HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-05-04, Page 5and 'saw,• tri S lour.• pat 8oga, >? • t z'ri6. 48atdaq, t AprilP'21, 0oe on 18W; tq Mr 1#1 '11 11. $a}t'1,, a son, (Arnold' peFt••a•Ipt 7,ur141 od 4peU 1916, to Mr. d Mea WwOaw ,WalOer, a eon: ; *0111 tmlq ti, Qonneeticat, on May 1st, 'too, and' C..Armetr0ng, 4 son. -774 l'oronliw on ?dor {H'..Bp4t•. a; danght r. ,to Mr and l M,AR1tQE 'Vemen•oYonne. At tewa7, on Aprii 1446. by Rev W R. A1P, Mine Pearl daughter of .e Mr and Ere. John Young ie Mr. John' tfidnnier.-iBroppey.—At Goderich oa April 12th, 4l' Rev. 8. a. Brady, Evelyn„ekkot dough- .- der, a4 Mr. Jeaepi, Beophey, 4a Thomas Qla:lesv youngest son of Mr: and Mn. Wm. Giesler, all of goderlch. DEATHS e McCullough.—In Brantford, ou Saturday, April 28th, Jennie Broom. beloved wife of Tbonruo McCullough aged 41. year.. Cretans.--Jn McCullough. on April 22nd, Mary '.Craigia, widow of the. late Jame, Craigfe, In her 77th year. Maier: In .Goderich, oat April 23rd, Robert [)filler, in his .77th Year. Aske».. --In Hibbert. on April 22nd, John Alkene, in his 118th year. IN MEMORIAM Note,—Items under thln bead will be charg- ed 60 ,aeate per single venae and 26 cents for Mach additional versa. MoDermid.—In.over loving memory of John D. McDermld, who paned away, 1(lay 8, 1922: "Until the day break and the shadows see away.' wrre. Hackwell.—In loving Jnemory of Dr, Samuel S. Rockgrell, who died ,n University Hospital, Chicago. 111., May let, 1911: , 0, for a touch of a vanished hand, And a eovnd of a voice that is still. Ilia Loving Parents, Brothers & Sisters. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late CoOnelius Delaney , wish tothank their many friends for • their -offerings and kind sympathy shown them in their late bereavement - 3890x1 0 0 0 0+O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O Funeral Directors And ' 0 O Licensed Embalmers. O O Finest Motor and Horse 0 0 drawn equipment. Beattie .0 O Block Main- Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 O Holmes' residence, Goderlch O O Street West; Chas.. Holmes' 0 0 residence over store. O O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. Au kinds of up- O 0 holstering neatly done. . O 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. O QO:O:0000.0 0%000.0 IMPORTANT NOTICES 7,'1RST CLASS FARM. FOR BENT, MOST - ,L ly pasture. Apply upon. DE. J. BELL. 'Memo%l. •Ont 2890.1 ''•'ATTLE WANTED,—.FOR FURTHER PAR- , tiotl'!nra apply to. THOMAS FOW3ER, R. i?lit. No. 2,.1aforth. .,•`,,, . 2990:1 'FA'i LE 'WANTHD.-:T.HE UNDER/ITCHED take 86 head of cattle to pasture 100 acre, dpoddram: plenty of wayr. Apply to LOUIS; Gummi-,, , .stove. Ont'; 2800-2 ,.i'U7A�ENDERS ARE. UtliTy.ED•,FOR on of chins of CavanCabroh; 'Winthrop. 'Appy to MRS.• JAJRES H. ,MOR, :A1HON. Becietarr. o' ladies'. Aid, R.'R. No. tjARM ,FMA SALE;irR'I ',FJARM •CON - It tains 100 acres: bank' barn.' 58x00, with noir ;4561MP: fiat 04'fhrte' yedrs ago; water •(n barn, brick hdnse, kitchen, 'Egood wells: .85 acres fell wheat; 20 aerla' Plowed out of 'nod. balance laded to grass. No waste land t open ditches. Rural mail and phone. 'APPLY to JAMFS°tILANNERY, 05 to Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. _ 2888-tt l'OR SALE.—ONE 0-9t. MASSEY-HARRIS Hinder with truck and sheaf carrier. avaranteed in perfect working order; one 10.foot Sharpe Rake, nearly new; one set -aHamond harrows, 3 -emotions; 1 one-horse godlier with mould boards. also 2 new 14 -foot fain a fates. Easy terms. Apply t0 R. C. L,'RSON, Box 766, St -Marys : or to J. H, HENDERSON, East William Street, Sea. forth: 2088-0 TYi"O CHOICE FARMS BEING LOTS 14 and 13. on ,the 7511' Concession of Mc - 'RCMP. 1% mile, from school, 2t 'MM. from church and 6 miles' from the town of Sea - forth, on good gravel made. On Lot 15' there Is on overflowing -well, good orchard and buildings in good repair. On Lot 14 there Is a good brick house with woodshed, two never -failing wells and 80 acres of the flneet hardwood bush. Both farm are in grass and have no neNIous weeds. For bay, pasture and grain farm they can not be beaten. Will be sold together, or separately. POT farther par- ticulars apply to MISS 'FENA REATIIIF., No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 289004 DOMINI ON Stores --Limited FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS SUGAR, 10 lbs, $L20 SUGAR, 100 lbs. $11.95 MEATY PRUNES, 2 'lbs. 29c Fel's Naphtha SOAP, 3 bars. /..23c CLOTHES PINS, 3 dozen l0c BULK LARD, per lb. 19c BEEF BOLOGNA, ib. 22c PEA MEATY BACON ` 44c SLICED BACON 38c Delivery To Any Part of Town one n'`tlile�immiaer; ,t4un W. It FENTNIAN. Phan t�tti 1 A,(I!', NSE rue hqre .me meek e. aaastne dalatpbes,Weems cap and make ae6tle- 9190 a0 Once. Alf weenie unsettled by May Om. '1921t, wi11, be placed in the bank for 9889.2 J. J. HOLLAND, , 83.,Calambeu. • 00o100oa•0000ao 0 0 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 0 0 0 W. J. Waller, Funeral Di O O ' rector and Embalmer. 0' O 0 -0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested, O O Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 0 0 000000000000 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Notice., Citizens are hereby notified that the dump- ing ground at Mr. John' McMann'n, provided 01 pfd ' Town. Le only to lie used old material that will flat beg nuisance or' casae damage to Mr. Ma3tann, and the same must be deposited in the pit and not thrown over the fence or scattered around. The dumping of old vegetable:, garbage, etc., is forbtddbn- By order of the Council. JOHN A. WILSON, Seaforth. April Seth, 1928. CLE 2890-3 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders For Laying, Water Mains, Sealed .tenders marked and addressed to Mr. John Wilson, Clerk, Seaforth, Ontario, will be received until May 16th, 1923, for laying approxira ly three and a quarter miles of six and eight lack water mains. Plana and specifications may be seen and forms of tender oitained from the Engineers, Jamas. Praetor & Redfern, Limited, 36 To- ronto Street, Toronto, or from the Town Clerk of Seaforth, o The lowest any tender 'not necessarily accepted. W. GOLDING, JOHN A. WILSON, MAYOR. CLERK. 2890-2 Notice To Contractors Tenders for the construction of the Hanley Drain, (open and tile), will be received by the understand up to Thursday. May loth, 1929, at 4 ocloek 0.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. Ten per conk of the contract price to accompany each tender. The loweit or any tender not nece,sarily accepted, tenders being opened subject to' the Gantt 'cf Revision being setiefaetorily settled at en earlier hour on the said date. 9'7ane 'and Profiles can be seen at the office of the Clerk, Lot 09, Concession 1. McKillop. JOHN McNAY, CLERK. NOTICE ' TO CREDITOUS • - .10 the -it &t atter of the Faafe of 'John Patter. field, Dat.4»00. '. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Porterfield. latd of. the Town of Clinton, who died on the' ,fifth day o¢ April, 1928, are required to send full par- •tieelaro of their claims; duly verified, to Robt Porterfield, Seaforth, one of thq Executors, or to the undersigned Solicitor foe the Exeou- tors, on or before the -lot day of June, 19881 Afters the Said' date the Executors will pro- ceed tp distribute, the Estate among the parties' entitled thereto, f avhtg reference on!y to the claims •of yhigb 4hey.sqhall have re- ceived notice, and after such didtribution they will not be accountable for any part of the Estate to any one of whose claim they shall not have received notice- ,Seaforth, let May, 19 F. HOLM STED. BoHeitse for reenters. 2890-a 4, 004 • O 0 •• 0 O BEN -H -UR The Special Milverton o Flour. a We have it; give it a trial. 4 also Ground Screenings e4 Chop of all kinds. • ' C. G. THOMSON • Grain Dealer. Phone 25 4 • • 0• 0 0 0 •4 , 4 0 0 • 4 • 0 9 9 4 (• 0 • • Your Freight Rates Solved The Finch Transportation of London, will run one of their trucks from London to Seaforth daily. Will carry freight up to three tons. They will give you express service at freight rates. Have your orders shipped by Finch Transportation Co. For further particulars in- quire at Iia a Edge's HARDWARE STORE Phone 61. The following popular stallions Stand for the'inµpRlpovereent• of otos th18'Mason, Os SotloWst '• The Imported recd ' Siyllon lct3M°BERc iD 's%a8,, (22070] I(*8300)' EneoWent N¢, 6808, Approved. Feral Al win stand for thq (IaerQveatent et 0600 this reeton''et • T. 7. WHEY'S 8AXE STABLE. WINS' Cumberland Steel (220701 (18908). wµe.by p • Oamherland8and 82, nine years Hail.4. M •was imported by T. J. - Berry,in gebruary, 1920. He is a dark, day led bay, :Ganda 144f, hoods high, and weighs? better than a ton. But with all hie eine ha Is an extra well balanced horse and Will bated the big draught hereof Olt tiff market le calling for at present, ” Culaberland Steyl was aired. by Erin's Cres6 (14889), dam Lady Lothian Mabel (2, by byLcihleny Agais 111804), (, 5 dem Mdt (20417). e Royal Champ)Prince g, g. dam 124), cane Rose (20416), by Prineo of Rona (8136)� is P. ,g. dam Bonney (22709), by GarteherMe (2680), g. e. g. g. dam Smits, by Challenger (1088). Terms to Insure, 018,00. JAMES B. SIMPSON, . Manager. 2889 • STEAK OR CHOPS TO -DAY? We have some very fine choice cuts on hand and suggest that you call and make your selection. Or, if you phone us, we will pick out the best for.ydu and deliver in time for your dinner. Try our meats and you will remain one of our steady customers. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. Stop! -Look! Listen! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you, but we are also a large Dairy Industry in your, •community. We respectfully solicit your Cream Our Motto: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service., Highest Market Values. Cream Grading. A difference of 3 cents per pound Butter Fat paid between filo. 1 and No. 2 Grade Cream. Cash For Cream. Cash paid to any Patron wishing it when Cream is delivered. Creamery open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. The Seaforth Creamery. Dray Business For Sale For sale, the Draying Business in Seaforth; three teams and complete outfit. Apply - to E. J. Box, SEAFORTH. 2888-tf . BUGGIES FOR SALE Three Rubber Tired Buggies for Sale, The last chance to get one our own make of Buggies. Also one Heavy Wagon with rack, as good as new; one Good Steel Tired Buggy, second hand. RobertDevereux, SEAFORTH 2889-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP • OF McKILLOP Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in n certain mortgage, which will be produced t the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on Monday, the 14th day of May. 1923. at the hour of 2.16 o'clock in thy afternoon, at the Commereia] Hotel, at Seaforth, Ontatio, the following pr pert: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract'of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of McKillop In the County of Huron, and being composed of part of Lot Number 63, in the 14th Con. cession of the said Township of McKillop, and containing by admeasurement ninety- eight acres of land more or less. There are on the property - a flint class house, driving shed and hen -house. The land Is a rich and productive clay loam and is well drained. This farm is conveniently situated fie to I schools, churehts, stores and market being only about one mile and a quarter from the C. P. R. Station, Walton, which is' a first- etaae hipping point TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the porchnse monoy on the dayof sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter. For further part-ice/ars and conditions of Sale apply to: BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for Vendor. Apra 23rd, 1028. Thoo. Brown, Auntipneer. 2889-t a Bra { � a kj"5f}a1 t, 171 me > eekelli T tAti10 1 �y ! rr t . ., ,t !I tst'i . "i , qI Jw i 1l}t� 1r,�. y,t�t i,. F� :,;4�LA�i Nf� 4 „ uta sell sp � "di+r�fv ( i8+tt >N 'y �, , f. S ^, • l �,. '•, 563 R•'. �1 i ur.Watt , rllol pq ;fro lel Ing Conn n; Your': ; 0 c aye knQ to filldi Y +lt 7nr.J ur ceive-proBagt sed bgainenn. FgJge t t Qll4 e wn4, tat upoo rio[oan iieheglureC i n y al , ,; Dundas. Street and Mace tom • a O in e y . ,f ya -'. �r i� � .� ..,,,'. • Dp ou�keep liens? or 'do the Hens keep you? B is •C h1 c� S. Ce White Leghorms & Barred Rocks After several years' use of the Trapnest we can supply you with Chicks that will develop into REAL LAYERS. The first year we used the Trapneet our highest hen laid 208 eggs. Last year our highest hen ,layed 276 eggs. 4' The male birds at the head of our pens bre from these high rec- ord hens. ', In the Month of June we will have 10,000 Chicks LEGHORNS yr 15c EACH. ROCKS AT 18c EACH , Walter' Rose; Brussels Ont BOR $4, PHONE 4.3801 , — • CHEAP FEED Chieftain Miffed Feed, _...$ per cwt a Clansman Stock Food $ per cwt...... .......... .. .. Low Grade Flour .-$ZSOU� per cwt....—. Rob Roy Mi11s, EAF1tedRTH f a�o M 1 •75 s a w s Smart Oxfords e For Ladies, :We are showing' a Fawn and -Brown Orford, also a White Buck that are very attractive /node's.. For Men,: we . have the New Crep Rubber Sole, •suitayle-f'or Golf, Bowling and all outing wear. . Speciatly priced is a Goodyear Welt Tan Oxford at $4 50, and a Cushion Sole Oxford for Ladies at $3.00. Shoes for the whole family at prices which are low, considering the Quality. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes For All. FRED W. WIGG 101, o • O • o • o • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • Frost Fence How about the gaps in that old fence that caused you so much trouble,last summer and al- lowed your stock to destroy -so much grain crop? In a few weeks the cattle will be out on pas- ture again. Now is the time to dig the holes and put up that new Fence you planned for last sea- son. We handle the Best Fence on the market, and the Cheapest in the long run.' We have a car load of wire coming in this week. Call and see us and we will care for your requirements. James G. Martin Frost Fence Agent SEAFORTH - ONTARIO. ♦ , . 0 • • • 7 0 0. • • O • O • , E' Ctoi a2'�1't. TinP:C r... Ki SEEDLJSS EA'Iii z S , DAPoPundATESNII:14. i.Pound .. H, .FIGS.:.:.......r. •,' Regular 20c, g Poulids Early o. Ea Y C :bier Seen Potatoes, Maple Syrup a full ling of Fruits and Vegetal*a • SPEND YOUR SUMMER DAYS.A - , r Blue Water Beach On Lake -f uron's Shore • One Mile South of. Goderich,Ontario. The Ideal Place for Summer Homes Write for Descriptive Booklet.- '- GODERICH DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD., Box 157 ' - - - Goileriih. Guarantees Aecuraey — Service Price —Ask One of Our Patrons— FERGUSON'S MEN'S KHAKI DRILL PANTS $2.UU Per Pair MEN'S KHAKI DUCK PANTS, $1 arf / 5 Per Pair YOUTHS' KHAKI PANTS, $�•50 Per Pair BOYS' KHAKI KNICKERS, $1.20 Per Pair JUVENILE OVERALLS, Per Pair 85c WORK SOX, Per Pair MEN'S FELT WORK HATS, $1.25 Each _.25c to 50c LADIES' UNDERWEAR SUMMER VESTS, Each 25c to 75c LADIES' COMBINATIONS, 75c to $19140 Each LADIES' and BLOOME•RS CHILDREN'S 25c to 50c T. Ferguson, -- Seaforth