HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-04, Page 7I� 2 no. cotton quilt REMNANTS y11 6 !M, 'K 10 She Ia, 26 ]he. $k 1 lb. still or velvet patches 01.0o, 2 idea Il2. 2 ,IEe cotton remnants sued lau¢the•for children'. drepes, apron, abirte,, em 0.60. 1 Ib. 61160riulf am all shades, $1. A. YX a ce , Importer O THAM, Out. I Stratford, Outarto. m = WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2dd. S The leading pprractical train C Jng`sohool, of Weatelil\Ontario. = The school .where you gpt a _ thorough Conroe ander compet- .. ant instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy De- = partments. We asslstl grades S &tea to positionas. Waite fqi s C free, catalogue. D. A. McLACHAN, S PrincipgL. '.11UI11111111IItIfIf11H11iltif ftlllf ilii NI!Illli• P. 1211 1 TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Godericli 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m Leave Clinton .. , 6.26 a.m. 2.62 pin. Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 am. 8.12 p.m Leave Mitchell ..7.04 am. 8.42 p.m Arrive Stratford 7,80 a.m. 4.10 p.m. ArriveBdtchener 8.20 amt. 6.20 p m Arrive. Guelph .. 8.4 am. 6.60 pm Arrive,. Toronto ,.10.10 a:r: 7.40 p RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.60 a.m.; 12: fib p.m and 6.10 p.m.. Parlor Cafe car Goderieli to To• rrnto on mording train and Toronte. to Goderich 6.10 p m.• train. 1'.1srior Buffet car Stratford"t'o''To. SOnr00 on afternoon -train. _ .--- CREAM CREAM CREAM We must have Cream to operate .our Creamery. You must have a, Creamery -to market your Cream. - Make this your Creamery: Co-operate with us by send- ing your Cream andwe will guarantee. you the, Highest Market, Prices. Cash Paid for Cream to Patrons Wishing it. We are here to Five you our very best`servlces and prices. The Seaforth Creamery. ' a A. $ARSE ' M V f I.RP �' yy 1 W ,q 4b T t Fa4 II' . II ii' i'il1J ok4t, if{ n} �YF7 yx * 1NZNsR Q�4 , :,Vk• ibe;akolyr�t 10, 4'P fin 0>i hx "osa%la�t�xeld ; kR ; i that fgrtghr't :l ' us N1jd�>ItB{ l e,' lot Ila #d wQ coaldxi a t• mn't. n . g# naAd1R .,I.d WfNG BAC *WING Rueh a U ,"ii Politicd +r at'' a s ka I.LN a Senator y dnQi•BCe p a a t $don the harppi�&hed th@ Cutre'a to@@0�e d v10nt itonC¢ ilACla P@q edge ;and,�pvdlp p ter an ran"aged dlaTvjo Q fail (Cml}tianelY i;ppl last �elr) up and down for half an '. art,, I hellevai j, hour before hi buck'$. trail' 0,,,at, ten�aexe lap d$ e rYzig Ctey� 1 « As we ate our dinner they told'me again. , if p' don't,'' he Qa}d, As he returned that an espaped`slave i�ad:come into `Fve Been many NTascal, drlven,to his chgir. . a neighboring county snit excited the water by the SYosli4�kC',"go ewipuaing None of ve ev,er dptr@ o the ma ., ISO 16 with ,atorlea of the.. auction away„as slyly as tjlat;rock, with their again to my know 04kp._ ' blocic•,and at nes Oes dri9ori' like yokes °horns in the alr, looklnt as innocent as s ' ed oxen..ofi Hlaptats ns 1 south Car bit of driftavoad Tkley come in CHdk'TI*. IIC THE. F,ARMER'S I Olins whence he 6 fi �om both ahbra, : Whi RUEND had escaped on a t0 g and the z; :The uPuld , Bteamllout. ' Demacratic-snd'. the are always My metttal assets would give me a "F b7ieve Pin goin' to vote for ab- shot at from one bb .or .or the other,” 'Roor rating I presume i{t the. coin, ReReves caked bag, gar- cly tion," said Unqle Peabody. "I won- I remember it am seed ,me a little ) me"rce of modern' scholai-ship when I get,."Sp lder Or infection d`er what Sile Wri ht will as to to bear him say ilial. the came in went. to Washin g y Y gton that autumn with Lf the teat, also thrtln�l that, from both shores. senator and Mrs, Wright: Still- ;it 3II horses' feet, fist,"He'll' probably advise against it, "Just who do YOW-Wpnt to do?" he was no smattering •that I had,. but. etC. Stops bleeding at th'e, time isn't ripe for so great a asked preaen y. i rather a few broad areas of knpwl change;' was ray answer. "He thinkg I should li a to go to Wtt�h- edge which were firmly in my posses.: G once. Removes pro}�d that the whole matter should be left ington with you attd�'help you in any cion. I had acquired, quite by raYtfetf flesh, soreness and swell- to the glacial action of time's fore- we that T can"' since leaving the academy, a fairly, ing. ' es". All right, petftngr- -'we'll try it," he s. rviceable reading knowAedge off. At all Dealers and Dra88iate. Indeed I had) spoken the. view of answered gravely,. 0I hope that I French• T had finished the Afneid; T . l ° Menatnctured only by the sounderi men lof the North The don't forget and word you as hard as . had read the tragedies of Saakespeare DOUGLAS dt CO., NAPANEE, Ont subject filled them withi dread- Alarm, I work myae]i', It wouldn't be de- and could repeat from them many r ` cent. I have a But the attitude of: Uncle Peabody great•lnany letters'to'' striking pastsagea; I had read the r was significant. The, sentiment in write. I" try thillkiuiF out loud while ; histories of Abbott and the works of i S, favor of a change was growing. It III take them down in soundhand., I Washington Irving and certain of the 1 " was clow"to be reckoned with, for the lien you can draft them neatly and , essays of Carlyle and Macaulay. My d'.' abolition party was said to hold the III sign them. You'have tact- and best asset was not mental'bpt�apiri- tr rJ, balance of power in New York and good manners and.eatl coo many of my tual, if I may be allowed to say it, in New England and was behaving it- errands for me and save me from ; ail modesty, for, therein I� claim no self like a bull in a'china shop. those you have o 'good reason, fes' special advantage, saving, possibly' After dinner I tried to put on some taking up my ti . @• Dov will 'meet at1 unusual strength of character in of m the beat people a d"the worst. There's ray aunt and uncle.. Those days the y old clothes, but -found that my y nakedness had so expanded that they Jost a chance t it ;may coma to ,c@ndles were lighting the best trails A SAW and.. would not cover it, so I hitched my something worth while --who knows? ' of knowledge all over -the land. Never Ji ' You are young white mare on the spring wagon and y yet. . It, will be good; has the general spirit of this zepu4lic knew how to tee h' drove, to the,village for my trunk. training and you will witness the been so high and admirable as ,then P his opinions until . •hard work Mr. VaID Burn' ca been making of some hilttory now and and a little later. It was to speak., the hour had struck that summoned down to see the Senator'one dayfrKtj� q Every week day after that Iwork- , Item to service, The Senator never his coon q ed in the fields until the Senator l' then.' presently, in the immortal voices of ppry� beat on the H rived in'Canton about the middle of What elation I felt! Whittier, Emerson, Whitman, Greeley Spencer with hnj lance. By and by Ex-pryesiddtlt .liBd,been g1iQi°a; _ '+ August. On one of those his Again the voice of the hound which and Lincolns The dim glow of the openly sounded the, note of accept the nomina'lion again. I days S received a letter from old I{aptye hod been ringing in the distant hills candles had 'entered their souls and conflict. that Senator Wright strong] faYarQ$ , waE' cumin nearer. out -of them came a li ht that filled Tiro most welcome year of my life the fan' feared tbat,t Spgth>, " doled, to my surprise, in Sarato g $ p butj �' "We -must tee watch -another the land and was seen of all men. dawned on the first o4 January, 1844. would defgat him,'m eonve>}pk ,f It said: keep, B I remember that I arose before da lr iquown that Van Bpleep gra# < i Dear Barton BaynA�s-I thought T deer is. coming," said the Senator. What became of this mightys crit of Y- being we would let you know that my fggther is We had only a moment's watch be- democracy? My friend, it broke light that• morning and dressed and opposed to the annbaotion o 9< r ' dead. I have come here to Ast and fore a fine yearling buck came down down and came near its death in a went out on the street to welcome it. a pet project •of : the slave ha have found some work to do. I aro to the opposite shore and stood look- long, demoralizing war which gave to I had fess than six months to wait However; he advised his friend tt► . ing across the 'river. The Senator our young men a thorough four-year for that day appointed bg Sally. I irate a fight for* the aomianVion'"tl better now, clave seen Sally. .She is raised his rifle and fired. The buck course in the ancient school of infamy, had no doubt that she wo d be tree this the latter resolved to do illjr,a• is your old require n,' to changg very beautiful and kind. She does fell in the edge of the water. The railroads on which we ttavelled to me, I had had ray days of fear forward until middle Ma I 9otir. old, worn, duet -gash- not. know that I am the old witch, I ' ening 9pors to the beautt. haus changed so. The others do not "How shall we get him?" my friend from Utica the great cities through and depression, but always myesub- time largely to the inditi gniettel Y t ful, . durable, sanitary asked. which ate passed, were a wonder and lime Yaith in her came back in god for the Senator in van teen's Ifs t' any know -it is better that way. He has `qt will not be difficult;' I answered an inspiration tome, I was awed by time% surface s hardwood. S a wa of takin care df some half. Now is a good time to people, as I began to undress, Nothing was the grandeur of Washington itself. I Oh, yes, indeed, Washington w8p a my boy Do, ou remember when I (Continueyl neat we r, measure the sizes of pour began to call Y difficult those days. tank lodgings with the Senator and fair of beauty and gallantry those g you my boy -you were days. a s .I saw it all. I have spent rooms and eek m for an I swam the river. and towed the his wife. Y estimate on Beaman-TCegt veil little.- It is long, long ago since buck across with a beech N+dthe i his "Now, Bart;" said he, when we had many years in the capital and I tell Beaver Brand Flooring. I first saw you in your father's door- gambrel joints. The hound joined me arrived,"`I'm You the girls of that time had mail- yr.rd-you said you were in to r J 1 going it turn you loose The low coat will amazebutterfly'sg9ing before I was half across with my here for a little while before I put IIere and knew how to wear their A mill on a back. You look- and you can do the burden and nosed the carcass and harness on you. Go about for a week clothes, but again the magic of old work yourself. ed just as I thought my boy would ; memories kept m 1' look. You gave me a kiss. What a swam on ahead yelping -with delight. or so and get the lay of the land and P f her on her throne. + We dressed the, deer and then I ( the feel of it.. Mrs. Wright will. be There was one o4 therti-just one of ?' wonderful gift it was to me then, I' had the great Joy of carrying him on your guide until the general situation those others who, I sometimes thought - y N. CL�TFF &SONS,• began to levo you. 1 have no one , my back two"miles -across the coon- has worked its way into was- almost as graceful and charm- �HVI�i'� else to think of now. I hope you I Y your, con- g _ Seaforth won't ''find m thinking ry to the wagon. The Senator wish- sciousness." In and noble -hearted as Sally, and Y ng Beso much of she liked me I know, but the ideal of you. ed to send a guide for the deer, but I It seemed to me that there was not you, insisted that the carry)n was m rosin enough in m consciousness for. my youth glowed in the light of the "God blessg y' g y earl privilege, the great public buildings and the Y morning, so to Speak, and was , RATE I°ULLERTON." "Well, I brighter than all others.. Above all, guess your big thighs and pictures and the statues and the vast ; broad shoulders can stand it'' said machinery of the government. Beauty I had given my word to Sally -an -- will understand now why the strong : he. and magnitude have a wonderful ef- vial], you• know, the' old-time Yankee' are' kill and singular insight of tEiis wo- My uncle'has always said that no fact when they spring fresh upon the of good stock was fair&'`steadfasi, Olives -of Quali� ' man had so often exercised' them- ! man could be called a hunter until vision of a youth out of the back whatever Else may be said of him- - - selves in my behalf. I could not re- ( he can go into the woods wythout a country. I sang of, the look of them often a little too steadfast, as war -- member - the far day and the, happy ; guide and kill a deer and brin;; it in my, letters and soon I began to Ben Grimshaw and Squire Fullerton." Packed in a man - circumstance of which s1�e spoke, but ;out on -his, back. I want to be able to think about them and imperfectly.to: The Senator and I went calling that mer which insures I wrote her a Icttter which must have tertif that I am at least art] New Year's da We saw all the `� their keeping in warmed her heart I am sure. y partly quaJ- understand them. They had 'their y ified." epic, lyric and dramatic stage in my great people and some of them were fresh condition. '1 Silas Wright arrived in Canton and "Your uncle didn't say anything n- corsciousness: more cheerful than they had a right Remove capping S �f drove up to our home. He reached , b'out'fetebing the deer across a deep One afternoon we went to hear to he. 11 was a weakness of the time. owed„ from cork by dip. erg ibrt you m hu.iaee., "rwmteh evergibt r our,door at eight in the morning, with river without a boat, did he?" Mr. Senator Wright speak. He was to I shall not go into details for fear of ping in hot water. YoumakeYm z'don" as tour a, tooe9N his hound and rifle. He had aged Wright asked me with a smile, answer Calhoun on a detail of the wandering too far from my main Ever•v single olive year .pore tao,d. No doava.xint or eoudilo�. rapidly since I had seen •him last. His Leaves of the -beeches, m le and banking laws. .The floor and galler- road. Let me step aside a moment _ .. ;•e. • Inspected for size {ewe r+nedd co react you show cora ih -h ! les were filled. With what emotion I to SKY, however, that there were two and quali.Ly'�iefore 3y aur New Simuld udmoa and pay deet each hair was almost white. There were , basswoods -yellowed by fros�huug wWrild madwhufce W a.t. ..nano new lines in his face. He I like tin lanterns, lowin with noon- sow him rise and begin his ar umert clouds in the sky of the Washington d Wdr.1 lUvtm'edGaolldeandTern,Fnx Y glowing g' g 1t goes Into the DFTROIT•SHOW CARD SCHOOL 'seemed more grave and dignified. He day, light, above the dim forest -aisle a•i all ears bent to hear him! 'He society of those days. One was INVINCIBLE^ 254 Land aeuority,IIidgi Toronto, t. did not lapse into the dialect of his I which we travelled. aimed not at popular sentiments in strong drink and the other was the bottle.• fathers when he.spoke of the ancient' The sun was down when we got to highly finished rhetoric, as did Web- ' crude, rough -coated, aggressive demo- rl,dn se�� pastimes of hunting and fishing as he the clearing. ster, to be quoted in the school -books drat from the frontiers of the West. bad been wont to do. ' "What a da it has beetil" said Mr. and repeated on every platform. But These latter were often seen in the At all Grocers -• - - Bart," he said when the greetings ; Wright when day were seated in the no words of mine -and I have used holiday regalia of farm or village at :; ®VmIIl011nIIN@mIIIItlIINMtllltltlitltlllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllm0111111WgMll016 were over, "let's you and' me go and wagon at last with the hound and the many in the effort -are able to con- , fashionable functions. Some6of them Insist on _. spend a day in the woods. I'll leave , deer's head between his feet and changed slowly and, by and by,'reach- McLAREN'S :3 my vnd a notion is the masterful ease . ad the stage of white linen and dia- INVINCIBLE my man here to help your uncle while mine. and charm of his manner on the Poor 1 g you're gone." J "One of the best in my life," I an- of the Senate or of the singular mod. mond breast -pins and waistcoats of MchARENsr ratrrcn 1�O �► hE : We went by driving south a few 1 swered with a joy in m Y heart the esty, courtesy, aptness and simplicity, figured silk. It must be said, how - miles and tramping in to the foot of like of which I have rare] known in of his words as the fell from his i ever, that their motives were always Hamilton A Tinnipes . the, Stillwater on our river -a trail i these many years that have come to lips. There were the thunderous ; above their taste. IO d long familiar to me. The dog left us ire, Webster, the grandeur of whose sen-' The winter wore away slowly in Who is the man'in the soon after we took it and began to I We rode on in silence with the calls tender no American has equaled; -he range over thick wooded hills. We of the swamp robin and the hermit' agile -minded' Clay, whose voice was private ofijee? sat down among small, spire -like thrush Tinging in our ears as the ' like a silver clarion; the far-seeing, f spruces at the river's edge with a m �ht f 11 fi C Ili 11 11 liy —get. 11 e . cry a oun, of the swift sword - t Ile is—the man y o u r, long stretch of water in eight while I It's a good time to think, and ; most formidable in debate -but I was ' salesmen are the music of the hounds voice came 'there ace take different toads;' said. soon to learn that neither nor all of ) -^- faint] to our ears from the distant I m friend. "You will turn into the gifted of heaven so highly - ai�Haid to stop on y y these raen- forest, future aiid� I into the " -could Yt$F. McKILLOg MUTITAd. the street; poet, d cope with the suave, incisive, Oh, I've been dreaming of this) "I've bebn thinking about your conversational sentences of Wright, Y+'IRE IhiSURANC�E CO'Y. for a long time,' said the Senator as uncle," he said by and by. "He is going straight to the heart of the 1, —the man who is he leaned back against a tree. and ( one of the greatest men I have ever subject and laying it bare to his hear - HEAD OFVI[CE=•SEAFORTH, 011T. , always `out" or filled his lungs and looked out .upon known, You knew of that foolish ens That was what people were say- I OFFKJE& - .-- busy" . w h e II the edghe e green with lily -pads along ; gossip about Lim -didn't you?'; ing as we left the Senate chamber, J. Connolly, Goderkh . - PrmWssi they call; g and flecked with the last of "Yes," I answered. I late in the evening; that, indeed, was Jag, Evans, 'Beachwood vice-president the -white blossoms. "I believe you + "WeII, now, he's gnne about his what they were always saying after j T. E. Hays, Seaforth '"Sec' -Picas —the man w h O want to leave this lovely country" business the same as over and show- they had heard him answer an ad, - never I am waiting for the call to go," ed by his life that it couldn't be true, versery. e never replies to I said. - - AG,LNIL9: 1 Not a word out of him] But Dave He had a priceless and unusual tal- Alorc. Leftoh, R.. R. No. 1, Clistos; M. (your 1 e t t e r s Well, I'm inclined to think you are Ramsey fell sick -down orr. the • flat ent for avoiding school -reader Eng - making Special the kind of man who ought to go,' last winter. By and b his children lisp and the arts of declamation and Hincefiel - phone 6 John ffinrray, he. answered almost sadly. "You are were er'ying for bread and the for g BraCefleld, phone a tin 187, seaforlill; offers; needed. I have been -waiting until master was going to take charge of enter the average difficult rain. The eunder- Inct to J. W. 3req� gederiClt; $ G. JtYt� we,should meet to congratulate you them. Well, who should turn u lying secret of his mntOl, linvdLagea. ` ---the man w h O on your behaviour at Cobleskill. I there, just in the nick of time, but a rent to me. He Pt stood alwower ays for ij� • s soon ignores your tele- , CTORS.• Rinn, ,No. 2, Seafortl lea, Brodhagen, Jame* Jaa. h R. R. No. 8, Seaf;ylth; J. G. Grilse, No. 4 VKs2tt��[[,. BobFerrb, 'Sob• aoek; Geo. MoCe rtney. o. 2, SoafortlL AvNK n1�A�8 1 will may soil � ,dd M m11, 10&% Woad uisti Fowi. - yllq\,abot� e - ell, "' Appay 11a ' Phone 17iL Y y fhink you have the right spirit -that ,Delia and Peabody Baynes, They fed tIAit great thing in America which, as gr mis the all-important matter. . You those children all winter and kept since, then, Whitman has called "the will encounter strange company in them in clothes so that, they could go divine aggregate," and seeing clearly +• Somebody" has called hilh the game of politics,, Let me tell to school. • The strange thing about how every measure would be lik®ly - On Long Distance. HeYou a story." it is this: it was Dave Ramsey who to affect its welfare, he followed the -' does not know yet who He told me many stories of his life really started that story. He got up compass. It had led him to a height in Washington, interrupted by a sound in church the other night and con- of power above all others and was to it is, but he is as polite like that of s preaching -footsteps, fes -sed his crime. Ilia • conscience lead him unto the loneliest summit as ff. he anticipated We ceAsed talking and presgntly a , wouldn't let him keep it. He said of - accomplishment in American his- favoxs ! flock of partridges came near us, pac- 1 that he had not seen Peabody Baynes tory. 13VY NOW AND The tendency of prices is ing along over the met of leaves in on that road the day thq ]honey was Not much in my term of service ClEit'1tA t0 increase. Long distance gets in a leisurely fashion. We sat perfectly lost but had only heard,that he was there is important to this little task AR The present prices of Ford where Salesmen fear t0 still. A young cock bird with his there. He knew now that he couldn't of mine. I did my work well, if I �� � cats, which 87te the govbest � tread. Planned Lon Dis- beautiful ruff standing out, like tho, have been there. Gosh t'almigbty I may believe the Senator, and grew �� Q,snC !; hair on the back, of a frightened dog,, as your ungte used to pay, there familiar with the gentle and nngentlo vYyJ°l in the 11LgtOTy of the C6g1-'' i tanee campaigns get pasC strode toward us with a comic threat waS nothing else to be said: arts of the politician, To"j,,$445 pagy, Cannot be guaranteed. t every baritibr. in his manner. It'seemed as if he One great fact grow in magnitude jwt9ir 4 w✓ Buy no were of half a mind to knock us into and Sullen portent as the months �.y�� F'^ the river. But we twat as still as —" " passed: the gigantic slave -holding ir.- cot" $80 Tet�p51, if desired. °N stumps and, be spored ns and went q,t free baoR terests of the South viewed with +,� r�p�.. on with the others. s � an growing alarm the spread o4 abolitionpi ��pa) R qg Parttc• da 1' . Daly, Seaf� Ont. t The bayitlg of rile hound was near- vier or ch,R sentiment. Subtly, quietly' and na- �,,n �y )Pili, .TAMEST, WATSON er now. Suddenly we- sawn big buck wor�fl-itimous prap totally they were fteling for the $+���w��. come down to rho shore of the co arationforiEpltapey Chu 36 M$lEl $inset - 1Q ve, ?` and pits-stpsptd me4m to defend and increase their Crook 1r `os. $elks, O]it aO ear us slid on our aide of the stream, hour ,treatment. power. Straws were coming to the ��' ' ar ara•sah Te"o atramalnnria surface in that session which betray - RE roe oto oHfitwbnravoetaiac r Agent for Sl]3 1''' g He looked to right and left. Then �.noTows0gfbry°10a°o�r�1L ! E "C0S0 ed this dee undercurrent of P - pose. fir° 1' MBC$• . g., d Mary Delireiapaonobe he made a lonit leap, into the water8 �q K � ' GailA gtis'Swon and waded slow] anti] it 2807 sod°mes•c�,i> be smA elmlaesam p H H ' �aoi; �;,� aL17l W Y Covered QbrpytD UaT We felt it and the Senator wad won- FWW aiatoq o6wuar or ehiwaba, 41ItYaC ► U r 1 / him.' So raised his nose and laid his ried I knew, but held his peace. Se rroaa, vest a 26!19 l' ` r � w "q- 41 �� ;ti��� fat. `� 1 ,. • - - , �{d C� ,c k ,,. o-A� n s - .a, •� J � ,✓, .,}b v i. $ a ,? , . �... r til;: •. .i:.�. .'�•. 'n4'1'ti �".-'i. a .. `: N' .., i, ..'.; ..�i .. .. ,,. '`•. .. ..,.. '..} r ),. J d�,� r __.. .. ... �,.bCv.•LRS{,.�ie`�,Mt�at�4�37`�'��,Ep,.'€' .... a•. , CTORS.• Rinn, ,No. 2, Seafortl lea, Brodhagen, Jame* Jaa. h R. R. No. 8, Seaf;ylth; J. G. Grilse, No. 4 VKs2tt��[[,. BobFerrb, 'Sob• aoek; Geo. MoCe rtney. o. 2, SoafortlL AvNK n1�A�8 1 will may soil � ,dd M m11, 10&% Woad uisti Fowi. - yllq\,abot� e - ell, "' Appay 11a ' Phone 17iL Y y fhink you have the right spirit -that ,Delia and Peabody Baynes, They fed tIAit great thing in America which, as gr mis the all-important matter. . You those children all winter and kept since, then, Whitman has called "the will encounter strange company in them in clothes so that, they could go divine aggregate," and seeing clearly +• Somebody" has called hilh the game of politics,, Let me tell to school. • The strange thing about how every measure would be lik®ly - On Long Distance. HeYou a story." it is this: it was Dave Ramsey who to affect its welfare, he followed the -' does not know yet who He told me many stories of his life really started that story. He got up compass. It had led him to a height in Washington, interrupted by a sound in church the other night and con- of power above all others and was to it is, but he is as polite like that of s preaching -footsteps, fes -sed his crime. Ilia • conscience lead him unto the loneliest summit as ff. he anticipated We ceAsed talking and presgntly a , wouldn't let him keep it. He said of - accomplishment in American his- favoxs ! flock of partridges came near us, pac- 1 that he had not seen Peabody Baynes tory. 13VY NOW AND The tendency of prices is ing along over the met of leaves in on that road the day thq ]honey was Not much in my term of service ClEit'1tA t0 increase. Long distance gets in a leisurely fashion. We sat perfectly lost but had only heard,that he was there is important to this little task AR The present prices of Ford where Salesmen fear t0 still. A young cock bird with his there. He knew now that he couldn't of mine. I did my work well, if I �� � cats, which 87te the govbest � tread. Planned Lon Dis- beautiful ruff standing out, like tho, have been there. Gosh t'almigbty I may believe the Senator, and grew �� Q,snC !; hair on the back, of a frightened dog,, as your ungte used to pay, there familiar with the gentle and nngentlo vYyJ°l in the 11LgtOTy of the C6g1-'' i tanee campaigns get pasC strode toward us with a comic threat waS nothing else to be said: arts of the politician, To"j,,$445 pagy, Cannot be guaranteed. t every baritibr. in his manner. It'seemed as if he One great fact grow in magnitude jwt9ir 4 w✓ Buy no were of half a mind to knock us into and Sullen portent as the months �.y�� F'^ the river. But we twat as still as —" " passed: the gigantic slave -holding ir.- cot" $80 Tet�p51, if desired. °N stumps and, be spored ns and went q,t free baoR terests of the South viewed with +,� r�p�.. on with the others. s � an growing alarm the spread o4 abolitionpi ��pa) R qg Parttc• da 1' . Daly, Seaf� Ont. t The bayitlg of rile hound was near- vier or ch,R sentiment. Subtly, quietly' and na- �,,n �y )Pili, .TAMEST, WATSON er now. Suddenly we- sawn big buck wor�fl-itimous prap totally they were fteling for the $+���w��. come down to rho shore of the co arationforiEpltapey Chu 36 M$lEl $inset - 1Q ve, ?` and pits-stpsptd me4m to defend and increase their Crook 1r `os. $elks, O]it aO ear us slid on our aide of the stream, hour ,treatment. power. Straws were coming to the ��' ' ar ara•sah Te"o atramalnnria surface in that session which betray - RE roe oto oHfitwbnravoetaiac r Agent for Sl]3 1''' g He looked to right and left. Then �.noTows0gfbry°10a°o�r�1L ! E "C0S0 ed this dee undercurrent of P - pose. fir° 1' MBC$• . g., d Mary Delireiapaonobe he made a lonit leap, into the water8 �q K � ' GailA gtis'Swon and waded slow] anti] it 2807 sod°mes•c�,i> be smA elmlaesam p H H ' �aoi; �;,� aL17l W Y Covered QbrpytD UaT We felt it and the Senator wad won- FWW aiatoq o6wuar or ehiwaba, 41ItYaC ► U r 1 / him.' So raised his nose and laid his ried I knew, but held his peace. Se rroaa, vest a 26!19 l' ` r � w "q- 41 �� ;ti��� fat. `� 1 ,. • - - , �{d C� ,c k ,,. o-A� n s - .a, •� J � ,✓, .,}b v i. $ a ,? , . �... r til;: •. .i:.�. .'�•. 'n4'1'ti �".-'i. a .. `: N' .., i, ..'.; ..�i .. .. ,,. '`•. .. ..,.. '..} r ),. J d�,� r __.. .. ... �,.bCv.•LRS{,.�ie`�,Mt�at�4�37`�'��,Ep,.'€' .... a•. R qg Parttc• da 1' . Daly, Seaf� Ont. t The bayitlg of rile hound was near- vier or ch,R sentiment. Subtly, quietly' and na- �,,n �y )Pili, .TAMEST, WATSON er now. Suddenly we- sawn big buck wor�fl-itimous prap totally they were fteling for the $+���w��. come down to rho shore of the co arationforiEpltapey Chu 36 M$lEl $inset - 1Q ve, ?` and pits-stpsptd me4m to defend and increase their Crook 1r `os. $elks, O]it aO ear us slid on our aide of the stream, hour ,treatment. power. Straws were coming to the ��' ' ar ara•sah Te"o atramalnnria surface in that session which betray - RE roe oto oHfitwbnravoetaiac r Agent for Sl]3 1''' g He looked to right and left. Then �.noTows0gfbry°10a°o�r�1L ! E "C0S0 ed this dee undercurrent of P - pose. fir° 1' MBC$• . g., d Mary Delireiapaonobe he made a lonit leap, into the water8 �q K � ' GailA gtis'Swon and waded slow] anti] it 2807 sod°mes•c�,i> be smA elmlaesam p H H ' �aoi; �;,� aL17l W Y Covered QbrpytD UaT We felt it and the Senator wad won- FWW aiatoq o6wuar or ehiwaba, 41ItYaC ► U r 1 / him.' So raised his nose and laid his ried I knew, but held his peace. Se rroaa, vest a 26!19 l' ` r � w "q- 41 �� ;ti��� fat. `� 1 ,. • - - , �{d C� ,c k ,,. o-A� n s - .a, •� J � ,✓, .,}b v i. $ a ,? , . �... r til;: •. .i:.�. .'�•. 'n4'1'ti �".-'i. a .. `: N' .., i, ..'.; ..�i .. .. ,,. '`•. .. ..,.. '..} r ),. J d�,� r __.. .. ... �,.bCv.•LRS{,.�ie`�,Mt�at�4�37`�'��,Ep,.'€' .... a•.