HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-26, Page 8Fine ., and
all purposes,
putten days,
e' No. 6.
where you get the Best
Values in Underwear,
louts, Shoes and Rubbers.
X,ve heavy payments to
maw November 1st, 1923:
Prompt settlement of all ac-
counts, either by cheque or
note, is requested.
Phone 72.
A Dance will be held in
WALKER'S HALL, Brucefield,
Good Music. Lunch provided.
Everybody welcome.
ADMISSION - - - 75c
Xmas Photos
We are making sittings now
for Xmas Photos. It's not a
bit too early. Have it over with
and pleasb your friends with a
good Photograph this Xmas.
Come in and see our styles.
Let us develop and finish
your Snap Shot for you.
D. F. Buck
For Groceries
Good Turnips. -Mr. W. R. Smillie,
North Main Street dug up a turnip
in one pf ibis fields last week that
measured three feet around, and it,
was not the biggest one of his crop
either. The root and potato crops
have been exceptionally good this
year, but three -feet turnips are hard
to beat in any year.
APPLES. -Fall and Winter Apples
at very moderate prices. Let us
furnish your winter supply.
PANCAKE SYRUP. - Picaninny
brand in spleedid syrup
pitcher, for
and the pitcher alone is well worth
the price.
PICKLES. -Why worry about fail-
ure of cucumbers when you can
buy from vs Heinz Sweet mixed
Pickles at,
per plat
h• siveit AVPyr r btyl
, l . 1 aNNaa41 o re s
pretty grity 'canton Oen r ?►e oat
carried s, *ARLO At 00 copes •
!ter urett�er, in-law,'tire. ii MONO,
Played, the •wedding lna h :Falco.
ing. the !ceremony a pg break.
fast was aerved, after' pv icb Mr, and
Mrs. Muldrew 11ft fot-iYor4n1o, Ham-
ilton and Brockville. The',bride trav-
elled in a smart suit of navy 'trico-
tine with grey French Nouse and het
to match. Among the out of town
guests who attepded the wedding
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarlett,
Mr. and Mr's. James Scott and son,
James; Mr. and Mrs- John. Cummings
end Miss Harriet Murray, of Sea -
forth; Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Mra. T.
G. Allen, and Mrs. B. Roach, Dungan-
non, and Rev. Mr. MCCullam and Mrs:
McCuiilam, of Lucknow. The best
wishes of many Seaforth friends will
be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Muldrew.
For Rent. -Rooms to rent Apply .to W.
E. Kerslake. Phone G. 29161
Just Arrivedur Lm
Lot oar toad of ceent
dor the season. Buy your requirements now.
George A. 2111. 1 Son. 29164
For 6alM Turo•pawenger ear, good ,repair.
Annual Meeting. -The annual meet-
ing of the Huron County Children's
Aid and Humane Society will be held
in the Children's Shelter, Goderich,
on Tuesday, November 6th, at. three
p.m,. 'Officers will be elected, reports
received and addresses given. All
interested in child welfare are invit-
ed. Representatives from different
parts of the county are expected.
Passed With Honore. -Mr. Ross
Savauge, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Savauge, of Seaforth, who has ,been
attending the Royal College of
Science in, Toronto, passed his final
examinations in the College, coming
first in his class. He also came sec=
and in the course of Optometry, and
stood high in the examinations of the
Provincial Board, securing his degree
of Doctor of Optometry with honors.
VINEGAR. -Come to us for the good
XXX pure spirit or cider vinegar.
You will find our price not more
than is usually asked for the ord-
inary variety.
Per gallon
LAMP SHADES in fancy
usually '35c, •
PLAIN CHIMNEYS. -Our price was
specially low before the recent ad-
vance. It is the same
WRD'I;�AY, u
ulle s
Mt'•S ,N''
.. •CIA, JDY BQ7ta''.S
Thompsons' :1
noonorORI$ - ' . Onoloals,
Bargain for a quick purchaser. Mr.. John
Turner. 2914-t1
For Safe.-4Imt prize Aacopa Cockerel and
two pelletal. 95. Apply Mr. J. G. Mullan,
Seaforth. 2916-1
t..et-About two weeks ago between Kip -
Pen and Seaforth: hood for a ear. Finder
plea.e leave at Expositor Office or J. F.
Dole's 2915x2
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church
intend holding their annual Thanksgiving
Supper on Moudsy, ,November 12th, F�9ll.r
particulars later.
Care refinished. aide curtains made 0.r -
der, celluloid replaced and curtains repaired
on short notice. Apply one door south of
Carling Garage..r INorrean J. Nielson.. 2916-0
,For Soda. -Happy 'thought Range, No, 10,
burns either Doulor wood, with reservoir
attachment Also oal heater, ateve pipes
and coal box. Phone 102. Seaforth: Opt.
Special Hale for 10 day.. Peerlieo wire
fence, full N 9 gauge. clearing out a large
took at special prices. Order early. The
Sig Hardware. Henry Edge, Seaforth.
Mothers. -slathers and Fathers.. too, will
favor u. if you have your children come any
day but Saturday for their hair cutting. W.
W. Robineon.
Local representative wanted for Seaforth
J district to sell the "Old Reliable Foothill
Nurseries." Spring nelling season now Start-
e, Largest demand for stock since the war:
xclusive territory; highest commissions. Free
equipment Stone & Wellington, Toronto.
Lloyd George Again. -A number of
townspeople were privileged this
week to hear over the very fine radio
instrument ,in Mr, J. F. Daly's
jewelry store, two addresses deliver-
ed by Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George,
on his American tour. On Tuesday
afternoon his address given in Cleve-
land was heard very distinctly here,
and again on Wednesday. evening
when he spoke in Pittsburg.
Accident. -One day last week Mr.
N. T. Cluff met with a serious acci-
dent. While unloading junk at the
town ''dump on J. McMann's farm,
he was 'accidentally thrown from his
wagon and in the fall fractured two
ribs and injured himself internally'.
We 'are pleased, however, that he is
making a good recovery. N. T. says
that any one who wants a real affec-
tion to boast about, should cultivate
a cough while nursing a couple of
broken ribs, and the. will have it:
or Teco. Reg. 15c, 10e
for s
TEA. -Our special Black tea in 2 -fib.
packages. Regular $1.40, $1.30
' at 2 lbs. for r➢ .
• g r •.855, •
f;'UDELLA TEA. -Is a genuine high
class tea in either Black or Mix-;
ed,. at
per pound
And remember that now while this
splendid tea is being introduced
you get with each pound one Jap -
ease hand -painted China Cup and
Saucer, worth more than half the
price of the tea.
,F. D. Hutchison
• Phone 166.
94% AIR
A new oil lamp that gives an am-
azing brilliant, soft, white light,'✓?ven
better thangas or electricity, has been
tested by the U. S. Government and
35 leading universities and found to
be superipr to 10 ordinary oil lamps.
It burns without odor• smoke or noise
--no pumping up, is simple, clean,
. safe. Burns 94% air and 6% common
kerosene (coal oil).
The inventor, F. N. Johson, 246
• Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering
• to 'send a lamp on 10 days' FREE
trial or even to give one FREE to
the•ttrst riser in each locality who will
help him introduce it. Write him to-
(ltly for lull particulars. Also ask
.hilt ta- explain how you can get the
agency,, and without experience or
"money make'$250 to $600 per month.
IItA $YLt b'll h9hftltil of tfnlif,vttOttia
Bright -Cash. -A quiet but pretty
autumn wedding took place at high
noon• on Thursday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Cash, Seaforth, when
their youngest daughter, Henrietta
Maxwell, became the bride of Wil-
liam Down Bright. The ceremony
was performed by' Rev. R. Fulton
Irwin, in the presence of the immedi-
ate relatives of the bride and groom.
The bride, who was unattended, wore
a pretty frock of brown silk crepe
and carried a sheaf of Ophelia roses.
Following the ceremony a dainty buf-
fet luncheon was served, the table
decorations being crysanthemnms
and maple leaves, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Bright left on the afternoon
train for Buffalo and Toronto, the
bride travelling in a brown duvityne.
coat, with .beaver collar, henna, dress
and hat to match.
Cargary Sermon Heard In England.
-In Grace church, Calgary, there is
a radio machine for broadcasting the
services. During the last tw'o Sun-
days in September, Rev A. W. Mc-
Intosh, of Winnipeg, occupied the pul-
pit in this church for the pastor, Dr.
Johnston. Since then two letters
have been received by the Winnipeg
Free Press. One of these letters
stated that the musical part of the
service on one of these Sundays had
been distinctly heard in Vancouver,
and the other letter stated that the
sermon preached on the same day
had been heard at Darlington, Dur-
ham County, England, a distance of
6,000 fibres. The Free Press says
that this is a long distance record for
Canada. Rev. A. W. McIntosh, now
one of the foremost preachers of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada, is
well known to many in Seaforth and
vicinity; being an old McKillop hoy
and a brother of Mrs. John Hender-
son, of this town,.
G. W. V. A. 'Notes. -Owing to the
fact that it will be impossible to se-
cure suitable music for the Hal-
lowe'en dance, this affair will he,
therefore, cancelled, but a masquer-
ade will be given later in the season.
-Tuesday evening, October 30th,
the Ladies of the Auxiliary will give
a euchre,, open to all ladies from the
town and country... Luncheon will he
served and a fee of twenty-five cents
will be charged to cover expenses.
The ladies have suggested some im-
provements this `year, and these
should be carried out as soon as pos-
sible. December 6th was set as the
date of the ladies' annual meeting.
-For our Christmas dance, the
Krug Orchestra of Kitchener has
been engaged and this event will
take place Wednesday evening, De-
cember 26th.
spent the week end with heti Parents,,
Rev. T. S, frtewn and Mrs. Brown.,
at ` the Reetj err -Mr. Charles Mi-
ntage, who spent several menthe With
relatives at .Maidstone, Sask„ has re-'
turned to his 'home in MLc1LBlop,-Mr.,
and Mrs. J, S, Welsh have returned
from a visit with relatives in the vi:'
cinity of Gowanstown,-Dr. Martin,
of Stratford, will conduct serviced in
the Seaforth Presbyterian Church
next Sunday forenoon, and Rev. W.
D. McDonaldi, B.
., of Egns Ald l e,
in the evening -of
the Methodist Church will hold their
annual Thanksgiving Supper in the
school room of the church on' Monday
evening, November 12th. -Miss Jes-
sie Wilson, of Kitchener, spent the
Wanted. -AH kindsf heathy live foal at
the Commercial How every wedneaday,
starting September lath. Highest cash price.
Buying for Gunn and Lnnldob Co. Fowl to
be in befgre 12 o'clock. Plicae 18-244. 290941
J. G.
House For Sale or - Rent -Modern frame
house consisting of four bed rooms, dining
room, kitchen and parlor, bardw,od floor.,
French doom, new furnace, electric lights,
'bath room complete, also lot and barn. Apply
to Thomas Daly. 2912.41
For Sale --Haase agd'two lots on Main
road. house electric lighted, stable and hen
house and Marge poultry yard: corner lot
Will be mold reasonable and on good terms.
Apply to Mrs. John Syroat, Victoria Street
or Jamm Watson, Insurance Agent. 2911-tf
Home Work.-- -We want reliable families to
operate our high.opeet automatic knitting
machines at home. whole or spare time knit-
ting for the trade: good wages. For all par-
ticulars send stamped,addressed' hnvelope to
.the Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co.;
Orillia, Ont 2918-3
For Sale. -A 6 -roomed frame cottage .lu-
sted one block south and one block weal of
the Egm ondvllle • Presbyterian church. This
cottage stands on half acre of ofs
electric ")lanced and Inc hard 'and soft water
d is in first class condition. There are
several fruit trees, a variety of emsll fruit
and a good barn and hen house.- For par-
t:culars apply to Thomas O'Loughlin, Sea -
forth P 0., 11. R. sl, or phone 16 on 131.
1 eh� Vit`
bowie. is W
art*leae 7 ut Qe4'
Umbapb, ;stele j Q0 err Wee .. p"
, lafdon n 7trid ;Y4tn ,
ily, p1`•Ql.itltant Welts W' s .est glleete
at the • orne of'` air candy r
Belle... r, T Q ' eve l o Sat:
'►trday knit rol'lth'; a ee£ eo , ttli
effects fp* bin new bonle ai 7 I1
vllle . New Oritaldq lfvg
family 'will follmv as sp $s
Grieve 'seta, somew at •settled rsICtey,
Jt A.'.F.erguson :of l Kiiioji, RCaebed
AnplversarY Services at ubuib,.
last" Sund�eqIiy�::'.'Mz Willie and ",apri
and Miae Willie and • Mr.' Currie,„...' of,
Marlette, Michigan spent -S4nd y, at
the ::nous: aMe.' and Mia • J R.,
with Antonio Moreno.
• in
Buenos Aires, the Paris of South
America, is the scene of this story
of a Kentljlek'y belle, who took her
favorite racehorse down to thatch
the pride of Argentine and who was
drawn into the more exciting game
of South' American politics. ,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
in Irvin
Hahkirk.,-.411r: and :MIs.. C. 'X., Bert,:
bel M'1w.' George Sgip and '. Mie.
Walter ,Roblpson, were In London, fa
week. -•--Mrs: W. Ament' avid 'Mias.
,Francis Winter have returned' froth
a visit with friends in Detroit -Mr.,
and Mra.Gardiner and the Misses
Rita and Anna Gardiner. and Gilbert,
motored up from Toronto and spent
the week end with. Mrs. Alexander,.
Sr.,` on the Kippers .Road. -Dr. and
Mre. A. McCarter, of Guelph, were
week .end guests at the home of Mrs.
McCarter's grandmother,. Mrs. J. H.
Broadfdot,-'Miss Anna: Bell spent
last week .with Toronto friends. -
Mr. T. G. • Scott has been ,awarded
the contract for redecorating the
Seaforth Post Office. The entire in-
side with the exception o1 the arm-
ories, as well as the outside wood-
works will be redecorated, . and the
work will, take several weeks to cons=
plete.-Anniversary services will be
held in . the Seaforth Presbyterian
church on November 25th, when Rev.
R. B, Cochrane, M.A., of .Torontp
will be the preacher of the occasion.
-Mrs. W. Thompson underwent an
operation in the Seaforth Hospital:
on Sunday Inst. -The young ladies of
St. James' Church intend holding a
dance ie the Parish Hall on Tuesday
evening, October 30th. -Mr. Howard
McDougall, of Kitchener, is a guest
at the home of his unele, ;Mr. F. W.
Wigg. -Mrs. H. C. Box is visiting
this week at her home in Strathroy.
-Rev. Dr. •Fletcher, of Hensall, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Egmondville
church on Sunday last, -Owing to
the record attendance at the Seaforth
Collegiate this year, the Board have
found- it necessary to.,engage an ad-
ditional teacher and have selected
Miss Brown, of Listowel, to teach in
the Lower School. -Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Intosh, of London, were week end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. D. Haigh. - Mrs: Neil Gillespie
spent last week with old friends at
her former 'home in Cromarty. -Mr.
Harry Livens and his mother, Mrs.
Livens, left on Saturday' to. visit
friends in Hamiltopn and Torontd.-
Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Brownell and Mr.
and Mrs, Booker, of Montreal, were
guests this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sydney Jacobs. --Mr, 'and
Mrs. J. J. Cluff visited .friends • in
Hamilton this week. -Mrs. Malcolm -
son, of Port Albert, was the guest
of Mrs. Leslie Mullen this week. -
Miss Gertrude. Cardno, of Milverton,
spent_ the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Cardno.-Mr. Anderson Scott has re-'
turned to his home at Roxboro, after
spending the past year hi the West,
-Mr. W. Black, M.P., spent a few
days last week in Ottawa. - Miss
Janet Chesney, R. N„ of Cleveland,
is visiting •at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney,
Ruscoe Farm, Tuckfrymith. - Mrs.
Frank Sills . and Mrs. D. Shanahan
were in Chatham last week attending
the annual convention of the Catholic
Women's League. -Mr. and .Mrs,
Arnold Westcott spent Sunday with
friends in Ingersoll. -Mr. Arthur
Porterfield, of Detroit, is spending a
few holidays at his home here.
S./Cobb's Saturday Evening
Post Story
W. M. S. -The McKillop branch of
the Women's Missionary Society of
First Presbyterian church, was held
at the home of Mrs. John McNay, on
Thdrsday afternoon of last week.
Mrs.6tobert Ggvenlock, the president,
presided. Mrs. Joseph Scott gaveen
Scripture reading, after which Mrs.
F. H. Larkin led in prayer. Mrs, G.
B. Dorrance read the °messenger
prayer, and Miss Annie McNay read
a chapter from the study book,,
"Building A Nation." The meeting
closed with all repeating. the Lord's
prayer. A• most enjoyable lunch was
served by Mrs. McNay.
New `Choir Leader and Organist. -
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie, of Lon-
don; have been engaged as° choir
leader ,arid organist of First Presby-
terian church, Seaforth, to succeed
,Mrs: J. G. Mullen and Mr. H. Liens,
who resigned a few weeks ago. Be-
fore their removal to London, Mr.
and Mrs, Bennie . occupied 'similar -
positions for a number of •years in
Carmel Church, Hensall. Both 'are
very well known in musical circles in
this county, Mr. Rennie possessing .a
very fine baritbn voice, . while Mrs.
Rennie is recognized as an unusually
able organist. We ,understand that
Mr. Rennie has leased the residence
of Mrs. F. Devereux, on John Street,]
and will move his family here ins' the
immediate future.
The Salvation Army. -On Sunday;
October 28th, Commissioner and Mra.
Sowton, territorial leaders for Can-
ada East, Newfoundland and Ber-
muda, will arrive in Seaforth by`mo-
tor car from Clinton and will con-
duct a. meeting in the Barracks on
Main Street at eight o'clock. During
the meeting Commissioner Sowton
will relate some of his experiences
in Salvation Army work by giving a
talk on "Glimpses of the Salvation
Army in Many Lands." Both Com-
missioner and Mrs. Sowton are in-
teresting speakers, having travelled
considerably in their career as army
officers, being stationed in Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, India, Ceylon and
Canada • West on Salvation Army
work and you will be well repaid if
you make an effort to hear them.
Colonel Adby, the Hallelujah singer
from Toronto, and Major Byers, from
Stratford, will accompatly' them.
Muldrew-McNab.-The home of'.
Me. and Mrs, J. R. , McNah, Lucknow,
was the scene ()foe quiet but pretty
wedding at high noon on Wednesday,,
when Helen Veitch, youngest daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs John'
McNab, of Seaforth, became *e bride
of Robert .James Muldreet, Of. Brock-.
vale. The ceremony Was performed
Local Briefs. -A Montreal firm is
ihstalling a sprinkler system, for fire
protection purposes, in the Canada
Furniture Company's factor here.-
'Mrs. A. J. Wilson, of Galt, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. William Ad-
ams, Main Street, and other friends
in tis vicinity. It is thirty years
sines, Mrs. Wilson hate been in Sea -
forth. -.Mrs. Robert Winter, of Gode-
rich, is a guest at the home of Mee..
Robert Winter, North Main ,Street, -
Dr. Aubrey Crieh, of Caledorne, spent
the week end at the home of fibre per-
ente, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Crihh.-
Mins "1lfarjorie Bretton, of. .Toronto„
Radio wea#ler. is now with us.
Why not install a Radio and
enjoy the long evenings "listen-
ing in" to thb music and all the
important world news, right in
your home. We have Radio Sets
that are operated by an ordin-
ary telephone battery and give
wonderful results. •
If it is in the air Westinghouse
Sets are sure to get it.
Call at our store for demon-
stration, or phone us and we will
arrange one in -your own home.
Hearing izi Believing.
Reid Bros.
eveleeh. Tooth Paste and Antiseptic
Mouth Wash Preserves. Health
and Bea(itf of 'Tdoth and
'Gomm. preventing cankers
and other.: irtfeotlonsr
2 ccs. per tube, mailed
free to any address in Canada
or U 8., and;sold wholesale or
retail by Herron & Keating> "The
Scsfortht Pharmacy.'
°dish ,CoIlectiOfl
awaits your, II'SStOte
r ' If you. appreciate ., styles . '
that are real"' "different,"
you'll tee a lot of Coatshere
that Will :win your enthusi-
astic admiration. Our prices
will please you,. 'too. Will
you drop ifi soon? 0
Coats, $15 to $75.
Th ursday-Friday-Sat'arday
in his latest hair-raising
You'll cheer out loud over this one.
It's the most thrilling dare -devil pic-
ture in which Hobt has ever appeared.
-ALSO- ,
Prices as usual, 10 and 15c,
Show /MR1110061 8.15 sharp,
Notes. -Messrs. ' George Kistner,
Robert Kistner and Sydney Hoegy
have returned from the West, where
they spent the harvest season and re-
port fair crops out there. -Mr. Con
Eckert is spending a few days at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. William
Manley. _
We have a tremendous as-
sortment of new gowns 'of
beautiful . fashionable"silks .
crepes and every' wanted '
material. ,Our styles are ex -
elusive and. of the latest de-
signs. We invite your in-
spection. . . '
Dresses, $10 to $30.
Children's Dresses $3.50--$6.
Masquerade Dance. -A masquerade
dance will be held in Benneweis'
Hall, on Wednesday evening, October
31st, Hallowe'en. Blackstone's Orch-
etra will provide the music for the
evening, and Frederick Dezzite will
be the manager. r
Notes. -Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ross
and Mr: and Mrs. G. W. Nott motor-
ed over to Sarnia, taking in the Pro-
vincial Plowing Match, -We are sorry
to• learn of the serious illness of Mr.
Charlie Mann, who is under the doc-
tor's' care, suffering from pneumonia.
We hope for a speedy recovery. -Mr.
A. •Hugill reports a big potato crop,
having taken pp close to twelve hun-
'dred bags. -54r. George ,G Dale ship-
ped thirty head of fat -cattle to To-
ronto on Saturdziy.-Quite a number
from here took in the fowl supper at
Kinburn.-Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Carter are spending the week end at
Ching in both
heavy and light
• We show very attractive
shades in this yarn which is
a favorite with many knit
ters-Blue Bell, Corn, Rust,
Wisteria, 'Dark Green Doe;:::
Raspberry, Delft Blue, Dark
and Light Rose, Brown,
Black and White, Etc.
o 1 oz. Balls, 20c each.
can make this
dress •of French
serge, wool jersey,
wool crepes for street
wear, or of Canton crepe,
crepe di Chine for after-
noon wear. Visit oar
:piece -goods counter and
sdlect the material you
like best: But before you
buy it, get your Standard -
Designer Pattern and see
how much . you need:
The Belrobe enclosed
with the pattern, shows
you how to lay it out on
the least possible amount
of material
• Buy .
Standard -Designer Patterns
with The Belrobe
This yarn is the delight of
every person who hats used
It is beautifully soft and
pure. Shades =- ; Chinese
Blue" Heather, taapberry,
Old gose,; ;Lavenders 1�tlet,
Burnt Orange, Maine; ud-.
dy'Green,. $guff, Pink, 'Bid,*
and White.
2' oz.. Balls, 35c each:
A Sits and Waisl,teit.abin-
atlon YIrz that
pireseiits a bsl idly .
'bright;' so tt _t'wd- tl fe eat.,
Partieitlar sui&ile for
Children's anittcst#
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and
two children, Mildred and Clifton, of
Centralia, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson. -
Mt. and
tephenson.-Mt_'and Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, of Sea -
forth, silent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Britton. -Mrs. George
Dale was a Wingham visitor last
week at the home of her son. -The'
anniversary services of Constance
Methodist Church will be held this
Sabbath, the 28th>' Services will be,
held at 2,30 and 7.80 p.m. The Rev.
M. Modrhouse, of . Ontario' Street
Ch'ftreh, Clinton, will conduct both ser- -
vices. Special music by the Choit.;
On 'Thurydey, November let, under
the:auepices ,of the W. M. $. do Firs'
pire concert Will be, gii`en. Par frillier
inft>il'dtetidfl see advertisement On
front patce'of thio paper
. New
• 5(c to .$6.75
These new bags we are
owin�gg-mthey,re extreme -
1' handsoe and so rea$oa-
1 oz. Balls, 35c each.
bly priced too:
Bags are no longer a mere
onvenience. Theye contri-, •
uta' much to the ensemble
ppearance of your cos -
You can find one that will
exactly please you bete. .