HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-18, Page 54s, rr R, !1 �kt)rR•,d1'e •N'. •I.r,, . _ rice 0 ) l vel"A'%• f,��k xia ,lltlbur, Fa?? a0lap♦t:^e>)n ;ld a iOtt, ttj 1ttr. and. -Moes •,T aygp. ' a IFitepyraid�- a ti"'..Oh May, 10111. to , . titre end Mo, * Fitzgerald et daughter••. tr llifap --3m Bot forth. ors afar 144;h, Isabella Elder,oan t daughter of John B. Hen. Berson, aged 41 years, 10 months end 10 days, III 111HMORIA9I Naes..-Items ander this head will De charge W 60 cents Der single verse and 26 cents for each additional vasa O'Connor. -=In lovinn memory of Aldbelm hilus I O'Connor, who died et Seattle, May The sunshine of the early spring Shine, on the flower above thee spread, And o'er thy Sleep the wild bitch ging, A requiem for Eby spirit fled. • :86:x1 0000000000000 S. T. Holthes & Son 0 0 Funeral Directors and 0 0 Licensed Embalmers. 0 O Finest Motor and Horse 0 0 drawn equipment. Beattie .0 O Bleck, Main Street, opposite 0 `0 The Expositor Office. S. T. -0 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O 0 Street West;. Chas. Holmes' 0 0 residence over store. 0 0 Flowers furnished oh short 0 O notice. All kinds of up- 0 0 holstering 'neatly done. O 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 0 000oo0000 o0oo AUCTION -SALES ' AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Eh'- feots.—Mr. Thames Brown has been in- structed to eel! bypublic auction of the resi- dence of th e undersigned. e Railroad and Strtet Seaforth on Saturday, May 26th, 1928 at 2 'clock p.m., the couch. glass Bed and springs, 2 weehetnndn, arch, glse cupboard. kitahca table, kitchen chairs, rocking choir. high Their, aink, ase handles, half -gallon sealers, parlor lamp. lawn mower, pictures, anion suede,. ,'bend garden smaller, handwagon: - hand - sleigh, Lnoleume, careenn,'crockery, toilet set, washing 'machine ,end other artialee Gro numerous to mention. The house and three lots of land will also be offered for snle. Terms on Chattels --Cash. CONRAD THIEL. Proprietor: T. Brown, Auctioneer. 280'22-2 • NOTICE - No person drawing gravel, either on the TON, nahip Roads or on the Boundary without authority from the Council, will. he paid for eame. Also any person who has dumped rubbish or wanes from their farms or other • disco, on the Township roads are retuooted to remove same at once, on they will be held responsible for any damages resulting there- from. By order of the Council. 4O11N McNAU010TON, 8892-3 _ Reeve. St000'00000000 o W. J. Walker .&'Son 0 O 'C7 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 OO rector and Embalmer. • Motor .or Horse Efjnipment. 40 O Cars or Flowers furnished O as requested. 10 Day or j"iight, Phone 67. 0 +1'0000000000.0 1r DOMINIO Stores --Limited Special For Saturday, Comfort Soap, 15 bars $1.00 Sugar, 10 lbs. $1.20 Bine Rose Rice, 3 lbs.... -.25 Pea Meal Back Bacon, per pound .44 #Jut,per package .... .11, Rinso, 2,pkgs. • .15 Sherriff's Jelly Powder,. any flavor, 3. pkgs... .25 Pure Maple Syrup, • ,To. 10 tin •$2.09 Ginger Crisps Cakes, lb .15 We Will' Pay 26c for Eggs on SATURDAY only • SOLD OUT I am practically sold out of Drain Tile, only having a few 5 -inch and "-inch left; also some cracked tile of various sizes at half price. I thank my many customers for their past patronage, and assure you even bet- ter service in the future, as I art making a big improvement ,and ex- tension to .my plant, And, / Farmer, did you know that the sales tax" had been taken off drain tile, which will make them a margin less expensive? If parties who contemplate draining will communicatewith me, I will have a drainage surveyor come per- iodically and survey your fields at small cost to you, when you will be prepared' to have your draining done either by machine or by hand with a blue print map for a guide. I will soo4 have new tile, with new prices, which 3 will announce later. This wet, cold weather will surely make yet think of draining. WILLIAM M. SPROAT,• R. R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 289°y-2 r9 its EL..0 l � RCT OF WoTICE ;QF sov r W4 O1F, ' REVVING. DEME'RS. , T,AH1 NQTICEI 'Hutt, Sittings' of the Revising Officers for the,'purpose Of hearing complaint* orappeals with regard to' the Voters' Lists to be used all the ,election' 6f ale iter of tit°, Assembly pending for the Electo{al, District of Centre Huron will be,held' et the 'follow/ng times and platys, namely: . At the -Court House, Goderich, on the 9th day of June, 1923. to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for Polling Sttb:divisions Nos. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,6 and 7, for the Town of. Goderich, and that His Honor Judge. Lewis H. Dickson, Goderich, will he the Revising Officer and his Clerk will. be L. L, Knox, whose address is Goderich. At the Town Hall, Brussels, on the 8th day of June, 1923 to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for. polling subdivisions Nos. 1 and 2 for the Village of Brussels, and 'that William Coats, Goderich, will be the Revising Offibei and his Clerk will be A.• H. McDonald, whose address is Brussels; At the Town Hall, Ethel, on the 9th day of June, 1923, to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the Township of Grey,' and that William'Coats will be the R,evising Officer and his Clerk will be A. ,H. McDonald; whose • ad- dress is Brussels; AC the Town Hall, Seaforth on the • 7th day of June, 1923, to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1 2 3 4, 6 6, and for the Town of Seaforth,o and that R. G. Reynolds, Goderich will be the Revising Officer and. his 'Clerk will be J. A. Wilson, whose address is Seaforth; •Ae the Township Hall, Carlow, on the 5th day of June, 1923 to hear complaints+as to the List.; of Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, for the Township of Colborne„ and that R. G. Reynolds will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Mrs. G. J. Hethering- ton, whose address is Goderich; At the Carnegie Library Hall, Sea - forth, on the 8th day of June, 1923 to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1,1, 3 and 4; for the Township of McKillop, and that R. G. Reynolds will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be John McNay,- whose ad- dress is R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, At the Town Hall,. Clinton, on the 8th • , day of June, 1923, to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, for the Town of Clinton, and that C. Seager will be the Re- vising Officer and his Clerk will he D. L, McPherson, whose address is Clinton; At Community Hall, Londesboro, on the 7th day of June, 1923, to hear complaints as to the Lists of Voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the township of Hullett, ,pad that G. Seager will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be J. Fingland, whose address is Londesboro. Each sitting will com- mence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue until 12 o'clock noon or until the appeals have been disposed of. ' AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICC that any, voter who desires to com- plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said Lists has been omitted from the same + or that he name of any persons tOho are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may, not less. than two clear days 'and not more than five clear day before the days fixed for holding the above sittings, apply, complain or ap- peal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on or re- moved from the List. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals niust be by notice in writing in the prescribed form signed by the complainant in dupli- cate and given to the Clerk or the Re- vising Officer or left for him at his address as stated above. LEWIS H. DICKSON. Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Huron. Dated this 12th day of May, A. D., 1923. -COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF HENSALL The meeting of the Court of Rebis;on against the Assessment Roll for 1928 of the Village of Hensen, will be held in the Town hall, on Tuesday, Juno 5th, 1928, et 7 o'clock p.m. A. MURDOCK. 2891-9 CLERK. 00.0.00 60000 Cs 0 W. T.BOX&CO. 9 0-' Embalmer and O 0 Funeral Directors o O H. C. BOX O 0 Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and 'License 0 O Charges moderate 0 0 Flower's,furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calla Day Calls O 0 Phone 176. Pkone 43 0 000000000 0000 JW e' QQyy1.1 ,`dd y �Aiz 4 i, I x10 t , .e•, -sees,-,. i amu' 'ergs Paying 27' Cents. for Eggs, W. J. FIN1, T1`OAN. l'b0#ng NOTICE • MA'NLEY,DRAIN, McKILLOP • Parties whaling to pay tile' cash.ueseoamtm0 ou the ;Manley Drain• *Killen, should do 00 on or before May 250h, 1928, to G. K. Holland, Treaauber, Beeohfood. • • JOHN • McNAY,' 2882-I CLERK. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders For Laying Water Mains. Sealed tenders marked and addressed to Mr,' John Wilson, Clerk, Seafo,'th, Ontario, will be received until May 16th, 1928, Inc laying approximately three and a quarter milee Of els and eight Inch water mains.+ Plans and specidoetions may be Been and forme of tender obtained from the Engineers, Jame., Proctor & Redfern, Limited, 80 To- ronto Street, Toronto, or from the Town Clerk of Seaforth. The lowest or any tender not neceseaeily aeeepteda W. GOLDING, JOHN A. WILSON, MAYOR. CLERK. 2890-2 n 1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Notice. Citizens are heieby notified that the dump- ing ground at Mr. John McMann'a, provided by the Town, ti only to be used for dumping of old material that will not be a nuisance or cause damage to Mr. Mariann, and the name must be deposited in the it ra p andr not D thrown over thefence e ea• scattered .mend. The dumping of old vegetables, garbage, etc., looidrn yy order of the Council. JOHN A. WILSON, CLERK Seaforth, April 80th, 1928. 2590.8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John Porter- field, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Porterfield, late of the Town of Clinton, who died on the fifth day of April, 1923, are requited to send full par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to Rolm. Porterfield, Seaforth, one of the Executor. or to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tors, on or before the 1st day of June, 1923. After the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute .the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference onty to the claims of which they shall have re- ceived notiee, and after such distribution they will not be accountable for any part of the Estate to anyone of whose claim they shall not have receied notice. Seaforth, 1st May. 1928. F. BOLMESTED, Solicitor for Executors- 2800-4 NOTICE Any Patrons with Seaforth Creamery Cans and not going to use them to• send cream to us this season, will kindly return them to the Creamery. These are our property and only loaned to patrons, and must be returned in good order. The Seaforth Creamery.. 2884-tf .1 Builders and Con- tractors increase business by Long Distance "96% of oar lumber bath- • nem is, done by Long Dis- tance." "Boe materia/ fought $ all building by Long �tance—it is the best asod cheapest way. "Closed two • orders for road -making material by Long Distances. one for $40,000, one for $12,000." "Use Long Distance to get latest prices on ma- terials before making estimates on contracts." "In our Roofing Supply. catalogue, we give d1 - tions for ordering by Long Distance." 'We are large users of Long Distance in buying and selling second-hand materials." "Use Long Distance at every o portulyty to keep in touch with prospects for brick." May we tell you how Long Distance is being used to increase Sales in your business. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA ReeryBofl relephoae le a tory Dfofanee StanIon any .1 *raw; D20,, ) 11; AMI a�rne ydt , /Iv: s ry,r' ithaa 4,04 slip w t itll , p!s /i#roe lean sura Well rand• bre 4h�t 64G y�&qlt+. po w tltttt ' $ht �" " b aalivay Tor ' at wsberauA�?., tlpl ed by Eri* t7rpsp (14989) �t11f' tan (1164(M), by Lothian ,�c a 5e+" itee 1' dam Mabel (2941/). by Bol, pit On I), a. 0 daz o 1'x1.. cies nue (194N14). far 1i b'ce .. itaaa (6413»), O 0. g, darn .Ven 799), by Garpehaute ). g g • 1nlee, by Cha11c tqr t18A0. 7MON, p (2890 8. (1088). Ta 14 :I.. 2980 The Pure 8re4 Jmpotted Clydesdale Stallion LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [2150 (13603) • VOL 29, B.C. S. B. Passed. Emcee 99, No. 231. Form I. Will stand dor •Sia improvement o1 stock thio seas n, lie foloyre:a°. Monday. --Will leave b. ....coal., Staab. wood, and go t0 Edweed Eckmier a, Lot 30, Concoeeion 0, Logan, fdttwos ; then to Wm. Horeb., Lot 24 Concession 8, Logan. for night Tuesday. -=To Loan Bennewele, Lot 35, Concession 9, Logan. for noon; then to his own etablc foo' night. Wednesday. --To Jchn Shannon', Concetelon 8.MnKlaop, for • than to Owen Flynn's, for night Thurday.—To Milken Anderson's, McKillop,' for noon; then to his. Own stable for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin'., 11/2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to Jooeph Atkin - • Hibbert, for night Saturday. To Wm. Dorsey., for noon; then. to his own stable for night • Terme to Mauro, 513.00. JAMES $YANG. *woken,* & !tanager. The Premium Clydesdale Stallion BLACON'S SON (20809) Approved. Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terme to Insure. 515.00. Monday—Will leave hip own stable, Bruen- field, and go west on Bayfield Road, to 2nd cor cession of Stanley to John Buchart'e, for noon; then north and went to Ed. Glenn, Jr 'n for night 'Pu®day Down Fnu-rh Cine cion to Bannockburn, then to Varna at the Temperance Hotel, for noon; then south on the Parr Line to Wm. F`oater's, for night Wednesday.—Souhh to Hill. Green and eaoc to .the Town Line at Walter Fairbairn',, for 'neon: then east to Eippen and south te Robert MinLareo'e, London Road, for night ''hursda .-,Esc b ,Schoolhn y t r use and Wilito by An ux McKinnon'n aideyowl to ase Ma- Klnnon'n, for noon: then by KIppoen Rood to the Rad rD and t mil. and �rtb to Robert Doig', for night. Friday.— Went on the 7th eonoesoion to Gemmell'a Fortier and north to George 'McCort -nest's. for then to MCAdam'e Side Bead and north to the 2nd concession end went to James Carn.chon's, for night, Saturday. By Bread - to lt's Bridge and south outh'to the Mill Road, to hie own stable at Brucdteld. ROBERT MURDOCH, 2892 Proprietor & Manager. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion MAKWIRA (15938), Vol.,XXXIII The Deeside Premium Horse Passed Enrolment No. n5J Form 1 Mondays --.Will leave his OW 11 ,inble, ftnlIa. and go north to the 4th concession, Bibbert i ar.'1 then we.,t to Frank Jordon',, for t then south to the 7th conce-,.ion. east to the Centre Roed, and then south to Stade to his OW II stable for night Tu day.•• Went on Ole OM concession to John Mc I.ellan's, Tucker- mith. for noun; then 'west to the' 3rd con- cession and south to the Kippon Road end west to George Glenn', London Road, for night Wednesday.—South t.; the first stile road and east by way of Uhinelhurst to John McDougall',. for noon; '`then east to the Centre Road and north td. ha own stable for night Thursday. --South way of Centre Road to Thames Road to- John Duncan's, for noon; then south by way of Winchelsea to William Brook's, for nigbfb, Fnidoy. -East and north to Farquhar to Albert Scott's. for noon; then north to hie own stable for night Saturday.—East by the 8th Concession to the Town Line,, Fullerton, to Melville Gray'.., for poen: then went by way of 7th concession to hie own stable for night. Terme to Insure, 016.06 JOHN LIVINGSTONE 2892 Proprietor & Manager. Vifed • ,THE WOMANWit? ltl:AT comes bask again fpr 'more•a�n and more --.-and . rage.: • QU1ali and flavor int>ouo! poets is thlp'•' attractlop p ,weU qs ,reasonable. prides. Glut- rate 'neap. give pass setisfaction7.you . cannot eats. them after cooking: Pay us S- tair fair price and get the very best. I). IL STEWART • Main Street Seaforth. Phone 58. ' • 0 • • • 0 • 0 • • 0 Your Freight Rates Solved The Finch Transportation, of London, will run one of their trucks from London to Seaforth daily. Will carry freight up to three tons. They will give you express service at freight rates. Have your orders shipped by Finch Transportation Co. For further particulars in- quire at H. Edge's HARDWARE STORE Phone 61. Stop! - Look! Listen! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you, but we are also a large Dairy Industry in your community. We respectfully solicit your Cream. Our Motto: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. Cream Grading. A difference of 3 cents per pound Butter Fat paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Grade Cream. Cash For Cream. Cash paid to any Patron wishing it when Cream is delivered. Creamery open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. The Seaforth Creamery. MacLEOD'S TELEPHONE 190 • English Breakfast Tea, 75c pound Campden Blend Tea, 65c pound • Seedless Raisins, Sunmaid, 15c Bulk, per pound • Ginger Snaps, 1 5c F. pound ▪ Bulk Cocoa, (Pure) , 25c ▪ 2 pounds Spani,sh Figs, 25c - 2 pounds J ▪ Japan Rice, 25c 13 pounds ALSO • Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Rhubarb, Pineapples, = Oranges, Apples, Grape Fruit, Cabbage, Bananas, Lemons. CHEAP FEED Chieftain Mixed' Feed, per cwt ...................................S1•60 Clansman Stock Food per cwt..... ........ Low Grade Flour -peer cwt....... ...$1375 ..2.00 Rob Roy Mills,sEAF10RTH Moa Al OP , lh011l9TJulie 1 ArIleA , roture AAP to a dg rqs. t t,Rst 901010 Oa .' lit IMFtitftli1#olpl0k1ig on Friday,'Jana '1 *h0s90. 04ll Nolo lune 11 Mi q,. Do not foil (o 0y,J a th urs'' F outotia`gdod6hy"Maads9 130 anO.er tits aWp1rB)f O[��y�j Fia201'a Orcheettd for depglvyal' WHITE STAR `LI • O • • • • • • • 0 •,• 0. 0. 0. 0• • J • A BLOW It was evening. The farmer, weary after the plodding of a long day's labor in the field at seed- ing operations, was leisurely resting by the side • of his house and in the light of the setting sun. A. gentle breeze was blowing, blowing -contentment• to his mind because he had lately erected a Stal'r.;' wart Self -Oiling Toronto Wind Engine, and,. , knew that same breeze, which was cooling his' sweated brow was silently doing to -morrow's chores by pumping for his cattle an abundant supply of clear fresh water into the • Toronto Water Bowls, which he had also installed. Visit your Toronto Agent, instal the same ap- paratus and it will blow to you that same content- ment. James G. Martin 1 " Toronto Agent SEAFORTH - - - - ONTARIO • • • • 0 • Smart Oxfords For Ladies, we are showing a Fawn and Brown Oxford, also a White Buck that are very attractive models. For Men, we have the New Crep Rubber Sole, suitable for Golf, Bowling and all outing wear. Specially priced is a Goodyear Welt Tan Oxford at $4.50, and a Cushion Sole Oxford for Ladies at $3.00. Shoes for the whole family at prices which 'are low, considering the Quality. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes For All. IIIIIIIII1RI11111111II11111111111I19111I11111 E FRED W. WIGG IS ,s Sf Do you:keep Hens? - • °:1, or do the Hens keep you? I'1 1 a Chk'ks.,J S. C: White Leghorns & Barred Rocks II, After several years' use of the Trapnest we can supply you with :: � II Chicks that will develop into REAL LAYERS. The first, year we used the Trapnest our highest hen laid 208 eggs. Last year oar highest hen layed 276 eggs. The male birds at the head of, our pens are from these high rec- 1 •ord hens. In the Month of June we will have 10,000 Chicks LEGHORNS AT 15c EACH- ROCKS AT 18c EACH Walter Rose Brussels Out, f BOX 34 PHONE 4-38X • • O • • • • • • • 0 •,• 0. 0. 0. 0• • J • A BLOW It was evening. The farmer, weary after the plodding of a long day's labor in the field at seed- ing operations, was leisurely resting by the side • of his house and in the light of the setting sun. A. gentle breeze was blowing, blowing -contentment• to his mind because he had lately erected a Stal'r.;' wart Self -Oiling Toronto Wind Engine, and,. , knew that same breeze, which was cooling his' sweated brow was silently doing to -morrow's chores by pumping for his cattle an abundant supply of clear fresh water into the • Toronto Water Bowls, which he had also installed. Visit your Toronto Agent, instal the same ap- paratus and it will blow to you that same content- ment. James G. Martin 1 " Toronto Agent SEAFORTH - - - - ONTARIO • • • • 0 • Smart Oxfords For Ladies, we are showing a Fawn and Brown Oxford, also a White Buck that are very attractive models. For Men, we have the New Crep Rubber Sole, suitable for Golf, Bowling and all outing wear. Specially priced is a Goodyear Welt Tan Oxford at $4.50, and a Cushion Sole Oxford for Ladies at $3.00. Shoes for the whole family at prices which 'are low, considering the Quality. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes For All. IIIIIIIII1RI11111111II11111111111I19111I11111 E FRED W. WIGG IS ,s Sf