HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-11, Page 8Jr rY ' + htFxYIIN . S NT' fyIA N PR Imo" 91AANGOL(). ' AR hIir E "ihQlnle o. 04, `IISTI • Hied ,iu Londe ,,,,rrMa0.o14 friends in Seaforth and surreandtng town- ahips will regret to learnsof the death of 'William E. Routledges which oo- curred•recentiy at the A.4,0 Peoples" Florae in London, in Iiie...87th year. File remains were brought to Sea - fort* on Monday, interment being made in the family plot in Maitland - getter Shoes A man should exercise the same care ,i}o selecting a Pair of Shoes that 'he would in buying a house, for he lives in both! There's no earthly use in wear- ing an ill-fitting, uncomfortable, poor looking, unsatisfactory pair of Shoes! You wouldn't if you buy. Shoes here! Our Men's Shoes are made by the Murray Shoe Company -one of Canada's Best Shoe Makers. They are exactly right in Style and in construction. See Our Shoes At $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50 The Best 'Values The Price Ever Bought The Lyric J. E. WILLIS, Manager. bank cemetery. • • Seaforth Liberals. -A meeting of the Liberals of Seaforth will be held in the Carnegie Library Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 15th, at 7.30, for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the Liberal Convention to be held on May 17th, which will choose a candidate to contest the Rid- ing of Centre Huron in the forth- coming Provincial Elections. A Spe- cial invitation is extended to the ladies to be present. Ave Death of James Fox. -James Fox, one of the oldest residents in this district, passed away at his home on Jarvis street, Seaforth, on Friday last in his 80th year. Mr. Fox had been in poor health for over three years, and had been confined to bis home for many months. The deceased was born on a farm on the Huron Road, near St. Columban, where he con- tinued to reside until his removal to Scaforth fourteen years ago. He was unmarried, and was the last of a family of seven brothers, but is sur- vived by tint sister, Miss Annie Fox. The funeral was held Dn Monday morning from St. Jaynes' church, in- terment being made in St. Columban r SUGAR We need not draw your at- tention to the condition of the Sugar market. The daily presi will teU you all about it, and predictions are that Sugar will be much higher yet. We have just unloaded a car this week and can sell you a limited amount at prices much below wholesale. Come along with the cash and try us; we can sell only a limited quantity at these prices. Spy Apples, firm stock, 25e per peck Fresh Lettuce, Tomatoes, Ban - ensues, . Oranges, Pineapple, Grape Frnit, Etc., Bring Your Eggs Here If You Want the Best Prices. Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8. NOW COMES THE TIME TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Wall Paper adds so much and -costs so little, We invite you to inspect our New Rapers. Estimates of Paper or, Paper and Hanging cheerfully given. Our Papers are all 21 inches wide, which 'means one-sixth more Paper for the money, less labor and fewer seams - SCOTT'S i5R eat .11 1GA CPI Fl q tu,..'. beehiltiten are vteltIng at tpe )lora, hoe Motbess Mrs. % el, in BTit!�el tASre )dials Stones .of' Norwich,, rip 1 ng ttt 'the.. home :o ',her parents, •and Mrs, Jamee' udson, in,Nieln dltiile.'-Mr. J es N re - and 11dRa, auras Aitch ou have turned to their home at Rgabelee• at ter spending several months with their niece in Staffa. Many,, Mends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Aitche8bn's health has greatly .im- proved. --Five cars of Oddfellows drove to Goderich on Monday night. -Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Peck, of Hensall, were the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. A, D Armstrong at Harpurbey rt•,;,... /MI r what room y wish to ;h er, we have Pat- terns in ek wbicb'are cure to plea;r you. Whether Plain, `S '.lie or all-over Papas desired, We can save yq, Money on yo4r WAL ,:PERS. Come in and s what we have, to offer. this Week. -Mr. A. D. Sutherland's '"psoas Airedale dog vats run over by a car SEAFORTH near the Egmondville bridge on Sun- BOOKSTORE .; - - day last and killed. -Many friends of Mrs. C. oche are pleased to see her out a n after her long illness. - Mrs. Mason has returned to her home in Egmondville, after spending the winter with her daughter, Mra. Oke, in Toronto. -The Seaforth Golf and Country Club gave a thoroughly en- joy able dance and programme to the intmbei's and their friends in Case's Hall on Thursday evening of last week. -Miss Bethune leaves this week to spend the summer with her sister in Vernon, B. C. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kennedy were in Stratford on Thurs- day attending the funeral of 'rel- ianiNeklittis s OppR�Rii� k lli gni eke.' in I(0 b,.,;• taFwa 2110vina to etre; a tie condaeted a dei ac!ager,,,tna�'Rl e fpr •ali�put forty.years, .111s 'r++• a 1 15rgera '.: Sie4'Rhett'oln, `1if d ono fr' a , ppel)sF ' hl n ,•atMilt 23. years a'a..< A • Row years later be moved to lromart',;`were lie 'spent his renlaiuing days With hid son, ' George I Deceased is kurvlved-by two daughters, Mtn. Roe, .of uplph,, add Miss Margaret; ,a nurse' in. London, and one arils, George, in :Cromarty. In . religion he was a. Methodist, and in politics aConservative. The remains will be taken to Stratford for inter- ment bn Friday. ative. Coombs, Ma't,M fu�i Cs�ase, Margaret Smith, Jesse Smith, '-nna Stewart, Cleve Coombs. 1.Number on roll, 34; avers age attendance, 30. The best spellers for the month are as follows.: Those without 'mistakes -Roy McGonigle; 1 mistake, Evalena Nott; 2 mistakes, Willie McDonald and Frank Case 3 mistakes, John Strong, Leona Dupeo and Margaret Strong. Those marked with an asterisk were present everyday without being late. -A. M. Kuechtel, Teacher. USBORNE Taxi Service, night or day; phone 207. Farmers' mad -Builders' Attontloa.-. rat arrived a car of Cement. We also have a J. F. Scott 2891-4 full supply of Re.chvillc Stone Lime,. Lath, For Sala. -Large Yorkshire ooW in pig. L. .Planter Park, hard well plaster. Hydrated G. VanEgmond, Seaforth. 25711,1 L,me, Plssterfng Hair. Mortar Color. etc, It Pranted.--Girl for general house work; good ,vilt be to your own interest to get our price. cook : every modern convenience in home. before purobasiug elsewhere. R. Cudmore, Alpply to Mrs. R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 2890.2 Builders' Supplies, Ilennall, Ont Phone For hale. -One side board and child's iron 007. 2888-4 bed. Apply to Mrs. G. D. Haigh, Seaforth. r 2889-tf CROMARTY i' ,r. Far Sale-- A comfortable 2.story dwelling Every child wbo hw semi the Doris Hyde cemetery. Dish up-to-date tionv en nue, including bath- Doll want. pm. Many are envies the and furnace. A snap for Quick PO, • coupon.. Get in on it now. Buy at Umbach's. 2891-1 A Good Advertisement. -The Can- adian Grocer in its issue of May 4th, under the heading of "How Merch- ants Advertise," contained part of an advertisement recently inserted in The Huron Expositor, by MacLeo'i's Grocery in Seaforth. The part given PS an example of careful preparation of copy read: "Food that we recom- mend may be used in your home with confidence. We give an unconditional guarantee with all our goods. Mix your diet. Don't live on meat and potatoes, with, a piece of pie thrown in _now and again, it does not pay. If you value constant satisfaction, if you *ant to get your full money's worth every time, we give both." Mr. MacLeod recently purchased the gro- cery business of Mr. Thomas Daly, and he has one of the best stocks and tastefully arranged -stores to be found in the county. Local Briefs. -On Wednesday morn- ing the ground was covered with snow and snow continued to fall during the greater part of the day. -Mr. E. J. Whittaker, son of Mrs. Whittaker, of town, last week received his Ph. D. degree from Yale University. Mr. Whittaker was the only one out of a class of seven to secure honor's. -Mr. G. F. Rogers, of Toronto, Collegiate Institute Inspector, was here this week -tr!specting the Seaforth Col- legiate. Mr. Rogers was for several years principal of our school and old Seaforth friends are always glad to see him. -Mr. Langford Chapman, of Goderich, spent the week end with his father, Mr. W. E. Chapman - Mr's. C. M. Jones, of Boston, is a guest at the home of her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. -Mrs. Alex. McGavin spent the week end with Stratford fticnds.-Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mackay of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Mackay's mother, 4lrs. Mac- kay, Goderich Street West. - Mr. Ross Savauge was home from Toronto for the week end. -Miss Sara Wells, of Port Huron, has returned to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Nora Carlin. - Miss Hazel Thompson. of Brantford, spent the week end with Seaforth friends. -The many friends of Mr. A. W. Stobie, who underwent an opera- tion in Toronto two weeks ago, will be glad to learn that he is making very satisfactory progress towards recovery. -Miss Way, Miss Mary Mc- Donald, Mrs. J. J. Miller and Miss Abbey, of St,atford, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Carlin during the week. - Opposite Expositor Office. Phone 62. Hutchison's ' • GROCERY FOR. SEASONABLE GROCERIES - HIGH IN QUALITY; MODERATE IN PRICE, FIELD SEEDS -Steel Briggs' Man - gel and Turnip Seeds at from 50 cents up. GARDEN SEEDS -Steele Briggs', Rennie's and Ferry's,in large as- sortment. GARDEN PEAS IN BULA (Ameri- can Wonder), per ib.......... 40c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN .in bulk, per pound 250 RIPE TOMATOES - Prime, firm •stock, per pound 30c PUESH LETTUCE, per bunch10c �1jNNEAPPLES (large 24'0) ea35c DGMESTIC ONIONS -8 lbs for25c B$A'Ni8H ONIONS -4 lbs for25c VUTT'COHH SETS and MULTIPLIERS at wholesale prices. LUDEL.LA TEA - Premium, First Quality' China Cup add Saucer with chewer. H. Edge. 2 89J Y ted be xf 0,2215 for t•'nnted.-A leen n¢m r o Notes. -Rev. R. G. and Mrs. Mc- . ce.ion 4. Tuckresmith. R. R. No. R, the past week at, the home of Mr. 'resen,p gramAPPY w William Doig Jr Lot 15. 1' ay, of Dd, ent a few days off Con Kirpen. James Scott. -Rev. D. Ritchie attend- Junc rece]ved a ear scud of P'''rises Farm cd the Synod meeting in Stratford Fencing, full No. 9 gauge extra galvanized utad ity. Suecial padre for cash, The Big last week, -Mr, Stewart Robertson lfardwore. H. Edge. 2891.1 has purchased a Ford car. -Mr. Accounts ---Hewing deposed of PM shoe Norman Park has gone to Toronto Moines. in Seaforth. all acoountn owing me to build a brick house for Mr. T. M. asst be paid by MnY 19th. H. R. Scott.deHamilton.-Sunday next at 11 a.m. SaFoFois r Sdar{' rner grocery, London. stock communion 'services will be observed and fixture. thirty -throe hundrenl. re.¢t of in Cromarty dhurCh. .tore and dwell ing thirty-five. Sydney Died In Seaforth.-There passe] Smythe, Market Lane,e. London- Phone. 11 you e.nnot wee to the 8,05 'showt away at the Seaforth Memorial Hos.- 7.41 p.m. Saturday evening. Dome to the pital Wednesday evening William second at 9.30 p.m. We repeat the complete i it's d h in warty end resident of Cromarty, in his 87th , • N, W The Lyric. '1491 z1 lson, an old" and highly respected programme. is a go„ show 13uixarT> Libetala' Attention, -k- A meeting of the betels of pollinginb-division No. 1 will be held in ttilo Forrester? Hall and in each of the other polling divisions in the township on Tueeday evening, May 15th, at 8' p.m.; fqr the purpose of selepting delegates to at- tend the Liberal, Convention in Sea - forth on .the following- Thursday to select a candidate to contest the .rid- ing in the Liberal interest at the Provincial election on June 25th. • TRE-STORT. `T'0 PIN TOUR FAITH' TO ()use) '', • ings in For sale, -One good thorough bred Jersey year. Mr. Wlleon was born• cow. 1 dining table and chairs. bed and Themes, but when quite young moved springs, heater and range, also numer_No they article to t,,, sold .0 once. Mro. George I'ulcher. Jame, Street, Seaforth. 2991x1 For Sale. -A 7 -roomed frame house and six dots of land, near Merner's Mill; electric lights, bath room. furnace and all modern comcniences. Barn en(l_ henhouse, the Prop- erty of Pat Curtin. Apply to R. S. Have, Seaforth. e88S$f House For Sale -Six -roomed frame cottage in Egmondville, good cellar with cistern: 11/4acres of land. hen house; 'situated opposite church sheds: electric lights. For further par- ticulars apply to Miss McLellan or at Ihe Etpositor Office. 2810-tf Uneryrted or chaperoned richly ;rowned and wondrously beautiful. no wonder she was the talk of Monte Carlo. And then - she broke the bank! See Katherine McDonald and Rudolph Valentino in "Paasion!a Play- ground" at The Lyric Theatre on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. 2891x1 An intense love affair. with Monte Carlo , as the background, keeps one literally on edge as to the outcome.' You must see Pas- sions Playground," starring Katherine Mc - n( mild and Rudolph Valentino, at 'rhe Lyric , -Theatre, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. • 2891x1 ' House For Sale. -1 Corner Market and Jarvis Streets, nine rooms, summer kitchen and woodshed and closets, including one all cedar closet convenient for all •npstair rooms. relished and hardwood floors, large lawn. furnace and electric lights. 2. -Main Street North. eight rooms. closets, pantry and wood - abed. Splendid location. easy terms. Apply to F. D. Hutchison. 2880-tf For Sala -A 5 -roomed frame cottage nit•r- THE PHOTO -DRAMATIC RACE TRACK CLASSIC OF THE SCREEN Produced in Australia. "QUEEN 0' THE TURF" The blast of the bugle, the clang o: the gong, the snap of the barrier, the shrieks of the throng -They're Off! . All the thrill of jammed grand- stands and packed betting rings -all the vivid color of smart society in clubhouse and paddock. Real Melodrama -Fast and Furiods-and a great love story. SEE The desperate aeroplane flight, the breakneck auto dash; the plot to frame the big race; the jockey who selLs out; the loyal stable boy; the girl's brave ride on Alert in THE GREATEST HORSE RACE EVER THROWN 'UPON THE SCREEN. NOW BEING SHOWN ated one block south and one block west of . the Egmondville Presbyterian church. The i1 • cottage stands on half acre of ground. is electric lighted and has hard and soft water 1 end is in first class condition. There are several fruit trees, a variety of small fruit • and a good barn and hen. house. For par- , titulars apply to Thomas O'Loughlin, Sea forth P. 0., R. R. 4, or phone 15 on 131. 2087-tf Coming. -The Seaforth Public School has secured the Canadian Ladies' Big Four for ,cert in Cardrao'e Hall on Friday, May 136h, at• 8 p.m. Mise Jean MacDonald is the greatest entertainer ever produced in this enrntry and . under New York management. Mme. Gwlodys Jones -Morgan is a famous • Welsh Soprano. Miss Helen Hunt is Can- ada's foremost violinist. 'Mies Eulalie Buch- anan in a gold medalist of the Royal Academy, Ismdon, Eng. This company ie positiveiY one of the bet ever seen here. Admission "A Half Hour With John Wesley" , only 40n including tax; 25c for'chfldren. will be the subject at the Seaforth 1 _ • 2891.1 Presbyterian church next Sunday Egmondville Church. - The Neil evening. -Mr. D. McDonald is recov Shaw Young Women's Auxiliary, of Bring nicely after being under the the Egmondville church, are holding doctor's care for a week. -Mr. G. A. et, their annual thankoffering servic Sills was in Cleveland over the week next Sunday, May 13th, when Miss end attending the funeral of his sin- palethor a of 'Ingersoll, returned ter -in -lave, the late Mrs. A. E. Sills,' p > of that city. While ill Cleveland Mr. ' missionary, from Corea, is to speak Sills met two of his 'sisters, one of Miss Palethorpe comes very highly whom he had not. seen for'37 years, recommended, and the Auxiliary hope f 1 t' rincess 'mllillllllll�(nIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIII�iI��III�II�IIV�iI�IIIl011�V�I�Vll�lilllulu CHISELHURST ' Notes. -The seeding of barley and oats is completed in this section, hut there are quite a number of farmers who are sowing peas, which crop has not been grown in this part for many years owing to the weevil. - The heavy snow storm of Wednesday 'will have the effect of keepingback the work. -The 'young daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Dalrymple, wbo was re- moved .to the hospital in London, is still in a critical condition, but it is to be hoped she will soon show signs of improvement. -It is with sorrow we have to record the death of Mr. Thomas Rennie, which took plane at his residence on the Hibbert bound- ary on Sunday last. NOW TS.'THE TIME ATO BUT House Cleaning Om is at hlanld,"ar#d• this ' Store will be kept exceedingly 'buss. be - cause 'our Goods and ,prices are -right. SUNDAY, MAY 13th MOTHERS' DAY Remember her with FLOWERS. Leave Orders at Umbach's DRUG STORE PHONE 28 and the other for 32 years. Whirr. , or large congrega rons- his trip to Cleveland was the result -The regular monthly meeting of f d errand yet Mr. Sills greatly-' the Neil Shaw Auxiliary was held on --L o a sa Saturday at 2.30 p.m. The Scripture en'oyed• the family re -anion of bro- thers and sisters. -Mr. ,Edmund A. 1 lesson, Numbers 17th Chapter, was Phelan and Mrs. Jack Delorme, of read by May Wallace and Miss Grace Hamilton, were guests at the home Elgie led in prayer. lilies Vera Hud - of their sister, Mrs. J. F. Daly, this 000 gave a very interesting descrip- week.-Mr. G. M. Case, of Toronto, tion of the work carried on by the spent the week end with Mrs. Nora nurses in the mission fields, and Mrs. in and family. -Mr, Wellington W. D. MacDonald gave a detailed and of h Hay, the Ontario Liberal Leader, will interesting account the organiza- be the chief speaker at the Liberal tion and work of the Women's Mis- j Convention to be held in Seaforth on , sicnary Society. Mrs. R. McKenzie i Thursday, May 17th. -The sympathy read a very inspiring letter from Mrs. 1 of many friends will be extended to.Shaw, which was much appreciated Mf, F. S. Savange on the death of by the girls. The Auxiliary intend his father, the late George N. Sav holding thankoffering services the auge, which occurred suddenly at his latter part of May. The meeting was borne in Torohto on Sunday last in closed with a hymn and prayer. c- his 75th year. Mr. Savange was in - Toronto this week attending the fun- eras -There will be a "Mothers` I}ay" service in First Presbyterian each pound for sr,e, church. text Sunday morning. -Mrs. (h7e'aaly these premiums ate sec- E. 'Umbach' underwent an operation on /or appendicitis in the Seaforth 'hos- ON♦S SPECIAL TEA.--- pita). on Saturday evening last. -Miss V on Used it'? If not, why w sire have .'sold thousands of nylds .of it within .heat'Om years. e : Inot• se that: of any other la, ' ndg immense: ad., r ig Oaf acme of them, 'There mut First Preabyteiien . church -2etittiM There held a most snecessfui tea atld 'sale A ate.b¢i11 d. iii of. "Mite Oohing at the M`ang'e. on @rtt swMw� Fridal• afternoon last. The proceeds amounted to 158.50. -Mr.. Aubrey �tChiSOLI "CricA,.'i this; Tomorito,D6pth1-$eboo), , is 'spending the,holidays at hit home here. -s-11110 Gerrie, of Gollingwood, Dorotby Kennedy has returned from Hamilton. -Mr. and Mrs, A. Walker and, family, .of Wingham, spent Sun- day' at the home .of Mr. W. E. Chap- .- Barbara Kirkman A> x - t Egmondville School. -The following. is the report of Egmondville Public School for the month of April. Names are In order of merit: Sr. IV- *Evalena Nott, *Laura McMillan, *John Strong, 'Lloyd Dinnin, *Gor- don McGonigle, *Winifred Kerte, *Alex:.' Finnigan. Sr,' ill• --•*Jean- nette Flanigan, Leona ]hlpea and• *]:rank Kling, equal. Si. III (A)- *Willie McDonald, *Raymond Nott, *Maargaret.Strong and *Roy' McGon- igle pe t *Mary Kling, i'G1 ,Bays. Jr. III (B5 -*Frank Ceee, 'Wi ' bIil- ler, *Sylvia )money, 'WJ1ie;' Dbpee, Myrtle Dupes?. Sr. I Rbbble. Mc-- Dona'l'd and *Jack .Chlirlesworth, equal, *Irene Strong. sr. Primer.- Margaret Case; GeOr Kruse, *Mar- garet Finnigan. Si. er-Pahiter THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY The Finest Crook Story Of All Times! HERBERT RAWLINSON in the quick -action story of a clever young' man who broke into a pretty girl's heart and into a scrap that warmed his heart. "DON'T SHOOT" -ALSO SHOWING - "The Leather Pushers" BRUCEFIELD Have you exon the Doris Hyde Doll? Save the coupons now. Limbeoh'% Drug Store. The People's Store • Cool =Inviting -Artistic - The 'Daintiest, Coolest Lace Curtains and Draperies are here toadd grace and beauty • to homes in Summertime. • Fine Lace Curtains- and Draperies Specials For May. -250 yards light colored print, white ground. blue stripe, polka dot and flower, 8 patterns in blue and black; good, strong cloth suitable for blouses, waists, aprons, etc., to dear oft our shelves at 20 cents yard. regular S0 -cent print; 18 Inns Sloop (Comfort. Sunlight, P & G. or Gold). your choice of 2 dozen Men's Work Shirts in blue Chambray or Khaki at 98 cents each, big, full size shirts. All field seeds on hand. Lot un figure on your needs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Produce taken. HENRY HORNET, Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baird and daughter, of Toronto, motored up. to Stanley on Saturday to see Mr. Baird's mother, who is ill. Miss Baird sang a solo in church on, Sun- day 'morning, which was much ap- preciated. -Two special services will be held next Sunday, Mothers' Day service in the morning and the Odd - fellows at night, -Mr. Peter Camer- on, who lately came from the West, has accepted the agency of the Mas- sey -Harris Company, and moved into Mr. Moodie's house this week. ROUND 8- --2 Reels of ..Real Action - This Is one of bh@ bent pro- grammes we have .show)i- in a long time at these 'prices. ADULTS, 15c. till LDREE, 10c. 2 Complete Shows Saturday Evening 745 p•nt and 9.80 p•m. Coming bion., Tuee. and Wed - "Rudolph Valentino" and "Katherine McDonald" in "PASSION'S PtAITGROf1Nb" Opposite Dal s',Garage • ETHEL Disastrous Fire. -Fire of an unde-. termined origin, which broke out at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, totally de- stroyed a block of stores known as the Delworth block and owned by H. Wesenberg. The loss of the building and stock is estimated at $25,000. The building, which was worth $10,000, was covered by $5,000 insurance, and the stock in the stores was only part- ly covered by insurance. The places burned were as follows: J. K. Hall & Sons, who conducted the post office, and general store; William Spence, proprietor of a grocery store and restaurant; Mayberry's Barber Shop. Mr. Wesenberg and J. Gibson, who made their residence on the second floor, and a large concert hall. The blaze started in Hall's store and when discovered had gained considerable headway. Residents and the volun- teer fire brigade turned out and com- bated the flames,.but they had such a start that it was impossible to save the building. MANLEY Every child who boo seen the Doris Hyde Doll wants one. Many are saving the coupons. Get in on it now. Buy of Limbach's. Notes. -Mr. M. Wall is still in'•a serious condition at the Memorial Hospital, Seaforth:" His daughters, Mrs. Andrew Cottor, Owen Sound, and Mrs. Con Cottor, of Chesley, are at present at his bedside. -Master Hub- ert Johnston and Miss Gertrude Mur- ray have. returned to our burg after their operations at the Memorial Hospital. -Mr. Ed: Sternigal, accomr paned by Mr. Jeeler, had rather an' exciting experience last Sunday night. While on their way home from Sea - forth with their car, their light re- fused 'to work, when, accidentally, they collided. with Mr, Jack Murphy's horse and buggy, breaking the both front legs of the horse and smashing the buggy. Mr. Murphy escaped with minor injuries. -Seeding operations are practically over and as the ground was in good shape we can expect a bumper crop with a favorable season. • • WINTHROP Notes. -The little shower of rain is making everything fresh and green and will help the pasture. -Mrs. Percy Little was called to town last week owing to, the serious illness of her father, Mr. William Davidson. -- Miss Irene Patterson, of Seaforth, spent Monday in the village. Ladies' Aidor-The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. meeting, held in the home of : Mrs. J. M. Geeenlock, on Wednes- day, May 2nd, was largely attended, about twenty-five ladies 4nswering the roll call. Mrs. G. Millen presided. Scripture reading was by Miss Bessie Blanchard and inessenger prayer taken by Mrs. R. McFarlane. Tido very interesting' papers were gives, "Peoples of urope Today" by Mrs. J. Morrison, arid "The Gospel of Cheer, the W. M. S. Social Seraiioe Work,"' by Mrs, William 'Johnston, with Mrs. J. Bennett leading in Pray- er. A lot of work and business was trap Rated, after which the meeting Was closed by all repeating the Lord a prate. ' • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oo0,000 70000 o . New Brass Curtain o o Rods. • o 35c to $1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The ever popular Nottinghams, • Swiss Lace a, Cable. Net, Plain and Colored Ma; dras, Marquises. te, Voile,. Plain Net and Muslin. Their striking original patterns, their perfect workmanship and the flawless matching of ground and bor- der make them irresistibly at- tractive to care- ful buyers. The prices are won- derfully low, too. 4.#••40 9••••• 6•1114,414 .0.444 i••••• t••••• i••••• r••••• a,••••• ;,,1•••••• - •••••• -••• ' ••te • •••• 1 New Linoleums. Linoleums are here insplendid assortment. Qualities are good throughout) so .all you nave to do is to make a choice. of .pattern. Con- ventional and floral and scroll effects:. are well represented. The de- signs 'are perfect and the color combinations most, pleasing. Rugs for .Every Room 41.1,1 - . �_►l�t iti111U11 311D- �`.. Jrtr;^ w1m-1�4`* %' y.Y9c m - GOLD - Ren sent eynt:',c' • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • it • • • • • • • 0 • .:o li ill'1l�I`t!IIIc j111 tl;lsl I TANSjjNIIllll' Ipll !iip�liillllii,hd�us-� ;. t!{ !i;t!,n � I,:;:,d,.:,;,a,;, • THESE SPECIAL PRICES ON CONGOLEUM. ART RUGS- TI•LL SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY • 9x6 feet, regularly priced $9.00, for $7.95' 9x71, . feet, regularly priced $11.25, for $9.95 9x9 feet, regularly priced" $13.50, for ...-. $11.95 9X101/2 feet, regularly priced. $15.75. $12.95 . '9x12 feet, regularly priced' $18.00, for ....$15.95. 18x36 inches, regularly' priced 60; for -a, , 2.45c • • • acTavish • 715 1 : j W1: