HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-08-17, Page 5n Nee ra"t414=3.$0. Sae {� Iter 1 rll. '.a et. heath, Its ones uponlittOoPildit x Ines andbtHt,tol. I>i Mai re:'in is1 neigbb ay+-Miss Lorena 0QI1 � irony;ie;spending her heti. dpyd, hold e.--Harveot is coBiplethd ,loth' 'lilt tanners are unable to :d(b any *Mr Ing until a geed rain, cornea, iQha CONSTANCE , FOotbalL-4M evening of " this;;, week -Stratford Stratford and ICinburn plarY d their first game for who will moee Owen Sound in the finals:' The igail Was hotly contested. The Kin - burn, boys were a little more aggress trivet:hat both sides failed to score. I' return match will be played in 1St tford begin Saturday afternoon, p IN tea -Mr. bJames o'clock. intends oitig to the West this week. -Mrs. J. Medd, of Exeter, has been visiting Cher :son, James, thpast week. -Mr. n4 - Mrs. William Lindsay, of Fior- encdy were calling on old friends last we4.-Mr. and Mss. Bruce, of Crom- arty; ; we visitinn at the home of William 1n, -Meas Blanche Wheat- ley is vlsiffelg friends in Listowel. - Miss M. Sherbrooke of Londesboro, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Radford for the past week. - Mr. Leslie Johnston visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Radford, over the week end. -Miss Mabel Hogg, of Stratford, visited at the home of her friend, Miss Thelma Dale, during the past week. BEAFORTH MARKETS Thursday, August 16th, 1923. Eggs, per dozen 123 to 25c Wheat, per bushel 90c Hogs, per cwt. $9.60 New Potatoes, per bag $2.00 Barley, per bushel 50c Sutter, per Ib. 30c 'Bran, per ton • $28.00 Shorts, per ton $80.00 Peas, per bushel $1.40 vlour, per cwt $3.85 to $8.76 Oats, per bushel 40c LIVE STOCK MARKET Union Stook Yards, Toronto, August 14th. -With general idality of the cattle offering Improved somewhat as compared with last week largely owing to an almost totalab- sence 6f western offerings, the market to -day ems decidedly more brisk than during the greet week and although dealer. failed to reduce the holdover very noticeably prleee held firm In moot ileartem, with good heavies showing an increase of 10 cents per cwt In value. Export buyers were slow in starting bueinese, but they leaned up some dozen loads before the oloee paying from 7.80 to 1,70 cents for the best, vrhile packer, took choice heavy steers at anything from 7 to 8 cents, though they were very few at the top price. The bulk of the butcher stuff brought ,toady prices at anywhere from 7 to 4.40 carts for choide, with good kind in fair demand at 64; to 6.90 per pound. Common 2,41Iore .including a few westerns an dhold- ovee, sold slow, some going ea low as 844 cent.] and it was this kind that wen to main - vain tke holdover. There wise a good trade 6n oows at 41 to 6 cents per pound for good to choice kind, though a large share of the offering went in the 3 to 4 -cent class. Bulla were slow vdith the bulk of sal. at 4 cents Tor fair to goad stuff, while ,plain burls were 'hard to move at 8 cents. One top load of feeder Brought 6.40 cents per pound and there were half a dozen loads of oommon to medium store cattle at 31/4 to 5 cents. Some 100 head were added to the fresh receipt and 'tire smite count. at two o'clock showed •2.600 head weighed up. The' hog market was strong, with thick, :smooths at 0.85 cents for the bulk and a 'few at 10 cents to outaide buyer.. Select, were worth from 10.80 to 10.90 to the pack - Quotations :-Choice ack-Quotations:-Choice heavy steers, 67.00 to •97.50; butcher steer., choice, 67.00 to 87.40: do. good, 66.50 to ;7.00; do. medium, *5.50 to 18.60; do. common, 84.60 to 15.50; butcher 'heifers, choke, 86.50 to 87.00; do. medium, '15.60 to 86.25; do. commmr, 84.00 to 15.50; butcher cows, choice. 64.00 to 1500: do. medium, 3.00 to 84.50e canner and cutter., '11.25 to 82.00; feeding steam. goad, 85.00 to 18.00; do. fair, 014.00 to 85.00; stocker.. good, 34.50 to 85.25; do. fair. *3.00 to 64.00; unlike*, springers. eaoh, 860.00 to 886.00: .rives, choice, 610 to ill: do. medium. 88.00 to 810.00; do. common, 84.00 to 87.00; amiss, Spring, 812; sheep, choice, dight 12.00 to 1100; do. choles, heavy, 84.00 to 115.00; do., culla and bucks, $2.75 to 83.50: hogs, fed and watered, 69.60 G. 59.80; do., f.o.b., 80.00 to 19.26: do., country pointe, 18.75 to 69.00. Hog quotation. are based on the prices .f chick, smooth hogs, sold on a graded baits. Select premium. 90 cents. IN MEMORIAM Not.. -!toms under this head will be eharg- nd 50 cent. per sing!e verse and 25 cents for a.eh additional. versa In loving memory4 my dear eon, William John McNabb, who died August 21st 1920: Some day see hope that we shall see, The one we loved so well; Some day our band will clasp in hie, And neves say farewell. Sadly missed by his Mother, Brothers and Sister. CARD OF THANKS We appreciate gristly the kindness shown to our mother and sister, during her long illness and the sympathy extended to us since her removal by death, and nhro thank her friends for the many beautiful floral tributes. J. W. Thompson, C. E. Thompson. and Brothers and Sister.. Public Meeting A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, on Friday, August 17th, at 8 o'clock p.m., for the pur- • pose of arranging for Firemen's Demonstration and Old Boys' Re- tunion, to be held next year. All in- terested are invited to be present. WILLIAM H. GOLDING, Mayor. August 15th, 1923. 2906-1 ra. 'W. 0: ti�gadwino a"4aeshtar. MARRLA(EE8 neuee-OunOine.-At airkt011. qqnn :July. 204b, 084.17 Beatrice. dirogistor of Mr, awl Mai. Arthur Denning, o Ititidun, to Albert J. Suede p., aToronto app .of Robert Nape, DEATHs.- Cooper. -In Fienf4pth, on August 12th, Annie Sproat, wife of .R. 1'r Cooper, 30.., aged 78 years., 1 month and 8 data. Wdlkea{.. In canton, en July 29th, Alfred ''W,ySlken, aged 67 years. Vel -ra Osborne, on August Ord, William Rion- Veal. aged 07 years, 7 Months and k'rseon-In Brossole, on August 7th. Malcolm 56e,,oer, in 'hi. 6664 year. Muir. -In Clinton, on August 2nd, William Moir, formerly of Wroxeter, aged 71 years. Downey. -At St. Columban, On August 15th, Johonmb. Downey, beloved wife of Bryan Downey. Zt111111111111l11llt I II1llll 1111111 l 111 ltll III)I I W DRESS FOOTWEAR E. We are showing a fine asort- • nient of Women's, Misses' and a 'Children's Strap Slippers in E plain patent and patent with trim, Brown Calf and Hengelo .Yid from $2.65 and up. Women's easy -fitting Hengelo =_Kid Oxfords, some with cushion • soles and rubber heels. Women's Vici Kid Goodyear o welt with cushion sole and rub- • ber heel. Women's Vici Goodyear welt with mediumKid rubber heel. Women's Patent Goodyear E. welt with low heels. Women's Brown Calf, Good- year welt with low heel. • All Sandals and Running • Shoes priced low to clear. Men's Black and .Brown Calf - OxfoA, Goodyear welt with C rubber heels, made of good FE - • leather on easy fitting lasts, at G reasonable prices. J.H. Smith & Son "The Modern Shoe Store" - PHONE 51. SEAFORTH. := iB 1111111111111111111 t I111111I 11111111 I l I I I l l 1111. More harvesters than ever will be needed this year, in Western Canada, on account of the bumper crop. Special trains will be run by the Can- adian Pacific .Railway, which is ad- vertising the usual low rate of $15 to Winnipeg, plus a half cent per mile beyond to destination in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Return- ing the fare will be $20 from Winni- peg, plus a half cent per mile from starting point. Going dates are Aug- ust 13, 15, 22 and 24, according to the territory in Ontario. On the lunch cars food and refreshments may be obtained at reasonable prices. Special cars will be provided for the ladies, children (full fare) and their escorts. First special train will leave Toronto on each date at 10.00 a.m., and last special at 10.30 p.m., on each date. Full information may be secured from any Canadian Pacific ticket office. Stewart Bros., Agents, Seaforth 4 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 O 0 *SEAFORTH OATMEAL "' ' MILL ''' 4 4, '0 No Custom Chopping will he 0 0 done next week owing to nee- 4 0 , essary repairs. 0 Mill open as usual. ' 0 n to C. G. THOMSON • 4 4> ® Grain Dealer. Phone 25 ' 6♦ 0® 4 0 0 000 0 0 plOwere 0 Ni&gM COO i ay CA1tq ' O PJI�HIe 475; Phone t12,,,,1 047000 0404 04+;?4) WHEN YOU CHEM UP THE BILL you get with our meats you'll dud our . Rriges compare favor- ably with '' those charged for meats far inferior in grade. You will find after a little experience that in spite of their very high class our meats are really the most economical. The absence of waste alone means a sub- stantial saving. During the threshing _season farmers requiring a Roast can get same after shopping hours by phoning 182.1. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. FARMS FOR SALE loo ACRE FARM FOR SA,.E, OWNER w111 Bell on reasonable terms for gulch . ala Apply to 11. B. HAYS, 8eafortb, Oat 2806-61 FARM FOR SALE. -THE FARM 00N- Laln. 100 acres: bank barn, 58x60, with n ew stabling put to three years ago; water In barn, brick home, kitchen, 2 good wens; 15 acres fall wheat; 20 acres plowed oat of sod, balsam seeded to grass. No wsete land or open ditches. Rural mail and phone. Apply, to JAMES FLANNERY, or to Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. 2888-t£ FARM FOR SALE. --FOR SALE LOT 17. Concession 6, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good Grams house; two barns, one large barn 60,66 on stone and cement foundation; one hay barn 30x60, also a shed Joining two barna. The land ie in a good state of cultivation. well fenced and drained; a goof rehired and two good wells, one drilled well, water 4 :feet from top: also 12 acres of hardwood bush. This farm is situated 6 mils from the Town of Seaforth and will be sold rea- sonable. For further particulars apply to SAMUEL SMITH, Lot 15, Concession 9, Me. Killep, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 2905540 125 ACRE FARM FOR BALE. -LOTS 26 and 27, Cone.eion 11, MclIliop, 4m/s- miles ourmils from Walton, 6 mils from Seaforth; convenient to blacksmith shop, schools and church; 9 acres good hardwood bush, balance under cultivation. The farm is tile drained end has aid woven wire fencing. There are on the premises a good brick house, 7 mons and kitchen, cellar under whole house with cement Oona elate roof. Bank' barn 54x62, straw shed 35x46; driving shed and garage; hen house and hog house with cement wall; 8 never falling wells. All the buildings are in first el.o repair, and the farm is free of weeds. This is one of the bat farms in Huron County and will be void on rea- sonable tennis. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Walton P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE. 2904-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN. dred acres sidioining the Town of Sea. forth, conveniently situated 6. all churches, ,ohooln and Collegiate. There Le • comfort. able brick cottage with a cement kitchen: barn 100x68 with atone stabling underneath for 6 hares, 76 head of cattle and 40 h g. with steel stanchions and water before W ,tock; litter °eerier and feed earner and two cement silos ; driving shed and Plat- form scales. Watered by a meg wall and windmill. The form Is well drained and in • high state ef cultivation. The crop is all in the ground -choice clay rum. lam ate pmeeselon. Apply to M. BEATON, IL R 2, Seaforth, Ont 5767-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 5, Concession 11, and west half of Le 1, Coneselon 10, H,12.5., Tuckersmlth, con- taining 160 acres. There ore on the premisea a good two-story brick hoose with slate reef. large bank barn 100x69 feet with fleet elan stabling, water in the barn, drive shed 20.55, Dig house and hen house. Two good spring wells, also an over -flowing spring. The farm N all cleared but about 20 acrs. The good hardwood bush, prinoipalle maple. All well fenced and the drained Eight gena of fall wheat sown, 40 acres ready for Ming crop. The farm is situated 7 mils from 0000 000000000 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 0 Funeral Directors and 0 O Licensed Embalmers. O 0 Finest Motor and Horse 0 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block Main Street, opposite 0 O The Expositor Office. S. T. O 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich 0 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 O residence over store. - O O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 0 holstering neatly done. O 0 Phone, NIght or Day, 119. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IMPORTANT NOTICES WANTED. -,More ealeomen (whole or spare time) to sen our high-grade Trees, shrubs and Planta. Over 1000 varieties to select 'from. Lowest prices, excellent commissions weekly. Free outfltr and instructions. steady reepeetwble em7doyment. Welland Nursery Co., Welland. 2906-2 FOR SALE. --YORKSHIRE BOAR ONE year and half old; good bncon type. Phone 32 on 247, Seaforth. THOMAS LIV- INGSTONE, R. R. No. 2. 2904x8 FOR SALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY: one Sawyer -Marney 20 H. 1'. engine and orparotor with straw cutter. also one Bidwell Leon thresher and one Lister gasoline engine 9 horse power. .AII in good eondition. For le cheep. Apply to JOHN THIRSK. R. R. No. 2, Zurich. 2801.66 reomusessomsesumoseme li __ ASTMA SUFFERERS Hilton W. Parke, Waterdowb. Out., C writs: "I am safely bless the day ▪ you left a bottle of Aethme Remedy = with me. I bed relief from the first = dose and have been Improving ever since: oars lie down at night and rat: .==,, the cough hos entirely loft me: 1 have • gained three pounds since I start d C the bottle, which le now nearly finished. • The geed news hen Arend eroutd 6610 • dietriot, and already several want to try It Ilfe. 0 I1t aetro,. Moe dtoen 211,Z7 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' .��. 80.00 per bottle. Money beck H not S .atafled. For eels at Umbooh'e Drag F. i L- Store, or by midi from H. T. Brett.,_ I = Whitby. Ont 2862-20 'still I II11111IIIII III II I I I I) I I II I I Ui i I 1 1 1 II II Iill1: z Seaforth and 4 miles from //email, one-half mile from school: rural mall and phone. WBI be sold on easy terms. Unless sold by Spring It will be for rent For further vastleu ars apply on the premises, or address R. R. Na 2. Kipper. ANGUS Me INNON. 8858-01 Take Notice That 1. The Cour it of the Corporation of the Town or Seaforth intends to conatruet as a local improvement watermalns on the streets and between the points as outlined in the achedute "C" attached, and Intends to [speci- ally assess a pert of the cwt upon the land directly abutting on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is 85920.00, of which 03095.00 to to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated special rate Per foot frontage la 5 cents. The *peel.) as- sessment is to be paid in thirty installments. 3. A petition to the Connell againet the work will not avail to prevent its construc- tion, but a petition against the work may be presented to the Railway and Municipal Board of Ontario within thirty days from the date of the flat publication of this notice, which is August 2nd, 1928. Dalai July 81st, 1028. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. SCHEDULE "C" From To Ord E. S. L. of Spar)ng Market John Coleman 660 feet E. E. S. L. of Coleman Street. Allam East limit.igh Jarvis. Street. Market High Goderich Side Market 2902-3 t RANUTr(UNKSY� eM TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderich . 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 pm. Leave Seafortk .. 6.41 a -m. 8.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 8.42 p.m. Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 6.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8.45 a.m. 6.50 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 56 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. Parlor Oafe ear Goderick to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p•m• train. parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train. h 11PIIIi111 1,1,, JAMES WATSON Alain Street - Seaforth Agent forS r Sewing Machines, and General In- tur �8nce Agent. the * 0 40 41►'4 ik 4 . o W. J. Walker & Son . ,Q o 4. 4 W. J. Walker, Funeral 0 rector and Embalmer. 0 O 4 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 0 Cara or Flowers furnished O O as requested. 0 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 000000000000 Your . Pocket used- as a bank has many die. advantages. Money Carried in it is easy to spend on trifles or may be lost or stolen. Weekly deposits in our Savings Bank uu !rill accumulate rapidly. Small or large accounts are welcome. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - SI 5,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. THE CHIEF ROOM III ��.� - 1 111111!11 71111111*141111:1111711111115 lifriliti-L:11:11111711:111111 �l 41 _' \711.111:r.T!..?..iiir..41••••:1;: UILPORT HOPEI�G `v---w�+ `a -- AltAt..sv� Frequent bathing is practised on the baby for its health. Why neglect the grown-ups? Personal hygiene cannot be properly attended to without a bathroom, as its absence is only, an excuse for neglecting Nature, and a neglected Nature means frequent ills. We specialize in modern bathrooms. Their cost is not nearly that of a piano and everyone in the house can ut- ilize them. Buy one now. Satisfy Nature's longing and you will agree with everyone that next to the cupboard, the bathroom is the best part of the house. Geo. A. Sills & Sons ---FEED--- Chieftain Feed $1.60 per cwt.... Low Grade Flour $r.0 per cwt e Chopped Oats $2.00 per cwt »...4' ROB ROY Seaforth - MILLS, Limited Ontario DON'T waste time wishing you had a good business education, and MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world. MAKE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1923 YOUR LUCKY DAY by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Course in THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in the Province. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, ONT. For information, write or phone. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. A. STONE, M. Accts., Prin. Phone 198. Com. Specialist. Vice-Prin. Specially priced Boys' Odd Knickers, at Bleached and Unbleached Cotton, Per Yard Flannelette, Per Yard T. Ferguson, - Sea Club Bags & Suit Cases • for Your Vacation Solid Leather Club Bag, in Black and Brown $7.00 Leather, lined Fibre Suit Cases at $1.50, $2, $2.50 to Bare Foot Sandals in Patent Leather, Brown ri Elk and Grey Mule at $2.50 c F. 'r" • A Clearing of all Ladies' and Gent's White Shoes § 0 S F. Oxfords in a variety of Leathers. Sizes 21/2, 3 S 13 and 31/2, at 89c 1 FRED W. WIGG I .m New and Rebuilt Engines and Threshers. 1-20 H. P. Geo. White Traction Engine. 1-13 H. P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. 1-16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. 1-13 H. P. Sawyer & Massey Port- able Engine. All thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt. 1-17 H. P. Geo. White & Sons Trac- tion Engine as taken from Customer; in good order„ suit- able for grain cutting. 1-20 H. P. Geo. White & Sons Trac- tion Engine as taken from Customer; in good order, suit- able for grain cutting. 1-14-28 Allwork Geo. White & Sons Tractor. 1-13-24 Waterloo Boy Tractor. 1-11-22 Sawyer & Massey Tractor - 1 -8-16 Avery Tractor. Also New 15-30 Imperial and 10-26 Reliable Tractors. THRESHERS 1-36x50 White, Feeder, Stacker and putting Box Attachment. 1-36x48 Waterloo, Feeder, Stacker and Cutting Box Attachment. 1-36x50 White with Feeder and Stacker. 5 -Secondhand Goodison Separators; one of them with Straw Cutter - 3 Waterloo Separators with Feeder, Stacker and Straw Cutting At- tachment. All thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt Also new Steam Engines, all sizes, New Gas Tractors 10-20, 17-26, 15.80 and 22-40. Oil, Gasoline and Water Steel Tanks, and Street Sprinklers, Smoke Stacks, Boiler Work, Belting and other supplies. Also New Im- perial Junior Separators with and wi thout Cutting Box Attachments, all sizes. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co., Seaforth - - - - Ontario Our Better Suitings REDUCED IN PRICE FOR BALANCE OF JULY AND AUGUST. $58.00 suits, $47.00 $55.00 Suits, $45,00 $50.00 Suits, $40,00 $45.00 Suits, $38.00 rA wide range of Samples to select from, in- cluding the Finest Indigo, Botany Serges, plain and Fancy Worsteds, Saxony Finished Clothes, Plain and Fancy Tweeds. y 4 ALL GOODS TAILORED TO ORDER. At "My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORTH