HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-08-24, Page 8GS, t
. it at
We are selling our share
tt Shoes, and at Reasonable
If you want old time val-
ues in Boots, Shoes or Rub-
bers, come to Egmondville.
Wanted -= Clean, Fresh
Eggs, not over one week
Phone 72.
The Controltersy'of
Nineteen Centuries
Has wed !
In the midst of the din and tur-
moil of crashing nations, and. whilst
storms of Emmen 'pasplon ate sweep-
ing the earth;'when all that•we have
pinned our faith to of modern insti-
tutions is being shaken and destroy-
ed in the maelstrom of trouble and
distress now engulfing the world, the
Prince of Peace returns with the age-
old question:
"Will not God avenge the
wrongs of His own people who
cry aloud to Him day and night,
although He seems slow in tak-
ing action on their behalf? Yes;
He will soon avenge their
wrongs. Yet, when the Son of
Man comes, will He find faith on
the earth." Luke 18 7-8.
(Weymouth Trans.)
Millions Now Living Will Never Die.
of the lecture staff, International
Bible Students' Association, Toronto,
FRIDAY, AUGUST 24th -8 p.m.
Seats Free. . No Collection.
Buy Early and Avoid the Rush.
Hereare a few of the Supplies
that we carry:—
arry:Scribblers, Note Books, Loose
Leaf Note Books, Foolscap Pads,
Lead Pencils, Pens, Water Colors,
Crayons, Chalk, Slates, Slate Pen-
cils, Ink, Erasers, Etc.
Opposite Expositor Office. Phone 62.
Don't Forget
The Children should have their
Photos taken before school starts.
Amateur finishing a specialty.
For- -Groceries
SALMON BARGAIN.—This time it
is a Red Sockeye, the very highest
grade;,. We are overstocked and
off8og'to clear Diamond. D., Red
Label and Sunkist brands, - s
regular 50c, for a7
PORK and BEANS.—Barton Brand,
in tomato sauce. Regular 18;
for 12'Fzc
GINGER SNAPS for less than 15
plain sodas,. Per •lb.
Aim . Per can 'DUG
TOILET PAPERat 5c, or 6 for 25c;
at 10c, or 3 for 25c; at 15e or 2
for 25c.
Regular 25c, 15c
FRUITS.—Make this your head-
quarters for Tomatoes, Pi i ms and
VINEGAR.—Every barrel of our
Vinegar has a label on which is
printed: "Absolutely guaranteed
highest grade Vinegar, manufae-
- in Canada." Our price for
;this Vinegar, a1COC
per gallon -
F. D. Hutchison
E Western Ontario's leading _
Commercial School, where you
rat ,pt a thorough practical
under experienced in_ se
it Commercial 8
or -Telegraphy D
9lasist gradu,
our fr:x
Successful Students.—In the result
of the Middle School examinations re-
cently published, the name of Ronald
McKay was omitted. Mr. McKay
passed in all the subjects he wrote
—Toronto University Summer
School Certificates to teach Art.—E.
Verna Adams, Clara E. McKinley,
Grace J. Scarlett, W. T. Laing, Fred
R. Archibald, James R. Edmonds.
New Station Master At Clinton.—
Mr. George Vanhorne, who has re-
cently been transferred from Thorn -
dale to Clinton, where he will'act as
station agent, is well known to many
Seaforth people, having received. his
training in the office of Mr. W. Som-
erville, and where Che learned .the
operating a few years ago. His
place as agent at Thorndale will he
taken by Mr. F. Lee, who has been
operator at the Seaforth station for
several years.
Died In Goderich--Many' Seaforth
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Win-
ter, of Goderich, and formerly of this
town, will sympathize with them in
the death: of their, young son, Robert
Andrews ,►inter, which occurred very
Budde Wali ,Saturday evening last
from hearttrouble: The funeral was
held on Tuesday to;the Goderilh cem-
etery. Miss Hazel Winter, Miss
Francis Winter and'Mrs. W. Ament
and Mr. Kenneth Ament; from town,
were among those who attended the
funeral. •
Seaforth Fall 'Fair.—Prize Lists. for-
the Fell Fair to be held on September
21st and 22nd are noweavailable for
any one desiring to exhibit. Prizes
have been increased, eepeeially horses
and cattle, also a Pereheron class for
horses to which $50 has been offered'.
is an entirely new feature to fairs and
the directors hope to receive a liberal
patronage from Percheron breeders.
Increased prizes are also offered in
Shorthorn and Grade cattle. A spec-
prize of $10 is offered for Baby
Beef. In poultry entrance has been
reduced to five cents a bird. As the
directors have made a special effort to
obtain more exhibits in live stock they
hope to receive the hearty support of
the farmers. The school parade will
be a special feature as usual and ad-
ditional prizes are offered for the
parade and drill. The horse races
will be an outstanding attraction, as
larger purses are offered and a first-
class race meeting will be assured,
The Seaforth Highland Band will fur-
nish the music. The Baby show will
take place at 4 p.m. in "front of the
hall. Prize Lists can be obtained
from the Secretary.
The Golfers.—The Maitland Golf
Club, of Goderich, sent down a team
of 19 golfers to Seaforth on Saturday
and despite very unfavorable weather
conditions they agreed that the Sea -
forth Course was a most interesting
one. The games played were all very
dose, five ties being registered, but
Seaforth Club made 13% points
against 6%. The two teams were
entertained at the Queen's Hotel.
Seaforth. Goderich.
Aherhart, W. 1
Campbell, F. 1
Dick, Joseph 1
Dodds, Adam 1
Greig, J. C. 0
Hartry, R. 1
Jones, R. M. 1
Mullen, J. G. %
McLean, K. 1
McTaggart, G.D. 0
McTaggart, M. 0
Neil, O. f,¢
Reid, D. L.... 1
Smith, T. S. ry.
;odthgate,W"E" 36-;
talnk; H" E. >A
-ns, nos, 1
hi,Ro h• 1
Leq!i1 cite $;.C.0
Dr. Murray 0
Dr. Burrit 0
Donaldson, J. 0
Dickey, D. 0
Dr. Reid 1
Saunders, W.F. 0
Lloyd, R. 0
Killoran, J. L,,..%
Campion, A.C. 0
Young, H, C. 1
Reid, H. " 1
McKay, A. J. 1
Walker, L. j 0
Britton, H.
Reid, Wes.. _1
Miteltell,T.id. 3a'
aej eori C. L. 0
Field, Ed. 0
Balfnight,W.J .b:
Montezamberth 1
Att-Olen d y�4ing'
�ilef & Ci
wa :1, i izetl
tit -the ho Mr,
ao( ' ,a, L.P. C. Kerr, 602 Palmerston
yveoille, Toronto, when their only
'klaughter, iessie Isobel, bras united in
inetriage tel `Mr. James Gillespie,
13a,0' -Se el ;;ser of 1b r, and Mrs
Nell: Gill :i of Seaforth. The
•ceremony :: performed by Rev.
tvqil tor 1041A,o
04,4.4, 04 the h '
*WY detlerrted ,pal
erns of her father, p t'
Itug in `gown ot:.
and georgette, wit • W itte` =
ranged_iu cap effe'U Ott ;With
orange blesaoms kld'er, botlqu t Wee
a shower of remits and UUes-ot the
valley. The bridesmaid, Miss' Heine
Carswell, wore a becoming -gown of
mauve georgette with hat to Match
and carried Ophelia roses. Me. W.
T. Laing, oe Seaforth; acted as best
man. During the signing of the reg-
ister, Mise Alicia Radford, of Ottawa,
sang, "All Joy Be Thine?' .After the
ceremony the guests numbering about
twenty, partook of a sumptuous wed-
ding breakfast. Mr, and M a. Gil-
lespie left by boat on a trip down
the St. Lawrence and Saguenay, the
bride travelling in hat and shoes of
grey with black cape, wearing the
groom's gift, a beautiful fur neck-
piece. On their return Mr. and Mrs.
Gillespie will reside in Toronto, where
Mr. Gillespie has a position on Cen-
tral Technical School staff. •
wanted.—collegiate girls to room, good
street. Apply at Expoarto, Office. 290601
Wanted.--Oollegimtescholars to m and
'!Hard. Apply at The Expositor Office.'
For Sale,—Six nice young pias, 6 weeks
Id. 94.00 moth. Apply to Alex. Lowery, Sea -
For Sole. 20 young pigs eight weeks -old"
right good ono. Apply to John -RUM.Mc.
A comfortable room oan be audplied for
two High School girls. Apply at The Ex.
pusitor Once. 290602
Furnished rooms to tat near Collegiate
Institute. Apply at The Expositor Office.
Notice" The Public Library will be Closed
•from August 27th to SeptAiber 16th. Greta
Thompson, Librarian. 20864
Wanted.--CoLiegiate girls, boarders or room -
boarders preferred. Apply to Mdse
Steele, Ord Street. • 2905x2
Business For Sale. -Corner grocery, Lon-
don, central location. Sydney Smythe, Market
Lane, London. Phone. 2906x1
Wanted.—Two high (,drool atuden1l to
board or room, board preferably. Apply to
Expositor Office. 290601
For Sale—Two-paosenger car, good repair"
Bargain for a quick purchaser. Mm. John
Turner. 2906x1
Per Sala—Two good cows, ¢so 11- plge
neven weeks old for sale. Apply to Peter
Readman, North Main Street, • Seaforjh.
290601 .. .
Watch Found.—Oa the Seafortti-Qdlf Course
Saturday Inst, an open face sliver watch.
Owner may obtain same from lit Rdberb
Hoax to Bent—To rent on Louisa Street,
Seaforth, frame douse; electric lights and
furnace. Immediate ppaesafon. Apply to F.
G. Neelin, Saafortb. 248845
For Sala—Modern home, good baro and
garage and four acres of land, in good lo-
minty. Apply Box 451, Seaforth, or phone
81 on 149. 29044
Agents make 820 'a day selling auto eprie-
laity, new invention ; sells to every car *amp*
n sight",, It's -a winner. .Particulars free.
Mac's Mail Order Service, Peterboro, Ont.
For Sale.—A 7 -roamed frame house arid nix
lots of land, neer 'Merner'e Mill; eleetrlc
ligbte, bath room, furnace and all modern
conle0ienees. Baro and henhouse, the Drsp-
erty of Pat Curtin. Apply to R. S -•Saye,
Seaforth • •:. - 2889-M
Boma For Saf.b--Six-roomed frame cottage
4n • Eganondvine, good cellar with ebtea • yy
sere of land;- he lame; situated'eppgaite
Church sheds; eleetrie lights. For farther'pa`r-
[icalsen apply to Mies. McLellan, or at The
Rita:aitor Office 2890-tf
per good' home :Ip Egmgmdv98e,
wellt. situated, doge -to' Besforth. Aire, Iecxabn,
fieri ttful gmoandd herd add soft' ' et.
004006 very Jight�.,;� townehdd tinted. Pa
thf '.premises' 40 09' *site .Margaret , 1
Selrforth, Ont.;'ie.' R..20,. 8.- •2401-, i
For $ale.— 4'aar dbamd 4tot- air fire-
acee in ¢sad oondjt90'? one ' 94000.. one?'Prtfr. .
and 'two. Kobe" end - eiI019io mt ' belonelb
to each. Will be salt.aeparatelr or teller
oleo the building used as a ol�dpset at-Rre $
lerth Public Sohaol. For thrtber . paxttealgre
apply to undersigned M. McKellar none.
tory Seaforth Public school Board; 2902-tf
For Sale—A 6 -roomed frame rouses dt
ated one block south and one block west of
the Egmopdville Presbyterian church. This
'tags stands on half acre of ground, is
electric lighted and has bard and Stork*
and is in first class condition,.t9f0
several fruit trees, a Variety of s;lien
and a -good barn and herr.,bq'dee, 'Per pais.
tlenlam `apply to Thoma O';a0gh1ta, Seg -
forth P. O., R. R. 4, or phone 15 on 181.
2887-15 .
-Local Briefs.—Mr. Robt. Bell, of the
Bell Engine Co„ left Saturday on a
business trip to the West.--Mss„-Jas.
McKay has sold her residence in Eg-
mondville to Mr. Arthur Routledge,
of town,who will occupy it shortly.—
Mrs_ Dailing, of Culver City, Cali-
fornia, is a guest at the -home of Mn
J. C. Thompson, John Street.—Mrs.
S. Morton and son, of Hamilton,are
guests at the home of Mrs. Morton's
grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot,-.-
Mr. F. Faulkner, of Windsor, spent
the week end at his home here.—Mr.
Jack Forsyth and Miss Audrey Foster
of 'Toronto, are guests at the home of
Mr, A. Forsyth in Tuckersmitht—Mr.
T. Smith, of the Dominion Bank,
Kitchener, is spending his holidays
with his father here.—Mr, and Mrs.
W. J. Moffat and son, of Hamilton,
were guests on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wilson.—Mr.
Wallace Park spent the week end
with Toronto friends.—Miss May
McGeoh, is spending her holidays at
Port Sydney, Muskoka.—Miss Mae
Stewart, of Red Deer, Alberta, is
visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr.
A. M. Stewart.—Mr, Ferguson, Miss
Marjorie Kerr and Miss Lillian Fuller,
of Sarnia, were week end guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wil-
son—Mr, and Mrs. S. Brownell and
daughter, of Winnipeg, are visiting
their sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Jacobs,—Mrs. Me-
loy and daughter have returned
f gm a months' visit with friends in
th country,—Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Hei-
n and family, of Stratford,, spent
Su day at the home of Mr. 'Charles
Br die.—Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
1Rrtd two sons, of Pansdale, 9i3lchigan,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen, son and
daughter, of Calumet, Mr. and Mrs.
John Stephens and family and Mrs.
Roberts and family of Detroit, motor-
ed from Detroit to spend the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark.
They are all coming hack for the Old
Hoye'' Reunion next •ylar, Miss
Marion Scarlett, ofWhithrep is
spending two weeks with Mende in
Brockville,—Mr, E. • Reynolds, of
Barrie, spent the week ettd it his
home in Egmondville: lila, and Mrs.
'Edward McGill,of,, Bro'o111ya, • N. Y„
and Mrs" Dickson,' dolt and grand-.
'F r, of Pittsburpy PoY6re guests
t ' k at the home of Mr, d Mrs,'
rifMct ilL--Miss'Pjel�tl Carty;,.
t. Marys Hospital„ etititty
SCIt9P INE NQ Pedirat'iea
be here � to avoid ilitpppoint,
went, bill Mlour sceocij,. $VF-
PLIES:tut Must of the:1400jeie
and sue Es are new in stock,
and you,ll escape the tush
by bu arly.
spending helr"atolidays at the home of
Mr, C, Eckert•:;-- o1r. and Mrs. Daniel
P. Cassidy awn sun, of Detroit, motor-
ed here and ,an• the guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Dever aux at Fairview Sall.
—Miss Jane :SI uley, of Detroit; is
visiting at..tlte h elle of Mrs. D. Itey-
nolds.—Mr, 11 Pollock, of Los
Angeles, Ga' ore's, was a guest this
week at the hoe, of Mr. Millar Ad-
ams at Constar —Miss Gladys Mc-
Kellar, of Termite, is a guest at the
home of ,Mr. Rol o rt French,—Mr, and
Mrs, Alek Mei ed mei daughter, of
Detroit, arrietle guests of Seaforth
friends this wt •-1..—Messrs. Clement
and John -15011 ,-y, of Vancouver,
Washington, eons of Mr. and,Iitre.2,J.
A. ),)owner, eOenr-rly of St. Columban,
who have beer, visiting relatives in
this vicinity,jt•it for their' home on
Saturday ander route will visit rel-
atives in e Seems. Windsor and De.
troit - Dr .J:.
R. Munro and Mr-, D:
J. Munro, of 'Toledo, were Sunday,
visitors at the home of•mr. and Aire.
James. Nixon. -111,5 Luby Etkart has
retutned''hortie from Detroit and Port
Huron' after" an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. Brat!, and ether teal-.
,atryes.—Mr Bert Reynolds, -of tfliiilil=
eor iteapendlee his holidays at
hone. in'Eginen d v i I le —Master Josop y
Nixdn;; of Sb'e,itardton,:was a weak
end guest at the home of Mr, .arid
Mrs, Jamee Nixon. -Mr, and Mrs: DD.
P. Cassidy, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Devereaux and 'Ret Father
Moran, of St:•Augustine, left,8unday
on a motor -Mr to Collingwodd, -Not-
tawasaga _mach and Owen *,Sound.--
Messrs. Joe,:; and Albert and,: Miss
Clara Rawles and Mr;'. and. Mrs. Roy
Johnston -and ;son, William; of. Port
Huron, were -;Sunday visitors at, the
home of Mr, :Con Eckert.- They made
the trip by.moter in five hours.—Mr.
and; lilre„Irelo Ranking of,,-Netw; jerk,
spent_ the `geek endat the 'borne 'of
Mrs, llankin's aunt, Mrs. J. R: Archi-
bald. Miss Mary Archibald aceom=
penia() their} bark as far as Hamilton
on Tueedtly Mr. C,.;H, Broadfoot of
Moose JavY.ls visitiijg at the honI� of
his mother Mrs. J. H, Broadfoot.— -
tr, - R. Amimeion, of Hamilton, was
week end i§ttest ati the Moine of 1V:
Robert Belle -111r. 4d R. Price, of 1
Niagara Fella,. was the guest of his
Sill ter,'Mts damC Laidlaw,'tldieiveek,
The Big, R y_'Cornedy Drama of
American lif :.up-to-date..- Written
It"y "Americas rremost: humorist.
Eight reels of :wholesome, sparkl-
ing entertainment . that alternately
brings a tug ajtsrthe heart and opens
ups wells of laughter- onceded to
be the' most r photoplay of
present day Alai* life ever
screened. `r'
Matinee 6,pstn., Saturday,
Evenings 15' -and 20 ?eft -3.
COME EARLY :-i`fr the afternoon if
Priv cess •
An unusual'•story of a bride
of an hour who refused to Iove,
honor or obey her husband.
The Century Comedy
"Boyhood Days"
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
The Big,,Y. Comedy
"Flatheads i d F
we ie ,bW�i
pith fat! sale
will be ` gldd ti
tipn,vVh9 ._,. a�
a mall a '�'-` t+0rh,1e
Kaane47 aid, son, Aleft„rdtu d.
from t alnittnn on viiddtibstl43 eat�j
ingg,--41iss Ferguls Mc agr ie %J$n
wiib friends iia Atw6od M9'. x4 ra
W. C- Mgntgomery, of '}'orQAto, tdtr
visiting with Sea£arth $talids -M#e� ,y
Erma Freeman,,oR ToroAto, is.operebdd i,;
Ing the bolldays; at ex, }tome he;4-.
Mr. Hugh Sproat, of Detroit, ls:'aed '
valescing frofd' a setioue'eperatlun _at i' _
the home of hie ,pareritg 4A' ViptQ' a.'
Street,—Misses - May""' -apt Marto 1 -
Nolan spent the -week end in Strat-
ford with their coustrt; Mias Veronica
Carbert.—Mr, ` and 1Mrs. Tharp and '=
Mr. Frank Lennon and little son, of
Detroit,' re guests at the 'home of
Mr, and Mrs. James Devereaux. --
Misses Cassidy and MCCroyn, of Bos-
ton, were visitors at the home of Mr. '
and Mrs. Leo Fortune, during the:' .
week.—,Misses Beatrice and Abbie
Seip are camping at Bayfield. — Mi.
and Mrs. Alex. McNab, of Galt, spent
the week end with Miss Helen MoNab. '_:
--Mr. . and Mrs. J. Tufford motored
over 1'from Detroit and are visiting
Mr. Tufford's Meter, -Mrs, Id, McDer
mid, in Huflett,—Mica. Mary Mode-:'
land and Miss Clara•Plnkney are at
tending the millinery openings in To-
ronto thip• week,—Mri and' /Ira, C, A.
Barber and Mr. and 'Mrs, W. Robin. -
son motored to Toronto on Tuesday.--
uesday.-Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Miller,' of Camp
Borden, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Gillespie! James Street:—
Dr. and Mrs" Hieleman; of Coldwater,
Michigan, were the guests of Mrs.
John Sproat this week:—Mr. and Mrs;' `
James Wallace, of Rochester, were' `
;guests at the home of Mr. 8. Wal
lace last week.—.Mrs, J. It, MoNab
and daughter, Miss Margaret and
.1tlisa Erma Roach; of LueknoWespent
she"week. end with Miss Helen Mc -
Nab. --Mr. and Mrs, .Murray, of :Pen-
nsylvania, are the guests.' of Miss E.
Davidepn, West Street.—.MI's, A. Ri
Sampson, of Toronto, is the guest of
Mrs: 'J,. C. _(rete—!firs. Crolleh :find
eons and Miss Evelyn MccFalil, 61
Toronto, are guests at the hkriti' eve
Mrs. L. L.Menem -,-lisp F; 1pra�
of Lucen, and. her ldefelt' ;
and little dauglite]fasp,; y
with Seaforth fife., s,Jan14s
H. Spence and solti ,.of Ta
ronto; Miss Spence, htl aerrton,.
and Miss Young, of''ly'ajis, were the•.
guests of Mrs. John. Finlayson this:.
week.. Despite the unfavorable
weather .on Tueeele Silver .Tea
held at the honM,,f.,0 ., W. J. Me- '
Intosh,. under h7 ;eiltd"picee of the;
Ladies' Aid d'f dint-, Pr'aabyteriair
church, .was quite ft sueceas&, About ,t
$21 was.realized.--Mr, and Mrs., W,';
Gillespie have returned from :-sp*nd,
ing,a few days with Brussels frie9t s '
—Mr. S. Little, Goderich Street Sef„t.'
last week on o trip to the Westygs. ;.
Mr. and Mrs. Blyth Stephenean, 'of'
Winnipeg, ar,'=
forth 'fr1egds were this w pvlsitlfd e
e. -.(M a.
fps Grey is..spending 'tier holidays,'
With ilia Mater : inBatralg ..Mr Jr:
T. Dickson.a
, nd Me. 'and , ra Joni!
Dickson, of Toronto, and it ;Ames
p�okson, of „Cleveland,. were .Sri -'town
this weekfit, -E. C. McClellandd, '.tY>'
Fort Francis, spent the. wet ,Mi at: '
t`fie;home of Major R.,S.-Hayti ll'ir.'
McClelland, bas 'bean appginted
ager -of the ,Dupont street Inn o
the Dominion Rank.,Tfillinto.-•-3
Maud Hartryaa-spending',iier iiolid ,
hi .Muskoka. . •
-Notes.,—Mrs; P. Eckert los-return-
ed home after ah 0c -fended visit with
her sister Margaret ,in Loan: Mr'
Thomas McKay made a' butiniess trip .
to Clinton tins,.. Week ars. Joe
and Albert Rawieey, aid Y,iMies Mc-
Carthy attd Miss Motuea and Lucy
EcIteiViverOfvlsi}oi s ii opt bill g
Ing" the
{Women's, Misses', Children's Size);.
For several seasons back we have tried to shim New
Ctpods_ as early Ill; -t e, Beason ;as e i tomos
ear, them and then you
Q: l rxeallze their en-
'ies and.-'`:tljeir
fl-ruitncl em
A Sats Esit lire there+vas
out s
bhoo# t` s hn 3tll1 Ty 3dh jA
automobiFf'} tl.ta> dy;a;
Listowel m : ih crashed into, a bhggy
driven by William Bone, 'af. thefirst;
line of Morris Township, who Was
accompanied by his wife • and a, Too
ronto woman. The occupants escap-
ed with a' shaking .up and' sone
scratches. The horse was knocked
down Illrld the car passed Q'8er' buil,_
cutting him in several places. The
buggy was wrecked. The driver of
the car stated that he would ,.make
good any damages.
Seaforth ' Sept, 20-21
Goderich Sept. 54
Dungannon Oct. 4-5
Exeter Sept.,17-18
Wingham Sept.;24-25
Bayfield Sept. 25-26
Ripley. Sept. 25-26
Blyth Sept. 27-28
Lucknow " Sept. 27-28
Zurieh Sept. 27r28
Kirkton 1 ... Oct,. 2-3
Brusselsj Oct, 4-5
Ailsa Craig ' "Sept. 18-19
London - Sept, 8-15
School Fairs,
Sept. 6th—Fordwich.
Sept. 7th—Wroxeter.
Sept. 10th—Ethel.
Sept. 11th-Belgraave.
Sept. 12—Bluevdle,
Sept. 13h—St. Helens.
. Sept. 14th—Ashfield.
Sept. 17th --Carlow.
Sept. 18 ---Clinton.
Septa 19th. --Zurich.
Sept, 28th -••-Dashwood.
Sept' 21st --Winchelsea.
Sept. 22nd—Porters Hill.
: Bet.124 '25-*'W3nghan't.
Sept- �26th.- Walton: ' - -
de i 27t -Dublin.
II, en