HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-18, Page 2514 ,s„ i€tlrr
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ui on dates'givea Belo
SEE these bdlUant, baud- 1 -
CHP NAMEINinishea tested
and iatpWrusi during out • JC
CitiAsmeI Demonstration
AFactory Denneuarator willwe of this inecterUagChtNin
Exhibition to Ukelele and lustruct
1.4.35 beat can of Chi -Name) Varnish
with purchase of 25 cent
brushtrial o a
Housecleaning Needs
Curtain Rods, flat pattern, either single or double
at Special prices,
Single, reduced from 40c to 25c
Double,reduced from 75c to 50c
Special single rods for doors 15c
Geo. A. Sills & Sons
Fees Clean 1
G>eerments materials cleansed
with SURPRISE feel. Soft and
well washed ; and carry the truly
I clean odor so pleasing to the
House -keeper. -
f -
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Adc'ept only au "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
irin," which contains directions and dose worked vet by
sician8-•during 22 years and roved -sale by millions for.
Gids ,> ;Headache, �Rheulllatism,
'04111411# , , Netiiralgia 'Neuritis
the. • 1.urribagd Pain, Pain
dxea of 15 Mita A>ao sorties 4 .ao l I00— Drugg te.
gregtatkle'prIs Catsidal�o}tp} fop#a' estpeter: bZ M Dor .......
iOtB- rWwhmliI1adp}�r�e,liiRD&^tri hie r, Lae mw
:rwiO Tulin,, 5111 �". 5'o. els: ..
of aid to dol "Elton?
r and wrath. '• Mel"
t the'elpturf elr@ riven ,
kxf'ea and half flame,
But when Be dame the second time,
liecame ih roWer and love;. "'.
Softer than gale at morning prime
Hovered Rib holy Dbve, „
Come, Lord come, Wisdom, Love and
Open our ears to bear;
Let us not miss the'accepted hour;'
Save, Lord, by love or fear.
--John Keble.
e Cause Thy Church to arise knd
shine, 0 Lord, and Iet her ministers
be clothed with righteousness and
salvation; that Thy Word which is in
their hands may not return unto Thee
void, but have free cour9e add be
glorified in the world; prospering in
the thing whereunto Thou hast sent
it, and prevailing mightily to turn
men from darkness to light, and from
the power of Satan unto God, that
they may receive the forgiveness- of
sins. and inheritance among them
which are sanctified, by faith, that is
in Christ, to whom, with' Thee and
the Holy Ghost, be honor and glory,
world without'end. Amen.
(The Church Service Society).
ate appluess, Cana
i�►i x ', Olt -a -titans
.Made fry; ' 't Juices and Tomes
/ the NOnde>tiii
from th'e iaicbt/ a RULES. FOR SAFE D1tIVQMG1 LAID
figs and ironies_ Idd
coantryaof otuirpda Sri I' I►OVf°DT: O: ')3
! , 'Claiming • thatRY• their'L. ob'.servnnco
" is bringing health', would reduce auto accidents by 95 per
hundreds of people cent the Qntari4'Safety League. has
ehronioConatipation, issued the; following set of riles for
safe driving:
"Read the automobile laws' care-
fully for the district in which you are
driving and obeythem.
"Never traveat a high rate ot,
speed over a road with which you ars
not familiar.
"Never drive ,at any tirne'l%on the
wrong .side of the highway.
"Heed the warning, signs.
"Never pass, or attempt .to pass, a
�• „ car -going in the same direction, at
Along their fruO no sabers shine,
o load red pennons w,avei
Their banner seem a Cagle lino--
"rour' ty is to env ; •
. ' : .`P. li'aunce.
appiea,, 0153
One of the,
good th(tt
ever kn•
to hu
who suffer
Biliousnessii.D spepsia.
Mr. Frank' ll of Wyevale Ont.,
says, Ipurchiisedabox of":Paruit-a-
tives' andbe an the treatment.. My
condition proved immediately,
The dyspep „ eased to be the burden
of my life +i 'had been, and I was
freed of Co"" �p ailon ".
50e. a box.6.for 42.60, trial size 25o,
At dealers 'Or -lout by Frulta-tives
Limited, Ottavwa, Out. •
• the 'crest of a hill or on a curve.
destroyed. That done he dug a deep "Never stop your car, just over the
trench all round the altar; then laid 'brow of a hill or jgat around a curve,
the wood in order and the sacrifice •"Never follow a'car travelling at a
upon it. Following all this came a, high rate of speed a cess distance
strange command. There must be no than 50 yards.
doubt left in the minds of the on- "If , yeti wish to pass' another car
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR lookers, If a spark could by any going in your direction, choose.a long,
MAY 20th, 1923. means be concealed water would ¶x;- straight stretch of road.
tirguish it, so barrel after barrel of "When travellthg ata chos-
Lesson 'title—Elijah, • the Brava -water was ordered to be brought and en rate of you speedare, do not "speed up"
poured over and around it. What an because someone attempts__ to .• pass
Reformer, exhibition cif, .niarvellous faith! He you.
Leeson Passage -1 Kings 18:30-39. heaped up difficulty after difficulty in • "Make careful and frequent inspec-
Golden Text—Josh. 24:15. . perfect confidence that God wogld tithes and tests of your brakes.
The miraculous happening record- H n
ed in this lesson took place . in the over -ride them all. All was tea Y "Never use bulbs rof eseri her candle -
reign of Ahab that' king who did and Elijah Asew near and prayer. power than those prescribed ,by law
more to provoke the Lord God of Is- Such a prayers. It was not long; nb for your lenses.
reel to anger" than all the kings of vain repetitions such as the propets. +'Inspect your tail light frequently.
Israel that were before him. Be- of Baal used; `but it was quiet, raver- This lights marks the position of your
.cause he reared an altar to Baal and ant and confident. Breathing through car for the following driver, who may
served and , worshipped him Elijah ii was the desire that God w old be facing lights of an oncoming auto -
appeared before him and said: "A show Himself .te' be God, the God of
the Lord God of Israel liveth, before their fathers, the covenant keeping ,
whom I stand, there shall not be dew God; and'turft the hearts of the neo- ,
nor rain these years (three years and pie back to Himself. Elijah lost iCURRENCWIT AND WISDOM
six months), but according to my sight of himself excepting as the in- .•
word.". In consequence -of this there which' strument w God's hand through This is :free country until you are
was a sore famine in Samaria. At which eIe was, working. We cannot old enough to pay taxes.—Winchester
the end of the appointed time the then be ,feU, sed that "the fire of Press
word of the Lord came to Elijah, say- the Lord fell; and consumed the burnt Kink Billy will need his skates to
ing, "Go, show thyself 'unto Ahab ; sacrifice, and the wood, and the cross the Boyne this year.—Orillia
and I will send rain upon the earth." stones, and the dust, and licked nu packet. ,
the water that was in the trench." Vaster than the Unfilled spaces of
were in conflict en Ahab id neeaas h ndicated It wits a co iiplete vindication of Eli- the prairies are the untilled spaces .
by Ahab's greeting, "Art thou' he jah's faith.. Everything was con- 'in our brains.—Forbes Magazine..
that troubleth Israel." Elijah was sumed, even the Stones and ,seeing • It is better to make one man laugh
in business for the King of Kings this the people gave their yerdict. than to make a hundred weep. -0t -
and therefore quailed not before Ah- "They fell en their faces, and they tawa Journal.
ab, but answered: "I have not trou_ said, 'The Lord, he is the God; the About the worst feature of daylight, '
bled Israel; but thou and thy fathers Lprd, he is the God." In this and saving is the annual argument.—Man-
that ye have forsaken the com- of .er eyents in Elijah's life we see itoba Free Press,
-mandments of the Lord, and thou his main desire was that God might One of the marathon dancers has
be glorified, Our blessed Lord, in gone crazy, but she hadn't far to go.
hast followed Baalim." Then follow- y. a
His earthly life,, had but one passion —Kingston Standard.
ed a command and a challenge. One g
would think that Elijah were king —that His Father might be glorified. We see where a Winnipeg He "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father cc fes es havingfive wives. He pro -
and Ahab the subject for the king in My Name, that«will I do; that the n
the nations were in desperate bably realizes now that he mads as
straits and therefore, he was willing Father may be glorified in the Son." bigamistake.• sjus fax Herald: •
An enemy is just a decent chap who
sees the thing from another point'bf
view.—Calgary Herald. ' '
Our idea of comfortable circum- •
stances would be to be in a position
to pay your income tax all in one in-
stalment.—Columbus State Journal.
England, it is reported, has a sur-
plus of 2,000,000 women, but that of i
course is ridiculous. How could there '
be a surplus of women?—Kingston
Whig. .,The reason a' man has to give in
when he argues with his wife is be- .-
cause she never gives out.—Kingston
The western country may be going
to the dogs but at that qqits a num-
ber of citizens are"ttill aisle to go to
California for the winter.—Manitoba
Free' Press.
Seems like one of these days it is
going to' be a tdss-up whether John
D. Rockefeller sells the cquntry out,
to Henry. Ford or the other way a-
round.—Boston Transcript.
• What all Europe is at present suf-
fering from is compulsory prime min-
isters in a' world in which nobody
alive is apparently fit to be, prime
miniitter.--Mr. Robert Lynd.
Some people sleep with one eye
open; others prefer to wake with both
eyes shut,—fife. ,
A Toledo man hanged himself -from -
a bill -board.•' That is carrying the
craze for publicity too far.—Kalama-
zoo Gazette. '
What was the man who made the
first bagpipe really trying to make?
--Kangas City .Star.
Babies when they are born accept
their parents without protest. When
the ,babies get older, though, they
make up for it.—Kingston Standard.
Asquith declined to dine at the
same table with the Welshman Lloyd
George, prpbably fearing he would
have to eat the leek'.—Kincardine Re-
assure Speedy aid courteous' pe to,
Brace**' fit Ma : lrkton7
Cie pow
` !' ►�� Fill the •�dren, �./
• with Delight
§erve them
Morning Noon and Night
to bend his will in order to get relief. I "Take my 10 c; my Lord, I pour
When told. to send and gather all Is -At Thy feet 1'W -treasure store;
rael aid the prophets of Baal and I Take_myself, and I will be,
Ashtaroth he obeyed at once. It Ever, only, all for thee"
would take some days for messen- .•
gars to cover the country. How Eli- I A world-wide ministry. No won -
canspent the intervening time we •der Robert Moffat said: "A medical
can only surmise. , We know he was mistiianary is a missionary and a
the prophet of. the Mast High' God half, for rather a doable missionary."
and tremendous issues were facing o
him so it was' doubtless a time of In the Christian
continent that studied died
v -
great heart searching. and prayer for ed Christian physkeane have studied
him. Rev. F. 13. Meyer says of this the sleeping, -,reel and done much
itsto alleviate
waiting time—"fn my opinion, Elijah combated ma aria and typhoid hand
spent those memorable days of -wait- pneimionia In' Korea, since the day
ing on Carmel itself; how constantly when D. Allen relieved .the wounded
would he stay himself upon his God, va si
and gird himself for the coming con- c into whose torn body the n-
.flict by effectual fervent prayer. It tive physiciaiis.:'weregrowg-wax,
is a sublime spectacle—this yielded, there has been an ever-growing de -
surrendered 'man, awaiting on Car- mend for the Christian doctor, In
mel, in steadfast faith, the gathering the far -away island of. Java the ne,-
•of •the people, and the unfolding of_ eve members of the Salvation 'Army
the purpose of God. He had no fear have, by a selitaienial week raised
about the issue. He expected scone, $20,000
to 'erect a meriimial to Gen -
Mounta nation at the feet o£ God." , era! William Booth. And the memor-
Mount . Carmel had from remotest sal' will • not be' a'statue or tower or
times been associated with' worship Semarang; tIt ill o bebe an chargeye-clinic,
ofia Dant
so to this 'place the crowd wended ish physician who last year perform -
their way. The king and his retinue" ed over six hundred operations on the.
were there. The four hundred and - eyes of the gentle 'natives in that
the prophets
p prophetsofof there,
"garden of the East." These Chris -
bot disregarded Ahab's summons and through the
taroth had at the command of Jeze- can physician,h'reaching the soul
r body and the body
were absent, What a hush would 'through the soul, ministering to a
fall on the assembled multitude as' mind diseased or a body crippled, are
Elijah" appeared_ and began to speak .._'
saying, If Jehovah be God, follow
hire;-, but if Baal! then follow him.
Inhis own mind there was "if" o SE
but his purpose in speaking was to
show the people that religions so ut- i
•terly opposed to eachother could not!
both be right. They stnswered never 1 '
a word and then it was he threw I - -
down the challenge—"The God that'Weak and Nervous. Made
answereth by fire,. let aim be God." •
This they had to admit wbs fair for Well by Lydia -E. Pinlcharn's
Baal was the Sun -God and •so his oi- Vegetable, Compound
lowers could not protest; and as for
the children of Israel could they not ,
recall many occasions when Jehovah Webbwood, Ont.—" I was ip a very
had answered by fire? (Lev. 9.24; 2 weak and run-down nervous ondition,
Chron. 7.1; Judges 6.21). Wheel( unt�ilyI wen s tired
bed. Sleep did nfront the time I ot reot st
therefore Elijah proposed that each mo at all. My; sister recommended
side should offer a bullock and await Lia E. Pinkham:'s Ve etable Corq
, an answer by fire, "All the people , pond to me and others told me abod'l's
answered and said, "It is well spok- t, but it was from my sister's advice
en." With so many watching it , that I took it., It -did pot take long
wopid he quite impossible for the I until I felt stronger, headaches left
prophets of Baal to insert fire secret- , me and my appetite:caFne back to me.
ly upon the altar; and so hey were I am a farmer's wife • and. have many
compelled to rely wholly on • their i things to do outside the house such as.
deity. • They appealed to him with . milking, looking after the poultry, and
might and main, from early morning other chores I heartily recommend the
'until noon, calling aloud, "A Baal,:, Vegetable Compound to a)1 who have the'
hear us." At noon ,when the sun same trouble I ad' for it is a fine medi--
Wilt , at its height Elijah ''• began to'• eineforwomen't Mrs.Louta F. ELSAs
,mock them saying, "Cry aloud;for SSR Hillcrest Farm, Webbwood, Oat
)legis a god; either he is talking, or Aeat>+er NervoaaVoman Finds Relief
lie in pursuing, or he ie in a journey, Port 'Huron 1 'ldhigan.—"I suffered
or. peradventure he. sleepeth, and
Must be awaked." This' made them fdt two years wlth:'pitme lowlys side, and,,
frantic far they began, to, t ut, ,them-
if .I wo ked very -Cinch I Was nervous:
selves and cry 'louder and louder con-, gild j(,s as tired (nth a mosleepy
ng as when
1l' uing until the trine of avenin sal ' tvedidto bed I.eao sleepy all the day,
and didn't feel like doing anythin and
fide, The prophets of, Baaldid , was 8o nervous I'v�rouk}dL, bite my finger
their utmost and .the heavensmade i ilails, One of my friends told me about
1, as V
ons whichsorely w eve- Pmk a Vegetable Com -
epee enough to prone ;to 'the 'people i pound, and it helpphpd"tide so uiueb that I
Itt that religion was a useless one. !'soon feltfine. —M. ClaaaLES B . R,
Elijah's tufo'ti, came (verSeb '`5Q1 4th St., Potts urof+, Miob'
$0.80). His fist got 'sae to invite : We en whosuf'fer from any fepiinine;,
�ti1rio a le, to come, closer. in. order to ',..,pi1'merft should Lydia E. Piailiam'a,
Ora ale isa vv��sifld; do. Tthey, Gtattfh / ,Vegot le Cot ap d: il.
ed. Mai Wild. elle •attar that; bad'beian ' ,
$igb; ion Arrowroot FOO4 .
: Valve. '
and See Simtriillve Grow. ��
.,Live stock sales at,the Union Stock
Yards, Toronto, in April, totaled 32,-
160. cattle, 10,647 calves, 40,816 slogs
and 3,869 sheep and lambs. The
figure's for cattle being a record for
the month of April, and a gain of
11,679 head as compared.' with April
last ,year.
Hog•suppliea were also the hear -
lest in the history of the yards, eso
far, at least, as the month of 'April
as concerned, and the only class df
live : stock, that arrived in anything
like inferior volume was calves
Export demand accoimted for a 781
fat cattle and 1,027 store cattle dur-
ing the months, and the local. demand
for feeders was a considerable fea-
ture, O° titrio farmers taking supplies
for.' their pastures and feed lots at
strong prices. c.
Sheep and Jan* sales shoaled an in-
crease of 1,880 head over last April;
due largely from Alijireat,
which have been heavy •thla• seasop,
but•deabed.before the month wea'•au%.
the 'Mamas:oho responslble for a
'good share b't th'o cattle' receipts, a
large number ofia res sent downy by
the Unite& Grains era from' Wits
"Nugget" Them
-it makes white shoes
stay white. •
rte Dressing,
A substitute wiU
disappoint! you.
Price is.f•o.b.
Dearborn Mich,
Dut . Free-,
and you willget your crops .• iii
on time regardless of the late-
uses of"the season.
° J.� F. Daly, - Seaforth, Ont..,
I Cook Bros.; Hensoll, Ont.:
FORD MOTOR Courw' a o► CANAOK'Lonna .
Fano Oe.r, w.� ,
shy Waste Money Daily!
Of all farm machines, the -
crearn separator is the one
on which you can take no
chances, for the smallest of
-cream losses_ soon mount
into •dollars.
The Melotte has been the
farmers' best friend for over
30 years. It is the Machine
with suspended bowl and
enamelled bowl casing.
Hanging naturally on a ball-
bearing spindle, the bowl is
• perfectly balanced, and is
guaranteed` easier to turn
and to wear longer than any
other. , _
On account of tfie recent ad-
vance in raw materials, it is
impesaible to guarantee 'present
low prices for any definite time.
Teri -year guarantee with every
''rite for free' descriptive
l aolrlet. Don'tpdelay
R LeI.S'ITEF `. fid: ( 44
Fir Aaareai�,.t1�a bFf� fait;:
erotei 'tGVhull
�-. tx:, Raginq. Calgary. ltdns'aAROeI..
Have yeti sett,
the wofideriai