HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-08-03, Page 5.4 t'r f er (IN A1/4 'AUGUST 3, 1923. """1/-" CROMARTY Notes. -Mrs. 'Mary Henry, of • ebener, is vial her niece, =re, Il<. W. Currie. visiting McDonald, of Brampton, 1• visiting her mother, .;lfdrs. 8. 8peare.--Rev. D. Ride anti family have gone tq Bruise 8,csch for ea month's holiday. --Mr. John Scott .attended the funeral of his emit, Miss Yate Ewen, in Brussels, on, 1us.day. -Miss Palethorp, returned Scission- ary, from Corea, occupied the -pulpit on Sunday on behalf o! the W. M. 8. -Cromarty and district will be large- ly represented at the Old Boys' Re- -anion in Mitchell next. 'week. HILLS Glib Mis$1013' Band. --The Mission Band 011 Steeler, JAY In the Wt Of the a arch. meet. as opened by singing Hymn 773. ;Sr. Carlisle led in prayer. The �pture reading was read by Eileen urner, _.Isaiah, r i8rd chapter. The ;Mission Band's text and motto were repeated, followed by Hymn ten. The "roll was then called with an attend - :4=e of 28. The. Silver attends was 12, the Red was 9 and 2 visitors. The Secretary's report was given, the Birthday money was received and -classes were separated for the lesson. Mr. Carlile teaching the Senior girls as Mrs. Lundy was absent. Miss G. 'Love taught the rest of the. pupils. `,The lesson was about Louis Pasteur, 'who was born in 1822. After the lesson, hymn 779 was sung, after -which the Lord's Prayer was repeated. "The Mission Band will meet on Sun- day, August 19th, in the basement of the church, at the close of the service. DUBLIN Notes. -Miss Clara Dill, of London Respite], is visiting her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. P. Dill. -Mr. Lawrence Beal and son, Leonard, of Stratford, spent Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. C. Beale. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hannah, of Mitchell, were guests of Mrs. James Redmond. -Miss Stubbs, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell's, for a few weeks. -Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bloodworth, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Ml's. George Diegle, for a month. -Mr. Joe Stapleton returned to his home in Cleveland, Ohio, after .a pleasant visit with relatives here. -Miss Nellie Ryan, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ryan, south of the village. Death of Dr. A. V. Michell. -After a brief illness the sequel to an attack of influenza suffered in February last, Dr. Albert V. Michell, of 835 Bathurst •street, Toronto, died Tuesday after- -noon in the private pavilion of the 'Toronto General Hospital. Born in Claremont, Ont., fifty-eight years ago, he graduated in medicine at the Uni- -versity of Toronto in 1890, and be- gan practice at Dublin, Perth County, -where he remained until about six years ago, when he removed to To - Tonto. He was very well known and -highly popular in Dublin and vicinity, and in Toronto he had made many -friends. He was an Anglican and a staunch Conservative. Dr. Michell is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Minnie O'Leary, of Mitchell; four 'children, George William, Vera and Charles. at home; two brothers, Dr. Allan C. Michell and Lieut. -Col. Wm. Michell, principal of Riverdale Col- legiate, Toronto; and a sister, Miss Catharine Michell, Toronto. The late Mr. Michell's eldest son, Albert V., a student at the School of Practical 'Science, went overseas with the Uni- -versity Battery and was transferred to the 18th C.F.A. and was killed at Vimy Ridge in April, 1917. The fun- eral of Dr. Michell took place at 2.30 Thursday afternoon with interment at St. John's cemetery, Norway. SEAFORTH MARKETS Thursday, August 2, 1923. Barley, per bushel 50c Butter, per lb. 80c Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Peas, per bushel Slow, per cwt New Potatoes, per bag $2.50 Eggs, per cozen 20 to 21c Wheat, per bushel 85c Oats, per bushel 40c Bogs, per cwt. $8.75 328.00 380.00 51.40 $8.85 to $8.75 GRAIN MARKET Toronto, July 81. Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern. $115%. Manitoba oats -No. 3 C.W., 4814c; No. 1 feed, 47c. Manitoba barley-Notninal. Ail the above track, bay porta. American corn -No. 2 yellow, $1.09. Bailey -Nominal. Buckwheat -No. 2, nominal. Rye -No. 2, nominal. Pees -No. 2, nominal. ltiElfecd-,*Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $28.00 to 526.00 : shorts, per ton, 527 to 929.00; middlings, *88.00 to 985.00; good feed flour, $2.15 to 22.25. Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, nominal. Ontario No. 2 white oats -44 to 48c. Ontario corn -Nominal. Ontario flour --Ninety per cent. patent in jute bags. Montreal. prompt, shipment. 55.10 to :5.20; Toronto •basis. $5.05 to 95.16, bulk seaboard, $4.95 to $6.00. Manitoba flour --fat patents, in cotton sack' 08.00 per barrel; 2nd patents. $0.86. Hay -Extra No. 2 timothy, pot ton. track 'Toronto. 916.00; No. 8 timothy, /18.90; mix - act 112.50 to 118.50. Straw -Cart lots, per ton, track, Toronto. 99.60. LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, July 81st -Cattle -+Receipts, 5,690 ; -very slow; choice shipping grades 9 y wood, dry -fed beef, 25 oent. lower; yearling. 25 to 80 cents lower; cows, 25 seats lower: bulla, 25 to 60 cents lower; draft cattle very weak; 50 cents lower; .hipping steers, $10 to 811.25: buteher,, 98 to *9; yearlinga, 48.60 to 210.60; heifers, 96 to 118.50; cows, 42.60 to 90.50: bulls, 38.00 to 96.00; Stock- ers and feeders, 85.00 to 97.50; fresh ,�w�ws and springers, very slew and steady, 940 to 9110. Oahe,--Recelp1, 2,400; active.; 50 cent. higher: 94.00 to $14.00. !hogs -Receipts, 1.600: active; pigs, 25e higher: others 15 cents higher: heavy, 97.70 to; 18.00: mixed, $8.10 to 98.20; yorkers, 98.25: light. yorkero. 88.00 to $8.50: pigs. 95.76; to $0.00: rough., 95.25 to 96.00; stage, 44.00 to 55.00. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 2,200; Iambs active, 25 ee0la higher; sheep slow; iambs. 96.00 to 518.60; yearlings, _ 55.00 to 410450; a fiber., 97.60 to 98.00; .was, $0.00 to MI; ti TOR iahatiteliozor‘V.41, $4.10. Receipts .eras+. 4148 se9Wl. hogs, 847 sheep mid WPM. Ill addition awes 'W .boat soil mato lett Pair frena east Tar ro -, 5 stolid, pltailleMila are , 1, .,.1 - "#P his n '16. ollivlf}.. aWith small tat4.a 10 ' to Mato, ' .r Pala air to 1194.. '.10 strut.. with Iambs aw s4. •ao a � cant. Mr's es* 91- 6. ssg201 is 0.10 .esus*, awe". are bwMili *t 4,M 't•. 10.12. A 1 qy mr91 rade *rad ea. wing to Clist• belie CbM; but or .aMe , tom eM.00 PA ; ,/• 1 siesta, shale.. 47.00 to 17.60 t good, N. to 47.001 do. m.dlas. $6.00 to $11.50f dm bntleb.trwatimacm, 45.00 to $5.50; r ski.', 45.00 to 15,40; do., s. mediu. 2, to 44.541; emitters and cutters, 41.50 to M00; tseatog strias, good. 8M51.�00 to 56.00 t do. fah; 44.50 to 16.00: etoofosr good, 94.50 to 85.00; do. fair, 58.50 to 54.60; milkers, springers. .sob. 500.00 to 180.00 ; calves, choice, $10 to .$11 : de. medium, $8.00 to 19,00; do. common. 54.00 to 45.00; lamb, Spring, 413.00 to 018.76: 'beep. choice. light, 85.00 to $5.75; do. choice. hoar, $4.00 to 44.50' do: culls and books, $2.76 to $.1.50; bogs. led and watered. 49.00 to 49.10; do., f.o.b., 48.40 to 59.50: do.. country points, 68.16 to 98.25. Bog quotations are Used on the prime .t thick, smooth hope, sold on a graded book. BIRTHS Murphy. -In Seaio Homiltal, on Wedneeday, July 25th, to lir. and Sin. John F. Mushy. a daughter. Johnston. -At Varna, on July 98th, to Mr. and Mn. George Johnston, a son. Boyer. -In Tuckerseeith. on July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boy's, a eon. DUATHB Modeland.-In Seaforth, on July 27th, Hen- rietta Nleho1on, wife of the late John Modeland, in her 8bth year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mn. Charles Dungey wish to ex- press their •heartfelt appreciation to their Seaforth friend. for the many acts of kind- ness and expressions of sympathy extended to them in their great and sudden bereave- ment in the dura of, their daughter, Aldeen Roselli. 2908-1 • CARD OF THANKS We wi.0 to sincerely thank the kind friends and neighbors for their many kind deeds and acts during the illness and be- reavement of a dear husband and father. MRS. WM. HACKWELL and FAMILY. Walton, Ont. CARD OF THANKS The Seaforth Fire Brigade wish to express their sincere thanks to these who so ably .a- eiated in the organization of their successful Garden Party and also to these who con- tributed to the excellent programme. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son O Funeral Directors and O Licensed Embalmers. 0 Finest Motor and Horse 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0" Block Main Street, opposite 0 The lme�s'p Expositor C Goderich 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 residence over atone. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up - 0 holstering neatly done. 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 000000000 0000 0 000000000000 0 IMPORTANT NOTICES TEACHER WANTED. -TEACHER ed for for School Section No. 2, McKillop. Applications, eteting qualification, experi- ence and salary expected. to be made to PERCY McMICHAEL, Secretary, R. R. No. 2. Seaforth. 2902-3 rj OR SALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY; 1 one Sawyer -Massey 20 H. P. engine and separator with straw cutter, also one Bidwell lean thresher and one Lister gasoline engine 9 horse power. All in stood condition. For sale cheap. Apply to JOHN THIRSK, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. 2899.4.E TENDERS WANTED For excavating cellar, cement work and delivery of gravel. Apply F. D. HUTCHISON, 2903-1 Seaforth. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1923, Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron. Notice 4s hereby given that I have com- plied with section 10 of The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Seaforth on the- 80th day of July, 0928, the Het of all persons en- titled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. • Ami. I hereby call upon all votera to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for append being the 20th day of August, 1928. Dated this 2nd day of Adgust, 1923. JOHN A. WILSOIO, 2908-2 Clerk of Seaforth.. Take Notice That 1. t'he Connell of the Corporation a the Town of Seaforth intends to construct ea a local improvement watermaina on the atreeta and between the points as outlined in the schedule "0" attached, end intends to aped - ally assess a part of the coat upon the land directly abutting on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is 45950.00, .of which $8095.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated special rate .per foot frontage 4. 8 cents. The special as- _eesanent ie to be paid 4n thirty inatatho.nte. 8. A petition to the Council against the work will not avail to brevent fes mistime- -hen, but a petition against the work may be prolate d to the Railway and Municipal Board of Oistgo ie within thirty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is August 2nd, 1928. 1)ated Jioly 81st, 1928. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. SCHEDULE "C" Street. From To Market Ord E. 8. L. of Sperling High Market John floderich Celeman 580 .feet E. E. 8. L. of Coleman Street. Side William least limit. Market Etat. Jarvis. 2908-8 WW1»11Io DDT R BUYING 'maw thequality and value of our meats. They .cannot be Wil- led issled wheat they see Our Chops, Steaks,Boasts, Stewing Meets, etc. That is why we count among our customers some of the Alost discriminating buyers of meat* in this town. Many of them have been buying from us for a, long time. During ersrthe threshing season farmsr'equir- ing a Roast can get same after shopping hours by phoning 182,7. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. 4111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 U Stop! ! -3 Before passing this Store step F. in and inspect our late ship- went of Men's High Grade Shoes. C If you appreciate Fine Shoes, = Sir, you're the man we would like to interview. We have lines = from ,the shops of the _ 1OOST NOTED MAKERS r Skilful shoemaking, t h e Choice Leathers and the Latest Last form a combination in these that cannot be excelled. We're not only up-to-date on Men's Fine Shoes, but we're a date ahead. We have lines in C Black and Brown Calf, cushion sole welts, all on easy fitting lasts. Black and Brown Calf welts, with new box toes, also E a specially Fine Kid Arch Sup- _ port Shoe, made on a last de- signed by a specialist in the I correction of foot troubles. J.H. Smith & Son E "The Modern Shoe Store" PHONE 51. SEAFORTH. iIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111I11IIIIIIIII11111II11NIIr AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF MODERN DWELLING and 5 Acres of Land. There will be offered for sale at public auction, on Satur- day, the 4th August, 1923, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, the 5 acre part of Lot 24, in 8rd Concession of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, formerly occupied by Mr. Dan Mc- Donald. This property is very convonientiy situated, about 1,A, miles from Seaforth, and there is erected on the prat -niece a modern dwelling with furnace, bath, toilet and large range with water boiler and water connec- tie.ns, also a small stable and there is a good orchard. A splendid opportunity is offered to any one desiring ouch a property as a resi- dence or run a chicken or truck farm. the taxes are very low, (township rate), and the property can almost be looked on as town p reperty. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty per cent. of purchase money in cash on day of sale and the balance. without interest. in thirty days thereafter. The pur- chaser will be required to sign an agree- ment to complete purchase. The title is per- fect and immediate possession can be given. Further particulars and terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 16th July, 1f 23. Th. Brown, R. S. HAYS, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor. 2901-2 Notice To Berry Pickers Notice is hereby given that no ireapaaeing will be allowed on Lots 13 and 14, Concession 4, McKillop. JOHN MALONE. 0 A 000 0 0 0 00 0 4' • BEN-HUR 4' 4' The Special Milverton • • Flour. • • We have it; give it a • • trial. • o also • • Ground Screenings • • Chop of all kinds. o s, 55 • We will close every Wednsstlay 0 0 afternoon during July and O 0 August. 0 0 0 • C. G. THOMSON 4' ° Grain Dealer. Phone 25 • • • •• , 0 • O0, A d* NOTICE Any Patrons with Seaforth Creamery Cana and not going to use them to send cream to us this season, will ]dndly return them to the Creamery. These are our property and only loaned to patrons, order. andMust be returned in The Seaforth Creamery. 2884 -ti auto 49 ha water Walt teed earodor ate' `` The eriVejtt 1. N. 1111ATOIL It 110111.40 WARM roe R SALL IA? 4 donaiwloa 1 half of Iwo 6, t�aluing 160 tow aneowien �etheste .. are on the e. 1a�s good two-story islets Her with Mete mat =beak wwa .r 8. 61. drive shot SAC pig house ea a .v IY�Two gash who wells, aloe an sprhig. '!M farm is all dewed *bout *abeout 10 wenn. 110 will ..eweddaand Sit Main d Add sae et tali wheat pan, 40. *era reedy for epata i soup. The fats i0 *tatted 7 sense true Sostmile rtkfrom and 4 aWhofilm Hand pioaa WU halfm suss from sabool: nate be .old on away terse. Halm. sold -by Swim it will be fer rent 141 further paltiemlare y onimog e a ON. D�_ the ae dd 5. R. N.. s� r. lClppen 28/141 GRAND TRUNK RAEM TRAIN SERVJCE TO TORONTO Daily Exee$r Sunday Leave Goderieh . 6.00 elm. 2.20m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 OS. Leave Seadorlbb .. 6.41 a.m. 8.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell .r 7.04 a.m. 8.42 p.m. Arrive Stratford 7.50 a.m. 4.10 pm. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 5.20 pm Arrive Guelph 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.60 cis.; 12. 66 PAL and 6.10 p -m - Parlor Cafe car Dederick to To- ronto on morning min and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.na. tradn. Parlor Buffet ear Stratford to To- ronto on afternosa !rata. 00c►�'s04c9o0100'o►O W. J. Wa +car & Son • W. J. Ws O rector !kg O 0 Motor or 0 Cars or O 00000000080 10 wasted. Day or Phozas 67. 4.040 000000O W. T &s> Sanbaliam SCO. 4. f. 1101t Seldor of Oe* must 0 Diploma aPti Litmus ate Plavoms(�w Se ea Wan . 0 Nigir Daae Clallsos 9 400000000010004, lub Bags Your Vac 1111iiiiwsw11101111U110$111111111u ASTMA SUFFERERS. muse writes: -I . min safer hieso the4 yea lett a bottle oL Asthma 1a.niy with Ian 1 bad mildbras the !at ease and haws been y mpeestaasad star einethe alae~ bee doers night let toes I haveit e gained telae pomade alae.. I Muted the beaks wish* is new w11p *okhd. paster ood news has spread arattnd Mkdirtrle , sad already reveal went M try it.I ted se peed over the sow Ufa. as It were. I like to tell mane.' 2 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' s' $1.N par battle. hooey bask if net E s- satisfied. 5.s sans at Umb.m i. Dreg = Stere. ea by sell train H. T. Drl�, a Whitby, Dat 20•s.a1 41111U1111111W1111111111111U1U11111111111111 Leat1ier` Club Bag, in Black and Br Ueather, lined Fibre Suit Cases at $1550, $2, $2. Bare Foot S in Patent Leather, Bro Mic and Grey Mule' at $ 2 A Charing of all Ladies' and Gent's While Sh 1 '' Oxfords in a variety of Jeathere Sizes 21/2, 3 and 81h, at 4. ua WOOL Hides and Skins Wanted H. M. JACKSON Seaforth - Egmondville Phone 3. 0r tall Ilii/ il! ! I°9111 I til .I!1 GENUINE ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS That this Bank is � to assist the age• cut ral development of Canada is shown by the face that two.thirds of our borrowhag customers erg wore. esedlt hem rat wal be r t��mast Ateammeldemes tressmeem. Off THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. 4i DON'T waste time wishing you had a good business education, and MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY. to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world. MAKE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1923 YOUR LUCKY DAY by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial arse in THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in the rovince. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTO , ONT. For information, write or phone. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. A. STONE, M. Accts., Prin. Phone 198. Com. Specialist, Vice-P.rin. . __________ _ ______. _ _ The Western FairLONDON, ONTARIO September 8 to 15, 1923 ' The Popular Live Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario $40,000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS 1 The New $160,000.00 Manufacturers Building Holding over Three Hundred Exhibits. Come and See Them. Wonderful Platform Attractions. See Programs. MUSIC -FIRE WORKS -FUN. Something Doing all the Time. JOHNNY J. JONES SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY Admission, 25c. all week. Children, 15c. 1 All ('•hildren Free on Monlay, September 10th. This will he the Big Year for the Exhibition. Everybody Come. II All information from the Secretary. 11 J. H. SAUNDERS, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. sc."-"Yr:v" Our Better Suitin REDUCED IN PRICE FOR BALANCE OF JULY AND AUGUST. $58.00 Suits, 547.00 $55.00 Suits, 545.00 $50.00 Suits, 54m0.00 $45.00 Suits, 538.00 A wide range of Samples to select from, in- cluding the Finest ,Indigo, Botany Serges, plain and Fancy Worsteds; -Saxony Finished Clothes, Plain and Fancy Tweeds. ALL GOODS TAILORED TO ORDER. At "My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORTH FERGUSON'S Men's White Flannel Trousers, each • Men's Light A 00 [ 00 GreyTrousers - • Men's Fancy 2.75-4.75 Shirts, each.. Men's Fancy 1 50-2 25 Straw Hats... • • Rubber Belts each ... 45c Boy's Tweed 1.50-2.25Knickers...... Men's BalbrigganUn- derwear, Combination 1'75 Men's B. V. D's each... ......115 .1.20 1.50 Boys' Khaki Knickers, pair... Boys' Khaki Pants, pair. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 1 garment 75c Boys' Balbriggan Un- derwear, one garment...65c Boys' Jerseys each.. T. Ferguson, 50c - Seaforth New and Rebuilt Engines and Threshers. 1-22 H. P. Bell Traction Engine. 1-20 H.P. Bell Traction Engine with new firebox. 1-20 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- tion Engine. 1-20 H.P. Geo. White Traction Engine. 1-20 H.P. Goodison Traction Engine. 1-17 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- tion Engine. 1-13 H.P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. 1-13 H.P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. 1-16 N.P. Goodison Portable Engine 1-13 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Port- able Engine. 1-14-28 Allwork Geo. White & Sandi Tractor. 1-12-24 Waterloo Boy Tractor. 1-11-22 Sawyer & Massey Tractor. 1-10-20 Titan Tractor. 1--8-16 Avery Tractor. THRESHERS 1-36-:50 White, Feeder, Stacker 8 Cutting Box Attachment. 1-36x48 Waterloo, Feeder, Stacker et Cutting Box Attachment. 1-36x50 White with Feeder and Stacker. ALL THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND REBUILT. New Imperial Junior' Separators with and without Cutting Box At- tachments, all sizes. Also New Steam Engines, all sizes, New Gas Tractors 10-20, 12-25, 1 5-30, and 22-40. Oil, Gasoline and Water Steel Tanks end Street Sprinklers, Smoke Stacks, Boiler Work, Belting and other Supplies. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co., Seaforth - - - - Ontario..