HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-02-02, Page 8ie
We make a Speciality
of taking Family Group
D. F. Buck
THE HURON EXPOSITOR 1 consolation, Mrs. Harry Stewart and
Mr. Leslie McKay. The games were
— iollowed by a short programme, con-
sisting of solds by Mrs. A. Westeott
DISTRICT MATTERS and Mr. O. Elliott. Mr, G. Cardnu
gavv an exhibition of the Sailor's
- _ - - - -... .-------- - Hornpipe dunce, accompanied by Mr.
Local Briefs. — The thermometer Hugh Chesney on the violin and Mr.
rcgistcrt•c! too below zero un Tuesday 1.. T. DeLacey on the organ. Lunch -
morning, but the weather has greatly tun was served at the close.
moderated auree then, rain falling on
Thursday.—'"I'he Night Interview"
wul be the subject discussed at the
ii :forth Presbyterian church next
luuduyy eve —Mr. W. liartry is
in 'rofonto tpti, week attending the
'o of the Ontario
•.ouual convents u t
Horticultural Society as a delegate
front the Seaforth branch society.—
..-_.- Mr C. Eckert received word by Wily
If you forget everything
else, remember that Our
Are Just a Little Better
Our Prices a Little Lower
Phone 72.
You're Next
Marina lush• heitfers from
8,1.1,11,111,1,p,-,' jar 30c
Pumpkin, Ayliner Brand,
per tin .-. tic
Cocoanut Oil Soap. made
from pore c•oroalnit oil,
fine for toilet and sham-
pooing; try it; large bar,
Horse Radish, Ilelnz's evap-
orated. p,•I butt le .li=re
Pork and Bean. ('lark's, 40
ounces gross, tin
Our Pure Lard is, well just
the beat made and the
price is also the lowest;
per pound 20c
When You Want a Complete
Order, i,e., Bread, Meat, Fish
and Vegetables, Call No. &
Sproat & Sproat
on Monday evening of the serious it
ntrs with pneumonia of his brother,
Rt v. Father Stephen Eckert, of Mil-
wt:ukee. Mr. Eckert left Tuesday
afternoon for Milwaukee.—Mr. Wm..
3.5-011, of Londeshcro, and Miss Bina
Kirk, of Toronto, visited this week
u, the home of their uncle, Mr. An- r.loney. ,ir. J. A. McLaren, the popu-
drew Kirk in 'fucker smith and also ler President of the Huron Old Boys'
tt;th 31r. and Mrs. Alex. Stobie m Association, has just been elected
Seaforth.-- Mr Walter Ross, of Gode- President of the Wholesale Bout and
rich, spent the week end in town.— Slice Dealers' Association for the
Airs, ''lett is visiting with Listowel . Dominion. Mr. McLaren hails from
and Woodstock friends. --Miss S. Mc- C;oderich, but has been a resident of
coy, of Toronto, was a guest this 'Toronto for a good niftily years. Un
week et the hump of Mr..3. W. Beattie der the former firth name of Dallas
• Air. and Mn. John Cameron, of & Mcl.at'en they worked up a large
(;.derieh, were visiting friends in wholesale business in hoots and shoes,
tows: tills week.—Mr. and Mrs. Cee. 3m: the business is now controlled by
Sl urree eeent 0 le•w• day's this week 59:. Mc I.urert himself, and his pupe-
t•i11, friends it• Paris and Galt. --M)ss larity as a business pian is shown -by
�Iobu• o1 Detroit, the week e•nd Iii•: ununiuu,us election Lu the i'resi-
:o' :L, 1 .' ,d' her father. Mr A- \S'. deney or the 1 ,ininiun Association.
.:, hn -Sl rs. F,dtc.:trd.'t, of Gad,•rieli, '1 he foregoing ju -t proves what has
i, the gree.' of Mr, and Mr=. 'T. G. so erten bean asserted, that given it
'1 - ll:, rub( St:1rk, of hit • fkir chance Ilurunians always dis-
rb: ref spent Sund:,y with hi., mothertinrmistl themselves in whatever they
I r. '•1 r. I' 1'. .) tle-on. left sur ut:dertake.
v .:.'r, -al and 'tir. 1.,1 g, dark -on for _ -
1e'.•form:, un Slouchy morning.
le:sio ..l Muni has returned to her r,,. tar.,,.,•,.. tl > .,l..r1, _. ,..t
Lino in 711, 1:i11o1, •,)'t,'r a t is,l with e::. Painted,- ! rla:.- „. 1. ,h•nr at a
M:'. 1'. Dirt: -ort, �,.:,.,.n,1.•,. t,r_.. �.,•,:.... one ,L..,r ,..,nth
i:ulf:,l" spent 11 w. rk ,•,:,I 11011 1 t:umr., ,,.,.,... -x76-s
wono•d, 1. • r,r•::,
lo-❑,':,. err: o• SoI
1;. • .1,.111 Sp:no I, nr.eerise . :niesiss.
,• yl (; Wonted. t.
14. 31 it) ha- b, n c ,rli: , ,1 i.. 1"•
/se,, - 1' a-,,. k :1r,�u)rl; t s ser
With , n X1, a
rev ittI Ifh T.,
n { w 1 .11 r'-. I)'l, It 11 h /.I I-'� It I , •ri, , .p. ,I
1otem attrndia • 111,• wire' 1 -� i .I to ), I :., .•;,�•a, rndn>,
I<n•,x r„1,118.•. 111'. 1.. T lt, 1,•',•y F:Iretrir tr..n star. n:. da .> ••,:1s. r:,r.,.
1:1:1 :,t+em1 the :1111 Tal nt,, ti,;g , I' th •,t,; ,,,h .nrrod , s1.ba.
„vi m'in1 Bed I'ro:.. , ,ri,•ty. hr I•.,,. ,,..I 1.0 ,,. ..0 v:,:Inc,.)
1 .1k1 in T,.ru.^.to h, t t wet -1c-
to the fu••i shortage, s,veral,rth . Ileus rotor
r uo
son•. In„r„rlh, nn w'e.t :;, .
' ,d 1 : a,,, full bssr'1 1, i:n•:
lout frr in lh,. I,11l ie hol,l,hnt�.� �1„"�, ,d,•. red hen h:,u.,.
1: cli d this week. -Mr.
IC ft en 01oisle ler tutttea, le Farr>hn th:,l n,r. ,:,••I „ Bread ..
not the purl i:un•-outery , .ion '•t...:. ,:.r „n„,zh; „ it
which oJ•, nr• 3 en \Vrdm-sday ,Si; -1. anrtl,. 7..1
NI. McMillan, manager of the Pro- ' a.w Tree sate. --A, n 1 crude
vin.ciai Savings Yank, and his bride, .I.c sear.. ••1.1. to o-r,hen In shine. Pure
r1 turned en Wednesday evening from 1 r, mousble. ,APP),' to, I.. F)11i-un. F:gm.nul•
1 ciil.•, en7;xz
their honeymoon trip to New York.— I --
C'atholic li'omen's League,—At the
Former Huronians Honored.---'1'vvo
former 11urwtiaus, now resident in
the city of Toronto, have just been
huoi•ed by their business associates.
3,1r•. John Moon has been elected
Prt'sident of the recently -organized
Oakyvood-St. Clair Business Men's
Association. This represents one of
the most important business sections
of the city, and it is no small honor
to be elected in connection therewith.
Mr. Moon was born its Hullett, spent
considerable of his business life in
Clinton, and on going to Toronto went
into real estate business, in which he
is said to have made considerable
T? ' • 1ison1 1 Mr. R McDougall and daughter, illi.,
TEA.—Get the habit and buy Hutchi-
son's Special Black or Mixed at 2
pounds . $1.20
This price, of course, is higher than
it used to be, but it is still cheaper
than any of the standard and well
known Package Teas, and we con-
fidently believe Better than any
Tea near it in price.
COCOA.—We have in bulk the same
grade of Cocoa sold in cans at 60c
pound for 25c ib.
BAKING POWDER.—Hutchison's
a surprise in quality, per pound
can 2.5c
15c for 10c
or 3 Cam for 251:
packages is siftings from $1.1)0 to
$1.25 Japan Tea. Special per
pound 35c
HEINZ ViNEGARS—in tansy bottles
for table use, Cider, Spirit nr Mal:
Vinegars, regular 35e, per ho'ti,•
for 23c
First Class Dairy Bntte•r, F'rem
Eggs, Poultry (alive nr dressed' :I11
Dried Apple-; wanted in F.xehang-•
for Goods.
F. D. Hutchison
Phone 166.
C Hilton tv. Park Waterdnwn, Ont.
bl.s' the day' _
• you left n b.rtle of Asthma Remedy _
• with m-• I Sud relief from the first =
doss and have Otto improving ever =
it; since: can lie down . t night and reit; =
▪ the cough has entirely left me: 1 have =
gained three pounds nit,, f started =
= the bottle, which is now nearly finished. _
'The good news hae agreed around this
,• diatrlet, and(ready several wont to =
to it 1' feet gond th
over e new
Ilfe, ea rt were, 1sn like to tell nthen.”
$1.50 per bottle. Money back if not
= eatis8ed. Fur sale at Vmbnch', Orug
5Wre, to by mail fmm II. T. Br,ggn.
▪ wbltby, Ont. 2Ea2-20
McDougall, of F s needle, are .-I annual meeting of the Seaforth sub -
ting with friends near Clinton.— - division of the Catholic Women
Mrse P. McNeil,hhof Clinton, is a League, held last week, the annual
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. report was read by the recording sec -
I' S. Savauge.—Mr, J. M. Govenloek,
M,I'.P., returned to his parliamentary
duties at Toronto on Tuesday, after
sper.ding the week end at his home
in McKillop.—Miss Kellett, of the
Tract Society, was in town this week
canvassing for the work.—Many
friends of Mrs. R. G. Parke will be
pleased to learn that she is able to
be out again after her recent se4ous
illness.—The Seaforth Collegiate In-
stitute hockey team defeated Mitchell
high school by a score of 2-1 in a
fast game played on the local rine
on Tuesday evening. The Seaforth
line-up was: Goal, W. Hatt; right
defense, C. Munn; left defence, W.
Brokenshire; right wing, A. Meakins;
left wing, Fred Crich; centre. S.
Nichol; subs., C. Aberhart and J.
Archibald.—Miss CIare Gaetzmeyer,
of Toronto, is here visiting at the
home of her mother.—Miss Margaret
Edge, is visiting with Hamiltn,t
The 1'P ice George • Citizen
t 1 1 1 T 11 �( I gt
Prince George, B. C., in its report
a her liuy game played het term
that. Pity and Var.derhor,f. on .lar.u-
,y 15.0, •.0}':: "Ken Mrliny played
sir• -ng 0. re10 and regi-tet'ed sevort
f the eleven goals scored on Stdur-
r1.•; nigh'." Two other Sca'orth boy's
v.1 ro also in the lino -up, M. C. 51,:-
1':. right d;.f,-nee for ('rine•-
(.,irg'r• and Tom Smithcrs left de-
feeee fi:r Vander heef.—,1 r. 15111ton
( ersney, of Toront•,, spent Sunday
eat: his mother, Al -s. G. M. Chentes.
`les. ('hese y left on Tuesday for
'i',rnnto, whore she intends to make
h' -r home --Hiss Mary Ilabkirk, of
the Woodstock Collegiate staff, spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Habkirk.
Fnrre.:t.:•rs' Annual Meeting. -- At
r the annual meeting of Court Sherwood
Fr rest, No. 6165, Ancient Order of
Foresters, on Monday evcning, tier
last year'- officers were re-elected for
the term of 192:; as follows: W. D.
Drag. ('.R : A. W. Stobie, S.(:.R,• P.
Leaky, Treasurer; E. L. Box, Seero-
ta,-y; `V• Bristow, S.W.; John Smith,
' .T.\\'.; W. Stoddart, S.B.; Oliver F.1 -
Lett, .LB. The Trustees are: W. D.
• 11, ,g, J. M (la rd nn, 11. C: Rex Court
Sherwood Forst meets the last Mon -
da,; of each month.
S mola 111111uinanon in11111{ulllnlulls:
g . Stratford. Ontario.
The Old Time Dance.—To avoid
c•onfusinn at the Old Times Dance, in
rel of the blind, in the Strand Theatre
or, Tuesday evening, February 6t1,
I the Red Cross wish it to he remem-
bered that it will be a basket luneh.
Ycn bring your own dishes and eats.
Put your name on your basket and
check it. At lunch time you will
go'.. lots of gond coffee in your own
Fe type and after lunch check your
i basket again and get it when the
dance is over. The dance will be over
= ' when the music stops. A cordial in -
The leading practical train- S. I vitatinn is given everybody to attend,
▪ Ing school of Western Ontario. f and the object is a worthy one and
▪ The school where you get a warranfs a bumper attendanee.
3 thorough. course under eompet-
ent inetr ieLOrh in Commercial,
E Shorthattd and Telegraphy De- C
'partmenta. We assist grade -
• stets to positions. Write for `a
E free catalogue. ”
s D. A. McLACHPrincipal.
1P a
'-`i MIDII1111iO11111HUIIIIIIfhtIlIMII111n1i-
Rehekahs Hold Euchre, --At a pro-
gressive ember in the I. O. O. F. Hall
on Thursday evening last, at which
Rev. T. )1. Brown acted as chairman,
the prizes were captured hy: Ladies,
firet prize, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey; lone
hand, Miss Olive Taman; gentlemen,
flr't prize, C. A. Barber and lune hand;
I Y dja44124k,d4 ! Rr
retury and showed that during the
past year considerable has been ac-
complished with hut a minimum a-
mount of effort. In order to comptete
the membership as speedily as pos-
sible, se that new activities may be
commenced at once, a membership
euchre will be held in the Parish Hall
on Monday, Feb. 5th, from 3 to 5 p.m.,
fur which the price of adn'tission will
be the membership fee. The election
of officers resulted as follows: Spirit-
ual adviser, Rev. Father Goetz; Presi-
dent, Mrs. Frank Sills; Vice -Presi-
dents, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs, O'Neil, Mrs.
A. O'Leary; Cor, -See., Mrs, W. H. Bul-
lard; Rec.-Sec., Mn,,, Canning; Wel-
ccme Secretary, Mrs. Keating; Treas-
urer, Mrs. Finkbeiner.
Curlers Lose to Scotchmen, — A
rink of Seaforth Curlers, composed
Smith, of T S , mr'h \\', E. Southgate,
F.t.ith McLean and .T. Beattie, skip,
were in London on 'Tuesday, repre-
senting one of the Western Ontario
clubs draw': In 1,;:iy against t.h,•
Frol1h telless m,w touring Canada.
Sea:fortlt lust their ganie by cue shut,
:thin leading until the last end, but
the game was ane of the best and
'nest enjoyable contests ever played
he the local rink. In its report of
the afternoon's play the Free Press
of January 31st, says: "Col. Robert-
son -Aikman, Captain of the party,
nosed out. .Jack Beattie's SPR men
05. one shot, the score being 10-9.
This was one of the nicest games of
the afternoon to witness and a large
gallery of spectators swarmed around
the .sheet..” Scotland won out in the
afternoon against the Western On-
tario rinks by a score of 65-59 and
in the evening, defeated the London
clubs by a score of 62-38.
-- •� _
G. W. V. A. Notee.--Our members
should be nn hand for the Challenge
Euchre vs. McKillop this Friday even-
ing. ''hese affairs tend to tering the
town and reentry people together,
and are a real seurro of pleasure to
—For our Mn.,lu,•r,tde Dance, Feb.
12th, has been reserved. Nn special
invitation will be issued: The foe
will be ole dollar per couple. Every,
person on the floor must he masked,
the only regulation being that each
couple must declare their identity
to the official at• the door of the hall
on entering.
—There is at present in circula-
tion a report to the effect that from
Ash)Wednesday until Easter Sunday
nothing of an amusement nature will
he put on at the G.W.V.A. Club.
Naturally, we have those who cannot
see eye to eye with our Executive
in anything, but for the benefit of our
well wisher,,, we might say that the
above report is absolutely without
foundation, and the Club will offer
maty pleasant nights 6f recreation
between time.:.
Town Hall Burned.—An early
morning fire caused about $5,Ooo
worth of damage to -the town hall and
offices of the corporation on Wednes-
day. The equipment of the clerk's
office, including many municipal pa-
pers and records, was completely de-
wL1.t�V. m,,6,1 j.
St. Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 14th
and sizes, from 3c each up
Cut Out Hearts Booklets
Paper Caps Post Cards
Decorated Paper
strayed. The public hall was also
damaged considerably by smoke and
water, and the flooring in many plac-
es badly charred. The fire was caus-
ed by an overheated chimney, due to
the use of soft coal. Soft coal was
else responsible for giving the fire-
men a run last night to the Col-
legiate Institute for the third time
tits,. year, but fortunately no damage
was done.
Breezes.—Samuel Moore went to
Owen Sound last week, having re-
cened a message that his brother
there was ill.—('ummencing Friday,
Ftbrua'ry 2nd, 1)r. Brady will have
an office at Varna in the building
ft.ruierly occupied by the Sterling-
Bank, where he plans to be each
1lenday, Wednesday and Friday al -
tie resets from 3 to 4. --Miss Maul
Sterling-, of Military Hospital. King.
stet: is home far a visit. ---Charlet
h.:Mnncr has roomed ed front Brucr-
1it 1:1, where he has been fur the past
month.- The fishermen and other:
h:.to put up Inc for the turning seas-
on The sale of household goods at
511x. Parson's benne on 'Tuesday Notts
largely attended. G. Elliott, of Clin-
„ 1 was the auctioneer. -The concert
t I , au ct
nn1,,,uure 1 for 1 rid:ty evetring, Feb,
21:d, has been p„-•tpou•d, owing to
Everybody Has 'Them But They
Differ in Each Individual
See the Sew Star
m w appearing in a story of a girl
re are,1 id Li Turkish Harcus and thea
treesplanted to English soil and baf-
fleu by its conventions, a kind -heart -
(..1 bachelor nobleman and the ever
present gossips to w•111101 all things
are scandalous:
A gorgeously; staged dratCta with
tense swift moving scenes relieved by
touches of delicate and subtle humor.
Adapted from Wm. J. Locke's novel
Here This Week End.
followed by the most Elaborate
Screen Spectacle ever Produced
Iron Sale
2 Days Only
February 5 - 6
If you ,cannot come to the store
''hone 19 and we will reserve one
for you.
itt,let file e
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Herbert Rawlinson
in a quick -action romantic story of
adventure in which the destinies of a
nation, a man and a woman rested
upon an alnazing masquerade
"Another Man's Shoes"
One of those good Northwest
Mounted Police Pictures,
—2 reels—
Adults 15c 8.15 p.m. „ Children 10c
a,.fakrrwr + s ...a...
engagements of a number of thoa
who were - taking part until of r
Easter. Hockey games and oth r
dting interfered. This is a big dis-
apl.,ointment, ss.there has been little
doing, but we hope for better luck
next time.—We congratulate Miss
Luce McLeod, who recently graduat-
ed from the Clinton Business College
and bus won a bronze medal award-
ed by the Underwood Typewriter Co.
Miss McLeod is et present in To-
Two Good Bulla Sold.—Mr. Peter
l soldtwo rood calves
erten his pure bred herd of Short-
horns. One of these was an eleven
months old roan bull calf, aired by
(Imp.) Conqueror, which was pur-
chased by Mr. Patrick Feeney, of
Lublin. The other was a dark rttan
fourteen months old bull calf, sired
by Lancaster Landmark (Imp.), out
of a dam by Conqueror, which was
purchased by Mr. Allen, of Bruce -
field, who has a good herd of puro
Lreds. A substsntial price was paid
for both these animals, but they were
good ones.
School Report.—The following is
tht report for School Section No. 1,
•Tuckersrnith, for January: Sr, IV --
Vera Volland 205, Grace Forrest 196,
John Madge 144, Alice Walker 98,
Dora Pepper 96, Foster Pepper .' .
Sr, 111—Olive Walker 193, Irene Vol -
land 181, Evelyn Wilkinson 171, Ethel
Clark 164, Nelson Pfatf 141, Ella
la Flier 110, Glenn Bell 37. Jr. 111—
hahel Pepper 77. Sr. 11—Mildred
Forrest 189, Stewart Pepper 143,
11,,.a Pepper ;15, Harold Parker 84,
Clarence Volland 55, Glenn Slavin 40.
Jr. (1. -Russell Pepper 14'3, Runa
SSilkinson 141, Beatrice Volland 109,
14:nald Walker 50. First --Sandy
1'01 per 116, Wesley Pepper 44. I'r.—
llelen Pita 84, Enlnta \Duren '72, Nil -
NMI Pepper 36, 1Uuugltts Stewart (ab-
st ret 1.---I. Douglas, 'reacher'.
School Report. --The following is
the report for School Section Nu. 2,
'I'urkersntith, fur the month of Jan-
uary: IV (;lass Fr.—Clarence Mc-
Lean 81, Mona McGregor 79, Grae.:
(Jou per and 'folia McNaughton 1cyual, 1
74, 11.1.7 Nit -Gregor 71, Harry I1ald-
w I ill ti:rtu Bruadfuot 55, Margaret
I igi i, absent freer several exams.
IV Class, .Ir Jessie Finlayson 51,
0roc Aikenhead -19. 111 ('lass, Sr. --
Kite Bell 68, Dorothy McLean ti4,
Annie McNaughton 62 Duncan Cooper
59, 11argaret McDonald 51. 111 Class
Jr. ---Arthur Finlayson 58, (I Class,
Sr. --Braider• Cooper 70, Stewart
4'udmere 63. 1 Class, Sr. -.-Verna
MrGr•egor 83, Jack Cooper 67. Num-
ber on ivll for January, 21; average
attendance, 1,1.7. The following had
perfect attendance for January: Sr.
IV—Grace ('uuper, Tena McNaugh-
ton. Robert McGregor, liarry Cald-
well Sam Broadfoot. Jr:.IV—Jessie
Finlayson; III, Annie McNaughton,
Mt-rgaret McDonald, Arthur Finlay-
son; Il Class, Beatrice Cooper, Stew• -
,'rt Cudmore, 'Jack Cooper, Charlie
Cudntore.—M. Mellis, Teacher.
Catholic Women's League. — The
annual meeting 'of the C.W.L. was
held in the parish hall on Friday
evening, January 26th, and was well
attended. The annual report was
read by the Treasurer, Mrs. John
Shea, and was very encouraging. The
work of the League during the past
year was carried on under four head-
lines: (a) Works of Charity; (b)
Assisting our Pastor; (c) Distribu-
tion of literature; (d) Social Probe'
lems. In each of these headings we
have at least accomplished a little.
W'e have given $76.15 for charitable
purposes, $22 paid out for masses,
3 requiem masses, 2 low masses and
one mass of thanksgiving. During the
year eleven general meetings were
held apd four special executive meet-
ings. Six papers on interesting sub-
jects have been read at the meetings
by members
rbc of the League. ue. Three
shipments of literature have been
made to church extension, one in
April, June and January. A scholar-
ship was founded in the parish for
the pupil obtaining the highest num-
ber of marks at the Entrance exam-
ination. From our Mission box
15t)))5 was sent to home and Chinese
Mi>siens 0,311 $20 sents to the Aus-
trian Relief Fund, Four socials have
been given in the hall, total receipts
being $357.2Q: A shipment of cloth-
ing amounting to $11.75 and 16 pairs
of stockings, was sent to the orphans
at Mt, St, Joseph, London, Ont. Ten
subscriptions were secured to the
Canadian League. Total receipts of
the year were $619.5$; total disburse-
ments, $552.2.8; total membership for
1022 was 82 members. Mrs, Peter
Eckert tendered a vote of thanks to
the retiring executive for the good
work they had accomplished during
the year. A new executive was elect-
ed for the year 1923: Spiritual Ad-
viser, Rev. F. P. White; President,
Mrs. P, V. McGrath; 1st Vice Pres.,
Mn,, Thomas Moylan; 2nd Vice Pres.,
Mrs. T. Flannery; Ird Vice President,
Mrs. P. Stapleton; Treasurer, Mrs.
John Shea; Recording Secretary, Mrs,
,Joe Kale; Corresponsling Secretary,
Miss Alicia Coyne. Mrs. Wm. Dorsey
the retiring president, was presented
with Scott's Poetical Works by Mrs.
Frank Murphy, while the retiring
secretary, jtliSs Teresa Lynch, read
the following address: "Dear Mrs.
Dorsey,—To-night as we hold the an-
nual meeting of the Catholic Wo-
men's League of St. Columban and a
new executive shall be elected for
the year 1923, we could not let the
occasion pass without showing in
some tangible manner the high es-
teem in which you have been held
by the Executive and members of the
C. W. L., as our President.. For the
past two years you have capably fill-
ed the position, always been willing
and agreeable to take up any work
that was to be done for the welfare
of the League and the progress it has
made here since its organization in
1921, is largely due to Mrs. Dorsey.
We ask you to accept this gift as a
remembrance of the executive and
Members of the C.W.L., of St. Colum -
ban, 1921-1923." Mrs. Dorsey was
completely taken by surprise and
feelingly thanked the executive and
men--bers for their kindness and their
en -operation with her while President
of the League.
IHhIuhI lhINItIII1I IHhJIlIllIfl ihhII1111'”IIUUAflltllllllllllilltillHIIIIIIIUrl ill
Winter Clearance
Ladies' Coats
At a Still Greater
There are not many coats left, but
we are *especially anxious 'to sell them
now anstart in the new 'Season with a
new sock.
The actual value as represented by
the coats themselves is not to be judged
by the prices we have them marked.
Only an absolute determination on our
part to clear our stock at orce could pos-
sibly call for such sharp reductions.
Special STOVE Sale
One week Only
Regular Sale
' Price Price
Standard Range, large size, 6 holes,..78.00 65.00
Gurney Oxford Range, 4 holes 84.00 09.00
Peninsular Range, large size, 6 holes.95.00 75.00
3 in 1 Heater; for wood, hard and
soft coal .....50 00 39.50
3 in 1 Heater, for wood, hard and
soft coal..-.. 43.00 34.00
Royal Happy Thought Heater, for
wood ... 21.00 17.50
Fi Ire -Co Heater... .. . .....40.00 33.00
Patriot Heater, large size... 38.00 29.00
No. 2500 Happy Thought Quebec
Heater.......... '24.00 19.50
No. 140 Happy Thought Quebec
Heater .................. .....18.50 15.00
No. 2300 Happy Thought Quebec
Heater .....16.50 13.00
"The Winner" Heater .......... ............32.00 25.00
Box Stove Heater 13.00' 9.50
The Big H EDGEHardwarei .Ls