HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-19, Page 2f ; j bel xiiltei Qndeftd }a:,Qnt,)'
BS' Nebe topely moitntiatlt,
On this aide-
lu a vale n 4h land of 11Toeh
There Illy a lonely gravel „ •
AOno kaolin that sepulchre,
1:And no man saw it e'er;
For the Angels pf God ppturned the
And laid the dead man there.
vy Cypress Tub, corrugated,
• elied cut gears,.bali bearing, easy
action, just what is required for the
heavy work coming on.
$19 Cash
Save ;the surface means your Linoleum. The fall mud will wear the
pattern. Why not varnish now and be prepared. A coat of good varnish
makes the work easier of keeping it clean.
Special Varnish forJohnson's Floor Wax 70c
woodwork, per qut. ��'00 per Ib.
Geo, A. Sills & Sons
O lonely gave in Moat's land!
O dark Beth-peor's hill! -
Speak to these curious hearts of ours,
And teach then' to be still
God hath ,His mysteries of grace,
Ways that we cannot tell; •
He hides them deep, like the hidden
'Of him He loved so well.
(C• F. Alexander.)
0 Thou Christ of life living God,
thou didst die for men; yea, whilst
they were yet ,sinners thou wast cru-
cified, buried and raised again, that
t ey might obtain through faith•eter
nal salvation. May we hear .the gos-
pel voice, .and answer it with our
love; may none be left behind; may
not one pes'ish in the wilderness; may
the last be brought in as the first,
and may thy flock be thus completed,
0 Shepherd of Israel, 0 Pastor, of
the universe. May we all cease to do
evil, learn to do well; and having
served our day and generation on this
side the vale may we pass beyond
the cloudy screen dnd there look up-
pijra all that has been' waiting foe us
with the patience of eternity, and
with the confidence of leve. Amen.
(Joseph Parker).
S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 21st, 1923
Lesson Title, -Israel in the Midst
of the Nations.
, Lesson Passage—Josh. 1:1=4; Isa.
2:2 4; 19:23-25; Ezek. 5:5.
Golden Text—Isa. 45:22.
Josh. 1:1-4—Israel's New Leader.
Moses, the great law -giver and
prophet "whom the Lord knew face
tq• face," had disappeared from the
,, midst of the• children of Israel. He
had gone up into the Mount of Nebo,
from which height he viewed the
promised land. There he died and
was buried by the Lord in the valley
of Moab, and "no man knoweth of
his sepulchre unto this day." (Deut.
The first reference to Joshua is
found in Exodus 17:9, when Moses.
told him to "choose us out men, .and
go out, fight with Amalek.r° Be is
next • seen to i be one of the twelve•
Always Good
When you buy SURPRISE
you get a big, bright, solid bar
of the highest grade household
soap and it is always the same.,
A -Pure Hard Soap
UNLESS you seethe name !Sayer" on tablets, you •
are not getting Aspirin at all
xom Flint
There'tat be not ddidit that
'a Fruit -Sett *" is the long sought •
remedy fot,fiheurealdam a'nd Luca
bago. 'rota': all over Canada coma,
letters testlfefng to thisfact.. --
Mr, Jtfhn, E• Guiide of. 'ah*
boro, N.S. Writes : ":1 auffethdeyedbadly
with llheuniatismfor five/Ye?rs-
trieddiifere medicines-witatreated
by doctors 44• An hers' -and here at
hbnra—but, the Rhenmmatisra came
v In 1916,11'ettw an advertisement for
•'Fruft.a:ivea" and took a box and
got relief, ao•5I took them for about
six months and the 1%hauamtismsvas
all gone anal have neverfelt it sinoe".
60o. a tox,`6 for $2.50, trial size 95o.
At dealers•; . or from Fruit.: -fives'
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
but it shall come to. pales in the last
few days, these days when the Son.
of God was'iaanifested in the'Vlesh
as the Saviour of the world, "that
many people shall go and say, Come
ye, and let us go up to the mountain
of the Lord, to the house of the God
of Jacob; and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths."
This is the fore -telling of the setting
up of the Christian church. As the
law of Moses went forth-frem Mount
$inai so the -law of Christ, even the
word of thil Lord, shall go out from
Zion, from Jerusalem; and be carried
to the uttermost bounds of•the earth.
Isa. 19:23-25,—The uniting of Jews
and Gentiles by the Gospel.
"In that day shall Israel• bel the
third with Egypt and with Assyria,.
even a blessing .in the midst of the
land." It is 'supposed that Mark, the
evangelist, carried the gospel Ines
sage to Egypt and that as a result
many Christian Churches were estab-
lished and .flotitished for many ages.
The Gentile nations such as Egypt
and Assyria,( shall not only unite
with each, other in the gospel fold un-
der Christ, but they shall be united
with the Jews—"Whom the Lord of
Hosts .shall bless, saying blessed be
Egypt my people, and Assyria, the
work of my hands, and Israel mine
inheritance" {verse 25).
Ezek 5,;5 --The destruction of Jer-
usalem foretold. .
"Thus saitji the Lord God: This is
Jerusalem• I have set it in the midst
Set V[j,c
Je'W4nh t$ on,; Y iib inlhn
tongue, 'an g}ving no •religigyyaa
stractieq to women, is not holding's ,
own. Man'ye,.leaving the, syn: d.
due; faijing lhto lndifftlleace:or atio
ism. Others accept the social teach -
imp of Jesus, and we discover a mod-
ern movement. in wKhich.wetaef 'savn.,.
a place"with meal}u the synagogue'':
end, religion is taught.. in , the len-
guage in winch the people speak land
think, but the divinity of Christ and'.'
his sacrifice for 'sin is denied.
this n stage in their development or
a dange} to Christianity ? • i
The contract hiss ,had its effect also !;
on the Christian, and there is a f dan-
ger that the indamentals'of our re-
ligion is concltantly presenting. Been
to the Jew. "Whom say ye. that I- ,'
the ,Son df man am?" May the an-
swer soon be, "Thou arty the Christ,
the Son of the Living God."
(The' Planting of the Faith).:
Intestinal" parasitism of fowls _is
brought to attention at this season
of the year because' the most' striking
phase of the disease is often seen at
this time. •
This disease is vastly more pieval-
ent than tuberculosis, with which in
its chronic form it may beonfused:
clinically, .and from an economic,
standpoint it probably' ranks second
only bo roup. a
In order properly to understand the
disease the following brief descrip,
tion of the chronic form is given
since it may precede 'or follow the
acute form.
The sick animals become thin, al-
though the appetite' is • not especially
disturbed. At , times the appetite is
even increased and is accompanied
by an intense thirst for cold water.
The droppings are thin, contain. con-
siderable yellow slime, and are pass-
ed In small quantities, but at short
intervals. After a time other symp-
toms develop.. The sick animals be-
come dull and listless, remain apart
from the rest of the flock—the fea-
thers are ruffled and the wings droop,
the appetite is lost and the birds al-
low themselves to be easily caught.
Impaired ,organic functions lead to
extreme emaciation and a fatal terpr-
ination usually follows, when the sub-
ject is but, a mere shadow of its for-
mer self.
It is not the chronic form, however,
that we are primarily interested in
at the moment, ,but with a' form so.
acute as to be very fhisleading. Sud-.
men chosen to go and spy out the .of the nations and countries that are denness , of onset and great prostra-
land. .(Num. 13:8, 16). Then just;round about hen." tion usually lead to the 'assumption
before the close of the wilderness ex- •Jerusalem 'was a city set upon s that the birds have consumed poison-
periences' Moses, at the command of hila, beautiful for situation and "the ous material. This belief is further
God, consecrated Joshua to be his : hill which God dasireth to dwell in." favoured, in: many instances, by the
fact that no previous indication of
disease has existed.
In so far as we have been able to
learn, these attacks are always naso-,
ciated with sudden changes in wea-
ther conditions. The usual history.
is to theeffect that birds are found
in a prostrated condition, comb dnd
waffles. suddenly become dark in col-
or, followed by death in one to three
of Moses, the servant of the Lord, it accomplished Jerusalem was levelled days, and this occurs j t after a
came to pass, that the Lord spake with ground,, not one stone being Budden drop in temperature usually
unto Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses' left upon another, as the word of the preceded by rain.
minister, saying: Moses, my servant Lord . had •s $ken. The Jews were By this it would seem that the birds
is dead; now therefore arise." Here p are ,able to hold their own against
is the definite statement that Moses dispersed and are no longer a distinct the parasites under favourable condi-
is dead. He was no warrior and cir- nation but find homes among the dif- tions, but are unable successfully to
ferent nations of the earth. _ carry on the fight when reduced by.
adverse influences.
Accurated diagnosis is the first es-
sential and the fact should be kept
in mind that one of the most devi-
talizing tape worms is so'small-as tQ
require a 'microscopical examination
to determine its presence.
Treatment. should be directed to-
wards .fostering the already waning
strength of the patients rather than
attempting to destroy the parasites.
The latter course will usually result
in the death of many birds that other-
wise might be saved.
A small dose of physic is indicated,
merely to remove from the intestines
the slime with, its accumulated toxic
products. 'Grain feed should be with-
held, the ration consisting entirely of
easily digested wet mash. "Good hy-
giene should' be practised and, where
outside roosting- places have been us-
ed, these .should be substituted by
regular houses.
When by careful handling, the birds
regain their normal condition, further
doses of physic (Epsom salts) may
be administered; one-fourth pound to
one hundred -birds once a week or
every ten days is recommended.
successor. (Num. 27:18). Joshua
throughout all his public life was -
seen to be a brave, God-fearing war-
rior. In proof of this we read how;
upon one occasion, God is represent-
ed as appeaµing before Judas as a
soldier with drawn sword and bring
ing him into very close communion
with himself. (Josh. 5:13-15).
Verses 1-2—"Now after the death
Instead of being an example of every-
thing•,that was high and holy, she.
became more wicked even than, thh
nations round about her, and so
brought down the wrath of God up-
on her as is fare -told in this chapter.
Jerusalem was destroyed but not un
til 'after ,the Saviour came into her,
streets 'proclaiming repentance and
remission for sins. When that was
cumstances now demand a soldier to
leadhe people over the Jordan; and
establish them; and one has been in
training .for that place and work.
Nd man is indispensable in the work
ing out of God's plan for his people.
When good men die others step into
their places and receive the com-
mand. "Now, therefore, arise." Dr. 1
Joseph Parker says in connection
with this passage:—The great mer-
chant in the city is dead: . Arise!
The great political leader is dead:
Arise! The great preacher is dead;
Arise! Whose place will you take?
There are a thousand places -vacant
to -day in the great gallery historical.
Are you waiting until God has spok-
en to you?• He speaks to you now.
Host thou set thyself to some part
.of God's work? Be strong and very
courageous and as he was with Moses
and Joshua se will be he with you.
The children of Israel have been
brought out of 'slavery and are now
•a nation with a country definitely de-
signated over the Jordan and swept
over the land, spreading fear among
all the neighboring tribes, and thus
securing comparative peace and
safety for the Israelites in the, land
which God had promised to Abraham
and his seed for an inheritance.
Tea. 2:2-4—Christianity Foretold.
''And it shall corne to pass in the
last days, that the mountain of the
Lbrd's house shall be established in
the top of the mountains, and shall
be exalted above the hills; and all
nations shall flow into it."
Many centuries passed from the
time of Joshua to - Isaiah, during
which tile new nation experiehced
varying degrees of prosperity and
adversity, aceording to the character
of the rulers they had and the way
in which they remembered or forgot
the God of their fathers. It was in
tended that the Israelites should ex-
ert a good influence upon the nations
round about. They were set in' the
midst of them, as a candle upon a
candle -stick, to spread the . divine
light with which they had been in-
trusted. $ad they persevered in
this then would have contin)ted that
tribute whil:h we read of having been
paid to one of their kings "And
there came of all people to hear the
• wisdom of Solomon, from all kinga
:of' the earth, '4yhich had- heard of his
wisdom." (1 Kings 4 : 34): When
• Isaiah began to prophesy, about 786
B. C., Judah- and Jerusalem Were
steeped in idolatry, "a people laden
with iniquity, they hove forsakes the
. Lord; but od's word eanjiot fail.
His kingdom shall be established in
rigghteousness and therefore' is Isaiah
raised' u to call' them' to remain
p_ -
The henUen MAY 'rage' a►id.
the longs of the earth set 'themselves.
. mid tli`e rulers iake.,con fief taketi%zt,
su ly `s,1 ' "unbroken package" of "Barrer Tablets of "•
tjr fielr contats '4irecctiops and dose worked out, by
fr :
1 - 22 years dnd pt'oyed safe by millions for
headache . Rheunnatisin
Neuritis ..
L in gts , Pain, Pain
ji ta6lel ' Aida
'0" ids La e
ref `Ji And 100 -fl ggists. •
paEnid. Ettabiitncialo ataMono.
natxa 2ma3i of S erms
sai+ar CletW
During the last fifty years many.
Jewish people, chiefly from continen-
tal Europe, have ' made their homes
in -Canada. The-sufferisigs of those
people throughout the centuries ap-
peal 'to the hearts of the Canadian
people, a' Christian people who re-
cognize the debt they owe to the an-
cesirs\ of this remnant of Israel,
who have found a refuge on our hos-
pitable. shores. They are rapidly
reaching a quarter of a million in
number. At first, they went to the
large cities, but are gradually ap-
pearing in every village and town' of
any importance. Race and religion
are as a rule inseparable' with them,
and therefore they 'prefer to remain
Will Be Interested in Mrs. liter
sun's Recovery' by Use of$:
Pinkltam's Vegetable teat d
Winni eg, Man & E
— "Lyda.)
ham's Vegetable Compo'und Jlaa
me good in every way. -'I; was', '' erg
weak and run-down and had certain
troubles that woinen -of My age are
likely to have. I did not like to go to
the doctor so I took the Vegetable Com-
- potind and am stili taking it right along.
I recommend it to nig friends and to tiny
one J know who is not feeling well."—
Mrs. TnoMPBON, -x343 Lizzie St., Winn-
peg, Man.
When. women who are between the
ages. of forty-five gtid:flfty-five are betet
with:Stich annoying symptoms, as nor:"
vousness irritability, melancholia and
heat flashes, which produce headaches,
dizziness, or a sense of Suffocation they
'should take Ly die PB.'i'lnkhati % Vege-
table Compound: Itisggaapeciallyadapted
to help women thtottgh this crisis. It
is prepare from oo and herbs and
contains no harmftll'dt'ngs or narcotics.
This famous remedy the medicinal
-For the past 22 years Miss Emma
R. Knell hes been secretary . and
manager of the Southwest Missouri
A common. sight An • Riga is a wo-
man- walkipg over, the cobbles ,With
'.two three -gallon cans of milk•fsten-
etl to the ends of a lbtlg pole that. rests
on her shoulders,
Driving' -heavy trucks through the
rough country was the . Volunteer
task of four. attractive young women
of San Diego County, Cal., when the
regular' truck drivers went on strike.
Dora Stroeva, only woman' theater
manager 'in Russia .in the czarist
days, is on her way to this country
to accept one of the many flattering
offers made her by American,theatri-
cal men. •
Mrs. Amy- Slavin Matheson, once
noted child actress,, has reared, a
fancily of four in total 'darkness.. She
lost her sight one year befete her
marriage. and has never seen her, Mts.
band or children.
Miss Cora G. Colburn, R many
years• director of .the commofca at the
University of ° Chicago, will have
Ingredients of width ;are .derived from . chargee,, of the dining 'halls at. Yale
roots and herbs' has for forty year: this -ydar in $n attempt to make the
proved its value In stick cases. Women enterprise self tippoa'ting.
everywhere bear.,. Willi%g testimony to •Alll,ihill climbing records in France
e nnderfcl e L dna >C: Pmts- Nage-been broken by an •automobile
with a Or cylinder motor' mounted in
the Teat. ' • •
The wrinkles on brie side of a ;new
hairpin, that. ,,•has . unusual ''staying
power rare .bent at right angles', to.
i ; serv(�ce al a r #try
Aagrlenl seal, r iPAI'ti5 tx i
fekture ed Oiet(
,Savinlea a a
D ns Qs .,Pf t OV: ltd
,$rucafleld . St,• a eT
,Exeter Clinton d8ged'll
Is the best for canvas
boots and shoes, belts,
etc. Just try it!
v ttib'7 G:fJRl eSes.lNG.)
—yi raar•tia►�. r"" rsnua
Just•..use soap and hot water to clean
SMP, Enameled Ware. It is so clean
and so pure. As smooth 4§ china
and as strong as steel. And no metal
\touches the food. Be sure you get
Three .finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pear5ly greyenamel
inside and out. Diamond Ware,. three coats, light lue end
white outside, white lining; Crystal Ware; three coats. pure
white inside' and `out, with Royal blue edging.
f anal.
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MsM••al TOrfONTO Wlnn1588
Edmonton Venous., Calgary
waste time wishing you had a good business education, and.
MISS 'a'Splendid position, which ss waiting; to become. YOUR
OPPORTUNITY ,to a high, place in the COMMERCIAL world. .
' by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Coarse be
For iniiormation; write or phone:
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ham's Vegetable Compound:
- E`f omen who ratio� d write to the
LydiraSt.Pinkbam.....ioineCo:,a er ;
Ontallo for a fr�co o
''Pinkhamifs P'rivete, Fitt: spore ,
H oll r an:a Peculiar; ttl'Viio ' o those on the other bide.
We pay the farmer a premium for strictly
New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live
Poultry of all kinds.
Special arrangements will be. made ttr handle\
produce, from ;a distance.
Plidile or write us for regularweekly price
list which gives all the itgcessar,;y information.
Brunn LangroYs & Company, Limited
Montreal,. Quebec.
ttttiger, Clinton Branch.
.i)d,�.Phoritt,l9bc ,lsPigltt Phone ],