HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-19, Page 8in Bulbs Jou aolaths, Narcissus, Tulips and Fressias Kerslake's ,have. added Men's Caps to our ItGocit; you will find them priced ]ghb and of Al Quality. We handle only Ames Holden Rub- �1e�s. °If you want Rubbers that will 'Wear, give them a trial. LEAF SALMON 40c LIBBY'S RED SALMON 35c per tin J SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT 25 2 for L 8 Packages SNOWFLAKE25Cc AMMONIA' 10 BARS COMFORT 75c SOAP For Selected Eggs we will pay 40 cents per dozen. W. J. FINNIGAN. ' Phone 72, • Xmas Photos We are making sittings now for Xmas Photos. It's not a bit too early. Have it over with and please your friends with a good Photograph this Xmas. Come in and see our styles. Let us develop and finish your Snap Shots for you. Hutchison's For Groceries Clearing prices from our own and Mr. McLeod's Stock, up to October 20th. Some of these prices are slight- • ly above cost, some AT COST and some BELOW COST- • OLIVE OIL—Heinz Pure Italian OiI, 350 at 2 for 35c INSTANT POSTUM, 8 oz. size, 60c, for . 40c ASPARAGUS TIPS, 60c size for 40c HEINZ SPAGHETTI, 25c for ...19c CHILI SAUCE, 35c, for 24c BRUNSWICH SARDINES, 4 for 25c HEINZ HORSE RADISH, 25c for 19e McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, 10e, at 3 for 25c OLIVE BUTTER, 40c, for 25c PREPARED FRENCH MUSTARD in glass mugs 10c CARNATION CONDENSED MILK, small size, 75c per dozen. FINAN HADDIE, 25c„for 12,4c LIBBY'S PORK &BEANS l8c for 14c NAPTHA SOAP FLAKES, 25c for per pound 19c LIQUID AMMONIA, 15c for10e 2 in 1 LIQUID SHOE POLISH, 25c, for 19c ORANGEADE and LEMONADE, 25c to 35c bottle, for 19e LANKA TEA, Black, 75c, for. , .60c CASTILE SOAP, 5c at 7 for25c TOILET PAPER, 5c at 7 for 25c CATSUP, Libby's, Heinz, etc., 35c, for 25c CATSUP, Libby's, Heinz, etc., 25c, for 20c GOLD DUST, 7c size for be ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. — This was Mr. McLeod's Special and a high class one, 85e, for 69c SWAN'S DOWN CAKE FLO.UR.— We have in stock and it is a won- der, but the price seems high. We have now a Canadian product which the manufacturers claim is as good at less than 'half the price. The name is SIFTED SNOW Pastry Flour, 7 Ib. bags for 40c First class Dairy Butter, Fresh Clean Eggs and Dried Apples, etc., ,taken in exchange for goods. F. D. Hutchison Phone 166.a Big Dance Cardno's Opera House Seaforth on sday, October 25th t _ • MUSIC INT piece Novelty. lbs of Stratford yrs i % tr Addis io : j Ladies Free. ON FRIDAY October 19 from 3 to 7 p.m - The Egmondville Ladies' Aid are having a sale of Home Cooking and other useful articles, also serving an autograph tea for a cent for each letter in /our full name. This autograph party is given to you, 'Tis something novel, 'tis something new; We give te.each an invitation, So come along and bring your dona- tion. With as many cents as in your full name, If it be long, we are not to blame. Kind friends will give you something to eat, Others will furnish a literary treat. The Ladies' Aid with greetings hearty We feel sure you will attend this auto- graph party. The Best Curler In Ontario. — The Secretary of the Ontario Curling As- sociation made the announcement from Toronto on Friday last that the Gold Medal in the Association's Point Competition had been wop by Mr. Thomas Johnston, pf Seaforth, with a score of'47 points. The medal was to have been presented at the annual meeting of the Ontario Curl- ers held at the Granite Club, Toronto; on Tuesday of this week, but owing to Mr. Johnston's inability to attend the meeting the medal will be for- warded to him here. Congratulations. Safely Home. -1930 Barnard Park, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 10, 1923. Dear Friends in Seaforth and vicinity: I take this opportunity of letting all of you know that I arrived back to the city of sunshine and flowers in as good shape as I left a few days ago. I wish to thank all of my rel- atives and old friends that I had not seen for over 37 years and the new ones- I made during my few days in the old town for the courtesy shown me on every band. The only regret I have is that I could not tarry longer. Words , cannot convey my appreciation to each and every one. I remain very truly yours, Tom Manson. G. W. V. A. Notes.—The euchre held in the club rooms Wednesday evening was exceptionally well at: tended, considering tilt various other attractions that were taking place. Thirty-four tables were occupied and everyone had a splendid time. Af- ter lunch the 'floor was cleared rind the players 'topj1 great enjoyment, dancing all the old time dances, many of which could outdo the .modern art for grace and skill. A Scotch reel completed the evening's enter- tainment. Mr. Abe Forsythe, assist- ed by several of the ladies, supplied everything that was necessary in the way of music. The result of the euchre was a win for the club by 62 points—Hallowe'en will be observed as formerly with a masquerade dance. Further announcement will be made next week. Sunshine Mission Band.—The Sun- shine Mission Band held their month- ly meeting on Monday afternoon. The meeting was opened by the President, Mrs. W. J. McIntosh, lead- ing in prayer: The minutes of the previous meeting were then read by Bertha Grieve, in tile absence of the Secretary, Margaret Grieve. 'A let- ter ,from the W. M. S. Provincial Treasurer, was read, thanking the Mission Band for their generous donation, which kind friends made it possible to contribute. The roll was then called, after Which the Presi- dent gave a short talk on the power of prayer. Margaret Stewart then took charge. The Scripture was read by Margaret Armstrong'. The re- port of the Mission Band Conference in Hensall was given by Dorothy Kent, after which Annie Brodie led in, prayer. After the singing of a hymn, Bertha Grieve read a story on "Fu Chung, a Chinese Boy.” Then Anna Sutherland played a very pleasing instrumental, which was fol- lowed by hymn 790. The meeting closed' by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Provincial Banks To Continue.— We quote from the Toronto Daily Star of October 4th, the following news items which is substantially correct: "The Ferguson Government which two months ago was flirting with the idea of abolishing the Pro- vincial Savings Offices, has reconsid- ered the subject and is now disposed to continue and extend the savings business. The, new attitude is due to the atitude of the public which resented the idea of the savings of- fices being fibolisbed. It can be stat- ed almost positively that the offices are now permanently established. It was even rumored to -day that the Government might convert them in- to a chartered bank. The deposits,in the savings officers are. growing rap- idly and must now be well up to the $11,000,000 mark. If business con- tinues brisk, enlarged accommodation. will have to be provided at. some of the branches. It is doubtful that any Home Bank branches will be taken over." Egmondville Young People. — The Young People of Egmondville, Church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening, when Rev. Mr. McDonald g0ve a splendid address on the life and work of the Hon, David Lloyd Gdorge, before `an attendance 'oil up- wards of .fifty. • Mr. McDonald at- tended the mass meeting in Torontd at tahich the Great Ex -Premier' gave ,veat't, to, his -feelings in regard ..to hid: ate in Canada: MrMetleilald 6ai it Wad a greet thln1g to 'read` ay:l a great Pak,' Roe the,'#► alt. eventuAlly for Mille woriCnn; *1e w praised his, gratitude for the laae;Cifice made by'the Sons of Canada An the Dominion as a Whole q,,f . there' w,aa ever a remote possibility of anomer war, Canada can do again what .she has once done. The great.'reaponai- bility that is laid' on this land, that one cannot refrain from, ha that of becoming a supporter in the iaeaguea of Nations, Lloyd George ended; his address with reference to Cain's sel- fishness, "We must undertake to be a keeper of our brother as well .,aa ourselves, We can'tgo with the brand of Cain on our brow." Mr. McDonald said that it was due to the deep religious •colilviotionsand faith in a higher power of the Great War Premier that success attended his great work, For Sala—Two-passenger oar. good repair. Bartram for a Quick purchaser. Ore. John Turner. 291440 New Ontario Loans at 098.00 and Interest to yield 6.14 per cent Absolutely nate se- urity. Bonds delivered without expense. Apply a. S. Hays, Smitorth, Ont 2914-1 For Sale.—Happy Thought Range, No, 10, burns either Boal oe wood. with reservoir attachment Also coal heater, clove pipes and coal box. •.Phone 108, Seaforth, Ont. The Ladba' Aid of the Methodist Church intend holding their annual Thanksgiving Supper on Monday. November 12th. Fuller particulars later. 2914-1 To Rent—The grounds of the Seaforth Turf Club, comprising from 8 to 9 acre,. Apply to M. Broderick, Secretary Turf Club. 2914-1 Special Sale for 10 days. Peerless, wire fence, full No. 9 gauge, oleartng out a large stock at special prices. Order early. The, Big Hardware. Henry Edge, Seaforth. Mothers. --Mother, and Fathers. too. will favor us if_ you have your children cense any day but ,Saturday for their heir cutting. W. W. Robinson. 2912,8 For Salo. Three -In -one first clans heater. and a quantity of slightly used six-inch stove piped. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw, Gude- rich Street 3914-1 For Bele.--Coe Saab Novelty range, oMy used short time; also one Fl -Re -Co range, almostn ew both in excellent oondtaLn. Apply toD, H. Stewart, Main Street. 12914-1 Dance—A dance will be held in Walker's Hall, Brorefield. on Friday, October 28th. Good music Lunch prodded. Everybody welcome.Admission 75c. 3911-1 Accounts Due.—Requiring all our funds at once, we would k alt past due accounts to ,be as settled by 25th Inst. .Raipectfnlly yours, Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Hardware Merchants, Seaforth, 1914-1 House For Bale or Rent—Modern frame house emulating of four bed rooms• dining kitchen and parlor, hardwood floors, Freeoh doors, new furnace, electric lighm, lath room a plete, also lot and barn. .Apply to Thomas Daly. 2912-tf For Sale.—House and two lots on Main road, house electric lighted, stable and ben hoaoe and •targe poultry yard: corner lot. Willbe sold reaaonablt and on good terms. Apply to Mrs. John Sproat, Victoria Street, or James Watson. Insurance Agent. 2911-tf House For Sale—Six-roomed frame ebttage do Egmondville, good cellar with fate,; r/y acre f land, hen house; situated opposite church sheds; electric lights. For further par- ticulars apply to Miss McLellan or at The Expositor Otfce. 2890 -ti Herne Work,—We want reliable families to operate our high-speed automatic knitting machinery at home, whole or spare time knit- ting for the trade: good wages.. For alt pa,. tleularo send ,stamped, addressed envelope to the Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co., Orillia, Ont. • 2918-8 For Sale.—Seven roomed house and p;.. acres good land. Very desirable property for retired farmer or any one wishing to start a poultry term. Will be sold cheap for quick sale. Egmondville echoer adjoining property. Apply on the premises or write to Mrs. D. Clark, Egmopdville, 2912x8 For Sale. --A 6 -roomed frame cottage alt•',- ated one block south and one block west of the Egmondville Presbyterian church. This cottage stands en half acre of ,ground; is electric lighted and has hard and soft water and is in first does condition: There are several fruit trees, a variety of small frWt and a good barn and ben House. For par - titulars apply to Thomas O'Loughlin, Sea - forth P 0., R. R. 4, or phone 15 eo rill„ 2887-tf Special Optical Offer.—High grade gold- filled epeetaoleo and eye glasses with best flat spherical lenses for only 34.00. All other style of frames and lenses at 3owmt Prin., Eyes, examined by r. Hue:eon,, dormeriy optical expert fee „t's, Toronto, and later 'for Henry .Morgan &. Co., Mon- treal. The .bort optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices, Two days only, Monday and Tuesday, October 2end and 28rd. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 2913-2 Thankoffering Meeting,—The Bar-. bara Kirkman Auxiliary held the annual thankoffering on Tuesday evening in First Presbyterian church, when a record attendance was pres- ent. The president, Mrs. Gibson, pre - aided. Miss Edith McKay read the Scripture, after which Mrs. John Stewart led in prayer._ Miss Bell rendered a solo. An inspiring and helpful feature of the evening was an address from Mrs. Johnston, pres- ident of the W. M. S. in Toonto, Misses McKay and Patterson sang a duet. The collections amounted to ager $51.00, Miss Annie Govenlock gave the dedication prayer, and the meeting closed with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Local Briefs.—Mr, A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, Secretary of the Huron Coun- ty Social Service Council, will speak in the Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday morning.—Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot and Miss May returned on Monday from a visit with To- ronto and Hamilton friends.—Mr. P. Calder, of Toronto, and formerly on the staff of the Dominion Bank in Seaforth, spent the week end with friends here.—Mr. and Mrs. '"Elmer Reid, of Stratford, Spent the week end at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs, John Grimoldby,—Mins Ethel McKay, of Crediton, spent Sunday at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen and Miss H. I. Graham motor- ed to London on Wednesday afternoon to hear Dame Clara Butt, thecele- brated English contralto.—Mrs. At- kinson is visitrng with her daughter in Detroit.—The annual Thankotfer- ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of First Presbyterian church will be held on Tuesday afternoon next; October 23rd, at a o'clock, and will be addressed by'¥rs. Herdman, returned missionary from. India.— Mr. and Mrs, E. Whittaker, of Ot- tawa, are visiting at the ,home .of his mother, Mrs, Whittaker, Wilson Street.—Miss Gertrude Jordan, of Kinkora, , ie visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. James M. Murray, in Mckiilop.--Mr. Milton' Wright, who hits been working on the Provincial Highway for the past two months, has returned to his home ;in Shake. apeare,—Mr. IJbnts Atkinson he 4A present confitied in, the hospital .With an, attack of.pleurisy,—Mrs. A. ,falwie of Toronto,.' was,,,a:ue'ga :this week'; its the hone of t anti Mrs.. A. R. 13tix Mr. and Mea. J. 'lit : Seat and yx s1r t Rc+Ice4. rices In wide to clean out,this Sea- son a .WDU, 'aper, we are offer. • tag it at,ag reductionof froth” 24,4 to 1-8 OFF ' Now ie Jte time to paper, that odd roprt4',Or two. son, James,h_er. and Mrs, R. Scarlett, Mr. and ears, John Cummings and' Miss Harriet Murray were in Lis- towel. on Wednesday attending the Muldrewalableb wedding. — Mrs. Keating and.. the Misses Herron and Miss Douglas, of Toronto, spent the week end in. town. -Mise Ida M. Cooper, of Toronto, is visiting at her home on John Street. --,Miss Annie • SPECIAL , , Thursday Friday Saturday "BULLDOG DRUMMOND" Adapted from the original story and stage play of the same name by "SAPPER" with Carlyle Blackwell • and; Evelyn Greeley There is n thing better in the way of a crook melodrama. It keeps one on the edge of the seat from begin- ning to end. There is' scarcely • a moment of relaxed attention.. • (New York Post), Monday Tuesday Wednesday "GYPSY PASSION" adapted from Jean Richepin's fam- ous novel, Miarka, the child of the bear. —A Louis Mercanton Production— Show commences 2.15 sharp, —IYRIC-- pail :,eteRti# sa4 bd Pte .ir ,e1144 and 7 i,' ex enenei impa�overtletUd f :reditldnae recontly••Iiiirehaaed op. ,G0iterich ASt, W'est.Mr aitd 't; Milnp epni4, Af L6ndon, acted as bhoir leader;and organist to First Preapytexiap chulrc on Sunday last.. -Tito many friends of Mr. Robert' Forest wilt be sort's to'Iearn that. he is very seriously 11, et' p"'esent..”.:Mepars. Cl,ayton,Mart1n, and Mr/GarnetHillery;' Who,,spent a' few days attheir .homes here, return- ed on Satur.day to resume their ata. diea at the Normal School, ,- :Dir, aid Mrs. Herbert Crich,• of Tucker - smith, who have been touring tiro Western Provinces forseveral'montha returned home on Wednesday Mr, 'Spencer„postmaster at fort Colborne, was the guest this week at the hepn0 of his son Mr. W. G.' Sspncer; Prin- cipal of the Collegiate.—The Misses Cresswell left on Monday for Denver. They will spend the winter in Cali- fornia as usual. --Mrs. Gianfield, of Wallacetown, is -a guest at the hone of her father Mr. W. 'Elcoat, John Street.—The houses, lots and house- hold effects of the late Mrs. Hargan and her sister, the 'late Mrs, McElroy are to be sold by public auction on October 30th.—Mrs. o's, E. C. ,McClelland and children, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Major and Mrs, R. S. Hays.—Mrs. Dudley and Miss Mul- holland, who recently sold their rest; dence on John Street to Mr. Frank Allis, moved this week Into the apart.: meats over Mr. T. Daly's store on 'Main Street.—Mr, and Mrs, P. Scott and Mr. and. Mrs. P. Ament, of Brus- sels, spent Sunday with friends, in town,—Mr, F. Hohneated, K,C., who was spending a' holiday' with Torento friends, was forced to return home on Thursday last, owing . to illness, but many friends will be pleased to learn that he is improving, - ' The Misses McLennan are moving into Mrs. G. Brownlee's house on James Street—The ntany.friends of Mrs. A. D. Sutherland will regret to learn that she has been confined to her home for several weeks with an.At- tack of inflammatory rheunatl'ags Mrs, William Hopper, North; ]Clain Street, gave a shower' on Monday evening last in honor of Miss Hen- retta Cash, prior to her, marriage to Mr. W, D. Bright, Jr. ,It was at- tended by 'a large number of friends of the bride-to-be, — Mr. Cameron Armstrong, of Hartford Conn., was a recent guest at the {some of Mr, end Mrs. Andrew Archibald. — Mra, If your New Coat, Suit or 'Dress comes from here, you will know it is absolute- ly right. •oielidpy,- rrMr, and gears. b16i of 43, ola 0 Giotp fair Rapid-fire' Mrs. to;gnd',;Mrp, Thomas Sake.+- Milia' Seemei . t p� 1,�9ry1, at the' couri�'•ra Getzweyi3r; of Detroit,°,Pr 1`fof ging ;J�me ��;:?i4ove, to. a aliip Weak end .at, heI' home :bora: . bearing otic G .�b, , os, of o' Q rte y, t C�li>t Maiged in town s rice.- t hal ore ted the bnolCr • o an¢', Adrd; ,Rpi)prt n►th, we yeah anal- este at i4 t sof' ra, Js, x'a�eo�qr.: Mr9 :'$.rait�t � novel lila pltbilo for more thaly a giplk,� Felt tivhP'speut�th vpesk o>itd';;a leis e��ilr. r i !t >ine .h>3xe seturnad to '¢,P pt� •Oil.: ,, Detroit, ,are guests 'at tip ' h sae. of I. torical �lretaa / • l -mo• ther,;;•i ra. Getzmeyer and ar;1 women destined'to'; e a ' ,, Missh olid p solves,. t 141anNt; returned to �?ptrott„wi".it. for so many 'pouada; tif'td�ceo,; at her. Mia. 'pfdDonald, who; nae been. Jamestown, ' V1tgnIa,-:pietuit+os t1ie 1;. i `visiting Iter brother,, Mr. Andrew. market•. -Sufism attacks ora the i�et.. Scott reitiurned ttits..wpelc ,to. h home tiers, sv rings out: again pi 'thd h,ig in the A�n''Paellas spa, Mr. L. Belli- seas' to pirate s1)ips ,and ,atrpng holds`: tow,' of Puudaei :omit. it e', 'Week ,end then back to the Royal' court, A with 11is iaal:el* k + ere,.-dg:''and Mrs. "To Have An To Walken seal •termly, of,`Wiagham, d /fold” was thee; spent Sunday at the parental', home roost expensive picture over made ata f' Mr; and.7i a.' W E. �Chaptiat,,,_ • the Lasky Studios and is ' Mrs., Stevenson and little daughter 1 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PARA. MOUNT • ATTRACTION WE HAVE ANNOUNCED ;THIS YEAR, Matinee Saturday 3 p m;+-10 and 15c,, • Evenings, 15 and 20c. of Varna, ,were guests this week at the home of Mr, and Mrd, F. J. Kera- lake.—Mrs: Beattie, of Bridgeburg, , is visiting' at the' home ohet' sister,' lira. . W B. McLean; in Egmondville, -Mr. 1: F. Buck has• been confined to his home this week through i11- nesa,—Rev. W. b,. McDonald, 'Eg mondville, will exehange. pplpita"with Rev. Mr. Thompson, of. Monkton on Sunday next,—Mr, and Mrs, Harry. Colbert, of London, spent Sunday with. friends in town.—Miss Jones, who has been a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. R. M. Jones; for several weeks,, left on Thursday for her home in Liverpool; England.— Mr. and Mrs, John McLary, London, and, Misa Agnes Beattie, .Brucefield, spent Sunday at the home 'of' Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie, Main Street, —Mr. anff Mrs. John Laing attended •the anniversary services in Milverton on Sunday last, --Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Codsitt, of Zurich, were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.*John Consitt.—Mrs. Harry,Speir of London, is a guest at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. A, Barton, — Mrs, W. Ament and Miss Frances Winter. are' visiting with Detroit friends.—Mica; Myrtle Sharkey was called to Cleve- land this week -by the serious .illness of her sister, Miss Genevieve. Sharkey. (Additional Local on page 4.) Though Leveleen i M Id and Clean, no Germs 591]1 Thrive Where it has been, 25 Gents. Allvays . something New , to show you in Stylish Mil- linery. The season's latest creations on view now. ' rod will find these Standard - Designer Patterns with The Belrobe at our pattern counter' Buy your Standard - Designer Pattern first then visit our piece good. counter 'Merge and jersey are TANDARD-DESIGNER Patterns not only give you the popular styles and appropriate materials but they contain a sewing guide, The Belrobe, that shows you how to make a dress from start to finish( Go to our - Standard- Designer Pattern counter and choose the style best suited to you. - Then' visit our piece -goods counter whereou will find the new fall materials. No. 7278 --The new in the one-piece mode stresses raglan sleeves with a flare cuff. Desi. - favorite materials Able materials are serge, jersey, tricotine, wool poplin, wool crepe combined with satin, taffeta or crepe de Chine. No. 7269—This one-piece coat dress is smart- est in blocked flannel, -serge, jersey; wool crepes, velveteen and linen. No. 7256—The new trim tailored frocks of the season favor serge with collar and buttons of satin; jersey, tricotine,, wool rep and wool crepes are second choice. No. 7260—A hock with iron and over- blouse front is well liked in crepe de Chine, satin, flatcrepe, foulard, French serge"or jersey, and bound in contrasting color self -material.