homer the. R m Of A sew rehool t4. elaailttdng and ether obs the ere t ton sV osAt gdeti in OW ell,e erection slid eopipi*tba of AND W AS. Under Ckapt r 210 of revived .ts(utas of enter;°., 1U4. *1 • *lid faistom hove lower to )seek, mortgages sad other inetwmeata .for the eaeurity and POO - 4140119 of emit borsoWed ;pond apo, the *heal * prop.rtr And edestin° and other real O porn*l property vected in them And 09. o the Separate School 'retie. AND it is provided by' the .aid Act that. inch taortgages and other . instru- mento ;My be mads in the' form of deben- tures, which debentures shall lie a charge ea Um same property and ratio's aforesaid, .e In the some of mortgages thereof. Takidw Trustees o the ROMA Cthols t. SeboolUnicfor School Section No. 8, of the Town- ship of McKillop and Hibbert, in the Coun- ties of Huron and Perth. onset as follows: - 1. That the whole 'debt or debt and obliga- tions to be issued under this By-law shall not Exceed the sum of Ten Thousand Dollirs and intent thereon yearly at 6 per cant. per annum, and it shall bs lawful for the said Board of Trustees of the Roman 'Catholic Separate School for Unbn•School Section No. 8, of the Townships of McKillop end Hibbert, and they are thereby authorised to burrow from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same, the rem of Ten Thousand Dollars, for the purposed above recited. 2. That for the security and payment of the money borrowed. It Shall be lawful for the said Board of Trustee, to cause debeq- tures to be eased not exceeding in all the said sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, but for not toss than One Hundred Dollars each. and payable within twenty years from the date thereof. with interest at the Bald rate of 34( per cent. per annum, that is to say: In twenty equal annual payments of principal and interest combined, such debentures W be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada. in the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, and the amount of each annual pay- ment of principal and interest combined dur- ing the said twenty years, being the sum of Eight Hundred and Thirty-six Dollars and Seventy-nine Cents (9886.79), and that the said debenture shall have attached coupons, for payment of the said Interest and shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the Huard of Trustees and be s' bythe Chair- man and Secretary of the said Board. 3. During the currency of the said de- bentures there shall be included in the yearly Separate School rate to be levied and col- lected by the said 13oard, the rum of Eight Hundred and Thirty-six Dollars and Seventy- Ndne Cents, being the sum neeeaaary to dis- charge the said debenture, as they become dire. 4. This By-law shall come into force and take effect forthwith, after the passing there- of. Passed a . a meeting of the Trustee+, held the 19th day .of November, 1923. JOSEPH McQUAID, Chairman. P. V. McGRATH, Secretary. SALE REGISTER On Wednesday. December 19th, at 1 o'clock p.m., on I.ot 32, Concession 13. McKillop, .Farm Stock and Implements. Mo,. Alden McGavin, Proprietress ; Thomas Brown, Auc- tkineer. 2921.2 NOTICE Ity order, Robert Bettis, November 28th, 1923. Any person or persons selling t<, George Betts or drawing up checks on the bank without our consent, we will not be respon- sible for it, as he is not capable of doing business for himself. Any person selling to Dominion Stores Seaforth Branch. Chicago Speci Coming e At considerabler expense and trouble, we. have air- rauged for a foot expert to be at tolls. Stt>11t FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 14th for theconte of foot sufferers. Examination and Advice Free Apprommok We Sea to Satisfy. You save whims we. carve Mile Xmas. Seasonis , upon to. Fresh Supplies i are Arriving aily. See our Stock of Goods TO -DAY. , Mar For This Week FINEST SEEDLESS RALSINS, 2 lbs. Re -Cleaned CURRANTS 2 pounds ' NEW LEMON and ORANGE PEEL ./ FRESH. DATES 2 lbs. FRESH PRUNES 2 lbs. •r MIXED NUTS 19c (5 kinds) BROKEN WALNUTS 40c per pound. BROWN SUG R 55c 5 pounds WHITE SUG $1410 10 pounds s SPECIAL BLEND TEA 65c per pound ALL KINDS OF 25c CANDIES BUTTER SCOTCH 23c at 98-1b. Bag BREAD $3,75 FLOUR (Perfection) .. 24-1b. Bag PASTRY 84c FLOUR (White Satin!.. O MAYFIELD SLICED 3q5c BACON MILD CANADIAN '28c CHEESE O PURE LARD 22c per pound MOLASSES SNAPS 25c 2 pounds FRENCH BROKEN 45c CHERRIES. pound SHREDDED 25c COCOANUT, lb, BRAE -SIDE EGGS 25c 35c 35c 25c 25c Government Graded 43r per dozen AN ATTRACTIVE ROAST of Beef is a good enough orna- ment for any table at any time, particularly to the hungry • per- son. All our matt, are appetis- ing, became cut from good cattle. We carry only the best graders, guaranteed to give satisfaction to our steadily growing circle of customers. Try us. D. H. STEWART Malin Street Seaforth. Phone b8. DRAINAGE TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the Kraus- kopf Municipal Drain will be received by the undersigned till Friday. December 14th, 1928, when tenders will be opened at 2 o'clock p.m., at the Carnegie Library Heil, Seaforth. Ex- cavation, 5607 cubic yards, length 21/ miles. Marked cheque for 10 per cent. of contract price to accompany tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, etc.. may be seen at Lot 85, Concession 8, Mc- Killop Towr.hip. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, 2920-2 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Minnie Martha Mo.s, of the Town of.Clinton, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the neat session thereof for • Bill of Divorce from her husband, William George Moon, of the City of London, in the County of Middle- sex, on the ground of adultery. Dated at London in the Province of On- tario, the tenth day of November, 1928. 0. N. WEEKES, Solicitor fur the Applicant 2919-5 DR. D.H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Thursday Afternoons Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 2920x6 him shall be prosecuted as the law directs. Anyone wanting to do business with him will have to come to Robert Betts. ROBERT and ELIZA SETTS. ,• 2920x3 FERGusoN s WE WANT 300 MEN right now for big paying mechanical jobs. If you are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and tractors, don't delay. Never was there such a demand for trained men. A few week, time invested now will give you a trade that will mean indepeendence for life. Learn automobile and tracfur operating and repairing, tire vulcan- izing, battery building and oxy-acetylene welding by the Hemphill practical system. Free employment service is at your disposal. Free catalogue. Get big pay and steady work. Do it now. HEMPHILL AUTO TRACTOR SCHOOL, 163 King 8t. Went. Toronto 2817-K NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persona hav- ing claims against the estate of Elizabeth Woods, late of the Village of Dublin, Ont., Married Woman, deceased, who doe on the 16th day of September, 1923, are required on or 'before the 12th day of December, 1923, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which nbtice shall then have been given. • DATED the 21st day of November, 1928. R. 8. HAYS, 2919-3 Administrator's Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE. is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM DALRYMPLE, late of the Township of Hib- bert, in the County of Perth, who died on the fith day of October, A.D., 1923. ate re- qumted to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, A.D., 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the olaimn of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Hensel!, Ont., this 19th day of November, A.D., 1923. GLADMAN & 19g'ANBURY, Helvetii and Exeter. Executors' Solicitors. 2919-8 0000 000000000 1 W. T. BOX `& co. 0 Funeral Director and O 0 Licensed Embalmer. O 0 H. C. BOR 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 equipment. O 0 Charges moderate. O O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 '0000000000000 000000'1000000 W. J. Walker & Son 0 O 0 O W. J. Walker, Funeral DI- 0 O rector and Embalmer. 0 0 0 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars , or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested. O 00 Day or Night, Phone 67. 00 40;0000000000 Just 15 Days To do your Chaistmas shopping,. and more than ever are people realizing the fact that Useful Gifts are miich more appreciated. Do not delay, as the early shopper always gets first choice. Men's Silk Shirts Men's Shirts Men's Shirts, neatly boxed Men's Neck Ties May we offer you a few suggestions : $4.50 to $5.00 Caps $1.50 to $4.00 Gloves $3.00 35c to $1.25 Wool Gloves Belts. 75c to $1.15 $1.75 to $2.25 60c to $1.25 35c to $1.00 $4.50 Armbands, Garters and 51.5 0 Ladies' Sweaters, Braces boxed white only Armbands and Garters 85c boxed vat!! Hosieryfor 25c to $1.40 20c to 75c $1 to $3.00 $1.25 to $2,25 Handkerchiefs for Mufflers for Men's Caps Toques Gauntlets Children's Mitts Silk Hose 50c to 75c $1 to 5135 40c to 60c $1,75 to $2.25 $1.65 to $1.75 Silk and Wool Hose ••••••••1••,• T. Ferguson, - Seaforth Chopping and Crushing _ca The Rob Roy Mills will reopen for Chopping and Crushing on Monday, November 12th We will be glad to see all our old customers again. ROB ROY MILLS SEAFORTE `= ' - - - ONTARIO 1 Let roar Foot More No Mar• Come Forth and Gait lets Comfort Harting Feet\� " ��� � �P This expert;, who is one of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the noted specialist and recognized foot authority is able to tell at once what the real cause of your foot trouble k. He knows feet as a dentist does teeth or as an malted does houses. Dienaira-s�holl No matter how simple or how serious your foot tiroubie is, he can tell you (and show you) how to gain Immediate 'Relief and a rapid correction of the difficulty. Remember the dates. Be sure to come in. Everybody welcome. FRED W. WIGG, SEAFORTH 'Wate_1 ur F ►e Dresses! Dresses! Dresses And Children's Wear We were lucky to secure a bid,, lot of samples -in Ladies' Dresses and Children's Wear at 50% less than the actual price and it will be all to your benefit. A Great Sale of Ladies' Dresses and Children's Wear That means that every dress you buy from us ' at this sale will be at half the price it is really worth The Dresses are made of Tricotine, Gaber- dine, Serge, Chiffon Silk and Canton Crepe Silk. There are 36 different Styles and every one of them is beautifully made and of the latest models. Cheifetz Bros.,Seaforth Do Your Christmas Buying Early Don't wait until December 22nd and 24th to do Your Buying. 1 E CHOOSE THOSE' USEFITL PRACTICAL GIFTS I ri WE HAVE TO SHOW IN 5 z. The McPhersox Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoe for every member of the family who skates. = Spats for Ladies, Girls and Men. Overshoes for All. Evening Slippers and numerous articles which E make desirable gifts. F. Remember Dr. Scholl's Foot Expert will be at our store Friday, December 14th. If you have foot trouble, see him. A special price on all Dr. Scholl's foot appliances for this sale. FRED W. WIGG