HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-12, Page 2ar
Heavy Cypress Tub, corrugated,
bevelled cut gears; ball bearing, easy
action, just what is required for the
heavy work coming on.
$19 Cash
(By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.)
All. Dation whom Thou mad'at shall
And worship reverently
Before Thy face; and they, 0 Lord,
Thy name shall glorify.
Because Thou art exceeding great,
And works Thee dobe
1Vhich are to by be admiredare, and Thou
Art God Thyself alone.
0 Lord my God, with all my heart
To Thee I will give praise;
And I the glory will ascribe
Unto Thy narne always.
Scottish Psalter).
0 Thou who art the High and Holy
One who inhabitest eternity, help us
to bow before Thee with reverence
and godly fear, yet with the confi-
dence of children coming to a father,
Thou didst commend Thy love to-
wards us in that whiltt we were yet
sinners Thou didst give Thine own
well -beloved Son to die for us.
Grant unto us the presence of Thy
Holy Spirit so that we may live for
Hipp and do our part in sending the
gospel message to others. We ask
it fur His sake. Amen.
OCTOBER 14th, 1923
Lesson Title—Israel, a Missionary
Lesson Passage—Exodus 19 : 1-6;
Isa. 43:9-11; Isa. 45:20-22.
Golden Text --Exodus 19:6.
Exodus 19:1-6.
Id the 17tji chapter of Exodus we
are given an account of the notable
ce at
Save the ater Linoleu
mudvarnish things that
murmuring aps
tternWhy not nowand beprepared. Acoat of good firstthe of theeoplea-
inst Moses because of the lack of
water and the miraculous source of
supply; (verses 5-6); then the battle
70e between Amalek and Israel in which
held h' hand Israel
makes the work easier of keeping it clean.
Johnson's Floor Wax
per lb.
Special Varnish for
woodwork, per qut.
Geo. A. Sills & Sons
Made to Wear
SURPRISE is specially adapted
for use in hot water./ It lathers
freely but lasts a long time
without - crumbling;or break-
ing up.
A Pure' Hard' Soap
"Fruit -a -tides Relieved. Both
Dropsy and Sick Kidneys.
The Wonder of Fruit Medicine
Those wfio know they have Kidney
Trouble—who suffer with pain in the
baok—whOare up frequently at night
—will welcome the newsthat Fruit-a-
tives", the wuuderlul medicine made
from fruit juices and tonins, will
positively relieve Kidney and Bladder
Troubles—as proven by this letter.
" Our little y i rl had Kidney Trouble
and Dropsy—h„r limbs and body were
all `swollen. We decided to try
" Fru it-a-tives". In a shorttime, the
swelling went down. Now, etre is the
healthiest due of the family".
Port Robinson, Ont.
500, a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 26c.
At dealers lir from Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
tional ROres, y eeniiervatien.'
Asi e Mont the wood used in mail.
vfaet ring, automobiles, the com-
pany's requirements for packingarid.
shipping run into enormous figures.
and to provide lumber for this,.pui-
.pose every scrap is utilized through
the, Salvage department, even. to the.
smallest possible, pieces.
The department, formed ps:lnolpaliy
as means of reducing waste, is con
ducted purely as a conservation ag-
ency. While it was not the intention'
of the company to make it profit -pro-
ducing, yet by putting it on an efficiv
ent basis, it has progressed to the
point where it is now self-stidtaining.
An average of 800 men are em-
ployed; working twenty-four hours a
day in three eight-hour shifts, and
the work includes the operation of
the lumber yard, saw mills- and the
handling of all new and -old lumber
for shipping.
While evry day the Highland Park
uses more than 200.000 feet of neW
lumber in making shipments, the eal-
vage department daily re-claims near=:
iy 300,000 feet of old lumber and con-
verts it into boxes; crhtes, cleats,
braces and other pieces.
Every factory unit in the Ford or-
ganization constantly strives for 100
per cent. lumber salvage. At the
River Rouge plant, the Lincoln plant
and at all branch plants throughout
(Deut. 32:17).the country, every bit of lumber pos-
"1, even 1, :un the Lord." On a ' sible is used for shipping and what
former occasion when the priests of remains is sent by the carload and
Baal called, there was no response, the truck load to Highland Park
though they lashed themselves into where facilities permit the utilization
a frenzy, calling hour after hour up- of smaller pieces than at any other
on their gods Io bear and answer; to and where
limit. vaging is carried
but God tinie and again gave proof Employes engaged in unpacking to the children of Israel that He does
in -
hear and answer prayer; and to the coming shipments are instructed to
truth of this they could bear witness. carefully remove --all board with as
"And beside me there is no Say- little
sas possible,
ge thus per-
iour." He i- net only the supreme
mitting to
Lord, but He is the only Savtoer. utilize
tLumbher to t heutmost.
than 1;500 worn
When the children of Israel came
out of Egypt, she Lord alone did lead out box cars from the D. T. and I.,
them by a pillar of cloud by day and has found its way to the salvage mill
a pillar of fire by night; and there to be and otherconverted
ecess nento eded for shippingboxes and .
ie o'
Subscriptions recetyed,
all branches for the atevl*/
Dominion of Canada Loan.
'Victory Bonds maturing on lst November
may be exchanged for bonds of the new
loan at any branch of this Bank.
Full information, and application forma
on request. °
Brucefield St. Marys $3rleton
Exeter Clinton Henault Zwick
There's Longer Life
-iii; the shine: and longer
life in : the shoe, if you .•
Use ''Dagger."
"when Moses a up is an 1 was no strange god with them. o
haevaiAm and when ehed let(v down his among the heathen nations can bring Standardization of shipping pack -
hand Amalek prevailed (vii). From - their witnesses to ',Moe the omni- ages has done much to bring greater
the children of Israel
marched into the desert and encs � science and omnipotence of- their efficiency in the lumber conservation
rr�p gods? If they can they shall be jus- program.
ed beforeer Mount Sinai. In the 5th tified If nett let them hear the wit- i 'l'hree years ago the company was
chapter of Exodus es read how Mo-sizedTo-day per
nes and Aaron requested Pharaoh to is truth." of trod and acknowledge. "It using 600odifferent bo96 p
let the children of Israel go on a is The cause of God is not ' crateof s for shipping.
afraid to be put to 11 prey for "great centmadet noboxes eof 14 different sizes,
is the truth and will prevail." •• some filling as many as 100 different
Isa. 45:20-22. The Universalityof , needs, and 45 boxes and crates of dif-
the GoapeL ( ferent sizes meet all the other ship-
ping requirements.
The prophet is in this passage a- At present the salvage department
gain calling open the Jews, and those is turning out an avyerage of 15,000
of other nations that escaped from boxes and crates a lay and it is not
met with o who captivity in Babylon, to come togeth- uncommon for a box or crate to have
out of the midst of the burning bush,er to hear what God 'has to say for three or four kinds of wood in its
and talked with him about the afflic- their good about the idols they wor- make up. Recent introduction of bur -
tion of His people in Egypt, commis- shipped, deceiving themselves by Is bags for making certain shipments
stoning Him to go and deliver them praying to a graven imgge that has cut the box requirements down about
from the hand of Pharaoh. God then no power' to help. They are urged to 5,000 a day.
gave him a pledge that he would be take "counsel together" to know Salvaging proceeds, in a building
always present with him. "And He what to say in defence of themselves 80 feet wide by 700 feet long, on the
said, Certainly I will be with the„e;" l and their idols, God is a God of Jus- well-known Ford continuous produc-
and this shall be a token unto thee, tice, and having given these idol wor-
don system. As old lumber salvaged
shippers every opportunity to prover from boxes, barrels, boards and scrap
three days' journey into the desert
to sacrifice unto the Lord their God.
Instead of a three days' journey, it
was "in the third month" they reach-
ed Sinai where j:hey were to meet
with God. This coming to Mount
Sinai was a memorable day in the
life of Moses. Once before he had
h God thereh called him
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablet's, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
EaraClle Lumbago Pain, Pain
Hgnrly 'Sayer" boxes of 12 %ablete---Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggiste-
t e teeth dr Sain.:,iV4pli g a It ill Watt known 4.1,11411"
hat t o a rr
151 wl user gefteralnage math. �tII h""Bayyeo therm"
the t tt10 k iretestered in Canada.) of Rayer Menu frip oe Banor
that I have sent thee; when thou hast
brought forth the people out of Eg-
ypti, ye shall serve God upon this tinuous conveyor which carries i
mountain.' Exodus 3 : 12). This a just God, and a Saviour; there is past stations. calpledge was and of when God none is
note Work-
men on variousne sawingine pick out boards k -
"called unto him out of the mountain, I God is not the God of the children s and most desirablehsize for their needs,
saying "Thus shalt thou say to the of Israel alone but of all pHe,e says
house of Jacob, and tell the children kindreds and, the aim being to always saw the long
of Israel; }re have -seen what I did un- I "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all est pieces from the available boards.
to the Egyptians, and how I bare you the ends of the earth; for I am God, Scraps move on to the -end and into
on eagle's wings and brought you un- and there is none else." The children great shredders where they are cut
to myself" verses 3, 4). God was of Israel were chosen as His peculiar Into small pieces, then caught up in
covenanting with'�Iis people and He peoplethrough whom He showed to a suction tube and blown over to the
appealed to their memory and their all the, world is redeeming love furnace rooms to be used as fuel.
gratitude. He wanted their sacrifice manifested fully in the last,days in Complete boxes move on to depart -
to be a willing obedience, so He re- the person of His son. Israel was meats requiring them.
minded them of the great host of the missionary nation, the special Crate pieces, cleats and braces are
gyptians that was destroyed for means - whereby the Saviour in due sawed to proper sizes and are sent
eir deliverance, and with what time came among men. to to the several departments, each as -
wiliness and security they were When the gospel is preachedsernbling its own crates.
brought through their journeyings. heathen nations, when Christ is lifted Two departments may be used to
As an eagle protects the young by
making it, as it were, a part of its
own body, so God brought them unto
if Afterh intimate care
their case He now claims for Himse
that "there is no God else beside me•, wood of every imaginable kind comes
in it is sorted and placed on a con-
up before the eyes of idol worn ip- illustrate the great daily requirements
pers, God is acknowledged to be the
for this kind of lumber. The radiator
tree God and "there is none else." assembly department utilized twenty-
Himse such God so loved the world that He gave two pieces of wood in every shipping
perfect obedience was not too much His only begottenSon that whoso- crate and an ayerage of 2,200 of these
to expect from them; having been/ ever believeth in \Him should not per -
crates are sent out every day.
ish but have everlasting life (John In the carload shipment of 100 mot -
3:16). "So strong is the eye of faith ors, 750 feet of heavy lumber is re -ed
that by divine grace it will reach the quired for proper bracing and pack -1
Saviour" (Matthew Henry). ing. With more -than sixty-four of .I
these cars going out daily, a total of ,
• over 50,000 feet of lumber is required '
FORD CONSERVES LUMBER every day for the shipment of motors
SUPPLY alone.
Lumber conservation as practised
Salvaging of approximately 90,000,- by the Ford` Motor Company, has
000 feet of lumber annually at its proved a practical business invest -
Highland Park plant is the Ford Mo- ment, but of far greater significance
tor -Company's contribution to nae is the saving in forestry it makes
possible, and the example it sets for
— ------ -- private and public enterprise through-
out the country. s.
saved by Him that which is now in-
sisted upon is that they should be
ruled by Him. "Now, therefore, if
ye will obey my voice indeed, and
keep my covenant, then ye shall be a
peculiar treasure unto me above all
people; for all the earth is mine; and
ye shall be unto me a kingdom of
priests, and a holy nation" (verses
5, 6). By thus separating them unto
Himself He separated them from and
honored them above all people, mak-
ing them "a kingdom of priests and
a holy nation" because living in the
spirit of obedience they were all re-
garded as "kings and priests unto
God the Father." So to -day those
who render obedience unto and are
the followers of Jesus Christ are re-
garded as "a chosen generation, a
royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
peculiar people. (Peter 2:9).
Joseph Parker in his explanation
of this passage says, we have first
the history, then the obedience, then
the promise, then the detailed law;
and the detailed law coming after
the promise becomes an easy burden;
and a yoke so light as to be like a
necklet of jewels.
Isa. 43:9-11—God's Challenge to Idol
In the years since God met with
Moses and gave him the Ten Com-
mandments, the children of Israel
had wandered far from Him, asso-
ciating with the idolatrous peoples
rgnnd about them. Through Isaiah,
His prophet, He called upon them to
renew their allegiance. He challeng-
ed the worshippers of idols to give
proof of the divinity of `their false
gads. Their gods have eyes but they,
seen not, ears and hear not, and they
that trust in them are like unto them
(Ps. 115). They are "the blind peo-
ple that have eyes and the deaf that
have ears" (verse 8). They are call-
ed upon to produce witnesses in op-
position to the truth ,of the things
claimed by the true G411. or if they
cannot, to acknowledge the truth of
the latter that "it is truth." Then
God referred to His own witnesses
and to His people to show that He
is the one living and true God and
that He was from eternity to etern-
ity. He was before idols were form-
ed. "Tetley sacrificed unto devils, not
to God; to gods whom they knew not,
to new gods that came newly up,
How Backache and Periodic
Pains Yield_to Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Leslie, Sask.—"For about a year I
was troubled with a distressing down -
bearing pain before and during the pe-
riods, and from terrible headaches and
oachache. I hated to go to a doctor,
and as Pknew several women who had
taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound with good results, I finally
bought some and took four bottles of it.
I certainly do recommend it to every
woman with troubles like mine. I feel
fine now and hope to be able to keep
your medicine on hand at all times, as
no womanpny ht to be without it in the
house."— Mrs. Oscan A. ANDERSON,
Box. 16, Leslie, Sash.
Mrs. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony
Copenhagen, N. Y. — "I read your
advertisement in the papers and my
husband induced me to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to get
relief from pains and weakness. I was
so weak that I could not walk at times_
Now I can do my housework and help
my husband out doors, too. I am willing
for yon to publishthis letter if yon think
it will help others." — Mrs. HERBERT
KgCSEv, R.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y.
Sick and ailing women everywhere
in the Dominion should try
-Pinkh'am's Vegetable Compound before
they give up hope of recovery. 0
BLAcK—+4'A,N-1.TONffiY '4�F.a
mum BROWN AND warps
Mail the
Watch the
It will bring you at once a copy of our booklet
"Buying Bonds on the Partial Payment Plan." There-
in you will find a, sane, workable plan for budgeting
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During the next few months you can become the
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A miliusJarvis t3 Co
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293 Bay Street Toronto
Kindly send Inc a copy of "Buying Bonds on the
Partial Payment Plan."
Address -"
Branch Offices: Montreal, London, Ottawa, New York, London, Eng.
Cloverdale, B. C.—A smooth, un
broken highway now stretches from
Vancouver to Los Angeles, linking
two nations and joining0 three states
to the province of British Columbia.
The last bucket of cement completing
the highway from Vancouver to this
border town was poured in the pres-
ence of thousands of motorists who
met here to attend the opening cere-
Ottawa, Ont.—The Americans are
still importing pulpwood from Canada
at a much heavier rate than they did
last year, and shipments across the
line during July amounted to 151,794
cords. Total exports of pulpwood for
the four months. ending July, were
537,305 cords, as compared with 294,-
640 for the same period last year.
Montreal, QQue.—In a season when
practically all•Atlanaic ports are suf-
fering from the slackness in grain
traffic, the port of Montreal is receiv-
ing and exporting quantities of grain
only slightly less than the record vol-
ume of last year. According to fig-
ures issued by the port officials, the
port of Montreal has handled to date
this year a total of 68,926,505 bushels,
as against 81,668,959 during the same
period of 1922.
Saint John, N.B.—A11 the portings
camps at Onawa are well filled at
the present time and report very fad-
orable bookings for the month . of
September. Game of all kinds is re-
ported very' numerous in the vicinity,
especially partridge, and several par-
ties climbing Barren mountain report
many bear signs. Deer are also num-
erous around the various lakes.
waste time wishing you had a _good business education, and
MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR
OPPORTUNITY to a high place I the COMMERCIAL world.
by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Course in
For information, write or phone.
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. A.' STONE,
M. Accts., Prin. Phone 198. Com. Specialist, Vice -Prig
We pay the farmer a premium for strictly
New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live
Poultry of all kinds.
Special arrangements will be made to handle
produce from a distance.
Phone or write us for regular weekly price
list which gives all the necessary information.
Gunn, Langlois & Company, Limited
Montreal, Quebec.
N. W. Trewartha
Manager, Clinton Branch.
Day Phone 190. Night Phone 214 W.