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The Huron Expositor, 1923-08-24, Page 5
• Nvi A. ° eat y�l''� been de yed: weather Mle visiting bete; returned to.;� Ear.'HaroId !onto.iaot wee e1ntioeh,r d Wer y lutea eek. deli and Mss, ett7l1ch, mater... ant, 'are visiting. eal Crfah,-.,-;Mrs. n Eseie , batt I"aet or ea River, where they t er ` Retry C'Brien. SR APORT; MARsrS Thursday, August -23, 1928 ew Potatoes,,, per bag' $180 gga, per dozen 28 to 23c 808 IVtteat, per bushel ,Barley, per .bushel. 50e Iter, yet ib. 80e tea , ..828.00 on ' eeoosrttaa hal $$3. S. T. Holmes & Son #('tour: per cwt $8.86 to $8.75 fiats, per bushel 40c 0 Funeral Directo''e and Jfogs, =per, cwt. - $10.25 0 Licensed Embalmers. • 0 Finest Motor and Horde 4. 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block, Main Street, opposite O The Expositor Office. S. T. O Holmes, residence, . Goderlch 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' O re ideuee'Over store. 0 Flowers furnished an short 0 notice, All kindb of up - O holstering neatiy -done„ O Phone, Night Or Day, 119. w P •vr 'coos ►1#80 Rfrale of the bride. Jeb by ROY. J 8'. 14th 1028, Mr- J. 'Ward' Bank, Cal. 0!;.61nuebealleeter of Mr. ,:,Bruee 1 I 1,h€ld , f "c • ;lott1r ti $ ' rfide vice b1ep air c a11� &.: a Owe ohowi;6 tilos. t 6';e9By Ott, '4'49041440h are eas .. ait selltiai :!.ter 0 child," .uy Par 9 encs A tizo c . ie$1 feet - �p 1!9n � a d-they grow np to Mr Whort�eyyi 11 11 and Mb' � • ��o ion. aro ependent.upon seine scarce = lof comfort. Come to where you have dll>.eize6 to try, and if one B dews not tit. you have, others to =, depend . on, and hence you. do = no cramp your child's foot in- = to a shoe, . We are assured that +, C the fallowing will afford foot a comfort for your children: '- C CHILDREN'S- Box Calf Blu- chers, G. M. Bluchers, Dongola = oxfords, Patent Straps and iE Sandals. • Q, MISSES' Dongola' Balmorals, m. box kip blucher*, calf bluchers, Mnrdle.• t1 M.1 5 ov p August 17th, Swan Creep, -beloved wife of Mr. Miebael Hurdle, aged o1: 'arse and 42.t14ys. . oo 0 OOOOO0000 O GRAIN MARKET "- Toronto, August 21st-6nattitota wheaM- t34o. 1 Northern, 32,24. Manitoba oats -No. 8 C.W. 6118e; No. 1, Reed, 47c. Manitoba barley --Nominal. All the above' track, bay ports. American corn -No. 2 yellow, $1.06. Beasley -Nominal. Buckwheat -No. 2, nominal. Rye -No. 2. .nominal. Pees. --No. 2, nominal. Millfeed-Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included. Bron, per ton, $25,00 to $26.00 shorts, per ton, $27 to 029.00; middlings. 488.00 to $86.00; good feed flour, $2.15 to 42.26. 'Ontario wheat�No. 2 width, nominal. Ontario oats No. 2 white-,Noaninal. Ontario corn -Nominal. - Ontario flour -Ninety per cent. patent in .jute bags, Montreal. prompt ehipdtent, $4.50 to $4.60; Toronto basis, $4.40 to 84.50; bulk seaboard, 14.40. Manitoba flour -let patents. in cotton sacks 36.90 per barrel; 2nd patents. $6.86. Hay -Extra No. 2 timothy per ton, track 'Toronto, $16,00; No. 11 timothy, $13.00: mix- ed, 512.50 to $18.50. Straw -Car lots, per ton,- track, Toronto, 49.60. 21/1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, August 21. -,Cattle -Receipts, 2,- 400; active; first grade. 20 4o 80c higher ; -.common, steady mad strong; cows and bulls. steady; shipping steers, 810 to $12; butcher.', 48 to $9.50; yearlings, 09 to $11.50; heifers. 46 to *8.50; 'tows, 12.50 to 96.25; bulla, 83 -to $6; stockers and feeders, 6.50 to $8.50; fresh cove and springers. very active, 5 to 10c higher, 146 to 9115 per bead. Salves --Receipts, 1,800; active 1 60 eenta higher: $4.50 to 816. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 8,800; active; 86 to 10c higher; lambs, no quotations; year- lings, 96 to $15; welters, 67.50 to 88.50; •mwm, $4 to 15; mixed sheep, $2.60 to 94.60. Montreal, August 51st -Cattle -Receipts, 165. The cattle offered were unevenly di- vided between the two markets: Prices were ,0tromeer for common kinds. One lot of good finished stents brought 57. Rough steer. were mostly $6. Fairly good cows brought 34.60 and a few medium to. good heifers brought 15 to $6. Bulls were poor sellers at 82.60 per cwt Quotations: --Botcher eteers- Cholce. not quoted ; good, 88 to 87; medium, :45.9 to $5.50; mammon, $2.50 to 0. But- che hdfere-Good, 15.50 to *6; medium, 04 :to $ ' common $2.60 to M. BMchem' oowe --Good, 4.50; medium, 52.60 to 84: canner., 31: Butchers' bulla -Good. $4; common, $2.25: Calves -Receipts, 1,272. There won a fair- y good demand for calves. flood and med- ium quality veah weighed uo together brought 48. Milked calvee and heavy drinkers weighed up together brought from 45 up; grasses were from $3 to 94. Quota- tions: -Good veal; $8: medium, $6.60 to $7.50; .o0mmon, $5.60 to 86.60; grassers. $8 to 14. Sheep -Receipts. 4,980. .Straight lots ,of 'goal lambs brought up to $10.60. Carlota ad fairly good average quality were sold for $10 -and eommon lambs brought 89. An odd sale of very poor quality was made at 88.60. The average prices of the day's sale would likely be around $9.50 or better. Qhrottet;pne • .Ewes, 95.50 to 84.60; lambs, good, $10 to 410.60; common, $9 to 89.50. Hogs -Receipts, 2,541. Select bacon hogs -were graded out and. sold to one of the .packing firm., for 811.•!8. Shop hog. and un- graded lots brought from 010.20 to 810.75, and sows were from 86.60 to $8.25. Union Stock Yards, August 21st -With a ,fairly heavy offering of cattle to -day, and the bulk showing good quality es compared with recent offerings, trade opened brisk, with moot activity showing in the export division Choice 'hervir,iteers sold •steady with lest -week, though cattle between 1,100 and 1,200 -pounds, eof which several loads were taken for .export, sold easy .to a quarter lower in epote, awhile plain heavies were genersfly ¢ober Oban at the best Spots of last week. In all. some 94 loads of exporters were taken. in- cluding five or six loads of stuff that was somewhat on the light side. Peckers took ihalf a d9,en of heavies. with atop load averaging 1,418 pounds selling through Cor- bett and Hall to Harris Abattoir Company at 81/4 cents. Outside of a baby beef ship- ped .to Dunn end Levack by T. H. Fenwick, Islington, which sold at 9,/, cents, the heat price in the home hatcher division was 750 cents for half a dozen handy heifers. while the top for a load was Ire, cents. Quite a few loads brought 7 cents, and the fair good stuff brought 6 to 6.90 cents, in ems Iota. The cow trade was decklely active, wi ,good fat cows selling 09 to 5% eente in apo while fifty or more made 5 cents and medium bualbty cows from 4 to 4% cents per pound. But the belle -sold eteadY with onemy at 5 cents, and the rota the good okind at 4 .to 450 cents, while Common balls were a tilt- draggy at '8 to 850 cents. The feed trade wee not so active as s week ago, o Ing largely 4o .the lighter supply of waste !hors rattle. .Good feeders brought 5.85 Ii% cents, a few. good Ontarios bringing the *op, while stockers ranged from 4 to 4.66 emu a few Westerns being included in the sales. Home 8,000 head had crowed the Scales at 2 o'clock and with buyer. .till busy it looked -_hta though pot more than 1.000 of the hearer .tin would be Jett over. There was a good strong calf trade, with a few tope at 11'/, cenlo and the bulk of choice at 101/2 to 11 code per pound. and more 11 -centers, on the list sato last Mon- day. Medium melees and though an odd grasser sold as low as 0.60 cent.,. there were not many in the four - cent and under class. Lmioba sold a half a cent lower than at the close of last week, tops at 1154 cents tieing scarce, wrhile 11 cents took the bulk of <Melee, .though one smell bunch of prime. sold at 1214, cents. Sheep were in fair pumbem .n .proportion .to the Iamb run. and mold 411 bunches of thirty or more were gee. *ally. Good, light sheep. brotght 8 to650 gefoent'"ia, .and there -re not many blow Ae, 1ps.beep being gn{to scamce in to -day's of- • Bog rulers showed another gain of from 110 -t0 26,,nento, the range 4or thick, enewthe Tieing 10.70 tie 10.85 cents, fed and watered. r. The receipt to -day was 5.872 cattle, 634 1 Calves. 1,858 hogs and 8,198 sheep and lambs. QtbOkat1ons:-.Choice heavy atom, 87.80 to • t]t.85 • butcher steers, choice, 57.00 to 87.40 : $;8.60; o. goes. commo6.50 06 n, $4.50 $4.50$5.50; .00: 0 to $ 5.60 to I firtcher betters, choice, 86.60 to $7.00; do. medium, 540 to 96.25 ; db. common. $4.00 to ; **het cower choice, 44.00 to 48.00: do. • 1y�eedd{{um, 3.00 to 44.80; canners _and cutters. #t.25 to *2.00: feeding steers, good. 46.00 '''tte�00 96'110; do: fair, $4.00 to $6.00: stnekces. I $iood,'$4.60 to $6}2�; do. fair, 88.00 to 04.00: keit, spridgers, each, 080.00 to 1100.50 ; + y }0}�1 .00 ado. 000mmoo. 144:00otom$7.000.:' eras. Hl4!10lltta ii}100 td 311.95; ahem, choice, light. 0 Id .b4; do. choice, heavy, 44.00 to ©00000000 0000 IMPORTANT NOTICES E, XCELLENT TOWN AND COUNTRY properties for sole. For terms and par- ticular. apply to FRANK H. RANKIN, Sea - forth, Ont 1 2906-8 • port SALE. -YORKSHIRE BOAR ONE Year and half old; good hewn type. Phone 32 on 247, Seaforth. THOMAS LIV- INCSTONE, R. 12. No. 2. 2904.3 WANTED. -More ealeenten (whole or spare time) to sell our high-grade Trees, shrubs and Plants. Over 1000 varieties to select from. Lowest prices, excellent commission. weekly. Free outfits and ins-tructions, steady respectable employment Welland Nursery Co., Welland. 2906-2 r, OR -BALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY; one Sawyer-M,esey 20 H. P. engine and separator with straw cutter, also one Bidwell teen thresher and one Lister gasoline engine 9 horse power. All in good condition. For sale cheap. Apply to JOHN THIRSK. R. R. No. 2, Zurich. 2899-41 `VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR eaje.-200 acres, excellent soil, two story brick house; 2 barns, orchards. Situated in a very prosperous Catholic community in the County of Wellington, or will exchange for a 100 acre farm. For full particulars apply to FRANK H. RANKIN, Seaforth, Ont 2908-2 WANTED Nice homes wanted for little English girls. We pay boarding -out rates for those under 13 years. Full par- ticulars from Lady Superin- tendent. DR. BARNARDO' HOME, 538 Jarvis Street, Toronto - - Ontario. • • ••• • • • •• • • ®S'EAFORTH OATMEAL 4' MILL • • O O • O • 0 • n O Mill open as usual.• • O • C. G. THOMSON• ® Grain Dealer. Phone 25 • • •• • • • ••• A • ,No Custom Chopping will be done next week owing to nec- essary repairs. 411111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111% iO11111111IIIIIillt11111111Illllnlulllllllill' ASTMA SUFFERERS E Hilton W. Parke. Waterdown, Ont. writes: '1 en safely blase the day. S, you left a bottle of Asthma Remedy with me. 1 had relief from the that dose and have been Improving ever since; can 110 down et night and ret; = BB the cough -,free entirely left me: I have C gained three pounds Anse I started = the bottle, which ts now nearly entehsd. Tho good news has aprend around Oda district, and already several *ant to try It I feel so good over the new life. r it were, I like to tell others." 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' Z 11.00 per bottle, _Money bath H not satisStofied. Fe. sale at Umbaeh's Drug = Whitby, Oaor t mail from H. T. 2886 0 _ 11110i71111111111111111N111111111l11lilliill!liber 11011MBEIHMEMEAMMEIM I II illi1.1111ll1 _, WOOL Hides and Skins Wanted H. -M. JACKSON Seaforth - Egmondville Phone 3. B IllOEIM s11111111P111111I111111! 1IIIIIi Illi 1I1111111101ID ii 'tan balmorals, Dongola Oxfords, Tan Oxfords, Patent Slippers. YOUTHS' Box Kip Bluchers, Tan Bluchers and Balmorals; s Si • Calf Bluchers, G. M. Balmorals, BOYS' G. M. Balmorals, Box Kip Bluchers, tan balmorais. E We are alcio showing full lines for the older students- = tfor those attending Collegiate. s - Give us a triaL - Opposite Bank of Commerce J. II. Smith & Son C "The Modern Shoe Store" PHONE 51. SEAFORTIL 5 Z 11111011111111111111111111111111Hf111111111111t` FARMS FOR SALE ACRE FARM FOBALE. OWNER Inn R will sell on reasonable terms for quick sale. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Senforth, Ont 2865-16 PRM FOR SALE. -THE FARM CON - tains 100 acres; bank barn, 58,60. with new stabling put 1n three years ago; water En barn, brick house. kitchen, 2 good well.: re acres fall wheat; 20 acres plowed out of sod, balance seeded to grass. No waste land or open ditches. Rural mail and phone. Apply to JAMES FLANNERY. or to Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2888-d FARM FOR SALE. -100 AORES, LOT 28. Concession 1, Tuckersmith, all under cul- tivation except 8 scree. On the premises there are a bank barn 68x00; frame house, etory and a half, 00.40: kitchen. woodshed, driving hed 20,40: Dig house and hen house combined. Well at barn, never goes dry; well fenced and tile divined. Rural mail and telephone- Two miles from church- and 250) miles from oehoogql. Apply to JAMES M. AIKENHEAD, Ktppen, Ont02896x8 1'ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES LAND. north part of Lots 18 and 19, on 101sh Concession, •McKillop. All seeded down ex- cept 15 acres hay and pasture; 8 acres of bush; a' frame house with kitchen; bank barn, 54.62. drilled well with windmill: driv- ing shed, henhouse; running spring at back of farm. Rural mail and telephone. Apply on the premises to THOMAS B. BOLTON, R. R. No. 2, Walton. Phone 11-248, 8ea- fcrth. 2006x4 WARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 17, IConcesalon 6. Alden -lop. containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house; two barns, one large barn 50,56 on stone and cement foundation; one hay barn 80,50, also a shed joining two barna. The laud is in a good state of cultivation. well fenced and drained ; a good orchard and two good *elle, one drilled well water 4 .feet from top; also 12 acres of hardwood bush. This farm ie situated 8 miles from the Town of Seaforth and will be sold rea- sonable. For further particulars apply to SAMUEL SMITH, Lot 10, Concession 9, Mer Killen, R. R. No. I. Dublin. 290541125 ACRE FARM FOR 21,A Concessions 11.1.McEnttee TS 26 and,, four miles from Walton, 6 miles from Seaforth: convenient to blacksmith shop, aehoole and ohuroh; 9 acres good hardwood .bush .balance under cultivation. The farm 1s tile drained and has all woven wire fencing. There are on the premises a good brick house, 7 rooms and kitchen, cellar underhole house with cement Soma. slate roof. Bank barn 54,62, arrow shed 85,45; driving eked and garage: hen house and bog house with cement wall: 9 never failing walla. All the buildings are in first class repair, and the farm is free of weeds. This is one of the best farms in Huron County and w411 be sold on rea- sonable terms. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Walton P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE. 2904-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN. dred acres adjoining the Town of Bea• forth, conveniently ettuated to ell ebnrehis school. and Collegiate. There le a comfort. able brick cottage with a cement kitchen;. barn 100x56 with stone stabling underneath f.r 6 hence, 76 head of cattle and 40 hogs with *feel stanchions and water before ail .took: litter carrier and feed carrier and two 0000001iloe • driving shed and pint. form scalec Watered bys reek wen find windmill.- The farm to well drained and. In a high .tato of cultivation. The crop L all in the ground-ebolce clay team. Immedl- ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, Z R 2. 8eaferth. Out 0787-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 1, Concession 11, and west Milt of Let 0, Concession t0;' H.R.S.. Tnekenmith, con- taining 160 acres. There are on the premise a good two-story brick house with elate roof, large bank barn 100.69 feet with first class stabling, water in the barn, drive shed Sgx86, pig house and hen hones. Two good, spring wells, also an over -flowing spring. The farm is ell cleared but about 20 nares. The good hardwood bush, principally maple. All well fenced and tile drained. Eight acres of fall wheat eown, 40 germ ready for spring crop. The farm ie eitnated 7 miles from Seaforth and 4 miles from Henault one-half mile from eohool; rural mail and phone. WRY be aold on easy terms. Unless .old by Spring It will be for rent For further earticulars apply on -the premises, or address R. R. Ne. 2, Hipper ANGUS McKINNON. 2868-tt 1 RANO TRUNKSQ`S EM A CIELD UY MEAT', here just es . ' • as the goat experienced '7q. i . For we handle 'only e ; .tie of Bt, aft -the very Choc p t. So That insures fine qu, no matter who buys it fie we have but one price.fo ow, it is.. per- fectly safe to dead a child for meat when it, .is rl)ore conven- fent to do so During the threshing.season- farmers requlring, a Roast can get same after ,Mopping hours - by phoning 182 D. H. STXWART Main Street Seaforth. Phone 68. light 'Valhi I?lhious 1t91QA►0.40. Q000. VQ�►:' W. J. Walker & O W. 3. Walk'. Funeral DI '' 0 0 . -- rector and Embalmer. -0 O 0 . Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 0 Cate 'or .Flowers furaiehed 0 O as requested. �r Ya 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0' 0000000.00000 era :ciaiiy priced Boys" Odd Knickers, . at., . Bleached and Unbleached Cotton, -� 0r• ., JAMES WATSOTI Blain Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXUIIBiTION TORONTO AUG. 25th -SEPT. 8th The Show Window of Nations Estimated attendance, 1923, 45th Consecutive year, '1,500,000 Programme without precedent in its variety and extent Scores of new features and all of the old that have re- -. tained public favor GEORGEOUS CLEOPATRA SPECTACLE Crowning triumph In the production of super -pageants 1500 Performers JOHN. G. HENT. Managing Director ROBERT MILLER, P.04dens NEW LAID EGGS ALSO LIVE POULTRY We pay the farmer a premium for strictly New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live Poultry of an kinds. Special arrangements will be made to handle produce from a distance. Phone or write us for regular weekly price list which gives all the- necessary information. Gunn, Lailois & Company, Limited Montreal, Quebec. I. W. Trewartha Manager, Clinton Branch. Day Phone 190. Night Phone 214 W. Munels£ Per' Yard 30c T. Ferguson, - Serf Onun .14 New Fall Shoes For Ladies aid School Shoes For Boys and Girls FRED W. WIGG ---FEED Chieftain Feed per cwt........... 'Low Grade Flour per cwt Chopped Oats per cwt ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Seaforth - - - - Ontario $1.60 ............$1.90 ..$2.00 TRAIN , SERVICE TO TORONTO f Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderiob . 8.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 8.25 awes. 2.52 p.m. Leave Seoforbh .. 6.41 a.m. 8.12 p.m, Leave Mitchell . 7.04 a.m. 8.42 p.m. Arrive Stratford '1.80 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 ami. 5.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8.45 a.m. 5:60 p.m. Arrive Toronto -.10.10 a.m. 7.40 pm. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 56 p.m and 6.10 p.m. Parlor Cafe oar Goderick to To. ronto on morning train and Toronto to Goderic*s 6.10 p. -m. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- rento on afternoon train. DON'T waste time wishing you had a good business education, and MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world. MAKE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1923 YOUR LUCKY DAY by beginning n Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Conroe in THE MOST St'CCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in the Province. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, ONT. For information, write or phone. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. A. STONE, M. Acctey Prin. Phone 198. Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin. New and Rebuilt Engines and Threshers. 1-20 H. P. Geo, White Traction Engine. 1-13 H. P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. 1-16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. 1-13 II. P. Sawyer & Massey Port- able Engine. A11 thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt. 1-17 H. P. Gen. White & Sons Trac- tion Engine as taken from Customer; in good order„ suit- able for grain cutting. 1-20 H. P. Geo. White & Sons Trac- tion Engine as taken from Customer; in good order, suit- able for grain cutting. 1-14-28 Allwork Geo, White & Sons Tractor. 1-12-24 Waterloo Boy Tractor. 1-11-22 Sawyer & Massey Tractor. 1-8-16 Avery Tractor. Also New 15-30 Imperial and 10-20 Reliable Tractors. THRESHERS 1-36x50 White, Feeder, Stacker and Cutting Box Attachment. ,I.- 1 -36x48 1-36x48 Waterloo, Feeder, Stai6er and Cutting Box Attachment. 1-36x50 White with Feeder and Stacker. 5 -Secondhand Goodison Separators; one of them with Straw Cutter. 3 Waterloo Separators with Feeder, Stacker and Straw Cutting At- tachment. All thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt Also new Steam Engines, all sizes, New Gas Tractors 10-20, 12-25, 15-30 and 22-40. Oil, Gasoline and Waxer Steel Tanks, and Street Sprinklers, Smoke Stacks, Boiler Work, Belting and other supplies. Also New Im- perial Junior Separators with and wi thout Cutting Box Attachments, all sizes. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co., Seaforth - - - - Ontario. our Better Suitings REDUCED IN PRICE FOR BALANCE OF JULY AND AUGUST. $58.00 Suits, $47.00 $55.00 Suits, $45.00 $50.00 Suits, $40.00 $45.00 Suits, X8.00 A wide range of Samples to select from, in- cluding the Finest Indigo, Botany Serges, plain and Fancy Worsteds, Saxony Finished Clothes, Plain and Fancy Tweeds. ALL GOODS TAILORED TO ORDER. At "My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORTH