HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-11-09, Page 2�r Oiled Door Mops ap rice'to suit.'an pocket, all ready '•use with special hinged handle, just -imported A window full, while they 'las t at ut one ' ,stairs and one dwn at C Cocoa Door Mats. iI1�1AA lv r r r '(By •I,sabel' TlalalEYt4kiA' llllq ah, .04 God of nrxairey, Godr t±'•graee,' Show. tate brightness � 'h'iz face; Shine upon ua, Saviopreine, Fill'Thy Church with. light"dloine, And Thy saving health extend Unto earth's remotest end. Let the people praise Thee, Lord; Earth shall then her fruits afford, His bless i s give, God tomanH pg & , Man to God devoted live— All below and all above, One in joy and light and love. (Henry Francis Lyte). PRAYER Almighty God, who hast command- ed the light to shine in darkness and1 hast sent Thy Son to bg@ the Light and Life of the world, illumine, we beseech thee, our hearts with the pure light of Thy divine kpiowledge, and open the eyes of our understand- ing, that we may learn what is Thy eternal will for us and all men. May the gifts Thou hast bestowed upon us be devoted to Thy service in the up -building of Thy church; • through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Do not rot, is easily cleaned, save the floor and extra work 89c Geo. A. Sills & Sons 4. UNLESS you .see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all • Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked , out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds ' Headache Rheuii atism ' Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache ' Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy `Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Barer Manufacture of Mono- aacc,,�pticactdeater of aalleyllcaeld. while it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer mpnufactore, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer CompanY s Will be stamped with their ,general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." Years onstlpathillitia ' The Wonderful Frllltligdl ine Anyon wit. suffer( itie ml$@@rfih 0 health; tit els tortured wait-Head- aches,/ att 'Head.. ae.eaad aaaf} Who is unable to geten realpleasure• out of life; will b interested la this letter -of Mrs; Martha de. Wolfe of East Ship Harbor, Mrs. deW-olfe says, "For year wase dreadful sufferer flora Constil{a- tion and Headaches and I was miser- able in every way. Nothingin the way of medicine seemed to help 'me. Then I tried " Fruit-a-tives " and th6 effect was splendid; and after taking only one box, I was (compl'etkely, relieved and now feel like a new person". 50e. a box, 6,for $2.50, trial size 25o. At dealers or from Fruit:a-uvea , Limited, Ottawa, Ont. S. S. LESSON FOR NOV. 11th, 1923 Lesson Title—Some Missionary Teachings of the Psalms. Lesson Passage -1's. 67 : 1-7. Golden Text—Ps. 67:3. In the two preceding psalms the Psalmist praises God for His good- ness to the children of Israel in hear- ing their prayers, in pardoning their sins, in prospering thein in material things and in favoring- them, His peculiar people, above all the nations. In his 67th psalm he gathers up all these blessings, as it were, and pours out his soul in one grand song of longing' after God, not alone for himself, nor yet for the Jews, but for all peoples. It is the same longing found as the central thought in the. priestly benediction in Numbers 6: 24-26. "The Lord bless, and keep thee: The Lord make his face to shine up- on thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance up- on thee, and give thee peace." Verse 1.—"God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us." This is a special prayer for the prosperity of the Jew- ish church. The psalmist in thus praying gives .expression. to a long- ing that was fully answered in the coming of the Son of- God, who him, ANIL a Ladies' Overcoats 'CLOTHES OF QUALITY ' FEATURING - `Miss Canada' and `Miss Chadwick' MAN -TAILORED Ulster Overcoats for Ladies - MADE TO ORDER ONLY "MISS CANADA"—A two -button single breasted model, with all round belt and all round strap on sleeves, both belt and straps are finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This coat is three -eights lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to matdh. "MISS CHADWICK"—A two -button double breasted style featur= ing Raglan' sleeves .with all,rotrnd cuffs. and inverted -pleated back with inverted -pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished • Waith, eyelet hole§ and leather buckle, while pockets Bove fancy fiap fi'stoning with one leather button. Like "Miss' Canada" this Coat £tree -eights lined with Marquis de Luxe. f`r Prices $32 Up. anticipation of the universal spread of the knowledge of GO, in its firm grasp of the thought that the Church has its blessing., in order to the evan- gelization of the world. and in its in- tensity of longing that from all the ends of the earth a shout of praise may go bp to the God, who has sent some rays of II is light into them Jill, and committed to His people the task of carrying, a brighter illumination hath shined r land.at sh't to every "God in- to our hearts, that we may give the light of the knowledge' of the glory of God." - e, hSi iompured wit -` lk*st a(F iplephokl veMei ,p004110(1 -‘s0 611• deb Coate with kedtletzoa in epe�ating cit pensee Of tourr cent., net reV.entieo iacreesel $2,686,000.2• "Ottawa, Ont A serioui; shortage of woods labor,. which Is said ty bermela to he the worste.in;anany years :- exists in the Ottawa valley, where it 1s' estimate4, between eight and ten thousand more ,men are required td felly man the;clinlps ogg thi lumbering and pulpwood 'companies, Only Went .one-third of the nufnber required to operate the camps bas been engaged, andoin some instances there have not been en ugh to 'build the camps., 0 According to • a local employment agent, the lumbering companies in the Ottawa valley and along the -Soo line ordinarily employ .about 25,000 limn each winter, and considerably ' less. than )half of • the men required it, for we can imagine that 'many all in the heudwriting of the author"; have so ar been secured. of the dtsttngulahed people r. tti la °4ell ..��d«� n y� us app QT".'l jgMM,. Savlag3I) aartnzepieVn; Ort is made tp ail taco :ane to ir4lee to BRANCIO;E$ Lril TRIP' i Brucelield ' ,St 11'iarygi' 4 d ' �kton Exeter • Clthtot lltepsali "Itiiiriieh ,..,,,,,,,-,l,',',,,,,,,., ,e c e who,ha The present scales of wages for gladly given their time to the tas 1 be indistinguishable without "a bushmen is 'front $40 to $60 per would have refused to do it for icroscope. We ,understand than month with board, a considerable in- (honey or for the gratification of some of, the authore_ are taking as crease over last fall, when' the wages any one else but Queen Mary. For '.much'p44de'in their recently 'ilisco - )paid were $26 and $30. instance, it is said that more than I ered ability"te write so that they aro '... 100 noted English authors are• en-, practically Invisible as they have tag - Three Rivers, Que.—The present gaged at the moment, with. the en in the_,sucegss of then` novels. 'Art - paid -up capital of the manufacturing• smallest pens they can hold in writ- , ists like Levey,. Oope and Orpen axe concerns, business in Three .ing passages' from their most famous ' painting masterpieces. the • size 0f Rivers ie $60,000,000. The approxi- works to go in the miniature 11- I postage stamps. • mate value of manufactured goods, beery.. we rather 'suspect that The house is, of course, wired, by including products of the forest, when the list of authors is announc- Lelectricity and Ras two .elevators, handled at Three Rivers, is placed' et ed we shall find some distinguished one for guests' and one for their lug - between $60,000,000 and $65,000,000 names missing. We can hardly im- I gage. It has also a heating system, for last, year. ane Bernard Shaw or fl. G. Wells ' and running water, • The interior o no* has the consenting to give such a perform- I will be carpeted ifi,rugs' being spe- Toronto, Ont.— —Ontario riteet hydro -electric system of pub- ance for any price, though ,we note cially woven, and .tiles specially eat. o' le will bes c m as It is sof contents a work. The c tP ' at w� Barrie s thatt licly-owned9 lipower in the world. By to bet that Thomas Hardy or Joseph in a real palace, even to the knicic- the spring of -1926, 1,000,000 horse- Conrad will not be represented de- I necks lying' about such as liwa1f power will have been developed, it is spite ,the fact that Conrad is as loyal ' playing cards, and sheet' music, the officially announced., an Englishman as lives though born last in the hands of the most' noted a Pole, and that Hardy ;recently en- . of English composers and of a site tertained -the Prince of Wales ' at 'appropriate to- sixanch . doll's. ' The luncheon. Somehow, we cannot see ,'dolls • will not always -be on parade., theta in the part.I When an exhibition is not taking It was Sir Edwin Lutyens, design- place they will' be kept in drawers, er bf 1the• London Cenotaph, who and only dressed up for particular conceived the idea, which he put in I occasions•=unless, . indeed the Queen' these words: • . amuses. herself by keepingithem old • "We' are building a miniature .duty in one or other of the score of model pf the typical rojal residence uniforms and costgmes, diet each will of to -day. It iarso exact in every have.' The whole thing ie a unique detail that it will haiCe ,great, his—, to Queen Mary. She 1$ torioal,value- to succeeding genera -,,-being given soniething'that no money tions.. Everything connected with :could' buy by :men who, speak- dg 's of English make and in Eng- i generally, she could do nothing. foss some of the writing so small that it WORLD MISSIONS The Progress of Christianity in India For at least seventeen centuries Christianity has felli'i3 a home'in In• dia. The Syrian Church was the first to gather converts, and it still exists as a separate sect of 300,000 souls in a' small part of Malabar. Roman Catholicism, also, hal( had /its six centuries of struggles and varied fortunes, and now claims its 1,500,- 000 followers. It is over two cen- turies 'since the first Protestant mis- sionaries landed and began a work which has spread over the whole of India, but the number of people.that have been brought to Christ are, in- deed, far fewer than might have been expected; hut,,it took many years to self said: "I am the light of the lay deeply the foundation of our lids - world; . he that followth me shall not sion organization., But the more walk in darkness, but shall have the hidden and indirect results of Pro - light of life." (John 8:12). testant Christian efforts in this land Verse2.—"That thy way may be encourage' the Christian worker more known upon earth, thy saving health than all the direct results. , The •new among all nations." This is a spe- spirit which has taken possession of tial prayer for the conversion of the the classes in India is in striking con - Gentiles. It is in other words the prayer of the Saviour when he trast with the spirit of the past. The spirit and principles of Chris- t hisdisciples to "Th will '1 d dominate the GOOD 'RED BLOOD A REAL NERVE TONIC Weak, Watery Blood the Source of All Nervousness. , "If people would attend' to their blood, -ins cad of worrying themselves ill," said an eminent nerve specialist, "we doctors .would not see our con- sulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks. More people suffer from w thananything Is 'f worry a ing a e. rt r The sort of thing the specialist 3lsh taste." The doll's house will be and. who do not belong to the cls( spoke of is the nervous, rundown eight feet high, and thoughthe`walls in'wholie'welfare ''she -has takeff:the y° condition caused by overwork and the are of brick and cut -stone it'ls so • greatest interest, „ many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers constructed that thif5e can be taken 1 find themselves 'tired, , low-spirited deven. There is no make-believe in and unable tb keep their minds on. it from garret to cellar. Every - anything.. Any sudden .noise hurts ( thing in it will be fashioned in the them like a 'bl'ow. They are full of materials of;'the objects . to be imi-i groundless fears, db not sleep well at tated on the smile .;of.one inch to a i night. Headaches and other nerve pai are part of the misery, and it al i'� •;'; s from starved nerves. D ;'ng the nerves with poison- ous tives is a' terrible mistake. 'Phe `• e,"real nerve tonic is a good taught m isc)p'es pray y land. y wt - prevail an omtna supp ' rich -red blood, , Therefore kingdom come, thy will be done' on land. The educational system which 'W'i° earth as it is in Heaven." A very now.prevails, and which i growingto re nervousness and rundownPills different spirit from that stirred s . health, �r. Williams' "Pink Pills p in power, is distinctly a promoter of should be taken. These pills enrich the psalmist prevailer in New Testa - i Christian thought acid principle. the blood,- which tones the nerves, meat times. Here we see how the The Christ Ideal of Life is acquiring I improves, the appetite,. gives new Psalmist, as the mouthpice of the ;ever increasing attraction and pow- I strength and spirits, and slakes hi= Israelites, longed to see the day when ' er in the land, Christianity will i therto despondent people bright and God's, name would be known and grow in influence and inorease in its cheerful. If you are at all out of revereiticed among the Gentiles. In prevalence until we all can say wit}' sorts" you should begin taking Dr. Paul's- day the Jews were enraged the late Chunder Sen, and with much Williams' Pink Pills. at the preaching of the Gospel to the mor assurance than he, "none but thee far henpart, for I will send Jesub .is worthy to wear the diadem, thee far hence unto the . Gentiles. India; and He'ahall -rave it" And they gave.him audience unto India; P. Jones). this word and then lifted up their • voices, and said, Away, with such a fellow from the earth; for -it is not FACTS ABOUT CANADA fit that he should live" (Acta 22:- -. . 21, 22). This was the reception Paul Ottawa, Ont,—There are'more tele - received when he publicly. proclaim- phones in Canada per 100 population howd hish allegiance bee to Jesus and told than in any other country except the he had been cope Gentiles.eionnd to United States. This is shown' in a preach.tsa gospel praystthet,report issued by the Dominion bureau The Psalmist for three dis- . of statistics in which the proportion tinct things of connectionhGet with (1) of telephone users in Canada per 100 conversion of the Gentiles. (1) That they might know God's'Iaw • i population is set at 10.53. the - statutes and judgments given British Columbia comes first with through Moses, the keeping' of which 15.10 telephones per 100 population, was spoken of as "Your wisdom and ' Ontario 13.59, Saskatchewan, 12.24, ald and Weekly Star of Montreal that your understanding in sight of the Alberta 10.89,;Marfitoba, 10.78, New who acts quickly, h subscriber; new and obtain 'a beau, nations which shall hear all these Brunswick, 6.96. Nova Scotia, 6.87,. Y> rnaY statutes, and say, Surely this great Quebec 6.58, Prince Edward Island tiful picture of a wonderful woman rkation i a wise and understanding 5.80. Compilation of telephone sta- whose life story reveals chapter af- tistics began in.' 19T1 and at 'the end . ter' chapter of amazing heroism, ex - people great, Fo igor what nation is there so df 1922 an increase of 212 per cent, traordinary fortitude and almost mir- whhath God so nh unto them, as the Lord our 'God is in all things that we call upon ,him for?" (Deut. 4:6, 7). The ,Psalmist longs and prays for this kowledge to be- long to others than the 'Jews. (2) That they might know God's saving health or salvation. If they would become obedient to the law and get to know what "the Lord our God re- quires of them" then would they fol- low on. to see the salvation promis- ed, and the beginning of that happy condition of the Christian •church, when Jew and Gentile will be united. into one flock. (3) That divine,' worship, may be set up,among the*,` "Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all the people praise thee." (v. 3). The psalmist's heart is so set upon this that he repeats and repeats this petition. (verses 4, 5). When'a na- tion acknowledges God as Sovereign Lord, seeing his hand in all His righteous dealings, then the people shallb id and sing forjoy You can get these pills through any Sealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co„ Brockville, Ont. • 1 According to a news item a bandit' in Toronto "talked politics to his vic- tim while .the -robbery was in prog- ress." That Is not the first instance of that kind on record.—Halifax Her- ald, A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE It is announced by ;the. Family Her- foot. It will lie tenanted by'dolls" _designed to :aeepreeant'the people who really live in England's royal pal- aces to -day, including King and Queen, two Prime Ministers, a Lord Chancellor, a General, a President of • 'France; the King' of an Allied coun- try, a doctor and even a' journalist. ' We do' not. 'understand that these dolls will be faithfiil' models of King George, Queen Mary, et al. That might be considered not dignified. But the historical itltportance of the dolls ,will be in their clothes and uniforms, which will be precisely correct. One of the Most extraordinary things being built for the house, or rather for the royal garage, -es ft Rolls Royce, ten inches long. which will leave the factpry in as per,, fect running order ° -as any' car b ever turned out. There will also e a grand piano, with keys se/smell that only by having pins on the fin - gel's can it, be played.'. -There is to be a perfect typewriter on' the same scale.. Stnley' Anderson is drawing the amallest;etching in the world to hang on the library walls. The li- brary itself will be, as nearly as pos- sible, a copy of the King's, library, and will contain numerous books, or ;ragment, of books beautifully bound "My Wardrobe," Seaforth. WATSON ai ¢ll' 1C JUNK HEALER rim bur al kind. of Asa. Indoo, ora god Fie r& "Ail clay good',: 0,*to • rlEl):dH. Phoo ...l aculous achievements. The story of' "The Wonderful Heroine" can also be obtained cost free by sending a post • card to the -Family Herald and 'Week- , ly Star of Montreal. MARVELLOUS DOLL'S HOUSE ' FOR ENGLAND'S QUEEN • • 1 Many people learning, for the first time of the extravagant pains and toiling art' being expended on the famous doll's house 'that is to be Presented to the Queen of England 'will think the gam's is hardly worth the candle. But the English p�ple think Otherwise. They recognize the Queen ss the, ideal wife and mother, the -centre of whose life is her home, and they have, thought somehow or other that a doll's house symbolizes her qualities. So when. a noted art, ist made' the suggestion that such a, doll's house should -be made for Queen Mary as had never been made in the world before, he struck a re- sponsive note. Nobody said the idea was, absurd, the ends trivial. In- stead, enthusiasm was aroused and for some • months 'past many of the finest brains .ef English•art and iris dustry have 'been concentrating on the m,lnufacture and equipment of this Neuse. Whert t it is completed, and 'the date annbunced now' is in January, ths'house will be placed on exhibition and a fee charged. The ' money thus collected will . be dis-. trlbnted among those charities,which aro nearest. to the warm heart of the queen. After that the, house will' re- side 'in Buckingham Pelage. • We have:. no idea What it would costa man to • build 'and furnish -such 'it house .naris heft erected to tale Queen':as A gift, P,erliaps amil, lien dollars .world not do it. Per - .haps .rio ,amount of 'money would do , m nitJ �. 1 Iis.L Mother Tells How Her Dangbter Sbffered . and Was Made Well by . Lydia E. Pinldiam's'Vegetable Compound Vancouver, B (i " My daughter is a young girl who has been having eeitere pains and weak and dizzy feelings for rome time and had -lost her appetite. Through an older daughter who bad heard of a woman who was taking it for the same trouble, we were told -of Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Com- be a t g pound. My daughter has been taking it The saln'�ist concludes this ray- for several months and is quite allight P P now. It has done all it was represented er with a joyful pfospect of -all good, to rand wr kava told a;number of when - the nations shall be converted frieads about it: I am never without and shall be brought to praise God .-.; .n bottle of it in the house, for I. myself "Then shall the earth yield her in:. take it for that weals, tired,.worp-out crease' and God, ei'en our own God, feeling which some titnes comes to us all. shall bless us. God shall bless us,; I find it is buildingrne up and I strongly anti all the ends of the' earth shall recommend it to women who are suffer - fear him" (verse .6, '7). The sde-' Mg es T and mytisughter have."—Mrs. cess of..the Gospel does bring daft- 'J. MCDONALn, 71947.26th'Ave. East; ward mercies along with it. . "In Vancouver, R. C: that day shall the branch of the Lord From the age'df twelve a girl needs all be frnitful and glorious and the fruit the re a thougg'Ift£ul' mother can give: of the earth shall be excellent and Many a'°vomatl.has suffered years of ppBinandmisery thevictiniof.thought- eornely for them that are escaped of lessnessor ignorance of the mother who Israel' (Isa. 4;2)y . should have guid¢dher during this time. i The psalmist doesn't believe that If she complalins of headaches, pains God's goodness has been restricted to- in the back andel Wei limbs, or if yeti •.Is)t'ael, but he has the missionary de= notice a slovtineepeif:thought, nervous- reuse sire'strong in his soul and would,that ,`nese Or itfitdbbill 7 en the part of your I all might "Taste and see that; God is dapgtt!>n malkeYhfe easier for tor. good."Dr. Aleatander 'M@d wren Lydia t'inicham's Vegget,able Cern' says. of this psaltnt "This Psalm is ti s evpecsauy,adaptef >.tor web -a truly missionary psalm, in its clear Alter Every eel Talc home to de'. ave a packet hs ever -ready I. it delicious'confeo- tion and all aid to me teeth, appetlte, digestion. Purity, Sealed inPacks its i t4i'� )' '13 19 ,r 3lr� ■ j.. 'Fill the Children ��� with Delight 2 Serve them • Morning Noon and Night L v' �RROWROO * Sigh in Arrowroot rood Value. ag'�1 ; to Baby n d Ace Him' Grow.. `�. . ` �jdflUt111111tt11�e��®`�®�® . • DSON"t—. waste time wishing you had a good business education, and MISS a splendid position, which id waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a high plane in the COMMERCIAL world.'.- MAKE . 'PtrESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4thi, '1923• ' YOUR, LUCKY DAY by beginning a Commercial, Stenographtd,nr Secretarial Course in THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL, in the Protium. `THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, oNT. rot information, write or phone. B. F. WARD, :BA; A,:'STiONE, M Accts., k!'rin. 1 'P;hone X98. Com..Speclallst, ;trtce-Fria: • H,ai5t'.. -'tight)•G'�T�/��, .NhMtf'J"Awii'f'..�.,. i....•+e, i,,• e•