HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-02-02, Page 1ti
Stewart Bros.
Profitable Prices on
Cold Weather Specials.
Men's and Boys' Underwear
The famous Tiger -Brand Fleece
lined in their heaviest weight makes.
A beautiful soft, snowy fleece., All
sizes for Men and Boys.
Men's Garments $1.00
Boys' Garments 65c
For the combination, man or boy,
we have every make -Penman, Stan-
field, Watson, Tru -Knit, Tiger -in
weights, colors and prices too numer-
ous to mention here.
Come in; we can fit you and your
Stanfield's Ribbed Underwear in
green label - an excellent gar-
ment $1.25
Stanfield's Red Label, the old re-
liable garment $2.00
Stanfield's Blue Label, the medium
weight $2.50
Stanfield's Black Label, the heav-
iest weight $2.75
This table includes last season's
$2.50 and $2.75 Underwear. They
are all piled out for quick selling.
Every garment is perfect and in good
order. To Clear, Special $1.25
Men's Working Clothes
You can buy your Work Clothes here cheaper. It's a blunt statement
but not intended to be boastful. Prove the statement for yourself.
Snag Proof, pant or overall style,
Blue, Black or Stripe. All siz-
es _$1.95
Made with yoke, full sizes, all col-
crs and sizes; double stitched. .$1.25
Union Sox 25c
Wool Sox 50c
Heavy Wool 75c
Lined and unlined, in Mitts or
gloves 25c to $1.00
Dry Specials From Goods Dept.
Tale of Ladies' Wool Vests and
Drawers, famous "Watson" Brand;
good weight for Winter wear. Regu-
lar value $1.50 and $1.75. aD
Reduced to
Special in Flannelettes, good as-
sortment of colors in neat stripe.
Patterns 30 inches wide. Regularly
sold at 25e to 30c.
Reduced to Clear
32 inches wide Feather Ticking at
startling price, you have been pay-
ing 50c to 60c. 39c
Now on Sale
Special in Ribbed Cashmere Hose
in sizes 7 to 10. Good weight and of
tine quality. Reg. 75c. 55c
For Quick -Selling
Clearance of Silk Dresses, Ladies'
and Misses' sizes, in all, popular
shades and serviceable styles. Regu-
lar values up to $85.00. $1 j C J 00
Very Special .
Blankets of Quality, 100 per cent.
Southdown ; finest quality Wool
Blankets, 8 lbs. weight. Size 74x84.
Only a limited quantity left to sell
at specially reduce price $9.35
per pair
Cotton Filled Comforters, full bed
size, covered with good quality
Chintz and filled with fine sanitary
cotton batting. Colors, pink, blue,
rose. S� 90
Special Clearing Price .
Another lot of Flannelette 32 inch-
es wide, good weight and nice soft
finish, big variety of patterns to
choose from. This is our regular 30c
range. Now reduced 3c
to per yard
Ladies' and Misses' Dresses of
Flannel, Serge, Tricotine, in Navy,
Black, Green and Cardinal. Regular
price up to $18.50. $7 75
To Clear
Stewart Bros., Seaforth
The Council of the Municipal Cor -
oration of the County of Huron met
in the Council Chamber Tuesday pur-
suant to statute.
The Clerk presided and having
called the roll called upon the mem-
bers present to make nommnations for
the election of a Warden.
It was moved by Messrs. Douglas
and Armstrong that B. W. F. Beavers,
of the village of Exeter, be elected
Warden of the County of Huron for
the year 1923.
There being no other nominations,
Mr. Beavers was declared elected.
Ex -Warden Trewartha was then
asked to escort the duly elected
Warden to the Chair which he did,
end His Honor Judge Dickson ad -
•ministered the declaration 'of office to
the newly -elected Warden.
The ordinary business was then
proceeded with and the following
communications were read and re-
ferred to the several standing com-
Various tenders for printing and
furnishing supplies to the jail were
leid on the table.
Collegiate institutes and High
School levies, also notices of retiring
Lr ustees. --• Referred to Education
A petition to create Egmoralville
into a police village, and , petitjmi
in opposition to it being made n policy
t itLager,--Referred to Special Com-
mit tee.
An invitation from the '1unicipal
As:•ociation to the County Council to
join the association, the fee 1'„r which C
Application for the position of =
Cc.unty Auditors from Mesar,. Peter
W, Scott, Alex. Porterflell, itobert =
Higgins, A. W. Beacom, Jelin Gov-
eu;ock, were laid on the tall,.
The les,y 'of the Listowel High
School for Huron's share of mainten-
ance of high school owing t„ attend-
ance of pupils from this county,
$591.95. --Referred to Educuitnt Com-
Notice from R. Vanstone, I,, Iintci
to' Wingham, of claim of W. i. Eadie
for damages to auto of $82.2x, owing
to defective road two miles north of
Lucknow.-Referred to Goad Roads
From William Morris, r„ Trustees'
end Ratepayers' Association. -Filed,
From J. A. Huey, Clerk of Lamb -
ton, enclosing a resolution of that
Cour0 Council, re the matter of the
Provincial Government giving the
right to Sheriffs to fix salaries of
jailors and jail- officials and protest-
ing against the same, and asking the
Huron County Council tg join in the
protest. -Referred to SjSecial Com-
The return of the Registrar of the
recglpts and expenditures of that of-
fice for 1922. -Filed.
Report of S. B. Stothers, Agricul-
tural Representative, and a statement
of the disposal of _the grant of $75
mr.de by the Council, re judging
teams. -Referred to Special Com-
Alt applieation from Inspector Dr.
John Field for incidental tibveiling
allowance and car upkeep. -Referred
to the Executive Committee.
An application from the Village of
Kirkton for a library grant. -Refer-
red to Executive Committee.
Application of the Secretary of the
Children's Aid for a grant to sup-
port that Society. -Referred to Ex-
ecutive Committee.
Application of the Gaoler for an
increase of salary from $800 to $900.
-Referred to Executit: Committee.
Application of the Association of
Managers of House re Refuge for a
grant. -Filed.
Moved by Messrs. Gri, ve and Ingles
that Messrs. Armst rem., Douglas,
Naylor, Clark and McQuaid be the
Striking Committee.
Moved in amendment by Messrs.
McQuaid and Buchanan that the
Striking Committee be Messrs. Neeb,
Coates, Spotton, McNabb and Ro'r-
eat:on. The motion carried.
Moved by Messrs. Klopp and Rob-
ertson that Councillor Tipling and
County Clerk Holman be appointed
on the Board of Criminal Audit.
Moved in amendment by Messrs.
spotter and Coates that A. E. Erwin
You are Cordially Invited to Attend an
• In the Strand Theatre
On Tuesday Evening Feb. 6
under the Auspices of the
in lid of the
Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
Miss Billie Chesney
Miss Edith Hunt
Miss Bell Forsyth
Miss Elsie Dodds
Mrs. J. D. O'Connell
P. M. Chesney
Hugh Chesney, Jr.
Earl VanEgnu,nd
Abe Forsyth
Henry Forsyth
Jas. A. Chesney
Herb. Fowler
Gerald Holland
Thomas. Baird
Frank Lone
Floor Managers
Harry Charters
Crawford Simpson
William McDonald
Ed. Rowland
During intermission Slides will be shown descriptive of the work
being done by the Institetion, Etc., Etc.
Basket Lunch -Bring your own dishes and eats;
put your name on your basket and get it checked.
Lots of good Coffee at the Hall.
President. Treasurer. Secretary.
E Managing Committee --J. G. !Mullen, L. T. DeLacey, A. D. Sutherland.
c, apher�#gq "
_ I ilii'+ and til �tb aq
5 I pertaining to County,
=7 Au'. McQuaid ;age
brought up.: this matt
pale the. coo ity e
Eperformed dor anuric
�,o matter
Roads C nnaba
and setted:
Measra. Robertson
moved as an amendment '
amendment of Mr. Neob ti{p foil
That the Good Roads Commie:den'
be composed of three members of the
council as usual, With the local Reeves,
members of said Commission to set
in their respective mupicipalitets in
an advisory capacity in so far as
local problems and expenditures peer-
?_ 'twining to the duties of the said' coo-
mission is concerned, said services of
• Reeves to be rendered free. The
• amendment carried.
O ! The original motion, appointing
j Messrs. McNabb, Klopp and Cdates
• the Good Roads Commission, was.
then considered.
Moved in amendment by Messrs.
Johnston and Jamieson, that Messrs.
McNaughton, Klopp and Coates be
the Good Roads Commission.
The motion supporting Messrs. Mc-
Nahh, Klopp and Coates was adopted
• by a large majority.
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
▪ Armstrong that the County Council
• memorialize the Provincial Legisla-
9 Lure to leave the Provincial Highway
F. from Dublin to Goderich at its Pres-
= ent width, 66 feet.
Moved by Messrs. Collins and
3 Johnston, that we grant $100 towards
the expenses of the stock judging
s team from the County of Huron. -
Eeferred to Executive Committee.
SThe Council then adjourned to meet
on Thursday.
S I Thursday.
The County Engineer's report wad
• presented and read by the Clerk and
• ordered to be printed in the minutes.
=y Mr. 3. P. Hume, B.A. Principal of
_ I tht Goderich Collegiate Institute,
made an appeal to the council to dis-
tribute the special county grant to
high schools and Collegiates on the
(total attendance instead of at pres-
ent on the county attendance.
His Honor Judge Dickson support-
ed Mr. Hume in his request as did
also Mr. J. L. Killoran, Chairman of
the Goderich Collegiate Institute
Messrs. Tipling and Robertson ap-
proved the claim of the deputation.
Under the heading of Enquiries,
ties to be observed in making applica-
tion were filed. Clerk of From John McNay,
Killop, asking the County Council to
memoralize the Legislature of On-
ti.rio to have the Huron Road at a
width of 66 feet as at present -Re-
ferred to, the Special Committee.
1The Striking Committee presented
their report.
The report was considered in com-
mittee with Mr. Tipling in the chair.
The report was adopted as read.
The Standing Committees for 1923
ate as follows:
Executive -F. J. McQuaid, James
F. Collins, A. H. Neeb, J. H. Fear, R.
J. Miller.
Special -Frank Johnston, J. Taman.
Owen Geiger, John Jamieson, A. E.
Finance -Elmore F. Klopp, M.
Armstrong, B. S. Naylor, 31 McNabb,
B. C. Munnings.
Education -Chas. A. Robertson, D.
We have a few Tuns of Extra
Quality Guverntnent Graded
Screenings at an attractive
Fifteen to 25 per cent. Di; -
count off all Stock Foods and
Poultry Tonics.
W. E. Kerslake
Old Post Office Block.
Opposite Commercial Hotel
Phone 6.
Instructive, Cheerful, Oratorical
and Educational
A. Lindsay, A. C. Baeker, J. L. Me-
Ewen, John Hayes.
Road and Bridge -George Hanley,
Amos A. Tipling, Robert Buchanan,
J. McNaughton, W. J. Spotton,
County Property -Thos. Inglea Dr.
W. F. Clark, John Douglas, Wl'141am
Coates, Dr. J. Grieve.
County Home -M. Armstrong, B. S.
Naylor, R. J. Miller, F. J. McQuaid.
Warden's Committee -John Doug- Mr. McQuaid brought up th0 matte*
las, Amos Tipling, W. J. Spotton, A. of the appointment of a High Con -
H. Neeb, J. McNaughton. stable and Mr. Douglas the matter
Good Roads Commission.-Messrv. of the office accommodation. Mr. Me -
3'. McNabb, E. F. Klopp, Wm. Coates. Naughton brought up the matter of
County Treasurer Lane then made Patrolmen not doing their duties.
a very full report of the financial This matter was also referred to by
standing of the County as to ordin- Messrs. Geiger, Clark, Neeb, McQuaid,
ary, highway and debenture accounts. Hayes and Johnston.
The following motions were then Moved by Messrs. Geiger and Tip -
made and referred to the Committees ling that Albert Whiteside, of Hen-
sall, be appointed High County
Constable, the salary to be paid by
the Council. -Referred to Special
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
Spotton that this Council go on re-
cord as being in favor of the Lake
Shore Road being left as a County
To the Executive Committee:
By Messrs. Erwin and Munnings
granting $25 to each public library.
By Mese .,. Armstrong and Fear,
granting $1,000 to each of the hos-
pitals in Goderich, Wingham, Seaforth
and Clinton
By Messrs. Baeker and Munnings, Frc•vincial Road and under the con -
granting $100 to each county agricul- trol of this council in preference to
lural Society holding fall fairs. being created a Provincial Highway,
By Messrs. Douglas and McEwen I wherein we have no control over the
that the grant to Continuation School.; ' expenditure, our only privilege being
be the same as past years. to pay the county's. share of 20 per
By Messrs. Johnston and McNaugh- - cent. of"yearly expenditure. --Carried.
ten. granting $25 to each School Fair Holed by Mes,rs. McNaughton and
held in the County and $10 to Dublin Geiger that all jobs of drawing gravel
Stberil Fair. be let by auction and given to the
By Me' srs. Munnings and Erwin, man who will do it for the least
grt.ntin{; $25 for flowers at the Court money. --Carried,
11 i'e. Moved by Me -sr°. Klopp and Erwin
11y Messrs. McNaughton and Klopp, tha` the Council ask other County
' making a grant of $25 to each Spring Council,: of this province in petition
Stoerk Show, held at Clinton, Seaforth the Legislature to amend the legis -
and Hen,all Mature re Division Conn, so that
I By Messrs. Tinting and Grieve, Division Court Bailiffs and- Clerks be
I granting $5000 to the several high raid only for the actual days of court
schools and Collegiate Institutes in �� sittings -held and that the judges of
the County, to be divided re county' such Division Court send an order
attendance. to the Clerks of the municipalities as
By Messrs. Klopp and McQuaid, I to the amount due to sorb nfiicials.- .
granting 61,500 to the Children's Aid Referred to Special Committee.
Society for 1923i to be paid quarter- Moved by Messrs• Elope and Col-
ove I ly, the first payment to be made this lin that thr County Council to
rated nn the h> I January. I xrrsnge with Perth County Council
and the. Clerk he apseBy Messrs. Geiger and Douglas, 1 fie the keep of our prisoners. as we
Criminal Audit. The amendment was PROF. H. RICHARDSON,
granting $25 to the South Huron i feel it an incumbrance to heat. the
declared carried. LL.D. i Seen Show to he held in Hensel]. I jail and pay high salaries for the
Moved by Messrs. Naylor and The famous and Popular Psychologist,' By Messrs. Ingles and Spotton, a detention of only a few prisoners
Douglas that Alex. Porterfield be
appointed County And tor for 1923.be
Physiognomist, .Tut:rn:Ji�l and Orator grant of $15 to Brhnore School Fair. Referred to Special Committee.
By Messrs. Grieve and Backer, Moved by Messrs. Johnston and
-Carried. SUBJECT: granting $`2.; to each Horticultural Klopp that the Comity Council wishes
Moved by Messri Hayes and' S,riety in the County. to go on record as not. being in sym-
Cc,^.les that. Robert ii,ggins b-• tip- &Hiles, Love and Laughter Tly Messrs. Geiger and Naylor that pathy with the Adolescent Act, and
pointed auditor for theyear 1:2(1.- • • ,.•, ,hl' the Legislative grant to Junior herewith petition the Legislature to
Carried. ALSO MTTSTCAI, PROGR:k' 1 nm. Senior Fifth classes which are abolish the same, -Referred to Spe-
Moved by Messrs. Ge,ger and Rob- 1 hi kt throughout. the county. Bial Committer.
ertsnn that Messrs. McNabb, Klopp. Wednesday, February rillBy Messrs. Miller and Hanley, that (Continued on page 3.)
and Coates be the Go .l Roads Com- a grant of $75 he given to Clinton
mission for 1923. : Adults, 25c. Children, 15c. I Spring Stock Fair.
Moved in amencthiit by Messrs. 8:15 .m• The following were referred to the
Neeb and Hayes that a by-law ho p i Education Committee:
By Messrs. Tipling and Backer,
'that W. F. Vanstone be appointed
Truster of Wingham High School.
By Messrs. Hayes sad Hanley, that
H. T. Rowe be appointed Trustee for
Exeter Board of Education.
By Messrs. Grieve and Tipling, that
R S. Hays be appointed trustee of
Seaforth Collegiate Institute.
The following were sent to the
Good Roads Commission:
By Messrs. Miller and Hanley that
this council grant $1,500 to the Town
of Clinton for reconstruction of a
portion of the London Rosd leading
to said town.
Mr. Stot.hers gave an account of
the work of the year and spoke
strongly in advocacy of assistance to
the exhibitors of stocpt at the Guelph
and Toronto Winter, Stock Fairs.
Mr. Douglas brought up the matter
Iof the appointment of a county sten-
passed appointing one member of this
Council a Commissioner to act under
the Ontario Highways Act, such by- l
law to define the commissioner's duty'
and remuneration and that such Com- ,
missioner to act in c,atjunction with
the Warden and County Road Super-
Provincial Engineer Irwin, of 'To-
ronto, was present and addressed the
Council on the invitation of the
On motion of Meese- Neeb and
Hayes the Council a.ljourned until
The reportof the Serretary-Tren:-
urer of the Senforth ITospitai as to
,work done aince the hospital was
eatnhliahed, was read and a grant
asked for. --Referred to Executive
Comm i ttee.
A circular from the Mothers' Al-
lowance Commission, re the formali-
to be held in
WEDNESDAY, FF.B. 7th, 1923
Hogg s Rix -piece Orchestra.
Ladies Please Provide Lunch.
Floor Manager, Wm. Hayter.
Gentlemen - - 75 cents
dfrP),:x 4416 ` iii,t.;a;t.s`,"t.;'{l~,v„0,,,,r„ ,��'::
Notea.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sadler,
are holding a Sunday School social
evening at their home on Friday
evening of this week -The Ladies'
Aid was held at the home of Mrs. A.
Hotham on Thursday. -We are sorry
to hear that Messrs. Frank Stagg,
Albert Norris and James Barber have
been confined to the house with an
attack of grippe, also Mrs. R, Sadler.
Notes -Miss Marie Murray under-
went an operation for nppendicita
last Friday evening. Her man/
friends wish her a speedy recovery.-.
Mrs. Fred Eckert received word last
Mcnday of the death of her brother,
Mr. Frank Doherty, of Chicago, who
died after an operation. The com-
munity extend their sincere sympathy,
-Mr. Peter Eckert shipped a carload
of cattle last Monday from Walton.