HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-03-16, Page 8erse'- $rushes are the Best in brush construction." 014y -five years perfect. leas of chgiee, refinement of ,105, genuine utility, real sound, ylIimd worth of your money, 8, .1e name RUBBERSET is the O iL$Tumhark of a genuine Shav- iI!e have them from 50c to $5.04 Come in and buy the one you have promised yourself so long. W. W. Robinson THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP SEAFORTH - - ONT. Group PHOTOS We make a Speciality of taking Family Group Photos. D. F. Buck Photographer. SEAFORTH . ONT. Real Values THE HURON EXPOSITOR MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES $3.00 CASA WOMEN'S PATENT LEATHER OX- FORDS, LOW HEELS; A REAL SHOE $3.75 CASH OUR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS ARE THE BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TO -DAY. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. Wall Paper Our 1923 line of Papers are now in stock and you are cordially invited to inspect these new designs, which, we believe, are the most Artistic that we have ever shown. SCOTT'S DISTRICT MATTERS Local Briefs, -The Seaforth Spring Fair will be held on Thursday, March 29th. The classes are the same as Lust year and a very liberal prize list is offered. -Mr. Homer Hunt, of Mc- Killop, is in the Seaforth hospital re- ccvering from an operation for ap- pendicitis. -Mrs. (Capt.) Bowers, of the Salvation Array is in Chatham thin week visiting at her home. -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackson and daughter. of Edmonton, are guests at the home of Mr. Jackson's sister in Egmond- ville.-Mr. Palmer Whitely, of Ham- ilton, spent the week end here. -Miss Susie Govenlock has returned from a two weeks' visit with Toronto friends. -Mr. Kenneth Ament is able to be out again after his recent serious ill- ' ness.-Miss Jessie Hodgert, of Wood- ham, was a guest at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Gillespie last week.- I Mr James Davis, of Stratford, was in ; town this week. -Mr. Thomas Daly has purchased the residence of the late Mrs. Grigg, on James Street. lie intends to occupy it after he has made ee tere:ive alterations and improve- ments to the property. ---Mr. and Mrs Howard Hays, of Walkt•rville, were guests this seek at the hum- of his parent-~, Mr. and Mrs James Hays, in F:gmondville.--Mr. George Jacksen returned to Montreal en Monday -- airs i.. Crowell and children, of Luff• . dor.. are visiting at the home of beer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, High Street. --"Dunt Swear: The Language of Shakespeare id Enough,•' ' tail, he the subject diseuased at the St, forth Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. --'Che many friends of Mr. and Mra, Albert (• Baker will rnpathire with them in the loss nl their infant daughter, whose death occurred on Monday last. --Mrs. W. H. Bullard is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weir in Buffalo. -Mr. and Mrs Louis Kahle left for their home in Detroit last week. --The Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian church will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. Thos Dickson, Goderich Street West, on Wednesday afternoon next. -A forty minute service will be held in First Presbyterian Sunday School on Sun- day afternoon next at 3 o'clock to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Mackay's entry to the Mission fields of Formosa. A short history of his work and what he accomplished as a Missionary will be given. All are cordially invited to he present. --- Rev. Father Goetz has returned from I ondon, where he spent some time in the hospital. -Mr. W. Black, M.P.. spent the week end at his home in Tuckersmith.--Mr. Terry Flannery, of St. Columban, has purchased the pro- perty of the late Miss Givlin, on Cole- man Street,- Mr. Shibley, who has been acting as science master at the Collegiate Institute for the past two weeks, returned to Toronto on Satur- day, and has been succeeded by Mr. Pyle, another student. We under- stand that the Board have succeeded in securing the services of Mr. Bis- scnette as science master after the summer holidays. -Mrs. Elmer Reid, of Stratford, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grim- oidby.-Mr. Sam Jackson, of (-'hesley, spent the week end at his home in Egmondville.-Dr. Dufferin and Mr. J. L. Kerr, of Hensall, were week end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Kerr. -Mr. Charles Broughton, of Port Huron, spent several days at his home in Egmondville.-Mr. Joseph Keating has ben confined to his home for several days through illness. -Mr. Patterson, who has been spending sev- eral weeks with his daughter, Mrs. A. F. Cuff, has returned to his home in Woodstock. -Mrs. J. Patterson is rather seriously ill at her home on North Main Street --Mr. Thornton Howard has returned from Buffalo, where he spent the winter, and has token his old position in Mr. J. F. Daly's garage, -Mr. Howard Kerr left for Toronto on Monday. -Messrs. T. Ferguson and Mr. George Futcher, have been conducting a gents fur, coshing and clothing store in the old Greig stand on Main Street for some months, have dissolved partnership and the bu.siness will, hereafter, be- ing carried on by Mr. Thomas Fergu- sor:-All the departments in the pub- lic school were re -opened on Monday, some of them having been closed for several weeks, owing to the fuel, shortage. -Mrs, D. H Stewart is vis- iting with Goderich friends this week. -Miss Pearl McMinn spent a few days this week with friends in Gode- rich. Opposite Expositor Office. Phone 62. Dolls ,Free Cream Olive Soap, 3 cakes (and 1 Doll Free) for...25c Pickled Lake Herrings, any quantity, dozen 40c Olives, large Spanish, in Mason jars, each 50c Jelly Powders, all colors of the rainbow, 3 packages for 25e Salmon, finest red in Tins, ;¢S., each lac Malt Extract, for baking & beverages, per Ib 20c Catsup, Heinz, large bottle, for 25c Head Lettuce, Cabbage, Gar- rote, Parsnips, Turnips, Etc. You have the desire; us the Goods. Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8. Hutchison's GROCERY CANADIAN CANNED FOOD S WEEK, -March 24th -31st. Watch for our special offerings, including Kippered Herrings in oil, also in tomato sauce. Regular, 25 cents, for 12%tc 3 CANNED SALMON SPECIALS - Warranted by Wallace Fisheries to be best Pink Salmon, 1 can, 20c; 2 for 35e; 12 for $2.00. This same Salmon is being retailed at 25c. 2 Red Salmon, regular 35e for..30c 1 dozen for $3.40 3 Red Sockeye, best Salmon procur- able, per can 45c Per dozen $5.25 TOILET SOAP SPECIAL -Olive oil and cucumber, oatmeal and cold cream and La -France Rose, regu- lar 5c per cake, 10 for 25c LAUNDRY SOAP -Our double size cake at single size. price, 10c, or 3 for 25 cents, is said to be a splendid soap. MATES-Firat.claes Sair Dates, 10c, or 8 for , 25c Golden Hallowee Dates, 150, or 2 for 25c F. D. Hutchison Phone 188. ne ". Massey -Harris' agent for St. Maiiys has been received. For the pest three years Mr. Henderson has made scores of staunch friends by his unbiased dealings, end his loss will be felt by the Massey -Harris Company in this district. He trans- ferred his office and machinery to the l Water Street store during the past few days; and will be ready for open- inl_ up by Friday. His many St. Marys friends wish him continued success in his new enterprise." Irish Social. -The Neil Shaw Aux- iliary, of Egmondville Presbyterian Church, gave a very interesting Irish entertainment on Monday evening, March 12th. Despite the fact that the weather was most unfavorable, a large number attended and spent a must delightful and profitable time. The programme consisted Cr variolrt musical selections and a play, entitled "Irish Hearts." All numbers were much appreciated and were of a par- ticularly high order. A pleasing can - elusion took the form of an Irish contest, in which all took part and which materially added to the soci- ability of the evening. Much disap- pointment has been expressed by those, who, owing to" -the inclement weather, were unable to attend, so the Auxiliary are considering repeat- ing it next Monday evening, March 19th. Going Into Business. -- The St. Marys Journal -Argils of last week centaindd the following reference to a well known former Seaforth agent: "Mr. R. C. Henderson, formerly the St. Marys agent for Massey-Harrls farm implements, has severed rela- tions with that Company in order to open up a new implement warehouse in the old St. Marys Milling Co. flour and feed store, Water Street. In his new place of business Mr. Hender- son will handle the Renfrew Ma- chinery Co.'s line, John Deere ma- chinery •and Beattie Bros. stable equipment, As yet no word of the GUI Wanted--4uoe1 elrl for general ho�tppe- work. Apply at The Expositor Oates. 28112-2 Glee the New Overland Modedu, Stmnd r+d Tourittgs, Sperlels and Sedans. G. C. Hell, Dealer. Alma Street Phone 207. 2882-tf For sate ---One Dunn cement tale tuachhte with attachpaentp, 1.1 first class ounditiwt. Apply to R. Frost, Seaforth, 2888-1 Lost -On March lath. in estate of the *form or on Maw Street, a for dollar bin. Finder please leave a0 The hat,o.ger Oaice. 2852a1 Farm To Rent to reliable party, one mile west of Hensel. Meetly pa,ture. Apply to Johe dell, Sr., Exeter, Oat 2883-2 Seed Re -Cleaned. ---Our seed cleaners are buoy every day. Let an know the day m»st atdtable to you. Phone No. 0. W. K. Keta- lake, Seaforth. 2883-1 0rmamaking.-Dressmaktno and Plain dew. lox take„ .tt the notate. M ltoben Carbo anus, 'south Main Street, opposite Kee route. , Ground 2053,1. For Sal ..--An a roomed f runt- hone,. on S, nth Vit,: Street. good ,,eau, good cella, y,uul s0. e,,, and .',o,f auu de, Apply t, 'I hones .1,„I res h.• t N led h. t 1 ' ' et, model at,. I II't -I.e.- Work t d t11 to 11 Y1 1 ll,,,,,,er If ,. M is. I It, thee. 1. 11, n ..1. t, L, s•-, r• u, I 1, atm.l., 1 ll r fh,-.! ,.,, 1•1,.s. „ g I-, , , t1.- ler ' ..f "any n'.• Fine Leather Goods See our line of Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses. These come in Blue, Brown and Black colors, are guaranteed Genuine Leather, and range 111 price from $1.75 to $8.00 Each. Thompsons BOOK ST( . • SEAFORTH Chapman, Robert Smith, J. W. Beattie and George D. Haigh. Minutes of lust meeting were read and confirm - 01. The finance committee recom- mended the following accouts be passed and checks issued fur sante, Wm, Gillespie, $'70; John A. Wilson, ; J. Knight, $65; Andrew Little, t;alury, $40; A. Little, salary 8 days, 212 i0; .1. F. Daly,$:s; John Rankin Age pry, $13.50; K:eg Edward Sana - t nuIl ,.13 . Gran Trunk Railway, 'tel 17; 11. & N, Planing Mill Co., ,cales, ;'2; George 31 Fex, Itax scaled I? t'hittendeu, ,irawIng coal, $I.,. 7s; The Municipal World, $9.117 ; ,,ase a'b'ides \4u rkman, w'a gas, sea urs, House For Sate. At.I:::1'r,,,,tnrd f,:o„e ;,,du; Lull Telephone co., $2.00; -('ha; , I:od I h Naha-'. hath room. -cc h'- hurl and .,oft anter, ',tram.. t. 0,,,,'' Sala t1. 25,0.11 •I0,',1.1 t•. to8e in ,t. u,t. -it, e „l rep, dynamo; r.,tee e headed the. Tills WEEK END Report. iron, ou„', m ., u,dw ,t ssyo,rs 1 ,1, t ••,d "'-yoll `'"•` 'xl A TRIP TO PARAMOUNT ...Want-d.--� roti nail y` -.,- pr ., to it.af, Ludic II„ ~"u .:Ir,e nv. s u000t . +lu,.,agnv , Ft,. Apply tM, W : ty. H..tu, ou, . ,•a f„rte,. 28.3x2 For Salt. Ihree tot k,hu,- brood oho, . ,., , :,- 6th.• ,/ft ter foot, "dor 1.0 latter A pi and ti bate -April taut Apply t, t' 2.y't,u hams. R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. or phone Aon 112. 2553-tf Wanted At Once. A smart girl to do gen- . ,rk. its ,„k,ttgi. goal wog.' paid. u young Ktrl cw ial about June 30'h Applyt,ow w .Mn, 11 R. McKay. A 'oot Hotel. Bayfield. Ont 28514f Wanted.-Amen who ave• safety rare re for . haying. t, base their dull blades here. We .end them away to be sharpened. Duo bl- edge blades. Sr,c duansingle edge blade., 2be p o,,rn. W. W. Robinson, Seaforth. 28$'lx3 Remember we Silver Tea at the home of effort on the part of the Paramount Mr- Thomas tI ekso it. God -nth Street, n Wrones,hty afternoon. March 210., from 't i0 organization to give those who pu- t,, 6.30 o.n.o. Proceeds to 1, given for supply trouiye Paramount Theatres an op - TOWN e Showing the production activities of America's best equipped studios, with pruntinent start: in off-stage ru,,ments and in some of their moat famous characterizations, also work- inr in acmes of pictures which are due to be shown.here in the immedi- ate future. The mechanical, property and arch- itectural resources are also interest- iegly' covered. Altogether it is a eumprehensive work of the Muaemnary Society of the Prea- Lytenan church. Et er,- ,u• welcome. 258•'-t Another good show at thr Lyric on Mon- day, '1',,,vday and Wednr.dny, Charlet Itty 91 „I n:ehl. tteII " A m airtight my.tertn hur of humor, and ,ugh thr,l:,, s't'y',,,:' Al.,, a, Stark eSeennett comely l u,l'll rat ,t. ' 205331 Pasture To Rent. On tan hundred , •,f pa -lure „ rent, In acres of which ts t o'1 sad en he cropped. tot rented It l -t of Apnl, .oak w,ll 'le taken t 1,y aloe ,Gln ,,,n. :Apply to 2am,.a 5prntt. N, i<. 0,.. A,p Sea for W, 01 p.u,ne 15-160. f a a rn, prem,.♦,-, „ the l.o,nlm, Ito,.'. north of Knnten. and ton one I,• f'1'.,Ib,- ,hx w',ih el tag . . A„ niprn,nt,,,n that e•ad t, h 'r, 0 l be gratefully - 1 by Ado .r\Iontc.A,, Kippen. Phar �t'1 , t ?A. 54,8 a.,. 2.,0303,•' For many 0 -;pr, ng we hay.. an:mu aced the amt.! of the New Wall Papers, but nei r have :hey been are beautiful than they this Spring. 'rhrro are many 1 - nigna a and gorgeous colorings in cal) widths-- 1S•ay. 22 and 30 inches. Graves' Wall Paper Store. 2883.1 For Sale.- An 11 -roomed frame house With woodshed, electric lights. furnace, cellar with content floor, hard and soft water. Three are two lots, suitable fol 'large garden, also fruit tress and small finita. There w also • good stable and driving bed. For par- tiaWurs apply to Miss A. Crosbie, Centre Stlent, Seaforth. 2588x2 Hooses For Sale. -t Corner Market and Jarvis Streets, nine rooms, summer kitchen and woodshed and chalets, including one an cedar closet convenient for as upStair rooms. roliahed and hardwood floors, large lawn. furnace and electric lights. 2. -,Main Street North, eight rooms, closets, pantry and wood- shed. Splendid locxt ion, easy terms. Apply to F. 0, Hutchison. 2880-tf For Sale. -A 6-rnumed frame cottage situ- nLd one Work south and one block west of the E,emondvi3, Presbyterian church. 'rh:v cottage stands on half erre of ground, is electric lighted and has hard and soft water and w in first class condition. Ther are venal fruit trete. a variety of smalls fruit And a good barn and hen hut's,. For par. 16vlars apply to Thomas O'Lough' in. Sea - forth , . 0., It. R 4, or phone 15 on 131. 14.0.2-tf Special Optical Oder.-Iiigh grade, Rost - tilled spectacle.. and eye glasses, with bei.,, flat spherical leasee for only 83.50. All other sty le of frames and lenses at ],,wart rices. Eyes examined by Mr H=ha,m. formerly aptictd export for Kent's, '1'oavnt", • nil b,t•r for henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. The test optical work w be obtained and at moderate price, Two days only. Monday and Tuesday. March 10th and 201h. Come early. lieatmro Fair, Seaforth, 2802,2 Egmondville W. M. S. -The Eg- r:,endville W. M. S. Auxiliary held theit regular meeting in the church button ens on Wednesday afternoon, Miss C. McTavish, the President., pre- siding. There were twenty ladies present. After the usual routine of business and arranging for the cloth- ing of a fourteen -year-old girl in the Portage la Prairie School, Miss 'Pours gave the reading from the study hook. Three ex -Presidents, Miss Gemmell, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McMillan, are to take charge of the April meeting. G. W. V. A. Notes, --This 'Friday' evening will be the orrasinn of our ammo] St. Pstrirk's Day Dance and will also be the fourth anniversary of the opening of our <ALM Rooms. It is the desire of ihe'executive that our patrons will show their appreciation by a liberal attendance. Lu,,h will be served, while the fee f �;.;- non- members will be $1.50 per co `')"•, ex- tra lady, 50c. The Bolger Orc.' extra, from Stratford, will provide the music -Easter Monday has been decided upon as the date for our Faster danca. Special music will be provided by the Flack Orchestra, of St. Thomas, The musicians come to us recommended as the best in their district and sup- ply most of the musical demand of that exacting section of the country. Further announcement. will be made later, and special invitations will he pend out, en request. to the Secretary, - next week. The Council.- The regular meeting of the town council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening. I with the following present; Mayor Golding. Reeve Grieve, and Council- lors George P. Cardno, William E. pt.rtunity to get acquainted. Shown with Alice Brady in "ANNA ASCENDS" The ,,,'0e11 version of the play in which Miss Brady setre•d Ler big suc- c•e.s, en the Broadway speaking stage Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Clara Kimball Ydung • Princess Leveleen, t recently patented in Ottawa, is the ideal anti- septic for a dentifrice. PREPARATIONS, /Brush your teeth with", Leveleen" Tooth Paste, no other quite so perfect. St. Patrick's Tea A Tea will be held IN THE I':1RISH HALL on SATURDAY, MARCH 77th from 5 to 8 p.m. under the auspices of the Cath- olic Women's League. ADMISSIt1N' 35 CENTS. Everybody Welcome. --LYRIC-- Thursday, Friday, Saturday LOOK AT THIS CASTI HENRY WALTHALL MARJORIE DAW RALPH GRAVES Three of your best -liked screen players in a big story of romance and adventure. Peter B. Kyne's "THE LONG CHANCE" a Drama of youthful lobe and desert gold Also NEELY EDWARDS COMEDY Adnits, 15c. Children, 10c. 2 SHOWS SATURDAY EVEN'G. 8 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. -LYRIC- Idolmes, $11.85• Public Utility Com - Mission, ball' light, $30.65;. Loyal Orange Lodge, benches, $22; Robert Edgar wages, $60• John A. Wilson $18; The thrown Hay Co„ $22; E. Ohittendent snow plowing $24.96; J. W. Beattie, $11; Robert French, $1; J.'M. Best, $37.60• G. T. R., freight on coal, $6;).44. Hiaigh-Grieve, that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as read. By-law No. 247, to give a grant to the Band, was put through its various readings kind pass- ed. Beattie -Haigh, that the Clerk be instructed to order three barrels of Tervia. Grieve -Haigh, that the own- er of the brick building on the north- west corner of Goderich Street, be notified to attend to same as the fall- ing brick makes it vary dangerous fur people passing same on sidewalk. Beattie -Smith, that the Clerk be in- structed to advertise for tenders for street watering and street sweeping for 1923. Smith -Beattie, that this council deems it advisable in the pub- lic interest to proceed with the laying of watermains, hydrants, etc., as ex- tensions to the present waterworks system as a local improvement under provisions of By -low No. 240 for 1922 of the Town of Seafoi%. The coun- cil then adjourned to meet at the call of the mayor. HAYFIELD Announcement. --Mrs. Harrison, of Hayfield, Ont., announces the engage- ment of her second daughter, Rets, to Mr John W. Aikenhead, eldest son er Mr. William Aikenhead, of Bruce- tiu Iti, Ont , the marriage to take place te,rly in .April. HAYFIELD Breezes. -.Mrs. Brock and two chil- dren, of i'urt Dover, is a guest of Me- brother, Jahn McLeod. - John lloward has returned from a visit to Toronto. --Miss Josie Stirling, who bto spent several weeks at Port I•:l gin, is home ugaitl.-Eloy Edward:; returned Monday from a seven weeks' visit to Kitchener. ST. COLUMHAN The C. W. L. -The C. W. L. met on Sunday, the 1 l th, and decided to send a crate of eggs, for Easter, to Mount St, Joseph. All members are kindly asked to leave their donations at J. J. Holland's store on or before March 26th. The C. W. L. will hold their Easter denco on Wednesday, April 4th, in the parish hall. CROMARTY Notes. -At Tuesday's meeting of the U.F.O., Mr. James Scott gave his annual report of the live stock ship- ping for the year which was very encouraging. Some 6103,200 worth of stock had been shipped to Toronto market, tun average of $2,000 per week. Business is gradually on the increase, and the I1.F.O. shipping ,le- pttrttlb nt in this district is by no mean's a failing business. -Mr. Jolt Stacey has been appointed road com- missioner on the centre road for the coming year. -Mr. Andrew liamiRo.r is spending a week visiting relatives in Durham. -Mr. Lindsay McKellar has sold his fine 100 -acre farm on the. 10th concession, to his brother-in-law, Mr. Elmer Colquhuun.-The item which occurred in last week's Crom- arty news, stating that Mr. Henry Hoggarth had sold his farm, is not correct. Mr. Hoggarth has not dis- posed of the property and will retain possession of it. McK1LLOP A Good Sire. -Mr. James H, Morri- son,of McKillop, has recently added to his herd of Shorthorns a promising young bull, Augusta Comet, which he purchased from R. T. Amos, of Mof- fett, Ont. At the. Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, 1922, this animal took first prize, also taking first at the Central Exhibition, Ottawa. His dans is one of the famous College Augusta's, while his sire "New Year's Gift," took second in his class at the C. N. E., Toronto, in 1922, and firs;, • at Ottawa. He is a rich dark roan, low set and thick and should be a •° great improvement to the herd. Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. -The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S., of Cavan ‹y church, was held at the home of Mrs. - Robert McFarlane, March 7th, with +Q twenty-eight ladies answering the roll call. Mrs. R. McFarlane presided, The programme consisted of a Scrip- ture reading by Mrs. Simpson; a ccntinued essay on "Exploring Pi- oneers," by Mrs. C. Hilden; a read- ing on Nation Building, European and Oriental from text book, "Build- ing the Nation," by Miss -McNeil. The Woman's Day of Prayer for Missions was also observed. A solo "Christ Will Be Conqueror," was sung by Mrs, J, M. Govenlock. The worda were composed by Miss H. I. Graham, of Seaforth. Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. G. Grieve, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Mor- rison, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Habkirk and Mrs. 11. Blanchard. A solo by Mrs. W. Grieve, "Teach e to Pray," was very fitting for acas- inn. The ladies of the Soc et were greatly gratified to hear tat word had been received from the resident of the General Council that the deficit had been entirely wiped out and they can begin the New Year with a clean sheet. Notete Mr, William Hart, of Strat- ford, spent the week end in Winthrop, -We are sorry to hear that Mr. Sam Pethick's are under quarantine' again. Their daughter, Misa Mabel, has scar- let fever. -Miss Minnie 'Wheatley, of Stratford, visited her parents, Mr. and MTs. Thomas Wheatley, over the week end. -Mr. John Bullard was in Cronbrook Saturday attending the funeral of the .late Harry Smalidon. -Our school is closed at present ow- ing to the outbreak of scarlet fever, Our sanitary inspector, Mr. Charles Little, is kept busy these tinrreg disin- fecting schools and homes and put- ting utting up placards. -Messrs. A. Camp- bell and H. Blanchard are busy haul- ing gravel for Mr. A. Cuthill for the erection of a new barn this spring. - Mr, J. M. Govenlock has returned'to Toronto after spending the week end at his home. e; • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • 0 • 0 • /01-/ w. SPRING OPENING Friday ' Saturday March 23rd March 24th AND CONTINUING INTO'THE FOLLOWING WEEK. )1' A • 0 • • • • • 0 • • Formal Exhibition --OF-- - Beautiful Merchandise MILLINERY, COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, LINGERIE, HOSIERY, NECK- WEAR, GLOVES, HAND BAGS,, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES. also SILK, WOOL AND COTTON DRESS MATERIALS. - WILL BE IN THE LIMELIGHT FOR YOUR INSPECTION 4 APPROVAL Friday and Saturday, Mar. 23-24 are the Special Days set .aside as SHOW DAYS to exhibit to the Women of Seaforth and this locality, the Smartest Style Crea- tions for Spring and Summer 1923 wear. You are Cordially Invited to call on one or all of the above dates to see and try on the Beautiful; New Hats and Garments shown here. If lyou are inter- ested in knowing "What's what" in Style this season, you will spend a half hour or more at this interesting e x h i b>i t of Fashions Latest Styles J. MacTavish The Store of Style and Quality, where values will prove a pleasant surprise to you. , 4 EF4\PD, i,F't ik,F lellel:ail,u' I • 0 • • • • • • • 0 ♦ 0 • • • 0 • 0 • • • 0 c •