HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-09-28, Page 14
'g, gt 4
a Tow b
delude -'4, rain 'on Friday best coll000n of grapes, AWWO,
spoiled any chance of an 0 WOW Z -A X •
the-- 'John Cardn*, $Worth. or�, ngerb
&P the efinual Fall Fair of
forth Agrieultmhd Society. T11 �XOMS AND VEGETABLES urns# R1 dar Shin-"
I day, the Ant day.,twas also
V07 wet; frisk ao**r early
but this did not =v
,,ant an excellent C4"ftV14 XQb0*,:Vri W. Ni
varlofm Kirk, Mrs.
display In the r de ortm* eggs, and xxx 'ro,
and the competition" as =1 be seen ubert .- f. n Carter,
by the prize Hot, Was very keen. Af- me wes� made maple
ter the ter otbiw
_0& thunderstorm on Dale. die Smith, W. Nicholl.
Thursday night it was taped that the I Brantf d Asphalt Shingl" W. Y. V d raspberries,
weather would be settled by Frid&y,l winter sealer
-but this hope Was not to be realized A. lK r. It,
I for rain fell nearly all day, reen
I Red awd G
and dur- eolm; WN cabbage, W
J. T
Ing the afternoon it was is cantina-
other Ram
X 4L W-1
ous downpour and many of the live bell- "a' ni 0, J. A."'
stock entries were unable to reach T. Malcolm; take awvp* alums
the grounds and had to be kept Ilk N. CLUFF1 &SONS, Seaforth, Ont. F'wwdftft*
otherwise' ther'e would have been an table carrots,
Malcolm, Normum Certo
exceptionally large entry in every rots, any other variety, J. T.
town. It was moo unfortunate, as
class, and the attendance promised to colm, C. Routkgige; A. M;Lvk
J. T. Malcolm V. T
be a record breaker. 'However, the & w
J. A.,%
merchants of the town made up for
blood beets, J. T.
red tom4ft"
the lobs sustained by the Fair Dirse-
utl ELU;
tora, as Main Street was lined with r, X. th R. $now&` otw"Utl tn" 0. 1 .
can, and the streets and stores were X% A tomatoes II.== of Inw; c—fted AT. Urk,
, 4 varietimi, IL - L, "
SEAF4�RT r aLL FAIR.- to , , Bdft Smith; Own, * "j -
den; sweet table own, T. N.
growded until late afternoon. As will
be peen by the advertisement on page William Hartry; field but Mrs. A.
IL Snow%
one of this issue, the Directors have POSTPONED UNTIL H4rt;ry, E.. & IL Snowden;. con ku" C
den . W.
dedided to hold a second fair on Set- of corn, G. T. Turnbu vinevar pickles, JL
L. & R. snow.
urday, October 6th, when the CorN T. N.
0 Pr*m- den; six stalks fodder
Snowden, Norman Carter; pickles, E. & IL gna;zz V
ium list in all the horse classes of SATURDAY, OCT. 6th I on'*= berry tomato catsup,� W.
this year's prize list' will *3e again' from seed. G. T. Turnbull, W. T. gree HE spontaneous enthusiasm with which every offered and the horse races and other Potheringham; onions from Dutch Mrs. A. Kirk d1ah-
W1 Meld. The High- zeta, G. T. Turnbull, A—
Bell, Wits, A. ift
n:� Cameron; Kirk- beat variety baking pko& from
,se landers Hand will V HORSE RACES red onions, G. T. Turnbull, William -woman greets the first glimpse of the attr4dions III be I
pe in attendance
Beautiful Coats is not the true measure of and an excellent af*noon's program 2.25 Pace, $150. Cameron; onions, white or YeUsw, G., one Lsi;h of dough, X01
2.15 Pace, #150, Running Race, $16.00.
these splendid garments. will be provided. The following Is a T. Turnbull; quart top oniom mttg, W. Jamieson; collection, bo#W
list of the successful prize winners T. Turnbull; pickling ofilzns, G. '@d, preserved,
n jams , , , _
Rather that measure must be read in the tireless in the classes judged: T.- Wes, jellies ark( A.
Turnbull- muBkmelolm, J. T. Mal -
persistence in which these coats continue to keep CATTLE HORSE CLASSES colm, W. Y. Fotheringham; water- Kirk.
mieson,(melons,T. roth-
Shorthom—Best,dow, V Heavy Draft, Agricultural, Perch47on, Roadster and Carriage, T. N. Snowden, W. Judges—Mrs. J.•
that beautiful finish and appearance that inspired W. S. Broadfoot, W. Jamieson; heifer AS advertised is Prize Links. eringharn- citrons, T. N. Snowden, Harry Charters, Seaforth. J
your first delight and admiration, three years old, W. Jamieson; heifer William 6ameron; Hubbard squash,
These garments are built not only to prove their 2 years old, W. JsmI4kkw and 2nd, W, W. T. Potheringham; two pumpkins Needlecraft -.-.Quilt, placed, or paw
S. Broadfoot; heifer"o-ne year old, W. for pies, William Cameron, Norman work, V. Terrylberry; comforter, Ale
superiority, but conclusively to confirm that super- Jamieson; senior bull calf, calved af- School Childrel's Parade, DriRs and Foot Races Carter; winter radish, J. T. Malcolm, or cotton, Anna, Bell, Miss S
it to the very end. Time will justify i ter Sept. 1st, 1922, M. Ciich, W. Jam- BOYS Murray; cucumbers, William ton; bed spread, Miss S
n every 8 years and un GIRIA Ymington, C�
ieson; junior heifer calf, calved after der ........ 769 ,j?c ream and ander ........ 75* ase •-Cameron, T. N. Snowden; butter Merrier; apron, unlaundered, vaoit
Goat, the Over 9 Years and under I*.. 76e isic Over 3 years and under 1e., 750 Sac beans, Mrs. A. Kirk, G. T. Turnbull- practical, Miss Symington, 36" IAV_
, enthusiaqm you experience Jan. lst, 1923, M. Crich, W. Jamieson Over 10 years and Under 12 75c Sic Over 10 years and under 12 75e Dee
when you first wear them. junior bull calf, calved after January Over 12 Y9&rs and under 15 75o 66c Over le YaLm and under 16 7bc 50c white beans, Thomas Kay, �. Chea-' ingstone; house dress, most prattlovA,
1st, 1923, M. Crich, W. Jamieson; ney; sugar marigolds, C. H. Holland, Mrs. Howrie; men's sleeping Car—
herd, consisting of 4 femalps and Bicycle Races for Pupils a( Rural and Urban Schools, J. E. Hugill; Swede turnips, W T. ment, machine made, Belle Svft;;,
Under 15 years, one half vile,
bull, W. Jamieson. n - lot and 2nd, Sweater Coats, Fotheringham, W. Beattie -' white or knitted Pullover sweater, Mrs. Now.
Grades—Best cow 3 years old or yellow carrots, William Cameron; rie; underskirt or slip, Miss Syming-
overThomas Dale, W. S. Broadfoot, largigst pumpkin, Norman Carter, J. ton; pair knitted socks hand rande,
Prices to WJamieson; amieson; beat cow in milk, W. GRAND BABY CONTEST A. Murray; collection of garden pro- Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingstone; hand
Jamieson, Thomas Dale, Claire Mer- BABIES, 6 MONTHS AND UNDER ri
ducts, W. T. Pothengham, J. T. Mal- knit mitts, Miss Symington, Wh&-
nem heifer one year old, Thomas Dale colm. Livingstone; floor rhat, braided Miss,
1st Prize—Purse, value $6.00 donated by E. Umbach. Judge—Jos. Atkinson, Egmondville, Livingstone, Miss Symington; to",
'11'. Jamieson, M. Case; heifer calf, 2nd Prize -$2.00 cash, donated by Dr. N. H. Roes. DOMESTIC PRODUCTS Irish crochet, Miss Livingstone,
calved since last September, Thomas 11
BABIES OVER 6 U014THS AND NOT OVIm 12 MONTHS Butter, crock, 25 lbs. winter use, Howrie; lace, fillet, cotton,Mrs.
MENS OVERCOATS Dale and 2nd; steer calf, calved since
last Septeiri!ber, W. Black, George i Ist-1 dozen photos, value $7.50, donated by D. F. Buck. Robt, A. Campbell, W-. Jamieson, Howrie, Miss Livingstone; lace, keit
Lowery. 2nd—Goods, $2ZO, donated by Thompson Scott. Norman Carter; butter, 3 pounds in ted, cotton, Miss Symington, 10u.
Butchers' Cattle Steer or heifer 1 To be held in Front of Fair Hall at 4 P.m, Sarp pound prints, W. Jarni- Livingstone- tatting display,
That Fear No Comparison - Jamieson, Mrs. J. Livingston
year old, W. Jamieson, Thomas Date, Fxpert Judges provided. ngton; drawls L. Kerr, Robert A. Campbell; butter I e: Miss Symington;
-work, display; baby beef, W. Black, W. S. Broadfoot� one dozen individual pa Miss Symington'. t1r.
-1ast 'word in Ove pats, J. Chea- Cteariey- ;
rcbAt construction, was M. Crich. SHAIFORTIC HIGHLANDERW BAND IN ATTENDANCE #*X.7 W. Jamieson; best butber, sh,
necessary to give these Coats those sturdy Jersey—Best cow, F. Winter, J. R. Admission, 25c. Cam, 25c. Mrs. J. L. Kerr; honey in comb, r"In., e (r e in it i-r7oo ia' Z Ir Inow3en,"Imb
Howrie; embroidery cross sti
T Govenlock. Children, 15c.' Hartry, W. D. Hoag; honey, extract- tch, Mrs -
wearing qualifications concealed beneath Polled Angus—Heifer calf, Robert DR. HARBURN, R. M. JONES, M.BRODERI ed Wrn. Hartry, W. D. Hoag; display James Archibald, Miss Livingstone; -
graceful folds and attrac- McMigbael; bull calf, T. Dale. President Treasurer. of honey, William Hartry, W. D . embroidel�y, hardanger, Miss Syming-
Special—For the best herd of Dairy
tive styles and colorings, secretary. Hoag; dozen hen's eggs, white shell, ton, Mrs. Howrie; embroidery, cut
cattle, not less than 4 females, donat- Frances Winter Norman Carter; 1 work display, Mrs. Howrie; embroid-
dozen ery, Bulgarian, Mrs. Howrie, -Miss
will pay for just son, T. Dale. son, Mrs. R. Wright; ght; dressed chick- Symington; embroidery, modern con.
and all is, at no more cost Ed by Wrh. Black, M. P.—W. Jamie- hen's eggs, brown, W. Jamie
than y7a ri ventional, colors, Mrs. Howrie, Miss
en, Norman Carter and 2nd; Special,
Judge—P. A. McArthur, Parkhill. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Carter, H. Crich; crab apples, red, _ Livin tone.
ordinary -coats. No picture SHEEP, J. DeCourcy Hutchison, 100 lbs. Red V
Dining -Room Purnishings—Lunch-
E. Hugill, G. C. Dale; Rhode Island path sugar, for best 20 one -pound
—no words des- Shropshiredowns—Aged ram, W, H. Crich 6 named varieties winter Greening, H. Crich, W. eon set, 5 pieces, embroidered, Miss
can show Collection of apples, 12 varieties --
G. Ross, John Manson & Son; ram Charters; prints of butter, W. Jamieson; Spe-
cribe the -compelling appeal lamb, W. G. Ross and 2nd; ewe hav apples V. Crich, E. & R. Snowden •; Fa llawater, H. Crich, V. Terryberry; tial, Best 3 lb. print of butter, pair Livingstone, Mrs. Ho*rie; luncheorr
Ing raised lambs in 1923, W. G. Ros - 4 named varieties fall apples, V. Canadian Red, H. Crich, J. T. Mal. ladies' Oxfords donated by F set, five pieces, other handwork, Miss fi
these Coats make to your Terryberry, Herbert Crich; Baldwins, colm; McIntosh Red, H. Crich; Tal- Wig W. W. Jamieson. W. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; tea cloth,
sense of - -good taste. jAll and 2nd; ewe lamb, W. G. Ross, John, H. Crich,
Manson & Son. V. Terryberry- King of man Sweet, J. E. IliH_ Crich. Judges—Mrs. J. F. Reid, Mrs, H. Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie- set
Thompkins, W. Charters, J. E. Hugill; Pears--Clapp's iig� 0 te of table mats, Miss Livingstonz, J.'�,
the new colorings and de- Lincolns—Aged ram, ram lamb, �'Fv W. D. Charters.
ewe having raised lambs in 1923, ewe Northern Spies, J. T. Malcolm, Hoag; Sheldon, William Hart ry; DOMESTIC SCIENCE Chesney; set of table doyleys, Miss...
Signs are here in wondrous Frances Winter; Golden Russett W. Beure d'Aniou, H. Crich. Livingstone, Miss Symington; tray'
lamb—George Penhale took all priz- Jamieson, W. Charters. Loaf white bread, W. Jamieson, Z,
variety 11 belt, three- es in this class. Westfield Peaches—Early Crawford, Mrs, A. Wm. Charters, R. B. Scott; loaf gra- loth, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrieq,:_
centre piece, Mrs. Howrie, M
ter & Son; ram lamb, Win. Charters, son; serviettes, J. Chesney,
Leicester—Aged ram, W. McAllis- Crich; Wealthy, V. Terryberry, H. Hays; any other variety, O. Neal. Brownlee, Jr.; loaf nut bread (quick)
piece Ulster, slip-on Seek -no -further, W. Cfiarters, H. Hays Crawford, O. Neal, Mrs. A. ham bread, J. T. Malcolm, Mrs. G.
four initial -
and Cfiesterfields in color- W. McAllister & Son; ewe having H. Crich, V. Terryberry; Gravenstein, Sugar Plums, Mrs, A. Hays; Brad- raised buns, Mrs. G. Brownlee, Jr., E. monogrammed, Mrs. Howrie
Brownlee, Jr.; ed or mon napkins
Crich; Pewaukee, H. Crich; Ontario, Plums Lombards Frances Winter; Mrs. R. Wright, Mrs. G. Bro Turnbull; table
ings from the' light Louvats, raised lambs in 1923, Wm. Charters, H. Crich; Cayuga Red Streak or 20- shave , William centre piece holder, Mrs. Howrie�
and 2nd; ewe lamb, William Char- Ounce, J. T. Malcolm; Pameuse or Hartry; any other & R. Snowden; baking powder big-
dpli fitful heathen a n d ters, W. MeAllistemr & Son. variety, Mrs. A. Hays. buffet, 3 piece, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs
Snow Apple, J. R. Hugill; cuits, R. B. Scott, J. T.' Malcolm; Howrie.
Calvert, Grapes—Niagara, H. Crich, Oscar rolled oatmeal cookies, J. T. Malcol Bedroom Furnishings—Day slips,
So'Xilre" Browns to the con- Dorset Horned—Ram lamb, W. C. Norman Carter, H. Crich; Mann, W. Neil; Concord, H. Crich, J. A Mur- Mrs. G. Brownlee Jr.- fried cakes, N .
Pearce. H
..Yative greys and dressy Charters, H. Crich; Maiden Blush, N. ray; Rogers No. 9 (Ltdley), William Mrs. Howrie; Pillow slips, pair em-
Judge—James Dorrance, Seaforth. Carter, W. Jamieson; Johnny cake, W.
blacki., "roidered, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
Cainee in and t on
try PIGS Howrie; pair pillow slips, other hand'
one, these wonderful Yorkshire—Boar, 1 year old or work, Belle Smith G. T. Turnbull
over, R. W. Johns; sow littered in I
6ats; 'f�effhe cozy comfort; 1923, N. Carter; boar under I year pair of towels embroidered, Miss
esigns o
see the *oming dld, R.� W. Johns: sow I year or over, Livingstone, J. Chesney; pair of
Norman Carter. towels, other handwork, Miss Living -
4,.:`AAd16s and 'hear the stone, J. Chesney; fancy sheet an&.
-Berkshire --Sow littered in 1923, W.
regslonible prtee's. & Pearce; boar under one year Pillow slips to match, J. Chesney;
W. C. Pearce. dresser set, 3 piece, Miss Livingstone;
Bacon—Best bacoil hog, Norman dresser runner, washable, E. & R.
Tices'svgi to $35 Carter, W. C. Pearce; best two grad,&, Snowden, Mrs. Howrie.
bogs under six months, Norman Car- Ladies' Wear—Night robe, em -
0 f
_j� broidered,'
ter, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
Howrie; night robe, other handwork,
Ju'dge--James Dorrance, Seaforth. Traveling Caravan Exhibit V. Pyper, Mrs. Howrie; camisole,
V. Pyper, Miss Livingstone; fancy
Barred Rocks (c) J. McCulloch & handkerchief, 3 styles, handwork, G,
S SPECIAL Sons and 2nd; (h) J. McCulloch &
T. Turnbull, Mrs. Howrie; pair bed -
Sons and 2nd; (er) J. McCullough & FORD Transportation and Power room slippers, Miss Symington, Miss -
Sons, C. Hugill; (p) J. McCulloch & Livingstone.
Hose Men's Ribbed Sons, E. Eaton; Partridge Rocks, Infants' Wear—Short dress, wash -
(c, h & cr) J. McCulloch & Sons and Demonstrating the surprising variety of uses for FORD Cars, Trucks able, Miss Livingstone, Belle Smith -
variety Game Ban- bonnet
2nd; any other va, Mis,4 Symington, Miss Liv'
i 'Women Underwear tams (c & h) J, McCulloch & Sons; and Tractors, and the many new kinds of Farm Machinery in action' ingstone; wool jacket, Miss Living -
any other variety Cochin Bantams, with FORDSON TRACTORS. stone, Miss Symington; set of under-
. 0i
(c) L. Bateman, any other variety
garments, Miss Livingstone, Miss
69c $1.25 Also various types of FORD TRUCK BODIES and Equipment for Indtqs--
Bantams, (c & h) James Carling;
T Symington.
Spangled Hamburgs (c & h), J. Me-
trial and Farming Purposes. Living Room Furnishings—Table
are )6`piman's A clearing of factory Culloch & Son; (cr & p) William colored, Miss Symington,
Hart; Minorcan (c & h) Claire Mer- Its a revelation of the way FORD Power and Transportation serves
Vii" lei' htl broken lines in ribbed
Mrs. Howrie, centre piece, colored,
ner; (cr) C. Merner, B. Merrier; Sil- Mrs. Howrie; sofa Pillow, eTribroider-
e ver Laced Wyandottes (c, h, cr & p) Canada. ed, Violet Pyper, Mrs. Howrie; sofa
embroider -
aged hose, little UnderWear, all sizes, in- Peter Daley and 2nd; White Wyan Moving Pictures,of great interest will be shown continuously during the pillow, other handwork, Miss Syming-
ged you W I I I -cluding Penman's, Tiger
lydottes (c) B. Powell, J. McCulloch & ton, Mrs. Howrie.
detect ft. They Brand and Dodds' Knit. afternoon and evening. One of the feature pietureF; will show how
Son; (h, er & p) Baden Powell and Miscellaneous—Single piece, fancy -
f wool, black dash- They are good, clean- 2nd; Golden Laced Wyandottes, (c, h, TRACTORS are made, from the raw material to the finished needlework, not listed. Miss Syming-
er & p) Peter Daley and 2nd; Rhode article. This picture alone is well worth coming to see. These pie- ton, J. Chesney; collection of 6 pieces -
,one -of Penman's stock and will give ex- Island Reds, (c & h), J. McCullochtures will be shown in a large tent on the ground. of fancy needlework, Miss Living -
best ea. Sizes 8 to cellent wear. They are & Son and 2nd; Rose Comb R. I.
stone, Miss Symington; centre piece,
10. 911 Reds, J. McCulloch & Son, Moscevite This is one of the LARGEST TRAVELLING EXHIBITS of its kind ever colored, Miss Livingstone, Violet
Leghorn Pyper.
ould sell re arty warm and comfortable. Ducks, .14- McMann; White Legh staged in Canada, and will be in SEAFORTH for ONE DAY ONLY.
at si.25. 1 8
single comb (h, er & p) C. H. Hol- Judge- --Mrs. W. F. Clark.
SPIECJAL SPECIAL land; White Leghorn, rose comb (p) 'ARTS
H. Holland; any other variety Leg- I �t
Paintings—Landscape, from na-
�`69c PRICE .... . $14,25 s, (c &h) James Carling; Ancon- il.
PRICE, horn, 011 J. R. Archibald's Farm on oil
ture. Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie-;-
act, (c) J. G. Mullen, J. E. Hugill; Friday, Oct. 5
marine view, copy, Miss Livingstone,
(p) J. G. Mullen and 2nd; Rouen Huron Road, East of Seaforth Mrs 11
Howrie; animals, copy, Miss.
S t ducks, Isabel Eaton; biggest and best Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; still fife, ii
collection pigeons, Mrs. Workman and *bject, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. How -
2nd; any other variety rabbits, young J. F. DALY, Seaforth rie,•
doe, L. Bateman; any other variety
rabbits, young. buck, L. Bateman; Authorized Ford Dealer. Water Colors—Landscape, copy,
old q,
a.r Bros,, buck, L. Bateman; old doe, L. Bate- Clare Merrier, Miss Livingstone; mar-
P"VERYTHING IS FREE. ine view, nature Mrs. Howrie, Clow
Judge—Walter Rose, Brussels. e; animals or figure work, 0.
(continued on uses 4.)