The Huron Expositor, 1923-03-09, Page 8E
make a Speciality
,taking Family Group .
D. F. Buck
'I'RE HURON -EXPOSITOR Llama, a Clinton, were callingon NEW
Seaforth friends on Saturday,-
Rena McKenzie, of Stratford, spent l
the week end with her mother hero.
DISTRICT MATTERS -Misses L. and O. McCormack and
Wilma Seip were Stratford visitor:;
on Saturday last. -Mr. Boaster, man-
ager of the Universal Lightning Rud
Company, Hespeler, was in town thia
week on business with his agents, G.
A. Reeves & Son. -Mr. Angus Ken-
nedy and his sinter, Miss Dorothy, of
Hamilton, are visiting at their home
here this week, owing to the serious
illness of their mother, Mrs. Atex.
Kennedy. -Mr. James Johnston, of
Belgrave, moved into town on Thurs-
day and will occupy the reaidende re-
cently vacated by Mr. Neil Klein. -
Mr. John McLean, who has been vis-
iting friends and relatives in Ilibbert,
Logan, Blanshard and Tuckersmith
doting the pant few months, left fbr
his home in Vancouver on Tuesday.
--Mr. Harry Livens returned on Wed-
nesday front a two weeks' visit with
friends in Smith's Falls. -Miss Mary
Laing spent the week end with her
brother in Milverton. -Mrs. John
Turner and daughter, Miss Jean, ate
.,pending a few weeks with friends in
'I t tanto. -Miss Mary Gillespie, of the
I••t rgus Collegiate staff, spent the
[tele end at the home of her parents.
51r and Mrs. ,lttnies Gillespie, -bliss
( ellen, of 'Toronto, is the guest of
efts, Frances Winter. -Many friends
id. Mrs. Ales. Cray, of Egmondvi1Ic,
ill regret to learn that she suffetod
Crushed Hiwaiian
Real Values One gal. tin $1.25
W. A. Crich.
1'reeenlation to Seaforth Iioy.-
St Bart Me1tlt,sh, formerly of Sea -
forth who for the past two and oo.e-
hall years has been sulna•int•ndr•nt.
et' the garage and a Hetet of over 601
--- truck.; for Silverwoods I tel tendon
a . aper
are now in Stock and ready
for your inspection. You
will be delighted with the
Patterns and Colorings this
season. We will be pleased
to show them to you.
Workman, N. Forrest, A. Murdock.
The best spellers for the month are:
Jr. W. -J. Anderson. Sr. II1.-Mar.
gut -rite McDonald. Jr. III. -B, Must-
ard. Sr. II. -B. Murdock, No. on
roll, 19.-M. MeNain, Teacher.
School Report: --The following is
the report of School Section No, 7,
Teckersmith, for the months of Janu-
a: v and February. Many of the child-
ren have been absent owing to sick-
ne:e. Those marked with an asterisk
oilseed one or more examinations:
Jr. 1V. --Jean Webster, Pearson Char-
ters, 'Rex McGregor, Isabel Cameron,
r 1:ah severed his c,n it oboe with thisa alight stroke en Thursday lust.--- '(,t urge Culemmt. Sr. ILL --Margaret
W. J. FIN l\I�AN. e
fro, to take a moth mare reeponsibl,. cit J.,seph Fowler, /if Nesbitt, Man., r", relit, *George Mech. Jr.. -
Phone 72. pesitir,n with the Meigle. Truck r',,, t- tisiting at 'he hetet, of his brothel. 1•.ddi,' Reyes, Isabel Forrest, *Mona
Un leasing, the etlir• ,t:ttl' :utd solo.• eL- Herbert Fowler, Huron Road, Mi( roger. Sr. 11. Arthur Thump-
. forty employees gathered Will after 11 e,t, f{oleo Thorn{nun, Margaret
:. pres•ht .. from Mr. Ft!vet•weott ant t Broadfoot. Jr, 11. l.lbyd McCrea,' .1.
r,l hers, resented him frith a Set of '•irl waittrd.-4,1 too f, ti g,•m•r.l h,,,nts. ; -Meth Forrest. 1'r Bill Forrest,
Wall Paei. 1t4roi,V;,a I'hr , r. o,.eor otter,• M '" ,l ire McGregor, ,Lot Black, *AIiSter
a bony military bru.el e: :old a valet •For ash.:-.r..ur th1 ,nt•nhr,d tno,•k Kin -
Aut.. Strop safety raze 1 set in Ito -ea -ea Appb to .1,01 Fri ,,t, y,t. _ Rf3111 wit. Jean Vj'rhstett is the t)nly
Itrthrr ease, to show the eaoetn. in n ,!.. %,tri, p ' Pupil with perfer attendance ncy
which he I., held. All wished him For anti. A natal] ':ode pnnn••rreph I ,n 11,e new year. -; M. elcNuugl
1.., eil.,...o, nhoon : rid with Ismaili d'„ '1'ei,e he r.
lunch Success In IIIS tn•W•S. t,,;' b,• .�,hl ut a reel pare a,n. E. Mobs. h.
Papers Our leeel line of Pa are
now in stn•k and you are
Wanted.--Lrew,make,g by the dor Con •-
cordially invitesl to inspect G.W.V.A- Notes, -Thr stag etachre, - n„.hir,rte and at, -t , ids- wsrk rnaranttd.
these new designs, which, Nye held in the Club R,,ints Tuesday tl wy t, stat., 11"1„a ttn,.,,.r, itox 299, ,
t1 r- I Itrunner t;gnnnd ,llv 2882-2 ,r
iiii-th. Ont. 2sx2-
believe, are the most Artistic
that we have ever shown.
Opposite Expositor Office. Phone 6
eft ni ng Was, dt•spi to the sin
a moat enjoyable t1ITait'.
Con Eckert and James ling
the prize winning partner
Beattie annexed the prize
2, hands, while Dr. Grieve a
Hinchley carried off the ho
! a strenuous contest
-Friday, March 16th, n
St. Patrick's Day Dance wi
on by the Executive. Good
all crowd, Important Notice. Troon+ having Screw
Mes,rS. .1 or k., Ban, I-ud,l,•n,, Fruit• Streetchrn, etc.,
hes were ,,:, mu,t return them at enc, etherw,se
John''"; •. „f ante tatws11,•. be ci,lectd. '15288,, 2-I Big
Il:•:dwan•. H
for lune Hoene t'or Sale. - An eight named frame
nd Jame; ten ewe .n Godench Street. 1o,ch room, dee
oby after tri, light,, hart and soft water, garage.
Apply to Robert Smith. 28110 -it
ur annual i •St the t.yrir, til a 0,y;, Tus„Iny and We.l-
,—day, H p, Hampwn i , ••StxMuvt" ,w :rue
11 the put -n1 life :. i, Nannie Hunt'„ famous novel
.. I'he H,a,t,” hs, bust t, dal.•. Herr 2 n
for the occasion has 1x•eu c. -cured. No
special invitations will be issued this wanted At once. • A `emnrt girl to do gen-
year, the fee being for non-ntembc•re,
81.50 per couple and 50 cents extra
-Special efforts are being made :o
have ;nrnething extra good fur Easter
and will be announced later.
Dolls s Fre
Cream Olive Soap, 3 cakes
(and 1. Dull Free) for...'LSc
Pickled Lake Herrings, any
quantity, dozen 40c
Olives, large Spanish; in
Mason jars, each ...:50n
Jelly Powders, all colors of
the rainbow, 3 packages
for 'L5-
Salmon, finest red in Tins.
5., each 1 ;c
MIalt Extract, for baking &
beverages, per !b. 20c
Catsup, Heinz, large bottle,
for 25c
Head Lettuce, Cabbage, Car-
roty, Parsnips, Turnips, Etc.
You have the desire; us the
Sproat & Sproat
Another case just received.
Warranted by Wallace Fisheries to
1 be best Pink Salmon. 1 can, 20e;
2 for 35c; 12 for 82.00. This same
Salmon is being retailed at 25c,
2 Bed Salmon,
1 dozen for
3 Red 'Sockeye,
able, per can
Per dozen
and cucumber
regular 33e for..30e
hest Salmon procur-
SPECIAL --Olive oil
oatmeal and cold
cream and La -France Rose, regu-
lar 5c per cake, 10 for 25c
LAUNDRY SOA P -Our double siza
cake at single size price. Inc, or 3
for 25 cents, is said to be a splendid
FIGS -Old at 10c or 3
somewhat. ,candied, but g015( cook-
ers, 10c, or 3 ilia, iffer 25c
DATES -First-class Sair Dates, lee,
or 3 for . •25c
Gulden Halluwee Dates, 15c, or 2
for 25c
F. ' Hutchison
Phone 166.
music) v. L:,d, suggested it! Also [luster Keaton in
Loral Briefs. "King Tut and the
Men cif To -day" will be the suhieet
dice° -sed at the Set f•.,rlh Presbyter-
ian church next Sunday evening -•-
"'.rs. iiowker, Duyn'en 11. else. 13r,--
tol. F:eglaud. wa- the guest ei he,
u-usin, Mt5. M telly, ( ,.?, rich street
1Veet, last week. --5:,, v friends het,
will regret to learn of the death e;
William P Cline, eldest sit of 51r.
and Mrs, William Cline. for many
years well known Seaforth residents,
but new of Hamilton, which occurred
on February 22nd. Interment took
place at Hamilton on 'Monday, Febru-
ary 26th, -Miss Blanche Cooper, who
has been seriously ill for several
weeks, is recovering. -The Neil Shaw
Auxiliary, of Egmondville church, are
holding an Irish social in that church
ou the evening of Monday, March 12,
-It will be gratifying to the members
of the Auxiliaries and Mission Bands
throughout the Huron Presbyterial to
knew that the deficit of the Women's
Missionary Society of the Presbyter-
ian church throughout the Dominion
amounting to $68,000, has been entire-
ly wiped out and that the General
Council will be able to begin the year
with a clean slate. -We are sorry to
state that Master Alex. Finnigan, of
Ngmendville, will be out of school in-
definitely, as the result of a sudden
attack of inflamatory rheumatism.
He will be greatly mis.eed by his fel-
low playmates. -At the evening ser-
rt::r in First Presbyterian church on
Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 'Mul-
len sang a beautiful duet, "When 1
Survey the Wondrous Cross,” with
organ accompaniment by Miss Mar-
garet Edge. The number was great-
ly appreciated by the congregation.-
Wm. Rion, of Hullett, and
James Evans, of Beechwood, directors
of the MrKillop Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Co., were in Toronto last week
attending the cnnvention of the Pro-
vincial Fir,' Insurance Companies._
Mr. Wm. Smith, who has been visiting
hi: father, Mr. Robe Smith, in Huller.,
and other relatives here for ,some
weeks, left Saturday last for his home
in Mileetenu, task. -Miss Ina Hart, of
S'ratfnrd, ix visiting at the home or
her ntether here.- Mr. J. Backus, of
Toronto, is the new accountant in the
Ilnntinien flank to succeed Mr. F. L.
Downey. who was recently moved to
Wrlkertille.---Mr. and Mrs. William
(5 holt!, of Zurich, were week ,•n,1
^:u i-ta nt. the home of Mr. Cnnsilt's
hr, thee Mr John ) ,,nsit t..Tohn Street.
-. Miss Evelyn A11'11318, of the London
--. _ Nertent School, spent the week red I
ork, no cooking : goal wog., pd.
R , paid.
Lyours girt, toet about June 3011.
Apple to ivirs. 11 R. McKay,
Albion Hotel, hayfield, Ont- 2831-1f
' the 5,•:I Shaw Auxiliary
e•r. •�t n.' >e in at,
.nd the Irish social tit
1•: r n•I, i. rhurrhMonday. March 17:5.
to I:� flier. 1.. . i l-ni,. I nter,unent
Nonni rnl.'„r, noir'„• and play. "1 rl.l, lir-atI. ••
I(noses For Sob•. -t f'' -n 31ark,-i and
tit o• n ,,:n
ro. summer kitchen,. 1 t ,., sdre•., mid . 1,,.,• . .� lu,l,ng tir. it
.lm .a pp.t
M nod n1. ...,1 �lintt _. t,;, nla�.
it.: Ace e d air phi %laii Sits'ct
1 Leh,sited., mint, ...d.
Spler,,.1 1et.n ;,y tern. Apply
t.-. ftutehi.,n
1'or Snit,; -1 8a.,.,med frame collage situ -
tmot ,.nit heck . u11, and :tory block west ,,f
„••x.m„n.l„11- I'naoerine, church. This
a•t•..e,• stands WI hall sere of ground, is
electric light, .1 and has hard and soft water
end e, ,n first clans condition. 'rhere art
fruit ; ares . a variety of small fruit
a,`1 n good tern and hen house, For par-
t„ulun apply to Thomas tYLoughlin, Sea -
forth P. 0.. It. It A, or phone 111 on 131.
the. reonth and on examinations,
Those masked with an asterisk ob-
tained pejlfect attendance. Those
marked (,ti) were absent through ill-
ness or missed several exams: Sr.
1V --"Margaret Eaton 80. Jr. 1V-
*W'illiam Hart e6 lltu•old Hart 60,
Jean Helfand (a) 65. Sr. IlI-Stew-
att Mintage (a), Annie Bruunle (id.
Jr. 111 -Annie Hanna 86, Jack Mont-
gomery 80, Mabel I'ethick (et), Mar-
garet Pethick (a). Sr. 11- -"Isabel
Eaton 94, Evelyn Campbell (a). Jr.
11 (A)• -.Wilson 1 !tile 70, W1laott
Campbell (a). Jr 11 (13)- -Roy Dol -
mage 88, Margaret Montgomery 80,
William Dolmage 80, Willie Camp-
bell (a). Harold Pethick (a), Rusaell
Dolmage (a). The Maple Leaf team
woe the clean teeth contest for
February. Number on roll, 20; av-
erage for Fehreerv, 12. -Edna M.
Jamieson, Teacher.
Notes. -We are rtleascd to report
that. Mr. Robert Nern'is is recovering
after an operatien i•L Toronto hospital
and is now eonvith".ting at the home
of his sister, Dr. Maegetret Patterson.
Ills many friends here hope for his
complete recovery Mr Henry Hog-
garth has sold his five toe -acre farm
two utiles west of 'ht• village, to 51'-.
I!. Wright. --•Rev 11 Ritchie attended
Presbytery on Tuesday in Stratford
and was elected moderator for next
term. -Word was received last week
of the death of Walter Whyte in
1lrmieta, Man., a son of the late John
Whyte, Sr., of the Whyte Packing
Cu. He was a former resident of
thisglare, being born on the Whyte
our mile so„'h of the village
ate', my -three year's ago. Deceased
suffered (r,,nt a paralytic stroke in
the early fall and never recovered.• -
c are sorry to report Mrs. Walter
, M,.rshall ureter the doctor's care.-
• Me. J. A. McLaren. of F:gmondvillo,
is a1<
n u
n a work wilt
his eon, Alex.
- -yl very interesting game of football
vase played between iter echool boys
and 5. S. No. 5 on Friday, the scoro
going 1 to 0, in favor of the latter.
Sugar. Yt_-,, sugar i, worth $11.00 a hun-
dred and don't blame your ehopkreprr for
charging that, but wo bought before thee rise
ars/ will nave you that E1.00, We ,tis have
11 few hundred ,•
of w.' r left at 010.00. P
O'Brien & Sem, Stafa;2882.1
Notes. -We are sory to report that
Mr. Moffat is confined to the house
through illness. - Master Clarence
Norris is recovering after a sick spell,
Mr, F. O'Brien was unable to take
his class on Sunday owing to illness.
-We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Mr, Charles Tuffin, Sr. He
is downith pneumonia and little
hope. is tertained for his recovery.
--Thr Adult Bible class of which Mr.
F' O'B ten fs ipaM
ehir; 'r. Leary,
licesichint, and Miss Mary Sadler, Se-
cretary, gave :t banquet if} first class
style to all the numbers of the class
on Friday evening. Dr. Silcox, prin-
eipal of the Normal School, was the
•l• •akar and his fine address wus
much appreciated by ell. The entire
pregr:umin e• was good. •Services in
the churches were alrnrnt dispensed
with on Sunday, owing to the weather
and the roads. -Mn, A. McLellan
spent last week with friends in Sea- ,
forth. -Mn, Chapman, who has been
visiting her brother in Toledo for
the last few weeks, 1s expected dome l
this week. -The Women's Institute
ntet at the home of Mrs, Charles Tref-
fery on Wednesday with a good at-
tendance. -The Ladies' Aid met at
Mrs. Joseph Worden's on Thursday
B1.:1 K Fy
:!fission Band. --The'- regular meet-
ing of the Blake Mission Band was
held in the church on March 3rd.
There was a good attendance inciud-
Mg twelve present for the "RJd "
and ten for the "Silver." The meet -
in; wan opened with hymn 758, then
the Lord's Prayer was repeated in
union. Eleanor Meyers read Scrip-
ture Lesson, Luke 10, verses 25 to 37.
Thih was followed by hymn 773, af-
ter which the secretary's and treasur- •
er's reports were given. The meeting
was then divided into two classes,
Miss Alberta Finlay taking the junior
class and Mrs. I'. A. Manson taking
the Senior class. After singing hymn
;.7, Mrs. P. A. Manson closed the
meeting with prayer.
School Report.- The following is
the school report of School Sec•tiort
An 10, McKillop, for the month of
F', rtoary, based on the work during
The Picture you hate
been waiting for.
Greatest Comedy
An hour of Unforgettable mer -
special optical Offer. -High grade, gold- riment,
filled spectacles and eye triaasrx, with bets When you're coming 'think of
fiat spherical lease, for only *3.50. AH your• friends.
other style of frame, and lenses at lowest
AI tee. Eyrer xamined by Mr Hugn
formerly opticalexpert for Kent's. Toronto,
tu•d hater for Henry Morgan & co., Montreal,
The beset optical work to be obtained and- at
moderate pries:. 'Two days only, Monday
mid 'Tuesday. March 1011 and 2001. Come
early. Beat4e's Fair, Snaforth.. 288242
Masonic. -Rt. W. Bro. C. E. Rich-
ardson, of St. Marys, District Deputy
or South Huron District, paid his of-
ficial visit to Britannia Masonic Lodge
on Monday evening last. Several
vIL:itors were present from Toronto,
Stratford, Mitchell and Iiensall, and
with the large attendance of mem-
bers the spacious lodge room was fill-
ed to capacity. The work of the first
degree„w'as conferred upon a candi-
date, and the prompt accurate main-
ner in which the work was done by the
ma -ter, J. A. Petrie and his oflicor;
earned many warm words of coht-
mandation from the District Deputy,
visitors and members. After the work
in the lodge an adjournment was made
to the Olympia Restaurant, where all
excellent chicken dinner was served.;
W hen this had leen done ample jus-1
tie()to, the members again assembled
in the lodge room, where a lengthy '
toast list was carried through, with
Mr Thoma:: McMillan in the chair,;
and a couple of hours most pleasant-
ly spent.
F.gmnndviiie'School.--The follow-
ing is the report of Egmondville pub-
lic school for the month of February.
The work has been seriously inter-
rupted by the Hu epidemic and sev-
eral pupils have been absent. several
days. Nantes are in inciter of merit.
Kri.ranee Class. -John Strong, Eva -
lime Nott, Gordon McGonigle, Lloyd
Itirnin, Laura Mc•111ill:ut, Winnifrel
Kruse. Sr. 111 -Jeannette Finnigan,
rank Kling, Leona Duper. Jr. Ili
-Raymond Nott, Roy McGonigle,
Villi• McDonald, Myrtle Dupee, Wil-
le Miller. Sr. I1 -Margaret Strong,
at her home•. here. --Mr. E. Umbach is
O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 at his home in Waterloo this week, 1
O owing to the illness of his father. -
Sit'. George Jackson returned on Wed -
o Phone 25 0 nesday frnm a trip to California, He
o • We have on hand at O w'as accompanied by his uncle, Capt.
O ,Taekson, who intends making his
all times Oat, Barley, a home here. -The ladies of St. James'
d Corn and Pea Chop, O in the , Pariah of HallSton a Sat rday,
O also Ground Flax Seed b March 77th. -.Mr. Alex. Broadfoot, of
0 in any quantity. See O Moose Jaw, is a guest at the home of
his mother, Mn. J. H. Broadfoot -
'� thenMilverton Flour, 0 Seip spent Sunday with friends in
O Bran and Shorts. O (%tinted Mias Grace Knechtel, of
Stratford Normal Schcol, spent the
0 Grain Buyer. O week end at her home in Egmond-
a O Custom Chopping. O vine,--Mrs..J. R. Hahkirk is visiting
t"f: 0 A Carload of Re -cleaned O Smith nth Henson friends. -Mr. T. S.
m s,,
0 Screenings Expected at End 0 Sea f forth shipped ttation c to of Montrealnhoraes f r on
O of week. O
0OATMEAL MIO Thursday. --Mrs, Geo, Murray is vfs-
( , � Ring with Sarnia friends this week:-
a',':, ', Seaforth, Ont. 0 j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grigg left on
Thursday for their home in the West. 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'' 0 0 -Mrs. J. Dorso y and Miss Millin Wil- C
Friday, 4.15 p.m. Saturday 3.15 p.m,
Evenings, 15 and 20 cents
Afternoons, 10 and 15 cents.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
St, Patrick's
A Tea will be held
from 5 to 8-�-
under the auspices of
olic W'otnen's Lea
Everybody Welcome.
Mary Kling and Glen Hays equal,
Sylvia Roney, Willie Dupee, Sr. I -
Irene Strong, Harold Finnigan, Rob -
hie McDonald. Sr. Primer -Marg-
aret Finnigan, Margaret Case, George
Kruse, Elva Kruse. Number on roll,
27; average attendance, 22. The
promotion of Sr. TI and Jr. III classes
have been deferred until Easter. -A.
14,1 Rneehtel, Teacher.
Lehool Report. --Thr following is
the report of School Section No. 14,
Stanley: Jr. IV. -J. Anderson, 73; You'll Remember this Picture!
1{. McClymont, 57; W. McLachlan,
60; D. Grassick, 34. Sr. III. -M. Me- It is One of the Best!
Donald, 64; R. McKenzie, 68; J. Mc- ADULTS, I5c. CHILDREN, 10e.
Lachlan, 53. jr. ILL -B Mustard,
6R; H. Hyde, 2.5. Sr. IL -B. Murdock,
71: W. Murdock, 53' I. Knight. Jr.1
i. -R. McKenzie, W. McKenzie, H.
ameron. Rt,. I. -E. Anderson, O.
e -,In--•'
From Washington , Irving'a Classic,
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
e1 1
a1 r tfgr`,r+.ka ,,i,rt
',Ott of
• rie"r1fr,� 4' r +�k
-Opposite Daly's Garage•
Address and Presentation. -A very
enjoyable evening, yet one mingled
with sadness, was spent at the Meth -
mast church, Donnybrook, on Thurs-
day evening, March 1st, when the
numbers of the congregation gather.
ed to pay a slight token of apprecia-
tion to Mrs. James I. Johnston, (nee
Miss: Martha Wallace,) a faithful
wt,rker, who is moving from our
midst. The evening was in charge of
Ret P. G. Banes, B.A. pastor, and
opened with games, followed by a
srlendid programme of solos, duets,
choruses and instrumentals, after
which Mrs. Johnston was asked to
come forward, and Miss Rebecca
Thompson, President of W. M. S.,
grad the address, and Rev. Banes
' presented Mrs. Johnston with a beau-
• tiful leather rocker. Mrs. Johnston
made a suitable reply, thanking them
for the handsome gift. After the
• Presentation a dainty lunch was serv-
ed. We are very sorry to lose Mrs.
' Johnston from our midst, for she has
' been an efficient faithful worker in
Senday School, Epworth League, Wo-
ns Missionary Society and all
et, branches of church work, and
we wish her and her husband many
1 years of happiness in their new home.
The following is the address: Dear
Mrs. Johnston. -We, your friends of
Donnybrook Sunday School, Epworlil
Le ngne and Women's Missionary
Auxiliary, have gathered here this
evening to spend a social time to-
gether and to show you our regard,
and wish you God speed ns you are
about to leave us. We regret very
much your removal from our midst.
You have been a time friend and
neighbor and a most loyal, faithful
and willing worker in the church.
Words fail to describe our apprecia-
tion of you and of your services in
this, your home church and commun-
ity. You have always tried to do
your part whenever called upon and
have been an efficient servant of
your Master. We shall miss you
very much from all church activities,
but we know that what is lose to us
means gain to others. We feel that
we cannot let you depart without
some mark of our appreciation of all
you have tried to do for Donnybrott•� k
church. We ask you to accept tH4s
chair, not for its material value, but
as a slight token of that appreciation
and it is our prayer that God's rich-
est blessing may teat upon you and
your husband in your new home.
Signed in behalf of The Sunday
School, Women's Missionary Auxil-
iary. Epworth League and Church,
A. E. Johnston, Mies Rebecca Thomp-
son, Morley Johnston, Rev. P. G.
Bance, pastor.
Spring Showing
Ladies' Suits and Coats
That Are Different
' The subtle indefinable difference called style,
that the master desiglner imparts to a garment may
be utterly lacking in the highest priced garment and
shine from every fold of the cheaper creations.
The manufacturers of our garments know how
to get this difference and they combine with it qual-
ity that enables us to give you values that are really
NEW SULTS, $25.00 to $10.00
NEW COATS, $15.00 to $35.00
In our beautiful assortment of Dresses, for
Spring may be found all the style and grace of real
Parisan creations. Fashion's newest ideas are
charmingly used on many .of -bur Dresses.
Stunning new models of graceful lines and rich
fabrics vie with each other for your favor.
It is impossible for us to describe these Dresses
to you by mere words. Come and see them then
ou'll know why.
NEW DRESSES, $5.75 to $35.00
QUARTERLY for Spring
Draped effects and princes'
Wades Our the matron.
The full skirt and snug basque
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