HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-11, Page 5IIDEMBEINEMENECOMEMEINENNBIN ryf A iIANCOMIVIERCE RANK PAIDoU CAPI1'Ate •' - � $15 OOO,OOQ RESER*' .. FUND, - $1,.5,O,tltlO SI,AVCIETH BRANCH, J. a Mullen, Manager. Homobit Foody E mate >;1 tliilpg':t ▪ home, Year 'After Tad' = you spend Hundreds unit , slut'' E • reds of Dollars on at,' It 'Becomes' Part of 'lfoureelf it effectsyour healtb,',poeket book', and your efficiency . at your Work. 49:: * c 28 S CHEAP FEED Chieftain Mixed Feed, per cwt Clansman Stock Food percwt. . ... ................. Low Grade Flout' per cwt........ $1.60 ... $1.75 ..'$2.00 Rob Roy Mi11s,SEAFORLimited. nH q,. f J b i y V q 8 s:;a,4a, ��+cf11y+1 Ina lant�•,wlQr�iF�4ur .�.N�, !a4`,�il c��l'.+. fi:�rt$�`�. L'4'^e+✓i�i�0 ilk, till'rt+,t{Iwr ��^�' Yv�'rriui' bat " !Oh 9fib #IMMO. Per 1br`..., Rotatoe 9.Pgs'b. •.oats. ', hen, WWlhteat; per, ' Ba$eyy ;,Vero trots Po•F• Peal; per Flour, In�l our, '4! J i4oMtotanll *�n�7i)bii is oyypp reaiwh lust, to�t$. and rdtdt MoMtdbae6, a essebter (Halts. tfistrade tStora . pant, .n-ivR Tak/11taltp, on ABM) �2t11, to "44 40: ue•e1 Debts, .a eon. (James dint Tuokammildt, on May Srd, to Ma :.z4. ,11!re. William- Doig, Jr., (nee Marla Dave), a son.. Aepeoap:.-4n Tnekeramtt , on April 204h to lam and Mm; John 1,. Devereux, twleo boy and girl. • TAg AS GOOD'. •A$ IT.Lo min T'4a p 4 u e ease plot assgggorate e S9,•• ss oY,. 9iu' (t9tnoked NOM; and you Can Take it come trAOtp •your own fatcllen. No dot /,yOuhave the proper recipe • forarcing Ill 411 we wl dy thq'ham it Noll melt in your d.; a mouth, ' ' Onrs are all' well se- lected.; hams. • D. H. STEWART Main Street' - Seaforth. Phone 58. r.2 ill , i1d u sup- . • DEATH* •amo.—Teresa, wife of 4. E. Sills. and mother. of Roy C., sister of Mm. Coma, died at 4:80 p.m., Thursday. Funeral Monday of, tornoon at 2 para. from'Eubj undertaking marker% Cleveland, 7415 Wadi ,Park Ave. Burial Woodland cemetery. 0000 000000000 0 O 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son FuneralDirectors and 0 Licensed Embalmers. •C't, Finest Motor and Horse 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block Main Street, opposite 0 The >;spositor Office. S. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O Street West;' Chas. Holmes' 0 residence over store. O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 holstering neatly done. 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 0 0 000000000 .0000 U. F. 0. MEETING A Meeting of the U. F. 0. will be held in the Carnegie Library Hall. Seaforth, on Wednesday. May 16th. at 8 o'clock p.m. All aro cordially invitedto he present. BERT IRWIN: 9891.1 Secretary. Dray Business For Sale For sale, the Draying Business in Seaforthi three teams and complete outfit. Apply to E. J. Box, , SEAFORTH. 2888-t =SAVE= Just think of the countless things that you can buy with the Money you save in buy- ing your SHOES _in Eg-- moridville ! We are more than pleased with the number of sales we are making in Shoes. W. J. FINNIGAN. 'Phone 72. AUCTION. SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- feola —Thomas Brown has been instructed 6o sell by public auotion at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 1212,• '1928, at 2' o'clock p.m., the following: Climax range (coal m• wood), auto knitter nearly new, Davenport bed. extension table nearly new, 2 bedsteads, 2 mattresses, 2 good bed spring., gent's bicycle, gaantity of stove pipet early new, 2 reeking drain, high Chair, quantity of preserved fruit, fruit gems, 9 good chairs, weakling machine, sewing machine, garden tools, ditching tools and other articles too numerous to mentions. Terms. --Cash. GEORGE FORD, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2891-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES :CATTLE WANTED. -THE UNDERSIGNED will take 35 head of cattle to pasture n 100 acres. Good gram; plenty of water. Apply to LOUIS GORMLEY, Eleven, Ont 2890-2 FOR SALE. -ONE &FT. MASSEY-HARRIS Binder with truck and sheaf carried, guaranteed in perfect working order; one 10 -foot Sharpe Rake. nearly new; one set diamond barrows, 8 -sections; 1 one-horse acufen with mould boards, Sao 2 new 14 -foot farm gates. Easy Lewis. Apply to B. C. BENDERSON, Box 785, St Marys ; or to J. . B. HENDERSON, East William Street. Sea- forth.2888-tf COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF HENSALL • The meeting of the Court of Revision Against the Assessment Roll for 1923 of the Village of Bewail, will - be held in the Town Hall, en Tuesday, June .5th. 1929, at 7 o'clock p.m. ' A. MURDOCK, CLERK. AMATEUR' FINISHING We make a speciality of Developing a n d Printing for Amateurs. D. F. BUCK • PHOTOGRAPHER Seaforth - - - • Ont. 4000 000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors 0 H. C. BOX• O Holger of Government 0 Diploma and License O Charges moderate O .Flowers furnished on short 0 - notice. 0 Night Calle Day Coils 0 Phone 175 Plfone 48 000000000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 0 O 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 O rector and Embalmer. 0 0 O O Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested. • • O 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 000000000000 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Nice. Citiaetw are hereby notified that the d,m.- e ground at Mr. John McMnnn's, provided by the Town, is only to he sand for dumping of old material that wit not be n nuisance or cause damage to Mr. McMann, and the must be deosited in the pit and not ethrown over the fence or scattered around. The dumping of old vegetables, garbage, etc., in forbidden. By order f the Council. JOHN A. WILSON, CLERK. Seaforth. April 00th, 1020. 21,30.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John Porter- field, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Porterfield, late of the Town of Clinton, who died on the fifth day of April, 1928. are required to send full Po, tioulars of their claims, duly verified, to Robt. Pcrcerfield, Seaforth, one of the Executors. or to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tors, on or before the 1st day of June, 1920. After the sold date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute .the Estate among the Parties entitled thereto, having reference onry to the claims of which they shall have re- ceived notice, and after such distribution they will not be accountable 3or any pant of the Estate to any one of whose claim they shall not have received notice. Seaforth, 1st May, 1929. F. HOLMEBTED, Solicitor for Executors. 2000-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM LANDS In The Township of McKillop Under and by virtue of the powers of aale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which will ho produced on the .day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at The Commer' sial Hotel. in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, the 18th May, 1923, at the hour of. two a'dock in the afternoon, the following farm lands, namely, the Southwest thirty (80) acres of lot number Thirty-three (83), in "the Fourteenth (14th) Coti4seion 'of the said Township of McKillop, more particularly de- scribed in the said Mortgage. The said land is all cleared and in a good elate of cultivation and ready for crop and is well situated near the thriving. Village of Walton. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty (20) per cent of purchase money in cash on the day of sale and the balance, without interest. within this'v days there- after. The Purchaser wit' be required to sign an agreement to complete tun purchase. Further particulars and. terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale and may be had in the meantime froln the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 27th day of April. 19;3. R. S. HAYS, Mortgagee's Solicitor. Thomas Brovbn, Auctioneer. 2890-8r MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained ',in a certain mortgage, which will. he produced at the time of sale, there will be offered fen 'ale by public auction. by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on Monday, the 14th day of May, 1923, at the hour of 2.15 o'clock in ,the afternoon. 08 the Commercial .Hotel, at Seaforth. Ontario, the following pre perty: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premi8ea situate lying and being in the Township of McKillop to the County of Huron, and being composed• of part 85 Lot Number 00. in the 14th a,n- ceonion of the said Township of MofiiU' and containing by admeasurement sin eight acres of land mere or less. There are on the property a first art's house, driving shed and 'hen -house. The land Is a rich and productive clay room and Is well drained. This farm' is conveniently situated ea to enhoolo, churches. stores and market, being only about one mile, and a quarter from the C.. P. R. Station, Walton, which is a Stat- eless shipping point TERMS AND CONDITIONS OP SALE: Ten per cent of the purohnee money on the day of sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter. For further particulars and conditioner of Sale apply to: BEST & BEST, • Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for Vender. April 23rd, 1028, Tiros. Brown, Auctioneer. r 5 P4i'TLAR STALLIONS 8rbl tollowong p alar stallion will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follgw,s: The lmportad•add Stallion CUMBERLAND STEEL 142010] (18309) Enrolment No. 6808. Animated. Form Al. Wilt otaad for the dmptovement of stock ttu�rbo season aapp .T. 3.'UERRY'6 SALE STABLE, BENHAM '.Cumberland 5teel1820701 (11)800) wee bred by the Moles. Steel.of Lesson Han Wig - n. Cumberland, anis nine yeoro old. d. He was Imported by T. J. Berry, in, February, 1020. He 49 a dark, dappled,bay, stands 17(f fronds high. and weighs better than a ton. Bus with all his else be is an extra wen belonged, horse and will breed theb1g drought horses that tht market is calling for at preeent Cumberland Steel was sired by Erin's Crest (14688), dam Ludy Lothian (88460); by Lothian Again (11804), g. dam Mabel (20417). by Royal Champion (8968), a g. - dam Prin- cess Rose .(20/16), by Prince of Rosa (8135), g g. g. dam Bouoey. (22109), by Gnreherrie (2800), g. g. g. g. dem 8miee, by Challenger (1088). Terror to Insure, *08.00. JAMES B. SIMPSON. Manager. 2889 The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [211671 (13603) Vol. 29, B.C. S. B, Passel-- Enrolment No. 231. Form I. Will stand for the improvement this season, as follows; Monday.. --Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and no to Edward Eckmlero, Lot 30, Conoesolon 6, Logan, far node; then to Wm. Morena, Lot 28, Concession 8, Logan, for night. Tuesday. -To Louis Bennewets, 7.ot 38, Conct.sion 9, Logan, for n; then 8y his own stable for night. Wednesday. -'To Jchr. Shannon's, Conee+m,on 8, McKillop, for noon; then to Owen Flynn's, for night. Thursday, --To William Anderson's, McKillop, for noon; then to his own stable' for night. Friday. -To Martin 'Curtin's. 1 t_ milt. 01100 of Seaforth, for noon: then to Joseph At]cin- sr•n'n, Hibbert, for night, Saturday. -To Wm, Dornny'u, for noon; then to his own -stable for night Terms to insure $10.00. JAMES EVANS, Proprietor & Manager. of- stack Your Freight Rates Solved The Finch Transportation, of London, will run one of their trucks from London to Seaforth daily. Will carry freight up to three tons. They will give you express service at freight rates. Have your orders shipped by Finch Transportation Co. For further particulars in- quire at H. Edge's HARDWARE STORE Phone 61. • 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 E _ '" O 2' 0 E O BEN-HUR c The Special Milverton Flour. ' We have it; give it ' a e trial. •o also Ground Screenings ' O Chop of all kinds. o O C. G. THOMSON o Grain Dealer. Phone 25 0 ® 0 00 0 0`0 000 0 0 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders For Laying Water Mains. Sealed Menden marked and addressed to Mr. John Wilson, Clerk, Seaforth, Onthrio, will be received until May 15th. 1923, for laying approximately .three and a quarter miles of six and eight inch water mains. Plans and specification. may be Been and frame of tender obtained from the Engineers, James, Proctor & Redfern, Limited. 36 To- ronto Street, Toronto, or from the Town Clerk of Seaforth. The lowest or any tender not neceseartly .accepted. W. GOi.DING, JOHN A. WILSON, MAYOR. CLERK. 2890-2 Stop! ,Look! Listen! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you. but we are also a large Dai y Ind stry in your community. W.,eres pfully so icit your Cream. tt0' Gu1ltanteet ccur to efts and Tes . Courteous and Prompt S rvice. Highest Market Valu . Cream trading. A difference of 3 cents per pound Butter Fat paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Grade Cream. Cash For Cream. Cash paid to any Patron wishing it when Cream is delivered. Creamery open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. The Seaforth Q'reamery. xunmvl Smart Oxfords For Ladies, we are showing a Fawn ana Brown Oxford, also a White Buck that are very attractive models. For Men, we have the New Crep Rubber Sole, suitable for Golf, Bowling and all outing wear. Specially priced is a Goodyear Welt Tan Oxford at $4.50, and a Cushion Sole Oxford for Ladies at $3.00. Shoes for the whole family at prices which are low, considering the Quality. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes For All. rrr.- FRED W. WIGG • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • , SEAFORTH= IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE A DAIRY - CENTRE, AND THE INDUST_R_Y__ BETTER ESTABLISHED. But— Are you .obtaining all' the profit from your cows, or are you trying to get along with that makeshift of a separator and as the days and weeks go by losing that, which in one year, would pay fora New, Clean Skimming De Laval? i�la►`d1� Let us Demonstrate to You the Difference. James. G. Martin De Laval Agent SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 0 1 0 • • • a • • 0 • • • And in Spite ef..,AliThat you probably spend far more time anrt,1 thought in choosing a. new hat' than you do in shoos - Ing your food,' and use, effect the well-being of the whole family, while the hurt you buy effects your personal appearance only. ' The Food You Buy Growing Children `require plenty of good, clean, = eourishing food to fit them for E the battle before them. If they • do not get It in their youth = when their bones and muscles E are forming, it , will handicap = them through life. E Your Efficiency in buying, preparing and serv- ing the Food for your family • -is of far more'importance, as • far as their future Health is concerned, than your efficiency • at any other of your household F. duties. It Need 'Not Necessarily Cost you any more financially to give them the right kind of Food, but it might require the use of • a little better judgment, and 1401 at the ahrtle ent-eanned e1 fold. There is just u iebment irl a•fidn SR1,1 you pay 2@e,-qr ,0 Fog' ad is in the kind'7011,-PRF. While tine ehemier 40.4,4ee Corn, for'',instance, have,:r .y shredded' bob'i11 them than Corn, Do You Know What the Baking Pow'dem� you ruse *taus to do with the Keeping (grQual- ities of ,yo'Cake? 1 Do You Know What ' ,, E the Cheaper Grades pf Moles- ses mostly consist oft When You Buy 'a Package of Tea, do you know what the container costs you? • When Yon Bay a ll.rcent package of Soda: Bis- cuits, do you know if you are getting a pound or half a pound of Biscuits': °'„ Let Your Grocer Advise You C It's his business, and be should know—if, he sets' himself up in = business and solicits you" pa tronage, he should he wove- . tent and able to guide- and ad-;. vise you in your. baying. TRY PANCAKES AND MAPLE SYRUP THIS WEEK. PANCAKE FLOUR, 11/4 lbs. -net All ready. for use. Just add milk or water. PURE MAPLE SYRUP, per Gallon Put up in Pints, Quarts, and One-half Gallons F. SWANSDOWN FLOUR, 2% lbs. net Package F. A Special Preparation for Cakes and Biscuits • with Directions and Recipes on Package. • HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES (in bulk), Pint - You can buy them this way for about half the price as - compared with buying them in Bottle., quality the same. 15c $2.75 42c 35c SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS, (in 1)u1k), Pound.........15c .lust the same as in package at 20c for 15 oz. • SODAS, CIIRISTIE'S and McCORMACK'S (in bulk), per 1b.17e When you buy them in Cartons they cost. you about 30c Ib.; SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLES, 21 oz. In Medium Syrup. ASPARAGUS TIPS, 1 -lb. Tins About 3 inches long; very tender. (Just the Tips). COOKED HAM (Epicure Brand), Pound Lean and Well Cooked. Handled exclusively by us in Seaforth. Next time you buy.'. Cooked Ham or Bacon, try ours and note. the Difference. 28c • 50c 55c-' We Carry a Full Line df Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ST D.DOMINION LISTED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Do you,,. Hens? .. or do the Hens keep you? Fa�Chicks Y S.C. White Leghorns & Barred Rocks After several years' use of the Trapnest we can supply you with Chicks that will develop into REAL LAYERS. The first year we used the Trapnest our highest hen laid 208 eggs. Last year our highest hen 'eyed 276 eggs. The male birds at the head of our pens are from these high rec.- ord hens. In the Month of June we will have 10,000 Chicks LEGHORNS AT 15c EACH- ROCKS AT I8c EACH Walter Rose, Brussels Ont BOX 34 PHONE 4-38X Machine Sliced Break -Heinz fast BACON, Pound 33C CHEAP FEED Chieftain Mixed Feed, per cwt Clansman Stock Food percwt. . ... ................. Low Grade Flout' per cwt........ $1.60 ... $1.75 ..'$2.00 Rob Roy Mi11s,SEAFORLimited. nH q,. f J b i y V q 8 s:;a,4a, ��+cf11y+1 Ina lant�•,wlQr�iF�4ur .�.N�, !a4`,�il c��l'.+. fi:�rt$�`�. L'4'^e+✓i�i�0 ilk, till'rt+,t{Iwr ��^�' Yv�'rriui' bat " !Oh 9fib #IMMO. Per 1br`..., Rotatoe 9.Pgs'b. •.oats. ', hen, WWlhteat; per, ' Ba$eyy ;,Vero trots Po•F• Peal; per Flour, In�l our, '4! J i4oMtotanll *�n�7i)bii is oyypp reaiwh lust, to�t$. and rdtdt MoMtdbae6, a essebter (Halts. tfistrade tStora . pant, .n-ivR Tak/11taltp, on ABM) �2t11, to "44 40: ue•e1 Debts, .a eon. (James dint Tuokammildt, on May Srd, to Ma :.z4. ,11!re. William- Doig, Jr., (nee Marla Dave), a son.. Aepeoap:.-4n Tnekeramtt , on April 204h to lam and Mm; John 1,. Devereux, twleo boy and girl. • TAg AS GOOD'. •A$ IT.Lo min T'4a p 4 u e ease plot assgggorate e S9,•• ss oY,. 9iu' (t9tnoked NOM; and you Can Take it come trAOtp •your own fatcllen. No dot /,yOuhave the proper recipe • forarcing Ill 411 we wl dy thq'ham it Noll melt in your d.; a mouth, ' ' Onrs are all' well se- lected.; hams. • D. H. STEWART Main Street' - Seaforth. Phone 58. r.2 ill , i1d u sup- . • DEATH* •amo.—Teresa, wife of 4. E. Sills. and mother. of Roy C., sister of Mm. Coma, died at 4:80 p.m., Thursday. Funeral Monday of, tornoon at 2 para. from'Eubj undertaking marker% Cleveland, 7415 Wadi ,Park Ave. Burial Woodland cemetery. 0000 000000000 0 O 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son FuneralDirectors and 0 Licensed Embalmers. •C't, Finest Motor and Horse 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block Main Street, opposite 0 The >;spositor Office. S. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich O Street West;' Chas. Holmes' 0 residence over store. O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 holstering neatly done. 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 0 0 000000000 .0000 U. F. 0. MEETING A Meeting of the U. F. 0. will be held in the Carnegie Library Hall. Seaforth, on Wednesday. May 16th. at 8 o'clock p.m. All aro cordially invitedto he present. BERT IRWIN: 9891.1 Secretary. Dray Business For Sale For sale, the Draying Business in Seaforthi three teams and complete outfit. Apply to E. J. Box, , SEAFORTH. 2888-t =SAVE= Just think of the countless things that you can buy with the Money you save in buy- ing your SHOES _in Eg-- moridville ! We are more than pleased with the number of sales we are making in Shoes. W. J. FINNIGAN. 'Phone 72. AUCTION. SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- feola —Thomas Brown has been instructed 6o sell by public auotion at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 1212,• '1928, at 2' o'clock p.m., the following: Climax range (coal m• wood), auto knitter nearly new, Davenport bed. extension table nearly new, 2 bedsteads, 2 mattresses, 2 good bed spring., gent's bicycle, gaantity of stove pipet early new, 2 reeking drain, high Chair, quantity of preserved fruit, fruit gems, 9 good chairs, weakling machine, sewing machine, garden tools, ditching tools and other articles too numerous to mentions. Terms. --Cash. GEORGE FORD, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2891-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES :CATTLE WANTED. -THE UNDERSIGNED will take 35 head of cattle to pasture n 100 acres. Good gram; plenty of water. Apply to LOUIS GORMLEY, Eleven, Ont 2890-2 FOR SALE. -ONE &FT. MASSEY-HARRIS Binder with truck and sheaf carried, guaranteed in perfect working order; one 10 -foot Sharpe Rake. nearly new; one set diamond barrows, 8 -sections; 1 one-horse acufen with mould boards, Sao 2 new 14 -foot farm gates. Easy Lewis. Apply to B. C. BENDERSON, Box 785, St Marys ; or to J. . B. HENDERSON, East William Street. Sea- forth.2888-tf COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF HENSALL • The meeting of the Court of Revision Against the Assessment Roll for 1923 of the Village of Bewail, will - be held in the Town Hall, en Tuesday, June .5th. 1929, at 7 o'clock p.m. ' A. MURDOCK, CLERK. AMATEUR' FINISHING We make a speciality of Developing a n d Printing for Amateurs. D. F. BUCK • PHOTOGRAPHER Seaforth - - - • Ont. 4000 000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors 0 H. C. BOX• O Holger of Government 0 Diploma and License O Charges moderate O .Flowers furnished on short 0 - notice. 0 Night Calle Day Coils 0 Phone 175 Plfone 48 000000000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 0 O 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 O rector and Embalmer. 0 0 O O Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested. • • O 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 000000000000 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Nice. Citiaetw are hereby notified that the d,m.- e ground at Mr. John McMnnn's, provided by the Town, is only to he sand for dumping of old material that wit not be n nuisance or cause damage to Mr. McMann, and the must be deosited in the pit and not ethrown over the fence or scattered around. The dumping of old vegetables, garbage, etc., in forbidden. By order f the Council. JOHN A. WILSON, CLERK. Seaforth. April 00th, 1020. 21,30.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John Porter- field, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Porterfield, late of the Town of Clinton, who died on the fifth day of April, 1928. are required to send full Po, tioulars of their claims, duly verified, to Robt. Pcrcerfield, Seaforth, one of the Executors. or to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tors, on or before the 1st day of June, 1920. After the sold date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute .the Estate among the Parties entitled thereto, having reference onry to the claims of which they shall have re- ceived notice, and after such distribution they will not be accountable 3or any pant of the Estate to any one of whose claim they shall not have received notice. Seaforth, 1st May, 1929. F. HOLMEBTED, Solicitor for Executors. 2000-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM LANDS In The Township of McKillop Under and by virtue of the powers of aale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which will ho produced on the .day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at The Commer' sial Hotel. in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, the 18th May, 1923, at the hour of. two a'dock in the afternoon, the following farm lands, namely, the Southwest thirty (80) acres of lot number Thirty-three (83), in "the Fourteenth (14th) Coti4seion 'of the said Township of McKillop, more particularly de- scribed in the said Mortgage. The said land is all cleared and in a good elate of cultivation and ready for crop and is well situated near the thriving. Village of Walton. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty (20) per cent of purchase money in cash on the day of sale and the balance, without interest. within this'v days there- after. The Purchaser wit' be required to sign an agreement to complete tun purchase. Further particulars and. terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale and may be had in the meantime froln the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 27th day of April. 19;3. R. S. HAYS, Mortgagee's Solicitor. Thomas Brovbn, Auctioneer. 2890-8r MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained ',in a certain mortgage, which will. he produced at the time of sale, there will be offered fen 'ale by public auction. by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on Monday, the 14th day of May, 1923, at the hour of 2.15 o'clock in ,the afternoon. 08 the Commercial .Hotel, at Seaforth. Ontario, the following pre perty: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premi8ea situate lying and being in the Township of McKillop to the County of Huron, and being composed• of part 85 Lot Number 00. in the 14th a,n- ceonion of the said Township of MofiiU' and containing by admeasurement sin eight acres of land mere or less. There are on the property a first art's house, driving shed and 'hen -house. The land Is a rich and productive clay room and Is well drained. This farm' is conveniently situated ea to enhoolo, churches. stores and market, being only about one mile, and a quarter from the C.. P. R. Station, Walton, which is a Stat- eless shipping point TERMS AND CONDITIONS OP SALE: Ten per cent of the purohnee money on the day of sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter. For further particulars and conditioner of Sale apply to: BEST & BEST, • Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for Vender. April 23rd, 1028, Tiros. Brown, Auctioneer. r 5 P4i'TLAR STALLIONS 8rbl tollowong p alar stallion will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as follgw,s: The lmportad•add Stallion CUMBERLAND STEEL 142010] (18309) Enrolment No. 6808. Animated. Form Al. Wilt otaad for the dmptovement of stock ttu�rbo season aapp .T. 3.'UERRY'6 SALE STABLE, BENHAM '.Cumberland 5teel1820701 (11)800) wee bred by the Moles. Steel.of Lesson Han Wig - n. Cumberland, anis nine yeoro old. d. He was Imported by T. J. Berry, in, February, 1020. He 49 a dark, dappled,bay, stands 17(f fronds high. and weighs better than a ton. Bus with all his else be is an extra wen belonged, horse and will breed theb1g drought horses that tht market is calling for at preeent Cumberland Steel was sired by Erin's Crest (14688), dam Ludy Lothian (88460); by Lothian Again (11804), g. dam Mabel (20417). by Royal Champion (8968), a g. - dam Prin- cess Rose .(20/16), by Prince of Rosa (8135), g g. g. dam Bouoey. (22109), by Gnreherrie (2800), g. g. g. g. dem 8miee, by Challenger (1088). Terror to Insure, *08.00. JAMES B. SIMPSON. Manager. 2889 The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [211671 (13603) Vol. 29, B.C. S. B, Passel-- Enrolment No. 231. Form I. Will stand for the improvement this season, as follows; Monday.. --Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and no to Edward Eckmlero, Lot 30, Conoesolon 6, Logan, far node; then to Wm. Morena, Lot 28, Concession 8, Logan, for night. Tuesday. -To Louis Bennewets, 7.ot 38, Conct.sion 9, Logan, for n; then 8y his own stable for night. Wednesday. -'To Jchr. Shannon's, Conee+m,on 8, McKillop, for noon; then to Owen Flynn's, for night. Thursday, --To William Anderson's, McKillop, for noon; then to his own stable' for night. Friday. -To Martin 'Curtin's. 1 t_ milt. 01100 of Seaforth, for noon: then to Joseph At]cin- sr•n'n, Hibbert, for night, Saturday. -To Wm, Dornny'u, for noon; then to his own -stable for night Terms to insure $10.00. JAMES EVANS, Proprietor & Manager. of- stack Your Freight Rates Solved The Finch Transportation, of London, will run one of their trucks from London to Seaforth daily. Will carry freight up to three tons. They will give you express service at freight rates. Have your orders shipped by Finch Transportation Co. For further particulars in- quire at H. Edge's HARDWARE STORE Phone 61. • 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 E _ '" O 2' 0 E O BEN-HUR c The Special Milverton Flour. ' We have it; give it ' a e trial. •o also Ground Screenings ' O Chop of all kinds. o O C. G. THOMSON o Grain Dealer. Phone 25 0 ® 0 00 0 0`0 000 0 0 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders For Laying Water Mains. Sealed Menden marked and addressed to Mr. John Wilson, Clerk, Seaforth, Onthrio, will be received until May 15th. 1923, for laying approximately .three and a quarter miles of six and eight inch water mains. Plans and specification. may be Been and frame of tender obtained from the Engineers, James, Proctor & Redfern, Limited. 36 To- ronto Street, Toronto, or from the Town Clerk of Seaforth. The lowest or any tender not neceseartly .accepted. W. GOi.DING, JOHN A. WILSON, MAYOR. CLERK. 2890-2 Stop! ,Look! Listen! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you. but we are also a large Dai y Ind stry in your community. W.,eres pfully so icit your Cream. tt0' Gu1ltanteet ccur to efts and Tes . Courteous and Prompt S rvice. Highest Market Valu . Cream trading. A difference of 3 cents per pound Butter Fat paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Grade Cream. Cash For Cream. Cash paid to any Patron wishing it when Cream is delivered. Creamery open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. The Seaforth Q'reamery. xunmvl Smart Oxfords For Ladies, we are showing a Fawn ana Brown Oxford, also a White Buck that are very attractive models. For Men, we have the New Crep Rubber Sole, suitable for Golf, Bowling and all outing wear. Specially priced is a Goodyear Welt Tan Oxford at $4.50, and a Cushion Sole Oxford for Ladies at $3.00. Shoes for the whole family at prices which are low, considering the Quality. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes For All. rrr.- FRED W. WIGG • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • , SEAFORTH= IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE A DAIRY - CENTRE, AND THE INDUST_R_Y__ BETTER ESTABLISHED. But— Are you .obtaining all' the profit from your cows, or are you trying to get along with that makeshift of a separator and as the days and weeks go by losing that, which in one year, would pay fora New, Clean Skimming De Laval? i�la►`d1� Let us Demonstrate to You the Difference. James. G. Martin De Laval Agent SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 0 1 0 • • • a • • 0 • • • And in Spite ef..,AliThat you probably spend far more time anrt,1 thought in choosing a. new hat' than you do in shoos - Ing your food,' and use, effect the well-being of the whole family, while the hurt you buy effects your personal appearance only. ' The Food You Buy Growing Children `require plenty of good, clean, = eourishing food to fit them for E the battle before them. If they • do not get It in their youth = when their bones and muscles E are forming, it , will handicap = them through life. E Your Efficiency in buying, preparing and serv- ing the Food for your family • -is of far more'importance, as • far as their future Health is concerned, than your efficiency • at any other of your household F. duties. It Need 'Not Necessarily Cost you any more financially to give them the right kind of Food, but it might require the use of • a little better judgment, and 1401 at the ahrtle ent-eanned e1 fold. There is just u iebment irl a•fidn SR1,1 you pay 2@e,-qr ,0 Fog' ad is in the kind'7011,-PRF. While tine ehemier 40.4,4ee Corn, for'',instance, have,:r .y shredded' bob'i11 them than Corn, Do You Know What the Baking Pow'dem� you ruse *taus to do with the Keeping (grQual- ities of ,yo'Cake? 1 Do You Know What ' ,, E the Cheaper Grades pf Moles- ses mostly consist oft When You Buy 'a Package of Tea, do you know what the container costs you? • When Yon Bay a ll.rcent package of Soda: Bis- cuits, do you know if you are getting a pound or half a pound of Biscuits': °'„ Let Your Grocer Advise You C It's his business, and be should know—if, he sets' himself up in = business and solicits you" pa tronage, he should he wove- . tent and able to guide- and ad-;. vise you in your. baying. TRY PANCAKES AND MAPLE SYRUP THIS WEEK. PANCAKE FLOUR, 11/4 lbs. -net All ready. for use. Just add milk or water. PURE MAPLE SYRUP, per Gallon Put up in Pints, Quarts, and One-half Gallons F. SWANSDOWN FLOUR, 2% lbs. net Package F. A Special Preparation for Cakes and Biscuits • with Directions and Recipes on Package. • HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES (in bulk), Pint - You can buy them this way for about half the price as - compared with buying them in Bottle., quality the same. 15c $2.75 42c 35c SUNMAID SEEDLESS RAISINS, (in 1)u1k), Pound.........15c .lust the same as in package at 20c for 15 oz. • SODAS, CIIRISTIE'S and McCORMACK'S (in bulk), per 1b.17e When you buy them in Cartons they cost. you about 30c Ib.; SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLES, 21 oz. In Medium Syrup. ASPARAGUS TIPS, 1 -lb. Tins About 3 inches long; very tender. (Just the Tips). COOKED HAM (Epicure Brand), Pound Lean and Well Cooked. Handled exclusively by us in Seaforth. Next time you buy.'. Cooked Ham or Bacon, try ours and note. the Difference. 28c • 50c 55c-' We Carry a Full Line df Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ST D.DOMINION LISTED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS WE SELL TO SATISFY 10 lbs Granulated 100 lb bag $1.20 Sugar sum TIGER CATSUP Pont , ...1 rC Shirriff's or Pure Gold Jellies 3Pkts, ... 25C SELECT COFFEE Pound ...55C Clark's Pork & Beans 1 S. 2 Tins 23c 2 Tins 29C CORN SYRUP Crown Brand IL 39c Special Blend Tea 60c pound Shredded Wheat Boxes ... 25c Sheriff's MARMALADE 4S. .63c Quaker CORN FLAKES Waxtite 2 Pkts. ... 19c Machine Sliced Break -Heinz fast BACON, Pound 33C KETCHUP, Small Size 21C SOAP CHIPSGOLD DUST 2 per Pounds .27c I Pkg. 5C • PRUI4ES I Pounds . 27c•' 1