HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-03-16, Page 5Threshers' s Attention
Endless Rubber Belts and other Belts, are ADVANCING in
price. If you need a drive belt order immediately, and we will de-
liver it any time before threshing, starts. We can supply you any
grade or make you want. Get your order in quick before big ad-
vance. One rebuilt Waterloo Boy Tractor; one rebuilt Avery; one
rebuilt All -work; one rebuilt Sawyer & Massey, and onq rebuilt
Happy Farmer Tractor, at very attractive prices. One rebuilt 36x50
Waterloo Separator with Cutting Box• one 36x&0 White Challenge
with Cutting Box; one 36x50 •White Challenge without cutting box.
New Separators, all sizes, with or without Cutting Box; New Steam
Engines and Tractors, all sizes.
Seaforth - ,
'FltageraldS.Alt the MenSorial He.$la) B*IM
forth. on. Marek 10tb, .to 141o. 044 711115,
Joe Fitzgerald, a eon. '
w a The fixecutoro of the estate of Alexander
VIARRIAGESKerr, daoalmed, will o0or for sale be public
Schell -Austin., At Varna, Ont , on Mandl 1E130,
on Saturday, the lith day of March,
lot, by the Rev. J. L. Forster, Alice Isabel 1(128, at the hour of two a in the nitsr-
Margaret, younger daughter cd Mr. and noon, at the cidTown of Serfort Royal Hotel
l ambles,ambles, in the
Mm. Alfred'Auatin, to Floyd Howard Schell, rth, a good second hand Ford
non of Mr. and Mm.Met elms running( . loan: Schell, of De- ng -Cru, ing( model. Tile car W In
Met order
troll. ' Te :arms. -()ash. .
"mom For further paeticulere apply to
Musser. -1n Exeter. on February 28th, Aaron8ollelton* for Executors.
B. Mtaser, aged 81 yearn and 1 month. Dated March 8th, 1028.
Fralfck.-ln Morris Townohlp, on February Thorson Brown, Auctioneer.
2811,. Sarah M Bates, widow of William
0. Franck, aged 82 seem and 18 Jaye.
g ,000000000000l
S. T. Holmes & Son
Funeral Directors and
Licensed Embalmers.
Finest Motor and Horse
drawn equipment. Beattie
Block, Main Street, opposite
The expositor Office. S. T.
Holmes' residence, Goderich
Street West; Chas. Holmes'
residence over atore.
Flowers furnished on short
notice. All kinds of up-
holstering neatly done.
Phone, Night or Day, 119.
2,00000000 0000
farm of 100 acres, will, shade and spring
water. to rent reusenably chap. Apply to
JAMES E. 'REI(NOLUS. Seaforth. 2813x2
riter worm ; hest stand in Huron county ;
plant complete in every rmpeet; must be
sold to close estate Apply ROBERT
DEVEItEAUX, Seaforth. 2882-tf
quantity of Hoene,d Victor Oats, :lean
and suitable for need. Also some 6 -rowed
brley. Phone 2 on 240, Seaforth, or address
Dublin Poet Office. CHARLES LITTLE.
F. E. Devereux, all accounta owing the
Ars of R. & F'. Devereux, Seaforth, most
be paid by April 16th, sifter which date they
'will be put Into evert for collection. ROBT.
DEVEFF,UX. • 2842-2
Clinton; level land, ideally situated f.yr
pasture with Hayfield River at one cone}s:.
Wel' fenced and treed loam land, in eq el
m iition fur Iti rating. Part j; alr rebel
tussled. No buildings. BOX 29. • Clinton,
Ont. 2883x2
aA power Massey-Hurria gun engine on Otitis,
in good condition. Apply to ROBT. 110)0.
No. 4, Seaforth, or phone 2 on 135 2079-C4
Pure Brest Shorthorn bulls 15 menthe
old. red in color. Also one small driving
Ce5 years old. Phone 19 on 614. Clinton
t.trst . address I{ERRF.RT CRICH, R.
St No. 9. Seaforth. 2082-tf
conveniences and five acres of lend near
Seaforti, known as the DanMcDonald prop-
erty. Immediate 000000s)on ran be given.
This is 0 splendid opportunity for is farmer
wi.hing to retire or ft, run a chicken faun.
Apply to 1t. S HAYS, Seaforth. 22880x1-4
Implement., and 60 Heed of Cattle. -Mr.
'Phoma Gundry ha; received instructions
f'om the undernignd to sell by public auction
at Old Fair Farm, adjoining Clinton, on
Tuesday, March 20th, at 12.30 o'clock sharp,
consisting of as follows: Cattle-- 27 heifers
rising 2 yearn, •16 steers rising 2 years '04,
It heifrro with calf, : cows, 1 Pulled Angus
bull. Horses -1 matched team of geldings,
1 work team of gelding., 1 draught mare in
foe', 1 driving mare. goof third horse, in
foal, 1 draught filly 2 yeas old. Feed -25
tons of hay, 1000 bushels of outs. Herneae-
2 sets of team harness with britchen, 2 seta
of team herneee without brltchen, 1 set of
team plow harness, 1 set tingle harness, ol-
las and blanket.. implements --Also a full
lino of implement. including :'Binder, mower,
sleet! drill, disc cultivator. hay rake, roller,
vcutller. harrows, plows, 8 heavy wagons, 1
tingle light wagon, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 top
buggy. 2 hay reeks, 2 gravel boxes, hay fore,
car, pulleys and rope, cream separator. forks.
shovers, neckyokw, whitRetrem. chaise. and
mimeroue other article., also 100 Rock hens.
Tetras --All tum; of 315 and under, cash;
over that amount 12 months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes or
a discount of 8 per rent for cash on credit
unloutrbs. Everything must be sold 0e pro-
prietor is giving up farming. J. B. REY-
HOLDS. Proprietor: Thomas Gundry, Auc-
tior:eer; George Layton, Clerk. 2882.2
Pigs. Etc. --Mr. George H Elliott. has
been tnetructd to sell by public auction on
Lot 12, Concession 6. Stanley Tow.nahip, the
Parr Line, two miles south of Varna, on
Friday, March 28rd, at 1 p.m. sharp. the
dnllowing: Hemet. ••Agricuiturol gelding ris-
ing 8; grey Pereheron gelding, rising seven:
general Purpose gelding. riming six; general
Purpose more tins four. Cattle -Pure Bred
Shorthorn; --Blarney Loss, 107.868, bred to
Golden Chief, duo May 23rd: Anchovy •f
Maple View. 106,887, bull calf at foot, by
Blarney Sultan; White Prince, 1559.713, bull
calf 17 months old by Blarney Sultan ; thor-
oughbred Durham bull. Rett Lad, 12 months
old. Grade Cattle -Fresh calved cow 1 years
old, reit at feast; cow. 7 years old, due time
of sale; cow, 10 years old, due in May : row
T yea; old. due is April; cow 5 yearo nld.
due 20th March; cow 5 years old, due time
of ale; 2 cows 4 yeas old, due in April:
heifer rising 8, due in April; 10 steel•; and
begets; rising two. Pig: -Sow due last of
March. two town due in April. sow doe drat
of May, two chunk, 0,:•aenYa ung Pius two
menthe old. Implement Maser -Horeb
mower 5iq, foot cut. 2 wagons. ton buggy•
Massey -Harris cutting box. gravel hon. Happy
Tlmught range. About 10 tons of gond tim-
othy hay Terms- •.All .sums of 510 and under,
cash : over that amount 7 months'.credit will
be given on furnishing approve.d joint not.,
r a discount of 4 per cent. straight ,allowed
for cash on credit amounts, GEORGE L.
REID. Proprietor: George H. Elliott. Auc-
tioneer. 2883-1
Implement at Tort 18. Concession 1, Hu-
lett, nn Thundery. March 22n4. at one o'clock
sharp, the following: Hnsee-Draft mare 10
yeah old; draft mare 6 yarn nld, in Coal ;
draft gelding 6 yea. old; driving horse 11
years old. Cottle- Cow 7 years old. due In
May; cow 6 years old, due In March; heifer.
3 years old, freshened in January; cow 4
years old, freshened in October: heifer with
2 calve. at foot: baiter 3 yea; old; 3 heifers
2 years old: 7 alvm. Pian -Brow] sow due
1st of May: 2 stare 0)00. Sheep --4 Lelceeter
keep,rulso 80 pullers Implements -Maseev-
Hnrris binder- 6 -foot cut, MeC rmick mower
6 -foot sot, 2 -home Masney-Harris ruitivatoV,
10 -hoe drill. Frost & Wood hey rake, nue
furrow Oliver riding plow, Forst & Woad
walking plow, set of 3 -section harrows,
turnip drill, acutfler, circular saw, % H.P.
International reasolini engine. 40 -gallon gen
or oil- tank nearly new. root pulper, cutting
box, fanning miU with bagger, iron solo
wagon, hay rack, set bohulelgh0. top buggy,
nes rubber tired wheel., cutter. Tight wagon,
extension ladder, set double kerne., net
single hnrnese, DeLavnl cream separator near-
ly new No. 1f, Daisy chun No. 2, home saddle,
2 water borroi, grindstone, set scales 240.1 4 ,
2 hand sleighs, 1 seven grain haus., ung
trek, hay fork and 01)ng0,00'81.0. ehnlno,
forks. how, wtr. A tmentity of henuehold
furnihlre. including 9 -burner coal oil stove,
1 Happy Thought range. ire pram freezer.
eat many other artirlea tun numerous to
mention. Terms -All ours; of 510 end ander.
ash; over that amount 3 months' credit will
ho given on ferniehing npp'oved Joint nuts.
w dicoont of 4 per 0011. trnipht allewat
{,r rash on reedit. nmmmm. EDWARD ROD -
AV AY. Proprietor: George H. Elliott, Auc-
tioneer 2882-2
Stock and Implements. -Jams Junes,
auctIoneer,'has received 4tmtruction from Mr
L. Jams Johnston to Bell by public euetta,
on Lot 8, Concmolon 8, Township of Hibbert,
on Friday, March 28rd, 1923, the following:
Iiorom-General purpose home 9 yeas old:
general purpose mare, 9 yeas old; general
000002:, ally 8 yarn old; 2 general purpose
mars, 4 years Id; general purpose mere, 8
yea; old; 2 driving mars. Cattle.- Si cows
due to calve Marched April, 26 .tee; and
heifers rising two and three years old,• two
eyeing salvos. Hogs --6 brood sows to liver
in Murch and April, 16 store hose. Fowl
A number of pure bred hens of the diderent
varieties, including the following: Arleen.,
White Leghorea, White Wyandottm, Burred
Rocks, tuff and Whine Cochin:, Bantams and
Muscovy ducks. Implemonta- -Manses-Harr';
Metier 7-foot,cut, Deering binder 6 -foot cat,
hay loader, Front & Wood mower 6 -foot cut.
cultivator, Fleury walking plow, steel Ian!
radar, 4-eeoUon drag harrow.. 12-24 tractor,
8 -furrow ,tractor plow, double dine, tractor ha --
sow, heavy tractor combined cultivator @ drill,
Jolliette grinder with speed Jack, drive belt,
top buggy. 15, H.P. gas engine, 7 H.P. To-
ronto engine nearly new, pump Jack, lumber
wagon, hay rack combination, 3 unit milking
machine nearly new, 2 eels of double barna,
one set dingle harness, feed loiter 60 gallon
capacity, liuckeye brooder 400 chick capacity,
iso ubator Wlononoin 180 egg, two steel drums,
mrnure npreader. IL dine drill, 15 shoe drill.
Household . Furniture --Organ, cook stn re.
refrigerator, quantity need potatoes, some
• art clover seed, frame pump house 6012. a
amber of colony poultry houses Sale et
one o'clock sharp. Terns. --All Hums of 810
and under,cash; over that amoont 8 months'
:edit will be given on furnishing appso:ed
Joint not.. A discount of 6 per cent. per
annum off for cash on credit amounts. P•ost-
tiely no reeerve as the farm m rented. L.
JAMES JOHNSTON. Proprietor ; James
Jor es, Auctioneer. 2883-1
Stuck and Implements. -•Mr. Iseac
Salkeld will sell by public auction at Lot
6 Conceenion 1, Goderich Township, one mile
south of Goderich, on Thursday, March 22nd,
the following: 10 Seotob Shorthorn cattle,
4 maim and 6 females, (write for ataloguel;
4 milch covey, 1 fat cow, 1 year old bull,
Gloster's Favorite 161851, tracing to Duohein
u4 Gloater, imported: 1 red bull one year
obi (Ernest Duke of Gkmterl 11616521 tracing
tn,Duehena of Closter, imported: 5 hoses, n-
rludieg one Registered Clydesdale mare, Bon-
nie Lane. 1993661 and her 10 months.old horse
otlu 2 Yorkshire brood aowa• lean be reels -
t. red, bred to farrow in April and May; 2
pies 4 months old; 3 geese, 1 Bain wagon, box
end rack complete, 1 net of bob eleighe. 1 top
burgs. 1 cutter, 1 dump curt and hornets, 1
Cl., than, fanning mill and bagger. 3 grain
drills. 1 riling plow. 1 two -furrow plow, :1
•,;king plows, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 two.
horse smelter. 1 one -home scut11., 1 disc, 1
hay lender, 1 2t, H.P. International gm
engine, 1 net of Seam harnma, 1 set of plow
herr ,so, 1 art of carriage harness. 2 neu; of
Ingle harness, a quantity of grain. hay,
straw', roots, cedar meta. rail,. and cedar
logs. the .smell molt, went on a farm and
u ,,e . fo
other Artirlm. Sala at ;clu••;c
slrpr1 ie r n
Terms All suns of 510.00 and under.
ash . over
er that amount 12 months' credit
will be given on furnishing opproir) Joint
metes. A discount of `, per cent. allow: i
for rash un:retlit amounts No reser. ss
tit, proprietor giving up the farm. ISAAC
SAI K01,D. Proprietor; T. Curydry. 5'-
Implement,. on Enst Half Let 26. N. E.
i1 , of llabrne Township. on Friday. Marsh
20rd 1023. at 1 o'clock sharp, the following:
Hoa::.+ -•Gelding 11 yeas old, gelding 7 Yea0
mare 12 years old, driver 6 years, goo.!
'ngle or double. Cattle -Cow u years, due
Mt.reh 26rt: t 5 yearn. due :larch 25th;
• 8 years. due June 10th ; tow 6 years,
fresl.ened In November; cow, 7 yearo, freh-
en.d in November; Holstein cow. fresh: far-
row cow; 2 ,tee; 2 years old; heifer rising
2 years ; 3 solves rising one year. 2 fall
e nl',o. Boon, Etc. --Sow with litter, Row due
time of sale. 6 store hogs, 75 hers. Imple-
mrts-- Maooey-Harrix binder,Frost & Wood
mover, dO-font Mmsey-Harris steel rake, cul-
ti,ator, disc harrow. 12 -hoe Massey -Harris
drill. Fleury walking plow, miler, set 4 -section
harrows. aeufller. wagon goal as new, get
eloii-ha with flat rack, hay rack. gravel Mx,
etu,ch rack, 2 root yelpers, buggy, cutter, 6 H.P.
gasoline engine, 8 -inch M. H. grinder, new,
line engine, 8 -Inch Massey -Harris grinder new.
power emery. 01 -foot canvas belting, 18 feet
4.inch rubber belting. 18 0.:t 6 -inch rubber
belting, all new: circular saw end truck, new;
wheelbarrow, Maguey-Harrix cram separator.
new ; extension ladder, 28 ft ; 5 oak barrels,
set sling ropes, 130 feet rope, sling Inek and
Imset hn 1 <, set
roe rain team rnme
harness, set driving harnma, 125 rads wire,
some cedar posts, 600 3 -inch tile. quantity
of oats and mixed grain, about 9 tons timothy
hay, whilttetrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, 2
logging chains,crow bans. hose blankets,
wishing machine, Daisy churn, pails, vice and
many ether artielm. Temno -All num. of 310
and under, cash; over that amount 8 months'
credit on approved joint not. that banks
will accept; or 4 per rent. straight off for
cash on credit amounts. Hey, grain and
hens, rash Positively no reserve as the
farm is sold. ARTHUR JONES. Proprietor:
Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. 2882-2
Thomas Brown hyo been 4netruotod by the
undersigned. to sell by public suation on Lot
80, Ooncmnton 8, kldbbert, on Tuesday, March
271h. eoniMencing at 1 o'clook sharp, the
following: 0icence-1 draught gelding colt
rising 8 years old, 1 general puree30 ally
tieing 3 Yearn old. 1 Peroheron filly rising 2
Year* old, 1 yearling Petoheron colt, 1 driving
home 6 years old. Cattle --1 Durham cow
rising 6 yeas old due to salvo in April. 1
Durham cow rising 4 years old due to calve
about time of sale, 1 cow rising 4 yearo old
due to Salve In May, 8 young cows Just bred,
1 heifer due to calve in May, 4 heifers spring -
Ing, 1 cow rising five yens old due to calve
in June. 3 belt.; rlaing 2 yearo old, three
steers risieg 2 yea; old, 3 fat steers, 2 solum.
Sheep --4 aheep 4ambng in April. Hoge -2
sews due W pis April 10th, 4 n n due
April 26th, 4 sown due May 15th. 1 now doe
April 24th, 1 sow due May oat, 2 now. due
June 1015, 2pows due July 211rd, 2 Hewn due
July int, 1 now With 10 pigs 4 weeks tyke
1 now with 11 pigs 2 weeks pld. 18 pigs
weighing about 100 pound., 21 chunky welgn-
bag about 60 pounds, 2 fat pigs. Also ant
Ingle harnma nearly neu, robe nearly new
Terns -Seven meatier credit on furnishing
approved 'Joint notes. Six per cent per annum
dinaant off for ea.. Diner nerved to peo-
ple from a distance JAMES MURRAY. Pro-
prietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2389-2
• Stock and Implements. • W. E. Nairn, auc-
tioneer, has received instructions to .11 by
public auction on Lot 9, Conce elon 12, Town-
ship of Hibbert, op Wednesday, March 21st,
1823, the following: Homs -Team geldinun,
matched; heavy draught ten year.; old: geld.
Ing nine yearo old; aged home; good drivino
mare rising 6 yearn old, single or double.
Cattle Cow due in May, cow due in April.
cow froohened In November, heifer due ,April,
6 steers and heifrro 2 Sears old, 12 n4e•a
usel heifers rising one year old, 4 ealvm.
Pies Sow due in May, 10 small pion, 100
hem and pullets Implements. Macey -Harris
binder 6 -foot cut with shat carrier and
trul•ks, Deering mower nearly new, hay rake,
11 -hoe need drill, Champion disc hurry's..
Money-Ilan•ia spring Moth cultivator new,
1 -furrow Covkehutt riding plow new, twin
g ang, walking plow, 8 -section harrow, 4 -ore -
tete harrow, 2 set trucks, lumber waged,
lhu-e-quarter wagon, double box, spring vent
new•, hay and utmk rack combined, fanning
mill, iron kettle. buggy, cutter, set britches
harness. set double barn.., net single harness,n to yelper, quantity of timber, quantity rf
pine lumber, quantity of rough lumber, forks,
shovels, neckyokm, whlfletrees, chains and a
number of other useful ortielei ; 100 buoheb
Banner seed oats, 120 bushels Abundance
sed oats clean, 6 tons hay, set bobsleighs,
grnvel box, grindstone. Sale at one o do,lc
sharp Terms -A9 num, of 010 and under.
ash; over that amount 8 months' credit will
be given on furnishing approved joint not..
A discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for
ash on credit amounts. Grain and hay, can'.
No rmerve no the proprietor 10 giving ap
farming. DONALD N. McKELLAR & SON.
Proprietors; W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer. 28801
Implement. - -Mr, Thomas Kelly has re-
• n b instructions from the undersigned to
Hell by public auction on Lot 11, Co...tont,
Mehlilop, un Monday, March 19th, at one
,'clock sharp, the following: Hors.. •One
reetehrd team of heavy draught aeldinea
in0 0 and 8 years old 1 heavy draft geldi,u
4 yearn old. 1 general purpose gelding rising
7 yearn old, good single or double.. Cattle •
O: e cow clue to calve in April. 2 three -y -;sr
0;•1 heifers due to calve in April, 1 fat cow,
1 three year old steer, 1 three year old heti.:r,
2 two-year old steers. 2 two-year-old heifers.
1 yearling steer, 1 choice thoroughbred Short-
' horn bun 2 yarn old. 'these rattle are
'n good condition. Pers- Two brood sows
litters at. foot Gu1 brood x due to litter
lout Anvil 1st. 16 store hove about 125
Fs w' One dozen young Barred Rock hers and
• e thoroughbred rooster. 2 geese and one
g0, der. Implements I fanning mill with.
h••5,er attached, I Maple Leaf grinder. 1 soot
pal Per, 1 Fleury walking plow. 1 rubber lire
top buggy nearlynw 1 piano box cutter
wool u* new, 1 set of brass mounted double
br.tt,on harness nearly new. 1 net of single
h art
"new, w, 1 I8 -font hay ick, ne.v
1 setefn nips slings. new. about 50 heel -isle
eitied netts, a quantity of mixed grain. Pca1.
oats and barley. ubw buckwheat• wane !say
and straw. Terms -Hay and grain and 011
• aof 010 and under, cosh; over that
• unt h mnnthn' credit will be given un
furnishing approved joint notes. A discount
of 1 per cent. per annum allowed off for
cash a o n credit amounts. Everything mart be
Hold the proprietor has rented his farm.
PETER E. MALONEY, Proprietor; Thomas
Kelly. Auctioneer.. 2088x1
and Implement..-. Mr, Wm. E. Nairn hos
been instructed to sell by public Auction 5n
Lot 22, Concession 9. Hibbert, on Thursday.
March 22nd, at 12.30 ::clock p.m.. the fnl-
lowirg; The Farm contains 100 acres, two
awry brick house with hard and soft water:
bank barn. 40080 with 24 -foot posts: straw
shed, 4001. All kuildings hove eement floors
and good stabling; gond well in stable, good
drive shod, 8 acres fall wheat. 35 erre+ fall
/d ssed, balance in bush, pasture and hay.
Land all well tile drained. Honest -1 wen -
oral Purpose matched hinek team 5 and eight
years old, 1 general put -Pose gelding 1 Years
old.1 genera) purposes filly 3 yeon ell. All
the sleet hones good single or double: 1
nrrirultural gelding 4 yearn nld. 1 su i.ig
cnit. 2 ego! nares. Cattle -1 caw Byea-s
nFl due May 1st. 1 row 7 yr001 old else tiros
..f sale, 1 cow 8 yepsm old with calf at side,
row 4 years old doe May ISth, l cow s
o'r:ar Sint dm Jtime of sale 1 c year,
ld doe 1st '1 Mar, 1 steers rising 4'.•,r'
old, 4 heifers rising 2 year,: old. 4 enlvrs
rlsinu 1 year aid. Hogs 1 s with 110)0.,
2 sou, due May 15th. I 0 due ,tune bit 17
hues weight 140 110:. each. also 30 hens.
Implrmenm- Mnesey-Harris hinder f, -font clot,
Mooney-Hurria mower 5 -feet cut, Maoee-
linrris disc drill 11 -hoc with grass gender,
M,e,my-Hnrrie spring tooth reltivatnr. Massie -
/Innis aid0 delivery rake and udder. 10 -foot
eters' rake. Mosooy-Hnrrio 10 -foot roller, Front
& W,wd hay loader, Mosey -Harris manure
p•eader, McCormick diet, 4 -section harrows,
1 twin foot -lift Cockshutt. riding plow, n•n•
Cnekahutt walking plow. 1 srntner, root not -
Per. fanning mill, I set stuck scales, wagon
boy, with stock rock. 1 gravel box. 2 wagons,
1 top buggy. 1 hay reek. Campbell cutter wi•h
side doors new, sot aloof, bobdeighs. Premier
cream separator 600 lbs. capacity, 1 Maple
Leaf l0 -inch grinder, 1 cat' power jack. Over-
land touring car. 1 teem breeching hnrnete,
1 team backhand berm., 1 0ing10 harness,
has. fork. sling rope, and trip. wheelborr,w,
atonebont, 1 dozen gnarl grain hags. Above
implements are all nearly new. Furniture -
t kitchen range. mide boned, kitchen cabinet.
6 dining room chairs. 2 rouchon. 3 rockers.
1 peeler table. cabinet VictrolA with 24, dozen
records, 3 good rugs. new washing maohine.
nquantity of good linoleum, 2 iron hetmteoda,
2 ked syringe. 2 answers. 2 wash stands,
Quantity of Salem, churn. Hey and Grain --
3 ton green feed, 10 tone goal timothy hay,
852 bushels seed nab. 200 btohelo mixed
hurley and nam. 15 hughelo millet so.. quan-
tity of marigold's, 20 hag0 000,) 0otat ee. and
n int of other Artie!. to numerous in men-
tion. Terms Terme •d Farm will be made
knnwn nn day of Hair nr on premiss at any
time. All 4um0 of 810 On and ender, rnah,
mvr that amount R months' eredit will hr
gin Mt on turniehin. npnrnv,rl joint notes. Six
no- rent per annum ntf for rnah on rre•lit
• aunts. No nutaide stook allowed in gale.
E, rrythi or, roost. he gold 114 Proprtet.,r 1, go.
c West. EARLRIITSON. Proprietor Wm.
R. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2480-1
• plcments and Household Furniture.-• 210.
'r. Brown, Auctioneer, hnr reeeive,l inatrue-
'Thi ns from J. W. Mille, to sell by Public
auction On Tot No 5,14th Concmeinn, 110l -
lett, ,n Friday, Marc23rd, commencing at
1 o'clock, the following: horses --1 bay mare
ri+ing 6 yearn old, in fool: 1 black gelding
rising 4 yeas old, 1 bay filly tieing 3 years
old. well broken : I driving home 10 yam
old, quirt. Cattle -1 Hereford cows R yeat0
old due beginning of April, I Hereford cow,
5 years old due time of sale. 1 Durham cow
R yenrn old due .beginning of April, 1 Dur-
ham cow• 4 yearo old due about the 10th of
Arril. 1 Durham cow 9 years old due tat of
April, 1 Hereford cow 3 yea; old supposed
t., be in calf, 4 .steers rising 2 years old, 2
heifers rising 2 yearn old, 4 steam rlain's.1
year old. 1 heifer rielne 1 year old. Poultry
-- 100 hens mostly Rork pullets, 2 pair ducks.
Crain, Hay and hoots -000 bushels of oats,
60 bushels of 2 -roved seed berley, 20 tons of
timothy hay, 10 tons timothy and clover mix-
a quantity of turnips, 50 bushels
pntntne;. Implemenm-- 1 Maseeysliarria binder
7 -foot cut on trucks. 1 set diamond harrowo,
aecti0n0, also equalizer for four; 1 Deering
10 -foot steel rake. 1 No. 21 Fleury walking
'dew, 1 Prost & Wood 2 -furrow walking
paw, I set bdnleigh. 1 Massey -Harris hay -
loader, 1 Half Speed Portland cutter almost
new, 1 arch axle top buggy. 1 Chevorlet
inK car, 400, in fist class order, 1 gravel box,
I wheelbarrow. 20 bunches of XXX shingles,
3 chicken coop, 1 DrLoval cream separator
nlm,ut new. No. 12; 1 110 -fart hay fork n•po
almost new. Harness 1 set double hnrnes;, 1
100 .single harness new. 3 horse collars. one
plush buggy rug, 2 0tring belle and 20 grain
hugs. Furniture - 1 hedroom suits, 3-pieoe
p0rlur upholstered suite, 1 six-octovo Black-
ford organ. piano cat., 1 *'olden oak aide
boned. 1 ,lining room Patens/oi table- 1 Eng-
lish parlor rug 10,, x 12 feet. 1 heating stove,
l kitchen range for we'd or coal, 1 washing
•.:bine 1 Daisy churn, 1 hotter bowl. also
chains, forks and other articles Pe numeroln
o mention. .All will he sold withoutreserve
00 the p•nprirt;,r ha sold his farm. 'Term. -
51„ -110 and under. rah; over that amount 0
Modil surn6,311i ng neuro d joint
n, t0nth?' , o crrdiscoonuntfof r.•r vo
rent, ,arniuh'.
.1- W. MI1J,S, Proprietor: Phoma+ Rmwn,
At,, I toner:. 2003.1
A and implements. -The undrnienet hats
'000ivel instructions to sell by [Millie auction
n led. 41, Coneestim, 2. Teckenmith. on
'resoles-. Sinrrh 20th. 1927, commencing at
I „'clerk sharp, the following: Hosea -One
o,•orral purrs,: mare 9nr0 old, 1 general
prrr.or 1101,0•4 yens olds 1 0000001 purpose
mare 7 vents obi. 1 general purple mare 3
years old. 1 filly' rising one yrnr. Cow; --
1 row due 01 time of AAI:, 1 owe due May
14th, I cow due Mny 17th. 1 Holstein her.
dere May �m711,. 4 lot .ete00, rising 2 years, 1
heifer rising 2 years, I ferrnw mw and 3
Drina calves. Pion. -!1 sow with litter.
Poultry. --20 Rock pit/lobs. about 30 White
Latherna mostly pullets. 2 pure bred Rork
000,tem. 2 gems and I gander. implement.
--1 Deering binder, 1 Massey-Harri send
drill, 1 cultivator, 1 11iAC. I mower. 2 wagon?,
1 rrnrei box nearly new, S -section hnrmwo,
1 walking plow.. 1 ncufflor, 1 gong plow. 1
rent pnlper. 1 turnip Ae•der, 1 work bench,
set of sleighs. 1 set of double harnma, one
DoLnvni cream separator No 12 nanny new.
1 churn, entre hay and grain, 003 other
weals -is. At the 00mr time the Form will he
Rorod for Rale being lot 41, Conceonlon 2,
Tnckeremith. On the from 1A n brick dwel-
lin•r with 10 1,0ms, good coliAr underne0th.
Rank been 40x80, Atone wall, goer) roofs,
rentent ,arm in etnbim, water Piped to barn
by wind mill. 1 frame barn. 2 never fatting
writs. Th'e farm is In a awed farmingcoun-
try and in n rich clay Innm; well fenced; 2
orchard, 10 acres fall wheat, 40 res
felltenwed, the rent needed in grans. One-
half mile from school and church; 414 to
Clinton. 7 to Seofnrth; rural malt and tele-
phone. (lined reason, for ,hallus. T rmA.f
Sole. --A11 s et 010.00 and under, snail
over that mime
8 mnnthn' credit will be
given nn - furnishing approved Joint notes.
Three per Cent off for crash on erodit
temente Termo on Farm. -Ten per cent. on
day f eele; n p,rt)nn may remain
ortera00 nt 5 per rent., and lenience in 30
days- CONRAD V012,AND, Proprleter; G,
H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2881-8
Ts, ors a d:4i 04anco TttoekeoP to'
,..,, h, 10
aozas en'ed and bahinco grew!nleo
good 4a 2040, with crania/tad tied root
1 stern..fa411og well at barn tied 1 over-ftorbt
am t
eprin8 al , back naming into concrete tub,.
Two acres hardwood bash, and one acre
cedar. Two :pile from HensaU. Apply to
A. B. BELL, R. R. No, 2, Kippers. Phone
2.98, ifetwabi. 0882.2
Half of tole 18 and 17 an the 2nd Con-
mewl.of MoK4}lop. containing 81 agree. Goat
flame born and stable, good frame house, 2
never failing well, and Windmill. Good
mehard, well fenced. 'Three miles from Sea -
teeth, one-half mile from school, If not hold
will be rented for a term of yearn. For
further partioularo opts on the premises or
dedreSeaforth Poet Office. TOBIAS NASH
For Sale By Tender
Tenders wW be received by the undersigned
u+ to 12 o'clock noon ,m Wednesday, the 28011
f March, 1928, for the purchase of the
following assets of
Hamilton, Ont
rwmiating of --
PARCEL No. 1-Par,•eI of land situated In
the City of Hamilton, composed of Lot No.
8,1 on the southeast corner of Mata and
Catherine Street, having a frontage on Main
Street of 71 feet 9 Inches more or Iron and
depth on Catherine Street to public lane of
137 feet 8 inches more or Imo, together with
a brick 3 storey 'building erected thereupon.
PARCEL No. 2 --Parcel of land eituated la
the City of Hamilton composed of Lot Nu. 45
on the northeast 00e err of Jackson Street,
haring a frontage onCatherine Street of 137
feet more or lma, and Lot 46 on tile nu:tb
nide of Jackson Street having a frontage of
71 feet more
less. t tether with a modern
3 storey brick and ;'eel mill constructed
inetory and three dwrh,,, , a:ected thereupon.
PARCEL No. 8 -Part...! ofland situated i
'the City of Galt, :emir.„d of Lot Nu. 4 on
the mouth nide of M,.,, Street, having a
frontage of 48 feet by o depth of 100 feet
ore or Ims, together with a 3 storey brick
beilding. bompriaing '0.. ,n Nos. 42, 45, 47,
Main Street.
PARCEL No. 4 -Pees -1 of land Mutated in
the City of St. Thorne. composed of Lot 6
a the south oldo of Talbot Street. having a
frontage of 27 feet 6 rushee more or lose by
depth of 120 feet mi a or lets, together with
n 3 storey brick store. having a frontage of
27 feet by 100 feet more or less.
PARCEL No. 5-Pnr,•el of land actuated 'n
the Town of Seaforth, tempoed of Lot No.
80, having a frontage of 60 feet on Main '
Street by a depth of 132 Leet more or Imo:
too4her with a 2 storey brick building, also
mnrhinery and euuipm,•nt suitable for manu-
facture of clothing listed in Seaforth Innen- 1
Tenders will be reeeimed for the five parcels
n bloc.” Tenderer, a requested to state
the rr
e unt apportionedby them to:ash
vn reel. renders will be received for the five
Parcels separately and in case the whole
Property may be Hold risme a.lventag,'uuely in
0,Turate parcels. such tender may he accepted..
A.I taxes, insurance, water rata, and eimilar
items will be adjuottel to completion of oale..I
Parcels I to 5 will be odd subject to encum-
brnncee and exiting t•nnnclm.
l'urchaer shell n rrh the title at his ow.)
xucuoe and the Trust.: ,hall not be requires]
do furnish any abstract. or produce any deed+,
derlarations or any other evidence of title
except those in hie p..,, -.cion. The purchaser
shall have ten days which to make anY
objection or requisition in
respect to the title.
anti in case the purch,o,•rshall within such
time make any,ob4ecti,n, or retuisition which
the vendor shall from n e
us be unable ar
unwilling to remove a
a . the 'trustee
may rearind the sale. to whicr
hcane the pur-
chaser shall to enHtbd only to a return rf
the deposit money without interest. out or
TERMS OF SALE one Quarter Nosh and
th, balance in 30 doys with interest at seven
use rent. untlefactorile scvurtd, or such terms
a, may be arranged.
A marked cheque. payable to the order of
11. T. Clarkeon, Trust.. for ten per rent.
of the amount of the ',•nder must accompany
r+.ch tender, which .04,'. ,' will be returned
if tender in not accepted and forfeited if the
LOW.' io accepted and not completed by the
Thr highest or any tender not necessarily
Tenders will be opened no. the office of the
Trustee at 12 o'clock noon on the 211th day
of March, 11123, when all tenderers are re-
quested to be pren,•nt.
Further portitulos a0 ti the property and
inventories may be had on application to the
Trustee or t, Newburn & Mashall, Hnrrbtes,
Spectator Bldg.. Hamilton. Ont.
Dated at Toronto thin' 12th ,fay of March,
G. T. CLARKSON, Trustee.
E. R. C. Clarkson & Sons,
15 Wellington St W., Toronto.
Phone 2 0
0 We have on ha at o
all times Oat, Barley,
0 Corn and Pea Chop, 0
0 also Ground' Flax Seed 0
O in any quantity. See 0
these if in need of feed. c
olyf'ilverton Flour, o
Bran and Shorts.
Grain Buyer. 0
Custom Chopping. 0
O Another Car of Re -cleaned 0
Screening to arrive at end 0
O of week. Leave your order 0
0 now.
Seaforth, Ont.
3 Cakes
3 Packages •
4 S. Tin
Large Size
2 Pounds I
2 Tins
LARD, Bulk,
Per Pound 20c
2 Loaves 1J 5
Why Pay More When We
Sell For Less?
Under the Auspices of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society
lot 2nd Ord 4th
No. 1, Stallion, Aged,Cup 45 08 81
Cup donated by Btik of
Cnmmeroe, vidue 817.00.
Stallion foaled 1920 6 8 2
Stallion Fouled 1921 4 2 1
Stallion Foaled 1922 4 a 1
sweepstakes Badge
Belgian Stallion
Stallion, any 800 8 1
Stallion, any age 3 1
Stallion, any age 8 1
Stallion, any age 8 1
Standard Bred Trotting Stet -
}Joe In harness 4 8 2
Standard Bred Pacing Stal-
lion In harness 4 8 2
Ifrmes shown in teams weighing over 1,600
pounds not eligible In Agricultural Claes,
Brood Mare in foal 10 8 2
Special Prize Domioion Bank
let prize; 2nd prize, razor,
donated by W. W. Itobinoon
Filly or Gelding foaled in 1920 6 2 1
Pair ahem donated by H. R.
Scott, first prize.
Initis or Gelding foaled In 1821 6.10 2 1
Wheelbarrow donated by A.
Brundaon, fleet prize.
Fill or Gelding foaled in 1922 6 2 1
Foie plow shoes donated by
W G. Willie. frot prize
Team In harness 22 6 8
Suit of cloth. donated by
Stewart Bron., fleet. prize.
Mare, Filly or Geldires any age 6 8 9
Cash, donated by Province of
Ontario Bank, tat prize;
Nrrkyoke donated by J. A.
Stewart, 2nd,priae.
Heavy Draft
1•rood Marc 1n Foul 10 3.602
(rood, donated by J. Man -
ravish, tat prize; Goode.
Sproat & reproe4, 208 prize
For Gelding, foaled in 1920 2 1
Bag of Flour donated by J.
Cleary, 100 lbs., 1st prize,
Fitly or Gelding foaled in 1921 8 2 1
Wool home blanket donated
by N Cluff & Sone, tat prize
Filly or Gelding foaled in 1922 6 1
Pair Williams' work shoes do-
nated by Fred Wiese 1st
prize: 60 lee. Flour donated
by Marshall Stewart, 2nd
Team in Harness 25 6 3
Retsina Watch donated by F
Si. vaowr, let Drize.
Marc, Filly or Gelding any age 6 8 2
Cash donated by Wm. Cud -
more, tat prize.
General Purpose
Team In Harem. 5 8
)'ah donated by W. Thomp-
,ne Boot Store lot prize;
C oh donates! by L. Atkin-
son, 2nd prize.
Roadster Home In barmen,
15.3 or ,ander 4 2
Ce-riageHorse in Harnem,
15-3 or over 4 2
RoodoterTeam in Herne,
15-3 or under 4 2
Carriage Team in Harness,
16-9 or over 4
Stallion and three foals of 19222 -Raincoat
donated by Ferguson & Co., value 010'
Haller donated by Agricultural Society.
value 85 00. No. prize in this event unless
two entries.
Classes will be called In the order on this bin
lot 2nd 3-d
Bull, 3 years or over 0 3 2
Rel), 2 sten old 4 2 1
Hull. 1 year old 7 4 2
2 1
Polled .Angus _
Bull, 3 yeas old or over 3 2
Bull 3 2
10.8 3 2
Sweepstakes -
Nn. 1 -.Entrance fee El : each extra entry. 000.
No. 2 -Brod mares must show visibly in foal.
No. 3- Age of horses to date from Jan, 1st
No. 4 -Age of cattle to date from Sept 101
No. 6 -All preterits must be in writing and
hnnded'4o the Secretary by 6 p.m. the
day of the show, accompanied by 52
which will be refunded If protest is
Nn. 6 No registered Clydmdale allowed to
show inAg ricultural Class.
No. 7 -Feels showing in entire class not
eligible to compete in the Heavy
Draft or Agricultural Glomes for Coals
Prize Llate may be obtained from the
DR. RARRURN - - - - President
R. M. JONES - - - Treasurer
M. BRODERICK - - - Secretary
2 11mn, cotton wilt REMNANTS El,
6 Ita. 32, 10 Ilse 13, 25 the. $5,
1 lb. silk or velvet patches $1.50,
2 lbs. $2. 2 Ike cotton remnants
good lengths for children'. dresnm,
09ron0, shirt,, etc. 81.50. 1 Ib.
fingering yarn all shades, SI. A.
MoCREERY & CO , Importers
Baby Chicks hatcher in a
Buckeye Mammoth,' to grow and
thrive, from the hest of stock,
Leghorn;, ......41.50n hundred.
Barred Bock, P20.00 hundred
Order Early -Order Now
E. L. Mittel!,
Clinton, Ontario.
n n, t
if you're fond of sausage and
find it hard to get the kind that
tickles your palate. suppose you
try ours for a change? Our fresh
country pork sausage is simplyf.
delicious, pure and wholesome.
Our beef sausages 05,1 specially
selected by UR.
Main Street - Seaforth.
Phone 58.
Pre r
Closes Mei
CHOICE 1 -.:One Roser . selected from too foollow'
P•ERPETIJ 0-:Fluph Picll4op•, diaFt r,;$Iek •
Druschki, General Jack, Mrs, John To1R
CLIMBING—Alberic Burbler, Crimsoni,.
kine, Gold Finch, Tausendschoq, EYee s u.
lumbia, General McArthur,' George C' Wali. a
Lieutenant Chaures, White Killarney, I1sdtance, EilIal i�'
(pink), Premier, Hoosier Beauty, Sunburst,
CHOICE 2—Hydrangea Paniculata.
CHOICE 8—Boston Ivy.
CHOICE 4 -.One Peony.
CHOICE 5—Three Un -named Dahlias,
CHOICE 6—Spirea, Von Hutto (white flowering shrub).
CHOICE 7—Weigelia (shrub), white, pink or red.
CHOICE 8—Eight Gladiolus.
CHOICE 9—Twenty-five Strawberry Plapts.
CHOICE 10—The Canadian Horticulturist.
CHOICE 11—Honeysuckle—Shrub or Climbing.
CHOICE 12—Three Japanese Iris.
CHOICE 13—Three Tuberous Begonias.
CHOICE 14—Clematis Paniculata (sweet scented).
CHOICE 15—Althea—Rose of Sharon (shrub).
CHOICE 16—One Grape, red, black or white.
CHOICE 17—One Currant, red or black.
Members please bear in mind that the Premium List will dose
on March 22nd. The Society will supply Members with extra %'nese
—Fruit or Ornamental—Plante, Shrubs, Bulbs, etc., at cost. Make
out your order for extras on a separate sheet.
Do your bit to make Seaforth attractive. Get ready for 1924.
Cut out this Form. Mark X opposite any three choices --three of
the same, if you wish—and mail or hand it to the Secretary with
One Dollar—DO THIS TO -DAY.
Members will also receive Bulbs in the Fall.
Member's Name
Secretary -Treasurer.
0000 000000000
W. T. BOX & CO.
Embalmer and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Government
Diploma and License
Charges moderate
Flowers furnished on short
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 176 Phone 48
000000000 0000
• Hilton W. Parke, Waterdown, Ont. 5.
= writes: "I can safely bless the day
you left et bottle of Asthma Remedy
with me. I had relief from the amt
dose and have been improving ever
iee ince; an lie down at night and rest: =
• the cough has entirely left me: I have
• gained three pounds since I etarted
= the bottle, which is now nearly finished. a.
▪ The good news has spread around this
= district and already several want t
try It I feel se good over the new
1110. es it were, I Ilke to tell others."
51.60 per bottle. Money back H not
• wthfied. F.r sale t Umbach'a Drag
8 �orO mail Pram H. -T. 2802-20 =
5111111111111111111111111111111111M 1111111111111
Drain Tile and
Ditching Machine.
We have a good stock of Drain t51e
on hand in sizes from 2140 inches up
to 8 inches. Anyone wishing to have
the Ditching Machine, call on us for
particulars. We will also deliver tie_
Phone 2 on 160. R. R. 3, Seaforth.
Cream andEggs
I am starting a Cream Route
this spring and will call and take
all your cream and Eggs.
Send in your name to me be-
fore making other contracts.
Good Shoes
If it is a Good Work or Wearing Shoe for
• the Men and Boys you are looking for, there is
El nothing more reliable than "The Williams'
Shoe"—a good solid Shoe for all wear.
F. Our stock of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Chil-
• dren, Men and Boys is very complete, and the
E price low considering the Quality.
Call and let us show you what. we are of-
fering for Spring.
„: r, i v4 Dia;
4• 1 tr ell! 'tea
`,, 4, 4o'llit, `ht'1 , v. 4 1 A 1. ,1"� a,.13