HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-26, Page 5A 4 cine; C$t)s1 School132 a awenyr u aoesregatio* • Thurrdsr. October 't0. lase ' ea B JOT cwti r:• e.u•.r /1.00 , per dozen .... OS to Ngo s �•t•.- 850 5 Pee el 4)ate, a Pb „Peas, Rpe bus 1 .; Aarle '. per bushel lies. ton • f alerts; per toil ,`llelta. r'per: cwt.. i8sui tO s11.79 "Potatoes, per bag si.0o ,.1 „FOR, sale, tHOY o A ROC for e, )18 for sale, 49th, r mock a, ag4p,ta at{ ou 22, Oublbe. el. If: °ARUM ,aG2911j.8�r • :'POR SALE. -TWO QIILi6 err .ervlceable age. 'Roth So.teb 1 fired and descendants of Gain( Marquis. riled to yell.. A'pt'ly. to JAMES ,MoINTOSH, Corth.' #a A.'`pq 2oMpFAnialsben911014.41, Sea.' 2016x2 E, STRAY OTHER.-Sri{AYnj : ON. TO THE. Premise. of tke undersigned. Int 21, Cont' aoesios. 14, McEntee, .bout October 10th, a Yearling red steer. Owner may have .mune on Proving property and paying�,a l (t ' i • itert21.220,y1it •,'iWF T,1rloOR;.291'64 $t11+E; sAi7COJ7"1 Wr. OFh LEASE f n ! expiring, 2 farrow'.' aims rising 4 yearn old: 4 two -year -o/d •there and heifer.; 7 ,earlinais. .leo 10tome -of-good Spy, entries. Appl,y JOHN B. HYDE, Cone.eeion 2. Dot 88.. ET N NOTICES'r ''895 V. t6'Ha:>-STRAYED FROM THE Vrent L,the the rrdemigned...Lot 29, CoM carton 4. eker,mith.n or .about Optobeti lath, a red yearling heifer. Any''infdrinatiod deeding to its recovery Dieaee phone 6 on 1221 Seaford.. HARVEY MOORE, K1Dpetti Ont -, OR' • BALE.-TBHE33H¢lGM.4icmouneY: !mr'i8� aer 20 12. ,T. angina and separator with shrew gutter, Oleoone Bidwell been useable and one L0ter.;g*eo2ine. engine * 'horse power.. ,An, -in goad condition.. Fen sale cheap. ADP)), to JOHN THIRB$, No. 2, Zurich. 2801641 'MOM FOR SALE. -I RAVE 86 TONS OF choice sweet clover hay and 20 tone .t choice millet for sale. It can bo fed on the Once: plenty of water and stable room. .If not Sold hr. gov.m 1st, will take in cattle by the month. two -year-olds preferred. ADidy to NICHOLAS .1. KRAU KOPF, Lot 6. Co,neemioPhonen I4 on 4011 Dublin No. 1, Dublin. ..2918-tt IN MEMORIAM ' Near -item. ander. Eh, bead rend be elm*." id 60 .fats `mg -single vane and 84 slay nor smelt 'additional vena In loving memory of the youngest dough- tier of Mr. and Mrs. John Knight We mise our little darling. o Within our home to -day. But God knows beet who took her, To dwell with Him for aye. S915x1 MARRIAGES Bieeett-MacArthur.-In Bog Ohurcb, Gode- rich, on October 10th, by the Rev. R. C. M,Drmid Emily Christina, younger daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs: William' MacArthur, to Robert•.Bieaett youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Santee/ Bissett, .1) of Goderieh. Crowle -Love. -In Coven Church, Exeter, on October 16th, Laura Jessie Love. of Sarnia. daughter of Mr. Dougall Love. of Exeter, to John Lambert Gowie, of Sarnia. Bright--Cash.-In Seaforth, on October 18th. Mies Etta Cash to Mr. William Bright. both of Seaforth. -WANTED Wanted man of good standing and honest' reputation; to represent us in this district, in Mortgages and Bonds. A good opportunity, National Investment Register, Ltd., 51 Richmond St. W., Toronto. 2916-2 ROOFING FOR ROOFS On WALLS. HEAVIER GRADES ALSO AT GUT PRICES N ASK F00 FREE SAMMLES ANS CATALOGUE OF BUILDING MATED/ALS ra0.44ALLIDAY.',COMPANY L.M,N0•NAMILTON >I.+ FAGT.ORY;''OISTR.1BUtORS.:••.` CANADA Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan, 1923 5% Bonds. Dated and bearing interest from 15th October, 1923, and offered in two maturities as follows: - 20 year Bonds, due 16th October 1943 b year Bdnds due 16th October, 1928 20 Year Bonds, 98.26 and in- ' terest yielding '5,1424. 5 year Bonds 99 and interest Yielding 5,20: Orders or instructions for exchange solicited. F. , H. RANKIN, •SEAFORTH - ONTARIO. -'r j,. •1 tAsSanot azul 4 �., .7�.44ama.4 mb.bnins. u0 0Moto?0 6=112 and Hbrea '0 ,meat. Beattie 0 0 : • Street, opposite i 0 0- Thel'6�poettor Ones- 8. T. '0 h OP 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes* 0 0 residence over stare. O QQ•Flowers furnished on short- -.0 O' + notice. All kinds of up- 0 0 holstering neatly. One. 0. 0 ., Pbyuea Ni t os POP. lits, 4. O 0o.b00.0d0'. :4.4> 00 AUCTION SALES.. AIT("rION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUJRN ltare and 2 Dwelling Houses- In Seaforth. The Fomenter of, the Estates of Mary Ahn Moflroy, hadeoeseed and Rashes ted gBergen, de - f6' na• gs; t8".0, 6 2., ,.1.' a't aubl�nodaan on Tuesday, the 80th October. 1928, at 1.90 d ',)ork la the afternoon,et Mn. Beebe, Han gap's ,late, residence, all the household"' and furniture of every description bolo to bath of 'the .live estates; There will o be offered for sale at the name time and Mike in 2 'pareek, the foilowi ad retote" namely: Parcel 1 -Lot 84. hock 'k'•, in Jamal Beattie'. t8Wvey, Beef . Due.afth'bt nn .fere situate on, South E.,u( oar/Meet Pal1. Lot Client Street, in Edwin Snarling, Survey. Snifornl 'There U a frame dwelling Menke erected on. each of avid 'paSel. or Lgd.. Immedlata 4.oeem.ion Oen be ' irPien and elm title is perfect. Tema of $ale -On Chattels, Cash. Of. 'Real Palette, '20 -per' cent ,slosh -on day" -of side bad' the hal- one. to as dela iheiepftlr. TNe. perobneein to sign Oa altrorment 9d' eddplete the Dur. algae .• • Bo* propeitil0 will he• offered sub - 'Nat Finn Y_.tknteerved bid;, Farther' rticulars ,W IR ower std Me day. of ale aidmis W had. in 2e' 'meantime . from "Eta un- ds•efaned.• 'Dated ave $C.fW'1i1. Ontario,. EA 16tH Ocreher 9THOMAS D1ee,I,ROY. 01.- IMAMt Ane . eerYe, hk • eoliei r) Hen': • lAB1L•2 AUCTION BALE OF FARM. FARM'STOCK end Implem.ate.-Th. undersigned anis- Conger has -beennstructed to sell by public auction one-quarter mile east of the vMstge P- .0Bromine's], on Thursday. November let: Parrs 'k situated one-quarter rolls east of she vine,. of Brueeaeld and contains 20 neree. Homes --Canard paryeae rblaok mare .7 genre old. mottle -Cow 7 yenm old due to freshen 1716 of November, cow due to freshen November 29th, .ow 6 Yearp old due to freshen February 27th, cow 6 yearn old due to freshen April 116, year old eteer, 2. spring calve. Pigs -6 pia,, weight abode 17e pound., Hens -30 Barred hock pullets: 20 one -year-old Barred Rock here. Imple- metitl-Massey-Halle binder 6 -foot cut, we.' son, wagon box, let sleighs. cutter, cultivator, walking plow, ecufer, 3•eention .harrows, hand .cutting box, root indoor.. set 2,000 lb. .cal®, open: buggy, - top buggy, cream Beyer. ator, churn, set double hareem.. set single flatmate, 100 deet hay fork rope nearly new, number of bee hlves, sprayer. chains, forth. pulleys and numerous other articles; 11, loads of hey, about 200 boehela of oats, House- hold Goode-Kitchon rouge, coal or wood heater, a number of chair., tabic, 2 rags, 3 bedroom .pita, n quantity of jars, 1..,pe. cooking utensils, etc. The farm,will ako be offered for sale if not previously mid. Tema -All enure of 510 wad under, cash; 12 months' credit wilP be given on approved joint notes. Four Per cent off for'eash on credit amount.. Terme of farm made known on day of sale. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farm- ing. .1. A. Rosa, Proprietor; George H. El- liott. Auctioneer. 2214.2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements and Household Furniture. - The undersigned auctioneer hes reeelved in- etructiona to eel] by publ]"c-.action at Lot 08, Concession 1, London Road, 2 miles south of BruceOeld, on Tuesday. October 80th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Heavy draft mare 9 yearn old ; pair heavy geldings 12 sear old: choice grey driv- ing mare. 6 years old, quiet and reliable. Cattle -2 Durham grade .owe due in January. Durham grade cow due In February, two Durham grade cows due In April, Durham grade cow due in December, Ayrshire cow doe 1n May, 2 steers rising ewe, 2 heli.?. supposed to freshen in April, heifer rising two, yearling steer, 8 awing calves, 4 store pigs. 12 pian 8 weeks old, 100 bens, 60 pullets and 22 rotes corns. Tenplemento. Rubber .thw top buggy, set single harness new, . Pgrt.- land cutter. diet harrow, side delivery rake nearly new. pea harvester. 1918 Chevrolet car in good running order, set reales 600 the., 1900 Gravity washing machine, cream eepar- gtor Economic King 800 lbs. eapaelty, new: Moffatt rang garnet range, Detroit *vapor ell stove, 110•.,, incubator, 2 brooders, chicken coop, lawn mower, 250 bricks, sap pails and piles, kitchen cupboard, dozen kitchen chairs, 3 large tables. 2 fancy tables, 2 sofa.. Davenport china cabinet, dress mak- em' form, beds, dressers. setee, pictures, land., rugs, cargnetr, quilts, 10 dozen sealers, thele,.. pails, crocks, /are, lamps, lanterns, cooking otoneile. Terms. -Chevrolet car and all sums of 115 and under, cash; over that amount 12 month's' credit on furnishing ap- proved Joint notes or discount of 5 per cent, for cosh. .TAMES M. AIKENABAD, Proprie- tor; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2914-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. -Thomas Brown has been in. etructed to sell by public auction on Lot Et, Concession 8, McEntee, on Thursday, Novem- ber Int, 1928, at 1 &clock p.m. ahorp, the following: Holaea-1 driving mare (single or double) supposed In foal to Clyde horse, -1 Percheron filly, general puntoae, 6 menthe old. 1 Percheron mare supposed In foal to Percheron horse; 1 Percheron. filly 5 months old; 1 grey Percheron gelding 10 years old: 1 general Durpose gelding 8 ,lora old (double or 'tingle); 1 general purpose gelding two Years ol,l: 2 roadster grldlnce yearn W; (double or single). Durham Cattle -1 Reg- istered roan now 6 years old; - Uiie M enlve 1.. May: 1 Registered heifer 2 years old, tine to calve November 2nd; 1 Registered cow 7 years old, to calve November 28th; 1 Regis- tered co* 6 years old, to calve April 19th; 1 ea* 4 years old due November 111,h; 1 cow 8 .years old due May 19th: 2 .owe 7 years old due last of April: 1 heifer 8 yearn old duet last of May: 2 farrow cows, t Derham hull 15 months old; 6 heiffeere 2 yenta old; 4 heifers, I year old; 2 teem 2 years old: 4 steers 1 year old, 3 winter calves, 8 miring calves,. Hogs -1 sow due to pig January Set, 1 sow with,ll, pigs 4 weelm old, 1 now with 10 pigs 8 weeks old, 18 chunks 76.100 Me. Fowl, -,About 50 young bona. about 50 pulley e nd 2 guinea hens. Implements: -1 Massey - Harris 12 -hoe 'drili with grass seed box and oaring tenth; 1 set bob sleighs new, 1 flat sleigh rack new, 1 Portland cutter, 1 rubber tired buggy nearly new, 1 ecoflier, 1 exp pan, new, with stove furnace. 'f -good light *ego», 20 sap padre. 2 tears hatters new, half sob brews amounted breeching harms., 2 team horse rollers and many other artlolea. .'Grain and Root.. -About 80 bushels mixed grain, bats, Mae and barley; about 100 bushels clean need oats • 2 loads "_oat 'sheaves : 1 acre corn in Moak; 8 roseamarigolds, 40 rods; 82 rows turnips, 40 rode. Terme.-hotel, groin, corm roote and all RUMP of 810.00 and under• coals: over thin amount 12 months' (*redlt on ap- proved Joint notes. Dieconnt of 4 per eeNt f ur eneh on credit amounts. P. 0. LITTLE. Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2016-2 n `t< 14; 5911 4 PP aw� 4: ytiiar Myjj), e*Ytla i fou9. uol d t1.1;cr41 44,p 14. dg0 Tr .tett ever ,alae ell. , MAMA bill ce 9.9aan 402 pow Bi.c0alts:pa2iste."f tar <Wm dry, caw - 9 a)tea'' . : Sewt*ea three:4 ere threat d yes ...a 100 41,11 at 9 0fne�nthe b el ,E'e1Rkoa Mt; 110 ',hetet. E broJ.mb. a41ea year aw �r ram linen $ 'a ititire clave aaq�,t,l1ka , Leleaater- ieeab, 7 Ise sneer Pere iuwu uture-IS r. biro sown; 8 0 pig l woe,• E atorp plgy� 00 Est e0 Piga p Weeks WO-, i.Plemew.. 61 Boot binder 6 it cut, McCormick mower 6 • t oak ktligrp . hay rake, McCormick etdae, delivery' rata , Maxwell My loader diel harms 14 dao; ins' roller, 18 dies' grain drill; 4•eeotion di harrPwa. a gong D1Rwa, wt jkibg ml000't� on- arrL gasollai engine 6 R. P„ ,J1-.n.h . pleat; gender,ograin gruober, cutting nos. Cutter, DutpesU hovels t•, nook stove, coal re epee, forks, shovels and other article. ' givingh1 tip 6s eel be sold s. All sletan are giving n- dermiag,' Terms. -All sums of 6161 and un- der. cash: ed over .; amount 12 Miscount credit on' approved joint notes, or Miscount of 4 Per cent. for cash. JAMES'S. and THOMAS FAIRSERVICE, Proprietors; O. H, Elliott, Auctioneer, , 6015-1 A17077014- SALE OF^FARM STOCK AND ImD�emmenL and Household Furniture, at Lot 8, Bauble Line, Stanley Township, two Mlle aoutb of Bayfield, on Friday, November and, a41 o'clock, as follows; Honor-lfleu- eral' purpose team ff. years old. driving Aare 7 years old, aged home, ,grey Percheron year- ling any, three-year-old oolt, driving horse. Cattle -Cow 4 years old due in Marab :. cove 4 years old due In Aprils cow 8 yarn old. far. role ; cop .9 Years old due to February. : low nine years old,. due in April; four.year. old cow due in December, thoroughbred cove due in Avril, thoreukhbred bull calf 6 months old, thoroughbred bull three yeah old„with papers, 2' heifers 1 year old, sten one year old 0 .calves.-Sheepr-Pair of Lleomter ewes. Pies - York sow. .64 eto:kers. •. 14eoy-,About 60 .beans and 20 chickens ; 8 pairs of Thoroughbred Barred Rooke; 8 pain of White Pekin ducks. Harness --Set of breeching harne.e, 2 sego 0 Plain harness, set of single horn*esqq, set of .aihete' haroe.a nearly near. Implements -y Bidder ,6• toot. nearly new; deering mowers b foot c� 1)eeriog mite, M'aseey-Harries fere tabor d 1 18 ' disc, 'Kemp manure entractes.. Teter' HamUtop" 17+ Irigth culttvator_ nearly, new; Internationel' lend roller• sot of dile harrows. a bete or barrow., 2 gang Dlow., 2 'a•al�Cing 'Plane, riding plow,' fanning 'MK • scualer, et of Renfrew • .odes 1 toil • Adams wagon nearly new, old waren. Hebei 'wagon, toad -' ear; ' two teem' -tire Imp- . glee rubber tired, ton 'bold Furnttur,-Eztens n table, coal oD I steam separator, a quantity of "bay. Mind. atone, about 40 bushels 'of ROM Neer Yorker Potatoes: potato digger, arsine, lork2, shovaj• and other artle)ess too nuru��merogs to mention,: Term1.-All'safes of. 510 and under. ra .le;, over that afrbuut 12' months" credit on turn-; UMW; ,,proved mint mites.' Dktrount of 6 Per cent. for cash JOSEPH 2. 'FOSTen.1. Proprietor; George' H. Elllott, Auctioneer, 2914-2' f BERRY'S Weekly Specials Ladies' Dongola Oxfords with rubber $2 q• heels g -Ladies' Dongola Bal with rub- berjleels and cushion soles $3.95 Ladiesl Patent Ox- $3 25 fords, low heel e Men's LRubber Boots Lang $4.50 Ladies' Rubbers $1.00 at Men's Rubbers $1,40 at Misses', Youths', and Children's Rubbers, prices according to size. Men's All -Wool Shirts e1 e0 & drawers,.per garment e.9 I .if Men's Shirts and drawers, fleece lined$� ti25 Ladies' Silk and Wool 95c Vests t7 Ladies' Heather Wool 85e Hose is Ladies' All -Wool 95c, Black Hose Fresh Groceries at right Prices. Highest Prices Paid For Fowl every Tuesday. • Hugh F. Berry BRUCEFIELD - ONTARIO. Phone 23-142, Seaforth. 23-018, Clinton. 1 U. F. 0. NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of the U.F.O. will be held in the Carnegie Library Hall. Seaforth, on Wednesday, October Hist. at 8 p.m. The Broadening Out System will be diecuosed. Everyone welcome. BERT IRWIN. 2911.1 Secretary. DRAIN TILE Another drop In prices on Erred, Tile. Now is the time to get your draining done. We have a thrice stock of No. 1 Tile on hand in sizes from 2% -inch UP to 6 -inch. Anyone wishing to get a ditching machine. call on us for particulars. If you have not got time to draw your tile, we will deliver them to YOU. KRUSE BROS. 'PHONE 14'on 180. 2916-2 TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Coonril of the Corporation of the Village of Hensel] leas constructed as a local improvement a concrete pavement on King Street, from the London Road to Elizabeth Street. .2. The cost of the work 3. 886,146.40. of which 80 per cent. is te be veld by the Cor- poration. The special rate per foot frontagg is 10%. The special assessment is to be paid in 10 annual instalments. G. The mtfmated lifetime of the work Is twenty venin. 4. A Court et Revision wRi be held on the ,270h day of October, 1928, at 9 o'clogk am. at the Town Hall, in the Village of Hensel], for the purpose of bearing complaints against the pros ed assessments 'or the accuraby of frontage meaeutemente and any other cors. plaint which pereon0 interested may desire to shake and' whip), to by law cognizable by the•Caurt. DATED.thie 18th day of October, 1928, 29144f A. MURDOCH, Clerk. ,BRANS sin ;' file .even r1Nl�e rY11q'. ae OT Ifelr: 1:11412 ie' one e4 makiu8 (is 1 'fhe'pork .Must ) favor, and we that we know len tial, ho w'ei`r I d it the right e uurgelvea t.ri t cut vto supplyiuet he right for. the purpose. Try it once, Totts Awannt it often. Be ST WART Main Street + Seaforth. Phone 68. taiu 1111111111Illluuss..i 111111111111 unniid 26 G .. ... • ,,,, i . 0 E $ -- ... 1 The leas ,'O . . x, q ,, levee ,advanced rap- .�. E idly' and accordingly the' wet, i •sloppy weather Knot far dist- = ` ant. Every.,man. shquld r6- ra .' pare himseto n41�lI►;,� pr it. e ool- rS isll )8 bre "'4 to male Itis okl .hoe, l . r. mode dearly for . • folly j the "' end. The plan o" huyg' one . E of the`iullowing, , boun$ to b.6 3 well satisii,4d. . - E- MEN'S'17711)q OALF. "-This S. Shoe ' is of re ver(soft leather. It doesn't ifatden pp like other rz shoes, ltpt yet it AS as near - waterpeobf as it ]t 'possible to E make leather.' then" sddead E g. feature, to this'll is the put -;'E side bolinter. ' ':. f ▪ MEE R CRUS ()ALF quita' similar; to above, ton)3' •another' E company's 'make,.'and a wider E E fitting shoe. : .1' • ' ,- ' s = MEN'S 'BLAC$.;; CA•LF'E BLUCHER. This •,.11006 3s. not E = quite as good tip,„those above, and has not the • outside, coon-. 3- _ ter. WORK e wl1} Pa= o y A • Of course we have several besides these d'nd for those orking at work which they vat, • EE. oP T need not so heavy'iti shoe. g Make your headquarters for I ! • Shoes at S J.H. Smitlt,t& SOn "E "The Modern Shoe Store" Opposite Bank of Commerce PRONE 51. SEAFOR'FH. 111111111t1111111111111111NIN1tNllllllllllillh: 711 Earn,, Money at Home Earn upwards of 325 weekly, growing mushrooms for ea, all ,inter. Pleasant work, for either sex. Part of frost -proof cellar or outbuilding tremeeary. I1tue- grated booklet and particular. for stamp. Address plainly. Canada 'Mushroom Co., Dept 39, 280 Garden Ave., Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that ail persons hav- ing claims• against the estate of William .Mulholland. late of the Town of Seaforth, Ont., Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 6th day of September, 1923, are required on or before the 7th day of November, 1923, to end by poet, paepaid, or- deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of e0eir claims, duly verified' by affidavit and the nature of the security. (if any) held by them, Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the Parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the IOth day of October, 2923. R. S. HAYS, 2918-3 Executor Solicitor. rifikird ZaPt OP me ��'It ,teefie ofOne enterprisinOl merchsnt says; "We tribute our product to a considerable number of surrounding,'. towns,. To increase sales We send a circular to all our cus- tomersrequesting diem to use tong Distance' when re -ordering. ,The plan has worked very. Such orders 'coin in on Station -to -Station cable, Which t, it inexlen- w'' w�,, • r.,.y a.tt r rglt.n• m . •f Lor. Dunmore Sterne • • Flax Land Waite Limited dcreaee. of sod land: for .growing flax, .season ,1924. ,Apply to J. A. KERR. Phone $25. ' STRATFORD, ONT: Prepares young- men and young women for Bnainess which is now Canada's greatest profession. We assist gradu- ates to "positions and they have a lireetical training 411h en- ables them to meet with sac- ' ceba: Students are registered each week. Get a free catalogue and learn something about our different departments. D. A. MCLACHLAN. Principal Stop! . Look! Listen! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you, but we are also a Large Dairy Industry in your community. We respectfully solicit your Cream. Our Motto: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. Cream Grading. A difference of 3 cents per pound Butter Fat paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Grade Cream. ' Cash For Cream. Cash paid to tiny Patron wishing it when Cream is delivered. Creamery open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. The Seaforth Creamery. E. 7 Rubbers For Fall The wet Fall days will soon be with us and a pair of Rubbers fon Boy, Girl, or older person is the hest preventative against a cold. We carry the well known brand, made by the Dominion Rubber System, which is a guarantee of ap- pearance, fit and wearing qualities. We have a Special this week in a line of Men's Rub- ber Boots, discontinued by the manufacture at.... $4.25 SEE US FOR YOUR RUBBER REQUIREMENTS. sataraesa..• FRED W. WIGG 0000 0000,0'000 o W ieaBO%t�Ri tor add 0 0 . licensed Embalmer. • 0 0 H. C. BO$ O 0eBet Motor and E or ee-drawn 0 0 equipment, 0 Cbargea- moderate. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0. notice. O 00. NiPhsttone 'Ca1117s5. . Day$koro Cillle4S, O O . o W. J. 0 w• 3. Via reSor and�),yll Cars or tole1922"' 0 !o•P gaeeted.. Day or Nlgh%'Phan, ff. 000'000000 0000 00.000:0'00,ti1 . Men's :Overalls,, well made,- five pockets........ 'Men's Lined Smocks,. price . • Men's. Smocks, Leather Label, price MEN'S UNDERWEAR Stanfield's $Iue Label, ' per garment Stanfield's Red Label, per garment Penman's Heavy Ribbed, per garment Dodd's Knit, heavy ribbed. per garment - Men's Fleece Lined, - per garment 90C tQsi Boys' All -Wool Underwear, per garment $1.35 Boys" Fleece Lined Underwear, per garment - 65C Men's Caps each .$1,75 to sz Boys' Caps,•�jC t0 Q. aD 1 I 1.W each Men's Felt Hats -every hat in the store will be sold at reduction. 2.50 $1.50 $1.50:._ Sole Agents for the Butterick Patterns - `.`Ladies", renew your subscription for the. Delinea- tor before November !30th. Reduced rate, $1.20; regular, $2.40. T. Ferguson, - Seaforth Ladies' Overcoats CLOTHE OF QUALITY - FEATLrItING 'Miss Canada' and `Miss Chadwick' MANTAILORED Ulster Overcoats for Ladies MADE TO ORDER ONLY "MISS CANADA" -A two -button single breasted model, with all round belt and all round strap on sleeves, both belt and straps are finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat feature ori centre of back is repeated on pockets, which are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This eoat1is three -eights lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to mato*. "MISS CHADWICK"-A two -button double breasted style featur- ing Raglan sleeves with all-round cuffs and inverted -pleated back with inverted -pleat patch poekets. The all round belt is finished with eyelet holes vies and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fastening with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this €hitt is three -eights lined with Marquis de Luxe. Prices $32 Up. My' Wardrobe," Seaforth 4 res 5r yr:a',51 w1]} h len•. {'' °i �.:��