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The Huron Expositor, 1923-07-27, Page 5
and James Wamsley`and xrom?!B e4 the _'. MQST N0�'E•DI. SkiVt11 shoemaldng, the", hgiee Leathers and the. Latest o -Choice g AVY atexra. f7.0o +o Ware not OnW up-tPdate. 9A sit ,ar aenw choice, s7.00 w e7.5o; _I Men's Fine Shoes, but we're A nos•` $070 b iTM. do. ,taealum, 30.80 to p date ahead. We have linen in, do.:tfamm0it $5,§,Q 40 $e-oo: butcher C Black "and Brown Calf, cushion e obokx, x8.76 bo '$7,25: do, - medium. $6.00; do. exltll WA $5.00 to $5.50: $ sole -welts, all on easy fitting er co". Choice. 76.00 to $6,50; do., "" lasts: Black and Brown Calf tilt$8468 to 44.60; c4mmu and mutters, welts, with new boa tees, also 42,00; feeding otema good, 46,00 •0$.. do. fair. $4.50 to $6.00; etockem :. a specially Fine Hid Arch Sup- yw Chet lmunly •w►th .Mr. goal, 4 $0 1016.00; do. fair, $2.50 to $4.60; :'1$71(1 My6. George Eaton -Miss Mar- muke£e,-Vriugem, each, $80.00 to $80.00; 1 i.E 1r ''pert Shoe, made oil a last do- 3 -signed. 2 ret (Athis has r4eturnedL home from' Calve' choice, $8.00 to 40,50; do, medium, $a to 47.75: do. by a specialist in the :C. _ common, 44.00 to 76,00 ; Jamba, T*Re Couchiching, having finished her Spring, $11.00 to $12.00; aheep, choice, light,: ' correctiolf Of foot troubles. iconrse-at. the summer school there. 46,00 to $5.75; de. choice, heav $4.00 to $4.00; .dsaners, $1,26 to $1.76; cutters, $2 to $2.50. ..' .. - buck-, do. ahlls sad $2,76 to ill.60; ha, td lm ants watered. $8.85: do. Lo -b.. $8.25; do., country ren`48. - =_ J. H. Smith & 'Son .ear ... ._ iLAYFIELD Now quototdorn am based on the prices .f thick. amouth' hogs, sold on a araded baslr. =- = - = "The BreeZes.-RSV, A. Macfarlane ex. ar seleoh. cold on a flat rate Hanna atlmeb, apld on the traded basis. bruit • premium - ,Modem Shoe Store" PHONE 51. SEAFORM. tehanged pulpitis with Rev. George *rd, of 817 "A,Sunday _Xr ar)d of 10 per cent. , . -. ' = m t2'ii1i111t1111t71liIIIIt11111111ti111111111U11111M= MBens9lti of T�ondon, iRleat a few ars Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- The Seaforth Creamery. 4"t -fee as- the gutists. of the lorinert-c 00. sale= y A: Ediwardef .. •. Killpp' Council I 1-1About se6efitvtive -boys froli, the common suckers ftmm $5.50 and up. Drinker AUCTION SALE$ Anglican churches of St.' John's,' St. �--"• }calves, from $4 to $5: grasmers, from $8 to maul's and St, Luke's London; St. dtlhn's St, �� The ��m'cil of the -Corporation of AUCTION SALLA[ OF HOUSEHOLD FURN- " it-ft.-Mr.aThomas Brown has ,and Lulte's, St. Tliolnas :lid Christ, church, Petrolia, era meet the he Carne McKilLibrary in the Carnegie y public avetion � Loh structel 18, Concession s, McKDlap. on Wednesday. 4taBGlii,?_for ten days at Bay#ejd, The all, ie Library Hall, Sea- forth'.on Tne'sday, dIIly 836t, at Otte August let, at 5 p.m-, the followtngl: Three bed room sultan mattreaeee and springs. Aitai bf'M6Cera includes among others V. A, . S. H Cree commandant . t e 6,6io &`p -m. JOHN MCNAY, Clerk. one glass cupboard, 2 axt0nalon tables, 1 parlor table. chairs, 1 coal 'header. 1 cook atone, 1 C. Pittli, chaplain; Mi. "j. B. 4 , vint.t. nearly new hanging lamp end lamps, tub, 'West, quartermaster; Rev. C. Hallo- 1-20 R.P. Bell Traction Engine with l clothe:, wringer, one coach. hey feeder nearly new, and other wtioles too namenwe well, medical officer Mr. A, Powell, cook, and Messrs... Perkins and Tyn- GODERICH RACES to mention; also 12 -tons clover hay is the barn• Teresahat sums of $10,00 and under, ' instructora: physical thing, Remember Goderich Horse Races, each; over that amount 8 months• credit on' approved Joint metes. MRs, SUSAN ROSS, :training, swimming, oamperaft,. first Civic holiday, Wednesday, August ProPriotrees; Thomas Brawn, Auctioneer. "a., fid, signalling, sing. song, etc., are let. 2.30 trot or pace, puree $400.00• O. among the activities which aYe duly 2.18 •trot or pace, purse $400.00; 2.1 t AUCTION SALE OF USED CARS. -Thera supervised and so , organized that there is no room for dull moments. trot or pace, .purse i150p.00.. Write Dr. W. F. Clark, Sec}etary, for par- ,yul b- cold by public carrion �a.ta()doe. ad'tvsao July that following: B19i7 T/hevrolet rS sal mention inay , be made of the eld Day, 'Whielb i9 -being, arr5nged oculars. _ touring car, 1921 Chevrolet tearing car, 1921 Ford touring car fully equipped, Isis Ford SOr Thursday, July 28th in the after- .. __ tourhra car,. 1928 Ford roadster ern 1000 -loon, and which will be followed by )[11'272$ milee, 1918 1 -ion Ford track, 1 Micado, 8 good -teal tire buggies, 2 meta mingle - harmesa, al concert in the town hall. -Rev, and Mrs. Hugh Crosby, Of Woodstock, Chambers. -On Monday, 23rd of July, at the bicycle. now, Melotte cream separator, ebofee kitchen range for coal or wood. driving mart Iias Grace Pinder, Goderich, and sere. Ohiselharat, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira chamber,, a d..aMrr. 6 Years old• driving mare 8 more old. Per- Chemo, colt 8 years old, alt of which will be Miss Gwen Snowdon, Seaforth, were McLean. -At the Seatorth Memorial Hospital• sold to the highest bidder. Tarms. 25 per ,guests of Mrs. George Woods and g 741180 Nan. on June 15th, to Mr. and Mm. David Me. Lem Tuekeremith• a son --John Edward. cent f the purchase money to be paid I. cash, balance 8 end 8 months• credit on -Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie, of London, were visitors Rorney.,. -[n Coder(ch, on July 15th, to -Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Kerney, East ''pP"a"d Joint nota sea interest at 8 per cent, per maa� CA N BROS., PmpAe- xvith theirdaughtor. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. •0,. tots; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer• 2902-1 Fowlie.-Meer H. W. Beacom, of Mid- Oselardim, At Stephta Township, on July 12th, to ,Mr. and Msn- Lees... Dmi.rdlma. AUCTION SALE OF MODERN DWEL1dNG Band City, Mich., visited her bra twin t°rin BOm• Lediett.-In WJmahom, July 14th. and 6 Acres of Land. Them wilt be Messrs, H. W. and A. E. Eiwlg n, on to ,Mr. and Mrs. D Ledittt, daughter. offend fm sale at public auction, on Satur- day, Sew days. -Dr. and Mrs. Iling, of raey' a Lloyd. --fn Wingham, an July 17th, to Mr. the 4th August, 1928, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, the 5 acre FUtchener, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H- Lloyd• a daughter. part of lot 24, in 3rd Concession of the ,and Mrs. E. A. Sander at their SBM- Rock. -In Logan, on July 11th, In Mr. and Township of Melfillop, in the Cwrnty of soler home on Main Street. - Mrs. Mrs. Charles R.oek. a dauWl;r. Huron, formerly o Pid by Mr- Dao Mo- ,Donald. This property is very conveniently Tllellicke -of Buffalo, was the guest of Firs. Ross. DEATHS situated, about 1'/, .11. from Seaforth, and there is created on the premises a modern - Witham¢. -In Oak Park, Ill., on July 4th, dwelling with furnace, bath• toilet and large 9 *41 4) 4 4 9 OO 9 infant eon of Mr. and, Mrs. Dun Williams. Midd1atun. Sn Ooderfoh Township, on July range with. water boiler andwater canner• tion-• also a small stable and t(r'ere is a good 7S) SEAFORTH MARKETS 8th, infant twin eon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Middleton. orchurd. A splendid opportunity is"offerei rr, any one desiring much a property ares{- -- Thursday, July 26, -1928. Cesar. -In Goder4oh• an July 12th, George firma Caesar. D_D.S. deuce or run a chicken or truck term. The taxes we very low, itownship rate), and the per dozen . ............ smith. -In Toronto, on July 10th• Mary property can almost be looked on m se b n ....21C 'Wheat, per bushel...............90c 0-1419% widow of Atte law Rev. George Smith, of Mitchell, aced 84 years. property, TERMS OF SALE: Harley, per bushel........ 50c utter, pe! lb . ............. 80c Egan, teIt............... Twgrty per cent of purchase money in cash on day of sale and the balance. without per '.............$28.00 aborts, per ton.............$30.00 IN MEMORIAM Interest, in thirty days thereafter. The Dur_ chaser will be required to sign an agree- t?eag per bushel . p ... .$1.40 !'sour, per, cwt,.,.. ,•$8,85 to $3,75 --_ Note,-Iteau under this head will be cherg. d 50 cents per mingle verse and 26 cents for n,ent to complete Purchase. The title is per- feet and immediate possession eon be given Fetther parttcslars and wane of sale will 14eW Potatoes, per bag........ $2,50 smch additional verse. be made known on the dry of Bale and may �8ts, per bushel. ............ 450 In fond and loving m Cry of our dear be had in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 18th July, Bogs, per cwt, , . , .., , ......... $8.50 father. John W. Smale, who pav8ed away one It 22. Year ng•, July 30th, 1922: Th- Brown. R. S. HAYS, + - Hissuffartng was great, his pain severe• Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicltor, 2901.2 But he bore it with patience tiff God drew LIVE STOCK MARKETnear. And then, without bidding a last farewell ' Buffalo, July 24- 1r_tfle oceipt.. 8,ciro; °fairly active; toD 25 He quietly went home in Heaven to dwell. a•$� Thomas H. Wheeler yearlings, cents lower ; ,medium grades, 60 semis lower; choice ship- ne Oof the best thud God could send. A loving father and a faithful friend. steady and strong; shipping 9vng grdes, 28 steers• $10,50 to $11.60; butchers. $8 to $9.; We miss him and mourn flim in silence unseen And dwell in the memory of days that have BRUCEFIELD. yearlings, 18.50 to $11: heifers, $8.25 to w $7; butts, 'mack; town, 7 b $8.26; been. - 2902.1 LOVED ONE. - mtockers and faders, 0; fres feeo $7.60; fresh owe General Blacksmith, Wood nd springers, active and steady, $40 to $110. Cmlven-Receiptu, 1'300; active, 6D cent L000 Worker and Wood-Tamer. Tlahhi: ei. $4.00 to $18.80. e -•Receipts• 10.500; native; pigs• Y6 0 000000000 *o 60 cents higher; others, 25 to 36 cent- T. Holmes t$t OSt�, Son 0 ,higher; heavy, $8.26 to 38.60; mixd,'18 w $8.70; Yorkers, $8 to 48.66; tight Yorkers. $8 'Go- $8.80; pies, SL60 to $8; --she. $6.25 • O Funeral Directors and .0 0Licensed Embalmers O As I have taken over part of Mr. to $0.50: sings, $4 to $4.50. - Mopt'read,�July 24•-Cattle-,Rtcetpm, 1,002, 9 Finest Motor and Horse O: Fred Tomlinson's business, I will be Mare were no good quality butcher steere Vifered. and about 226 of the cattle on sale O drawne£kgqituipment• Beattie O prepared to supply you with Hay were left over from last week. Trading this O Block Maln .Street, Opposite 0 i O The Z+:xpoaitor Office. S. T. O 1 Forks, IIB y Cars, Tracks and Pulleys, morning orae very slow. and prices were lower on the few sales made uD w 10 o'clock. O Holmes' residence, Goderich 0 Sling Ropes and Chains, Floury t e0ne small tint ed fairly god steers brought y7i sad one load of mdium and fainly god O Street West; Chas• Holmes' O ; Plows, Plow Points, Land Sides and ®leers brought $5.50. One -load of real good O _. residence over store. O� Sales for lows Of v8TI0U9 makes, P Wdbern cows weighed up at $5.25 and a :rMople of loads d good cows sold for $4.75 O Flowers furnished on short O I O All kinds Of O and repairs for Beatty Litter Car- dad $6. Medium eows ranged from $4 w notice. Up- rises. 44,50 and common ones . $2.50 to $4.. Iradiea- O holstering neatly done. O Itionm are that all the cattle will not he sold ,t0 -dry: Quotation•-Huwher steers Medium O Phone,Night Or Day, 119. 0 gy T Tj UTL 1 38-w 7: common, $4 to $6.60. Butcher half-W,e ^ads -+Medium, $4.26 to $5.50. Butcher cows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 cave Mitchell. 7.04 san. 8.42 p m, er BRUCEFIELD. -�-God, $4.75 to $6.25; medium, $8 to $4.50: NOTICE rrive Kite -Ah er 8.20 am. 5.20 pm rrfm Guelj 8.45 a m. 5.50 m. _ .dsaners, $1,26 to $1.76; cutters, $2 to $2.50. Any Patrons with Seaforth Creamery Cans and not going to RETURNING use them to send cream to IIs this •thCady® -Receipts, 1;452. The maturity of e calves offered were common drinkera:and PORTANT NOTICES, and 6.10 p.m. to the Creamery. These are our grassers, and these gold slow. Good calves property and only loaned to nto on morning train . and Toronto JUNE DEALER veto frti fair demand, nd a few veal. picked ^ _ _ _ _ Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- The Seaforth Creamery. out brolraht $8. Htrafglkt Jote of mdium to god Calves sold from $0.25 to $7, and POR BALE. -ion, LEGHORN YEAR OLD Arena: 178 of these hens Wo 145D dozen I will bay all kinds of Junk, HiMps, common suckers ftmm $5.50 and up. Drinker in one year. Apply to GEORGE PRICE, Wool sad Fowl, Will Qty good quit► }calves, from $4 to $5: grasmers, from $8 to a. R. No. 1. Sooforth. 2902x1 sa Apply to $8.b0. Qgatatlona :-+Good veal, $7 be $8.00 ; mdium, $8.2b be $7; mumon. 44 to $5.50: WANTED --SPO HEAR FROM OWNER OF MAX WO tRrnse', $e to $5.60. &beep --Receipts, 4,287. The receibts of and Farm for male. State cash price, lull partlaulais. b. F. BUSH, Minneapolis. :8: BeafOtl�, 08tOBt. Phone 178. larirto #ndlepn¢d sharply over last week; and Minn. 2899x8 4 , 1-22 H. P. Bell Traction Engine. 1-13 H.P. Sawyer A Massey Porb. *r7ces dropped $2 per owt. or more. Sates 1-20 R.P. Bell Traction Engine with able Engine. 41f' good .lambs wero made this morning ,at �g��ppmm $10.76 to 412, with one .mall dot f rIvE7ACi7I0R WANTED. ---TEACHER WANT- , ! dlidice #Sans at $42. Comm n Inmbs Bald ed. for School section No, 2. MaKB1op. '9 ® ®®0 ® ® ® ® ® Sheep '.From 48 and up• Sheep were From $S' to $6, Ewes, to $8 lam good, i !a be mtade o. one, Applications, eTir ce qualification. e . to and salary' O. .! BEN-HUR . 0 0, 530.50 to $1E.60: common, $8 to $10. 010.5atfoo $1 un Rags ipta, 2,058. The hog market w� EL, sec PERKY MCMIOHA,EL, Secretary, R. R. No. PE 2, Seaforth. 2902.3 I 6 The Specs verton 1 inns The mwt common quotation for $O,od togs waa $9.75, with few aim of 'TEACHER -lioMweitkht WANTED. --,FOR SCHOOL SEC- 1 O Flour. eelect and shop hems mixed at 10. Other sates, $0.50. Local bptchers took tion No- 8, Tuckersmith. one with ex - pewter ce pa eferrd. State quali9eatle., ex- 0 We have it j give It a 8 at'xet of bhe-few lata cold this morning. `ilntan pertenes An iieaTary expected. •'Detlev to om- Applications Engine. 1-16 H.P. Goodison Portable Engine trial • ,$tock Yards, Toronto, July 24--1he gatwo reeeip4e to -day show d much lighter mance after belidays. resolved up to July' 23rd. J. S. DAVIDSON, Scare- ® New Imperial Junior Separators with and Without Cutting Box At- tachments, all sizes. 'tblume bran a week ego, but with near x000 dread of stale stuff added the offering too hbavy tory. Bruceaeld. Ont. 2900-2 - A also dlj Ground Screenings Bias to allow of any price rs- �770very, and trade mats eat any doo brisk ee FrpR SALE. -THRESHING MACHINERY; 41 41 $ aatisd by Ike 4aot that there wore 1,000 one SawireraMaeaey 20 It. P. engine and eoparamr with straw cutter, also one Bidwell Chop of all kinds. p I •-little still unsold at 2 o'clock. Export buy. -ern wore somewhat #pore native .then receealy, ( Leon thresher and one Lister smaline engine 9 hone Dower. ,All in good Condition. For n' O 0 We will close every Wednesday taking quite a few fader cattle around 1,090 tP 1,200 paunde at Bpi to 7 cents, and memo sole cheap. Apply to JOHN THIRSR. n. R. No. 2, Zurich. 2899.tf O afternoon during July and O ro1'the heavier kind at -7 to 7Y. canto. H -A. '4:er made - _ - August. m the local trade the export price 'w4ibre Choses but rough heavy ewers were I'i OR SALE OR REN'r.-FIRST CLASS 4, b• ,7fow and cold as 4ow ae 5% soros. %here -pray an ad baby beef at 0 cents, and gthers Blxekawnith nheD I. find running oYder, fully equipped with .Ionia and machtnery, with CA CC THOMSON . 0- o 8% eenm but the best price for a load , wood and Paint shape combimm- making a ©Grain Dealer. Phone 26 of handy weight but hers wan 7% cent., and the 'lialk, sold at from 0.85 to 7 cankr par good turnover. Possession Ban be given at *nae, with very reasonable t*rn Apply to - .fronnN. 'Cows were again prominent fa the The Expositor OIBae, - 2900x8 O 9 *41 4) 4 4 9 OO 9 ,a,' yr B4; yib BAL@y Q Heir ��JiPp11Loe�aatpit. UIR}itti: barn 4Ad Otani fpg '+'b Ar � q�P�1? '.•. and pules Seaforth, 1mD14mCAte •.;� �,. - .: ..,• ,,.,.-a::•�: ; `+ ,r w .: "pf t$to •lop ' orth, 04 theQ= •A fOD atoll. options and. rural �0,. ` Ayply-4P P• P d Phil. P.O. 2901-2 4f, bad served t0 you for F Bold ayt2si FARM C04I• evening meal rilasted fast aG11ut WI' u tarsa}} loo feral! barn o.pi,fus me4iium, with the b1ooQ BlCav3' sew atabB brick pat 40 years 6fr , Vas 9. "'�•I� • Its briFa brkk •htnalq, m, a good, w��y eOZ1ilg through, d 19 •OY.a !an• wheat res I- met 19IIndatson. - IL j Kl 1(lac- A ; ' and sod, bahwCe {Ceded No wegw Aan11 1d >'uak8 O1W a'I%E+ r mouth water; tp t nk Of it IiQw 'A open dkwhee., wasl and ph��oax... linty toJAMES bY, or to T'hamss was .that last piece Of .heat We Brown, Arrcttpacer. 28 ... r ..:tr ff, •', t u 94x11 sent You? Wasn't it 5n@?'' ALT, r During the threshing season farm-©� T►I r- ,a I 'FARM FOR SAr,.vte„7!'' of T{Yo HIJp� ars r Ulric '& roast can il dred acro silo hs Town xf Bra• ee9q $ get soma i$ V + err ,,n t c u f ".Ire forte, -OVA c aHi alspif to w aburahr, ,after, shopping hours by Phoning 182J - Nas'$�a+�l t. 'Erb At 4chooL sad CoResltiptTO L • acanfae� ala r +.'; •;k, tv a IOU581016 uIck atpoo'. %mb mtaadara.ati D. H. STEWAR'1r 6016 looaaa w with -tea :gnold 76 us `•watttla ts �, Main Strea - Seaforth. Mill, 11 .brek; latae eanur feed ; > two cement sBtws .hedB•Ttlar py . Phone 58 form a. so.l W ae mk*a eeoi wan aa/ _ wradrun/. Tha t'aGm. *-_*QRdralnsd and L a bthe sate 4 cbpk*__4; The mop m au In the wpnad•-cbplxR .Kilt► l.em. ramNi . R t SSood irt6. o M. BEA T 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *`0 Q PAM FOR 8ALX__ IM SALE, LOT 4, O W. J. Walker & Son O,oug Concession 11, sad woot halt of au$ C Coaee•lon 10, HIB.81 .tlbckersmgh, oxo. ��� Water 150 acro. Thtaa;fire an the prsmlaat d'? W. J. Walker, Funeral Dl- O /j� T�%��l]� .-cod twoetoxy bdik IwfAe with -lata tve4 O rector and Embalmer. O "' Kin .# f lerae bunt barn 100a7g ;fn�edt with Arlt d•"L',1. �.. stabrin¢, water 1n the' 64aa;� dive aha! taa#a, q' O D r ata house and her, bosh, Twe good xpO tina Motor or Horse Equipment. O form V all rlesredi t O Was a tett owing, The Cara , or Flowers furnished o - y 20 aero. The good hatdwgad b1Mb any maple. All O as requested. O wall fenced sad U. - Eight axtq O Day or Night, Phone 87. O C ' or arD wheat sown {o rx:d, aorta„ O O We are showing a King Tut Sandat ig,, deep` h u'r'n to •t ed 7 °' 7.a� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Buck, specially priced at .............. . fulls fro and { , ra. in" Himap, phone, Win Si a . mus f4mo school, rural »tall and akama tg1U _ a� be sold oa easy terr{1.. U400 told by spa,$ ft- win be for rent. sac 11arther parneds„ o 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o Also Patent Barefoot Sandals for , appb the eremt.a ar9 addrae R. R. No.t t:fp,xon a ANGUS 7NeKINNON. telt o W. T. BOX & CO. o = at ........ ........... ...... +� O _ ........ . . tar{ o FD�.i Embalmer o = Also King Tut Patent and Red and Patent and o Green. O Holder of Government O O Diploma and License O c O'L ckargeg moderate o = White Buck Oxfords, for Ladies, at .. �r�rW-O Flowers furnished on short O - PAD'- , 0 notice. o 5 We are showing a Man's Tan Calf Shoe which Midas• e O Niy�t calls Dal Call O • ..... $5a50 and Skins 0 Phone 170 Pltane ss o = is always a bargain at ........ , . J J to 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 A Special Price on Men's Work Shoes. Warted - H. M. JACKSON Seaforth - Egmondville Phone 3, Gi ,.sA 1�: g , ' $ MAIN SERVICE `2'O TORONTO Daily Except'Sunday aave Goderich 6.00 am. 2.20 pm. Gave Clinton ... 6:25a,'m. 2.52 pm. ASTMA SUFFERERS :+ Hilton W. Parka, Warad en, OM., C writes: -1 can safely bless the der yen ]alt a bottle of Asthma Remaly - C with me. I had gelid from the first date and have been improving aver C sines: con Ile down at night mad rat; .�. the cough has anOmly left mm: I ban C gained three pounds mines I started the bottle, which is now nearly antth,li The good news has spred around " - district, and already several want to C try ft I feel - good over the sew - C life, - ft were. I Ilk. to tell otbera.- 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' $1-60 per bottle. Money back Hnot_^- setiall d. Far ale at Umbaeh's I>rpg Whitby. Ont mail Som H. T..6�0 culiltlitilf II IHIII t11111Od11tOl It Itlttut.u.R cave Seaforth .. 6.04° . 8.12 p- ?r. cave Mitchell. 7.04 san. 8.42 p m, _ rrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. NOTICE rrive Kite -Ah er 8.20 am. 5.20 pm rrfm Guelj 8.45 a m. 5.50 m. _ , . p m. ve Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 pan Any Patrons with Seaforth Creamery Cans and not going to RETURNING use them to send cream to IIs this ►ave Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 65 pm season, will kindly return them and 6.10 p.m. to the Creamery. These are our Parlor Cafe car Croderiek to To- property and only loaned to nto on morning train . and Toronto patrons, and must be returned Godarioh 8.10 p.m. train, in good order. t Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- The Seaforth Creamery. nto on afternoon trafa 2884-tf DON'T waste time wishing you had a good business education, and MISS a splendid position which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world. MAKE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1923 YOUR LUCKY DAY by beginning a Commercial, Stenographic or Secretarial Course in THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in the Province. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, CLINTON, ONT. For information, write or phone. B. F.WARD, B Phone lse. Com. Specialist, A. STONE, M. Aects, Prin.al The Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO September 8 to 15, 1923 The Popular Live Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario $40,000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS The New $160,000.00 Manufacturers Building Holding over Three Hundred Exhibits. Come and See Them. Wonderful Platform Attractions. See -Programs, MYSIC--FIRE WORKS -FUN. Something Doing all the Time. JOHNNY J. JONES SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY Admission; 25c. all week. Children, 15c. Ali Children Free on Monday, September 10th, This will be the Big Year for the Exhibition. Everybody Come. All information Srom the Secretary. J. H. SAUNDERS, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. tt �a FRED W. WIGG ?r. FERGUSON'S Week End Specials. 3 Dozen Men's Overalls to Ratine Dresses, 4 only to clear at ..........$1,25 clear at, each .....MOO 3 Dozen lat.. Khaki Pants to clear$1 000 Girls' Middies for, ea., $1 . Men's Work Shirts at 90C Camisoles from 50C to 75c to ..... ...... .... $1.25 Ladies' White Cotton Night - Men's Work Socks ..... 25e gowns ...... 90C to $1.48 Men's Cotton Work Socks, Ladies' White Underskirts X13 15C Pair, or 7 pair for $1.00 at ....... $1.00 to $1.75 Ladies' Silk Hose ih Black, Fawn, Navy Blue and White, each ................................850 T. Ferguson, - Seaforth x New and Rebuilt Engines and Threshers. 4 , 1-22 H. P. Bell Traction Engine. 1-13 H.P. Sawyer A Massey Porb. 1-20 R.P. Bell Traction Engine with able Engine. new firebox. 1-14-28 Allwork Geo. White & Soni , 1-20 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- Trac- tion Engine. Tractor. 2-12-24 Waterloo Bo Tractor. y 1-20 H,P, Geo. White Traction 1-11-22 Sawyer & Massey Tractor- ractorEngine. Engine. 1-10-20 Titan Tractor. 1-20 H.P. Goodison Traction Engine. 1-8-16 Avery Tractor. S 1-17 A.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- tion Engine. THRESHERS 1-13 H.P. New Hamburg Traction 1-36x50 White, Feeder, Stacker &f Cutting Box Attachment jy Engine. 1-13 H.P. New Hamburg Traction 1--36x48 Waterloo, Feeder, Stacker & Cutting Box Attachment. Engine. 1-16 H.P. Goodison Portable Engine 1-36x50 White with Feeder and Stacker. a p ALL THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND, REBUILT. New Imperial Junior Separators with and Without Cutting Box At- tachments, all sizes. r.{ Also New SteamEngines, al sixes, New bas Tractors 10-20, i&!!sq 15-80, and 22-40. Oil, Gasoline Water ib and Steel Tanks and Streel¢ Sprinklers, Smoke Stacks, Boiler Work, Belting and other Supplies. ' THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co., -` }.. Seaforth - o - - Ontario- , '3 l' �TIy`t ..e :.,.1� "•Q'': 6, .e:vt, t .�.•ld•,i �iY+, l: .t 9 1• Y Ilv