HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-02-16, Page 5rota Oka But Oda: Piebgibic• 'if • '1.1, RoSio Per 014, 't,•• Ew, per dozOn:, eihr 1 at, PEE, bur • WO 3, •Toi•lIll roma perEous I, fa; srio7, Per.' el Flour, pas ani...... 44845 to 8.76 Hinted:m-4 lartIntee, .on Unman ar4. to Mr. sad i4i. Jolan Rinteul. • wa. Fah 1.1, t• 910. and M.. Denny Bedard. • *eights. ille0emerr.-10 Hay Temeibly, on Janglers *Ca, to and Ma. Funk DiaimusArr Laporte -At Bauble Line, Hay Townes*. on FallelialYi tat to Mr. and Mai. Wilfred Layer* • us. Woreter.-0. Saturdax, February Prd. at 63 spaenctso Strum, kitratferd, to Dr, and hlrb F. a. Forster. a daughter -May Hem.10. I MARRIAGES ebenitt--ityckalulin.-M 8t Andresen lifiala•a• iseadea, on Atlanta', Ith, Myrtle Malta, 4aaghlara Mr. aad Mrs Z. Girard 14v/c- raft. o Hemel. to Mr. Thema J. Sher. ritt, eon of the late Thomas end M. Etherritt, of RE11114.11. by the Rev. D. C. McGregor. Aloock-Besthrtidge.--At 88. John'. Church Rostory, Bremen, by Rev. Mr Connor, on January 1710, Samuel O. Alcak, to Annie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bendorkige, both of Morrie Townebly. DEATHS Tuokeremith. on February 10th, Jdha Taylor, aged 64 years. Burton. -In Clinton. on February 64h. Mar- tha Colckesith, wife of Mr. John S. Bur- ton. aged 64 years. liarrieon.-At Barfield, on February 2nd. Thomas E. Harrison, is his 52nd year IMII)R1 ANT NOTICES agan S Balance ef Nees Sox, Wool, per pair 59c Mitts and Gloves, per pair 50c to $1.35 Caps, each ..$1:25 Balance of Wool Sweaters, each $3.25 Men's Overshoes, per pair ....$2.45 to $2.80 Men's Heavy Rubbers, to clear $2.90 100 Pairs Women's Fine Shoes, pair. $1.35 25 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, small size» $2.95 These Are Real Bargains! We Have Others. tlamm Assaitums",..usiimioirmssca, ,• OW; . tiviu %agile l'YOV011aaal.thli.illblliglaYatliAPik ° $ t 'ha . ta Nr1 ;.;4' . . , • • , A RE you! ',Sturm u large as they A-16 should be? High ocista make maximum yields Isis essential quality in your animals. We will advance money to responsible farmers to replace poor producers. 5.6 J. Flanagan, &iublin Successor to M. J. Klinkhammer ROYAL, QUALOTYCHICKS I ENGINE FOR SALE. -EIGHT HORSE- 1t, power Massey -Harrel gm engine on elchis, hicks are betched fr bred heavy.. in good conditiom. Apply to BORT. DOIG. y104 000 .tardy, NO. 4, &Worth, er Pim.. 2 00 106 2879-1t vigorous and grow Into aure layers. We guarantee 97 per cent safe deliverr of COWS FOR SALE. --ONE COW JUST day-old chick. sent to your station empress freshened and rix epringers. Apply to prepaid. You CAPI select from any standard G. McCAR7'NEY, R. R. No. 3, Seaford.. breed -Rocks. Wyandotte.. Orpintoas, er plume 1 ox 187. Z878-8 Leghorn., .to. Yeti should have a copy of our Baby Chick Q LED OATS FOR SALE.-RENNIE'S Book. it eirea velimble information to Pout- s, Exaly yi,ektorhovotry raisers. Write fora copy to -day. Its free. heavy yielder; clean of barley and wiki CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY oat.. For particular.. see GEORGE 2P8R9Y.C1E, Department 219 Sitaforth, H 434 IL TON - raTOOD FOR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF _ " good hardwood, delivered In quantities ONTARIO to auk purchmers. Prime right. Phone, 14-183. THOMAS G. BHILLINOLAW. A CTION SAI.ES 2874-tt ' AUCTION SALE OF SCHOOL HOUSE ON Saturday. February 24th. at 2 p.rn., at School House No. 10, Stanley, one mile and a quarter west of Brucefield, A frame build- ing 60%30, can be sold in two parts or all together to reit purch.er, also two camels, and a number of eingle seats. Terme- SC,C11 months' credit on approved joint 110e.. ov a demount of 8 per cent off for cash JOHN E. PEPPER, Secretary-Tr.aurer: George H. Elliott Auctioneer. 2879-2 QCOTCH SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. -ONE pure bred Roth Bull 19 months old and one dark red Bull 10 months old. For fur. they particulon. apply on Lot 80, 2nd Con- oesolon H.R.S., Tuckeramith, or phone 10 on 614, Clinton Central. GIFFORD CR1CH, S.forth, Ont. 2877-tf Roan FOR SERVICE. -HAVING RECENT- .' 17 purehmed the proven Yorkshire "Weldwood 177," his services will now be available to anyone desiring to improve their hogs. Terms, 11.60 payable at time of ser - awe with privilege of returning, if necemary. I have also a number of young boars rix months old for sale. R. W. GIBBINGS. 11. IL No. 4, Clinton. Phone 14-616. 2877x4 ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given toot the Annual Getter& Meeting of The Robert Bell Ensioo & Thresher Co., Limited, will be held BA the Company'. Ofhoe at Seaforth, Ont., on Wed- nesday, the 21st day of February. 1923, at 2 o ckok in the afternoon, By order of the Board. JOHN FINLAYSON, 2879-1 Secretary. ASK FOR 0011 1,1814 t2 CORN :WESTERN OATS, FLOUR & FEED. ETC. fors o12f.41 befcitir titrj iind or, Steam° creams It( fier• CHARLES & MCROSTIE 801 r•v•n•ovoL000c. renown . PHONIC At, 0.11, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THB ESTA.TE of Sar- ah Girth., bete ef the Town of Seeforth, Spinster. deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to all per - eons haring claims againet the Estate of the above named Sarah Given, deceased, to, send in the same on or before the 6th day of Id.arch. 1923, to Proudfoot Ki/loran & 9601120,, Srefortb, Solicitors for Flamm II. Givtin, of the Town of Seaforth. Adminis- trating of the estate of the said deceased, and that after mid date the said Admin..- tratrix will distribute the said .tate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall' then have had notice, and will not be liable for the proceeds of said imitate no distributed to any peace. of whose claim notice shall not have been received. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN & HOLMES, Godorich and Seater*. Solicitor. for Admthistratrix. Seaforth, 9th February, 1923. 28879-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Cetherine Andrew. late of the Town of Seafentirsi Widow, Hemmed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all per- sons bevies claim. againat the Estate of Use above nemed Catherine Andrew, demised to .41 in the mem to or before the leth of March, 1920, to Thomas Andrew. Ex- ecutor of the will of the said deemeed. and that after said date the said Executor will distribute the said estate oolong tho Persons retitled thereto. having regard 0017 to the clano of which they shall Mem have had notice, and will sat he Mthie iner the Proceeds of soid rotate or, distributed to ony Person of *Mee claim notice shell not have been remitted. THOMAS ANDREW, litsemese. lElauforth, lAth.Febtemay. mass PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE in Cattle, Hors., Pige, Etc. -Th.. Drown, mietkmeer, has received instructions, from Mr. George Bell to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Conctesion 5, Township of Tucker - smith. 2 mil. south of Seeforth, on Friday. March 2nd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow - ng • H es -One heavy draught mare six Years old. one heavy draught gelding three years old. Cattle -One thoroughbred cow, Seaforth L .sie 9th w=100589,-, ; 1 thorough. btol heifer, Butterfly Girl -.,180683.- both to calve early, 1 cow with calf el foot, 1 cow due to calve time of sale. 4 young cowo due ito calve in Mull and May. 5 young ores, in calf, 2 Holstein heifere 2 year. ole in calf, 2 heifers coming 2. yeare old in calf, 1 dry cow, 6 ethers doming 2 years old. 8 heifer. rising 2 years old, 7 calve. rising one year old. 2 /sows due to litter in April, 10 Mara hose, also a. quantity of Siberian Clus- ter reed oats. Terms -All sums of $10 and ' under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Seed Oats, cash. Paitively no reserve GEORGE BELL, Proprietor 7hos. • Brown, Auctioneer, 28794 UCTION SALE OF FARM. BEING COM- '. posed of Lot 11, Conoeselon 6, R.R.S.. T.kerserrith.--The undersigned auctioneer hes been instructed to soli on the premiaes ou February I/sit, at 3 o'clock: The farm COT. tripe 100 acree of choice clay loam, all well wire fenced and the underdrainecL Born 64x89 and straw she! 86180, both on cement and atone foundation ; ben and pig stable un- - derrseath; water bowls in barn, wester sup- plied from never failing well ; cement brick house T nhape, 10 rooms, soft water in house. and heated by furnace On the farm is an- othen never failing spring well; 40 eures foll plowei, 45 acral sod, good orc-hard, all kin& of fruit and berries. , This farm is loret,d within two m92e. of the thriving Town of Sreforth. with ita 5 cburc-h., high echool and good markets. 1 calk from school and church. Teresa of Sa1e-10% on day of sale: a portion may remain on mortgage at 6%56 end balance in 30 days. WILLIAM H. WALPER. • Proprietor; Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer, Zurich, • Ont. • 2877-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS' 2N THE MATTER of the eons% of Pete Campbell feemetimes known as Peter Kamordselse. .10 .6 the ctis or 8osmer4. In Um Ceonty of Perth, itwetarioit teepee. deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that ell peewee baying any dalton or deemed. against Om thite Peter Campbell. Mornetlowe known as . !Imid dece.ed among the Persons entitled March, AM., 1923, the said Adminixtrator thereto, heving regard only to the claims 00 Will Proceed to distribute the tweets of the which they Abell then have had notice and that the said Administrator will not he lieble ' tor the said anent or any part thereof to any persons of whose claim he shall not have then received notice. And Mk, notice that after the 10th day of Peer Earanibeasl, elm diet at the City of Eagenia. Gr,.,,, on 0. about the athistmath day .01Cietober, A.D. 1921, ore rom*ed to ss04 kr 10001 prepaid sec to 4018... 8. the undersigned, Solicitor. herein for Lode Onembell, ' Administrator of des state 01 Peter Campbell. their names and addremse ead full partienlare of their eksium and state. ' 000061 or 02,01.' .00.00,08,, ..d the nature of the securities, 64 any. held 137 them DATED at Siratford this 7th day of Fetes.- . P 411 4 ary, A. D., 1723. ' OWENS & 000DWIN. 9 Albert Street, Stretford, Ont. . Solltiber. for Administrator. 2879-2 II • ,.; ., St ..,, , ','i':' , ' X . : 'Aifim,',% V.11.44440,44'4,,,,,,, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT in Seaforth, and Eto.ehold Furniture. - The Adminietratrix of the Estate of Sor.sh 01,110, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction, by Thome. Brown, Auationrer, on the premises in the Town of Seaforth. at 2 o'clock p.m., on Monday, the 12th day of March. 1923, the following ProPerte. monelr: Lots Numbers 122, 123 and 124 in .Gouinlockai Survey of part of the Town of Saaforth. On the property there is a frame story and a half house with eix rooms and kitchen and cellar; aloe the following household effects: - Four beds and bedding. 1 bureau. 1 direser, 4 stands, 4 tablet, 5 reeking <theirs, 18 ▪ mailer chairs, 1 lounge, 1 large glees cue - beard, 1 clock, 1 orgen, 1 sewing machine, 1 wringer, 1 copper boiler. 1 parlor rug, 2 bed POMP carpets. 1 firer oil cloth, window shaden, curtains, 1 kitchen stove, 1 coal heater, quantity of dishes, 1 hewn mower, quantity of wood and real.. potatoee, apples aryl other fruit, and other articles. 'Denies - 10 per rent. of the northers, Price of the realty on the day of eale, end the beam* within 30 days thereafter Terms regarding Household Effects--C.h. For further par- ticulate mei comktions of eats &poly to puoumeresT, 811.1.00.AN & HOLMES. Coder -leis and flealerth. Sidiaitom Par Ad- raDviatratrix ; 'Mamas Bea... Auctioneer. Dated at Srefortb 12 February. 7412-4 A UCTION SALE OF FARM grecs AND Impleaseritia-The undersigned has ree.eiv- ell thetruetiom 0. .111 Irr Pebble auction sisa Lot 1, Csituesekols 81. Tockerematib, on Bator - d.7. February 26M. 1923, eermatheing at one ,?,lock sharp, the following: Beceee-- 1 drengist mare 6 ware old. 1 sericulture h ome 1 Petra cad 8 agriculture/ home 7 Pears old. 1 driver 7 years old. Cow, -One oow with calf at aide. 1 lkiletele emir dee time or 'Intl% 1 Hereford mow dr se March let, 1 no. deo April 0.8, 1 now dee April 10th, 1 cow due end of June. 9 good cow, freshened in December, 1 Mt any 1 far-, row cow, 1 fat IseLfern, 1 oshive, 1 Durham • regietered Pigs -Two a01•15 with litters. O sows Mse in March, 0 sows doe in April. 18 thanks from 80 to 140 Me Hans -25 bred -to -lay Rock pullets, 65 White Luther. mostly pullets, 6 pure bred White Leghorn meet..., 2 rare bred Rook ranters. 'nude- mente--Maremy-Herris binder 6 -foot, 10 -foot eteal roller new, manure norersder, wagon, new 3-seetion harrow, feather, walking Iskiw, set of !sleighs, onion peeler, weigh steles 1 ton capacity, double hareem, wagon ' box, Detains/ cream armarator nearly new, Chatham incubator end broorler, spindle spoke rather tire top boggy nearly new, good top buggy with steel thres, auto seat cutter. new: 1 cinum. 176 feet hay fork rope, new last honest, 2 amorist .714, bo., forks. ahovels and o. quantity of bay and mote. 8 l•uphd• 01 early need potatoes en.' other Petite.. Terrnn-All rents of $10,00 and under, cash; bay, meta, end pot/Coen, enah: over that amount 9 months' credit will be giten0,, furnishing Approved joint note.. 11, per cent. off for cash on credit ereennbs. ROSS MeLEAN, Proprietor; Oscer Elms% Auctioneer. 2879x2 • .•• WHEN YOU HAYE ROAST OR CHOPS you of course want 10 be sure that your family and guests will not be disappointed. The meat is the moat important part or the dinner and must be right, both in the raw state and in the pre, pared state. You can depend on us to do our share. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. Hensall Seed Show The South Huron Agriculture/ Society will hold their Annual Seed Shaw in the TOWN HALL, HENSAL.L 013 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1923 PRIZE LIST: The following prie,w wall be awarded on the beet emeritus of seed exhibited In .cord- sanc, with the rules governing Seed Pairs 2 bus. Spring Wheat, any var. 11.60 91.00 76e 2 bushels No. 72 Oats 2.80 1 50 1.26 2 bushels White Oata1 any other variety 2.60 1.60 1.26 2 bus. Barley, 6 -rowed 2.50 1.60 1.25 2 bus. 101.14 Pea, 1.60 1.00 76. 2 bus. Field Bea. 1.60 1.00 76c 1 beetle' of Timothy Seed1.50 1.00 76c 1 bushel of Red Clover Seed 1.60 1 00 76c 1 bushel of Alfalfa Seed1.60 1.00 76c 1 bushel of Alsike Seed 1.50 1.00 75c 1 b.. Potato.. any early var1.50 1.00 76. 1 Mu.. Potatoes, for gen.crop 1 60 LOO 750 Peel. of Onions, Dutch Beta1.00 .60 Most creditable ehowing of Grain and Seeds Sweepstake Badge RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1.-- All see& entered for competition meet have been grown by the exhibitor within me year previous to the exhibition. 1.11 exhibits of seeds shall be held to he representative of the total quantity of such seed offered for sale by exhibitor. The Secretary of the So- ciety may take and preserve samples from each exhibit for referenae 10 cane of dispute arising from the sale of eeed by exhibitor. 2 -Conspetitore must become membra of the Society by Paring to the Treasurer there- of, either previews 00 .0 at the time of nothing entri., the suM of $1.00 each, which will also entitle such member to free entry in the Stock Show. 3 -No Premium. shall be awarded on ex- hibits that contain weed seed. which, in the opinion of the Judge, are of a noxious nature. 4. -No exhibitor shall receive more than one prim in any class. 5 -All samples must be correct/y labelled with the name of the variety, the amount of seed for sale and the ;selling prioe. Grain not lean than 26 bushels for Rale, except Spring Wheat, 10 bushel,; Abilke, Timothy, and Clover. not Ime than 3 bushel,; Alfalfa 3 Maio.; Early Potato., not le. than 5 bushels; Late Potatoes. not les. than 25 bushel,; Onio., not less than 1 bushel. 6.-.1n case of dispute, a statutory deo/ara- tion that the above rules have been complied with, may be required 'from each or any exhibitor of heed. 7.-A/1 ex/State for competitiona for prime must be delivered at the Town Hall, Hensel', not later than 12 o'clock noon, and shall not be removed until the close of the Fele tt 4 p.m. ADMISSION FREE. The Annual Spring allow of Stallione, Pulls, Cattle and Hamm Horses will be hied at Hensall on Tueeday. April 3.4, 1923 Particulars later. J. BURNIE, M.M., K. M. McLEAN, President. Secretary. 2878-2 FARMS FOR SALE "FARM TO RENT. -FARM FOR RENT TO • reliable party, meetly pasture. Apple soon. DR. JAMES BELL. Hensel'. 28724/ 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. OWNER will sell on reasonable ternm for quick sale. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Oat 2865-tf FARM FOR SALE. -200 A,CRES, BEING Lots a and 4, Concession 4, Hamm Township, in good state of cultivation. Lams stone house and two bank barna with •tablina underneath; windmill and water Piped through the °table. Will mil vrith or with out crop and would separate either fawns For nertioalere apply to EDWARD PRYOR R. R. No. 2. Seaforth, 284141 VARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE. LOT 13, containing 100 acme, on the 8th Con- cession. and 25 eaters on the lith Concession of McKillop, three miles meat of Winthrop. This ts one of the choicest farms in Huron County. It is all cleared except five acres of hardwood bush. The farm is tile drain- ed and well fenced. and is situated half a mile from school. On the premises is a large cement dwelling, bank barn, good orchard and never -failing well at the barn. On the 25 acres is a never -failing spring creek. This farm hea been needed to grass and its in first class etete of cultivation. It will be sold 'together or separately and OP reaeonable terms. Good remora for selling. For further particulars apply to MRS SUSAN ROSS, 57 Belhaven Road, Toronto. M79-4 FARMS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE N1/4 OF . Lot 10. and NIA of Lot 20, en the 2nd C,oneession of /fibber*. On the premises are O bank barn 40100 with era. shed 80.66, driving abed 24..30. AOl hem have cement Poore and there 1p water in the barn A good frame home. The farm Is aleared. 40 scree plowei: all the drained. Situated 2 miles from Dublin: a/so 241/4 of Lot 19, on the 13ri41 Cenotezion. Ilvie la a grass farm with five aeres of Isiah. Them fame will he .old together or separately ea porchaserr aig and on easy Lerma For further Mettle00 *93117 on the premises or Mdoma Dublin Peat Offwe. PATRICK JORDAN, Phone 1 oft 17 Deblia. 2018-84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. G. THOMPSON Phone 25 0 We have on hand at 0 all times Oat, Barley, 0 Corn and Pea Chop, 0 also Ground Flax Seed 0 in any quantity. See these if in need of feed. * Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts. Grain Buyer. Custom Chopping. -0 A Carload of Re -cleaned 0 0 Screenings Expected at End 0 O of week. OATMEAL MILLS, * 0 Seaforth, Ont. 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7171 V TA THE CANADIAN BANK OF commERcE. PAID-UP CAPITAL - .$15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . $15.000,000 SEAF9RTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. 0,m••••m•••••••••• NOW SHOWING OUR FULL LINE OF Spring Suiting s An exceptionally wide range of Samples to choose from all the Latest Spring Materials and Patterns. Tweeds, Fine Cheviots, Serges in Blue arid Browns, Business Greys, Black and Blues with White Stripe, and many others. OUR SUITS AT $24.00 to $37.00 For Quality and Price They are Leaders. SMALL PRICES -LONG VALUES "My Wardrobe" Main St., Seaforth 000xm/xomm/xnw Lo23 gs Wanted Half Million Feet of Logs Wanted r.: 23 23, s I; r3: ,4 at Brucefield Mill No, 1 Choice Basswood Logs, 16 -inch top and up ' $30.00 per M. Lengths, 10 feet, 12 feet and 14 feet; mostly 14 feet. No. 1 Choice Hard Maple Logs, 18 -inch tops and up, $25 to $30 per M. No, 1 Choice Hard Maple Logs, 12 -inch to 18 -inch tops..$20.00 per M. Lengths, 10 feet, 12 feet and 14 feet, No. 1 Choice Soft Elm Logs, 20 -inch tops and up, $25 to $30 per M. No. 1 Choice Soft Elm Logs, 16 -inch to 20 -inch tops, $20 to $25 per M. Lengths, 10 feet, 12 feet and 14 feet. HARD MAPLE AND BEECH LOGS, 11 -inch to 15 -inch tops only Sound Knots no defect, but must be in assorted lengths, as follows: 9 pieces, 8 feet 6inches 6 pieces, 9 feet 5 pieces, 9 feet 6 inches 5 pieces, 10 feet 6 inches 4 pieces, 11 feet $20.00 PER M. 4 pieces, 11 feet 6 inches 3 pieces, 12 feet, 6 inches 3 pieces, 13 feet 3 pieces, 13 feet 6 inches 2 pieces, 15 feet PAYMENT IN FULL ON 1st OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH The Geddes -Tyson Lumber Company BRUCEFIELD, - - - - ONTARIO These Good are on our ehe did not get them (for keeps); 'wea., them dotvn for Quick Sale. EVERYTIIING GOOD, CLEAR & 3 Saturdi SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 pounds PRUNES, 2 pounds SHELLED WALNUTS, broken, pound PEANUT BUTTER, bulk, pound Ei HEINZ SWEET PICKLES, pint GRAPE NUTS, per package = CASTILE SOAP, large bar = PURE COCOA, 2 pounds 28c E REX CATSUP, 2 for 21Ic E TOILET PAPER, 6 rolls for 25c = • BRAZIL and FILBERT NUTS, pound = Our '70c Tea, Black or Mixed, Special for Friday 15c = and Saturday only, 2 pounds $1.1.0 • We Pay Highest Prices for Fresh Eggs and Good Dairy Butter. tee,. 15c • _Ferguson & Co. Always Something New E E E FOR REAL COLD WEATHER Heavy All -wool Lumbermen's Sox, = Real value at $1 I' =WORK SHOES E For Spring ,..4 El. Our Stock of lien's Work Shoes for Spring is now on the = shelves and we have Special Values to otter you. IFor Clearing We Are Offering: = r_.,. MEN'S NO. 1 QUALITY RUBBERS, for pointed toe shoe at 75c I WOMEN'S CLOTH TOP RUBBERS, in quail aim at 69c = BOYS' HIGH LEATHER TOP RUBBERS, small sizes st...$2.95 ri MEN'S 4 -BUCKLE OVERSHOES at Ft These are not Seconds but No. 1 Quality Goods. In some lines we have not all sizes, but out they mat go to make room for arriving Spring Stock, Et. 3 a :fikl•3111••••••.•• FRED W. WIGG El Wool Work Sox, in different colors, Grey, 45 Men's Flannel Shirts in light and dark grey. Specially priced for this week $ 1.75 & $2.25 Boys' and Girls' Wool Worsted Stockings, OE„ g extra good quality and made to last; an sizes 00‘, Ladies' Hose in Black Cashmere, II 2 C I.: E a bargain at - . Ladies' All -wool Drop Stitch in Grey and Ai a • = , = Brown Heather, at 1 1 .600 E Fii!...... 10 dozen more of those FleecedLine Cotton 23c ......,.; Hose at sale price . i I Worth Much More. El r...P. 25 Boys' Sweaters in all colors, worth ' P. $2.00, for I i Boys' Pullovers, Black and Yellow. r-. Regular $1.75, for 5= LADIES' FUR COATS AT COST. _- = Heather and Mixed, all one price C Come in and Make Your Choice. Ferguson Co., Seaforth = 7. t,i0 it% 6't <Zeiittit‘t ;:1.44.1e ,yfqy , , , 6 < tql ' Altizlt, dfi44k* •••';‘ItN 14;444144^ittrip7M a`i wage 'I ill hi Shoe , s l , 1 We have decided to continue our Annual Winter Sale an- ,1 ' other two weeks, and we are adding Shoes to the list:- 1; H! 100 Pairs Ladies' High and Low Shoes, only $100 I 50 Pairs Ladies' High and Low Shoes, only $2.00 1 , 50 Pairs Ladies' High and Low Shoes, only UN 1 12 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, only $4$30000 25 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, only 56 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, only Childs', Misses' and Boys' Shoe 25C to $3.00 New Shoes, either Fine or Heavy, for Ladies or Men, specially priced 1 for this Sale. \ I ! i TERMS CASH PHONE 13-622 1 1 1 E A. McAsh & Son, Varna 1' _Ferguson & Co. Always Something New E E E FOR REAL COLD WEATHER Heavy All -wool Lumbermen's Sox, = Real value at $1 I' =WORK SHOES E For Spring ,..4 El. Our Stock of lien's Work Shoes for Spring is now on the = shelves and we have Special Values to otter you. IFor Clearing We Are Offering: = r_.,. MEN'S NO. 1 QUALITY RUBBERS, for pointed toe shoe at 75c I WOMEN'S CLOTH TOP RUBBERS, in quail aim at 69c = BOYS' HIGH LEATHER TOP RUBBERS, small sizes st...$2.95 ri MEN'S 4 -BUCKLE OVERSHOES at Ft These are not Seconds but No. 1 Quality Goods. In some lines we have not all sizes, but out they mat go to make room for arriving Spring Stock, Et. 3 a :fikl•3111••••••.•• FRED W. WIGG El Wool Work Sox, in different colors, Grey, 45 Men's Flannel Shirts in light and dark grey. Specially priced for this week $ 1.75 & $2.25 Boys' and Girls' Wool Worsted Stockings, OE„ g extra good quality and made to last; an sizes 00‘, Ladies' Hose in Black Cashmere, II 2 C I.: E a bargain at - . Ladies' All -wool Drop Stitch in Grey and Ai a • = , = Brown Heather, at 1 1 .600 E Fii!...... 10 dozen more of those FleecedLine Cotton 23c ......,.; Hose at sale price . i I Worth Much More. El r...P. 25 Boys' Sweaters in all colors, worth ' P. $2.00, for I i Boys' Pullovers, Black and Yellow. r-. Regular $1.75, for 5= LADIES' FUR COATS AT COST. _- = Heather and Mixed, all one price C Come in and Make Your Choice. Ferguson Co., Seaforth = 7. t,i0 it% 6't <Zeiittit‘t ;:1.44.1e ,yfqy , , , 6 < tql ' Altizlt, dfi44k* •••';‘ItN 14;444144^ittrip7M