HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-02-23, Page 54 rr- Thured08. Feb=IM Butter, per ib Ego,ped' dozen ,8¢ t00 lift Potatoes, per bag ..... 700 u, per ton$2@00 -1, -rtes per ton :.:.. , , . , , . $28,00 Oats, per bushel 45c Wheat, per 'buaki*l $1,18 55c Peas, Flour, Bper bushel of 1 : .86 to $8.� IIos, per cwt $10.00 Barley, per bushel', ' GRAIN 8U RKET. Toronto, February 20th.-•-Manitoha Wheat t -No. 1 Northern, 31.27. Manitoba 'ata -Nominal Manitoba barley -Nominal. All the above track, Bay porta. amerdcan acorn --No. 8 yellow, 90j(yu; No. 2, 8&,. Barley -Malting, 69 to 61e, according to freights outside, Buckwheat -No, 2, 78 to 80a Rye --260 2, 84 to 86a • Mlllfed-Delivered, Montreal freights, hag* tucheld: Bran, per ton, $26.00; aborta, per ton. 328,00; mlddhagn, 328.60; good feed Spur. *2 00. Ottarto Wheat --No, 2 white, 31.14 to $L16, ...oiling. to freights outedde. Olean° white outeee48 to 60*. Ontario floor -Ninety per cent, potent, in jute hags; Montreal, prompt shipment, $6.10 to 36.20; Toronto, basis, 36.05 to 95.16; bulk *eobonrd, 34,86 to 36.00. Manitoba floor -int pateoas la Hotton cocks, 97.10 per barrel; 2nd 9044000 x94,60. Hay -Extra Na 2 per ,6n, track. Toronto, 314.00; mixed, 311.00;. el Straw --1`o, )o6 per �I 99.69, MARRIAGES -...- Ira, y putrtmYl 'd I'ta i._="Iia • UPI= I 'r+Otnaddp Ob Feltner, tO' Mr. and lira. John Rap, Jr„ason. • P,94etrtgra.-ln Ueberne, 4m IRebraao to* tri' +M4Fr aid *its Feppy Pashri*,e• p seat Caub.ioa--dn on Febettery 10th, to' Mr, and hire:7y,d. Osntslea,: of FrCeReate Snake 11 dIla at• (I Mriteea-I11 n Uahorno TaWr.h4R on Fobrn- ery 170, 1028, to Mr. and Mre. 860w0ot McQueen, o dkughtcr, (HQ= Grace). \ McDonald-Heirmrtiler.--At the Manse, F'ord- •w•Ich, on January Slot, by Bev. A Laing, Mks Freda Heinm11er, end Conc,eoion of Howick, to Mr. Vernon McDonald, of Grey Township DEATHS Cadieux. --In Oonforth, on • February 19th, Paul Cadieux, sari 66 years. Devereapx.-In Seaforth, on February 2900, F. E. Devereaux, in his 46th year. Tr•rranoa--Ip Coriander, Bask., an January 80th,' Eophemia Lenora Torrance, second daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Torrance, aged 18 year.. and 6 pipette,. Mllllan.-In Goderich, on February 8th, Mand le 1044100 , youngest daughter of 34r and Mrs. Thomas MU11nn, In her 28th your. Holhtnd.-.Int Goderdch, on February 10th. Mary Adelaide Doble, widow of the late John Holland, in her 67th year. Ritohie,-ln Wroxeter, <ut February 5th, Ma-- garet Hemdetaon, rellot of the late Jenne hull Pabip3 soot, II[eusufic)N, a c4�gp�}�a�r� w t Uf*O'fpc�dt '4 feat& 4M thml �o ea It Hold In two parte ortrae411 purchaser, also closets a Dumber oMrlee . two Swan Months' oredit oft approved lelnt Hetes or a didcbunt of 8 per cent. oft for cash JOHN Fl. PEPPER, Secretary -Treasurer; George IL. Elliott, Auctioneer. $878-2 PUBLIC AUOTION BALE OF CHOICE Cattle, Heroes, Pigs, Rf�--The- Brown, auctioneer, hge received dente: aQom from Mr. George Bell to Hell by nubile auotion on Lot 11, Concmolon 6, Township of Tuckor- nmlth, 2 mile, ,Doth of Seaforth, on Friday, Marek 2nd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow - Ing: Hese-One heavy draught mare six Years old, one heavy draught gelding three years old. Cattle -One thoroughbred cow, Seaforth Lassie 464, _100688=; 1 thorough - toted heifer, Butterfly Girl 6180688- both to calve early, 1 oow with calf at foot, 1 cow due to calve time of aale, 4 young cows due ,to calve in April and May, 5 Young cows in calf, 2 Holstein heifers 2 years old to calf, 2 heifers coming 2 years old in calf, 1 dry cow, 6 steers doming 2 yours old, 8 heifer* rising 2 years old, 7 calves rising one Veer old, 2 sono due to litter In April, 10 *tore hose, also a gnadtlty of Siberian Cus- ter need oats. Terms --Ail suns of $30 and under, cath; over that amount 6 months' credit wilt be elven on furnishing Improved Joint note. Sed Oat,, oaeh. Positively no reserve GEORGE BELL, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, •A*otloneer, 2879-2 Fitzaer, Riteht-In Logon, John e. .•' AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOOK AND efn Fnbr,rary 8th, t'\ Titan ar• In 6*. 64th Year.1mDlepenta The underslRnd has reoely- el Instructions to eel' by public auction on Lor 8, Concaulon 11, Tuckeremtt, on Satan. ver, $8.00 to $12. ( day. February 24th, 1023, commencing at n, track, Toronto. f one o'clock sharp, the following: Homea- 1 draught mare 6 years rid. 1 agricultural horse 7 years old, 1 agricultural horse 7 years old, 1 driver 7 years rid. Cows --One IMPORTANT NOTICES ENGINE FOR SALE. -EIGHT HORSE - power Mersey -Hai Is gas engine on skids, in god condition. Apply to ROUT. DING, No. 4, Sooforth, or phone 2 on 136 2819-tf COW$. FOR BALE. --ONE COW JUST fr0*honed and •o, springens. Apply to .0. R McCARTNEY, R. R.' No. 3, Seaforth, or panne 3 on 137. 2878.8 WOOD FOR SALE. --A QUANTITY OF good hardwood, delivered In quantities to sult purchasers. Prices right. Phone 14-183. THOMAS G. BIiILLFNGLAW, 2874-t1 VOR BALE: 110115E WITH ALL MODERN • convenience, and flue acres of land near Seaforth, known am the Dan McDonald prop- Lv, lmmexti,s4I p00,001on can 6e given. This is n nylrodid opportunity for a farmer wi:.hing to retire or to ,un 0 chicken farm. Apply to R. 6. HAYS, Seaforth. 2830,1-1 SCOTCH SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. ---ONE Pere bred (conn null 13 months old And one dark red Ilnll 10 months old. For fur. ther particulem apply on Lot 20, 2nd Con- eoaoiun H.R.S., Tuckorm,th. or phone 10 on 614. Clinton. Central. CIFFORD (RICH, Seaforth. Ont. 2877-tf BOAR FOR SERVICE- HAVING RECENT - 1* porch nerd the proven Yorkshire "Weldwood 171," hid services, will now he available to anyone d,oirim' to improve their hogs. Terms, tine payable at time of ser- vice wllh privilege of returning. if necessary. I have oleo a number of mine hone six months old for sale. R. W. GILIRINGS, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 14.616. 2377x4 WANTED, • 1,0CA I. R1: PR)09ENT.AT I V f:$ • 1h *1 tart, of.. Ontario tr, gall direct to the farmer Diel '0"r the WOG/N,41, BE;,- 411AN M111d/T1'E, the mo,t reliable end nat- b.,feetory, eaniett turning and best skimming Cream Separator in the world, the most copular machine over .old in Cement. 1,000,003 ,n use the world over sold in Canada by ,e fn• 30 year; List.Milking Machine,. Lister Farm Engines. Cria,l.n, and Blower lioaes. Lister Electric Lighting Plante. tell the best of their kind. Splendid opportunity for local machine mon or fermrr'd son with road me - •'h', icol knowledge and sellinge bility; 'mot possess the best of chsraeter, bewell known in locality and 1st prepared to drive the dis- tri,t oonttnuou ly-•'A vplrmdld oppdrrunity for men who undcmtand their iib and are not afraid of work Salary and comminnion .with gond advertising aaaHtance from Head Office given, Apply, stating age, referenreA and full parteuJan to R. A. LISTER & COMPANY (CANADA) LTD., 68 Stewtrt Street, Toronto. 9880-1 REMNANTS 2 lbs. cotton remnants for patchwork, $1, 5 tbs. $2, 10 lbs, $8, 25 lbs. $b, 1 ib. silk, or velvet patches $1, 2 lb $1.50, 8 lbs. $2, 1 lb_ hig grade fingering yarn, all shades, $1. A MCCREERY & CO., Importers, CHATHAM, Ont iPJlIII!!61WBI! Massed Selling by Long Distance Right now, all over Can- ada, salesmen are making appointments with cus- tomers in distant cities, forestalling competition and getting the orders, on the books. At no time in history has it been more im- porhant to the business man to be in many places in one day. The more places he can be in, the more goods he will sell. 111 'o man can be in two places of once except be use Long Distance. In many cases the line that separates the effi- cient from the inefflicient is the thin copper line of Long Distance. Multiply Your contacts— Long Distance does it I Every Rat Telephone lea Log Diseonoo Serdion AUCTION SALE AUCTION BALE, OF' FARM AND FARM Stock. - Mr. W. E. Nairn hes received instructions to sell by public suet enoLot 2D. G,nea+olon 3, Hibbert, on Tuesday, March 001,, at 1 odock p,m., oharp, the following: Hones- -2 gelding* seven yearn old, 2 filly crating 2 yearn old, Percheron,, well bred; 1 yelling one year old, Perrheron, Cattle - 1 row due to calve' in 'October, 2 choice cows due to carve in May, 6 *teem two yens 1d, 8 heifer Heine 2 year. old, 1 Durham bull one year old, ed, 'spring aalven, '2 young tali ea. .I'6m-.l sown with litteal at foot, 1 sow due to farrow March 13th, 1 eu,w due to farrow April 14th, 2 Dewe due to farro.v' A)•ri: nth, 30 *tore hogs from 100 to 140 pound*, alms 60 young hens. The Farm is composed of the wet half Lot No 10, Cro- L1n 3, Ilibb rt, b first class lend ouital,': for grain growingu r grayingI. two walls; five arg'q� f choicehardwood timber. The tarot hue bteprt well seeded to grace in 102]. Term* for land mode known on day of sale. Terms en Chattily --AU surae of 810.00 and moth ; over that amount 8 Months' cede t n, vv on uppved joint note. 3', v,• per cent - o'0 for cath un crdit amoun'o. l'A'l'I6ICK J01l')AN, Proprietor ; Nairn Aurtioner. ------ 2800x1 A 1: C'1'ION SALE OF HOUSE AND 1,01 in Seaforth, lind Household Furniture. The Administratrix ,f the Etats of Sar.,h G8:11n, deoeooel, will offer fur lode hY MOB': oeion. by Thome, Brown, Auctioneer, on .10• prcmites in the Town of Sceforth, at 2 :'rioek p.m., on Monday. the 12th day of 1928, the fialowdne property, namely: 1,,o, Numbers 122, 123 and 124 in Gouioluelee Money f Dart of the Town of Seaforth. On the pr.,lferty there is a framestory and ,t hell' boors with six none and kitchen and eetlar: al..o the following household effects • Pour bd+ null be:Uing, 1 bureau, 1 drra,er, 4 stunts, 4 table.. 5 rocking chain, 15 miller chair, 1 lounge, 1 (urge glans cup- board, 1 clock, 1 organ, 1 sewing mnc•hine, 1 roger, 1 .:tipper boiler, 1 psrh,r rug, 2 hid mom carpets. 1 floor oil cloth, window curtains, I kitohim :stove, 1 coal header. quantity of di,hr, 1 L,wn mower, c,uortity of wood and real, potation, ,pyla an] other fruit, and 01hor articles, Terms -- 10 per cent. of the pureh,.e price of the miry on the day of sale, ,,,,d the balerce within 30 days thereafter Terme regarding Hnuoehold FYfee4-.-Cooh. For further par- tkulan and condition, of nate apply le PROUDFOOT, 121.LOR.N & HO/MSS, Goderirh and 13enforth, Solicitors far Ad. inixtretrix; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. Dntei at Seaforth 12 February, 1023. 2677.1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK ANC, Feed. James Joao, auctioneer, has n- eciueyl instructions from Mr R. S. Aikens to *en by public auction en leg 92, Cenci -s- alon 1, Township of Logan, on Thursday, March lot, 1013. the following: Cottle - Durham a with calf at feet, Durham c, • due March nth. Durham: cow to fish - en Marsh 15th. two Durham crown due t., freohen March 15th, ? Durham rows due to freshen the last of March. cow due April let, cow due April 15th. cow due to freshen an May, 2 nteoru one year std, .1 heifee one rear old, .Z ateere two yen old, Pias - Thoroughbred Tamworth sow due to litter time of nate, 0 Ydrknhir< eel. due to litter in April, Writable*. How due is litter 15th Mny, 6 chinks weight 120 lbs„ 12 pigs 100 pound., 10 chunks - alxout 76 pounds, 8 pigs lust weaned. Hay and Grain. --10 tons of timothy and elover hay and a quantity of straw, 200 bushels of Banner Dab, 10 bushels df peen. Bale at one e o'clock .harp. Terme -All nom, *0 810and under, cash; neer that amount 0 moot9e' credit will be given no furnishing, approved lomt oatex, or discount of 6 per .cent per annum (Mowed MT for cash on ordit etmurrel. Pmltively o reserve .. the Property has got to be sold to straighten np father's estate. R. S. ATHENS, Proprietor; Jame Jones, Auo- tionecr 2880.1 AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements 3 -Mr. Thomas Brown has r ad•lied instruction to oell by public euetion -ea Lot 20, Concession 6. M'Kinop, on Wed- nesday, March 7t6, 1028, at one o'clock nha:p, the following; Horse». 1 Keay draught mare , 8 yearn old, 1 heavy draught mare 7 yeah' old, 1 agricultural mare 8 yearn old. Cattle -- 1 ouw freahened January 6th, 1 cow fresh - end January 3011,, 1 cow doe to enlve June Lit 1 two-year-old heifer, 1 year-old heifer, 1 heifer 8 months Md. 1 year-old steer. !Wo young ealirot and 7 Road et*rant rising three years rid, 4 nice pica and a number of Itcrred Rock hens, Implements --1 Massey_ Herrin hander 7 -foot cut with sheaf carrier end truck, 1 Frost & Wood aced trill, one *Pring tooth rultivntnr, 1 Frost & Wood plow No. 20, 1 Cock/Anti plow No. 21, 1 set iron harrows, 1 three-quarter wagon, 1 gravel ho., 1 hay reek, 1 set aleIghs with bunks and flat rack, 1 truck wagon. 1 set weigh scales 2,500 lbs., with reek for weighing *tock, 1 eating box, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 sugar kettle, 1 sap pan and shout 100 nap tine, 2 .wt, double hareem. 1 42erallon galvanised .2 Conk, a quantity of hay, nndji,, lot of ether small anis!cs ton numerous to menti oa. TERMS-- A)) sums of 810.00 and under. rash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be elven on furnishing approved joint nater. Five per cent. <Recount off for eneh nn credit amot,nto. No reserve as proprietor hes unit his farm. ROBERT A HOGG, Proprietor ; Thorn. Brown, Auctioneer. 2880-2 ` AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implomemtt,-Thoma, Iirowlt has been ; ntruete,l to sell by public amnion on int 17, Coueaooion 12, 110KWop, 0n Tuesday, March 653. 1923, et 1 o'clock p.m., sharp. the fol- lowina: ,Horan -One black gdidiwg riding 5 Years, gr'y gelding rising 5 years, hay ge+ding rising 4 yenm, grey mare r1ing eve nem in foul to River Rank, general pulp„se home riding 3 Mae. broken; colt 9 months odd by Olen Rae. Cottle 3 raves fresh ,t time of sole, row due March let cow due in Mar, 3 heifers maims 2 yearn ,,lel, 2 atop). rating 2 yearn old, 7 rely. riving one Year old. Durham bull rising 2 yawn Md. Figs. One now with litter et foot, one now dire et. time of ante, 2 town due April 12th, sow due April 21st. implements Meaney -Har -in hinder 7 -foot cut McG,rmlel, mower 6 -fent rt Dein hay- loader. Mnnery-Herrin n0•'d drill, Petr Hamilton cultivator. 07ngle rid- ing plow. Enrmere' i'r.end; .one 0-6001 hey rake, single plow, disc, lumber wagon, top hurey. gravid bet, flat retic for sleigh, hey rack, 40-ernllen oil tank. R. -burner oil sto,0, oil heater, wheelhnrrow, set n4 plow horn as amt other email art i -I,'. (irn]n--15 bosh '1, of ami pens, I..rg, ,ariot,l: and 00 bnabelo of seri hurk:Meet. No royrrre as the I co- priet,r hart rented his erne gram. one) gra. Tums Ail Rums of 810 00 -and ander,rah; nv, that mmount 8 00*!F,' credit will hp gir.•n on furnishing nppmr,.i ,i*int notes. A die - ,et of 4 eente on the dollar off for en:h. (;P.ORGR D11NDA8, Proprietor; T. Bee, n, A,rel inner. 2008-2 Illii,('V31;�iJ•,i.� G`ta 41\+Ar.nu, now with calf at nide, 1 Holstein cow due time of onle, 1 Heretoyd Dow due March 1st, 1 ewe due April lett '1 cow due April 10th, 1 cow due end of June, 8 good, milk town freshened in December, 1 fat Dow, 1 far- row cow, 2 fat heifer., 6 calve*, 1 Durham bull, registered. Plea -Two now. with litters E ovws dot- In Minch, 8 now. dug in April 18 chunks from 80 to 140 lin Hen. --25 Tho viscrinis q 1 at "Royal Qutduy gehleka lutuaa Into Y}rw flock pop. 14 dtvi daring, These c610 n tfttrow into Sir a tbo bring top prices on on th market or that ar steadyr"C�htricflucre Thiele bocause"Roys re, Qwitty Chicks are hatched from purr hoe, Canadian atodb personally will by ow own a'rclimateive, that will thrive L Canada's climate, Tce .rd horor:,R. R dLeghs, Rocha. Ancona etc. my old chicks seta etD your expects atelier, per t aafy arrive guaranteed. Write for a copy of our baby chick boot It gives worth while 0uggeetlons, CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY Depatramoot 519 - HAMiLTON, - ONTARIO ASK FOR OUR PRICES ON -it - CORN ,WESTERN N-- CORN,WESTERN OATS, ' FLOUR g FEED, ETC, aCer• lots only) bcfo,•c bugirekl. it Edon ONTAi/np Cr1AoNS beton.s Ill,ng( CHARLES & MMOSTIE 801 C•P•R• BUILDING TORONTO ,rN1' nu 041,0 MEET YOUR MEAT here face to face if you can. You'll enjoy selecting a fine Roast, a thick tender Steals, or some juicy chops, You'll ap- predate, too, the exquisite cleanliness of our market- Jt will add to pleasure to know for certain that what you bay here is so delightfully clean. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Specials At 1111 THR ESTATE of Sarah Gratin, late of the Town of Seaforth, Spinster, &echoed. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to all per. having claims against the rotate of the , above named Sarah G•iv11n, dc000.d, to send in the same on or before the 5th day of March, 1028, to Proudfo0t Killoran & Hobr.ts, B*forth, Solicitor for Frances M. OIvlin, of the Town of Seefenih, Adminin- brd-to-lay Rock pullets, 65 White Lerborno mwtly pullets, 6 pure bred White Leghorn resters, 2 pure bred Rock rooetera. Imple- ut trntrix of the estate u! the Haid deoevo•d menta -Marney -Harris binder 6 -foot, 10-1n 01,07 roller new, manure spreader, wagon m w . 3 -rection. • harrows, :muJRe•, walking Plies, net of, allghs, onion ecuffter. weigh cuko 1 ton capacity, double harness, wagon box. DeLuval creams operator nearly new, m Chathaincubator andbrooder, spindle *poke rubber tire top buggy nearly new, good too buggy with steel tires, ocet cutter, new: 1 churn, 175 feet hay fork rope, new last Mined, 2 crosscut eAIM, new; hem, forks, nho\els and a quantity of hay and root., 8 1 u>h,•I. of early seed potatoes and other potatoes. Terns -All sums of $10.00 and under, e0,h; hay, roots,d potato., cash over that amount 8 months' credit will be alien on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per vent. 016 for cash on credit amounts. ROSS MOLEAN, Proprietor; Oscar Rlepp, A,.rtloneer. 2870x? • Al'CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AN,' Implements. The underaignd hen res•• lortrurti,ma to sell by public auction , 0.,,, Is, Concession I. 9'uckeemith. load." n Friday. March 956. the following: 1;••r.r-g1 nor feu! Lurid home r's;nt g 6 ye.n old. 1 agricultural mare rising 6 yen,. ,id, 1 grey Pcrrheron filly rising 4 years old. I g"ny Perrhern„ illy r ,erg 3 year • Perchers filly rising one Yen,' old. CAW,. 1 Ayr -hire cow fro:honed February Ist), 1 Ayrshire cow fre,han,sl February 1`i'h, 1 Ayrshire con dile in April. 1 Arnhire row due n, 14,rch. 1 Ayrshire cow due in Msv, 1 A' ',hire cow due in April. 1 Ay,.hare c,nv .1,,, in .1nn,•. 1 Ar shirr heifer freshened In Ilccon er, 1922, I Ayrshire heifer fre-hem•,I 'n Scp:emhrr, 1 Ayeh,re heifer due in March, I Ayr -hire vow `�lo'�,• in September, 1 Ayeh:rr eat,- due in Arre7, 2 Ayrshire cow dun. in M,'rrh. 1 .Aynh,rc cow due in July, 1 rwo- yr.,--rid heifer due in March. 1 two'-ycor-hid h,il e, due in March, 2 two-year-old heifer not bred. 1 Holstein 7 yam' ,rid due in 6aav, 1 Holstein due in Aare. 1 Holsteintun ,n Mh,ch, 1 pure brd Holstein bred in<Novnn- ber, 1 Holstein heifer due in Murch, I Durham 1 p• .• due in 1 Durham row flue in May, ure brei Durham Mull 2 year old, regis- tered. Hoge -40 chunks from 00 to 100 Iia. each. ]anplrmenet 1 Massey -Herrin hinder 7 - foot cut nearly new, 1 Masn y -Harm•, corn ' hinder in gond order, 1 17 -tooth Massey -Har- ris eultivator with grain box and grana seed- er for 4 honor, or tractor, 1 Matsey-liarrio hay loader. 1 Frost & Woad oat -throw disc. 4 -...shun harrow, 1 double rig with tea. Trims All sums of 810.00 and under, cash; 'war that amount 7 months' credit on furnishing orerovel Joint notes. Five per cent. or fur cants on credit amounto. No reserve as pro- prietor has given upo6 farm. .1 1i. Mc - LEAN. Proprietor; Fr�tl'rrk Taylor. Auctlonecr; F. Coater, Clerk, 2380-3 A UCTION SALT, OF FAR- M, rank STOCK and implements. --G. H Elliott has been ho,tructd t, sell by publio auction on Lot 20, Coneeadon 8, L R,S., Tuckeramith, on Wdnwday. March 141.11, 1923, at one o'clock p.m., the following: The Farm contains 100 10 acres good sugar bush, 1!4 ,tory 1.,ri,k house with brick kitchen, bank barn 45,70 with cement floors, straw shed 20050. The farm is well tile drained and in g,001 tate of cultivation; 12 eery. fall wheat and 30 acre* of, fall plowing; one-half mile from acheel ; 1 t, mitre from Bruceflold. Hoseae- 1 agricultural gelding rising 0 years, 1 ngri- cultural marc 5 year, in foal. Cattle One • v 10 yearn old due to Calvo July 19th, 1 now 11 yearn nld due to calve September 26th, 1 cow 5 year old freshened last December, 1 cow 5 year old freehend last December, 1 row rising :i due to calve May 1st. one heifer rising '2 year, 1 steer rising 2 years, fat: 1 steer rising one year; 1 heifer rising one year, 9 Hike,. Sheep --9 well bred ewe; 1 ram lamb; 1 brood sow and 3 small plus; ro Whits Wyandotte hens; 2 ,husks, 1 drake, nal a quantity of turnips. Implementn- Binder 0 -Pont cut, Mooney -Harris mowerAve foot cut, 10.foot steel rake, Ma0eey.Harrio manure spreader. Maosey-Harris 12J,oe need drill, Massy -Harris spring tooth cultivator, 3 -section• diamond harrows. Coekuhptt double reline Plow, ,Fleury walking plow. drill plow, 2 aeuffiero, roller, wagon, 1 set bo6oleieh', ta•. yard gravel hog, 1 hay rack, 1 disc. one funning mill with bagger, 1 root 'Wer p, 1 cutting box, 1 wheel barrow, 1 scythe, 2 seta double hit mess, 1 set single harness. hay fork, car, rope and pulleys, 1 De1avol 'cam separator No. 1.2 1 Favorite churn, 1heating etner, 1 sugar kettle, sap pails and s uihv, forks, chains, nhovels and other art- ivlaw tonnuememus to mention. Terms - Un Farm- 10 per cent. of perchave prick ee day of sale. the balance in 20 day,, On Steck end implement,- 310 and under, cash; Her that amount 0 mantho' erdit on we - 1005'011 joint note.. A discount of 3 cent, en the dollar off for cash. Poultry and Noah to be moth. WILLIAM BROAOFOOT, Proprietor; G. H. EnMMA., Auctioneer. 3,750-3 FARMS FOR SALE and that after said date the Haid Admtne.- trotrix will distribute the „aid estate among the pereonn entitled thereto, having regurd only to the endow of which they shall the, Moe hid notice, and will not be Rattle for the pr'ocecda of said wale no distributed to *0* peewee of whose emirs notice shall not have been received, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLME8. Goderieh And Seaforth, Solicitors for Adminh,tratrlx. Seaforth, 9th February, 1923. 20879.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N T0IE ESTATE of Mr. W. Andrew, late of the Town of Bmforth, Widow, Demised. NOTICE 18 HEREBY t;IVEN that alt per- sons leaving cleans agoin,t the Estate of the tdn•ve n m,.d deceased.. W. .1,leew, deceas, to send In "the same on or 1o•frn• the 1916 of March, 1528, kr 'Thome,. Andrew, F;x- trotor of the will of the bald deceased, and that after Haid date 1),e sold Executor will distribute the said estate incense the pee0ns retitled thereto, banns regard only to the flair. of which they shall then have had unties, and will not fie liable for the prc•ete'<ln naid esUite to.. distributed to any person of whose claim *•,lice shall not have Leen received, THOMAS ANDREW, Executor. Seaforth, 18th February, 11120. 2788x1 Flanagan's Balance of Men's Sox, Wool, per pair 59c Mitts and Gloves, per pair 50c to $L35 Caps, each $1.25 Balance of Wool Sweaters, each $3.25 Men's Overshoes, per pair ....$2.45 to $2.90 Men's Heavy Rubbers! to clear $2.90 100 Pairs Women's Fine Shoes, pair.. , :$1.;5 25 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, small sizes$2.95 These Are Real Bargains! We Have Others. 1 1 an Flansg Dublin Successor to M. J. Klinkhammer Wall Paper Bargains p Our New Wall Papers are arrivitT, which we will be pleased to show, and our },Dices are very reasonable. In order to make room for the new stock we are making special prices on the old. A sew lines in Winter Goods at Bargain Prices: Men's Heavy Rubbers.. ..... $2.25 to $3.50 One lino of Men's over Rubbers; _, .75c One line of Women'over Rtthberso 50c Women's Shoes .. 11 to 6 Men's Shoes $3 to $7 New 32 inch Ginghams.......30c 35c 40c Cash with order, post free to your door E A. a icAsh & Son, Varna PHONE 13-022 01. •ARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SA1 F; = in the Townships of 'Peckersmith. Us- hnrne ant HIKLert, at pre-war prices. For = 6,4,,.', ommtkolam apply to THOMAS CAMERON, Ik,x 1884, Exeter, Ont2800-4 = FARM FOR RENT.-- 100 -ACRE FARM TO = rent Immediate p<x.ea,i0n can be given. = Apply to It, R HAYS. Seaforth. 2830.1 = FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALT; 1,0121, (.,nrnx+ion 1, T*'l,r,.mit.h, 100 acres, nil eleard and in good state of cultivation. cod iroomed frame horse, bank barn, delving house. pig pen. hen house: 2t., miler fmm Sceferl.h, rural mail and phone, Wttl he = sold on re,onnablo tonna. F'or further par- = tirninn, imply to J. 13, HENDERSON, Bee. _ forth 2880 -if = 'FARM FOR SALE.- FOR RALE. LOT 13, ▪ rnntainine 100 *ores. on the 11.11 Con - oneinand 26 nein; nn the 0th (lscennion ;f Met(illon, three mitre runt of Winthrop. 'rhis i, 000 of the rhoicent farms in Herein ('meaty. Ft is ill mlenr,d except five acres ' of hardwood ht.h. The Perm to tile drain- I = rd and well fenced, end 1s situated half = o mile from s,honl. On the premlaes is Invite cement dwelling. hank berm, good I = orrhnrd end never-fniling well at the born. 1 = On the 25 acres is a never -failing leering j•� r001,. Thin fnrm h,w been needed to green end in in bet chow slate of cultivation, it will he sold together 0 sep*ratelr and on ' rennonable tome. ml r Mise,. for swill ,o. Fo,' (Wither Pnrt len In eo nOply to MRS ; 1 YUSAN,RO88, 57 Rrlhn.ren Road, Toronto. WORK SHOTS For Spring 1 -...:�: ` t1, 2070-4 I Our Stock of Men's Work Shies for Spring is now on the shelves and we have Special Values to offer you. For Clearing We Are Offering: MEN'S NO. 1 QUALITY RUBBERS, for pointed toe shoe at 75c WOMEN'S CLOTH TOP RUBBERS, in small sizes at 69c BOYS' liiCil LEATHER TOP RUBBERS, small sizes at. , .$2.95 MEN'S 4-BT:CKLE OVERSHOES at ' $3.65 These ire not Serono, hit No. 1 Quality Goods. In some lines we 11250 not all sizes, htit out they must go to make room for arriving Spring Stock. FRED W. WIGG 111111111111111111 t11U11111t1111111t11t111 Teleph�� fOr fit: �`f„� tom) tk' � - Jib U ltl These Goods are on our s+ did not get them (for' ps), we them down for Qmek.Safe. EVERYTHING' GOOD, C V _ _ Friday& SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 pounds c PRUNES, 2 pounds SHELLED WALNUTS, broken, pound E PEANUT BUTTER, bulk, pound HEINZ SWEET PICKLES, pint F.:. GRAPE NUTS,35c Pel' package E CASTILE SOAP, Large bar PURE COCOA, 2 pounds REX CATSUP, 2 for TOILET PAPER, 6 rolls for BRAZIL and FILBERT\NUTS, pound Our 70c Tea,- Black or Mixed, Special for Friday E and Saturday only, 2 pounds E We Pay Highest Prices for Fresh Eggs and Good C r 3 j 1it , I , 1. • +it rl a mi.,,, { 0 „ 1'>a ka ,• 't k i - 4$C ,„ 48e 35E r 1 16.� 15c 2 g�� 22x3 t 25c = $1.10 E Dairy Butter, X • Consignment g Sale is S‘Ie in 28th: This those wish- quality and are repre- are includ- something males are at 6% per Liberal to the Clinton, ' I. THOMPSON, Mitchell ” The Huron CountyBreeders' s Association holding their third Annual Consignment Wingham, on Wednesday, February Sale offers an excellent opportunity to ing; to purchase Pure Bred Cattle of breeding. Many of the best families sented. Some excellent young bulls ed. Those looking for Bulls will find suitable here. Forty females and ten being offered. __Terms—Cash, or 10 months' credit }num on notes suitable to the vendor. guarantees are given. Catalogues may be had on application Secretary. 0. Turnbull, Brussels, S. B. Stothers, President. Secretary. Auctioneers: ROBT. T. AMOS, OSCAR KLOPP, W. Guelph. Zurich. Small Unsold Balance Canada Flour Mills Company Liratted 8% Cumulative Preferred Shares Thin (l001pany'a bustnee hue been established at Chatham, Oat , 'Lr ocr; 40 ream. ♦ Ito cornmeal mining plant is the largest in Canada. Cam:Petit 460 barrels da Per day. The flour mill has n capacity of 750 barrels per y. The C we three Company aloe ons and operate grain elevators, capacity 200,000 bushels. ♦ Total oapitaliranon, including bonds. is 3650.000. as rendingtotal weals of $007,604- This *bone the common steak, given e a benne, to be emendover, dollar for dollar, by assets, ♦ The management is in the bands of W. D. Roberson,' formerly Anotetanh Goners] Manager of the Maple Leaf Milling coany, As there to only a small portion unsold, Yee advise the Immediate pnroha.o 4 ♦ ♦ of thl, attractive assn. Price: $100 per share, carrying a bonus of two shares of common ♦ stock (par value $10 Per share). Write far farther particular. Rice, Gibson & Company TORONTO McKinnon Bldg. ONT. • NOW SHOWING OUR FULL LINE OF Spring Suitings An exceptionally wide range of Samples t,1 choose from—all the Latest Spring Materials anti Patterns, Tweeds, Fine 'Cheviots, Serges in Blue and Br„wns, Business Greys, Black and Blues with White Stripe, and many others. OUR SIiITS AT $24.00 to X37.00 For Quality and Price They are Leaders. SMALL PRICES—LONG VALUES "My Wardrobe” Main St., Seaforth 0 0 ♦ iv' a. item, , t2 e;