HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-07-06, Page 1ght
No. Ir
I l;
'14' ivEA,At i
'Anc111),•••44idition to these all desirable and absolutely
•peceliSary features, you have here the very satisfy-
ing advantake of an unusually large and well'as-
sorted stock .to chbose from, •
Because otthe Large Quantity
of ClothingWe Handle
we have always maintained our connection with
the leading manufacturers.
Because of the Large Quantity
of Clothing Itelfindle
WhaVe established a buying power which enables
us to give you- a price advantage not obtainable in
smaller stores.
.A clothing husinesi as great as ours could only be
built upon those sterling business'principles of giv-
ing every customer honest value and courteous ser -
Ince. In short, the' invariable fulfilment of this
store's time-honored slogan; "Satisfaction or your
money back."
Women's Beautiful
$1.25 to $3.00
Coaton Lunch Cloths,
colored$2.00 to $2.75
Women's Cottton Hose,
Black, Brown; White • 25c
new shades
Women's Silk Hose, $1.00 -
Women's Middies,
reduced •$1.29
Women's White Wear, , ... Half Prim'
- samples
Colored Ratines,
Men's Balbriggan
Underwear 75c
Boys' Cotton
Sweaters 5•0t
'65c to $1
Boys' Khaki
Bloome' ,
Men's Overalls,
best make . St.95
Men's Work Shirts,
good ,
Women's Wool Bathing
Suits • -3.00 to 4.50
Men's W•ool. Bathing
Suits .to 4.50
1VIen's'Cotton Dathing
Suits • • S I 425
toys' Cotton Bathing '
Suits. .... .. • • ••••• • • 4 • at ............ • • • • • • • 85c
Stewart Bros.
• "',),)-
3i0J"Itikifen;441111122.. " ".
MN 1 91 -18 80
:•1410, 2 67 25 77
- ..., 11; .471 157
' Majority for McGregor -31.
Exeter • -
•.No. 1 24 45 . 166
No. 2' - 65
63 264
86 un
No. 4 23 15 41
169 209 .4
Majority for TreWarthis-255. -
No. 1 29 ' 8 129
No..2 7 41 32 acquaintances of.
No. 3 -, 41.25 50 The Love-4'0Tel!
No. 4 49 .. 59 51 Loye-Forreat. re
No. 5 40 80 33 come an familia -iiv
No. 6 51 46 71 forvrard to for yi
NO.? '45 ; 43 25- numerous members.
No, 8 848 87 families who live '
NO. 9 ' 32 69 46 of Grand Bend,
-- --_ - Seaforth and varie
298 358 472 the county. Thie
Majority for Trewartha-114. lected for the
Bayfield and the day Wee
No. 1 23 7 74 than a lifindred,re
No. 2 16 17 67
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39 24 141
Majority for Trewartha-102.
26 38
52 88
24 45
16 39
12 55
41 46
28 14
199 275 286
- 11 - 41
16 73
20 52
-81 69
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No 5
No. 6
No. 7
No, 1
No. 2
No. 3
No' 4
No, 5
No. 6
No. '7
/•07 388
Tackeremitti ' '
No. 1 82 - 46
No„ 2 97 44
No, 3 32 80
N0.4 77 70
No. 5 62 69
No. 6 61 50
411 359
No. 1 27 39
No. 2 21 '63
No. 8 87 69
NO. 4 59 82
No. 5 14 81
No. 6 41 64
No, 7 14 GO
- -
300 492 294
Tuckersmith 411 359 179
Hay 300 492 294
Stephen 298 858 472
Usborne 107 888 313
Bayfield 39 24 141
Hensall 188 43 157
Goderich Tp. 116 214 507
Stanley 199 275 286
Exeter 160 209 464
- - -
1818 2362 2813
Majority for Trewartha of 451 over
Medd, 995 over McGregor.
1 9
The following is the result of the
promotions examinations. The names
aro entered in alphabetical order.
From Jr. IV to Sr. IV - Basil
Duncan, George Daly, Mary Fink-
beiner, Irene Hildebrant, Monica
Hughes, Florence Mero, Thomas
Nolan, Joseph Purcell.
From Sr. III to Jr. IV - Clever
Eckert, Mary Howard, Aloysia Nigh,
Angelo Philips, Basil Purcell, Willie
From Jr. III to Sr. III - Irene
Cadieux, Dorothy Dixon, William
Lane, Lester LeBeau, Gertrude Mat-
thews, Audry Murray, Ignatius
Q'Leary, Bessie Phillips; Recommend-
ed -Frank Reynolds.
Form II to FOSITI III, Jr. -Francis
Devereaux, Hazel Dixon, Eugene
Duncan, Julia Flannigan, Gordon
Hildebrand, Alex, Kennedy, Florence
McMann, Vera Nolan, Celestine
O'Leary, Louis Purcell, Dorleon Sills,
George Williams.
Form I Sr., to Form H. -Angela
Eckert, Con Eckert, Jim Flannigan,
Margaret Finkbeiner,Albert Hilde-
brand, Mabel Hilebrand, James
Hughes, Allen McLeod, Catherine
Form I, Jr. to Form I, Sr. -Alice
Devereaux, Arthur Devereaux, Roy
Dixon, Ida Howard, Margaret Lane,
.Arnold Murray, Fred O'Leary, Mad-
eline Williams.
Tablet to Form I, Jr. -Mary For-
tune, Stella Hildebrand, Norman Mc-
Leod, Mabel Nigh.
Footbaa.-The match on Thursday
evening between Seaforth and Ma,
burn resulted in is 2 to 0 in favor
of Kinburn. The boys are now
tor in their district, and will have
to play in the thuds; but -do not know 4======iissmarowswwwww.wwssossoss.
,• e, • -e
0.40 11\ iltiVON,
tvf IA, ^A
5 fvoktkRiveg,,,,e4i.,„.,-
of GlaagolV,
g his Manx
doctor vis.
fl years ago
ng his many
One by.
Pienie.-The •
nic has be,'
It is looked
head by the
the several
en, Heneall,
er parts of
,:the place se -
s the Bend,
last. More
ntatives of
the clans were the sizes and
ages, from the babiaaAtacldling in the
sand to the grand dilliktyho are loath'
to admit that they **growing old.
And no one felt old -that day for chil-
dren and grown heartily
enjoyed the cominuaityt• games and
singing, also the 'baseball and athletic ,
sports. An especially interesting
feature of the occesion pas the read-
big of the geneologleathistory of the
Leve and Forrest,' fainilies. Refer-
ences were made in this to the in-
teresting events in the lives of mem-
bers of the several branches of the
family tree. The 'oldea membep of
the groups have passad away, but
their good deeds live- after them and
the coming generation4- of the Love
and Forrest families have much to
emulate in the honest end substantial
character of their fOrefathers.
Notes. -Miss Kalltle,tferome
Corivau, who have been amongst us
the past month, have returned to
their home in St. Joseph. -Mr. John
Esha left last week for Saskatche-
wan, where he intends to settle down.
He had been engaged with Mr. Fred
Eckert for the past four years, and
will be missed from our midst. His
many friends wish him success in his
undertaking. -Misses Mary and Ger-
trude Murray, who haver been teech-
tlidaYs at the home of their uncle,
g at Windser are spending their
Nir. John Murray. -Some ,Of our boys
took in the sports at Gciderich last
Address and Presentation. - The
pupils of School Section -No. 8 made
a presentation to their teacher. Miss
Rose Ddrsey, on the occasion of her
resignatilin of the school after three
years of very successful teaching. The
following was the address; "Dear
Teacher. -With feelings of regret, we
meet here this evening to say good-
bye to one who has endeared herself
so much to us during the past three
years. You have always been anxious
for our welfare and progress in our
school work and we hope you will f or -
give uk for the needless trouble we
often caused you by our carelessness
JULY 7 '
Game called at 7 p.m.
This will be a real league
game, the winners to play
Kitchener, who have eliminated
Owen Sound. Ms should be
the best game of the season.
Don't miss it.
ADMISSION - 25e and 15e
Cars Free.
in our school duties, which only seem-
ed te redouble you; efforts in our be-
half. We earnestly hope that you
will have a bright arid happy future.
We beg you to accept this club bag,
riot for its value, but just fora re-
membrance of the pupils you are
leaving in No. 8." The address was
read by Marie Murray, and the pres-
entation was' made by Edna Ben-
School Report. -The following is
the result of the promotion examina-
tions of School Section No, 6, Hibbert.
Those marked with an asterisk fail-
ed: Promoted to Sr. IV - Gladys
Houghton, 69%i Filmer Chappel, 69%;
Raymond Norris, 67%; Christina Me-
Kaig, 62%; Mary Allen, 61%; Joe
Aldingion, 60%. Jr. IV -Elsie Rit-
chie, 86%; Verde - Gardiner, 78,;
Cerece-11'/;-'1151 Archie Hog-
garth, 71%; Kenneth Kleinfeldt, 60%;
*Winona Norris, 53%. Sr. IH -Wil-
lie McKaig, 65%; Jean McLaren, ;
*Harvey Austin, 47% *Carl Walker,
promoted because of illness. Jr. 111
-David Ritchie, 8095; Harold Gard-
iner, 38%; Rena McLaren, 62%; Leon-
ard Houghton, 38%. Sr. II -*James
Austin, Vera Allen, Marjorie Klein-
feldt, Norman Park, Gladys Kay,
Jelin Houghton. Jr. II -Johnny Me-
Deugall. First. - Margaret Allen,
Lindsay Gardiner, Bessie Austin,
Harold Austin. Sr. Primer -Dorothy
McLaren, Beryl Norris, Alvin Craw-
forcl.-R. I. McLellan, Teacher.
Notes. -Mr. Isaac Norris, B.A., of
Ottawa, spent the holiday week end
with his brother, Mr. R. Norris. -Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Hamilton, of Galt,
motored up and spent Sunday and
Monday with relatives. -Anniversary
services on Sunday last were largely
attended both morning and evening-.
REV. Mr. McIntosh, of Brueefield,
preached at both services. On Mon-
day the annual picnic at the moun-
tain grove was a great success. The
football game between S. S. No. 5 and
6 resulted in a score of 1 to 0 in favor
of the latter. The baseball game be-
tween the boundary team and Crom-
arty was won by the boundary by 18
Firomoll's Benefit
Wallace and Noah Berry
and an All Star Cast in
A Mighty Drama of Shattered Souls re•born
upon the sea.
Fast and vivid as chain lightning -suspense as keen as a knife
,blade -Heart interest as Warm as the setting sun -having all the
elements of a splendid entertainment for every member of the fam-
ily -Love and adventure on the sen --Bitter hate -Deep affection -
Great heroes and areh villians-all combined to makh an irresist-
ible treat.
Help the Firemen by Boosting This Picture
Admission 25c. Show starts at 8.30 sharp
, ame Denactla -71rinT.110114.10:"'i labtkit* 6"164:nt?bii Olt:44
• benrerentre Geneva rano ./rasato,t 4140, rt. pjac'.
„m,u it, IT:
9 0
80 to 8
"tlie41:11iiiPlatisidir 11: right., '
won titgr. district w7tir.a.gded margin.
and in the first game in the semi-
final, played in Stratford on Wed.
tithth,y, held the team of that city
*A-1• return -gatee will be
Loved here on Saturday evening of
week, and Brueefield should win
edtheir own grounds. It will; be et
Waal game and will attract a tremen-
dous crowd.
Notes. -Rev. W. D. McIntosh con-
ducted anniversary services. at Cram.
'arty last Sunday. Rev.- Mr.. Ritchie
supplied his pulpit here. In the even-
ing he preached a meat helpful ser-
mon to the young, taking for histext
1 Chronicles, 27,6: "So Jonathan be-
came mighty because ice prepared two
ways before the • Lord his God." -
Alias Eva Beatty, of London, is the
pleat of Miss Janet and Margaret
Aikenhead this week. -Mrs. W. D.
McIntosh's mother, Mrs. Nicholson,
and her sister, are guests at the
manse this week -One of Brucefield's
most popular young ladies, Miss Mar-
garet Ross, daughter of Mrs. William
Roes, was married last week to Mr.
Hastings, of Wingham. The best
wishes of their many friends go with
them to their future home. -Mrs. C.
D. Simpson's house is closed for the
present as she and her family are
away visiting friends. -The monthly
meeting of the W.M.S. was held at
the home of Mrs. J. D. Gemmell this
week. -Mr. Frank McGregor, of Flint
has been spending a holiday et his
home here. -Rev. A. E. Allin, of
Gode,Dro'.1, and family, visited at the
hon, of Mr, James McQueen this
week. -Miss Bessie McGregor spent
a few days at the home of Mr. B. R.
Higgins, Clinton, this week.
Dr. N. C. McDonald has opened a Dental
office in Dublin. In tae cad .Bank Building on
Main Street. Mice hours. 9 to 12 a.�. and
2 to 6 p.m. 2899-1
Notes. -Rev, Father Noonan left
en Monday for St. Joseph's Hoospital,
London. His labours extended for
over twenty years in Dublin, and his
illness during the past year and a
half was borne with great fortitude.
The men of his parish presented him
with four hundred and eighty dollars
ere his departure from amongst them.
Rev. Father McCardle, assistant
parish priest, is in charge of the
parish. -The ladies of the C. W. L.
and the Altar Society are busy pre-
paring for their social on Wednesday
of this week. -Hay is a good crop
this season and farmers are very
Ivey making hay while the sun shines.
Et ery available man has plenty of
work. -The Diegel Brothers, of Brod,
begen, are busy laying oak floors in
Mr. D. McConnell's residence. Mr.
McConnell Believes in keeping up -to,
date. -Miss M. Crowley and Mr. P.
Burns, of Detroit, spent the holiday
in Kitchener, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Strub.-The demise of Ellen
Connolly, beloved wife of Mr. Peter
DeCoursey, Huron Road west of the
village, for fifty years in this local-
ity, was a sad blow to her husband.
Mie. DeCoursey went to London about
eighteen days ago 'for treatment and
to prepare for an operation on the
eye, which was not performed. Her
funeral will be on Friday to St.
Patrick's Church, Dublin.
St, Patrick's School Report. -Sr.
IV. -Teresa Delaney, Hon.•, Catherine
Krauskopf, Louis. Crawford, Francis
Hills, Michael McCarthy, Drucilla
Campbell, Veronica Dill, Evelyn Dil-
lon, Dorothy Molyneaux, Clayton
Looby. Jr. IV -Thomas Gormley,
Margaret Dillon, Margaret Jordan,
Evelyn Melady, Helen Rowland, Elva
Crawford, Hugh McGrath, Bernice
McGrath, Albert Gormley, Betty Dor.
renstein, Marie Krauskopf, Helen
Krauskopf. Sr. III. -John McGrath,
Hon.; Annie Watters, Hon.; Joseph
Krauskopf, John „Rowland, Lorne
Cronin, Helen Kenny. Annie Bren-
nan, Marion Dill, Edmund O'Hearn,
Thomas McCarthy. Jr. III -Patrick
McConnell, Hon.; Donald Benninger,
Hon.; Loretta Delaney, Hon.; Clar-
ence Looby, Catherine Donnelly, Jas.
Krauskopf, Mary Brennan, Leona
Maloney, Helen Rynn. John Gormley,
Francis Krauskopf, Robert Crawford,
Veronica Molyneaux, Nora Kenny,
Carrie Krauskopf, Francis Stapleton,
Eugene Donnelly, Dan McCarthy,
Joseph Krauskopf, Gertrude Dorren-
stein. Sr. IT. -Harry Feeney, Elmer
eeney, Mary Dillon, Lawrence Ma-
leney„Toseph O'Connor. Jr. II-Isa-
hel Jordan, Nora McGrath, Ethelyne
O'Hearn, Betty Campbell, . Eleanor
Gormley, Monica Roach, Francis
Donnelly, Rose Molady, Clare Gorm-
ley, Florence Brennan, Carrie O'Con-
nor, Clarence Krauskopf. Part IT. -
Irene Donnelly, Ursula Krauskopf,
Anna Dillon, Helen Dillon, Kathleen
Melndy, Marion Ranter, Cecelia
Feeney, Gordon Dill, Agnes Maloney,
Gerevieve McCarthy, Eileen Nelmes,
Joseph Delaney, Jack Molyneaux,
Dorothy Brennan, James Dillon. Sr,
Primer - Gerald Donnelly,Arthur
Loobv, John Crawford, Edwin Staple-
ton, Lawrence Dillon, Bertha Dillon,
sk 7.'40
.704 04 140,t't .11'44` /44 •1•11•1 V441. It 4.1t -
laireCmia, toesenheoirourifarroGa*nopeoit.,74"70:0s,etb.'L. .,
School .Riport.-the tplio' 'iui .
-Ci',C.1.'''.8' ,i'I
are itt- Order of merit. 'Jr gr.- , , ,k.
;Quaid.' Sr. 151 to Jr.'W.Hon, :, ' ',•'':"
Annie Feeney; Passed -Viola PeMier.
Clarence McQuaid, ilignes ilfiGratitr-
Pasii --Nortnan Miles, Charles Miles-
reerecoomr:endildeded--_Fraunuicisa 'TIM:it:nil":
-Albert Cronin. Jr. III -to Sr. Itl-
II to Jr.. III, -Passed -Leo O'Sullivan,
Nor McQuaid; • Joseph' O'Sallivan,,
Alice Flannery; recommendeddohn
Miles, Thomas McQuaid; failed -
Alphonse Cronin. Part II to 'IL, -
Honours -Denis Feeney, Elizabeth.
Carlin, John Harte; passed - Katie
Flamm/7, John Flannery, Norman,
McQuaid, Mary Harte; failed -James -
O'Sullivan -4. Moylan, Teacher. .
North End Notes. -Many people.
here were sorry to hear of the den* -
of Mrs. McGavin, Sr. She and her
bereaved huabapd were among the
earliest and most highly esteemed
pioneers in this section. -Mr, Leon-
ard Leeming and Mr. Char& Boyd
have been around collecting moner
in aid of the Upper Canada Bible So-
ciety and met with fair success. -
The Ontario elections are passing in-
to history. Mr. Somerville had at.
large majority out here. He is an.
honorable man and the genial J. 81.1"
Govenlock had his turn at .legislatihg.
The Conservatives are displaying
commendable modesty, and -the. Lib-
erals and U. F. 0. are preying them-
selves good sports. -The Sabbath
school children and the young people.
of Walton circuit are in joyful entice-
pation:-of the picnic- neae-Prideieztlife,,, .
ternoon, which will be held ba' the
grove of Mr. William Leeming. ---A.
goodly number of the natives, both.
old and young, have been taking a.
turn picking wild strawberries. -Mr- •,;
Robinson, the pastor, preached an im-
pressive sermon at Bethel last Sab-
bath and the offertory by the choir
was delightful. -M. C. Irvine, M.P.P.,
for South Perth, visited his brother,
J. J. Irvine, in the early part of the
week. He was accompanied by his
twu sons. James is an accountant in
Toronto, and Alex, is working at
home. -The holidays are here and
the school kiddies are happy as the
any is long. -A farmer's wife inquir-
ed of me if I thought the price of
eggs and 'butter would go up. I said
I hoped not, as I had these things to
buy. 1 am now on the back of the
books with • her.
Death of Mrs. William McGavin, Sr.
-An old and highly esteemed resi-
dent of this locality passed away
Saturday evening, June 23rd, in the
person of Elizabeth Graham, dearly
beloved wife of William McGavin, Sr.
Deceased had not enjoyed very good
health for a number of years, though
up till three months ago she kept
house for her now bereft partner.
Since then she has been a great suf-
ferer, but all that willing hands and
loving hearts could do was done to
relieve her pain. She was born in
Matilda Township, Stormont County,
on the 7th of March, 1845, and came,
with her parents to Goderich in the
year 1847. She was married in the
Anglican church, Hayfield, on Novem-
ber 12th, 1861, and lived in Stanley'
township until 1868, when she, with
her husband and small family, moved
to McKillop and settled on Lot 23,
Concession 12, now the home of their
youngest son, Isaac. In 1900 they
built a cosy little home near Lead -
bury, where she continued to reside ,
until her demise. The family con-
sisted of five sons and three daugh-
ters, but ono boy and one girl died in
infancy. The sons are: William H.,
John J., Albert and Isaac, and the
daughters are: Mrs. Annie Morrison
and Mrs. John L. Kerr, all residents
of McKillop, and were all with their
mother when she passed away. There
are also nine grandchildren living.
Mrs. McGavin was the eldest of a
family of eight and has surviving,
two brothers, John Graham, Goderich,
end Reuben, of Detroit, and two sis-
ters. Mrs. Henry McGavin, Tucker -
smith, and Mrs. Sophia Robinson, To -
ronto. Though of a retiring disposi-
tion, the departed was a good neigh -
bei' and a kind and loving wife and
mother, and will long be remembered
for her hospitality. Interment took
place on Monday to the Maitlandhank
cemetery, the large concourse of
friends and neighbors who followed
the remains showing the high esteeM
in which ah -.was held. The service
v as conducted by Rev. Irwin, of
Soaforth, assisted by Rev. Robintion,
Walton. The floral tributes were
beautiful, consisting of a wreath from
the family and a sheaf from Isaac
McGavin and wife; a wreath from tint
grandchildren, and a beautiful sheaf
from h.the Ladies' Aid of Ilethni, .
,• • ,
• :Cc