HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-11-09, Page 5fit en'sSh;' Vrfink; W $10toe&' Ve tire(►'& .-. ,:..•Sae spasoualilo >:s `' , F'.ck Bak .aa'. Gook. In Mass µ • O ' '. to Mr. C t1494110'M ,T .r i` .:.„ =$.9b and Mrs..N }!"i,, • a, as ' •,,,�••••• tentroi-B3 tk in oetobar alb, 'tp, Men'hl Faris; She a' 1p19th atdsl 32r said~ n .;,;¢?appal a son. ^�raa,n�ttM„�� $ 9.75, t once 4/ q r cm : cooter zstb. to th P�' n. 0dr• and Jabq )k.. o :rl t daughter. 94:76, o -heat • IWest-•-;tl1 Bgak;, on October 18th. bo C ! s� 14ifeco Smith, �aoaLllns, Fair welt, a daughter -Amyl line of Men's., Shave Sip a. ▪ pluchora at $3.50 offers exceu- V 7' • '7 r'. « MARRIA▪ GE '- alio d Day. -In the Trivltt Memoxlal Oburoh, i -Muter. on October Slat. Annie May. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Day, of :Exe- _ ter. to Alexander Lloyd, of Toronto. 1 5 treble, used ' 70 years, 8 months and 17 ^_ days. Paealnore. -In Osborne, on October ' 28th, 5= Thom ae Passmore, aged 74 yearn, 10 months . and 6 days. 9EAT$8 *wrest •.-cin Egmondvine, on November Mb. Robert Forrest •4'reblo.-In Exeter, on October 29th, Cather- ine A. Sheers, beloved wife of Mr. William y` IN MEMORIAM Note• -Items under tide head will be ebarg- ed 50 cent. net single verse and 26 conts for etch additional mdse. E. t tionai value.' Men' Erni 'calf. Bluchers, s solid leather tbroligbqut. Our E price ,... 94.85 E 1 full line of Women's E Misses', Children's and Infanta 4 -to -date lines at popular' , prices, We offer a high grade lino 5. of Rubber Footwear. J. H. Smith & Son 21. "The Modern Shoe Store" Opposite .Bank of Commerce In loving memory of• l?ouglas Gemmell, = PHONE 51. SEAFORTH- F. who ,tied just two years ago to -day, the 12th = ' of November, 1921. I x111111111111I11U11NI111111111111N111111111iitar Two years ago to -day, our hearts ati11 sore As time got on, we miss him more; Mb cheery face and childish ways No one on earth can take his place.' And, oh the bleak old fall, 40 1 When all le atilt and dark. Dear Douglas, we ell In fend memory think of you, 2917.1 -Parents, Sisters and Brothers. r IMPORTANT NOTICES 'WANTED. - TEACHER FOR SCHOOL • Section No. 7, Stanley School. Dutiar to commence January 2nd. State salary. Apply to WILLIAM R. HART, Varna, Ont. 2917x& post SALE. -A QUANTITY OF CHOICE mixed hay, timothy. &Malta and clover. Apply to W. MASON, R. IL No. 2, Seefortb, Onft Phone 21-245. 2916.2 WOR SALE. -PURE BRED O. A. C. ROCKS for lisle, 52 each, for quick sale. Phone 6 on 22. Dublin. J. F.' CARLIN, St Colum- ban.2916-8 VOA SALE. -LOT 3. AND EAST HALF OF 6.ot 4. Concession 12, McKinop, 150 scree: good buildings and first class land. Will be mold on easy terms. Appy to MRS.,JOHN ZEIGLER, Walton Post Office. 29I7.4 1 IVjOR SALE OR RENT. -HOUSE AND LOT on Lot 20, Concmolon 18, Hibbert, six-, roomed frame home. Splendid place for a ;labouring man. Good stabling and outside buildings, Fruit tree,, rural mall and tele - Shone. Apply to MRS. ESTER McDOUGALL, Chalk Street, Seaforth• 2917x4 ESTRAY STEER. -STRAYED ON TO THE Dremleea of the undersigned, Lot 27, Con - ...salon 14, McKillop, about October 10th, a yearling red steer. Owner may have same on proving property and paying charges. Phone 21.280. 1PERCY TAYLOR. 2916-8 Ii STRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM THE »remised of The undersigned, Lot 23, Con- csmioa 4, Tuckernmith, on or about October 18tb, a red yearling heifer., Any information leading to iM ret vert please phone a on 122, Seaforth. HARVEY MOORE, Eleven. Ont 2915-8 "VOR SALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY: ▪ once Sawyer -Massey 20 H. P. engine' and g enerator with Atraw cutter, also one Bidwell MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY IN TUCKERSMIT$ Under and• by virtue o the power of sale contained in a certain indenture of mortgage which will be produced. there will he offered for sale by public auction at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1920,'at the hour of two o'oiock in the afternoon, the follow- ing farm. property, test ls to say: Lot Num r Two in the SevOdth Conees- elon, Huron_Rfod Survey, of 'the Townohip of Tuckeromith, n the County of Huron. There is a dwelling house and barn on the premises which are situated about nix miles from Seaforth and about seven from Dublin, Terms of Sale. , The purchaser on the day of Sale will be required to pay dawn a deposit equal M ten per centof hie Antic/rase money to the Ven- dor or his Solicitor and further sum tp make up 72000 of kb purchase money within thirty days thereafter and the balance may be either paid in cash at the end of the thirty days or it ,raey be secured by a Mortgage on the premises payable In five year. with in- terest at six per cent per annum. The pur- chaser will also be required to sign an agree- ment to complete kb purchase. Further par- ticulars and mtriditions of sale may be ob- tained on application to the undernigned, Seaforth, .November 0th, 1922. F. HOLMESTED, 2017-2 Solicitor foe; Vendor. ' WE WANT 300 MEN right now for big Dating mechanical lobs. 15 700 are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and tractors, don't delay, Never wile there such a demand for trained men. A few weeks time invested now will give you a trade that will mean independence for life. Learn automobile and trac€or operating and repairtng, tire vulcan- ising, battery building • and oxy-acetylene welding 'by the Hemphill practical system. Free employment service ls at your dlepoeal. Free a talowee. Get big' pay and &ready work. Do it HEMPHILL AUTO TRACTOR SCHOOL, 163 King 8t, West, Toronto 29174f Lean thresher and one Lister gasoline engine - 9 home power. All in good condition. For r0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:a sale cheap. Apply to JOHN TH1RSK, R. R, No. 2, Zurich. 209A -t! O W. T. BOX & CO. - WARM FOR SALE OR RENT.- -LOT 41 and part of Lot ,40, Concession 1, Huron Road, Tuckernmfth, adjoining Clinton, con- taining 128 scree., On the premises are a brick house, 2 bank barns, implement shed and hen home. Town water in home and bles, and balance of farm watered by the Bayfieldiver. Large orchard, good lay soil rand mostly seeded. If not sold will rent. Apply on the premises to WILLIAM HENRY, 72. R. No. 4, Clinton. 2917x4 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE' OF HIGH GRADE DUB. - ham Cattle and Hogs. -W. E. Nairn has received Instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Concession 11, 114 miles amt of Oromarty, on Wednesday: November 14th, commencing at 1.80 o'clock sharp, the fol - /owing: Cattle -8 cows due to calve in De- cember; 1 cow fresh qq'rth calf et Clot; 1 heifer fresh with calf ej foot; 1 heifer due at time of sale: 1 heifer due to calve Novem- ber 87th; 2 Dowd due to calve In April: 1 cow due to calve in May: 8 two-year-old steers, about 1,000 .pounds each; 5 steers rising two years old; 8 heifers rising 2 years; 8 steers rising 1 year old ; 8 heifers rising 1 year. These are a choice lot of high grade Durham - Cattle. Hoge -12 shoats about 90 pounds each; 21 pigs about 60 pounds- each. Posi- tively no reserve as everything offered will be sold. Terme.-10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or 6 d-isoonnt of 6 per cent straight off for cash In lieu of pout. All sums under 010, dash. :KENNETH` MoKELLAR. Proprietor • W. E Nairn, Auctioneer. 2911-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. -THE undersigned will offer for sale by public auction the following at Lot 7, Concession 1, Hallett, on Friday, November 16th, 1923. at 1.30 o'clock: Horses -2 bay are rising 4 years: 1 bay horse rising 7 years; 1 Chest- n ut home rising 0 years, 1 bay home rising 6 years: 1 bay horse rising 7 years; 1 bay horse rising 7 years ; 1 black driving horse 9 years, quiet and reliable. Cattle -One Durham cow 5 yearn 01d, due to frmhen at I lime of sale; 1 MITA cow, 4 years old: 1 , cow 4 years old, newly freshened: 1 cow 3 years old, dne in Mareh; 1 cow 4 years old with calf byide, due in May: 1 farrow cow; 4 steers 1 year old; 8 heifers 1 year cid: 4 Pring calves. Hoge --2 young sows, 4 chunks. Hone --60 Barred Rock hens one year old; 40 Barred Rock pullets: 26 cedar corner posts: 1 bean harvester with attach- ments. Terme of Sale. --All sums of 810 ,and under, each: over that , amount 12 months' credit on approved Joint notes with a dis- count of air per cent for cash. Austioneer'e decision shall be Anal in all disputes., Posi- t ively no reserve. ROBERT MoFARLANE, ORVAL PHILLIPS,- Proprietors; John M. Stalker, Auburn, Auctioneer. 2917-1 000 000000000 0 S. T. Holmes & Son o 0 Funeral Directors and 0 O Licensed Embalmers. O O Finest Motor And Horse O ' 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office, S. T. 0 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O O Street West; Chas, Holmes' 0 residence over store. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up - 0 holstering neatly done. O O O 0 0 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0040 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 H. C. BOX 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 Flowers .furnished on, short 0 notice, 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 0000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 o W. J. Walker & Son O O 0 O W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- O O rector and Embalmer. 0 O 0 0 Motor or Horse Equipment, 0 0 Cars or Flowers furnished 0 O as requested. O 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 000000000000 ORM WN1 pop &DOO1 S :..,,...'.�:. CslZESm sea Doer J corning.. Haw' with elan, Safe de.' livery euerameed. rite for Price Lie ((A Cat down fuel hl�. home wions bra\� fad, 7PAY COMPANY, Limited -•-.�, The HAL TRURO, N. S,1 HAMILTON, Ott'. NEW LAMP BURNS 94% AIR BEATS ELECTRIC OR GAS A new oil lamp that gives an am- azing brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 85 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise --no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Burne 94% air and 6% common kerosene (coal oil). The inventor, F. N. Johson, 246 Craig St. W., �1Montreal, is offering to send a lamp on 10 'days' FREE trial or even fro give one FREE' to the first user in each locality who will - help him introduce it. Write him to. day for full. phrticulsrs. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month. 2911-9 ",0 1441',;.> r .. ". :dlbi47 A '1`4ELIGIITrt7L • DINYjR ih a resat 0; tender beef or a juicy Steak,. the kind that melts.; in your mquih when .you get the *1st taote•' of ,it. All our beef, veal,. mutton, lamb, pork and^ poultry, is j►ig}tly praised for its tenderness and delicious flavor. Where ease can y',u get' such 1' goodd.meats so moderately pric- f Main Street STEWART Seaforth.i Phone' 58. Flax Land Wanted Limited acreage of sod land for growing Bax, aeaaon 1924. Apply to J. A. KERR: Phone 225, DRAIN TILE Another drop in prices on Drain 'Ole. Now lskhe thee. to got your draining �,qOe. We lave a large stock of No.. 1 T11o49 band In giros from 2/ -inch up to 8 -Inch. Anyone n wishing to get ditching machine, can on us for particulars. If you have not got time to draw your tile, we will deliver them to you. - KRUSE BROS. PHONE 14 on 060. 2016-2 'W///;, 1~4q9Jj'r// ff*Usff /lltthhl.'I6 4,,.i,,.; /..T: Ift.. WILES who- should do WE ARE THE LIVE ,'� your wiring. Our de- - pendability is your in- sui'snee. Defective wiring often causes a disastrous fire. Have us look over your wir- ing and install that ex - tra wall light or con- venience outlet, or switch that you have long wished.for. HOW ABOUT BULBS? Fill up your empty sockets with Edison Mazdas. Remember, - every Bulb pur- chhsed here is guaranteed, and we have the right Bulb for every purpose. Reid , Bros. PHONE 19, K EE : ILL,:S� -- : NEXT WEEK Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov, 15-16-17 AT CF 4 Seaorth Pharmacy THE RERALL STORE. PHONE 28. ' - - - SEAFORTIL 0 HIGH SHOES For School Girls. Now the cold, damp weather is with us; it is necessary to protect Children with High Cut Shoes. WE HAVE SOME SPLENDID VALUES TO OFFER IN THESE LINES: ' Misses' Box Calf; size 11 to 2. ' 3.25 at A Good Sturdy Solid Leather Black Shoes; $3 UU 11 to 2, at , aA Good Sturdy Tan Leather, site 11, to 2• $3.35 A splendid Groading Girls' Shoe, 3 to 6,at $J.75 A solid leather, plain toe Heavy Shoe, !.j 4G �� AJC suitable for wearing without rubbers, at.. L.LJ and THESE AREA FEW OF THE GOOD VALUES WE HAVE TO OFFER. eIMMemiweevelese FRED W. WIGG s e E.5 a i b �1Zurse says "The Boracic in Infants -Delight adds the hygienic touch that keeps the skin healthy and attractive." �n die Emily use if. rNFAhrrs DELIGHT (TOILET SOAP JOHN TAYLOR e.. CO., LIMITED TORONTO w peal to iiicotiaex ta ape IUXI, det�ed 990 ciei bpoo obtain,a copy and .full become the ow:ier Of'4I' next few ynontbs. Amu ja is sONaOiVhat� - 293 Bay Street Toronto Pastial > a send mPleaea ." copy of ' Swing Bon yment Name.__ ' Addreea._ Offices: Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Logien, Nee• York,LOsseies,^ Ny Dresses! Dressed And Children's Wear A GREAT SALE OF LADIES' DRESSES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. We were lucky to sectire a big lot of Samples in Ladies' Dresses and Children's Wear. We got them at 50 pgr cent. less than the actual price, and it will all be to your benefit -- that means that in every dress that you will buy from us, in this sale, will be at half of the price that it is really worth. . The Dresses are made of nicotine, Gaber- • ' dine, Serge, Chiffon Silk and Canton Crepe Silt- There iilk.'-There are 36 different Styles and every one of them is beautifully made and of the latest. models. Cheifetz Bros,,Seaforth. FERGUSON'S Men's Overcoats in the new shades Men's Overcoats in a good quality of Frieze ' Men's Mackinaws from Men's Sheepskin Coats from 12.50 to $16 Men's Fine Sweaters, • C50 $� all wool 5 0 tib $20 to $35 S17.50 to $21 $9to$12 Men's Fine Sleeveless Sweaters for Men's Work Sweaters for Men's Fine Kid Gloves for 1 ar15 to $2.25 Men's Fine Wool Gloves for �f 60c to $1.00 Men's Mitts a for 50c to $2.25 Fine Quality of Bleached Cotton 35c per yard Unbleached Cotton, 40 inches wide, 30r wonderful value ? c Flannelette, wide width, in white 30c 35c and colored to $3.25 $2.25 "Ladies" -Just two more weeks to renew your subscription for the Delineator at the reduced rate of $,1120 per year. Let us have .your subscription at once. T. Ferguson, - Seafort