HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-10-05, Page 2ar
Heavy Cypress Tub, corrugated,
bevelled cut gears, ball bearing, easy
action, just what is required for the
heavy work coming on.
$19 Cash
General Purpose—Brood mare ac-
companied by foal, S. Deitrich, Dr. A.
Moir, J. A. Manson; foal, S. Deitrich,
J. A. Manson, Dr. Moir; 2 year old
gelding or filly, H. If. Neeb,
Neuschwanger; 3 year old gelding or
filly, H. H. Neeb, J. A. Manson, G.
Penhale; span mares or geldings in
harness and wagon, William Decker,
Agricultural ---Brood mare accom-
panied by foal, Wm. Thiel, W.
Cochrane; foal, W. Cochrane, W.
Thiel; 1 year old gelding or filly, Dr.
Moir, P. Newschwanger, W. Thiel ;
2 year old gelding or filly, E. Willett,
A. J. Todd, P. Newschwanger; three
year old gelding or filly, C. Truemner;
span mares or geldings in harness
and wagon, C. Fahner, G. Thiel.
Heavy Draught—Brood mare ac-
companied by foal, Dr. Moir, William
McAllister & Son and 3rd; foal, Dr.
Moir, W. McAllister & Son and 3rd;
1 year old gelding or filly, D. Burns,
1)r. Moir; 2 year old gelding or filly,
W. McAllister & Son; span mares or
geldings in harness and wagon, Don-
ald Burns, C. Truemner.
Roadster --Brood mare accompanied
by foal, J. Decker, Jr.; foal, J. Decker
Jr., and 2nd; one year old gelding or
filly, J. Decker, Jr., and 2nd;span
mares or geldings in harness and
wagon, William Decker; buggy horse
in harness and buggy, W. Davidson,
William Mitchell, E. Reateymeyer ;
lady driver, E. Restemeyer, G. Thiel,
W. Davidson.
Carriage—Brood mare accompanied
by 'foal, John Decker, Jr.; foal, John
Decker, Jr.
Save the surface means your Linoleum. The fall mud will wear the
pattern. Why not varnish now and be prepared. A coat of good varnish
makes the work easier of keeping it clean.
Special Varnish for $100 Johnson's Floor Wax 70c
woodwork, per qut. ecce. + ' per 1b.
Geo. A. Sills & Sons
Garments or Material's
cleansed withi SURPRISE
feel soft and .well washed;
and carry the truly dean'
odor, so' pleasing to the,
House keeper.
Headaches and Indigestion
Ended By "Fruit -a -Lives"
The Marvellous Fruit Medicine
Durham—Cows in rpilk or calf, A.
J. Todd, W. McAllister & Son, L.
Rader; yearling heifer, L. Rader, W.
McAllister & Son and 3rd; 2 year old
heifer, W. R. Dougall, W. McAllister
& Son and 3rd; bull calf, 1923, H,
Steinbach, W. McAllister & Son and
3rd; heifer calf, 1923, J. A. McKinley,
A. J. Todd, P. Deichert, Jr.; 1 year
old ball calf, P. Deichert, Sr.
Other than Pure Bred—Cows in
milk or in calf, J. Pfaff and 2nd, L.
Rader; heifer calf, E. F. Kropp and
2nd, 0. Sararus; yearling heifer, 0.
Sararus, J. Pfaff, L. Rader; two year
Iold heifer, J. Pfaff, L. Rader, H.
Steinbach; fat cow or heifer, 0.
Sararns, P. Sdhwalm, J. Pfaff; two
year old steer, L. Rader and 2nd;
yearling steer, E. F. Klopp, 0. Sar-
arus, J. Mansoa & Son; steer calf, 11.
Steinbach, F. Haberer; fat steer, E.
F. Kropp; Holstein cow, H. Yungblut;
herd, L. Rader.
Registered Durham—Herd, W. Mc-
Allister & Son; T. L. Wurm's special,
L. Rader; Bank of Commerce, J. A.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Like thousands and thousands of
other sufferers. Mr. Albert Varner
of Buckingham, Y.Q., tried many
remedies and .rent to doctors and
specialists ; but nothing did him any
Finally a friend advised him to try
"Fruit-a-tives" -now he is well. As
he says in a letter:
"For seven years, I suffered terribly
from Headaches and Indigestion. I
had belching gas, bitter stuff would
come up in my mouth, often vomiting,
and was terrible constipated. I took
Fruit-a-tives and this grand fruit
medicine made me well".
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At dealers or seat by Fruit-a-tivea
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
pumpkin, yellow, A. Foster, C. True
inner; mammoth pumpkin, 0. Truem-
ner; celery, J. Gasi14; citron, T. Snow-
den, E. & R. Snowden; table squad},
Dr.' J. A, McKinnon, C. Truemner";
blood beets, P. Foster, M. Rader; root
beets, W. B. Battler & Sat, M. Rader;
watermelons, T. Snowden, E. and R.
Snowden; muskmelons, C. Truemner;
red tomatoes, E. & R. Snowden, Dr.
J. A. McKinnon; yellow tomatoes, J.
Hilborn, E. & R. Snowden; collection
of garden vegetables, J. Decker, Sr.,
F. Kochems; 0. Denomy's Special, T.
Collection of shoes, C. Fritz & Son,
Butter, crock or tub, 25 lbs., winter
use, R. Geiger, E. & R. Snowden,
Alice Bell; butter, crock, 6 lbs, E. &
R. Snowden, G. Surerus, W. B. Bat-
tler & Son; butter, 3 lbs. in lb,prints,
G. Surures, 0. Surerus, W. 13. Battler
& Son; maple syrup, quart, this
year's make, W. B. Battler & Son, M.
Rader; hen's eggs, dozen, 6 white, 6
brown, R. Geiger, H. H. Neeb; pair
Chickens, dressed, not cooked, J.
Pfaff; home-made hand soap, 2 bars,
J. Hilborn, W. B. Battles & Son; R.
Simpson Special, E. & R. Snowden.
The Molsans`
timothy seed, A. Johnston & Son, C.
Truemner, M. Rader; small white
field beans, C. 'Truemner, M. Rader,
H. A. Fuss; best collection grain in
heads, any kind, H. H. Neeb, R. Gei-
ger, G. Jacobs; Preeter's Special, M.
Collection of any kind of apples, 10
varieties, W. B. Battler & Son, G.
Datars, H. 'H. Neeb; 4 varieties fall
apples, R. Turner, G. Datars, C.
Truemner; 4 varieties winter apples,
W. B. Battler & Son, R. Turner, G.
Datars; King of Tomkins, R. Turner,
E. & R. Snowden; snow apples, 0.
Koehler, C. Truemner; Northern
Spies, E. & R. Snowden, G. Datars ;
Baldwins, E. Willert, W. B. Battler
& Son; R. I. Grecnings, J. McKinley
& Son, R. Turner; Canada Reds, C.
Truemner, G. I)atats; Ribson Plppen,
R. Turner, J. McKinley & Son; Gold-
er[ Russets, W. B. Battler & Son, E.
Willert; Ben Davis, W. B. Battler &
Son, Alice Bell; Wagners, R. Turner,
C. Truemner; Manna, W. B. Battler
& Son, H. H. Neeb; Alexanders, J.
McKinley & Son; Maiden's. Blush, F.
Kochems; Blenheim Pippen, R. Turn-
er; Pewaukee, C. Truemner, W. B.
Battler & Son; Colverts, C. Truem-
ner, J. McKinley & Son; 20 -oz. Pip -
pen, R. Turner, P. Schwalm; Tatman
Sweet, W. lit. Battler & Son, R.
Turner• Bartlett Pear C Truemner,
Leicester — Shearling ram, aged
ram, shearling ewe, ram lamb, W.
McAllister & Son; ewe lamb, J. Alli-
son, W. B. Battler & Son; ewe having
raised lambs in 1923, W. McAllister
& Son.
Lincoln—Aged ram, T. Snowden, G.
Penhale; Shearling ewe, G. Penhale
and 2nd; -ram lamb, G. Penhale and
2nd; ewe lamb, E. Snowden; ewe
having raised lambs in 1923, G. Pen -
hale, T. Snowden.
Shropshire—Shearling ram, aged
ram, shearling ewe, ram lamb, ewe
lamb, ewe having raised lamb in
1923, J. A. Manson & Son.
Fine Wool—Ram lamb, T. Snow-
den; ewe having raised lambs in
1923, T. Snowden; fat sheep, any
class, T. Snowden, W. McAllister &
Tamworth—Aged sow, J. A. Man-
son and 2nd; aged boar, T. Snowden;
spring boar, J. A. Manson, T. Snow-
den; spring sow, T. Snowden, J. A.
Yorkshire—Aged sow, E. Willert,
A. Johnston & Son; spring sow, E,
Willert; Dr, O'Dwyer's Special, T.
Hamburgs (c and h) G. Heywood;
Barred Plymouth Rocks, (c) G. Hey-
wood, J. Thiel; (h) J. Thiel, G. Hey-
wood; (cr) J. Thiel, R. McClinchey &
Son; (p) R. McClinchey & Son; White
Plymouth Rocks, (c) T. Snowden, G.
Datars; (h) G. Datars, T. Snowden ;
(cr & p) T. Snowden, G. Datars, H.
Yungblut; Light Brahmas, (c) Dr, A.
J. McKinnon, W. B. Battler & Son;
(h) W. B. Battler & Son, Dr. A. J.
McKinnon; (cr and pi J. Thiel, Dr.
McKinnon; Black Minorcas, (c & h)
W. B. Battler & Son; S. C. W. Leg -
horns, (c, h & p) G. Heywood and
2nd; S. C. Brown Leghorns, (c & h)
W. B. Battler & Son; Buff Orping-
tons, (c) G. Farwell; (h) G. Datars;
(cr & p) G. Datars; White Wyan-
dottes, c, h, cr and p) G. Heywood
and 2nd; Silver Lace Wyandottes (p)
G. Datars and 2nd; Rhode Island
Reds, (c) Dr. A. J. McKinnon, G.
Heywood; (h & cr), G. Heywood and
2nd; (p) Dr. A. J. McKinnon, G.
Heywood; Anconas, (c) W. B. Bat-
tler & Son, F. Kochems; (h) F.
Kochems, W. B. Battler & Son; cr
and p), F. Kochems; Bantams, any
variety, (c, h, cr & p), W. B. Battler
& Son and 2nd; Collection of Pigeons,
H. Yungblut, A. Foster; Pekin China
Ducks, (old) E. & R. Snowden, G.
Datars; (young), G. Datars; Rouen
Ducks, (old) P. Schwalm, W. B. Bat-
tler & Son; (young), W. B. Battler
& Son and 2nd; ducks, -any variety,
(old), R. McClinchey; Muscovie
Ducks, (old) E. Willert; (young), L.
Rader; Silver Pencil Wyandottes, (c
and h), R. McClinchey; Buff Leg -
horns, (c) G. Heywood and 2nd; (h)
G. Heywood, J. Thiel; Geese, (old)
E. & R. Snowden; (young), W. 13.
Battler & Son; Toulouse Geese, (old)
W. R. Battier & Son; Dr. A. .1. Mc-
Kinnon's Special, G. Heywood.
White Fall wheat T. Snowden, C.
Truemner, E. Willert; red fall wheat,
M. Rader, H. A. Fuss, A. Johnston &
Son; Spring wheat, any vaziety, M.
Rader; 6 -rowed barley, C. Truemner,
M. Rader, P. Foster; white oats, E.
& R. Snowden, R. Turner, C. Truem-
ner; small peas, M. Rader, C. Truem-
ner; rye, A. Johnston & Son; buck-
wheat, M. Rader, G. Datars; red
clover seed, M. Rader, G. Datars
Alsike clover, 0. Koehler, A. John-
ston & Son, C. Truemner; sweet
clover seed, T. Snowden, G. Datars;
Subscriptions received at
all branches for ' the new
Dominion of Canada Loan
Victor% Rohde maturing on let November
may be exchanged. for \bonds of the new
loan at any branch of this Bank.
Full information and application forma
on request.
Bruce&eld St. Marye larltiton
Exeter Clinton Henan Zurich
Baking — Loaf white bread, J.
Jacobi, 0. Koehler; loaf nut bread,
(quick), Dr. J. A. McKinnon, Mrs. E.
Darling; raised buns or rolls, Mrs. G.
Hess, E. & R. Snowden; tea biscuits,
G. Jacobi, Mini. E. Darling; rolled
sugar cookies, A. Johnston & Son, E.
& R. Snowden; rolled ginger cookies,
It Geiger, A. Johnston & Son; cheese
tarts, J. Decker, Sr., Mrs. E. Darling;
fried cakes, G. Jacobi, A. Johnston &
Son; loaf cake, E. & R. Snowden, Dr.
J. A. McKinnon; dark layer cake, G.
Jacobi, R. Geiger; light layer cake,
A. Johnston & Son, G. Jacobi; cus-
tard or cream pie, R. Geiger, Dr. J. A.
McKinnon; cherry pie, 2 crust, J.
Decker, Sr., A. Johnston & Son; meat
loaf, A. Johnston & Son.
Canned Fruit.—Rhubarb, Dr. J. A.
McKinnon, A. Johnston & Son; rasp-
berries, Dr. J. A. McKinnon, T. John-
son; strawberries, Dr. J. A. McKin-
non; cherries, Dr. J. A. McKinnon, A.
Johnston & Son; pears, Dr. J. A. Mc-
Kinnon, T. Johnson; yellow tomato,
J. Decker, Sr.; citron, T. Johnson, Dr.
J. A. McKinnon; plums, A. Johnston
& Son, Dr. J. A. McKinnon; peaches,
Dr. J. A. McKinnon; currant jam, T.
Johnson, J. Decker, Sr.; berry jam,
J. Hilborn, Dr. J. A. McKinnon; other
native fruit jam, T. Johnson; grape
jelly, W. Hey, J. Decker, Sr.; currant
jelly, J. Decker, Sr., Dr. J. A. Mc-
Kinnon; mixed vinegar pickles, M.
Rader, Dr. J. A. McKinnon; mustard
pickles, Dr. J. A. McKinnon, E. & R.
Ii. H. 'Neeb; Peaches, P. Schwalm ; Snowden; catsup, Dr. J. A. McKin-
Prunes, Mrs. G. Hess, T. Johnson; non, A. Johnston & Son; pickled red
crab applea, red, Alice Bell, J. Mc- cabbage, Dr. J. A. McKinnon, A.
Kinley & Son; hest plate of grapes, Johnston & Son; canned tomatoes,
W. B. Battler & Son, 3. Pfaff; best red, Dr. J. A. 'McKinnon, J. Decker,
collection of grapes, W. B. Battler & Sr.; canned corn, Dr. J. A. McKin-
Son; best plate of plums, T. John- non, J. Decker, Sr.; W. H. Pflle Spe-
ston, F, Kochems; collection of plums cial, G. Datars; T. L. William's Spe-
four varieties, 'I'. Johnson; most valu- cial, G. Jacobi.
able collection of canned fruit, six LADIES' NEEDLEWORK
varieties, A. Johnston & Son, Dr. A.
McKinnon; Stade and Weido Special,
E. & R. Snowden; T. Eaton Special,
G. Daters.
World's Wonder Potatoes, H. A.
Fuss; Red and White Elephant Pota-
toes, M. Rader; Rural New York, J.
Hilborn, P. Foster, J. A. Smith; any
variety, late, J. Hilborn, P. J. Haber- man's ' sleeping garment machine
er, E. Willert; any variety, early, M. made, J. Hilborn, A. Johnston & Son;
Rader; Green Mountain, T. Johnson, child's made over dress, R. Geiger, J.
R. Turner, M. Rader; Irish Cobbler, Hilborn; bed sheet, handmade un -
M. Rader, J. Hilborn, Mrs. G. Hess; laundered, M, Routledge, G. Jacobi ;
corn, flint variety, T. Snowden, G. kitchen apron, W. Seibert, M. Rout.'
Gasho; dent variety, T. Snowden, H. ledge; knitted sweater coat, J. Pfaff,
Yungblut- sweet corn, E. & R. Snow- . W. Hoffman; shoulder shawl, J. Hil-
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
.Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
0 "$'ager"' boxes of 12 tablets --Alco bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
irks ldIpfeit. trade talar e (registered In Canadal of Bayer Msnvfacture of Mono-
cid tum t' dr:6a 01 Y e public aB inetne tfmttattona, tae Tablets oof15 well known that NBayern an. Bayer
Ins d to` with
.lii! stempod With' ORM general trado mark, She "Bayo. Crosse"
Domestic—Quilt, pieced cotton, R.
Geiger, Mrs. E. Darling; quilt, fancy
quilting, cotton, R. Turner, Alice Bell;
comforter, home-made. M. Folliek, J.
Preeter; bedspread, knit or crochet, J.
Gelinas, Sr., T. Johnson: bed spread,
fancy or other hand work, J. Preeter,
G. Jacobi; ladies' house dress, cot-
ton, Dr. J. A. McKinnon, J. Hilborn;
den, T. Snowden; black sweet corn, J.
Decker, Sr.; large red onions, Mrs. E,
Darling, T. Snowden; large yellow
onions, Mrs. E. Darling, M. Rader ; 1 Hilborn, Mrs. E. Darling; hand knit
Dutch setts, P. Schwalm; white field mitts, double, J. Hilborn, W. B. Bat -
born, C. Truemner; hand knit wool
socks, coarse, G. Jacobi, W. B. Battler
& Son; hand knit wool socks, fine, J.
carrots, E. & R. Snowden, T. Snow-,
den; red garden carrots, Mrs. G. Hess;
Dr. J. A. McKinnon; Swedish turnips,
H. Krueger, 0.. Koehler; long red
mangolds, H. Krueger, W. B. Battler
& Son; Intermediate mangolds, H.
Krueger, F. Haberer; sugar beet
mangolds, F. Haberer, M. Rader;
Oxford cabbage, J. Gasho, J. A.
Smith; Drumhead cabbage, J. Gasho,
J. A. Smith; blue cabbage, J. Gasho,
Mrs. E. Darling; Black Spanish rad-
ish, W. B. Battler & Son, R. Geiger;
white radish, W. B. Battler & Son ;
cauliflower, Mrs. E. Darling, J.
Decker, Sr.; garden beans, M. Rader;
Vanished After Using Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"Branchton, Ont.—"When I wrote
to you for help my action mostly
prompted by
ity. I wondered if
I, too, would benefit
by your medicine. It
was the most profit-
able action I have
ever taken, I heart-
ily assure you, for
through its results I
am relieved of moat
of my sufferings. I
have taken six boxes
of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can
honestly say i have never been so well
before. I had suffered from pains and
other troubles since I was fifteen years
old, and during the 'Great War' period
I worked on munitions for two years,
and, in the heavy lifting which.my work
called for, I strained myself, causing
pelvic inflammation from which I have
suffered untold agony, and I often had
to give up and go to bed. I had doctored
for several years without getting per-
manent relief, when I started to take
your medicines."—Mrs. GoLDWIN MIS-
ENER, Branchton, Ont.
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi-
cine Co. CobourgOntario,forafreecopy
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -
Book upon " Ailments of Women." o
tier & Son; hand knit mitts, fine, T.
Johnson, H. H. Neeb; darning worn
sock or stocking, M. Rader, H. H.
Neeb; mending worn table linen, T.
Johnson. J. Hilborn; floor mat, braid-
ed, R. Turner, J. Hilborn; floor mat,
other kind, J. Gasho, R. Turner; home
laundry white shirt or shirt waist, T.
Johnson, A. Johnston & Son.
Fancy—ljish crochet, G. Jacobi, A.
Johnston & Son; filet crochet, cotton,
Mrs. E. Darling, M. Routledge; knit-
ted lace, J. Hilborn, T. Johnston;
crochet lace, Mrs. E. Darling, R. Gei- '
ger; Duchess lace, J Holborn, M. Fol -
lick; Honiton lace, T. Johnson, Mrs.
E. Darling; Swedish weave, J. Hol-
born, J. Preeter; drawn thread work,
R. Geiger, Mrs. G. Hees; tatting, R.
Geiger, W. G. Hess; embroidery, eye-
let, J. Holborn, J. McKinley & Son ;
embroidery French, Mrs. G. Hess, M.
Routledge; embroidery, Hardanger,
Mrs. A. Cochrane, T. Johnson; emb.,
Roman Cut, H. A. Fuss, Miss A.
Cochrane; emb„ Bulgarian, Mrs. E.
Darling, T. Johnson; emb., French
Knot, Mrs. E. Darling, W. Hey; emb.,
Cross Stitch, Mrs. E. Darling, Miss
A. Cochrane; emb., Modern Floral,
Mrs. E. Darling, T. Johnsen; speci-
men modern beading. A. Johnston &
Son, J. Preeter; specimen hand hem-
stitch, single, T. Johnson, Mrs. G.
Hess; luncheon set, 7 pieces, Mrs. E.
Darling, W. Hey; tea, cloth embroid-
ered, W. L. Seibert, Mrs. E. Darling;
tea cloth, other hand work, Mrs. E.
Darling, W. L. Seibert; set table doy-
leys, W. L. Seibert, M. Routledge; set
table mats, J. Holborn, Mrs. E. Darl-
ing; serviettes, handwork, Mrs. E.
Darling, T. Johnston; table cloth, 6
napkins emb., initials, J. Holborn, T.
Johnson; pair tray cloths, Mrs. E.
Darling, Miss A. Cochrane; tea cosey,
wool, W. Hey, Mrs. E. Darling; tea
cosey, other hand work, W, Hey, Mrs.
E. Darling; service tray, Miss A.
Cochrane, 11. A. Fuss; centre piece,
white other than emb., Mrs. E. Darl-
ing, M. Routledge; 'buffet set, three
pieces, Mrs. E. Darling, W. H. Hoff-
Bedroom Furnishings—Pair pillow
slips, embroidered, W. Hey, W. L.
Seibert; pair other hand trimmed,
Mrs. E. Darling, J. Holborn; fancy
sheet, Mrs. E. Darling, J. Preeter ;
pair towels embroidered, W. L. Sei-
bert, Mrs. E. Darling; bath towels
trimmed, Mrs. G. Hess, J. Preeter ;
pair guest towels other hand trim-
ming, Mre. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Cosh -
(continued on page 8.)
Insist on "Nugget"
The softer the leather the more
comfortable the shoe. Frequent
applications of "Nugget" will keep
the leather soft.
Shoe Polish
011' -.
A line
This le . 1ee
het* not .nit for
song, but ter both
Ing Want or Mor-
tar, cooking roue-
tables or pra.rr-
1ng. Be ante ewe
utensil son bay
..aim the aliP
There's.g like plptag hot, deRlehm
soap to start the meal. Here is a Sae
pot that will do a lot to help you make good
soup—the SMP Enna�mseIssd Wor sideklest ars London Kettle.after SCK' Enamiied Waw cleans �y as •
disk. Ask for
Three antenna 1 Pearl Were. two ..ab .f Deere pfd
enamel bald. and oat Dleaend Ware. three .ants. iliYfatA.
blas and white outside, whit. Hales. 005.1 Ware.
.este, pure wilte inside and eat. with AWN BM WAS.
SHEET Mang Personas Ce mime 11
'wwwaiAL innate rewarmed
,0/lwwe a wsacmnee mor ewe,
waste time wishing you had a good business education, and
MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR
OPPORTUNITY to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world.
by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Coarse in
For information, write or phone.
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. A. STONE,
M. Accts., Prin. Phone 198. Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin.
We pay the farmer a premium for strictly
New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live
Poultry of all kinds.
Special arrangements will be made to handle
produce from a distance.
Phone or write us for regular weekly price
list which gives all the necessary information.
Gunn, Langlois & Company; Limited
Montreal, Quebec.
N. W. Trewartha
manager, Clinton Brunch.
Day Phone 190. Night Phone 214 W.
a f �
A '
i Iraj5vy,�
�! . ,„�o{�,4,4j..41#i. �, , �i....;i fi`2�tl� ,+:+�ii� ,% otxaevltifr,�u�( :reit.,, l: <,ae ..el.