HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-04-06, Page 5► SEAFORINE MAR*E s -0, :•' '!Thursday, ApM1.6,1928"', Hoge, , per cwt • $8,76 Eggs, per dozen. , .. s 28 to'24b Potatoes," -per bag 1....deo Butter, per ib 40 to 450 Brae, per ton 28.00 $80.00 45c $1.18 660 Shorts, per ton 919, per bushel, Wheat, per bushel Barley, . per bushel Peas, per bushel `1.40 Flour, per cwt $8.86 to $8.75 BIRTHS 241g6. -In Seaforth, on March 20th. 1928. to Dir. end Mae. Patrick Nigh, n daughter - Helen Jean. Mutter. -At Goderlch, on March 28rd, to Mr. and M. M, J. /littler, of Clinton, a son - Alfred James, Rolle -In Brunch, on March 27th. to Mr. and Mm. James Rolla, a eon. MARRIAGES Jermyn -Kyle, -At Knox Church, Regina, Sink on March 220d. by the Rev. Dr. McKinnon. Mm. Ida 1., Kyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay. Clinton, to • MI/ton D Jermyn, of Regina, formerly of Brussels. TOSi4eo4 waited tar the erentlins of a prick efh001 - bullae .on 7pt 0 Connexion 6, Me* Klllop and Logen, T-agft_nb, to be in on or be ore, the delle a1f ar4B. Plana and epeel- Seationa may he aeon at the office of Mr. 3. 8. Bmeel, Architect, Stratford, or et the residence of Mr. Edward Moran, W. R. No.6, Seaforth- 2988-2 MCCREERY'8 BARGAINS 6 lbs. remnante 14, alba. cotton quilt patoheo 82.• 10 1ha- 88.8 She. silk or vel- vet patches 82. 2 11a. high-grade Anger. lug yarn 22. 10 yds. romper doth or print., 8 yds. fanny dress gingham, voile, chambray, ontandle or lawn, 8 yds navy *mire, or 4 yds. elan Tartan plaids, 81.60. A. McCreary & Co., Chatham, Ont. DEATHS Manua. In Mullett. on' April 1st, Ella Mar- garet, emend daughter of Mr. and M,s. W,lllan, 'Manor, aged 14 yearn and 1 month. McIntyre, In Seaforth. on Wo1nmday. April 4th, Mary Scott, widow of the lata ponald McIntyre, egad 87 years. IN MEMORIAM Note.-Itents under this head will be charg- ed 60 cents per single verso and 26 centfor each additional' v In loving memory of my dear father. Mr. 'George Henderson, Se. who penned away on April 10th, 1907. No one known the silent heartache, Only they cart tell. Who ho,e lost is loved one Without n Must farewell. The happy hours w e onloyed. How sweet their memory Still, -But death haw left nca ,t place Thio world can never 1111. 2E86-1 -His Loving Wife and Family. In loving memory of Walter Workman, be- loved son of Mr. and Mm, Thomas Workman, who died two years ago April 9th. No one knows how much we miss• him; • No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we loot him, Life hen never been the same. Dolly in our minds we see him, A, we Aid in day. of yore: But we hope some day to meet him On that bright and golden shore. 288631 Father, Mother and lirothera, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Men. William Motion and family desire to express their sincere thanks to Theis many friends and neiehhors for their kindness shown during the Hineo. and death of their daughter, Ella Margaret 2886.1 0000 000000000 O 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O 0 O O S. T. Holmes & Son Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers. Finest Motor and Horae drawn equipment. Beattie Block, Main Street, opposite The Expositor Office. S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street West; Chas. Holmes' residence over store. Flowers furnished on sbort notice. All kinds of up- holstering neatly done. Phone, Night or Day, 119. 00000000 0 000.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. Walker & Son O O W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- rector and Embalmer. O O Motor or Horse Equipment. O Cars or Flowers furnished O as requested. O Day or Night, Phone 67. O O 0 O O O O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A WARNING! I hereby warn all Land Owners to look over your. land. Now is the time to see :,which way the water runs. Get your neighbor to the back fence and reatt;o,n with him. Plan when it -is wet; ditchwhen it is dry. When you have made your plans, call on lee for particulars and terms. Let us talk it over -Why you should drain with Good Clay Drain Tile manufactured and delivered by W. M. SPROAT. 2886-2 Phone 9-136. IMPORTANT NOTICES EGGS FOR SETTING.- FROM BRED -TJ - Loy 8, 1'. W. Leghorn.. 81.00 Per setting, C. H. HOLLAND, Crescent Poultry Farm, Seaforth, R. R. No, 2. 288693 SEED BARLEY. -FOR SALE A QUANTITY 67 of 0. A. C., No. 21, clean seed Buddy. Phone 14 on 234, or address R. R. No. 4, 'Walton, W. T. GRIEVE. 288598 WANTED --TO HEAR FROM OWNER 0? good Farm for sale. State cash price, (WI particulars. 4). F. BUSH. Minneapolis, Minn, 288838 QH1NGLES.-THOSE WISHING TO 81JR- chase Shingles for goring use. before an advance in price, plemae phone your orders to BERT IRWIN. 19 on 416, Clinton- 2885-8 DEXEREAUXS' BLACKSMITH AND CAR- riasfb works: beet stand in Huron coenty; plant complete in every respect; must be Bold to close estate Apply ROBERT DEVEREAUX. Seafortb. 2882-ff BOAR FOR SERVICE. -HAVING RECENT- ly purch000d the pare bred Tnmwn-th "Chemown Favourite" (16090), his services will now be available to anyone wishing to 'improve their hogs- Also s young Tamworth boor, "Woodburn Ringmaster' (10946), nonr- Iy readY for service. forle LAWRENCE• FORREST. R. Jt. No. 1, Rrucefield. Phone 10-811, Hensall. 2885-tf STRAWBERRY PLANTS Standard and Everbearing. Raspberries Blackberries kberries Currants Gooseberries Grapes Asparogues illustrated Coalogne Free. N. L. MCCONNELh R SON, Port Burwell, Ont. Ornamental Shrubs Ornamental Vines Hedge Plants Roses Perennials Bulbs AUCTION. SALES A BertOIDI BALE Ole 110118E8. -Mr. WM- Npairn, Auctioneer, has received instruc- tions to Bell by public auction in the Village of Staffs, on Wednesday. April 11th. at one unlock pm., 20 head of home.,. 'term. -6 months' credit will he givers on furnishing approved joint roto+. Three cents on the dollar off for cosh. DAVID GARDINER and JAMES IIAY. Proprietors; Wm. Nairn, Auc- tioneer. 2886-1 AUCTION SALE OF LIVERY STOCK, Real Estate and Farm Implement, -The undersigned auctioneer has been Mistrusted M sell by public auction in Henault on Satur- day. April 7th, 1928: at 1,80 p.m„ the fol- lowing: Livery Stock -lade homes, 1 cow. 8 cuttern, 6 buggies, heavy wagon, gravel box, hey ruck, 4 light wagons, teed boiler, two carriages, pleasure sleighs, clipping machine, tot, platform .scales, new Brantford Compet- ing scales, 8 sets of doable harems, nvta i 0010 of single harness, carryall wagon and sleighs, net of light livery sleighs, 2 out,. mobiles, a Ford and a Maxwell, and other numerous articles, Farm Implement --New one -furrow riding plow, walking plow, gang plow, binder, harrows. seed drill, hay rake, mower, cultivator, root pulper. Primmue cream separator, Poultry eoneints of about 76 hens. Reil Estate -Livery barn on north tilde of Mnl,, Street; 7 -roomed white frame home five doors east of Poet °Mee; 60 -acre pas- ture farm...seat one-half 11, Concession • 6, Hay; also 6o -acre -farm on London Road 2 mIlm mutts of Hemel!, No. 1, south one-half 32, tlol,o?ne, This farm In all seeded down. 'reuse of Sale -.All amounts of 810.00 and under, cash; 6 per cent, oft for cash or 7 months' credit on approved Joint noten cn amounts above 010.00 in value. Terror of Real Estate made known on day of sale N. P. WARRENER, Proprietor; Frank 'ray - lar, Auottoneef. 2996-2 AUC7R,Jd BALE OF HOUSE. BARS, He vee, Two Acres of Land and Pousehoid Effect, -Thor. Brown has been in- structed to sell by public auction on the p,emiam, north of Merner', Flax Mill, on Main Street. South, on Saturday, April 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m„ the following: House - The hove contains 7 room., hydro lighted furnace, bath. I large porch closed In with glass, a good basement with cement flooro; barn is hydro lighted and water in barn, a good henhouse. Household Effects --1 dining extension table awl bather vented dint a diner, to match, 1 pedestal oak parlor table, 1 square parlor table. 1 oval pedestal table, other anuric tabl., 4 oak diners and kitchen chelns, 3 rocker., 1 fancy chair, 1 arm chair, 1 Oriental parlor rug 9x12, I small rug 609, also carpets and .linoleumn,'2 drewora, 2 wash st,n40, 4 white Iron beds with mattrenom and opringa, 1 set bedroom dishes, 1 glans rw.bourd, 1 wardrobe, 1 couch. 1 child's iron crib with m ttreso and sPriugs, 1 failing leaf table, 1 T'earl Moffat cook oboe , 3 -burner real oil stn.e with ov fn, 1 coal oil heater, 81'een doors, Gold Medal washing machine :'rly new. 1 ringer. 1 'copper boiler. 1 ul,,tlormsculen 1.000 lbs. capacity. 1 galvan- usl iron tub,•rollncut new, lawn mower, ,aoEl ether f sealers and other small article). d about 50 White Wyandotte hens and 4 ri <eten:. 'ferns --On house, made known day of male. On Household EReetn--Ca,,h. P. C'IUOTIN, Proprietor; '1'. Rrown, Aur - A UCf1ON SALE OF REAL, ESTATE, Chotteln and Furniture.- James Jones, Auctioneer. has received instrurtions from the Solicitors for the Executor of the will of 441111am Coiquhoun, Deceased, to sell by pub - lo auction on the premiseo of the said de - Cosed, bring Part of Lot 24, i the 200 ncmoion of the Township of Fullerton, on Thursday. April 12th, 1929, at 2 o'clock in theafternoon, the following: Real Estate- LntsNumben 7 and 8 of part of Lot Number 24, in the 2nd Conodo*1bn in the Township f Fullerton, containing 11 acres, more or less. On the property are a brick dwelling house,,- with furnace and bath room, horn 80x30 feet, driving shed and brick building, small orchard. This property (8 well situated just outside the Corporation of the Town of Mitchell. Chattelo--Imported Clydesdale stal- lion, British Hero, No. (18264) (20678): Im- ported Clydesdale Stallion, Gartly Mag -nate, (1('181) (22384): 1 Jersey cow oupponed to he In calf; 1 Ayrshire cow supposed to be in calf; Eaton cream separator. open buggy, top buggy'. cutter, light wagon, feed boiler, feed mixer, large barrel. et of single har- ness, set, white Hackney show harness, new tallion halter- Furniture -Kern piano, par for table, sofa, White sewing machine, small churn, 4 bedroom suite., 2 cupboards, two clacks, cook stove, coal oil stove, tnblee, lin- olerrh, carpets and rugs, and other article. too numerous to mention. Terms on Real F:etate-•Ten per Dent. of the purchase price payable on day of sale. balance in 30 days. The property ill be offered subject to a re- served bid. Possession to be given June lat- Terma on Chattel. --Al( mum. of 510 00 and under, cosh; over that amount 'four months' credit .will he given on furnishing approved hint notes, with 4 per cent discount allowed off for cash. For further porticularo and amd(tiona of sale apply to the auctioneer, or W THOMPSON & PROL1DI.OVE, Vendor's Solicitors, Mitchell, Ont JAMES JONES. Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. Dr.ted March 29th, 1923. 2830-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. Farm Stock end Implements -T. M. Kelly. Auctioneer, has received instruction from the undersigned proprietor to sell by public u tine on Lot 11, Ceneession 11, Township unf T . un, 1 ):', miles east of the Logan Gravel Rand, on Monday, April 9th, 1923, the fo)- Inv:ing: Real F,tate--A 50 -acre farm, being the Eoot Half of Lot 12, Concession 12, Logan Township, There is a now barn, 40060, n gond wet), 2:' serd ready for spring crop. the haience in hay. ft a well fenced and drain- ed. On the name day will be offered for rent, if not previously rented. 100 acres being Lot 11, Concession 11, Township of Logan. On this Farm are a fine bank barn and brick home. and a never-failIng spring. The lend is in n good tat, of cultivation end six acres of fall wheat in. Terms end conditions, for renting will be made known en day or sale, or by applying to the proprietor. Horses --Drought gelding rising 5 years oil. draft gelding rising 9 years old, draft gelding (sing 8 years old, draft mare 10 yrn clri. Cye ins will freshen April Int. row due M freshen April 8th,c ow due to freshen April 6th, cow due to freshen April 10th. heifer, 2 year. old due to freshen April 20th, w dap April 12th. cow due May 1st, 2 steers end 2 heifers rising 2 year, old. 2 young farrow raw,. Durham buil ising 1 year o7d, 2 heifers rising 1 year nld,4 steers 1 yearold. Swine --f, store hogs about 100 Ihs., 8 (nogg Mont 100 lin„ cow due to farrow in May. implement, Etc - Moaawy-Harris hinds,-, Massey -Morriss 10 -hoc drill with cultivator teeth. Clover Leaf manure gqpreoder, tend roller. No. 21 walking plolo, Kaistromo twin gang, Dee, Inc movver 5 -foot rut, Deering hny rake, hay melt, Chatham wagon, tnp buggy, good stock rock. net of sleighs, enttrr. Magnet r ram separator. Clinton tannin: mill. a nn,nt(ly of hariwnotl lumber, quantity of atnvo wood, 2 sets team barna., sot single harness, s hny and grain. shovels, forks, hoar and nom - owns other artirkw s u pally Pound an a farm. c m 0,)menro an t 1 'clerk 10.m., *harp. Term*on Chattels. All some of 0(0.0o nod under. pooh: over (hat amount 8 months' reditwits he given on furnishing n0000,-o,i (Dint notes. A dismount of 6 per rent. per anaion will he aliroved off for each on rred,r, ,nh,. Everything gods for the high doll.,,' nm the prnprietnr is ¢i) ins up farming and Is eningRwny. .TOSEPH FTTECIBBONB, Proprietor. R. R No. 5, Mitchell: 1'. M. KCelly, Aurtim,eer, R. R. No. 1, Schringeille. Tela phone Mitchell. 2866-1 9 '0'' bo eafoith TUESDAY, APRIL 10th Under the. Auspices. of the Seaforth Agricultural Society :0 -'. • HORSES 't Clydesdale In bad 8rd 4th Ag No. 1, Stallion, ed Cup 25 j8 41 Cup. donated by, Bank of - • - - Contmerne. valga ►17.00. Stallion foaled 1920 6 8 11 Stallion Foaled 1921 4 '2 1 Stallion Foaled 1822 Sweepstakes Badge 1 Belgian Stallion sumo., bay ago ,,z- 8 1 DO YOUR MEAT - BUYING HERE and you will be well pleased with the quality and value. Our trade stays with us for that reason, and you piways meet with courtesy and attention when you come to 'aur shop. Fresh and choice cuts received daily. Delicious pork sausages, bologna, Salami, etc. D. 11. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. McKILLOP COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the 'ruwnehlpf McKillop will meet at Carnegie Library Hail. See forth, on 7'undny, Apra, 10th, 1923, at. 10 a.R1. for the tr-a,woction of general busl- At 2 p.m. the Engineer's Report on Team in harness Ratepayer. ,nt•re0ted should govern themsehm accordingly. F. J. McQuaid, etb6-1 REEVE. Spring ',chow HORSES AND CATTLE ire Stallion, spy age Percheroa Stallion, spy e8e Hackney Stallion, any age Roadsters Standard Bred Trotting Stal- lion in harness 4 8 8 Standard Bred Pacing Stal- lion in hareem 4 8 9 Agricultural Hones elmeirn in teams weighing over 1,800 Brood pounds not eligible in Agricultural. Class, 10 8 2 Special Prize Dominion Bank 1st pmtao; 2nd prize, res donated by W. W, Robinson Filly or Gelding foaled in 1920 Pair shoes donated by H. R. Scott, 8mt brize. 1'lily or Gelding foaled In 1921 6,60 2 1 Wheelbarrow donated py A. Brondson, first' prize Filly or Gelding foaled in 1922 6 2 Pair plow shoes donated by W G. Willis. -first prize, 6 8 9 1 1 1 6 2 1 the Manley Drain will be read andconsider- Suit of clothes donated I,y CLERK'S NOTICE of thr Halt posting of Voters' List. 1923, Municipality of the Township of McKillop. County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have tram - mimed a Brod to the persons mentioned In Seelbrr'9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by aid ;section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pumuant W said Act, of all persona appear- ing by the last revised Aanmoment Ro11 of thr meld Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at eloctiome fy member of the Legislative Assembly: lend that the said lint woo first posted up a my oe:,-e on the Ord day of April, 1923, and re- main)) [here for inspection. And 1 hereby call uprn all voters to take immediate proceeding. to have all rr rom or e1ne innlono cu rects d n ording to law. Dated thin3rd dayof April, 1923. JOHN Mejj'l�AY, 2966-1 Clerk f 'McKillop. EARLY BIRDS Robina, Blackbirds, Bluebirds and ocher. - they are rawly birds. They signal Spring, hlr Farmer, seed time is rinse. Those who hose their fields drained, well, they are also arty birds,, The early bird In the morning is rewarded with a fol worm The early Planted seed brings fat reward by (armee yield, betterit ua n I y. 1 am pranged to heyou with your rlrli ninu aurin this year. Let u do more than c You know it pays, I R have special arrangements ngr ents with same ditching machine which did so much work for ue ;Bat year. to entre again 'this year, and wits deliver tile promptly and reasonable. We hose considerable work already upoken for. Let me know your requirements as we have to arrange thisork in advance. (Note.- This machine will lay other makes of Drain Tile only when 1 fail to keep it nupplied o with my permission). Your land needs drain - (nu; he un early bird Call on me for par- ticulars and terms. which we shall endeaeor to make suitable. Eight inch, 10 inch and 12 inch made on order, WILLIAM M. SPROAT, Cloy Tile Mfgr., Teckeramtth- Seaforth P. O. Phone 9 on 136. (>0<>0 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors 11. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 176 Phone 48 000000000 0000 000000000o 0000000000 0 000000'.00000 C. G. THOMPSON O Phone 25 0 Milverton Flour, 0 Bran and Shorts. 0 Grain Buyer. 0 0 Custom Chopping. 0 <> Another Car of Re- O 0 cleaned Screenings to 0 0 arrive at end of week. 0 O Leave your order now. 0 OATMEAL MILLS, O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0& 0 0 CLINTON HATCHERY Baby Chicks hatcher in a Buckeye Mammoth, to grow and thrive, from the best of stock. Leghorns, 615.00 hundred. Barred Rocks 620.00 hundred Order Early -Order Now E. L. Mittell, Clinton, Ontario. 2882-4 ]NOTICE TO CREDITORS iv TAE ESTATE of George Grigg. Into of the Town of Seaforth, Retired Farmer, Deeeeoed. NOTICF, IS HEREBY GIVEN to all per- sona having fauna agoinat the Fatate of the above nnmed George Grigg. deceased, to Bend in the RArnn on or before the 7th day of April. 1928, to William Smith or P. flaw bum Execute,, of the will of the mid de- tased, and that after said date the said Executors will diatrihufc the Raid mtato among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim, of which they eh+ll then have had notice, and will not be liable for the pmaceda of said esti ao distributed to 0113, persona of whose claim notice shall not have been remoived. WILLIAM SMITH. R. R. Nd. 2, Seaforth. F. HARATTRN. F,xecnter,, Seaforth. Son forth, 19th Meroh, 1928. 2884-8 26 6 8 Stewart Broe., Stat prize. Mare, Filly or Gelding any age 6 8 2 Cash. donated by Province of Ontario Bank, lot prize; Nrckyoke donated by J. A. Stewart, 2nd seize. Heavy Draft l'rood Mare in Foal 10 8.60 0 Goode, donated by J. Mae Tavfeh, lot prize; Goods, Sproat & Sproat, 2nd prize For GAding, foaled in (920 2 1 Bag of Flour donated by Jae. Cleary, 100 lbs., tat prize. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1921 0 2 1 Wool horse blanket donated by N CIui & Sons, let price Filly or Gelding foaled in 1922 6 1 Pair Williams' work shoe* do- nated by Fred Wigg. 1st print,41.60.-Itet.,Ftew donated 4fy Mamhaf $tewnrt, 2nd prize. Team In Harness 25 6 8 Regina Watch donated by F Sevauge, let prize, Mare. F(llyorGelding any age 6 - 8 8 Cash donated by Wm. Cud - snore. lot prize. Sweepstakes. General Purpose Team 0, . Harness 6 8 Cash donated by W. Thomp- n'e Hook Store lag prize; Cash donated by L. Atkin- son, 2nd prize. Roadsters Roadster Home in hornmo, 11-3 or under 4 2 Carriage Horse in Harnes*, 15-3 0r over 4 2 RoadsterTeam In Harness. 15-3 or under 4 2 Carriage Team in Bernew, 15-3 or over 4 2 Speci a l Stallion and three teats of 1922 -Raincoat donated by Ferguson & Co., value 910; Halterns donated by Agricultural Society. value 95 00. No price in this event onboo VIP)) entries. Moms will be called In the order on this bill CATTLE Shorthorns Bull, 3 years or over Bull. 2 years old Bull, 1 year old Polled Angus Bull, 3 yearn old or over Jersey Bull 3 2 Hereford Bull 3 2 Sweepstakes. o c The Annual Spring Show, under the auspieee of the South Huron Agri - 'cultural Society, of Stallions. Haemes and Halter Horses, Bulls and Cows, will be held in Hensall. Friday, April 13th PRIZE LIST HORSES Clydesdale or Shire Stallion tat tad Mrd Aged Stallion 610 61 14 Stallion Scaled in 1920 6 4 2 Pereheron or Belgian as.. Stallion 6 4 2 Stallion foaled in 1920 6 4 2 Standard Bred Aged Stallion 5 8 2 Stallion foaled in 1920 5 8 2 Harnese Horses Heavy Draught Team 12 6 5 F,mt prize donated by T. C. Joyat Heavy Draft Brood Mare Bs foal 6 4,60 2 2nd prize given by C. T. tickle sack of Purity Flour; Ord prize given by Geo. Drool,. aeekyoke 8-9earold Filly or Gelding, heavy Draft, foaled in 1920 4 8 lot prize given by R. Patterson, a nck f Jewell Flour. 2 -year-old Heavy Draft Filly or Gelding 4 8 Agricultural Team 6 4 2 1st and 2nd prize given by the Moloono Bank. Agricultural More, in foal 8 6 2 1st prize given by Bonthroa and Drysdale, .8(104 n Lamp. 3 -year-old Agricultural Gelding or Filly foaled in 1920 4 8 2-yearold Agricultural Gelding or Filly fouled in 1921 8 2 1st prize given by o A. W. E. Hemphill, pail f Dr. Hese' stock food; 2nd prize given by Brown A Clarice, neekyoke. Heavy Draft or Agricultural Colt foaled in 1922 4 8 2 1st prize given by Moore Bros., 4 -. - plow shares; 2nd prize given by W. A. McLaren, stable pail and basket General Purpose Team 6 4 Int & 2nd prize given' by W. E Pfaff in goods stocked in tile yard. Carriage Team 4 2 Single Carriage Horse 4 2 Roadster Team 4 2 Single Roadster 4 8 2 Speciale. A Silver Cup donated by the President, 3oe Burnie for the best Clydesdale Mare or Geld- ing, any age. A Sliver Con. donated by J. Young, for the best light horse in Harness. A Silver Cup, donated by Dr. Peck, for the best Shorthorn Female. The above three Cups to be won twice in Emcemefon and three times in all. One-half dozen Silver Dessert Spoons for best Aberdeen Angus Bull. One Bag Linseed Meal given by Owen Geiger for bent Clydesdale Stallion; one bag Linseed Meal by Owen Geiger for best Per- cheron StaIlon- One Rau f Rawleigh', Stock Tonle for beet Standard Bred Stallion, given by William Stene, agent. E. Ronnie, 82.00 worth of goods for best Aurin,ltural Team. T. W. Parimer & Son, 01.30 worth of goods for bast Shorthorn Hull. CATTLE Aberdeen Angus Int 2nd Aced Bull 86 34 ' Bull, calved after Sept. lot. 1021 .. 6 4 Cow 8 2 1st 2nd 3rd Heifer under 2 yearn old 3 2 5 3 21 Shorthorns 4 2 1 Aged Bull 6f 4 4 2 1 Ball, calved after Sept. Int, 1921,,1 4 Cow 8 2 8 2 , Heifer under 2 years old 3 2 Butcher steer or heifer, grade 6 4 Boys' Judging Competition Si,,2 prizes will he given. Entry, Free_ First prize, 83,50; 2nd prize, 52.50; 3rd prize, 02.00; 4th prize, 11.50: 5th prize, 11.00; 6th prize, 500. Ages 20 year. or under. Rules and conditions made known day of Falr. The above Prizes were given. by H. C. Bolden. William Consttt and Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. RULES No. 1 --Entrance fee 01; each extra entry, 10c. No. 2 -Brood morin must show visibly in foal. No. 3- -Age of home; to dote from Jan. let, No. 4 -Age of cattle to date from Sept. 1st No. 5 -All protests moat be in writing and handed to the Secretary by 6 p.m. the day of the show, accompanied by 02 hick will be refunded if protest is sustained, No. 6 ---No registered Clydesdale allowed to ohms, in Agricultural Claes. No. 7 --Foals showing in entire class not eligible to compete in the Heavy Draft or Agricultural Classes for foals Prize List may be obtained from the Secretary. DR. HARBURN - - - -- - - President R. M. JONES - - - - Treasurer M. BRODERICK - - - Secretary NOTICE Any Patrons with Seaforth Creamery Cans and riot going to use them to send cream to us this season, will kindly return them to the Creamery. These are our prliperty and only loaned to patrons, and must be returned in good order. The Seaforth Creamery. 2884-tf Drain Tile and All Exhibitors must first become Member,* tthis Society by paying th 81.00 to e Sero nary. Entries can be made with the Secre- tary at the Commercial Hotel until 1 o'clock on the day of the show. Judges decision final. Ample accommodation will be provid- ed for all horses• K. M. McLEAN, JOE BURNIE, Secretary, Seaforth, President, HeasalL NOTICE Having installed a large Buzzer Tile Ma- chine, I am now ready to supply orders for Cement Tile from 4 inch to 16 inch, also Cement Building Blocks, 8(11x. Lintels, Ver- anda Railing., Pig Troughs and everything 1n the cement line. Cement sold in any quan- tity. Contracting, building and plastering, etc Give us a call. eatiufoctlon guaran- teed. Reduced prices on tile. R. FROST & 80.N. 2884-3 CREAM CREAM CREAM We must have Cream to operate our Creamery. You - must have a Creamery to market your Cream. Make this your Creamery. Co-operate with us by send- ing your Cream and we will guarantee you the Highest Market Prices. Cash Paid for Cream to Patrons wishing it. We are here to give you our very best services and prices. Phone 2 on 160. R. R. 3, Seaforth. The Seaforth Creamery. 2882-6 C. A. BARBER, Manager. Ditching Machine. We have a good stock of Drain Tile on hand in sizes from 21/2 inches up to 8 inches. Anyone wishing to have the Ditching Machine, call on us for particulars. We will also deliver tile, KRUSE BROS 51 Farm Produce Wanted Highest Prices Paid For CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY I will have a Truck on the road to gather your ('ream for the Seaforth Creamery, and guarantee you Highest Prices and Prompt Ser- vice. Patronize your Creamery in your own community. I will also gather your Eggs and Poultry in season, paying you Top Prices at all times. George Lilly II -04_1 L ,r,..•�*iut.�t'o�vls r.P -'n va rem. . ouths' Overcoat to c at Men's Fur Coats, two. only, ._ a Men's Odd Trousers, reg- ular price $5.00 for.,,,.:,... Men's Odd Trousers, reg- ular price $4.00 for ....:......,,---„ Men's Odd Trousers, reg- ular price $3.50 for_ e A full line of Men's and Boys' S ��rif� P „1 Suits. A number of Ladies'SpringCoats Thomas Ferguson Successor to Ferguson & Company, Seaforth. Favor Us With Your Next Can of Cream and BE CONVINCED THAT SILVER- WOOD'S CREAM MARKET IS ALL THAT WE CLAIM. Guarantees Accuracy - Service ' - Price -Ask One of Our Patrons- Silverwood's,Limited London, Can, Isaac Hudson, Branch Mgr., Seaforth Phone 162. DOMINIION STORES LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS QUALITY -CLEANLINESS -SERVICE WE SELL TO SATISFY Featherstrip Fresh Milled Fancy COCOANUT ROLLED OATS Blue Rose RICE 1 lb. 2 lbs. lbs. 3c 6 25c 3 25c 10 Granulated t d unds Sugar$1.05 Breakfast Bacon Machine Sliced 35c lb. Harvest Brand PEARS 1 / c Tin Camel Brand DATES 3 pkts.. 25c Special Blend Tea 60c pound Try A Pound. Quebec Pure Maple Syrup, the first of the Season, No. 2.09 10 Tin Pure Raspberry and Strawberry JAM, 4-1b. Pail.. 69c Excellence Grand Fry's, Baker's White or Cowan's Pastry COCOA 24-1b. 1/2-1b. tin , . LII -c Bag Satin Finest' Canadian 1 Flour CHEESE 89c Pound , 35c Clark's PORK AND BEANS, No. 1 11, size, 2 Tins J IPea Meal BACK BACON Per pound DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF TOWN 44c lA,i181i-340:•,`..4 H' 4 Sl���iile S 4..a'°§rf F,.