HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-11-30, Page 1If
AA+a+ifeai{ '>�AWI , "-"•'dddN'
..^ (.pealpl biln > n Y Alae
ups,{• kYC�ia
G r ¢ 117',T, 7( '',
ia.., 0� lDt±i�o
Powe, of London, sister of the bride,
The bride, was given away by
lv i.
P,p. ;tib
G. aw �• .,
tion;' °ivastiotl ( (ry11T
same:aasekmbt3 ;S
Hero tn. orontij•'asp�mme 'Be)"; ;'! From 'thB •
'w and othesQ'.'ahalt 'b d
sit . P'a 4upee ]DATr.
Hon, F. H. Armstrong, premier of
Nova Scotia and
bouquet of bridal roses and lily of
the valley.
minister of mines 3
far the province. As the total pro -
-The dense fog on Tuesday even.
duction last year was 3,642,196 tons,
the increase this year will be
of last week was directly re-
sponsible for an unfortunate accident
more. 4e
than 1,.500,000 tons, The collierpes
it �M '•'T�'
who was motoring to Clinton in his
of new mines,
w•i,. r. ,y. s,.,Y
with a horse drawn vehicle, in which
44M_ i3,5 r
g The Brussels Post of Last week
says: Ament Bros., who have
77�: r yW4rr�s.Ia 1't.4
before them a very definite pian of
union, to be brought about in a-
en themselves hustlers in the large tions
business carried on in their factory, less
were held here on Monday, No -
than twenty-seven candidates L• °
PA01fic way, They are faced not
With the question of union in genego '
but with this
at 2.30 and 8 p.m.
sawmill and other departments of were
labor, have bought the White & Son of
business the
n9 urinated for the Council, but
thes@ only eleven had qualified at
particular union.
Again in 1915 the union eSt) of rind +
was by the voluntary Consent) of the
R,6v. E. A. .D.
at Wroxeter and have taken
Clarence White as a doing
Partner under ing
the firm name of Ament Bros.
of the time set for 90 f
Monday evening. The follow -
are the names of those in the field. -
people. They were asked- ' DO you
Want to 90 into uuioaor do' you not V,
& Mayor,
White. who will carry on the mane- W.
facture of children's wagons,
H. $, Elliott, Amos he 1
p i ,
H. Willis; Reeve, W. J. Greer,
Kdw,the union'prajiosed is by legai
( - •1 .. .
1 j, Qr a jt "' Anut�siQ11
�r�+.-?'-,•jar, Cy .};'
AA+a+ifeai{ '>�AWI , "-"•'dddN'
..^ (.pealpl biln > n Y Alae
ups,{• kYC�ia
G r ¢ 117',T, 7( '',
ia.., 0� lDt±i�o
Powe, of London, sister of the bride,
The bride, was given away by
in towards
n , aient,5
trlct to Come,pa home i
Frti{!i $rst.;.ty
work kvip 4 a pteaiiangst lie'S eo 14
Forbes..S{}ya 'iTiiere's
P,p. ;tib
G. aw �• .,
tion;' °ivastiotl ( (ry11T
same:aasekmbt3 ;S
Hero tn. orontij•'asp�mme 'Be)"; ;'! From 'thB •
'w and othesQ'.'ahalt 'b d
sit . P'a 4upee ]DATr.
ioeate befpye "long. You suite hpve a a Pu !p. in:,' 4 y rout 'that,;t + WX in operation,fa .0'_
buneh of good fellows In char would be utter ulfPC)1+1R FRQP-00t+'
very soon: therq will be another erto. a iillion that d t8��rwt d M khe goittBa}riY fie unable' u �aa6 e 1�� • '' 3 �
` Whole otiurch wrth w ¢ Thou {lap �Ir., r ', k A ..d�>*A ev;; ge!r�ea0,:
P' bunch down bererau pulling together. to think that - the � ` o -As \FSrst-Class. Eu uTra„ oY�e�� sCota$; be-. 9gase7
There's ao town gqt anything on old force Its will on t;Y could rtainment g b basiptteB .eeax >fau�nil op at psrvle :'Wri q
Seaforth;", The . Copimittee i8 dg- ha"ople. These' MUBIceRnPany in' sit einrarlaaBiug
lighted with all, replfea receivod •so l)`e 'Wise words. I�' #i Fas absurd in d9itian T�ing .the WaViotV Vanr
•-REF~IT �.
:Again' Confronts Yo
In recent past year
we have discovered a
a ,growing public tend
r' ency to give more use-
ful Gifts for Christmas.
They need. not be .ex-
�'� peAslve fir, after all it
'ls the:' good -will
'th'* � + thoughtfulness • ana
.4.,,. � �• good fellowship repre•
waited b� the gift h
Y g�f that
y really. cou>ns.
This Christmas we
�a �•'' believe. more than ever
�+ will find the peo-
ple mixing economy
and common sense with
this -good-will.
And so this season finds our store exceptionally
weu.,prepared to supply your every want from baby
to grandparent with sensible, economical, useful
Christmas Gifts -Gifts that will reflect alike your
good sense and good taste; Gifts that, because of
their quality and reliability, will give that excellent
service you would wish your %ristma,s ' presents to
And this - one importaht oint our'
P y Christinas
dollars will go farther in this store. Read the list
below; you wff7 , 'kelt' find khat you W*rlt ,
For Bo s an '
Y en
`U>iiers ..... ....75c to $4,00 Sweaters ........ $1,50 to $5.00 r
r*bcktiea ,,.... ..25c to $1.75 ' Sweater Coats r
.. $2.00 to $8.00
hosiery ....... , .Qyie to $1.25
l�ndkereblefs .. 10c to 50c Smoking Jackets, $5.00 to $8.00
$races. ...........25c to 75c Lounging Robes, $10 to $12.00
Armirands ........15c to 50c Caps ...... , , ..... 75c to $2.50
Esncy Garters ....25c to soc Toques ............Ne to 66c
jTmbrellas .. , , $1,50 to $3150 Gloves. , . , , • , , , , , , 60c to $2.60
Vis' Overcoats. $7.60 to'$1$.50 Mackinaw Costs ... $6 to $12,00
Meyrta.9vercoats .:$15 to $35,00, Hets ,
°M1 .$2.50 to $7.56
Bets • ,.•.;75c to $1.26 Mitts ...........,GOc to $2,00
en's Shirts , , . , 0.50 to $3.50 Boys' 'Stockings ... 59c to $1.00
$5.00 Betts
te`en's Silk'Shirts, $4.50 to -' ............25d to $1.25
o Women aft Gr1s
Fancy Handkerchiefs; 56 $1.7.5 Do les t
Y titres, Table Scarfs
Ifid Gloves ......$1,Zb to 3 Dresser vers...25c to $9,00
$ 54;
Cbamiosette Gl4•ves, 75c to $8 Silk Underwgar.,, $1,25 to $7.50
:Gauntlet Gloves, $1.25 to $3,50 Silk Hose ......$1,00 to $3.50
Wool Gloves .....50C to $1.75 Cashmere Hose ...50c to $L50
Silk MuBtera..... $1.00 to $3.75 Silk & Wool Hose, $1.00 to $2.'25
Hand Eggs' , .... $i.00, to. $9.00 Child's Underwear, 50c to $1.00
Fancy Cambs ...$1.04 to. u.50 Ladies, Underwear, 75c to $4.56 .
Earettes and .Pins 15e -to ,$1.00 Fancy sweaters, $2.00 trot -$6.00
Blankets ......... $2,75,to $%o Linen Towels, ea., 75c'to $1.25
Comforters ....$3.15 to 05,00 Bath Towels, each, 39c to $1,75
Bed. Spreads ..... $2.56' to $$a00 ! Batb Sets ,..$1.25 to $1.b0
Linen Tahle.Sets, cloth. Fur Coao,.,,$100.00 to $200,00,.
and Napkins ..$15.00 to $30 Fal• Choakers. -$7.50 to :$25.00
Linen Table Cloths, $4,25 to $15 Cii�'i ':'ldbats' , , , , $7,50 to $05':00
;Linen Table Napkins, Fancy Si[irta , , i ,$4 00 to $7,00
dozen ....,.... $8,50 to $8.50 .
Crib Blankets and Fancy Blouses ,.$3,50 to $15.00
Comforters .,.$1.
to Fancy Aprons ....50C to $1.0
Baby Coatees, sha-Vls, Veils, Dress Goods, Silks, Satins,
Bonnets, .$harts, :Mitts, tats, Vi'eiltets, Crepes, Etc,
s• E
{ ' is I t''• .r,�e
't ..`mo i_ ,w.'H +.al+ rf..,, V,,Ot ,....:,s.;.,...w.:. ,.,. .',-Vt:1C.•." i :?.
QB to disregard th ekTION cavy los$ Ware • ipcurrad in
the I.auise, which h o<
far. $ Q ,lreople, it was - $OGIALIBIT7� J
The Finance Committee will have more
bsurd eoneeptionY t)I t this move- $Peeahea'by Rev, J.,W Gorda that tlpA 'the bra, stores de- vine knots an, P
the subscription lista -in circulation went moat be wholly of Rat ? ' 1� Wsa realired, ,tpp�, hvp�-
next wr,ek and ap�iea3 to ha eilixBns was the only one thaGf was fns any Mitchell, and local clergy }miBnretail store venture waa a Montreal, ��ii.
U of the toSYn and dgstrict to problem the been anno Qua`-DetaAls 1�y�
make' fieri one's mind when he ;Motes of 1811
ADMISSION 50c ,Sud 35c c°mpany had yo fa a was; what to motorshi "1100
coneornrtrR It y! gyp
Broth donations. It's our Fiftieth .and 1915 were takeix • The do with this p $peama}rrp bamgp V
Birthday and we are going to cele- were h People un rofitable' feature, Union al t
The branch, storee were lolling money Zealand. ' e n tlr� ;
trate. The committee will acount for they were to ayait a rewan nn qA, And __ _ _ yn ply a 'At
Query cent expended and see that -it conauiil steadily, there was .no prospect o£ 'ane mptorahip is
Sa spent to the best advantage.'. The :1916 a sated. xe vy t'AAgee Putting thew on a l ion at the•,'C,lyda
Paying' baste, and the Fairfield,. Shipbui 1;
books will be open fpr i e _ B°paha; withdraw -from the union, they were threatening the life of grid when enm eon?Pa
e Assthe entire cam an P y Pleged wi'tle, lite iair�y
S an time. All donations aid" apable regarding•tunion. ey., 'of he in- wound ,$land as gen ed them- g y Y vie °Co an eat motorshi
y $ B Y ubtil"llieY•Could re -or decided .nPAn;the. onl Pin the yvogld,•having {
to. the. Treasurer, Mr. Murless stanetigns to this e{{�� tree was .that selves. Notwithstanding the full knowledge displacement tonnage oy ZpA00:' �1n' t
Jones, A the Dominion' nk, on or it was to take atblf' a o secure the that the closing pf the s g Pacific she will be exceeds
before April 1st, 1921, Q If they did reorganize and even mean heavy and i ZOr� R°old size by only two a Ps, the CC Sart
necessary legt$latioi" d they were assume the Presbyterian name, they mmedia`te JOBS and Pacific Em
--- .�_ specifically instruc , would by an entirely would preclude any possibility Pressen of Canada a
1414 see, ' That Y new church, dot y of Australia. The motoxshi
provision be ma q_ jim is legfalation ing from the time of reorganization, paying a dividend on the invested called P ba
COLLEGIATE NOTES to conserve the j rep rights of all All continuity would be broken. Capital, it was perfectly plain that the Aorangi' :tivhlch is
congregations that tad deterogine b What, then, is the urgent dutyof the only possible way, to make MAori name for 1 o11nt Gook. bl '
Ten new moveable chair -desks: as a majority vote of. y those who do not favor union of this
goad Zealand, She wil be','Q00,,feet
well as ten other back -seats have ar- not to enter mmumcanw, kind? To thiB fled money ,lost on the branch stores length, 72 foot beam and
ace t
the "U to P he c
rived o
i d and have been �bm'� "Yat mA'anY oa a div;- four screws,
evil in pleas, notwithstandingg this a instruction defeat the • Bill. In every paying basis by...eiiminatllig for 92Q • There writ• be lQn
The moveable chair desks are used itt of hq Assemb] vd#1 wa this hopelessly unprofitable feature passengers; of wliiOif �l
the class whieh uses the assembly on thA minutes,y� h es1il stands to o b make it fmpoBafble for and b develo be list class. A la
w R egislatton rids :Bill' to become law. Y ping the more profit- ;Be utl%nUer 'aF
zoom. These chairs can be moved was Prepared In 148 .t s was 2• TO organize. This is the beat able branches of the business!' single and two -berths ,cabipi, =any
out of the way, making more, room Pletel i 2h �y to make hahn8 Pate batba,�viit 1tB
for the p Ys u Y gnored• a #0 a are giv- , Your ip8nence felt in Mr. Morrison the features. Th
girls' h teal cult d classes, U to chance Onot enter" the' de3eating the Bill. goes on to' point put B Ao}ailgl; wilt
The other sesta were placed in IIIA United Church. Evei pdy is swept. Enroll in that while there is no dividend this the trIP' to• Sydney, Australis in ry
aid III13, makingthe Pretest A thorough year,' the shareholders aregettingdays, travelling .at aeventeea'knota. cis
Pupils there in. Can" shoal be made Sn every an indirect dividend in the amount an hour. elle will s read d
much more comfdrtable Why have these y ,congregation . to s
The Literary Society Pledges, so clearl Thie will secure members. they have. saved. through member- end of next year. • The y at thy `
wijl glue its given, been disregarded' at this 'stege Present the will of the Pacific Railways coni y daam
second programme in the assembly of the movement? F� in a visible, tangible pe°' ship, and he trusts that whoa the pan is agent.
room -of the school on Friday after- advocates of` union notb kehavept p th without delay. tai ble Way.Act matter of continuing. operations e -
noon. The programme will be in w'th the taken up at the annual meeting there Montreal, Que.-The' Canadi"an `p8-
charge of the Third Forms. swept aside eobut ple? They have been - -- i will be a strong sentiment in favor sifts Railway announeea that a' new
Below are some ericerpts from the reckoned with, ey.still have to be UNITED FARMERS SUFFER of carrying on, record for the year hast been ,Bede,
editorials of the school B The Presbyterian LOSSES The steamship' Montlaurzer l' made
paper rad Church is thoroughly democratic, All - -"'� completed a voyage from Montragl to
Pt the last meeting. "The Seaforth power is in the hands =of the people. The financial statement of the HURON NOTESdayst i
Cadet Corps is under way in great The Assembly is not the Church. The United Farmers' Co-operative the Liverpool in six ,' twelve hours
style, and it has a ver g and 45 minutes. The best time for.
future. The credit for very
change elPlrc Synod, orAssembly.
Presby-L the St, Lawrence route to Europe is, Mt
, which was sent out over the -kin Garnet Miners the hog refs- p
These week end to the shareholders for ing kin of Usborne, shipped held by the Canadian Pacific Em,•`=
is given to our competent instructor, courts were created by the church, g pped forty -
Mr,, Bissonnette, who has shown a and can never take the place of the nine thoroughbred Yorkshire hogs to Press of France, five days, 22 hours,
great deal of zeal- and --'- the Toronto Fat Stock Show Iasi 30 minutes, made in April, 1921.
pep and car- church. The peopfe Piave the right week. They were a
tainly knows his y�+ork. Every boy to decide this question r. If some Bis_ particularly fine
of eligible age is to be in the corps; guided individuals, for`,a brief time OLD TIME lot of show animals and captured Calgary, Alta,_It is practically
this, year, a tbfiig,-Which, wa; scoffed in places of authority,some of the prizes. From Toronto certain that from $50,000 to $70;000 f
At, as it',was thought only the older their lace as to tto, substitute the bunch will be shipped to Guelph will be spent next summer on the re -
P Y • T for exhibition at the Fat Stock Show onstruc t road from Cal- }7t
fR First and :their official decfsiatW ilk the will of: ANC tion of he
n aCkeady Show' great '.he people, the rights of the ii..// following Toronto. gary to Bane and from. $$,00,000 to ik r�
promise, and by next year they will musibe asserted in uncertain way --Word has been received in'Exe- $I'OOOOOb-on-four"reads'iri' AibeittY
be as good as any in the school. I is for the people to say, Let them ter of the death of Clifford Treble, according to .C, A, Davidson, chief
Work has gone smooAcll
thly and a great speak now. aged 17 years, 3 months, son of Mr. engineer and chairman of 'the high -
deal of military drill has been cov- The speaker then dealt briefly with Town Hall, Hensall I and Mrs. John Treble, formerly of ways commission,
eyed. When the cold weather comes the Bill, application for which will be Exeter North, he having been thrown
Mr, Bisaonnette purposes starting an made at thea On ( from his horse while rounding up Port Arthur, Ont. -Port Arthur's.
officer's training soles for those liament, He spoken approaching
fBewhat o� Friday, December 7th cattle on their farm near Fillmore, building. permits for the ten months
students which show promise. Last es under three heads;-•• Sask., on October 21st. He died 36 ending on October 31st showed a to the Seaforth Cadet Corps did 1. Tt transfers all Gents, 75c. hours after, never regaining consc- tel of $2,62,055, which is the largest
not boast a single commissioned of- the United Church. Property into iousness. The deceased was a nephew building year in the history of the
ficer, 'Furthermore, Mr, Spencer hoe 2, It transfers all Trust Funds, no I'adies, 25c. of Mr. John Morgan, of Exeter, city and exceeds the total of the.
undertaken to start a signal corps. matter how definitely the Trust may -fin aged resident of Exeter pass- one of the real estate boom years.
This, we jcnow, will be a success, as hate been for Presbyterian ed away suddenly Ott Thursday o£ Last. The total for October alone amount -
Mr. Spencer has had much expert- into the United Church. purposes, week in the person of Mrs, Susan ed to $71,959, _
encs ' '
in that at
bra t '
nch heir EI '
of the consideration, liotL
e work. In 3. It transfers all communicants n ideratfon, prior to the , at the age of 78 years, at her '
this corps are: K. Ament, R. Willis, into the United Church, 'w hout any onnDecembermeetjlgith,hshows a net ich is to be hoes home on JohnStreet. health for al few rWinnipeg, Man. -Farmers in the
R. McKercher, J. Ritcbfe, J. Stewart, opportunity of choosing whether they for the �hsd been failingp provinces where threshing has
C. Haugh, G. White, L, 'Norris, A. want to year of $161,146.66. The to- months, but was able to be about, as been completed have made excellent
go or not. No matter if tat loss was put at $197,530.15, the usual until that morning, when she
Dale, M. $avauge, L. Workman." from fifty to seventy-five'per cent. of bulk of which was due to the liquids -in -
paralysis and died with best with
soil theirfall
Pilo an and
"In the laboratory certain mysteri_ the communicants ty not wish to suffered a stroke of y
ous boxes have been arriving for the they are forced in. g°, tion of the stock, etc., of the branch ir, a few hours, She had been a creased acreage is looked for next
Past few days: In the boxes fa new The first of these is bad, but it General stores t Guelph, Smi h's Fbnt this resident of t�a�Qddistricct all her
life report c the Canadian
apparatus. Now as everyone knows and for man Year, according to the weekly crop
is not the worst, People have faced was offset by a trading profit of $30,_ ter. Her husband died several Pacific Agri
NOWequipment we had was very poor, situations t this before, and. have 383.49 on the operations of the head ago. Two daughters survive, Mills ing has been completed inoSaskatche-
and although some of it looked good, wen out. At the time of the Dsrup- office, Toronto Creamery and Produce, P wan and has made co►isiderable as-
most of it wouldn't work. Now the Laura and Mrs, John Walper
tion in Scotland, rythiy give hundred Wingham, West Toronto and Mon- -On Wednesday, November 14th, vancement in Alberta. ad
defective parts have been replaced n4inisilors left everything, in defence treal Live' Stock and Morriaburg a g was solemnized at
and other good s pretty wedding apparatus has been of their conviction than in spiritual branches. 'The company comes out of the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
obtained. So, instead of taking the things they must be free, and in a its year with the following concerns
teacher's word as to an experiment, few and Mrs. A. Brooks, Centralia, when Ottawa, Ont, -Last year the coal
P Years were the stronge@t. church to be kept on: Live stock branches their eldest daughter, Elva May, was mines of Canada produced 15,157,481
the pupils may actuallyaPal gee for diem_ in Scotland, This can be done again, at Toronto, Montreal; creameries at united in marriage to Andrew pros_ tons, about 100.000 tons more than in
salvos and thus the point is impress- Bad and all as this is, it is :sot the Toronto, Wingham and Morrisbur for of Bel tons, Of the 1922
ed upon them more strongly than a worst• The second is worse;' alter- grains, flour and feed, seeds, hay, grave. Rev, n . Promp y production nearly
quoted statement would be."
as it d es sacred ob " o but Performed the ceremony. 8,000,000 tons were consumed in Can-
haat na, at 2 o'clock the bridal part took ads, the balance being exported. Nova
��.- the third strikes at the; root of re- - _ their places under a prettily party
Scotia, New Brunswick, Alberta and
ligioua freedom, and to i%stroy re -
CHURCH UN ON IN RELATION ligious liberty is to cut' 'the very
nerve of true religion. Religion can,
TO 'THE RESBYTERIAN not thrlie where liberty does not ex -
If this Bill becomes -•law certain
The Presbyterians of Hensall filled things will follow:-
the. basemnet of their fine church last 1. The Presbyterian Church would
Thursday evening, November 22nd, come to an eild,
to hear the proposed method of Or- e All would become members of
game Union with the Methodist and the United Church.
Congregational churches discussed. 3• All property, including trusts,
The speaker was the Rev. H.R.Horne, would be for the use of the United
of Toronto, legis would be the doctrines of Provincial organizer for i.
he Presbyterian Church Association. 4. The doctrines taught' in col-
In a ''comprehensive address he set
United Church.
before his audience, in a very clear
and fair 'manner, just what the pres- 5' While congregations may by a
ent union plan really means, and how majority vote, taken within six
th '''l ' 1 f
ed arch of evergreen and maple
leaves, to the strains of Lohengrin's
British Columbia are the principal`
coal Producing provinces of Canada,
wedding march, played by Mrs. Ewart'
Notes - Mr. James Jamieson and'
Mr, Norman Carter spent few
Powe, of London, sister of the bride,
The bride, was given away by
Halifax, N. S. -Coal production' of
her father, was charmingly attired in
Nova Scotia this year will reach at
least 6,000,000 tons, according to the
a gown of ivory duchess satin trim-
med with pearls, and carried a shower
Hon, F. H. Armstrong, premier of
Nova Scotia and
bouquet of bridal roses and lily of
the valley.
minister of mines 3
far the province. As the total pro -
-The dense fog on Tuesday even.
duction last year was 3,642,196 tons,
the increase this year will be
of last week was directly re-
sponsible for an unfortunate accident
more. 4e
than 1,.500,000 tons, The collierpes
on the Huron Road about five miles
from Goderich, when Dr. A. M. Heist,
are in good condition and prepara-
tions are in progress for the opening _
who was motoring to Clinton in his
of new mines,
Ford runabout accompanied by Miss
McCullough, of Seaforth, collided
which might have been avoided had
the horse-drawn vehicle carried
with a horse drawn vehicle, in which
e egg$ a ion sought is based on a
wrong legal conception, and complete-
ly ignores, the rights the
...�.�� �,
Mr. And Mrs. Richard Chambers were
driving into town. Dr, Heist only
Notes - Mr. James Jamieson and'
Mr, Norman Carter spent few
The speaker began by making clear
saw the oncoming rig when right
top of it; too late to avoid the acci-
a days
at the Winter Fair, Toronto. -Quite ;
that the question before the church
today h not l all the question on
which the people voted in
dent. The bar_ suffered a broken fowl
leg and had to be shot. Considerable
a number from here attended the ;
supper at Winthrop on Monday
and Mrs.
either 1911
or 1915. Then tie people voted on
damage was done also to the auto- entertained
mobile. Fortunately,
Wm. Ross
a few on Friday evening,
a general question, the principle of
union There was no attempt to de-
Carrying on the 00ATio C g
ampaign proclaiming the vision and
task o£ the ,United Church of Canada.
no one was
Y r
sell usl injured as the result of the
mix-up. It was just another accident
-Mr, and Mrs. Orval Phillips visited
with friends at Auburn on Sunda y
fine the thing popularly known as
Church Union. Every man was free
to form his
which might have been avoided had
the horse-drawn vehicle carried
own conception of what
he thought was meant, and voted ac-
oordingly. Now, however, they have
g The Brussels Post of Last week
says: Ament Bros., who have
Nominations. -Municipal Homing- 4t{
before them a very definite pian of
union, to be brought about in a-
en themselves hustlers in the large tions
business carried on in their factory, less
were held here on Monday, No -
than twenty-seven candidates L• °
PA01fic way, They are faced not
With the question of union in genego '
but with this
at 2.30 and 8 p.m.
sawmill and other departments of were
labor, have bought the White & Son of
business the
n9 urinated for the Council, but
thes@ only eleven had qualified at
particular union.
Again in 1915 the union eSt) of rind +
was by the voluntary Consent) of the
R,6v. E. A. .D.
at Wroxeter and have taken
Clarence White as a doing
Partner under ing
the firm name of Ament Bros.
of the time set for 90 f
Monday evening. The follow -
are the names of those in the field. -
people. They were asked- ' DO you
Want to 90 into uuioaor do' you not V,
& Mayor,
White. who will carry on the mane- W.
facture of children's wagons,
H. $, Elliott, Amos he 1
p i ,
H. Willis; Reeve, W. J. Greer,
Kdw,the union'prajiosed is by legai
Rev. Charles W._Bishop, D.D.
wheelbarrows, etc., in their large W.
Mckibbon; Utilities Commission,
our l a e a e•
p, xh r roe
y n rib ch
g e
n the: jt�atell •q'Iiey are told, ';This
the `e@Ti`ro$ ive ha `tptepared'
This Rally is in to $erve the Presbyterian congregations
v. Brusselsamation
charge. The firm at Wroxeterem,clllors,
S. Bonnett, T. Fell$, 'N F' ,r
H. Haney, J. Hanna
Vn for
p a Yb
of the Presb
b1Ybf iluroh,;ilnd the Methodist congregations of
t: Iiectation
played thirteen or more hands, Ex'-
is that the trade will be E'
Y + b, i,
McDonald E 3. Mitdlreli, d, lift- a
1915 till•.
pdopie'.3tad' hp o' t0
the 'catrosponding .,dkkitria ',. boosted
t improved
here under, the enlarged and Smith,
C, it.'�VitlCmBon "Z.:C.
ublfe &hodl BoarA, a i '=
conditions. Ament ro
ll $ s'
�%. Rintaul iV.' S. Vitll]iamB,
will continue tft heading' and coop-
r :
Rev. E. snell. 3
h y.. .j rWv �.,' }Ii, a y
,�.rJ •tt,c a < .h �`.;t�,�,rt�' •,:,.
, 1 ,5 �•! A }h',
� '� r,,'���ii1Pk�.L'21.�'llk�k�i�'imF.4�i'.1��f,nFNR3'���'1n�
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