HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-11-30, Page 5r. 8'""" ;:' �. �} ,7 T ii�e v.,{:.. -r c :. --pi d - �" e•: M - rRiP^r - as q� •s 7'` ut im r a o - itis f ..•41.1 ':r it.
�:h'OPI� 8. Fr 1. � fr"1 E' '�I� � 'i12,,�r.,vZ •;� a n .r j `e'
etu0ketagfry��. l}t�d'• q q w .r r� � '+1
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• 2 M r 1. • d
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r'• W 7n Cli ,wen, Boo ,,1
D*wOti A .,qo • 8.80: o' ,%
0 1►7+:-
p �b•0 �`lb.l' and.
- tptm waste U ''t .r aui ,may ''H ������?r ,cid. r � ',,,�• t,p .. J +, ,.
rte 02.30, ! tibfgtf; a
b e to 'wad wa 182 waabla. un ,4 .F, bisa=341,�v 3oetrut fan+
.week end, h4v- t R;.:da;,toE 17.78; dD"an from
I'rJ',y'ilublto agvtl¢n oncEaat
,; �VPtty s0ot030. i7. o-
} 1
ff• � rvVRl'a C �. !dA �aoie 8 ,o a n
rf o 3 ould be AR• f. ?!bi i.Ob, �r�q�� ,i..�.:0on a0$t0u 6r SBA,; on T'aae 1 ��'� ,s rt 1.
341xues Sinn, of BIaP- r PeaMON l.'� 1* xaza,..tbe"IaUesrtaet-» �r
°_nOMA9 ills brother` 11Kr. ' "^' D 1 A''iaalliuraT soloing 84X rear, std.' * � `� `'�. •-�� o v; ;' ,,.
t , sr or4i,'lnere; 8, so* old• 47attle--•Two'
.:.limn. -Mr. Ephriam Filart r... gowa,d DO calve (a Jnati 14aw cow holler ti
f��`' 't�N, .N, BAN
iSe11A..Ia � 6ostoxfh ; ... tL �:tbree',geao, q}+i. taller ekdng � 'y�nj' ' •t' -l. .ra
'f ditching machige dpiAg CU7�t� 'Itiiwil4 ., Nov I R00 1 ' on• 'ol 'apziag caWa.. Holts-->8rood caw 1Wt''
t b3 work and draining: toxo atr. ani mise- . nr`ed�9 Digs ei:.waekn a>a. bo yoane '�rr�, � N
y at lis
M Il F ' Nevlua.-.:On pg r' 4•.,oA. .with heal-1.tQ�eyliarrte pinday.8 Ivot out -
'^""�"-'"i-"+T• jKx..a atm.ifrhxv� NeNvinewuber18tIj, to with.e4aet came
per. "early new/' PAIV (Vp' 1T -+ a ��i�. 0 dyl Fr,.,t.
pW a non, .HasseyHarrla moweR �sve toot out -Meese -
i S��uuT� ]{�'. Kirk,-InPkteter. on'IYovembe>r 14 ale seed drill Yiwi% •p�SrWV�4QQ
Thursday, bi tb to 7�Ir. Nor 4eatly .new, steel •ka9 xak0. C .
6u8 m. Dnvld Kfxk, a dauQhten +set Iron hArenwe, oyltivatbr, rldi l
r , November 2 , 192$, Wella A Esetar, on November. 17th m ,xal Plow. SttA'1 A
8r dozen �1d� ] »• Gordon Mr, ;:ter
r. nfonnbont Ifo tin �' ,4 B ,rjCManager.
g�igt. P Shugbte4s 'WoLbt. 01 vydndaot, a . water trough, storth reek, wheel6urrowY grnoei • T tiilCA,
tg r......... ,600�y�itM';i
r par C1R't .-....•......� 100 H�Ywo°d.-At the home�of Do'� wagon with box, pair of bobeie ' �
7117.. Cottle. Rite. be h°a, cutt(ng box, °otter, bu$610 rola,
, ; , , , ter, on November I to Mr, and Mire.. buggy, democrat, canton fanning mill,
Hector Reywood a amt. per, grana aced aowm, Standard cream eepar-
ss .per bn811e1 , ,' •.'. a St°war dl Ueborae as November 1.6n 6o ,tai•, Delay churn alt of doutble h.,r=,, ' , i' ,• ' z
�rr.'per lb. $1'� Mr, and 54re• J, Fmex$tewart, anon. Bingle harness, 2 doom grain bag,, ttey Cork,
• ..88 .. 920 :Zero
robe neariY news fence stretcher, 2
Qat, •per bushel 820^'-` a gar : kettle,, buggy Jack, about 12 ton, of 0111111111111111111111111111111111lIlll!!1lINl1lit tri
tOPS, per bag .......... 76c MARRIAGES 4ay� abort fb loads pf turnips, quantity,
bat, baNsy and buelrwh4at, IMM trees. aepk- 11 !'•
118}" t0A............... $26.88 Leowrnson-CoIP.-Married at Beotorth Manse Yokes. shovels. crow bare, forks, boss,!��
on Tuesday, November 20th, Samuel George st igv and a Dost oP other anti * V►.j (j
per ton $eg8.80 found an 1 C
-roof _
Lawraagqon and Alice Cole, both of Stanley Qhs form, Sale at 42,80 o'clock a ('�
per • • • • • • • • IS Bb to 18.76 ry
Townebsn, n At a Cole. yD- Te = ,`I+./) syn �l
Pemona- -AH some of f10 and under, cash; over .� 1'
Caul, -Married at Beatorth Manna that amount 10 months' credit wi{I be given O� lw l
" �""'�'-^•••^ n 7lresdaY, November 20th, Alexander on furnishing appro-
RaaaaY Parsons and Lenn Mary CoWtia, Per cent. straight off Pory eaeholrest')iau ivP �` \
DAIRY MARKET Doth oY Stanley Township, by Dr. Larkin.: notes. Ilaeltivel no
'rownnhend-.Crich-At the home of he brildes" trea, has rented tt,e [or. �na InD$fin8 uD Our "Pedograph'+ lots one nee
Toronto, No.coneer 27.--0heeso-New, large parentis, n NoJcmber 12th, Mabst Beatrice. farming. MRS. HENRY p{p{p{C, Is Prop e-
.1t:8 to 24c; twnrs. 24 to 26c; triplet, 26 to vaunuer daughter of _whether Or not one'! foot is in �_ 1
260; Stsmn,, E6 to 26c, Old large, 80 W Crfah, f Tuekeramithto John a`a Towns- SebringvillMe; Ed�l Gets, Clerk. R. R. No' 1, a normal condition. `
Bla;,twins, 81 to SEc, baud, H. A., oP Toronto, eon of Mr. and 2920'2 _
butter-FYnest creamery prints, 91 to q8c; Mrs. Adhart Townshend, of Coderich 'town. We equipped
Na 1 creamery, 88 to 90c; Na. 2, 38 W Aec. ship, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND - r q Pped Our store With 1.
a ' Pedo ra h' �iC{•�
EAs. sExtra,, fresh in cartons, 70 to 74c; Ceok--Bchoenhals.--In Clinton, on November Implements• on Lot 18, Conesssion 2, - "Pedograph" just recently, v 3, {� F •
P t •rx3tae, forage, in otic nn, 45 to :7c; cstraa, 22nd• by the Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey, Mar- Tuckemm(th, (on the McNay Farm!, io IIB- and already it had. proved of = • °
42 ,to 98e; flmm, 88 to 890; seconds, 80 to gvret, daughter f Mr. and Miss John 'camber .6th, 1928, t l oclock P.m.: 'The B r 7u5,
Srh mli. ,, to Milton J. Cook, t Semis, Farm w11! bs offered for safe subject to p C rent interest to the public.
w e l
�_ n o fMr. and torn. Joshua Oook, of reservn bid. Aoreee-Clyde,-I brood mare
Sarnia, formerly of Clinton. 11 years old, bred to British Hero; 1 brood = Many people Come in t0 see
J- mare 7 years old, bred to Bri Heh Hero; I and to use it, as they have
POULTRY MAkET ----� Registered more rising 4• brad to British never had the chance to do so CLEAN AND SWEET
Hero' 1 4texnterea mato +slag 3; 1 general _ Read carefully the guarantee above, and 1),COn�
Toronto, November 27h. Live Dressed DEATHS PPurpose marc 10 yearn aid; 1 gall 7 = before-
"SDHag chickens, 4 lbs, sad over 26 88 1d; Z mar¢ sopa rising 2 g Y.
= sidering purchasing a Blue Serge 4i t
4DMekena, 8 to 911u....,,,,.,. 22 McGnvin.--In Mclfdiop, an November 28h. years; I spring O We COrd18❑ - IB the Stewart's butcher eho tg ui ,.COII1e frit
colt. Cowe-,Grade, Holstein d Shorthorn - y invite all to = p and look these Suits over. A
!Kana, over 6 Ibe. 22 William AldeD McGavin, eldest sun of Mr. -7 mill, at" unposed to be in calf. a 117, =come in and have a pedograph You will find no old, decayed Wrltt�ill >>xua' an •• -`.
do. 4 to 6 lbs, •, ... 16 21 Ni1Brm H. McGavin, aged 30 years, 9 ws lately bred. 7 Drina calves, 1 Register_ - - moldy meat In our market. Our at ..1.
do.8 to 4 lbs. ..•. 16 18 m.ntl, aid 20 days. ea xolntein bull. implement -2 nein team = of their feet, free,'of trial -it p tee with each Shit.
1 1@o°atere """"" C.'le.--,IA xullett Township. on November h°rnene. 1 net buggy h°rnese, 1 tap Donors = will prove abnormalties. - shop and ice -box are spotless in- a,l
Ducklings. ever 6 ]los.'.. "' 1E as 17th. Samuel Cale. in Iris Roth 2 wagon., I net elolAha, 1 s1 - •side and outside. We take pride
... 20 28 year. oil .li H.P. Renfrew -
Do. 4 to 6 Jbs, "' 18 25 in -
Th -cam- in G.derich. ° November 20tH, engfne, 1 900 IL. Melotte cream seve.fm . = Of Coarse we carry a full = !n the looks Of our place as well
"lhrkeye, young, to it.. end up 28 33 aged
Willie, wife of Mr. Georg, Thompson• 1 7 fust Massey -Herrin binder, 1 Meaney
aged 84 years. Herrin Mower. no MasneY_Hnrrt 12 -hoe = line of Dr. Scholl's Appliances as the quality of our meats. T
-�--�- -
drill, one Mesrey',Barrls side delivery = to aid Nature in getting the ART I a• , Fer uson
-- k 1 ornaeinderrin hay louder. 1 Massey- feet back to natural form_ �_ D. H. STEW g Seaforth.
GRAIN. MARKET �- Herrin corn binder. 1 team rom cultivator, r, '
CARD OF THANKS ` "°affler. 2 walking ploava, 1 oat Iron her. p p_
Toronto, November 2T_Munitobn Wheat- rows` 1 spring tooth cult(vator, I land roller, - Bring your foot troubles to Mala Street tJGaforth.
No_ 1 Northern, E3.04>,. i manure spreader, 2 combtried her and stock THE MODERN SHOE STORE _ -
MaMtoba Data -No. 3 C.W., 48yc; No., 1 Miro. Alden McGavin and family desire n raeka, i eat tractor Meaney -Harris double - Phone bS.
,metra feed, 42a. express their deep pprecin tion f the kind- d"'a' All implement are Dractically = and T0Ce3vC relief. -.
Manitoba barley-Nomlttal. ness extended to them during the i7lnesa of snit in good repair. It not prevlotmly fluid w C - '
All the above track, bay ports. ?f r. MoGavin. and for the kind ..Presnlans 1 101; Heb Joliette Grain Grinder, 1
American eorn-'rrack Toronto, Na. 2, of aYapathy in their bereavement. inch endless belt, 1 thrThl mention.tank, and other _-
bow, $1.17. yel• a articles too numerous top
Ontario Marley -•S, to a0c_ of grain and hay, and root. Terme-,D is C J. Hr Smith & Son
Backraheat-No, 2, 72 t.'75. count of 6 per• cent, off fpr cash; 8 months' 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Ontario rye --N$ 2. 73 to 76a. U. F. O. NOTICE redi Per cent,
, Dpravad Bae. UY with interest of "
peas-BamDle• $1.60 to fl.bb. 7 per cent. per annum. P. W. JOHNSTON, _ "The Modern Shoe Stere" _
2d1! ed -Delivered, Montreal freight., huge __ Proprietor; Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. - _ -�'-
indaded: Bran, Per ton, $27.00; short, Ver The regular meeting of the cal,, U. 2919-2 = Opposite Bank Of Commerce NOTICE id hereby given Datnuant do the
•qLn, 180.00; mldditnge, $88.00; good feed F. O, Club will be held In the Carnegie .". Stat ,Les In at, behalf thesat All persons hav-
.Ooar, 3E.06.
Libra H.II on Wednesday, December 6h, PHONE 51. SEs1FOR'rS. -`•• a la;mn gainat the tate f Elizabeth
Ontario wkeet-No. 2 white, 94 to 98e, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requmted, �r� p _ _ Woudn, fate o{ the ViUs: f Dublin, Ont,
wOnta BERT IRWIN. •y E WANT 300 MEN _ Married Woman. deceased, who died on the
Ontario No. 2 white oat, -88 to 40c. 2n20-1 16th day oP 3eDtember, 2923, are required on
Ontario cora-Nominal• Secretary. , right now'` for big paying mechanical itlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIl11111111111111=
Ohttrgo Sour- P join. r before the 12th day of December, 1923, to
Ninety per sent stent 1n ._ _. - ]f you are mechanically inollned and like send by Dust, prepaid, or deliver to the
Rate Gage, Montreal, Prompt shipment, $4.75; ---"-" -- orking °round automobiles and tractors, Sahcitor for the Executom, full particulate
'Toronto basis. $9,75: bulk ealward. $4.26, don't delay, Never was there each a demand DRAINAGE of their clnimn, duly verified by affidavit and
Manitoba 9ogr-let patents, in cotmn ,acts pGbentures for C for trained men. A few weelni time invested the nature f the security (if any) held by
per barrel; 2nd• patent., $5.80. Vale now will give you n trade that will mean them. Further take notice that after the
Hay -Extra j.1°• E tlnaothY, per ton, track, indepp ndence for lite. Leawr automobile sad TENDERS WANTED nnid last mentwoned date the et of the
Toronto, 814.50 to $15.00; No. 2, $14.50; No, trsx, r -operating ad r41,r,.g, fire wlcan- said deceased Bl be die the
°mons the
$32.60; mixed, $12.00. -- izinq, battery building it oxy-noetvlene Parties entitled thereto, having regard only
6traw--Car lot., yet foo /9.00: The, T '3 Scatorh'. welding by the Hemphi0 practical eyntem. Tenders Yor the eons ' to the !aims of which notice .ball then have
awn has $2.000.00 fn- Frye empbyment service is at your div °P�reRcE the Krone. been
Debentures, for ales Instalment Free catalogue. Get big Pay and steady undemiAnedi tnl Friday,�ffl De°be t?rnber il4ih L 192Ae
Principal and Interest payable In fifteen an- work. Do It o `DATED the 21st day of November, 1923.
noel payment. Interest fi lz per cent ' when tenders will be opened ac 2 o'clock Pa.. R. 8. HAYS,
U" STOCK MARKET BEMPAILL AUTO TRACTOR SCHOOL, at the Carnegie Library Hall• Seaforth. FH -
JOHN A. WILSON. 163 King St. West. Toronto 2917.tt cavation, 6607 cubic yards, length 2ib miles. 2919.3 Administrator's Solicitor.
Buffalo, November 27.-Gallie-Rec¢{p}s, 2920-2 Treaenrer, Marked cheque for l0 per cent oq rronlract
23,000; very slow; good cow•d strong: other price to accompany tender. Lowget or say
Braden easy: shipping steers, $9.50 to $12; -' tender not neoesearily accepted. Plana,
bulfers, $T.7b m $9.60; yearling.. $9 $11; - BY-LAW NUMBER 3. y be t Dat Lat 85, Canceeafon 8. Me- ---
1Deifem. And to Bas. Sawa. s2.59 to bull.; NOTICE Efillap Township. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
•manners and a; stockers
rs to $2,50; bukin, of the Board of Trastese of the Roman Cath- 2920-2 JOHN McNAY, Clerk_
II2.76 to f6.76; etockera and feedere, 64.25 -- clic Separate Behoof to Unica School 8ea-
ato 39.50; fresh aawa'And spHngem eetive and By order, Robert Bette, November 28th, tion No. 3, of the Townshf
,steady. $55 to $125. .. 1923. p. of M.Kulop and
Calves -Receipts• 2.800; active: 50 cent. Any person or pemona eellin to Geo Hib>zeart, in he Collo tiw of Hann mad Perth,
.higher • f4 00 to $12 00 Hefts d 1 g 1'g° to Ins by way f Ioan th IN
r ' Jioga-�ReoeiDte, 'L2,400: active, pigs 50 cent.
or raw ng p cheeka on the bank Thousand
Zithout our consent, we will not be re pon.
Dollars (310,000 a cam of Tea
.lower; others, 2E cent lower; heavy, 37.2r,
'Oil 37.86; mixed pad Yorkers, $7.'26; lighb busines.
for it, As he Is not capable of doing
for himrself. Any
-Torkem, $6.75 to $7.00; pigs, $6.60 to 66.75; him
"nabs. $5.75 to $6.00; stags, $3.50 to Anyone
Deraan selling W
aha1I be Prosecuted m the law directs. WHEREAS
wentinA to
the hoard of Trustcea of the
Hoge-Recei", 22,400; active: pigs, 50c
do busimm� with him Raman
will have to come to Robert Betts. Sahool
Catholic Separate School for Upton
Sower; others, 2E c¢nt lower; heavy, 3725
to 37.35:, mixed nit Yorkers, $6.50 to $6.75; 28EOxg
No. 3, of the Tewnehips of
and Hibbert, in the Counties of
aonghs, E6.76 !0 $6.00• stage, $3.60 to 14.50,
Sheep and Inmh-¢teceiDte.
and Perth, squire to borrow the sum
Ten Thousand DoLars for echoo] purponea.
9,000; ectiva,
cents higher; lnmbe, $7 to $13.26;
the erection of a new school and to pay
existing debt sad the'
t , 9earlings, $7 - to $10: wethem, E7.60 to $8 ;
saWes, $2 to $7; mixed cheep, $' to 37.60,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the
nt_`t negations of
said Board. contracted ection with
Union Stock Yard., Turrho, November 26.
"-Setter quality I. the bulk oP the Letcher
{,� O AND
O Holmes
S. T. HOLIIeB $L SOn revised
action d )an of said school.
WHEREAS Ander Chapter 270, of the
•offering was responsible . for some improve- O
attest in ctivity in that
Funeral Directors and Q trustees
statutes of ontarfn, lig the avid
have power to make mortgagsa and
,]ass of cattle to -day O
mnd anything above medium sold readily at
�eBnLR,Od Emb3timal's•' O ment
instrument Por the security and pay-
of such borrowed moyey upon the
prices. Heavy steers. however, not s
$risk owing to lack
Finest Motor and Horse O house
property and premise, and other real
of export demand and O
the Deet price was 7 cent Por a Cew lots
drawn r Demons(
equipment. Beattie Q on
property Bated in them and uD_
the Separate S h I
Og cls a hereby amen that ell Demons Ladies, with Louis heel.
having Jaime against the estate Of JAMES 1.
C. thtEAN, late of the Township of Hay. O _
In the' County of Huron, who died on the
15th day of August, A. D., 192'2, are requested
ro forward their ciaime duly proven y the = _
Decundember, D. or before the Jet day o[ S
December, A.D., 1te W.
after the a id date the Executors will Dro-
teed to distribute the estate, having regard
only to the claims of which they then shall =
Dave notice.
DATED at Hensali. Ont, this 19th day of - - -
November, A.D., 192.A
Hensali and Erster,
2919-2 Er ' ii. -Do Solicitor..
O BIOCk Main $tie8t, OppOBite O AND WHEREAS it iarDrovided by the avid DI'esSes Dresses
aha went to Danker buyers, while just geed NOTICE TO CREDITORS
%min eoM ,awn w s.as neat. Eetchem for O The )JapositOr Office. 3. T. Q Aat that aDeh mortgages ane char Imtru_ - •
Boma killing
h to ma61/j sent. at the meat may be made in the form f deben- TrrL•e T. TT1aT/-r OF 'd•rrn ON @
•stop and the bulk of choice made from 6 to O HOlmee• residence, Godeka; O tore, which debentures shall be a charge o MEETING ■ INC �i��TlJR
X.r .cents. the only higher pprices being paid O Street West i FhBs. $O1m@yr O the came property and otes aforesaid, ss in COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE I. ,hereby riven that all persona
Sara few well finished Dabs beeves. The O residence over store. ,� the case of mortgages there having slatma ga{pat the estate of WILLIAM Dresses
ffiering included some 800 ,foie .attic, mast- Q THMREFORE, the said D°ard of Trustees DALRYMPLE. late of the Tow whip f Rib.
714 Common, and these with the tail end of Flowers furnished on short O of the Roman Catholic Separate School for The Council of the Corporation of the he loth day of October, Perth. 192he 3. lire ca
•.t the fresh receipt sold slow, and as low sa O notice, Ali kinds Of up- O Union School Section No. 8, of the Town- County of Huron will est in the Council qumted to forward their lama duly proven l
A c"is in apote. But
cow. sold practical- O holstering. neatly done. O ships f McKillop and Hibbert, n the Coun- Ch at at 2.30 'clockm'n the afternoon of to the oto forwarbrned on nr before the 10th day
lly Steady at from 9 to 4t5 cent. and an ties of Aurora and Perth, enact as follows:-- Iacaday, the 4th day of December, 1923. All of December. A.D., 192$. And Children's Wear
wdd;l'hocker killer made 5 cents, but the Q Phone, Night or Day, 118, O 1. That the whole debt ar debt and obhgn- accounts aR.inat the County must be in the AND NOTICE IS FURTHER C[VEN that
ramrimon m medium kind at from 8 W 8 F tions to be issued under tTh..
is By-law hall hands of the Clerk not later than Mondaq after the saW: date qhs Executore will proceed
,Genet were n the majority nit there were O O Q Q Q Q Q Q O O O O not exceed the cum of Ten Thousand Dollars Drecedine the meeting of Council. to distribute the cassia, having regaN my 7T
10,3 of canners on offer wtriah said vert and interest thereon yearly PC 5IVI Der sent. Goder{ch. November 17th, 192& to the claims of which they then shall have I `�v a were lucky to Secure a big lot Of Sa,mp1P.$ III
"Q10t {' a few being held over, along wih some per nnum, and it shall be lawful for the GEORGE W. HOLMAN. notice.
:o]aDhi brtWs and. thin £sere, the lot making .aid Board of Trustee. of the Roman Catholic 2919-2 County Clerk. DATED at Aenanil, Ont., this 19th day of Ladies' Dresses and Children'$ Wear at 50% legs than
.pr holdover):feedof around some
heed. Stocker Separate School for Union Schon] Section No. November. A, D., 1928. the actual price and it will be all to yoar benefit.
�naifeeder buyers took some ten carloads a IMPORTANT NOTICES a, of the Townships of McKillop and Hibbert,
attalio, stockers at from 81/4 m 4 bent and end they are thereby authorized to borrow GLAI4MAN &STANBURY,
-Seedere at from 47/4 to 5% the beet going from any person or persons, body nr bodies NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Hensali and B.11g e
tEo-Ontario borne far a aha u teed, orporste, hon may be wilding n Delta Erccn4ors' Baliaiters. A Great Sale of Ladies' Dresses
datum were the lightest fffeed. far a COWS FOR SALE' -FOR SALE, 4 COWS the same, the um f T.n Thousand Dollar%, DIVORCE 2918.8
l0iaridaY in a long time, d becevee f the and 3heifeza, coming this month and for the Durpo.as above red Led. --
'Armna10 o the choice kind old steady at next' R. D. BELL, Howell, phone 9 -1 2. That for the seavrity and payment of NOTICE )a hereby Riven that Minnie and Children's Wear
mu.b10 n 11 cent. Heavy calves were not 92_ 2920-! the money borrowed, it held be lawful for Martha Mose, of the Taw. of Clinton, In the
leach wanted, however. and from 6 to 81,4 - the acid Board Y Trustees to cavae deben- County o[ Huron and Province of .Ontario,
a:enhs per pound ]]ought at those taken. Crass- BATh.in FLOCKS FOR SALE.-E.ocks B. sures to be i ued- not ex eeding in s'i the ill aaDiv to the Porlia{nent of Canada et O O O O O O O O O O O O O
sass 'Also were hard to cell at from 2tl's to bj{, - �'Ompson strain of Hatred Rocks For said sum [ Ten Thousand Dollam, but for the n xt session thereof far Bil] of Divorce That means that ®very dress you buy fI'l7m IIs at thus
atetlt. emit mast oP the ea]Yae offered were ,Inc. Choice birds. ADp1y to JAMFa DOR- no`t leas than One Hundred Da❑❑am a h, And
from ¢her husband. William George Mase, f p
within the last named class. RANC•E. R. R. No. S. Seaforth, or phone Payable within twenty yearn from the date the City of London, in the County of Middle- W. T. BOX t& CO. O sale will be at half the price it is really worth
�l Lamin brouglit nothing better than 10y4s( 31 on 289, 29204 .thereof, with interest at the said rate of 6U, sex, on the ground of adultery,
rand this stood for onay a few of the top. Der -cent per an that Is to say: {p 'Dated at London in the Province of On- O Funeral Director and O
The up Dty oras not heavy, considering he FOR SALE OR RENT. --HOUSE AND LOT "mocy equal
payments of principal taro. the tenth day of November, 1923. O Licensed C mbar er. oBOX o The Dresses are mlade of Trientine, Caber-
' •we8th.r, and the time of year but demand for Bale r rent in the v'llage of Bruce- and interest combs ch debenture to be G. N. WEEKES, O
.was stick ad mile were very draggy at fl. -Id; two-hirde acre not land; good cellar, P6y°ble at the Standard Bank of Canada, solicitor for the Applicant dine Serge, Chiffon Silk and Canton Crepe Silk,
'81/&:cents. Sheep, on the other hand, sold hard and oft water: table and hen home, In the Village of Dublin, the Cotmty oY 291 D -S O Best Motor and horse-drawn O 1 g f
i•,ppet wt Prom 644 to 7, cents, for best bntchers Pas-Omi.D given immediately. Apply to Perth, and the amount of each annual Day- 00 equipment, <>1 There are 36 different Styles and every one
end breeding ewes 'while beadles moved JOHN V. DIEHL, Clinton, Ont E919-tf n1e 1 f principal and interest combined dor- Charges moderate. O� �J
a r LReadily enough from 4r,ij to Gs/ cent. ing the said twenty yearn, being the num of O Flowers
furnished on short o of them is beautifully made and of the latest
Olfos4 of the be _sold on the f.o.D, basis STRAYER FROM LOT 15, CONCESSION Eight Hundred and Thirtyaix Dollars and r
^rat Try, cent. or the equivalent of 81/ cents, E 4, Hibbort, oe November 12th, two sown, Seventy-nine Cent ($886.79), and that the O notice. _ O inode1S.
'Sed unit watered, which was .toady with last one 7argr now weight between three and four °td debenturav sh'a/l have attached coupons. O Night. Calls Da Calle O
-week. The receipt was heavy and there is a hundred and one w about 175 Pounds, both for payment of the said interest and shall O .Phone 175. Phone 43. O /•
white. Please Ii11Y PRANK GALLAGr11, be ee of with the corporate eat of he THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND Cheif etz
--• Dublin P. O.hone 47 ring 70, Dublin. BOM1rd of Trustees and he signed by the Chair- Bros
t 2920x8 men and Secretary of tho said Board. O O O O O O O O O O O O O
'r Ings Are Pretty 3. bDrmg the errancy f the aid de- MUNICIPAL BOARD _
y QUfet benmres there ,hall be included in the 7eaWy _
a FOR SALE. -LOT 8, AND EAST HALF OF Separate School rat to he levied and col- IN THE MATTER of the Application n[
%Ina Nothing to Lament Over Lb 4, Conte Bron 12, class it SSO acres; lected by thh std Board, the num of E{ght the Municipal Corporation of floe Taw to O O O O O O O O O O O O
S'Pe-was 00,,n aeeletant Ghemist 1n a gad building, mi i first class lana. Will he He and Thtrty.eix Dollars ..it
Seventy- .fMcK{lion for an ordrr authorizing the O O
ibig Ieborstb a td on easy term,. AaDly to MRS... JOAN Nine Cent, being the num necessary t. din- C unetl of are said Carparnti.n to ase° a by- T
ry-clever, and amb{tloua ZEIGLER. Watton Post
Office. 2917-4 hese h¢ .aid debentures as they become law O W. J. Walker �i Son
.til Auoceed. HIs mother needed hla ♦ due. Providing for the sane oP debentia- to O
.33e1p, there was a younger sister to OR SALE OR RENT.--HOUSE'AND LOT 4. Thio By_ the amount of Two Thousand ,Five Hundred O O
• e "put throu ti schodl and there were law hall come into force and Dollars, ($¢„500.00)• to meet. the coat nif re-
ro on Lot 20, house.
di Hibbert, six- take effect forthwith, after the passing there- conitntetidn, replacement and alterations to O W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- O --_�
smnf it oY his own linked with a roomed frame house. Splendid place for a °f• the tcleDhnne svatem f the Haid Co
,winsome ,co-ed be learned to love labouring man. Good stabling and outide P -ad at a meeting o4 the Trustees, held The rep WI
-.- a of
debt incacturred O rector and Embalmer. O 1
.While at college. building.. Fruit trees, rural mail And tete- the 19th day of Novemker, 1023. the a repar nt, of he be rinc be a levy O O
Too lone -hours without proper vest• phone. Apply to MRS. ESTER McDOUGALL, JOSAPH McQUAID, Chnlrmnn. of ten equni annual {nstnlment upon the O Motor Oi Krises Equipment. <>'
ho In and Cr
sMdlrterent nourlahmal and especially Chalk Street, Benforth, 2917x4 P. V. McGRATH, Secretary. property of the eubacrihers to the said aye. O �///llaila pp g ushJ.ng
# a dust, the fumes and the Rylch tem, or As the Board may otherwise deter Cara Or Flowers furnished O
;ppartlolee of chemical matter, whleri OR SALE• -THRESHING MACHINERY; mine. O as requested. O ,
g #ettled In his lunge, gradually broke FOR Sawyer-Maaeey 20 R. P. engine and Day or Night, Phone 87. O Id ;t
r'Fvan his health. g attack of the eparator with straw cutter. also one Bidwell I NOTICE APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING O The Atob Roy Mills will reopen for Chopping and
'Flu didn't help. He got so.Vastly tir• been thresher and one. Lister go°o7ine engine O O
.•dd out and oo weak at his work that 9 hctge power. All in good eondition. For The Ontri."B"011 a7 and Muptefpnl Board 4 O O O O O O O O O O O Crushing on ,
nbonte'serloui trouble was aoepected. sale obeso. .Apply to JOHN THIRSK, R. R. having directed ,Franca Vsaxar, Esquire, '
t wall, It turned out to be T.B.'• No. 2, Zurich. ' Any Patrons , with Seaforth Supervisor of Telephone Systema, to enquire
_ kl
An(r how he to taldrig the cure at the EA98.4t and
Creamery Cane and not going to IOD -rt aeon the above matter, doth ap Monday, November 12th
,,M�duiliroka •Hospita:l for G'ougumpptivg�g. OR SALE. -)LOT 30, GdNGEB$IDN 2, ase th'etm to"Neild and
n t t0 i this Poiht 7tia.udny, the Fourth day n4 becember, o
'�1'It4f,l,,"tors gay he will .get bettet•, F A.D., 1028, at the,•hour of half past eiaven Y.I
.a^`"•1 bilk @ 1latinot go back to his former McKillopp dioxbnro, y,, oY an acre of seaeoh, will kindly return thorn oefock 'n tho torennon, in the Tawn Anil,
land. homeOn .
g d cellar, tbera Is an A -room Flax Land Wanted We will be glad to see rdl our old customers again.
eco4fppfly�- p. 8 smiles }�fitakuy dad buck hon.,. good calcar, !rat alis forma°¢, hard to y Ciesmery' These are our Io- the T.u.n of 3 -forth, for the holding of g
'• 1 - aayfl lt0'Ifig�ito hing to }p,61eht 6weT such cocain at which time end place all
.b '.gnd ao t water dnsid°,,.telephone al1d. Hil IOp6rt�' 811d 017 lopped t0 nereiorte having an [ntera.t In the matter
rlew plana 1111 have o, a,'ma "-bol 'mini! a Uvery
'}, tip atiso stable, �9uggY Devee'pd �� ���
the 1toHi11tOt1', B vt k 1t'tt balk hid Ilenkon4e I ntHatbberrfea, troapbet'riek, pidYn h"Ift, and mDBt , he retprned an lft ring to be heard. are directed M at. g MILLS
t ar
Idenith. n # e`; Ns i " tiitn peat' and, sherry treda. � 'Twp nit oite•haYE �Il �d �'�'• ��•e Limited Acreage of sots land i■r,1fW
Cttntt�bu luq to'rid• ; ka 8a- mires qro geaferth; lma the for growing flax, season 1924.
tri", 8 JY HPiR•:. mrd. Ywn acycol. 'Aplr,lY ,to : G o e uaiyt�Ge, Soto
C .Rand atZr.this Twanty f"t, Day of fI1�
1 sWpr1Y�1:8ir926. OiI%1� ..
WDr IrAN1 egfarth epb 2 �hTi a 111'y'a. NrivemDer, R, CL
APP! -y to A. iKEItR • Sl W �N
> tti1
I. aSIAI.%ir n
.+ 'i,; ,1 " t "r ,ct;' .>;. J a' silt, ti v .;...}, w•+s,.w' tei9.2.$ Qrewteyk.
Phone 2M �{ t :
..., 'f -....i �,.? ... r . ... ..•, tis.: , h. %. ,Y, .F .! :1 l 1' 4.1. } .Y I 1^ e'�
1 �11�