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The Huron Expositor, 1923-05-11, Page 6
i i}t .vamllller- 4 .p;{ u S 1 r Iry t r N .'Y '' 9' 1'. 'RNp 71 ^Np.,,� L I lx G440 ar+. bfl Ally'. '. .: :. • 7S•'1�, , , '( i'. e : �e^^"M Q . aQ �'a�!�' ;�'•"9S�C«�•', "/ �i "'r�" 'neAw+li�°" �lT_.U. Ia.. �A.`.,' Y ., sin the w rid , b u6 d ''C' , bsin' q 1 e'' 1 .tri. g k .vyaa : so ne, as o s a are near ar,..r. eq>w.p4rtw tbry +ar'. Tbt, a bl gdle a q1t lY Nth•Q .•for Ir a%e. >iti 6 the im,var,on.. gvre154rti-;,' 6aie p qr �y, �'.,#} 6.!160. aid. Gain"aa�dA{( were "r .aseyy,,ppd. 0,;:, t tie N. ..x., , :Yi' q 1 *ease ♦ I,an ,I.Ot [0'lF;er*PTTTx�!1ionly' ;begot �n s a , tun broth, sable home : Alit CPA ^ ' . ,k being " � u6 ,,sk> ,•raghlPl ' r6 of 'Giese and Truth was IT, rwer; Abel a ,keepgr'o! sAeeP; !"� •"••" •caw i y raanytal@rli.anldptRlbaCo ,who x..$ F '' 'John adder This Wand'"vye; 'have both 'honorable call}ttgs;-- botrh..INere y ,; w: °r'"'�'' � � paint ol{t that *140 they.,, a used x earn 'with our eyes and have 'bundled w hi pa • both huyi• t alters.; . both , cat Chart P.rgv es gptid# r tJiO' s¢ iklN e, f rrivetsity of with.our hapils, of the Word of life, bre�itght their aacrifloe; ]Seth spay , . I is;,opened, for the sa'ia','a# a •mew Cara that eternal life who was with the 1 w " a�,� .. have bean honest and einoere Fort a $. alta for navy a , tomgbtleo' ..gtfd tattt,hT114g0 Ophtbai Father :from the beginning. �Ugst here their w$Ya parted Caftt•pffered P "inMoa�e fiold'6 Word is Jesus Christ the Son of God '''�eFa a'1r0 epeclgl%ze Dt used Cara 1 lUa#"te,, the.fruit of his own labor :Abel. offer- . ,.; ' , rgoo pine, tbat a public' has come oa.4Q!1 , "tkaoat Hvq. and the son of Mary—man "the Lamb' ed the sista lamb.• He Hereby Con- - J, " "' —, to �h fayarahly og :a, 'good car, At Corpmercfal of God who tuketh away the sin of fesded itis sin and acknowledged that met in 1819 when the effects of -*ar whether .used or: uok *ad,_t1a reput�- Sp ly 'Wodneaday in the world."his salvation could only come through prices 'both in coat of materials qnd , tion of aity�firm far 6lanr$ng 'behind New forms of religion are spring- ,,the shedding of blood." pQ , �im�__x1 sopa to .3 pm Lg . zg' in bigh wages were present, that poli whatever. they 091,1, used qF newf .lies lGti Ye. jlgnth,. .L. in ing up all arounij us Izkg mushrooms Oain,.was alY sufficient $e calor administrator' would have-fouud3 it hecotp e a vW valuable asdet. , The 3 in the grass, over 4ht. If You t an- : shipped the ,god ,within. ;He; viaR. a dflfiettlt' qyq flet efficient work done. idea used t i prevail drat. the sato of alywo them closely you will find hem god in the making ' He Was War, a used automobiles oiled tUte sale t•. . rf, full of love, sweetness and ,natural lova, purity and .truth. He west his Birt tpvo00¢eons Aave passed pilrce of a new one, ,New the used, law, but bloodless as a turni then $li i4<coinmon report has; any l§ It, U41gNG ENGiNEERB p �; awn saviour, carried his god under degree• of , �h irregularities in iii, coming to be regarded. qs a step for. - tell iia "we are all the sone of God, his owe hat i agement•: ;patronage in giving' out we a new one. Some of the most y "ft(ICUr "the Father's own dear childrea." , Abel acknowledged his own -failure 'local eott Q have resulted !tont. in earnest boosters 'of ' the Fiverite �1:�Wil, RQ(�felt7l That there is "no,peragnal devll, sin, the weakness of the flesh andthe need great delsyh•in construction and high Four or .the -Sterling Six, or any. of �,ilaoilttell° sickness at}d death" or that if there of Divine power to save him from axpendlf3>ae,H,:as results. FurWter; as the _redt of them, have started as c s': all p •fC. -Tsrosa w a.n. is, by concentration, you can deliver himself, hence foreshadowed the sac-,� a� � ttg, perhaps o ae s oY used a ecimens which have, a c . " , rsveaual►. WAterwork.. Sewer- yourself from every form of weakness, rifice of a lamb-krom hie own flock, fit i provincial ttemptnto p .kirr *Agbtii'.uo1W� y for 'without the shedding of blood it is not we to attempt to o into good• ` 4M► financial embarrassment, make,your- a Adel sou oable:- "3 tOo"Zmunb self beautiful, that in six months pu $ „ intricate details, but to have expect- itBBsr'll,a,ltr natd d the won't know ourself; and can est there Ps no remission oY stn ed anything' a efficiency canes sten ids I .re can ws rU.a� w Cain.wsa still bad in heart in spite wholly unexperienced in dealt with r fall in lave with the sweetest gir in of all his formalities, 'and driven by y ><Pe TEMPORARY PASTURES HELP the bunch and get her too, if—that is large ular otions had to go rnto''the j TO CUT COST' OF HOG e if she will accept the risk. That pos. jealousy, slew his own brother, and money market with the alight ol- sess all ower, that all You have to do cerise his offering was rejected and I hand operators there, would be whod RAISYNG LEGAL. P Y Abel's was accepted. ly contrarybo,th to common sense and ,,,. 4 is to command your Solar Plexus Be not deceived, to -day, `bY these I Springtime is actual experience. gti Pigt$tre on most $ S. SAYS- when you go to bed demanding just bloodless cults, that are magnifying But nevertheless much is to be farms, It is the season when more Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer and what you want„ iml in the morning natural law, and set#ng it in the excused in men so suddenly called can be done than at any other time "'I lilotary Pudic. Solicitor for the Do- well you will get it, if you work realm of "the Law o Life in Christ upon to deal with administrative of the year to make "Won Bank- Office in roar of the Do- hard enough, and. for. all this wise Jesus, which alone can` make us free p profitable, for a pork production advice thea char a only the insi matters wh lty new to them. Yet b Pig well started may �on Bank. "Seaforth Money to g �" from the law of sin and death." There there was field, that of agricul- be said to be -well on the way' to `sn. ficent pittance of twenty-five dollars, is much power in Thought, and. the ture, which the Government was market. After he is a few weeks old `'' and some, to belong to the cult, determination of the Will, and "as a especially elected to promote in j and bas successfully passed the *can - :F BEST cit HES1i All of these "cults" now holding man thinks in his heart so is he," is wh' h we have a right to . criticize , ing- period he is pretty well able to forth.in Toronto, and L might just say true; and also true, as a man feels in >t g take ,Barristers, Solicitors, Convey- in passing, Toronto is Psychology his stomach so will he act, but at'his both their initiative in legislation] fie:le himself if he is given of � aaoara and Notaries Public, Ube. mad, and many unsuspeoting, honest, and their capacity in with administration. access to plenty of the right kinds r - best he is a failure, and it is only We have 'watched with more than feed. Therefore, we should take,par- Of lee, In tht Edge Building, opposite sincere clrXistians are being swept In- through the merits of the shed blood, ordinary interest and solicitude for ocular care at this time in order'to Obe Expos; r Office. to the vortex, because they hold out based on repentance toward God and make the job easier later in the sea. ''' healing, and sure get -rich, if you faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, that` we frim t -of practical of thisults, coming r P$OUDFOOT, 13�LLOItAN AND count your money toward you and ' from the .operations of this daplekt- son and the profits greater. A pig HOKILL say, "now you money out to bless and are forgiven from the gilt of sin, and meat with a college graduate ss that grows well from start to finish cleansed from the original dopravity Is always the desirable and most come back, to me ten fold." There is Minister called, h similar men m ts- . pro- _ Barristers, 8 crtore Notaries Pub- of our inheritance, and become the arta, so called, in different adminis- fitable one, no matter whether the {': Ila, oft Money o lend In Seaforth no Blood Atonement for sin frora the sens of God and the heirs of His P rice of hos g kingdom. Be not deceived by blood tis ve branches, and we have to con- P g is hi h or low. rip Monday of each week. Office Pa start to finish in their teaching. They fess to a real disappointment in the It, should go without saying that ,' Kidd Block. W. Proadfoot, SC, J. have their origin in the pit, and fir- less cults." . L. Killoran, B. E. Holmes, tilized by the brains of deceived men THOMAS WILHID , one. ha' of_. their operations. On the first of all the pig in order to of and women for a price. But the gos- i one. hand we s have been told a some good tyle must be well bred and o VETERINARY pel is, without price. j that success to the farmer de- good type. civ even a pig starting ,� F HARBURN, V S "You are your own saviour. Your Pends upon his limitation of produc- with these advantages may be Honor RradtirRBU Ontario Narasin- God is within you," and one woman —The Brussels Post of last weeks tion, while on the other we have seen poor piece of property if he is bad! told me she was now very hs g YS improperly. He ally College, and honorary member of ry ppy since says: A Ing of bo have found no serious evidence of any sincere handled or if fed im ro giy jl�9dl - -A;s lociation of the Ontario she had learned to pray to the God easy access to the vacant premises of and tomprehensive steps being taken may get a bad start in competition q College. Treats diaeaees of within her. Paul said something a- the knitting factory' through a rear to promote better marketing condi- with his litter mates; he may' D ail sAituele by the moat mod- bent the Cretans ,of his day, that window, we understand, and during tions so far as they improved prices stunted at weaning time;' worms may l , am principles. Dentistry and Milk their belly was their God, and I fear the unpleasant weather outdoors use to the producer. sap his vitality; the pasture provid laver a specialty. office opgDs te, such is the case to -day. They are scme parts of the mill as their play- ed may be insufficient' for his needs: vieYs Hotel!,, ]lfaYinn street. �e like the little girl who said to her house. Report says some cigarette � . or, if precautions have not bee 1.�B alders left at the hotel will re- friend after dinner, "well I have en- smokers were in the number and tri taken, cholera may whisk him to a. `' I All old". attention. Night calls joved my appetite very much, thank addition to this being a violation of There is just as grave a danger of untimely and unprofitable end. " , aaeaived at the office -you." , the law it adds a dangerous aspect mistrusting everyone as there is of When a litter is to be weaned, at Jesus soya: "L am the wap, the to the case. The floors have in most trusting everyone, but if you believe tention must be given to the sow' �', JOHN 'GEIEVP3 V S. Truth and the Life, and no man comes instances been well saturated with everybody -but yourself a scoundrel, condition as well as to the pigs. • T _ to the Father but by me," and the oil by the carrying on of business and you will go through life very unhappy bring about a favorable condition fo Honar.,graduate of Ontario Veterin Apostles tell us in plain words, "there are in first-class condition to catch —Lord Robert Cecil. weaning, the quality and quantity o aa�Ty Co�llege All diseases o domestic is no other name under heaven given fire and burn with a sweep. With When Tatankh-Amen retired into ^' . anitasls treated' Calls promptly at among men we must be sav the building located as it is, a fire his dugout, he little thought that he her feed should be reduced' for fou banded to and charges moderate. Vet- Y g g + g to five days before the pigs are to b ,' Mrinat�. specjaity, ed, than the name of Jesus Christ" there would be a serious matter and would be.—London O inion. taken away. This will result in Dentistry g' �� "` p reduced flow of milk and tend ,; fad res[dence oA Goderlch street, one Some, of these bloodless cults tell • property should be securely closed to Kaiser Hocks Getna"—headline. aaor east c on Scott's office, Sea. us "that the blood of Jesus was just exclude it becoming• a runway for all And it used to be "Hoch. der Kaiser:" prevent udder troubles. The so 11 ;- as efficacious -for the remission of our and sundry. There are a few other —Border City Star. should be removed from the pi _9 s sins, while it flowed through His places that may prove a menace to Mr. Bonar Law has throat trouble rather than the pigs from the sow 1.MEDICAL veins as He went about His father's the town unless a more rigid inspec- and is too hoarse to announce his the youngsters being left in the quer err: C. J. W. EARN. MD.C.TfI business, as after it was shed on the tion is sustained. , I;russels don't resignation. -Owen Sound Sun -Times, ters to which they are accustoms � ;., 4Lii RJ. W. ti London, Oat,, accursed tree." Now against this we want any more fires. It is too late Very Pew:urban workers realize, and having access to a self -feeds St put the Inspired Word, which s s to lock the stable .when the horse' is how skilled a' worker the agricultural which ' they should have learned ' SpseisVsk 8-02'Y slid Gsni-Urias- P over ' ` worker is, air.. Bryant. 1 �. When I see the blood I will pass over stolen use seveira weeks earlier. In case i'_'my dym*"w�B� you," and only those who were in their _+_ sow's udder after she has been take I houses and under the blood tri-sprin. away becomes so distended with mil 9 - h&. A•. NHWTON-BRADY kled'door posts were safe from the THE GREAT POLITICAL CRISIS THE USED CAR HAS PLACES IN that it is painful she may be returns Graduate Dublin University,, Ire 801,01111K I destroying angel on that eventful IN ONTARIO THE SUN to her family for a short time fe 1 night when Israel fled- from Egyptian � relief. It will seldom be neceasa land. Late Extern Assistant Master ! That there is `a crisis kn gntario Most problems have -a way of ad- to return her more than once. ltiotundf4 I#Q pill Oar ,-„Woo -„pad, Politics goeh without saying. Rut, justing themselves; and the ukw' When the pigs are weaned do no , iJrild Al lin .OfS00 at ltiesrde ¢ — - that it is,•3n a certain. aeyee. but. a, fanl0ne paid Ci►ryproblem is no excep- change the ration. Leave them o lately oecttpfeif by Mrs'. iigreone•' ' continuation of ;c what bas . eXmed, trolw dust as;+the motor industry good pasture;' with access ;to the s ' Hama, 2 tRaiA.tmy,-6 to7,prft...•• �'.` since the elections o4 191W, is equal was getting tkoionghly excited this feeder contai grain and shorts o 1.t3amilays, 1' to "2 p.m 2886660-26 Three tt� Dlittrover y tree. That the Farmer group came . iestion, it seemed to smooth itself m3ddlinga. If d during . the aueklin PEGS- into power thea, was ins Reuss, "Iii out quite marrrelrlusly. It hasn't Urea period or after' tiluin milk or'butter ”- �'' accident,' but: to;these who, study.',fb n, like4lie cert/ of the industry miikist-added tothe�ratien; comm8ne Graduate of Faculty of Medldu - ow" doff causes ,it :was u$turale and to . ,have r thug a "sac_ tion . paint," and feeding it in small quantities, grad tt< r�ill IIafverelty, Montreal; me>abar S frills �� been expected.' The Conservative otr, similar lingbut it lost its alit increasing it froili day tit day �hi�P1llRifrys� Y,.r,•�:-^ Government auSered the usual results t acarif m ,meat a mo yittg' Sudden chaagusa• are savoys to be --a o'iieenttste o - / J of a long term in office as did the The same f*to which produce3 voided. ,,, of Poet Graduate Member (sioMTs HSII' ; previous,. "�Govetntaeutr •due .both Ce said. car' pipblem seem actually c treatment of the sows is jus sd' $set sat �Medienl staff of General—aaA for to eine or comiirission' and these bf tp bo, lieiping.t$glye it.. The enorr, se -important as fbat gjyen the pi gs Hospital, Montreal, 1914-`26. OEM t LL r omissipp. =,But ifs-lieclirie in popuisn •ntousiyincreas d popularity of motor- After ,they. have ,',been taken seta sus - �9o� 't d ;7_.,,-3U*gM["4 � ity was essentially due to internal ing, brought about by the great imp from' the'llitter.iii the_a the weakness, which attempted to cure provement in cars..their lower price • may be put on - asture and vin TE 1 itself too late .by .passing. Prohibition. as value, an the .multi Iter 4 q tq ;of grain, the ratio - d^ p ' 'ty of am ll uanti 11 1 e-. 0t KY..�IIRROWA$, To have however; the Liberals mak s and vaXiet of des; all Using -determined,by the quality o �i'iT'come . tato office in ;1919. under thein these ,things which have. sstiimulated the pastoe-d A the `condit ¢A of th dmee and fedggenM Godar el steest then leadership and with a disergaa- people to,buy_ cars sad; to turn sows. 'Sova-ttftg yeast old or over asst of rite Metbtldiat cliurrh,8e-aforth Fe WA ' N- y�trgy� shmpj ized party would have been disastrous in their used ones, have also made the weanin 's;iring littera and not bein e �remnone 4d x: 4�ot $ltt1?tf. �i Oatat�¢st ,11. 00 both to the rovinge and the Liberal .used Car a piece oto property demand- bred t d fall farrow peirbyspa., well:. ggrr i may jtie auccets party. So at it was rlig-reeogmtioiY Bird respect. full gaixzed•for two or three month r DR. C INACSAY , and inevitable that a nest. force ,iq Fit/ y ver _1-1111- � �� . cry year, great increase on good-ai4ail4a• ' of ' elo. pastor F�E w�0 `+��+ Ontario politica, and indeed in Na- iii tine number df people who are not without 'Min, -Very thin sows an I C. Mackay Turnor grsdtlk*e'of"']ills- r tional, should have been given an op- merely •car -owners, but motorists,wfth i gilts weaning their first litter R1 ilniverarty,,..and.goKmedsofat of rp wg"luo rabfie g m . . portunity for'self-expression .and to a real knowledge •o4 cars abd an suis- r should_be,separated•-'from -thev'othe ]'Malty Mgdical College; mendler of far.Axn sl COLonAlwaS .rul prove itself fit for gavernrtvent. The bition .to drive machines that satisfy sowa, placed on good pasture, an Ike -Con , Physiailuk atf Belie' rails hair ,,a car ,tirade deat;ed. Drury go4ernment has almost. =tin �•!itr r hdn+e tre,af,ent aatmTn,, tbpc their demands as to . performance, given;a.liberaF"grain Potion. {loos!l tissto. resolve, dn=Wm its full term as the outcome of the comfort and appearance, according to the thiti- so*a Will gain rapidly an ,iw_ _c m sea end showins'eiai.t different .had a conditions .described, and ta•4ay the, individual taste:': And new the man ough - be tsien out within"30, da r, I , i D�c;H. HU613 ROSS - people of Ontario are itt a position to :or woman desirous of having a big and placed -with those maintained o 1;1Gradntitia .of University of Tor E,: UM$ACH, Druggist, Seaforth. evaWat'e its performances and its fit• p cat or a snappy':car; or one bearing pasture alone; 'but it is de"suable t Hess to continue m office. That the � !'acalty of Medicine; member of Col- __ __ — a famous name can get one m the feed gil4s ,some grain. duringP. e :1 I11",�ge� of ,Physicians and Surgeons of leadership has been astute under the used car,ifiarket. _' (:tire period between the weaning o , Oaterio, pass graduate cameos if peculiar conditions oY a godertimenv, Only , a few.• •years ago every used the Brat ' and second litters:' th a NCagor Clinical 3CkooY of Chicago; _ not a member of Which had had Par- car—then called A "secogd .hand car" I management .of the brood sow is th Val OpktJralmic Hospital, Ifiadda, liameritary experience; and with a —was sold "as 3s;" with' missing cur- best test of the herdsman's skill. iQugland; University Hospital, Lon- minority in the House, must be con- tains and grea;; cups, with battered 'f During the early 'spring the he nY',1;n'glaad. office—Back of Do- a ceded. But it is fair to. say that if fenders, etc. anything was done raiser should be g vi a' eat de de 'giving gr 'e from the divisions of ng asirdoie $Ink; Sgaforth. Phone No. b, � has ratherlib n f o to improve its•- chance of selling, it of thought .to pasture for We her I'll, IA t. i Opposition than froul an iNig}�t�t calls an wired from residence, those n in Y was perhaps a cheap, and patchy paint It offers one of the best possibilitie Yiotoria street, Seafortii. efficiency in itself; -whether �showh by job or an engine "doped" with heavy for cutting costs. This does not mea 1.11 ,'-" initiative in tegislation os thorough- oil or noir turning gears - ^g y quieted that it is possible to. fattest or eve G " AUCTIONEERS ness in administration. with pulverized -,Wk. That day is to mak satisfactory .growth on hog THOMAS BROWN Tt• partitularize we have only to largely past. It would surprise 11 tins fte such a trained legislator as g Pi is_ 3rou by ttaing peatme alone. For be Licensed auctioneer for the countiu to know how many Prosperous, yea; results, it must be supplemented wit sf Huron and Perth: Correapondenee Oliver Mowat, guiding the Ship of unci even wealthy' people in TorontTi, I gcai>} Another important fact . • t State during this period td be •sure new. buy used,•cars. And the good , consider ns that lasting properties arrangements. for sale dates can be " that the government, following 'an used car is reco Po�is�� g gnized as a deaPrable ,pasture can not be, measu out e f:ede by calling up phone ff7, $eafortk !s7 etFete (Conservative administration, rri�dd or Tke Expositor Office, Ciargeamod- actly. There must alwaydAbe a au 3 . orate and satisfaction guaranteed.. having to deal with such questions as the Crown Lands scandal would- not "' I plus so that it will not< be neceasa only have had it quickly dealt tiVith to glaze closet }j. Hog pasture snail Pr, . Honor Graduate Carey,Jones, Na- p - ,signify' muchnde ends upon the cro g. 11111111111111111111111111' till' 1l 111111111111111►• butt that he"would have put the wh le ;tions! School of Anctioneerin Chi- P p f Cato: Special course taked'in Pare _ administration of Crown Lands s d used, file 'quality of the ,soil, an srSz ffired Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- ASTMA SUFFERERS .__ Forests on an ,up-to-date -footing. i' climatic donditions, that it is impo N p Similarly it is prbbable that had he sible to spy how many animals ra ? andise' and Farm Sales. Rates in Hilton, W. FAA., Waterdown, Ont, C been in Opposition'there need ,not rx1., 5�eliing with ' evailin marketi<: fit- = write,: - "r can ,afeis bie,s the day be pastured. on. an sate but ordina 1 1V I -g C son left a bottlo et Asthma lr®edr , Lave been a Hydro. Commissiob-4pi- fly aiY'. acre Wlll furizis�I' pasture i' on assured,. Write or 'Wire, wttb me. I had_reliof from the Ant a ,pointed, ie uirin such prolonged in - 4 g P 8 from 1Pt!e to 1¢ hogs agera$inq Y ;Klapp, Zurich, Orit., _Phone -.. aoee Ina hat/, been imvlvatnnag ever �.:,vestigation; but hard such been de- l` . ' _ '.Inas: eau ne dosdn. at n tilt an8 t• a •' . 'a i pounds,' A gobd._plau zs to provide IAF .., 2868�F1 res • manded we would not have seen what I .�,.�y�I • ....,. ^,�, 9• the cough has entlrely left the: I have = ' , •pastnrea for 8 911810 ininCb of h D , gained three Doltad. , .ince ; • ■tatted S..''ltas practically .become a permanent . 1 alternating. t1k -Me � of. them. In th 'all , , , R. 'I'. LUKER { ;t%. bnttl6; *hid ,s naw aeeriy'dnighed `court .within the government; drag- way fairly cl'tise . pattttiring 'may l - �, The'goad new. nae eixend around tan practiced and succulent feed ' r ,,.- , .,,f,'JA' drttetie},eer'.far tier, '. disbt.t, and already several want tr -- ging out its existence as-slle as t p p as Sales atteedal g retia. I feel ,e avail' rover the oew =. gtiit inrChancery Pn the. utidille of last - vided. Pasture crops; which dig, h {e•,, i t a b6n'oty'. Seven - 't. fir.. 11te, :li. It were, I lace fo tell otbeiu. S . CPattiry. . -.. ^ i t.—ti t nand a- GGS'.ASTHWA if EMIWY' = ,;i Turningto the ' actual ,tedministra lowed to mature do not furnish go t . feed' for hogs: Wizen �eed,is' a o b �.pg,o pq iwWe. m&aos;:bwk, v act a five work carried on by the Dairy to Pozen rho field may UC'etip rc ;7 t' ''1f ttiiaeL dor este Yt. Vrdff"V. Drugi a Government, we can easlly- under- V. �' rektoz'e.'siYcculeTloe. _ :8br. or br mai osrm I .T, 8tw,li stand, with the obli atiour re art in' �e+� tri ^ I61't; tY ,T7f6 , D wlsttPiv Arm BBaa zo g g g v( F I ,.. In eoneide}tfi in it ah0u1 I . boom li;9tilsytiy , ' � 1?ravin¢ial Hi hways inherited from ". �_' not be fdr$6tt,6tt ';that the nianu a rr�� g •i 'lillifi�i11111u1nm t ---...I 1 Ilii! i b d tin dlffi It• t P X k, y �k. t r 1,' t/.1. y "� il prl r .," q k t 5 : ,. „-0 P'. o. P 5. 11 iy��.� Y , S dOhl ' ,. .. Y y�` y 11 e,�j ,foe ,,., r[• r W, ^ 'y^ y1 i' i . j, 1.9: N` tib x. ii� k1- 43 i. sT "aZ L k1! ,,. r MtkI'*.r no ." 1�t,lisvtt� 1 +.11 4 + fo Xp4w,ar r38T TRY . ilia';, > 2." a r i'y 0'*,0 ,0Q'�40iO aproad,to of great sp value �n buiklfn$ O - fd$ . . O. '1, good p"" tm- , . for, �1' fl'HXlillv,4401_411� apinas ie.berd tolaveeresti-'O IT�LTf.,'" 0 mate t,prgvid9p deahaple feeil and- - , �} exercise wlluugh is so necessary to best 1�IrC f, ;•_ deInl inas�t all hog';aisirig7'-septfone O DUTC$ .: F iO permarle'Crt Pastures' are generaiiy O, GurldCli9 V used,. but these,psri6bnent pasture..* . GERMAN- .0 grasses are not desirable except O ' . Miib O where the-' hogs have. ca�a ptaratively k wide range. Where amalr•feed lots O AU$TRIAI!I - O are used or a eonsiderabl number O ' . Kroll" O of hogs are kept it is alwa�a advis- • i - able to plough up such lots of pas- O We hare,elTanged our. facili- O tures once. or, better Wee a year. O ties so as to insure satisfactory O Among the-, best pas plants, are O and economical service to those 0 alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover. O who. wish,to deal in foreign O white clove; and bluegrass. Of the O cheques or currencies. Write O permanent pasture plants, alfalfa O for further Information snit O heads the list as, forage for hogs. O price9. ' O Where it can be grown no other O Members Torona-Stock 10 permanent pasture is necessary. O Exchange. O Temporary pastures are made use O O of on a large number of hog farms Stobie* K Forttlrraet as Co. as a supplement to permanent pas- .� 10 I TORONTO , O turas or to fill the gap where per- j O Hamilton. Brantford; Kitchener O manent pastures can not -,be grown. O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Every small lot where hogs are kept hoidd be ploughed and seeded at least once a yyear and as they are usually well fertilized they produce abundantly. The most .common tem- porary pastures are rye, oats and I After Every Meal rape. Soy beans and cow peas are f' crops • highly valued in the United States and worth,trying in Canada. °a' SeedhYg for temporary pastures I yshould be much heavier 'than forIVIN 0-16LE gtain drop. Rye which is sown in ! the fall and may be grazed until ' s e' freezing'weather, comes out early iii TO Off each meal y the spring and may be grazed until I P - Tune. If the growth is very rank it ; with q bit ,of- may qt-may be clipped with the mowing ma- - Sweet in the gorin n chine setting the cutting bar as high g'. as possible. Oats sown in the spring Of WRIGLEY'S. makes a good pasture, but does not It satlsfles the last long. Often rape is sown with s oats or by itself, the Dwarf Essex sweet tooth and To variety 'being the one to use. This aids digestion. e r crop Lady be seeded from early spring - f un zl summer. The pigs may be Pleasure and r turned in When the planta are eight benefit combined. e I to tea inches high. If grazed quite a I heavily it will continue to grow and to produce succulent feed, provided the w weather is satisfactory. From 4 to 6 pigs d r to a n k rY Off u at I_ ry; s, or 00 is he 01 at tiY rg;1. - .. r. , , frdm . the hog's Which is olgly . , I 1, } :. HiPA }1. ` - i.t - .d' ,' . ", 1 r-, - : •_`Y . fy @ !- i. �`u',�.11 s�.0... :.eR.i,., i f .... �., .. ,ap -..... ,,.. .. _-, �:.: .: .'. .y •:. , .,. .r. p' •ak, m .. ?kd3`. ... d, .. . J , .. .. L;, < r" r.. ,au +':n h k. ., .a ,... _:�.. _ .. .A?xX ',. e, ..7C r.'h%_4: ._ n �t ti.... , - .. .. pounds of seed are needed �o sow f ., an acre. Cow peas -and soy beans are sown in the spring and are often planted I.Das r : together. Sweet clover, a perennial stands . grazing remarkably well11 It should be grazed @aoily to keel]" © 1ft.', hm>lrT' the planta from beco g woody. .. . ".. - . . t.' ct,., n o euo ,=.3•ce4an r:. z k^+t =nitt . p'. `v rq' g e< . atnuo ." 9n Men - : �t dr; .xof- 1 r'.... ''i - 4011m . dtwaA f , , ii 11 A PooTntul of (9 is. s: s ,d .P of aLatelQ makes 1t Wash11 g e 3. .,. •. �- -2- for :Iill t a-, ,ea&z a ,qm, t { r .. - y N --Glia Essig—Tib "i e f t t !xA;� ran e 1 uw j /! 0 JE a , rtti Id;...:ni. uwvw- 9 " n GRDQ� FT�OM''YOUR N1 M 31 N 0 RH00D' -• n 8 n h Money' d': cid Improved farms ,on ' p 'To pay part purcbese,morisy or'•existing mortgage; d : To erect, buildings or improve. present buildings; , „ . To buy dtock; 'L To pay oft Bank Loans, etc. - . Farm Mortgages Purchased or *nod Upon ' �, '' Do IFyour long ternf` bdrrowind-fibifr ell, old eb&i Ilshed g nia';gagc,loaning Comp4ny. Your business will be confidential.« You will alway know where, t'o'find your lendei &.nd your desires will receive prompt and business -like consideration.. ' _ J. 1. I, Write. dr Call ,upon a' 1hdat •dobe & Coes a . - -. p li ' :ebentare "i!Auulas.Satteot'and Mark6t,Lknia +�•'N,I"I '• LONDON. , "y I , s 11 W I , Ii1 s1. heir predecge Drs tilt e . cu fes - .. r. , , frdm . the hog's Which is olgly . , I 1, } :. HiPA }1. ` - i.t - .d' ,' . ", 1 r-, - : •_`Y . fy @ !- i. �`u',�.11 s�.0... :.eR.i,., i f .... �., .. ,ap -..... ,,.. .. _-, �:.: .: .'. .y •:. , .,. .r. p' •ak, m .. ?kd3`. ... d, .. . J , .. .. L;, < r" r.. ,au +':n h k. ., .a ,... _:�.. _ .. .A?xX ',. e, ..7C r.'h%_4: ._ n �t ti.... , - .. .. 1' . , .. . n ..a..., , f::..- .