HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-09-07, Page 8vntuc^:iyri' ::f
nothy Seed
:.`kYpurity No.1
Phone No. 6.
Come Here And
gave Money
Search the markets and you will
find nothing to match the values we
lave in Shoes.
The Williams' Make $3.75
The Climax Make $3.00
Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. O. Thomas, of Bracebridge, Ont.,
announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Shelagh Evelyn, to
Mr. Russell Maxwell Best, of Brace -
bridge, son of Mr. J. M. Beat and
the late Mrs. Best, of Seaforth, Ont.,
the marriage to take place quietly in
We can show you Women's and
Childrelf s Shoes that wear and at
prices that Challenge Comparison.
Thorobred Flour
10 Bars Naptha Soap
10 Bars Comfort Soap
Phone 72.
was a Liberal in politics. The de-
ceased was a great lover of books
and deeply interested in public af-
fairs. Of a cheerful disposition, his
conversation was interesting at all
times and' never more so than when
recalling early memories. He de-
lighted in flowers and always had
some choice blooms in his garden.
The funeral was held from his late
residence, North Main Street, to Mait-
landbank cemetery, on Saturday af-
ternoon, and many townmen gather-
ed to pay their last tributes. Rev. F.
Irwin, of the Methodist church, in
conducting the service, referred to
the upright, Christian character and
blameless life of the deceased. Beau-
tiful floral tributes were sent from
friends in Detroit, Toronto, London,
Brussels, Londesboro and from Sea -
forth people. Surviving the deceas-
ed are his wife, and four children,
William, of California; Mrs. Fesch,
New Westminster, B. C.; May, of
Detroit, and Mrs. Boyes, of Tucker -
smith. Miss Jessie Stobie, of Port-
age La Prairie, Man., and Mrs. Fisher
of Toronto, are sisters, and two bro-
thers are Henry Stobie, of Aitkin,
N. Il., and Jol*p Stobie, of Buffalo,
N. Y.
Huron Presbyterial.—The semi-an-
nual conference of the Huron Presby-
terial Society will be held in Carmel
Church, Hensall, on Tuesday, Sept.
11th. There will be morning and af-
ternoon sessions at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Addresses will be delivered by Dr.
or Mrs. Struthers, of Holum, North
China, and Mrs. Johnston, President
of the Toronto Presbyterial Society,
a sister of Dr. Wilke, of India.
Bowling Tournament ---Commencing
at noon after the heavy morning's
rain the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club
held a most successful doubles tour-
ney on Monday, 34 pairs participat-
ing, Goderich, Hensall, Lucknow,
Owen Sound, Mitchell and Bayfield
being well represented. The Say-
auge trophy was won by Dr. H. H.
Ross and W. Marshall Stewart, Sea -
forth, over Dr. Bechely and W. T.
Thompson. The second event was won
by Jack Beattie and Harry Stewart,
Seaforth. over Tom Reid and Joe
Agnew, Lucknow.
The Schools.—The public school did
not open on Tuesday last, owing to
the very extensive improvements
made to the buildings this summer,
not having been completed, and the
pupils received an extra week's holi-
days. The school will re -open on
Monday, September 10th.
—The Collegiate Institute re -open-
ed on Tuesday with a complete staff
of teachers and an enrolment of 237
pupils. There are 41 pupils in the
Upper School; 69 in Middle School;
59 in Second Form and 68 in First
Form. This is one of the largest
attendances ever recorded.
pplies . °
Buy Early and Avoid the Rush.
Here are a few of the Supplies
that we carry:—
Scribblers, Note Books, Loose
Leaf Note Books, Foolscap Pads,
Lead Pencils, Pens, Water Colors,
Crayons, Chalk, Slates, Slate Pen-
eila, Ink, Erasers, Etc.
Opposite Expositor Office. Phone 62.
Don't Forget
The Children should have their
Photos taken before school starts.
Amateur finishing a specialty.
D. F. Buck
Lpoab Leaf Books
Exercise Books Scribblers
Foolscap Pada Drawing Books
Mathematical Sets
Fountain Pens Everaharp Pencils
Rulers Ink Erasers
Paints . ' 'Chalk Crayons
Pens 'Slates Pencils
Pencil Boxes School Bags
Mucilage Paste
Furnished rooms to tet, near Collegiate
Institute. Aypiy at 'rhe Expositior estee.
Fee Sale.--'Pwo-paeuenker car, good repair.
Bargain for a quick purchaser. Mau. John
Turner. 290801
For Bala—Now Idea range in good con-
dition. Apply to William Deem, Wart William
Street, Seaforth, Ont. 2908-1
Ambitious men, position open, olerka,
.alermen. stenographers, bookkeepers. unlim-
ited opportunities. "Oroupation," Suite 27-28,
Page Bldg., '1'orontry. Ont. 2908-1
Loot—Plush lap robe on the London stood
between Charier Wasmen's and Seaforth. Will
the party who found it please return it and
receive reward. Charles Warman, R. R. No.
3, Kippm- 2905-1
For Sale.—Five room oottwre, newly paint-
ed. and ore -fifth Imre dot, on south side of
John Street. Seaforth. For further partieu-
tars address Manager. }lux 207, Clinton, OnL
House to Rent.—To rent on Louisa Street.
Sesforth, frame house; electric lights and
furnace. Immediate possession. Apply to F.
G. Neelin, Sesforth. 23)5-tf
Lost.- rnetween Motherwell and Goderich,
hayfield. on'rueaday. August 58th,
brown Ruston bag containing a lady's pee -
octal effects.
GudFi Finder
r pase communicate to
Box 1 andreceive reward.
Neck For Found. A dark grey neck fur
was found. which was put by mistake in an-
other Italie.' coat sleeve at Dublin dance,
August 24th. Owner may have some by
proving properly and paying for advertise-
ment Apply at Expositor Office. 2907.tf
For Sale.—A 7 -roomed frame house and six
lots of land, near Merner's Mill: electric
lights, bath room, furnace and all modern
conveniences. Barn and henhouse, the Prop-
erty of Pat Curtin. Apply to R. S. EHays,
Music. - Miss Annie G. Govenlock, Gradoote
Teachers' C'uuroe Canadian Academy of Mu,-
announcee the immediate re—opening of
her classes in
pian.. organ and [berry.
Pupils will bepremised for Canadian Aca(1-
emy and the Toronto Conservatory of Music
,animation. .Studio North Main Street,
Seaforth. Phony 102. 2908-4
of Mrs: *SOWS niothas, MP, Ii
Charters, left on' Satueday for their
home in Saskatoon. -.-. Il iss Ethel
Daley, of Walkerton, visited her
grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Daley, last Week.—Miss Rose Dorsey
is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs,
Lewis Dillon, DD iblin.—Mr. end Mr's.
Robert McKenzie were visiting with
Toronto and Hamilton friends this
week,—, Mrs. F. , Kling and children,
1 of Egmondvllle, returned the first of
the week front a pleasant visit with
friends in Beamsville and Port Dai-
'housie.—Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Shilling
law and Miss Gladys, of Tuckersmith,
Iwere Toronto visitors this week.—
Mrs. McKay, of Port Huron, is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Box,—Mr. J. M. Ballantyne, of
Preston, spent the week end with his
Thomsons' father, Mr. William Ballantyne, in
a- Harpurhey. — Mr. -and Mrs. W. L.
BOOKSTORE! - - SEAFORTE Keys have returned to their home
— here after spending a month in Bay-
field.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKin-
at the home of Major and Mrs. R. ley spent several days last week in
S. Hays.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart Brampton.—Mrs. Ed. Hunt has re -
are in Toronto this week.—Mr. Har- turned to her home in McKillop after
old Twitchell, of Detroit, is visiting ' a two months'dvisit Butte, t
friends in
at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Winnipeg an
Golding.—Dr. L. G. Prendergast and W. Murdie, of Lucknow, spent the
Mr. and Mrs. D. Molyneaux and two holiday at the home of her brother,
boys, of Chicago, motored over and Mr. A. D. Sutherland.—Mrs. John -
are spending a couple of weeks with stone and Miss Ruth Pinkney spent
Mr. and Mrs. Themes O'Laughlin.— i Labor Day at the home' of Mr. R. L.
Mrs. Robert French is visiting with Clark.—Mrs. W. H. Bullard is able
Brussels friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. to be out again after several weeks'
Smith and Miss Mary Modeland, of'
illness,—The last band concert of the
Chesley, spent the holiday with season was held in Victoria Park on
friends here.—Mr. Frank Freeman, I Thursday evening. Seaforth High -
of Toronto, spent the week end at lander Band is one of the largest
his home here, --Miss Kate Steven- and beat musical organizations in
Millinn ery
Turner—Murphy. — A quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at the St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church, Wind-
sor, on Friday evening, August 31st,
at 8.30 o'clock, when Mabel Marie
Murphy was united in marriage to
Mr. Gordon Wallace Turner, by the
Rev. H. M. Paulin. The bride look-
ed charming in a frock of navy blue
canton crepe and wore a smart French
hat of velvet to match arid a wrap Hoose For Cote- Six -roamed frame couag
of brown fox. The only witnesses �s nae For
le. en al -roo with mt e
were Mrs. Phoebe Murphy, mother acre f rand, he❑ home: situated ''pool
of the bride, and formerly of Sea-) church sheds: electric lights. For further e'
north, Christine Morrison and Maur- beware apply to Mlea McLellan or 1 '1
1911“ oiler Office.
ice Pueget. The happy couple left Far Saie.—A good borne in Egnondsil
Saturday morning for a motor trip well situated- chase a, Seaforth, fine locx'.io
to Niagara Falls, On their return beautiful grounds, hard and soft ater, e
po sm crop Ihrht. to c,ohip taxes. Apply
they will reside at 151 Crawford St., thy premium m or write Margaret L. Pure
son, of Atwood, is a guest at the
home of Mrs. J. I'atterson.—Miss Ella
Archibald, of Toronto, spent Labor
Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Archibald.—Miss Verna Adams, of
Constance, left last week for Fenlon
Falls to fill a position on the staff of
the high school—Mrs. J. Gillespie, of
Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
W. Edmonds, who has been ill. --
Miss Belle Cummings left on Wed-
nesday for Ottawa.—Miss L. Staples,
of the Stratford General Hospital
staff, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
Mactavish.—Mrs. William Sclater and
daughter, Marion, who have been
visiting friends here for some weeks,
leave on Friday for their home in
Regina. They will be accompanied
by Mrs. William Sclater, Sr. — Mr.
Frank Rankin spent a few days in
Toronto last week.—Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Cluff are spending this week in
Toronto.—Mr. and Mrs. S. Deem and
family spent the holiday with friends
in Mitchell.—Mks Grainger, of the
Clinton Hospital. is spending a few
days here with her sister, Mrs. W.
Wright—Miss Beatrice Seip spent
the week end with friends in Wing-
ham.—Mrs. J. I. Hoffman, who has
been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
M. Y. McLean, fir some weeks, re-
turned to Detroit on Monday—Mr.
and M Pte Daley spent Sunday
Western Ontario, and their weekly
concerts during the season have been
thoroughly enjoyed, not only by the
people of the town, but by large num-
bers from adjoining places and peo-
ple from the country for miles around.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Hinchley, of
Stratford, spent the week end with
Seaforth friends. — Mr. Warren
Ament, of Detroit, spent the holiday.
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Anent,—Mr. John McLen-
nan returned on Friday from a very
pleasant holiday trip to Winnipeg.
It is 27 years since Mr. McLennan
had been in the western capital and
he did not recognize the city, but he
saw severalel old Seaforthites and
among them his brother, whom he
had not seen for many years.—Miss
Annie McKinney, of Bervie, was a
recent guest at the 'home of her aunt,
Mm. W. McMichael.—Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Rose, of Guelph, were guests'
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Beattie, Main Street.—Mrs.
L. T. DeLacey is in Grand Valley
this week attending the Armstrong -
Craig wedding.—Mr. Frank Carrot, of
Niagara Falls, was a recent guest
at the home of his sister, Mrs. J.
McClinchey.—Mrs. James Gillespie is
spending a few days with her daugh-
ter ih Harriston.—Mrs, G. Parker
Mrs. Peter
Windsor, Ont. Seaforth, Ont-. R. R. No. S. 2901
For u o0
and two K 7 and egmpmy . eth
following teachers who have been to each. W411 be sold aeparatelr or togeth
spending the summer atytheir homes alsohthe
ubuOedrieg used For e
f clone oarteS
here, left on Monday to resume their apply ca underagecl.od. M. McKellar, sec
duties in their respective schools:— tory Seoforth Public School Board. 2901
Miss elle Ballantyne to Waterloo ; es
Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Railway Officials Here.—On Tu
Falls; Miss Gertrude Crich, Port day last Mr. W. I. Piggott, Super
Dalhousie; Miss Ella Turnbull, To- tendent of the Stratford divisio
ronto; Miss Mabel Turnbull, Hunts-
unts- district of the Canadian Natio
v lie; Miss Mary Crosbie, St. Davids; Railway, visited Seaforth station
Sala.—Four secondhand hot air
Hutchiso n's
For Groceries
Teachers Return To Duties.—The sees
-Los n-
un good eonditio a. one Heel , ei+ese
seer' t belonging
in -
SOAPS --A good buy is VICTOR.
PEACHES.—Elberta's and Craw -
ford's on hand this week, at reas-
onable prices.
PLUMS.—If you desire some choice
varieties, scarce or not produced
in this district, such as Prune
Plums, Damsons, Yellow Egg
Plums, etc., try us.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES.—if the best 5c
Scribbler is wanted try us. We
have been fortunate enough to se-
cure some more made from that
heavy smooth paper on which a
pen may be used if necessary,
. Ever Sharp Pencils, with clips...15c
Lead Pencils, with clips 05c
Exercise Books at ...5c, 10c, 15c, 26c
Erasers, good ones at lc
Better ones at
Waterman's Ink
Bottles re -filled at
Crate of Best English White Granite,
just to hand comprising Cups,
Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Scallops,
Pitchers, etc., which we offer at
prices as low as those usually ask-
ed for the cheaper makes.
VINEGAR. --Every barrel of our
Vinegar has a label on which is
printed: "Absolutely guaranteed
highest grade Vinegar, manufac-
tured in Canada." Our price for
this Vinegar,
per gallon
is to 5c
Miss Florence Thompson, Toronto ; an official capacity and was accom-
Miss Florence Laidlaw, Toronto; Miss panied by Mr. C, Mumma, road super -
Mary Hays, Wellesley; Miss Ruth
Thompson, Tilsonburg; Leslie Kerr, visor of this district. Mr. Piggott is
one of the efficency railway officials
Toronto; Frank Coates, Brussels; selected by Sir Henry W. Thornton,
Miss Jean Govenlock, Midland; Bren- Executive President of the C. N. R.,
ton Kerr, Toronto; Miss Helen Dick- in his praiseworthy undertaking to
son, Toronto; Miss Mary Edmonds, make Canada's great national rail -
Agincourt; Miss Beth Barton, Wilton way undertaking, embracing, as it
Grove; Miss Phemia Cowan, Wind- does, the greatest mileage of any
nor; Miss Kate Cowan, Madoc; Miss railway in the world, the most up -to -
Rita Kerslake, St. Marys ; Miss date in equipment and management
Evelyn Adams, London; Percy Hoag, and in every respect in thorough
Hagersville; Misses Ida and Eva keeping with its coast-to-coast rail -
Love, Toronto; Miss Florence Mc- way service of 22,663 miles. The
Kay, Toronto; Miss Mary Gillespie, new station platform here in its com-
pletion will be a thing of beauty and
Miss Elizabeth Keating, Woodsley. joy forever, and which is, we are
pleased to learn, foreshadowed as a
Healy—McCormick.—At St. James' coming event in the near future.
Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday morn-
ing at 5 a.m., a pretty wedding took Local Briefs.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
place, when Loretto Margaret, sec- Liam Powell, of Toronto, spent the
and daughter of Mrs. Catherine Mc- week end at the home of Mr. L. Lleur-
Cormick, was united in marriage to cheutz in Egmondville.—Mr. Walter
Mr. Thomas Healy. Miss Olive Mc- Watts, Manager of the Dominion
Cormick, sister of the bride, was Bank at Chatham, 'end Mrs. Watts,
bridesmaid while Mr. Orden Me- spent Lhbor Day with Seaforth
and Mrs. W. Ross and two children,
and Monday with their daughter, Mrs , of Toronto, were guests this week at
S Cudmore, in I.
e the home of Mr. T. Webster.—Mr.
Jsborrle.—Mr� and j
Mrs. J. R. Archil'ald and daughters,
Jeanette and Jessie, were in Hamil-
ton on Wednesday attending the wed-
ding of a relative.—Messrs. Finlay,
John and Retort McKercherand
Scott Ferguson, of McKillop, and Mr.
James Kerr, of town, motored to To-
ronto last week and spent several
days at the Exhibition,—Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wright are spending a few days
in Toronto.—Miss Thelma Johnston,
who was spending her holidays with
Hamilton friends, has returned home.
—Mrs. Arthur Mason, and son,
Charles, who have been visiting dur-
ing the summer months at the home
F. D. Hutchison
Phar.:' un.
Any Petrone mith Beaforth
.ereatnery Cans and not going to
tile them to send cream to us this
ettattom will kindly return them
• to \thi) Creaniery. These are our
eity and only loaned to
Must be returned
Cormick, of Bridgeburg, the bride's friends. Miss Jessie Wilson, of Kit -
brother, supported the groom. The chener, spent the week end at the
bride wore a suit of navy tricotine home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
with hat and gloves to match, with M. Wilson.—Mr. Isaac Langstroth, of
a stole of Fitch fur, and carried a Forest, and a former well-known resi-
bouquet of Ophelia roses. The brides- dent of this town, spent a few days
maid also wore a suit of navy trico- with Seaforth friends last week.—
eek—tine with black velvet hat and a Misses Beatrice and Abbie Seip, Eve -
corsage bouquet of pale pink roses, lyn Cudmore, Gladys Holland, Gretta
Rev. Father Goetz officiated. The Dennison, Muriel and Beth Willis,
wedding breakfast was served at the Ruth and Sadie yhompson, of Sea -
home of the bride's mother, after forth, and the Misses Ruth, Carol and
which Mr. and Mrs. Healy took the Grace Evans, and Myrtle Armstrong,
morning train for Montreal. The of Clinton, have returned from spend -
bride is a well known Seaforth girl ing their holidays at Cottage No. 8,
and has been for several years Dig- Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. -Mrs. Robt.
trict Manager of the Bell Telephone Strong is visiting friends this week
in Seaforth, and she has a host of in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Miss
friends here who will wish the newly Marjorie Nolan left on Monday for
married couple every happiness and Maidstone, where she resumes her
success in their married life. duties as teacher.—Mr. and Mrs. L.
siee G. Kruse and son, Billie, of Galt, Mr.
The Late Alex.. W. Stobie.—In the and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and daught-
death of Mr. Alex. W. Stobie on er, Bernice, and Mr. Joseph Lawson,
Thursday morning last, after an ill- of' Auburn, and Miss Marguerite
ness of several months, Seaforth has Moore, of Cobalt, spent the week end
lost an esteemed resident of many at the home of Mrs. William Sclater.
years. Mr. Stobie was born at Teen- —Mr. Dave Dingman, Mrs. H. S.
Ode, 'Scotland, seventy-three years Welsh and Miss Gladys Welsh, of
and ten months ago, and came to Hamilton, motored here and spent
Canada in 1866, at the age of 17 the holiday at the home of Mr. J. S.
years. Since that time he hast been Welsh.—Miss Greta Thompson Cs
a resident of this community. He spending her holidays with Toronto
early became connected- with the friends.—Miss Erie Stewart, of Kit -
market produce business, and for chener, spent the week end at the
many years conducted his own estab- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
lishment on Goderich Street. In his D. II. Stewart.—Miss Williams, of
earlier years Mr. Stobie was an en- Niagara Falls, is a guest at the home
thuslastic member of the 'Bird Huron of Mr. .3. B. Thompson.—Miss Anna
Regiment, holding non-commissioned Atkinson, of Detroit, spent the week
rank. He was a member of the Sons end with her mothef here,—Mr. Jack
of Scotland and of the Ancient Order Scott left on Tuesday to take a peal -
of Foresters, having held various of- tion in Detroit.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hays and son, of Ford, 'are guests
A Melodrama with a sense of
humor, reproduced by Paramount
Pictures Corp., from the stage
play, "The imposter."
Added Attraction
The famous Ohristie comedy
that features the R.N.W. Mount-
ed Police.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
and Mrs. William Morrison are in
Toronto this week. — Miss Grace
White, of Manitoba, is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. E. Drake, High Street.—
Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes, of
Waterford, spent Sunflay with friends
here.—Rev. Father Goetz and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Shanahan spent several
days in Toronto.—Miss Jessie Wilson
gave a miscellaneous shower at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Wilson on Saturday last in
honor of her cousin, Miss Edith Scott,
a bride-to-be.—Miss Annie Stewart is
spending a few days with Toronto
friends.—Mr. and Mrs. John McNay,
of McKillop, were in Hamilton this
week.—Mrs. O'Connell is visiting her
daughter in Detroit this week,—Mr.
Gordon Willis, of Brampton, spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Willis. — Miss Hazel
Winter, who spent the holidays at
the home of her mother here, return-
ed to Toronto •on Monday.—Rev. T.
H. Brown and Mrs. Brown returned
on Saturday from their vacation.—
Mr. Harold Edwards, of Listowel, was
a week end guest 9t the home of Mr.
W. A. Crich.—Mr. Robert Dodds, of
Harpurl:ey, met with a very unfortu-
nate accident recently. He was
painting the residence of Mr. Peter
Dodds in McEillop, when he fell from
a scaffold and in the fall fractured
his leg.—Mrs. Charles Holmes and
two little daughters are visiting with
Clinton friends.—The Misses Cress-
well are spending a week in Toronto.
—Miss Elizabeth McCowan, of To-
ronto, spent the week end at her home
in Roxboro.—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Scott are in Toronto this week.=Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Robinson, of Detroit,
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, in Eg-
mondville.—Dr. Aubrey Crich, of
Toronto, spent the holiday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box were in
Toronto this week. — Miss Jessie
Buchanan, of Hensall, and Mrs. H.
Campbell, of Mitchell, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat
over the week end. Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Stricker, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Schultz and Mr. A. Gibb, of Detroit,
spent the week end at the home of
Mrs. D. Clark, in Egmondville.—Miss
Velma Caldwell and Miss Bernice
Caldwell, of Exeter, spent a few days
last week with their aunt, Mrs. R.
H. Sproat, — Mrs. John Day, accom-
panied by her two sons, George and
Norman, of Detroit, motored to town
this week and intend spending a few
holidays with friends,—Mr. W. Gil-
lespie, baggage master at the station,
is spending a few holidays in Toronto
this week.—Mrs, Kahle, of Detroit,
and Mrs. L. Crole, of London, are
visiting at the home of their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Baker.—Mrs.
W. Hart, who has resided here for a
number of years, intends shortly
moving to Stratford: .Mr. McTagg-
art, accountant in the Bank of Corn-
erce, is spending this week in Tor-
onto.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scheeler
spent Labor Day in St. Agatha, -Mr.
Alex. Scdtt, of Egmondville. has leas-
ed the residence of Mr. Isaac McKay
on Market Street, and will occupy it
shortly.—Don't forget the public
meeting in the Town H151l this Fri-
day evening.
.(Additional Local on page. 4.),
Sees in the local lodges of both. He
in the Western Comedy Drama
Baby Peggy
in the Century Comedy
"Little Rascal"
Monday, Tuesddy, Wednesday
A dramatic tale filled with
thrilling incidents and stirring
A Big V' Single Comedy,
Prices as usual, 10 and 15c.
Show commences ,at 8.15 sharp.
A s semblage
Dress Goods
And All
Kinds Of
The Styles for Fall are
beautiful, practical, de-
sirable and emphasize the
supremacy of Canadian
accepted fashions.
A cordial invitation is
extended to you to come
and view the new things
which will be arranged in
very attractive displays,
beginning Friday, Sept.
14th, and contirruing the
following week.