HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-11, Page 267, A 1 �� re - ,'111. +e�• '.1 a "1 5.: �F,' �� x, . t "?. `et `�', � I .:i ',`M. R �etl {j,. F :nl 'E, of":r {n, �{•i ;'i" y� ��y• wr , d . �. , u 'all,r P, } �?•' yiM e+' 1 � r f�t.d'.] Q � �•;, :.r- .:,�iNfl, �:,� � `:, #yF,.g 4 n. .. �: r , �e@hIi � ovtllceQ i {% *^,l'�",ii� �s.1' h.. ,.# W.. R ='r.{•i. �kr Y ,y}yy , . f.,.'A, a' 'v��, ,, -y1.� I,y,� sa �3-: 'tiff•^. ,?s•. ) 1,j.. y. , - h'�. ,�r', ,..� •� t,., n;: ..:+r .; rl ,., , t , t ,. ry :{•: Hc,/� ` t A yA ., t, . ? y .. 'c . , .the . : ;;i d,er,'tb ( 'auAA ,b ;'r: �, , .. ?. � �( p .,' la i>l , i. ,,, : ' i,ri' 'R a<. ' y,,.• 1 i 1i► ..� O I,elna tore . ��Hiari of a is 4 ?BttN (l » w k, :.. ",. , „? i5A,%m» a : `. � f)vol•'��G lirali9bes � :::• �: ,: ?, > ; , • 1�,zThis :pct ` v@ u�hakitlr ttt +'° ' s4vinex' audeaulte4 >tgoat 'Bas sole lir �,• � �, ! �R F smaller centres are doit. ,r:ma7kab)y With the establishing of the Savings e` J - well, and while the busi ass may be Offices the people are encouraged to the total grew, and to Perfect Health by Lydia L by J+ ' is progressing steadily under any,- dependent; they receive in direct ° thing but ideal conditions, and the fu- ! benefits from their saving the very Paying crops grow from good seed, total tido, so as to get the germint- Pinllbads Vegetable Compqund ation percentage. is F - "a'� k • cOLM Gypsum Rock in sheets "� 3-8 inch thick and in the same •' convenient lw*tha of ordinary } wallboard—that's 5 ,t °'Gyp- •' rop" is. Think of the extra - e , 4 ordinar adva"ages Gyprop wallboard has over other wall- Savings Offices. There are in all 14 , the less must be this burden of taxa- now be bought threshing five bushels boards—its wonderful fireproof qua&. '�•+ ities; its perfect insulating properties; i. the convenience of application; its low v'o9t• i e Is it any wonder that so many $ people are using it now instead of flim - f '- inflammable lnflaocllodroboaroc W no doubt responsible for the remark- out or remove all dirt, chaff, weed an proving Savings Offices rather than bardwill not shrink, era sawed m ad poplibed justtican be the same cut, as to force myself to do other grasses about 12 days. i:: my work. ,Even the Only living, useful seeds are of ordinary wallboard and costa no more. Just the materilii for new work. re - 1 modeling or repair work. Writ» for Gyproc booklet and sample of Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. d Ofm ownchil- p � _ .value. ; =me Peel asI must To find the percentage of living, • G. A. Sills & SonS.2k 4' . 1=1 IRA scream if the did useful seeds, multiply the percentage not get awapyfrom of purity by the germinatpn capacity divide by 100. The ire roof'Wa1lboar'd Ing rate of the' Chartered Banks. t we do not think that such is the at- percentage of purity. 'sz�J op0xt offices thro out 'tflei :1'revin a ^: ••;•^ •^^ �, h@ is oifig:,lir' ut•Ir ,,u{reu OO, r � tt e p ix +:.. ta) receive .depeaifd from Chea uklic, ��}y, i�y;wa�i lrRlp�lthh� Qi►2itlaioa•fR n the o a x to o r o lmproy s`Nt�q wh(ch he .horrolwe a •£ort 0: p yintg' to z? a % interest to ;p. v b+e. ,: ba determined by the °lleltarwttient.' deter acid nop 'ri 1 1p 34 »tel to th, Mogipb available under'tHe Act aero' Fruit a 1Y $ s ilttPfoo @fila '1M 1f9 ' o. his pro pii e . to be used for investment fo; one �'"""� arty. `Tbg ret ee. ,., ce_'±.wltoloa'1e. i' TM Tkle no °M de Flo t► `W qne or all of the followiig ' purposes made Ql .merchant, the; msgpf eturer and „ li ,-:, F C. 8 ►' y A 8rit8 k: : and no other:. _ Yo. . et i$ of'Rheain t� bank handl@ 3t juetA'�e' surely.. a�' R' - .,. i ., , ,'' 4 g r a slo.. H . are,.pJ)W tldtl .a6 O , uAe •tat. our',branchee„ (a) Loans to merpbers of Apsocia Xou spa ' , `•titres pf paaA =q1'V*04043 bough it came groxp t :bank in thg a Q e fp' ow posito a picompi' and, ' tions under the Ontario Farm, hands:' ;pet --of actingartus, Ism, ret placer-. Becapap -t e'`loan its- � j }�, . , - Act gaud•.1�!t-0e" made. to a ilirAl r- Inatd of tcourtooufi attetiton: �� i (hl Bonds or Debentures- issued "bkidt,' vee"will drlirpthscause manufacturer ,doe Dot tsh that t. under the Agricultural Development ysteul and, ..has tide been , }}t,,aN„food figs or'j k', DepaiH of11A, Rgd `°'(W#xxp' 1pvted' $f Rha, moutoftbes g i:✓ Act gNO Q W7kY. anent relief. ”. ' has ,played a l�s>l. fm MAIL Ort' is►, (cit Bonds or debentures of or con or 'q..ir three y@a", i Was the dev@lo i N T mr��� �r • Amen 'oP,'�Ae'(co11�tY guaranteed.by The Dominion of Can- flne ''ped with Bheumskiam. In ao'farras tiiq- l5arvings Ofticea;,'. !( Brucedie]d'':'fit. I91 ;' $rloterY;` , ads or any Province of Canada, in "1I eeidedl to try Frui -a. ah 1 t ars a benefit to, t4oejj��(oyernmeut;of Exeter Clinton�� (d) Bond or debentures of or ea i3e pre using halt a boa; .I the provin e, many of:',t`he adwa»i a s ; .' ?,7r, !i ' I 1; nt�' noticed ;igtp veinent. I oontinuad- areo ol3vious th$t it hardly gusianteed by any Municipality or talon t. t-a-tives11 improving. all y seems', school section in the Province of On- g p & necessary to dwell them,' It iq a' the ti, r an now oval¢ about taro 'µ.ell known fact that the'Governmiint taOn the -first day of March, 1922, mllesand4bahoresardun$theplaoo?', requires funds from ti a to Einlo.to Almy. MUNI10, I(orne, out, ea oh their, enter n s the Province of Ontario Savings Of- p i.es:' m fices actually went into operation 60o. a boii, 6 for $2.50, trial size 26e. The present method is to seek these' •*! At deoJora, or from Fruit-a-tives funds in the investment markets, with the opening of branches in 'roe route. Aylmer, Woodstock and St, Limited Ot wa, Out. either at home pr abroad, and accept Marys, and the public immediately the best terbffered. ,responded by making substantial de- If they find, therefore," that the ]^x1 posits in these branches. , On April I ing the usual bank hours. 'The Sav- ' people are satfsfled and even anxious /7 a s y' to '0 fi 1st a branch was opened in the city ings Offices remain open until 6 P.M. to loan this money to the Government a-� ! of St. Catharines to be followed on I direct at a lower rate of -interest than the third of May b a branch in the instead of three o'clock. In addition. is current on the Investment market,. !• •• - y y to this the branches. outside of To- NUGG� -- the perfect polish towd of Owen Sound. In the same and It is possible to do so without - 'SYf'Ike month, on the 26th and 27th respcc- rento remain open on Saturday after- p in a pexter�k ttD, ''$tittle file top Of excessive coat or ex enae, it would HARD tively, branches were established in noon and evening from 7 proper and logical the lid Wait%' the brush, as directed', seem to be, the ro ' the cities of Brantford and Hamilton, pm. This is of great con- course f r the Government to take to and the lid littsoff easily. - All these branches were liberallyvenience to a large number of de- accept and make use of such an pa positors who found it next to im-�f tronized by the public andf deposits possible to go to the Chartered Banks arrangement. That -in brief, is what even at this time, had assumed very The Province of Ong m Savings th- in the regular office hours. fees are for; nothing more and noth- fair proportions. On the 24th cf - g June, three branches were opened in The outlook for the future of these to t esu, The people loan their rnment Pembroke, Seaforth and Walkerton. Provincial Savings redOffices is decided- to the Governmetrt, the Government m ny of favorable. As already pointed out a them 4% for the Use of their Those were followed in July by the pay many of the branches have been in money and a roe to return it to them BLL branch in Newmarket. It has been g CH—TAN—TONBYV&q- k operation only a few months and at an time they desire. It Ia 'a no DARK BROWN AND I'm recognised for some time that there have not really begun to cultivate y was a very desirable field in the capi- their field. At a time when it is' ad- simple, straightforward basinesa pro_ for an institution such as theirs position, bringing benefit to both mittedly hard to seepre deposits. parties. and requests were coming in from p They are showing a truly remarkable ( i time to time to establish- such a. i ---r-- branch The Ottawa Branch was ac- progress; and with 'business goner- , cordingly opened w the public on the ally on tie upward trend it is only 18th of November. It is a pleasure reasonable to l expect that they, will —The lave bowlers of Blyth met to report that the response of the shale quite liberally in the progress in the Co f last week for on Thursday public was instantaneous, and the that is even now just around the core evening of Inst week for the purpose business at this Branch is already in nor. The people the Province, T holding their annual meeting. a flourishing condition, It had also through, the Provincial Savings Of- There was a good attendance, with M. been realized for some little time that fices, are provided with de absolute- 6t Telfer in the chair. The financial one branch was not sufficient to fur- ly safe place in which to deposit their 'statement was presecretary-treasurer, creta y -t Mr.asu G. nisb service to the great number of surplus funds, et the same time re -money. F. McTaggart, a club ar utreasur debt ceiving ,.fair return on their money. and it showed the club out of debt people in Toronto, and another branch At the same time they have this ad- and a cash balance on hand. They was accordingly opened on the 28thyantape, that if at any time the decided to make" some improvements day of November. It will be seen whole or any part of their savings to their greeq, and will hold 'a num- fiom the foregoing that from their is -required, it is available to them on ber of local tournaments for their ,very inception these Savings Offices demand. The Provincial Savings Of- own members during the summer and have proved popular with the public. fices' pay no dividends directly but will likely hold their annual tourna- This is perhaps best evidenced by the the money which in a commercial ment as usual, the date to be fixed fact that to -day these offices have on ccneern would be used for that pur- later. The following officers were ap- deposit the very creditable amount of pose will go back to the people of the pointed for the year: Hon. Presi- nearly seven millions of dollars and Province through their Government. dent. J. M. Hamilton; President, R. are carrying on their books in excess Does it not seem reasonable and right H. Robinson; Vice President, F. Sow - of thirty thousand individual ac- that, instead of going to foreign era; Secretary -Treasurer, G. E. Mc- ccunts. This in the short space of markets to borrow for our needs and Taggart;,. tournament Committee, ten months, with the majority of the at the same time sending a fair pro- Robeft Sowers, Charles McClelland, branches operating for a much short- portion of our savings to those same D. Stalker J. Denholm, A. Sowers; er period. As was natural to expect markets for investment, we should membership committee, G. E. McTag---_-- the city branches are proving to be use our own savings for our own de- gar•t, M. W. Telfer; grounds commit - the most active, lobt it is a pleasure ] t 't th 1 ti b — f `t + M W T If A w Robin " ■a pI 1. e s ric y n us sn s this interest to the people withoutand the other indnstrles such as ag- and money. �- loss to them, they are justly entitled r;culture,'which. from. the very nature To , see Nif the. germ is alive and to it. That it is possible to do so is of their business the banks cannot viggrous, we can imitate planting, but beyond question. Due to •,the fact `finance adequately,. must geceive their watch the seed grow. To do this, a , that the Provincial Savings Offices 13 hare assistance. Surely it is not count out accurately 200 good looking confine their operations to strictly seeds of the variety under test, And savings business, they are not faced _ lay them between two sheets of moist cQ L ' with the heavy overhead4 .r _ expense in- blotting paper or two pieces of damp Tile aratdr, with the •. cidental to expensive credit depart- flanel on a plate• Cover this with • l �r UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" out., tablets, you are not getting Aspirin -at alt : xis• i�^ : . _ Mlk j 4eeept only an \"u'nbroken packatge"' of "Bayer Tablets" of - ►tl," 'fvhich contains directions . and dose worked "out ^by Ph''re i ➢alis tturing 22 yeses and proved, safe by inillldns for. Headache Rheurnatism .. { Al hNeTplgia Neuritis ' 1l•tJrilbaa Pain, Pain menta; they do not require large 'or c � another late, and keepthe paper or „ B imposing bankint quarters, a shmall' V Is cloth most (not wet,) ir daily end , O+# = 'iece. Dowl staff can handle a very large volume keep warm at 62 F. temperature. YOU needn'•t worryabout ,the capacity—if of' business, and the have no bad rR n Note the date and number of seeds debts to its m Ow• t th f t `s 11 : n$ � �''r K d b 1 d write to state that the brans es in the ve opmen o e as ng• ene o ec, . e er, o son, our own Province and its people R Fred Sowers. use . Remove daily the se ds thit'spront and put. them down or� a tally sheet. that divide"tiiis. TeWWOmenHowSlte Was Restored " When no more germiflate, county upNIETC smaller centres are doit. ,r:ma7kab)y With the establishing of the Savings e` J - well, and while the busi ass may be Offices the people are encouraged to the total grew, and to Perfect Health by Lydia L by scmewbat slower in development, it save, to become prosperous and in- GETTING VALUE IN GOOD SEED ' is progressing steadily under any,- dependent; they receive in direct ° thing but ideal conditions, and the fu- ! benefits from their saving the very Paying crops grow from good seed, total tido, so as to get the germint- Pinllbads Vegetable Compqund ation percentage. is ture'for these branches is very bright reasonable return of 4% and they re- This is sd reasonable that it will re - indeed. Considered as a whole', the pay us to recall some of the points'of. growth of the business has been re- -eine from the Government . being g g de seed. R come indirectly the benefits which hi b_ ra markable and fay exceeds the most f The first outstanding quality of , `n supplied with funds at relatively low sangli a expectations of those re- cost. The less the cost to the Gov- good seed is purity, trueness to Ramo sponsible for the establishment of the and variety. Varieties of grains can ernment for the funds they require, Winnipeg, Mangy-" I ,cannot speak than slower germinating and worth too big y of what Lydia E. Pinkham's more. The time needed differs ac- Savings Offices. There are in all 14 , the less must be this burden of taxa- now be bought threshing five bushels branches now doing business through- per acre more than inferior. kinds. tion.. on the people. Vegetable Conn cording to the kind of seed. Grains, pound has done for clovers, peas, and turnips should be out the Province. purity of ace sample, The statement has been made on To test the d, p There are several reasons which are more than one occasion that the Pro- weigh out accurately a sample, sift me.I was a nervous given ten days; for carrots, parsnips, wreck and just had beets and timothy,' f4 days, and for no doubt responsible for the remark- out or remove all dirt, chaff, weed an proving Savings Offices rather than gr popular-• proving a benefit to the Commercial forst able growth and undoubted In seeds. weigh the impurities, ity of the Provincial Savings Offices. ( be detri- subtract this weight from the weight to force myself to do other grasses about 12 days. i:: my work. ,Even the Only living, useful seeds are of Life of the Province will a Undoubtedly one of the most import ' ment The claim has been made that of the sample taken to;get the weight ani is that these banks pay an inter- the Savings Offices will divert the oP good seed. The weight of good seed -divided d Ofm ownchil- p � _ .value. ; =me Peel asI must To find the percentage of living, est of 4 per cent. on the deposits, or available funds of the Province from multiplied by 100 and by the . one per cent. higher than the exist- the legitimate channels of trade. But weight of the seed sample gives the scream if the did useful seeds, multiply the percentage not get awapyfrom of purity by the germinatpn capacity divide by 100. Ing rate of the' Chartered Banks. t we do not think that such is the at- percentage of purity. Tris feature has called forth a cer-Not of the people of this Province. Not a seed is worth anything if it not.even and t richt ,to my If a sample of wheat is 961ter cent.. td: he $octor pure, unbroken seed and if a 'said econIiI dolt q Orme, M has sample of the pure, unbroken, sded tain amount of criticism from cer- Rather they expect that funds gvail- fails to sprout, germinate and send up taro quarters, but we think that it is ,able will be at to the best possible a plant To be sure that send is dive but just that the interests the and will strongly and hand's mother hdvised me to tt� the has a germination percentage of 94 of peo-:use for the benefit and for the de- sprout quickly, ple of the Province as a whole should vs o£ the.Province generally, the germinating capacity should be receive first consideration, If It .is the banks doing their part in regard tested. If this capacity is ,tow, more Voi,bleGommppo�und and I started itat per cent,, 'then th8'pereentage of tib- oilTei. I'was =a To do my work once Ing useful #eed.lsi' possible to accept' deposits and pay ' t ' th t , tl i d trial ' fere is seed must be sown, which costs time a ■a pI 1. e s ric y n us sn s this interest to the people withoutand the other indnstrles such as ag- and money. �- loss to them, they are justly entitled r;culture,'which. from. the very nature To , see Nif the. germ is alive and to it. That it is possible to do so is of their business the banks cannot viggrous, we can imitate planting, but beyond question. Due to •,the fact `finance adequately,. must geceive their watch the seed grow. To do this, a , that the Provincial Savings Offices 13 hare assistance. Surely it is not count out accurately 200 good looking confine their operations to strictly seeds of the variety under test, And savings business, they are not faced _ lay them between two sheets of moist cQ L ' with the heavy overhead4 .r _ expense in- blotting paper or two pieces of damp Tile aratdr, with the •. cidental to expensive credit depart- flanel on a plate• Cover this with • l �r UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" out., tablets, you are not getting Aspirin -at alt : xis• i�^ : . _ Mlk j 4eeept only an \"u'nbroken packatge"' of "Bayer Tablets" of - ►tl," 'fvhich contains directions . and dose worked "out ^by Ph''re i ➢alis tturing 22 yeses and proved, safe by inillldns for. Headache Rheurnatism .. { Al hNeTplgia Neuritis ' 1l•tJrilbaa Pain, Pain menta; they do not require large 'or c � another late, and keepthe paper or „ B imposing bankint quarters, a shmall' V Is cloth most (not wet,) ir daily end , O+# = 'iece. Dowl staff can handle a very large volume keep warm at 62 F. temperature. YOU needn'•t worryabout ,the capacity—if of' business, and the have no bad rR n Note the date and number of seeds debts to its m Ow• t th f t `s 11 : n$ � �''r K d b 1 d write iYt f'•, a} 9 Man a tit e+ '� -- ,request. wine to ene r,yola L''.rniltnam •'- . tr.it r n. de Awl n adw via t3ellL of iYle @s 4 g in i Meditdne Co., Cdgtrgr'Orit ;This book bees, $, lstir l that i�tol�atsre area Czd tbtde till valuabT+#iiYfaetltstioan • ,aa mrtk, c e "$ er erose" f ,,. ' r aonveuioot bg po1�IlTiie °ley eatoud• : look 'dls' i• °r ,, k 4 i.• t c r ., r h ;,'#,'xi;•itd�°', rt'�''kr. �Cn.'�/.., rw ,1se�, -:�, .. ;::,....rL.�Ya" �ttYt,,.. r.::, ,ra'. •� k£1lll`. ' , .. u .r '-.•. , .,,� . - : ,rt�r.,t . . •,:ysrak, Yr spa : � ... (;t�vs . -y, t •i ..,,, y'oti'tlf; alfalfa, 4 I ear!; 9ti$ ;. �ataatttty..:,i 'iibdtild 'nAt+er' ti9afe11 1YlulatYi �>i�il, .4'+1tC�a �1i..`�_. tired or dppear , atlri�isned. $ k..4:i�I��,�A�S'a�,ii,2 .,,;` _.., . ,. .:. s.. zr•n,.,. A�:,,,,..µ�$...,'.a za o ng o e ac that savings deposits as a class are for the most part inactive, only a very reasonable cash reserve is required to take use . Remove daily the se ds thit'spront and put. them down or� a tally sheet. that divide"tiiis. TeWWOmenHowSlte Was Restored " When no more germiflate, county upNIETC you up or a res possess a _ f { ream - care of current requirementa,and then the Savings Offices the total grew, and to Perfect Health by Lydia L by Sepdratorr of course have no dividends to pay, True, it fs that the total tido, so as to get the germint- Pinllbads Vegetable Compqund ation percentage. is S" quite probable as volume Quick -sprouting seed stronger When you enlarge your herd, just end your. machirte` ' of business grows, these offices will operate at a profit, but instead of Winnipeg, Mangy-" I ,cannot speak than slower germinating and worth too big y of what Lydia E. Pinkham's more. The time needed differs ac- to tO�the 11Qagnet Works and its � • these profits being paid out to a few individuals, they will go back to the Vegetable Conn cording to the kind of seed. Grains, pound has done for clovers, peas, and turnips should be capacity Can be promptly P y P mptly r changed at low cost. people through their government, a benefit to all. Every means is em- me.I was a nervous given ten days; for carrots, parsnips, wreck and just had beets and timothy,' f4 days, and for Magnet square-cutgeaFs ployed in the management of the Pro- vincial Savings Offices to keep the to force myself to do other grasses about 12 days. i:: my work. ,Even the Only living, useful seeds are of are easy to turn and assure long life. Thousands o ag- operating cost as low as is consistent with good service. Thgre is no doubt d Ofm ownchil- p � _ .value. ; =me Peel asI must To find the percentage of living, nets are running after 20 ears y service. ' whatsoever that The ,Prodineial Sav- .ings' Offices can afford to pay their- depositors 4q without risk of excel-cpv>d scream if the did useful seeds, multiply the percentage not get awapyfrom of purity by the germinatpn capacity divide by 100. The Magnets large, open, sive cost to the Government for the funds provided. Another important factor in the de- not.even and t richt ,to my If a sample of wheat is 961ter cent.. td: he $octor pure, unbroken seed and if a 'said econIiI dolt q Orme, M has sample of the pure, unbroken, sded one-piece skimmer is easiest to keep sweet and cI #;- velopment of the Savings Offices is hand's mother hdvised me to tt� the has a germination percentage of 94 Prom�rt &rvice. �J the seetirity offered to the Public. Dine to "a large extent; no doubt, to Voi,bleGommppo�und and I started itat per cent,, 'then th8'pereentage of tib- oilTei. I'was =a To do my work once Ing useful #eed.lsi' Our 'mar 'Ift'd shops are a the4ducational campaign O'irie'd out in connection with the ,floating.of the more td tt wa�;apleaeuro;,not. 90 times 91 divided by 100' equals dgo• Now 1 hate a ifeme-bouncing 5sby 89,8 per cent.,- ent.` equipped for quick repair various various Victory Loiinli, the people and am Able to nufse her-snol enjoy do- i - Marks of; good :Seed '. ' my work. I cannot help room= �� /I "Cr: MbiJy quite- rightly place (kov,%=ent se- eurity above that 4. Plump, large seeds give strong- mehdirig such •a 4iI0Nidine; aini 'tiny one 6ecoitee Wrlt pnce9 neap 1, of any other class, and when they are offered the same .g . er plants, they feed the young seem me before I took it, and seem seedling longel; RrQnow, can see:stbatyt does for mo. I 'old ci for' bur Ada e � Magnet --or f%�Q�on desired, facdlitles for the care of their sitrplue money and in addition,' hive .thior s high all of security,It cannot tie •ibortdr 2 Avoid ,lilAnting s'oed..It is ttea anion tae plessed1 EMI Y. ta,oete my unwise to n88' geed older than the41v teafinionial.' — til,? Enhiiar.bavtb, 721 sine, 2 to't8 l s�+�� s .. . steed at that they are quick to seize a Strebt, ftmipeg, Man., Yerrra gHdbh peaks" .'dfa 'E. Pinklam;a Private peas and bei►p 4 'to 6 years, bottle iil�,l�ig�: gator t=f�i�' .` ♦ IF r lite opportunity � 7.Iteol vizi th ;xfl"I>'t t this c ".r'11?po ,.....- ..._ Text �p y wheat, 2.gears;'iarnips anti"stvedtle; G aF 'eb Will 7 tityou Peculiar tr n �4•YeaTg+ beets ind cai+ot§, 4 9eairil �A++'etora: $ �,�; (Pdilitda), 15th_ :. tQ.t*1t i II i<11. iYt f'•, a} 9 Man a tit e+ '� -- ,request. wine to ene r,yola L''.rniltnam •'- . tr.it r n. de Awl n adw via t3ellL of iYle @s 4 g in i Meditdne Co., Cdgtrgr'Orit ;This book bees, $, lstir l that i�tol�atsre area Czd tbtde till valuabT+#iiYfaetltstioan • ,aa mrtk, c e "$ er erose" f ,,. ' r aonveuioot bg po1�IlTiie °ley eatoud• : look 'dls' i• °r ,, k 4 i.• t c r ., r h ;,'#,'xi;•itd�°', rt'�''kr. �Cn.'�/.., rw ,1se�, -:�, .. ;::,....rL.�Ya" �ttYt,,.. r.::, ,ra'. •� k£1lll`. ' , .. u .r '-.•. , .,,� . - : ,rt�r.,t . . •,:ysrak, Yr spa : � ... (;t�vs . -y, t •i ..,,, y'oti'tlf; alfalfa, 4 I ear!; 9ti$ ;. �ataatttty..:,i 'iibdtild 'nAt+er' ti9afe11 1YlulatYi �>i�il, .4'+1tC�a �1i..`�_. tired or dppear , atlri�isned. $ k..4:i�I��,�A�S'a�,ii,2 .,,;` _.., . ,. .:. s.. zr•n,.,. A�:,,,,..µ�$...,'.a za