HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-02-23, Page 6The ideal soap for toilet and bath. Sooth- ing to even a baby's skin. Try it to -day. INFANTS DELIGHT IT'S UuI TOILET OAP qet) 518 gts5T • Athletic Girls— After a hard game it is not only the delicate fragrance of Baby's Own Soap which pleases, but also the wonder- ful restfulness imparted by its refreshing lather. BABY'S OWN SOAP .Q,3.f y ALBERT sown L,M(TEO • .?55t. 1. -You - MONTREAL SOME FACTS ABOUT CANADA Montreal, Qne.-Accompanied by a team of huge moose, which have been in training since lent spring, Major Nicholson, of Timms, Ont., has an- nounced he will visit the winter carnival here. The major will have his team hitched to a special sleigh and driven by a full-blooded Indian. 1f the outfit takes kindly to the civilization of Montreal, it sJ111 he m ,ved to New York and other cities. HORSE AILMENTS of many kinds quickly remedied with DOUGLAS' EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURES TRBUSn, PIBTULA. SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The beet nil around liniment for the stable as well no for household sae. KEEP IT KANDY. At .17 Deniers and nroggiste. Manafactured only by DOUGLAS & CO- NAPANEE,Ont. Stratford, Ontario. WINTER T?1IRM FROM = Dawson, Y. T. -It is reported that the Keno Mill silver camp, which last year shipped $750,000 worth of silver ore, this winter will produce, about $1,600,000, the greater part of which will conte from two mines. Last year's gold yield from the Yukon territory is estimated at $1,000,000. Tht total gold produced in the Yukon to date is $210,000,000. Prince Rupert, B, C.--Represent:v tivee of the Canadian Fish company of Boston are now on this coast in- vestigating a proposition to absorb a number of the targe salmon and other fish canneries of British Co- lombia. The deal, if consummated), will involve nearly $2,(100, 000 and, it k said, will give the Nrw England company a firm control of fishing on the North Pacific. Ottawa, Ont. A total of 22.733 immigrants from the United States entered Canada in 1022 with cash and This effects at $9,544,027. This average wealth of $402 was substan- tially heavier than immediately prev- i,.us years. Vancouver, 11. C It is estimated that the Puget sound salmon pack for the year 192`2 aggregated 237 479 canes. Of this the sockeye amounted • chum, L8 :349 silver,to 47,414 cases; 106,596. The balance, 25.120 cases, consisted mainly of king, with a few pinks. The chum .salmon, were Tato in making their uppeuranee and a large proportion escaped to the pawning ng I,rounds. Port Arthur, Ont.-The big • cle- valor building ptt,grnm me adopt t•1 for the coming season, whereby 10 - 000,000 bushels tire to be added to the by Arthur storage capacity. of Port K construction of four elevators and additions to others, is to he accom- panied by a considerable increase in trackage to take care of additional business, according to D. C. Coleman, vice-president of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway. Work to be undertaken at Furt William will include recun- struction of two freight sheds burned during the last few year,. Port Moody, 13. C. -One hundred million feet of standing cedar and fir have been sold by Thurston Flavell: company of this town to Sigurd Her(•• of Campbell River on a stumpage basis of $3 to $4. The timber is un the Coquitlarn river, near Port Moody, and connected with salt wa- ter by a logging railway. It will take five years to ing off the tract. Ottawa, Ont. -There were 43,422,- 991 3,422:991 poultry in Canada in 1922 an compared with 34,159.691 in 1918„ according to a statement issued lay the bureau of statistics. By prov- inces, the distribution of poultry was En follows: Nova Scotia, 929,088 ; New Brunswick, 1,261,496; Quebec, 6,518 292; Ontario, 13,964,317; Mani- toba, 3,812,108; Saskatchewan, 8,455,- 950; Alberta, 6,935,295; British Co- lumbia, 1910,772; Prince Edward Leland, 846673. JANUARY 2nd. _= The leading practical train- ing school of Western Ontario. The school where you get a thorough course under compel- p ent instructors in Commercial, = Shorthand and Telegraphy De- partmants. We assist grade- Mes to positions. Write for 'free catalogue. D. A. McLACHAN, PrinclpaL 7�$nIn InhttIu h l I HlIllilI n hI l iI111I I1111l lllli BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- ppeeaararlce is enough to scare BU•RGLERS, TRAMPS, DOGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or so - 1 Hail- ed to woman or child. Ma ed PREPAID far $1 -superior make $1.60, blank cartridges 4$ cal, shipped Express at 75e per 100. STAR MPG. & SALES CO., ,i'JI,Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. Newfoundland will mauufucture apj- American $ti $iced cdnsumed h the proximately 2,500,000 tops. United State* last year. Invented in Tokio, a piper that Charlottetown, P. E. t.tie -- s esti- wiU not tear even when wet, is to mated that about 6,000 barrels of be used in Japan for money, um. oysters will be packed on Prince Ed- brelles and military maps. ward Island this year before the Bound in 4 new book for children season doses, an increase of 1,300 is a mirror that reflects the pages barrels over 191. The demand is and complete pictures, only half of good this year, the price ranging which are printed. from $6 to $8 per barrel. Some fish- Electric currents controlled by ernes already have landed 60 bar- tidal photographs form the designs rets each. on linen made by a loom invented by an Irish physician, Victoria, B.C.- -The production of An inventor has combined a rob. Vancouver island sawmills for 1922 her tongue with a pair of coiled amounted to about 330,000,000 feet, springs in a device to absorb the according to preliminary figures pre- slum of an automobile door. pared by leading lumber companies. In Canada nearly 75 per cent, of This is an increase over the previous hones within reach of electric linos year of approximately 50,000,000 ale wired to leas than, 59 per cent. feet. Montreal, Que.---Figures on the pulp and paper industry of Canada during the nix months ending on De- cember 310, show considerable in - eft ases over those for the correspond- ing nine months of 19.21. The total value of the 1922 period was 588,- 320,722, 88;3'20,722, compared with 577,905,275 in the corresponding period in 1921. Vancouver, 13.0 -Vancouver ship- ped more than 160,000,000 feet of lumber in 1922. This exceeds the !meeeding year by nearly 40,000,000 tett. Shingle exports were 966 000 bundles, about 250,000 marc than in I9'2I Wood pulp bales shipped from the. port were 690,000, a few thous- and more than the preceding year. llulifax, N.S.-Despite the adverse vee at her condition. the N OVU Scotia 5''eries got away to a good st.uy. in 112:3, and the output of January was practically double that of the sante month in the previous year. The overage daily output was about 14,- 000 tons, while it was only 7.000 in > •u sinceJanuary, LY..•, . A new record since r ter -war days woe made lately whenn the output bordered on 15,000 tuns. Montreal, Que.- Skins approximat- ing in value $1,750,000 and coming from various part-, of the world, but principally the Dominion, will be ss offered forsessions of the sale at the Canadian Fur Auction Sales Con - t:m•here early inFehruurv. It is untu'lxtcd that 300tr buyers will attend tho sale, and it is also expec:t- i indications that fair from resent irld da ,.1 p prevail. will l P Montreal, ontreal,Que-Exports of wheat tour from Canada, in the month of December last, amounted to 1.426,651 barrels, which is the largest monthly tete) in the history of the industrys i•) the full year, export., were in acus of 9,480,000 barrels, or a total greater than that for any previous y, or with the exception of 1019 and Quebec, Qne. -Plans for the new basilica have been approved by His Eminence Cardinal Begin. These plans will provide for the reconstruc- tion of the famous church in pre- cisely the same deeign, dimensions and location se formerly. In fact, the walls of the old building, having been found suitable for the new structure, will be incorporated in the edifice, thus affecting a considerable saving. Winnipeg, Man.-lmpartatlon of grc•ups of domestics from the British Isles for work in Manitoba is being given careful emaideration by the provincial govertvnent. Last year more than one such party was brought to the province and officials of the Salvation Army hale approached the government with a similar proposi- tion this year. Edmonton, Alta. -Field supervis- ors of the soldiers' settlement board have been holding their annual meet- ing here. Some 25 have been in at- tendance and from the reports sub- mitted it appears that at least, 80 per cent. of the 5000 or more former soldiers who have taken op farms in Northern Alberta -are making good. Vancouver, R. C,--Thc Dominion experimental farm at Agamsiz has the hest butter producing cow in the world, according to W. N. Hick.+, superintendent of the farm. This is A),'ass z Segis May Echo. a five year 01,1 Hotein, who in the last 365 days has given 30,886 pounds of milk, av- eraging more than 4 per cent. and yielding 1,338 pounds of butter fat, which yields, 1,673 pounds of butter. This is 86 pounds of butter more than that produced by the previous wnrld'a record holder, Bella Pontiac of Brantford, Ont., and although one Holstein, the American Carnation cow of Seattle, bee produced more mill., no other animal has come near the butter record. DOC DERBY AT BANFF WINTER CARNIVAL S P Dog Derby fur prize; aggregat- int• 55,000 will feature the Annual Wolter Carnival to he held in Banff National Park late in February. This e vent, which has already created considerable interest among "mush - ors" throughout the Northwest, will bo raced over a ten mile course 10 L,•ke Minnewanka. During the leu 1. ps, which constitute the one hun- dred mile race, the contestants will be in full view of spectators. The prize money for this event has been donated privately. The programme for the 1923 carl- ivel includes ski-ing, fast and fancy skating, amateur hockey, ski-joring, toboganning, curling, ladies' hockey matches, trap -shooting, swimming reeve in the hot sulphur pools and the Dog Derby. Entries from many parts of Canada and the United States are being received for the various contests. St. John's, N. F. -An agreement which will increase the output of the paper mills of the Anglo -Newfound- land Development company at Grand Falls, N, F., by 100 tons a day, has beenby corporation arrived at the co oration And government. vernment. Work will soon he commenced on the extensions, and in conjunction with the Sir W. G., Armstrong Whitworth development at. Numbermouth, will provide for a total increase in the Dominion's out- put of 500 tons per day. When these two developments are completer) 4rrv' ,e Irt.rR k ' ,,,, elat°k`%E4,u+ in the United States. A new household convenience is a 1 laws: $5 to $50 fine for the first O combined breakfast table and iron- your modesty." tri 1St, end is 8gppd� eve! teat w = otlense, $10 to $76 for a second of- "I need it much more than yon do," = try ft 1 feel w ke over rtes ear ing hoard which folds hack into u ft•nse, and $25 to $100, with im els- C lila a it were, 111 to raft awelu" wr.11 recestt when not in use. P the Senator laughed. = 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' 7 Government projects being con- ,•uncut up to 30 days, for a third of- Straightevay I left them with an - •- Yer.se. In addition, the license of an awkward bow and blushing to the E 11.60 per bottle Money L.e1i u sot i templates! (le, India for Ihr$rrtessing cft'ender for the second time may be roots of my hair. A number of boys C 9tti''ee, or byrmalt *gats 'aHAIM Dlag 2 waterfalls look to the production W.; suspended for thirtya and that P days dna girls stood under the shade trees C Rbc• One 2002 "= at least 100,000 horsepower. lot a party guilty of a third offense A tumbling barrel that has been opposite looking across at the I'testei111111111UUW11U11111111U11U11111111111U11i may he suspended for six months. On dent. In my embarrassment I did IAN Ilcen.ti sttepbnded dill el* itiths frLolid Sartop' Ba RRefr of - mel '' NO '} p � di V x gW , and may also be os' i}ned jail r y �' in. $e� ttevtar Qe 9' wit�t,PPP- and thirty days. For *dura to have b ereeed `of LiePIMPPl�t i4 the tgtip body. In all .mit -11ro 1"' have wet .100 and nee a warning anal penalties of .a4flyba'en•.4 1uMing mtut of thld man of *canter. amenities.. .All that pr vi, $6 to $fir and c nds third eO„Com=e• on" s ..the playful re- think, of waste i e.3me, a. fish eA1 provided for drat, second,and and third i Wearies, respectively, and in addition 1plark ef'tbe President se he .leek my, couragement to men who Were 11'k-0•., tits litenee of an oRender for the fm • I *ha11 he looking for you.' ly to be eeeking favorq, child time may be anapended far 30 1 bad carefully chosen my wordo days, and I remember saying, with some (Continued next week)1 The amended section governing digriityl like one in a s cry book, al- I J epoeds in cities, towns and villages though with a trembling voice: provides a limit of 20 miles per hour, "It IS an honor to a7eet'you, ate, EIIIIIIIti11i111111111111111111111illlllllllltl ten utiles per hour when approaching and thank you for the right to vote .- an intersection, etc., in a n onicipal- -when 1 too, Irememher his gentle ASTMA SUFFERERS i' y and 1,. ,t miles when approaching me.. w. reeler. Waterdown. Ont, ? an intersecting road, a curve or smile a9 he looked down at me and m writs 's can solely bions the day -• "blind" -section. said in a most kindly tone: c you /eh a bottle of Aatrhma Remedy "I think it a great honor to hear " wlu' me. I had rely free the Ares - I'enaltien For Speeding- yea saythat." 2 deep and have been improving e'er P g -e glutei San Ile down at night and nett _ The fullowinpenalties are He put his hands upon my ahoulde 04 hw .nth Bina ml: 1 have _ , g pro- and turning to the Senator said: vided for infringements of the speed "Wright, I often wish that I had s Tedd newaa has oprend arrouy und this = invented to teat paving blocks is , highways without municipal limits a not identify any one in the group. ....it ,, sr,id W subject thorn to as much spend of ,5 mires iR prescribed. Numbers of men and women were use wear as 25 years of actual , Where the rate of speed does not ex- passinngg the house and as they did A plant has been estabfiahed in cerci 35 miles the following penalties so, taldng "a good look,)' in their way Germany to develop a process discov- 71e,, provided: $5 to $10 for first of- of speaking at the two great mer. I. roti in that country fur the pr xluc- 'fence, $10 to $35 for second offense, Not before had I seen so many peo tion „I' gasoline from coil. i 831 to 50 for subsequent offenses. On pie walking about -many in .heir i a third offense a license may be sus- As I neared the home of Mr. , I mended for 60 days Where the rate Racket I heard hurrying footsteps bo-! The .o we,'t is Princess Mary's - of speed con Trained of is between hind me and the voice of Sall call-' fh pea Y 7x p y favorite flower. 35 and 40 miles per hour the follow- ing my .name. I stopped and faced Jean A. Norris, New York city's ing penalties are p vided: $10 to about. duel'. woman magistrate, will make a $..53 for first offense, -$20 to $100 for How charming she looked as she' fLur months' tour of Erarnpe to ascer- e,a•und offen;te, and $50 to $200, with walked toward mel I had never seen i tai) how the countries she visits or without imprisonment, up to 30 her quite so fixed up. t reit women. • clays for u third offense. It is also "Bart," she said, 'r1 suppose The four women recently passing provided that on a second offense a you're not going to speak to me." 'e in e: s ma • suspended for 30days, " 1 answer - 'ti examination 170 7 e be 1 "Ifyou'll speak to m' solicito d )pY . tr.,• final rpt M , and on a third offense for six months answer - England will have the honor of be- 1 ed. in,. the first of their sex to be up- '';here the rate of speed is in excess "I love to speak to you," she said. pc:ni •d to such positions. I of 40 mikes per hour the penalty is: "I've been looking ill around fur o 0 0 0 0 0 0.-0 0 0 0 00 $25 to $100 fine, with or without im- you. Mother wants you to come O ,{ -"" ; grisonment, up tv 6 months, and sus- ,over to dinner with us at just twelve W. T. BOX & CO. 7'1'11; NEW MOTOR LAW FOR . •pension of iieense for a period up to ; o'clock. You're going away with 0 Embalmer and 0 i • one yard,. Either as soon as we get through." 0 Funeral Directors 0 ONT,iRiO 18 NOT KO SEVERE I I'p to December 31, 1925, motor ve- i I wanted to go but got the notion O H. C. 8(38 0 • 0Holderof Government 0 e • RGo e hides r • •istg a ,roue to weight a let at once that the Dunks 1b 1 , were AS EXPECTED.1 tl d t alt I i, ] Yg 0 F, ilnwin r bre the principal features 1.12°' having a gross in ex- in need of information about me and 0 Diploma and License g 1 p' rc sr of t,•a tons, may lr• granted the; the time had come to impart it. 0 Charges moderate 0 vehicle:, •n s •r mntuiO ,f he r n ohdate 10 we iahed ah , tto rs faro on ort 1 t •i •F e• 'ts u r••load nutandthere, the ancient t special permits t carry l a l. d Su then nc n I P y ,'•i; guise O' e official ui which, under thO i set, hi.h n rnot ce. h tons.offamily- ,a, ec< in • rive No motor ve Olympus our received no "191 Nu. 72, an act to regulate trace) 1:o-h'sl having a grist aright in ex- tire ns it were. 0 Night Calls Day Calls O an highways, and the speed, utter•*- cvs..s of eight tons shall be permitted "I can't," I Haid. "I've gut to 0 Phone 176 Phone 48 O tun and load of vehicles thereon," •s , to opereh• on any highway on and study my lessens before 1 go away 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O d> O O 0 pee before the Ontario Legislature,. atter .1„,,,,,y 1st, 1926. with your father." ;u"1 which is expec•t,'d 1" gra into ef- 1 77,.,.tiun 31 in 1'art VI. of the act 1t was a blow to her. 1 saw the f,t- practically a: it stands, except provides, huwsver, that the municipal shadow that fell upon her face. She t'er some minor anumdnu•nts: corporation ur other authority having was vexed and turned and ran 'away a recognition, with limitations, "f • iuriddictim, over the highway- rosy, . from me without another *card and I the spotlight; recognition of the ; upon application in writing, grant a eta a pang of regret its 1 went to pinking light; provision of penaliti,'s permit for the moving of heavy loads the lonely and deserted hesne of the 1"r operating a motor Vehicle _0) (; .etrnetures in excess of ten tons. schoolmaster. v:Lich the brakes are not in good During the months of March and 1 had hoped that the Senator would ev,nking condition; provision of pen- April commercial vehicles operated ask me to dinner, but the coming of for failure to comply with ergs- ; oven any highway net. within a city the President had upset the c•hanee taboos governing the size of tires , or separated town, and having n of it. 11 was eleven o"clock. Mrs. to ba used on motor vrhielos; revised rurrying capacity in excess of one- Becket had put a cult] bite on the pe(Hlities for failure to have and to hall inn, if equipped wholly ur in table for me. I ate it -not to keep nm, rate a warning device on a motor pert with solid tires, and all tither it waitinti'-and sat down with ply vehicle: amended regulations govern- commercial motor vehicles having a eyes on my hook and my mind at ing speed limits in cities, towns or carty'ing capacity exceeding one ton, the I)unkelberg's-where I heard in siiu.ges, with revised penalities for shall not be loaded in excess of one- a way what Sally was saying and infringements of these regulations; rl' half the carrying capacity of such what."Mr. and Mrs, Horace Dunkel siding scale of penalities for speed \chicle, berg" were saying. infringements, these being proper- Penalties provided for violation of At twelve -thirty Ma Dunkelberg u, FARMS FOR SALE nate to the amount of the excess rubes of the road are: $5 to $10 for came for me, with a high-stepping °VETethe prescribed es rib nsperesl; asr redraft, . first offense, $1r0 to $25 for second horse in a new harness and a shiny ARM TO RENT. ---FARM FOR RENT TO governing offense, and 1725 to $50 for a third still -running buggy. Ile wore glove3 ram party, 0(07 Pastore. Apph ing that does not entail excess of the ; ctfen'w. On a third offense a licenga and a beaver hat and sat very erect soon. DA. JAMES BELL Hemalt. zs72 tf :Teed limit; the provision until 1925 7ney be suspended for not more than arid had little to say. of special permits for the use of sixty dupe. "I hear you met the President," vehicles ' having a gross weight to , The onus of proof still rests upon he remarked. excess of five tons, but carrying a ' the motorist under this revised act. "Yes, sir. I was introduced to him load of not more than five tons; the That is to say he has to prove that this morning," I answered a bit too ARM FOR BALE eon wcRy�. Immo prohibition of motor vehicles he was not responsible for an asci- proudly, and wondering how he had F having a weight of .eight tong after . dent instead of the plaintiff being heard of my good fortune, but deep- Townes pt Its n coca int. 04 wa.ati .. LaiT. Renew 1f925; regulations of weighta carried required to prove that the motorist ly gratified at his knowledge of it. .tone home dna two bang barer with .abII.8 by commercial vehicles during the cer- war responsible. "What did he have to sa '"' underneath; windmnl nod water D fain seasons of the year; revised pen- - y - through the .table. Will sell with ar pities for violations of the rule of - 1 described the interview and the eat crop end would separate either farads. the road; and limitation of time fol- looks of the great. man. Not noel For parNcaten appy to EDWARD P15T . lowing an strident wherein action the more was said as we sped away to- It Na 8, Beafarw, 8411 ty may be instituted against a motor The Light in �jj� ward the deep woods and the high 'panels FOR SALIL-POR SALE IIS OF vehicle owner oro operator and the hi1Ls, i tart 1s, and x or Lot 20, on the Pod . I was eager to get home but won- Coneseto1 of Hibbnt On Si. .,edea are provision of trial by judge without Clearing dared whyhe should be goingwith w hang burn 40x64 with straw aloe oIuO6t intervention of a jury of all each se- trivbg red 21xa0 AD thea bare oemerri hem. me to talk with Mr. Grimshaw and Caars boa theme .>o water m rhe burn A The matter of licensing all drivers (Continued from page 7) my uncle. Of .nurse I suspected goo'd frame shoe dt he farm is $Saaottud of motor vehicles and "mof requiring goesy that it had to da with Amos but how 2 �� from• Dublin; amp Nlft aR lot lar them to submit themselves to an ex- "As time on you'll meet a I knew not. He hummed in the ee the err C.aomaton. This is a grins farm amination has not received favorable gc od many great men, I presume," rough going and thoughtfully flicked with iercaru �a`d mob reri will d� consideration, for there is no mention he continued. They're all just hu- the bushes with his whip. I never sires .rad n caey to- o For lnrih r par of this math,, in the revised bill. mer, bciflgs like you and me. Most knew a more persistent bummer. turn sppiy on the prem,. or *dare.* of them enjoy beefsteak and apple What a thrill came to me when I Lin rent oaks. PATRICK JORDAN. Also an increase in motor Vehicle saw the house and the popple tree Phone 2 on 17 Dolan.2878-tf and the lilac bashes --they looked so friendly! Old Shop tame harking up the road to meet us and ran by the buggy side with joyful leaps and cries. With what affection he crowded upon me and licked my face and hands when my feet were on th, ground at last! Aunt Deel and Uncle Peabody were coming in from the pasture lot with sacks of butter- nuts on a wheelbarrow. My uncle clapped his hands and waved 'Iris handkerchief and shouted "Hooray!" Aunt Deel shook hands with Mr. Dunkelberg and then came to me and said: 'Wel, Bart Baynes! I never was so glad to see anybody in all the days o' my life -.oyes! We been lonkin' up the road for an hour - ayes! You come right into the house this minute -both o' you." The table was spread with the things I enjoyed most --lig brown biscuits and a great comb of honey surrounded with its nectar and a pitcher of milk and a plate of cheese and some jerked meat and an apple pie. "Set right down an' eat -1 just want to see ye eat -ayes Ido!" Aunt Deel was treating me like company and with just a pleasant touch of the old company finish in her voice and manner. it was for my benefit -there could be no doubt o`, that -for she' addressed herself to me, chiefly, and not to Mr. Dunkel- berg. My absence of a few days had seemed so long to them! It had raised me to the rank of company and even put me above the exalted Dunkelbergs although if Mrs. Hor- ace Dunkelberg had been there in her blue silk and gold chain "big enough to drag a stone boat," as Aunt Mel used to say, she might have saved the day for them. Who knows? Aunt. Peel WAR never much impressed by any man save Silas Wright, Jr. Mr. Grimishaw came soon after we had finshed our luncheon. Ile hitch - MAKE MONEY AT HOME WE tonne to DsonA Purnrer uyht n'- You make r m 2 dull,,+ an hour 01 tier m We upnre der. ad you Show or *!c nd. r• oy our m lath you clew Pard cash coat oy bar Nor simple Method and pay ea.t ooh wWm mewhoy1-r DETROITSHOW CARD rtil DoOL 254 Lad Security Bldg. Taranto. Ona S t4✓', fi' . 5 S SCIENCE NOTES , A British patent covers a floating dry-dock for handling seaplanes. Inside the cover of a recently in- vented wash boiler is a soap shaver. Finland is encouraging the donees - tie cultivation and manufaceule ,,f flax. About half of the copper produced In the world comes from less than a score• of mines. Switzerland's most powerful radio station will be erected by the gov- ernment at Geneva. A waterproof paint giving nn enamel finish has been invented that dries in half an hour. Every state in Brazil produces sugar cane, ' Pernambuco and Sao Paulo leading the others. Designed for rescue work, a new gas mask enables a wearer to re- gain under water fifteen minutes. A Belgian claims to have invented to rotary valve that can be used on any standard automobile engine. Nearly 50 per cent. of the leather tanned in the United States is made Dom imported hides 'and skins. A floating derrick that has been built in Holland to handle 150 -ton loads can be operated by one man. Heated by gas, a new washing ma- chine sends jets of hot water thrciiigh its contents without moving them. With eight companies operating in Denmark there is one telephone to each twelve residents of the country. Accident insurance policies good for one day are issued bq a new machine as nickels are -dropped in a slut. One of the world's highest radio stbtions will be erected on a hill more than 2,000 feet above Rio de Janeiro. A novel safety device for freight elevators stops them instantly when they touch any obstruction 'in their shafts. A new British airplane with a speed of 65 miles an hour has a wing spread of but sixteen feet and weighs only 220 pounds. For trapping animals a Kansas men hag invented a g aP ris gun that . drives a harpoon into them 'when the' bait is touched, For studying finger prints the Paris police have installed apparatus that projects ,.hem magnified ten times on a table. More than a billion cocoanuts were grown on islands under the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES Funeral hirector and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office. Reaidencer Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 yy ACRE FARM FOR. SALE. OWNER wi}1 eel/ on reasonable terms for quirk sale. Amity to R. S. HAYS. aealortth. Ont 23(65-u license fees has not been taken up, pia We nd had tomboy sight of the house. as some were fearful it might be.Ila ed behind a little when I saw Substantially, the present speed laws the lagged man sitting on the email stand. ° fi piazza with Mrs. Wright. I shall The provision restricting the- time never forget the during which action may be inetituo- r8 grand clothes he e•I for injury sustained in a motor ac- I wore -hijack, saving the gray •waist- cident is one of the most welcome of coat, with shiny, bras buttons -es - all the innovations in this bill. initially the great, white standing collar and cravat. I The redrafted regulation in respect. ser vividly, too, of lamps provides for two white lights as I write, the full figure, the ruddy, forward and one rear light astern, kindly face, the large nose, the gray and no motor vehicle is permitted eyes' the thick halo of silvered hair to carry on the front more than three lighted lamps of over four can - extending from his collar to the bald tip of his head. He rose and said die power. Any additional lights in a deep voice: displayed on commercial vehicles to He sows ill luck who hinders the distinguish the width or clamof reaper." such vehicle shall be of a green col- Mr. Wright hung ohr sickle on a small tree in the doorya7d and an - or: While the spotlight is prohibited under the section 'which forbids the use of any light revolving upon n pi - vote so tliat the rays may be project- ed in different directions, it is recog- nized in the restricted form of a light the ray from which shall be directed to the extreme right of the travelled portion of the highway in Ruch a manner that the beam of light shall strike the extreme right of the travel- led portion of the highway within 75 feet of the said vehicle. The clause governing the use of parking- lights is as follows: "A motor vehicle may show one light carried on the left sire . . in such manner as to he clearly visible to the front and rear for a distance of at least 200 feet., and to show white to the front and red to the rear . provided that such light shall not be displayed while the vehicle is in 1110 - tion." The new penalties provided for car oevnere or drivers who oPf rate me. are n t ' ewhich thebrakesh chines on in gond order are, from $l0 to $.50 for the first offense, from $20 to 5100 Inc the second offense, and from $50 to $200 for a third offense. The license of a second offender may be suspended for thirty days. One who offends three or more times may have swered. "The plowman has overtaken the reaper, Mr. President, I bid you wel- come to my humble home." "It is a pleasure to he here and a regret to call you hack to Washing- ton," said the President as they shook hands, "I suppose that means an extra session; the Senator answered. "First let me reassure you. I shall get away as soon as possible, for 1 know that a President is a hesvy burden for one to have on his hands." "Don't worry. I can get along with almost any kind of a human being, especially if he likes pudding need milk as well as you do," said the Senator, who then introduced me in these words: "Mr. President, this is my young 1 Sand for freo %IOU giving full partic- ulars of Trench's World-famous pprep- aratdunfor Epilepsy and Fits -simple home t. Over 80yssuccess, 7uidimonln a Irmo all ,rs+ porta of the world•over,050 in one Year. Write at onset= .y� TREMOR'S REMEDES LIMITED 2NO 8t.J Obambera.70Adelaide8t•LL abroato. Ontario V'ARM 708 SAL1L-FOR SALE. LOT 22. Concerwlon R, Stanley, oontelplag 150 errs. On the premise. are a lank barn with cement adore and water 1n the baro am] a good frame home. Ten wenn hard. weed bush, the talon.. is well drained anti Teemed arab in q good otate of cultivation. There are two goal wean and two never falling sprints on the fare. Situated three miles from Bruceaeld .tattoo. ibis is a good fern and will be add on reasonable Gram- For further pnrticniars apply on the premise, or address Brumfield Post Glace. R. R. No. 1. T3OMAB CAMPBELL. 1070-t1 WARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acts ad$oining the Town of Saw forth, conveniently eitoeted G all churches. wheel. and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick eottage with a cement Ritebenl barn 100.66 with atone stabling underneath for 6 horses, 76 heed of cattle and 40 bops with steel .tanchlorm and water before an stock; litter carrier and teal carrier ad two cement silos; driving shed and form scales. Watered by • rock well and' windmill. The farm is well drained and I • high state of oalttvation. The crop Y all in the ground-ebolee oiay loom- Immedi- ate posesolon, . Apply G M. BEATON. 1- R 2. S.afarth. Ont. 2707-/f rt ARM FOR SALE -FOR SALE, LOT 8, Conceesion 11, and west hall' of lot I. Cenassion 10, H,R.8.. Tookersmlth, con- taining 150 acres. There are on the premirs a good two-story brick home with elate roof. large bank bare 100x00 feet with drat clam stabling, water in the barn, drive abed 26,04, pig home and hen house. 'i'wo good spring wells. amo an overflowing Fleeing. Th. farm is all cleared but about 20 acres. Tbm good hardwood bush, principally meets An well fenced and tile drained. Eight eels elf fall wheat sown, 40 acres ready for sprint crop. The farm 1e situated 7 miles frogs Beoforth and 44� m9a from Hen'•8, ono -half mile from acholoersral moil and phone. will be soil on easy tenon. Unless sold by Spring It will he for rent. For further particulars many on the premises, or address R. R. 540, 2, Klemm. ANOUS MoKINNON. 2068df mato EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCED- .' McGregor offer for ode Lot 11, 0th Concession, MaEilloD, 100 norm of soot 0100, farm lends. Tho land is in a Baal elms state of etltMdlon and there are emoted on the premises a good frame dw.- nng house, with th R9Ghe attached trams tare7111aR4 with done foundation. et underneath and cement Room and Imlay throughout, driving home, pig pen end hen house. Also about ten nems of good hard wood bush. Tho property Is well fenced and wall drained and convenient to good market% churches and eehoob. For further particular apply b, MISS LILLY J. M.OREGOIt, on the p�remises, or to R. S. RAYS. S•lleitor, 8a.• fortth, Ont. 7 'Af as:`,'1M1r'agS,a,i I