HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-01-26, Page 8e. '`k :i7itialte SgeeMlItY Family Group Photos. F. Buck Photographer. ROORTH : ONT. Id Cash Values 1 NEED MONEY 4 );•• Therobreed Flour $3.65 „ N�10 Star Flour $3.60 Five Jewell Flour $2.50 'Heavy All Wool Blankets 0.00 • Forest City Baking Powder 30c 10 Bars Life Buoy Soap 80e 10 Bars P. & G. Soap 70c • 10 Bars Electric Soap 65c • 10 Bars Corrtfort Soap 68c 2 Pounds Salada Tea 2 Pounds Red Rose Tea $1.20 These Values are for the 26th and 27th of January Only, and for Spot Cash. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. You're Next Marmalade Keiffers from Scotland, per jar 30c Puinpkin, Aylmer Brand, per tin lic Cocoanut 011 Soap, made from pure cocoanut oil, fine for toilet and sham- pooing; try it; large bar, each 25c Horse Radish, Heinz's evap- orated, per bottle 2'k Pork and Beane, Clark's, 40 ounces gross, tin 25e Our Pure Lard is, well just the best made and the price is also the lowest; per pound 20e When You Want a Complete Order, Le., Bread, Meat, Fish and Vegetables, Call No. 8. Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8. !fr.7tibybrl2tive;4:Ti:H,Utc im1(itreewiiPa.be given Hamilton, London and Stratford. ON ry •Avatoty gotkAto St. me/ C011reb, Whfire kelt i • hit Rev. Foley uoetis MIA Wept PAIlb4iurer6 Wire moony, Gm, DISTRICT MATTERS Site, James Slaea, JaMea Plarcell, dames Deems, Frank Fanikner and *ow Died In Waebinglau.--Word was • received here on Friday of the dea of Mr. James Reid, which took pla at his, home in Tacome, Wash., January 7th. The deceased was second son of the late James C. Re of Seaforth, and a brother of M William Reid and Mrs. Edmunds, this town, and Mrs. Thos. Wheel o Brucelleld. .Con Eckert. th G. W. V. A. Notes. -This, Friday, oo evening the Executive are putting un on them Mid-wiuter Dance. Judging the from the attendance at the several id social functions held so far, the mid- i.: winter dance should be a decided auccesa. Miss Irene Bolger's Dreher- er tra will provide music. -For our euchre players another challenge euchre, this tirne with Mc,, Killop, will be played on the evening of Friday, February and. All mem- bers should attend. -A Masquerade Valentine Dance will be held Monday February I2th. Al! guests roust be masked, the only regulation required being that each guest must declare his identity to the gentleman at the door on enter- ing the hall. The fee for this fume - tion will be one dollar per couple. No special invitation i3 required for this affair, and no lunch will be served. -The Ladies of the Auxiliary held a most successful euchre last week. All the ladies report a good enjoy- able evening. Triplets Born In Dublin. -On Mon- day morning last an event unprece- dented in the history of Dublin oc- curred when triplets, two girls and a boy. were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunseith, of that village. Mr. Dun- seith is a blacksmith and there are nine other children in the family. All the children are normal and well developed and mother and children are doing splendidly in the Seaforth Hospital, where they are at present. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. -The first meeting of the year was held on Tuesday evening, January 23rd, when 'a record attendance of fifty were present. The Scripture reading was given by Miss Frances Winter, and a paper on the Education of the Indians, French and Newcomers in Canada was read by Miss Peard Pat- terson. After the meeting lunch was served by some of the member., which concluded a pleasant evening, Women's Missionary Society. -The regular monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Auxiliary was held in the school roern of the Presbyterian church ori Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. T. Turnbull presided and Mrs. James Kerr gave an interesting read- ing from the Pioneer. Mrs, John Lt•ilig gave an excellent Bible reading on the making of a nation. • Mission- ary selec,ions from the Watch To r were read by Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. C. Aberhart and Miss Thelma • l't;thick contributed a well rendered ' solo. • Seaforth Organist In Toronto. -Mr. Harry livens has returned from To- _ ronto where he has been assisting Miss Frances Nickawa, the widely known Cree Indian elocutionist. in a production of "Hiawatha," a recita- tion with piano accompaniment. The work was produced at the Timothy Eaton Memorial chureh and at the Simpson Avenue Methodist church on Monday and Tuesday evening's, Janu- ary 15th and 16th. Under a head- ing, "Talented Artists Produce Hia- watha," the Globe says in part: 'Miss Nickawa was assisted with GROCERY OYSTER SHELL -Cheap at 2c lb.; $L60 per cwt. ,Bemernber that grit or gravel doesn't take its place. CHIPPED BEEF -Fray Bento's cele- brated brand, per tin 35c WOOL SOAP -For washing woollens, silks and fine fabrics 10c BROOMS at 60c, 75c, 96c and $1.00 are specially good values. Some Brooms have almost doubled in price in a few months and ere like- ly to be still higher. • HOBBY at 12e to 150 per pound is much more economical than fruit, • jam or marmalade. Try it. PICKANINNY PANCAKE SYRUP - We have been fortunate enough to secure more of this splendid syrup in beautiful syrup pitcher, at each 36c The syrup pitchers themselves are • worth 85c to 60e. fr CORN (has anis-ed), a splendid bar- s. in first class corn. Regular 18c, for 15e, or 2 for 25c TOMATOES -Special, 2 for 25c Aluminum Pepper and Salt Shakers, regular 26e each; special 2 for 25c BROKEN FANCY BISCUITS, two pounds for 25c 23. ,• DAIRY BUTTER -Don't forget that we have plenty of Good Dairy But- ter, which is kept in a spepially constructed, covered, cement lined container. The Butter is thus pro- tected from dust and contaminating odors. • Fresh Eggs, First Class Dairy P.atter, Dried Apples and Poultry, ALIVE or DRESSED wanted in exchange for Goods. F. I'. Hutchison re, lee Ott !;. Phone 166. 1111111/Mlillilliffill111111111111111111111111111P ASTMA SUFFERERS = Hilton W. Parka, Waterdown. Ont. = MI writes: "5 can safely 'bless the day = you loft a bottle of Asthma Remedy •E with me. I had relief from the first dose and have been improving ever = • ince;-can lie down a.t night and reat. 1= ;he cough hag entirely .I11.1.my ,tooted1 have Et. . whiernow nearly Onlahed, = The good news ha,/ spradev....atrousztrrtn drydi6tr. 14rnifeel'iOro° gYood over the neve = r,E Ilk as if were, f like to tell others." %RIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' = ' per bottie. Money bock If not 4.0stisfiest. For gale at I:imbed'''. Drug = attire, or by mail troin H. T. Drigga, iltasitiat, Ont. 286240 1; , 1 s$, 4 Iltratfield, Ontario. MOM Paoli m.ial ThNU&RY Lond. .lading practical Wain- 491 of 'Weatairri anima). a 0 Wk YOU Rat a 9, g ?comb Uttar g tufa ciamarirett d Death IA David Donovan.-Seafort lost one of its oldest residents o Monday last when Mr. David Donova Cure Painted. -First clam work done at a reasonable price, N. Niehots, one door south of Carli's Garage. 28764 Wanted. -Probationer for Clinton Public Heopital. Apply at once to Mi. 0r61'r, Clinton. 2876-5 Feather. Wanted. -Any nuantity of fr..oh feathery wanted. caah or trade.. W. J. Walker & Srn, Seaforth, 28760 For Sale. -One Souvenir parlor stove near - ./y new, burns coal 4ir wood. Mr. Joseph Mcro, North Main Street. 2876z1 The tine Hardware will conduct special Wool, End Sides beginning each Friday. See our ad, on page 5. H. Edge. 21175-tf For Sale.-.31ised clover anti buckwheat +,.m.), in 10 -Pound pails at 75e pail. J. C. Seafurth. 58761 Mouse For Sale. --in Sonforth, on West St, S.roomed frame house, full basement, cistern, furonce, electric li)rhui, ff. ti raRg. and hen house. Apply to Charles Farquhar, Seafortn. 28743 For Saio.-The Dickson Mock on Main Street lit., the ...alit lot ,euth of same, wia be sold at a reasonable price. Apply to A. 11. Sutherland. 2875-2 Cows and Young Cattle For Sale. -A car lead of choice Durham cow, of goad matting tel t.me good yottuu. csttle. Apply to George T. Turnbull. Phone tit Seuforth. 2876-1 House For Sale., A comfortable 2 tLan' for :0,, with modern veniences, including furnace bath rnont, electric light., has splendid cellar. 1 Mum, :mil is in fiat class etate nt repuire. Apoly to 11. Edge. Seaforth. Ont. 2871-tf Seaforth Agricultural Society. - The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society was held in the Carnegie Library on Friday, January 10th. The financial statement for 1022 was read, showing a balance •tf 522.%4. Tho amount of money spent by the Society during the year was ti1,651.40. The total membership for 11122 was 184. It was decided to hold a Spring Fair about the ui•ual time, the exact date to be set later, also to enter the field crop competition h for corn. The Fall Fair date was n set for Thursday and Friday, Sept. n 20th and 21st. The following officers passeo y at e honse of his daughter, Mrs, Albert Fortune, in his 85th year. Mr. Donovan was born in Tuckersrnith, but for upwards of fifty years had been a resident of this town, and was widely known, having been engaged in buying and shipping; horses for many years. He had enjoyed remarkably good health up till about three years ago, when he began to fail but was able to be about almost to the day of his death. Donovan died several years ago but he is survived by a family of three daughters, Mrs. James O'Leary, of Winnipeg; Mrs. James Dalton Goderich, and Mrs. Fortune, wit whore he made his home in Seaforth The funeral was held from the hom of Mr. Fortune on Thursday morn ine to St JAMRS' Church, and was largely attended, interment being made in St. James' Cemetery, For The Blind. -The Seaforth Red Cross Society has opened lists at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Domin- ion Bank and Ontario Government Bank whore subscriptions will be re- ceived in aid of thr Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blird, where Canada's 6,000 blind are being edu- cated and targht tradrs. It seems incredible, but nevertheless, it is a fact, that blind girls and women now run electric sewing machines and turn out hundreds of aprons, kirn- °rms. etc., the men making brooms, brushes, baskets, etc Special cours- e:, are given blinded soldiers. books, papers and magazines are be- ing printed in Braile embossed type and these are distributed among the blind. Provision is made for relief during illness. a portion of the funds being alloted for this purpose. With the proceeds of the ()Id Times Donee in the Strand Theatre, Seaforth, nn February 6th, and the subscriptions received at the Banks, the Red Cross hope to haw, a substantial amount for this worthy cause. were elected: Honorary President,s, .1. M. Govenlock, M.P.P.; W. Black, M.P., J. F. Daly, J. A. Stewart D. Faheringham, George McKee, john McDowell; President, Dr. Harburn; 1st Vice -President, Thos, Livingstone; 2nd. Vice President, Russel Dorrance; Secretary, M. Broderick; Treasurer, It, Murless Jones, Auditors, A. D. Scott aneCharles Stewart; Directors, McKillop, James Carlin, F. McKer- cher, John Eckert; Hullett, William Mason, T. J. McMichael, Jr.; Tucker - smith, James Hay, George McCart- ney, W. S. Broadfoot; Seaforth, Wm. Hartry, A. D. Sutherland, John Mc- Intosh. e Local Briefs -"Keeping Our Loyal- _ ties in Repair," will be the subject at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening next. -Mrs. G. E. Kerley, of Brighton, returned to her home on Saturday after being here two weeks during the illness of her mother the late Mrs, 'Walter Andrew. - Miss Beth Barton, of the London Normal Sehool, spent the week end at her In me here. -Mr. McLean, of Van- couver, was the guest this week of Mr. S. Jeffrey. -Mrs, G. M. Chesney is having a private Rale of her house- hold effects before her removal to , Toronto,-There,is excellent sleighing on the country roads and large quan- tites of logs and wood are being teamed into town. -Miss Margaret Weiland, of the Stratford Normal School, spent the week end at her ; home in Egmondville. - Mrs. W, Devereux leaves on Saturday to visit with friends in Windsor. She will be accompanied by Mrs. McKernan, ; of Chicago, who has been her guest ; fcr two weeks. -Mr. John Beattie was in Toronto and Guelph last week. - Mr. W, Finlayson, of the London Normal, spent the week end at ais }wine in Tuckersinith.-Mrs. Robert Hawthorne has returned to her home here after spending three months in Goderich with her son, Mr. Walter Hawthorne. -Reeves Grieve, of Sea- Art Old Resident of Seaforth Passes Away. -It is our sad duty to chron- ele this week the death of Catharine Mullin, wife of Walter Andrew, which occurred at her home on South Main Street on I e late Mrs. Andrew was born in Tip- perary, Ireland, 73 years ago, and at the age of six she left with her mother to come to Canada. After spending six weeks on the ocean they Peached Canada and made their way to Ontario, where they settled in rishtown, now St. Colt:mbar; arida as then all bush, where she lived l Itv AMA ten years. At the age of 16 be came to Seaforth and has lived' ere ever Sire. In 1871 she was ' anted to Walter Andrew, al' Sea -1 &tit Th deceased was of a kind , apoaition and was highly reepected ' y all who knev; her, and was en- i ecisilly loved by her own 1=117.1 be was a devout member of St. Mines' Catholic Church. Mrs. An- rew levees to mourn her lose two lorIetrinfr.a., d atzghters and three sons, Mrs, W. A. Vorrita tot - itat 7 5 • I II' I ch, ea orth; Mrs. George V. rley, Ont.' Donnie An- raS Charles Andrew, of Part Co Mite, and Thriftier; Andrew, of •IWO& The ftmeral took place • frirdi ler late reside/1de on Saturday, , ft-1th, McNaughton, of Tuckersmith; McQuaid, of McKillop, and Armstrong of Hullett, are in Goderich this week attending the January session of the County Council.-ViThile on e visit to her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hodgins, of 31:5 Road,Gien Toronto, Mrs. Kennedy was suddenly taken ill with pneu. raonia and after an illness of only two days, passed away. The deceased lady was the widow of the late Hugh Kennedy, Esq., of Thamesford. The funeral was hekl from St. John's Church, Thamesford, on Friday last. Mrs. Kennedy's friends in Seaforth and Bayfield will regret to learn of her sudden death.-Messra. Dennis Andrew and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Andrew have returned to Port Col- borne' after attending the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Walter Andrew. -Mr. W. Ament was in De- troit last week -A rink of curlers, composed of Messrs, C. A. Barber, Ross Sproat, 11, E. Bright and W. Ament, intend taking in the bonspeil at St. Thomas next week. Also a rink of curlers will be in London on Tues- day to play against the visiting Scotch curlers. -Mr. and Mrs. Dins- more end 6 fill were ==. Pling Cards Tall Y Cards Bridge Score Pads Programme Pencils Pinches Hoyle's Book of Games, Thompsons BOOKSTORB - SEAFORTII in Stratford. -.Mrs, George Brownlee had the misfortune to fall one day recently and fracture her arm at the wrist. -Despite the unfavorable wea- ther, the Silver Teal held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid' of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mr.' Wm. Wilson, was quite a success. The proceed amounted to about $17. - Mr. J. M. Govenlock, M.P.P., left on Tuesday for Toronto to attend the opening of the Legislature. -Jean, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, had the misfortune to fall down the stairs at her home on Thursday last and fracture her collar bone. -Mr, J. G. Martin has been confined to his home for a week through illness. -Mr. W. Fell, of Wainwright, Alberta, is a guest at the home of hie sister, Mrs. F. J. Kerslake. -Mr. George Jackson leaves on Friday for California. -Messrs, C. Aberhart, A. A. McLennan A, D. Sutherland, L. T DeLacey, H. Jef- frey and Ji G.. Mullen represented Britannia Lodge at the dedication of the new Masonic Hall in Hensel) on Monday evening.-Ilydro power was off all Saturday evening last, which made it very inconvenient for the merchants and shoppers. -Dr. Hare burn was in Goderich en Monday evening installing the officers of the Odtlfellow's Lodge in that town. - Mee. Roy Lockhart and Miss Kathleen of New Hamburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Seip this vteek.---Mr. John Horan, of Vancouver, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hortin.-Mr, J. R. Me - Nob, of Dungannon, was here this wet•l. visiting his mother, filis. J. Nal, -The many friends of Mr John McDowell, of McKillop, will be NOW PLAYING The Screen's Regular Girl ETHEL CLAYTON in "THE CRADLE" -A Paramount Picture - adapted from the French stage success, with Charles Meredith and Mary Jane, Irving, the won- derful child actress, in the cast. Also Showing BUSTER KEATON in "THE HIGH , SIGN" Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday The Goldwyn Special WET GOLD Undersea scenes photographed with the aid of Williamson Bros. submarine apparatus. COMING FEBRUARY 8, 9, 10 7163 QUEEN OF SHFJ3A Au eleven -reel spectacle. Princess ' t , '•Uber„ l',,CcinVen- Oat Fan irr trit,tutlA -7,92-1 SalairdaY •om F be !' held MAC eity„eaMr. rriliat, Atchigan.- r. W. Free- man has been 'monftned te l imme hrough illneas duripg the past week. -^Mr. 9. C. Sell hi ose to be •out againafter his recent iliness.4--1Yir. M. Broderick was in Mitchell on Mon- day visiting his father, whe had the 'misfortune to sustain a rad fall an the church steps on Sunday last. - I MANLEY Notes. -Quite a number from here attended the hockey game hs Sea -1 forth last Tuesday, and all were pleased 'with the game. - Mitchell Eros. are receiving a quantity of loge at the mill, as the sleighing is ideal. • ELIMVILLB Notes. -Mrs. Smith and daughter, ' Mrs. Kersley, of London, renewed ac- quaintances in this neighborhood over the week end. -Mr, Thomas Smale has gone to Farquhar to reside with his son, Hanson, for a while, -Mrs. Chafe Davis and two children, from the West, visited with relatives in this vicinity during the past week. -Mr. Richard Johns is recovering- from his illness and is able to be out again. - Quite a number around here have been quite sick with the cold and la grippe. -Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and children, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Hawkins last Sunday. CONSTANCE Notes. -Dr. Barber, of Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, preached , fin educe-' tional sermon to an appreciative con- 1 gregation on Sabbath last. -The Ep• worth League intend holding a social evening on Friday evening, February 2nd. -The Ladies' Aid held th'sir monthly meeting on Thursday after- noon. The ladies presented Mrs. F. B. Hall, who has been their presi- i dent up to the time of her removal to her new home, with a Pyrex cas- serole with silver frame, as a token of the esteem she was held by the Society. -The many friends of Mrs. William McIntosh will be sorry to learn that she is not improving, but gradually getting weaken -The an- nual meeting of the McKillop Tele- phone Company on Friday last went riff very quietly, the old officers be- ing re-elected. LON DESTIORO Notes.--Rov Mr, Donald, of To- tNnto, preached an ..eilueational •Stintlii&'/Iiisf` in rff,.. Methodist Churdllase-Xrde.tames Watt, daughter of Rev. Mr. Abrey, who hies spent the past month with her parents here, has returned to her home in To- rt,nto,-Councillor Leiner has been threshing clover seed for the farmers in the neighborhood. -Mr. Charles Ruddle has been seriously sick with the flu, but his friends are pleased to hear he is improving. -A number of the farmers are drawing turnips to the station for Mr. Johnston, who is shipping two cars from this sta- tion. Mr. Harry Moon also shipped, a car of potatoes frond this .station; -Mr. Manuel Garret has purchased a new grain cutter and intends cut-: ting grain for farmers. CHISELHURST Box Sod/it-The young people of, Chiselhurst intend holding a box social at the home of Mr. Bert Ven - nor on the evening of Wednesday, January 31st, when a g6od time is assured all comers. Don't forget the date. Notes. -One day last week while Archie, the son of Mr, and Mrs. W. Hoggarth, of the tenth concessieno was cutting down a tree, it struck a rail lying on the ground, the end of which flew up, striking him on the leg, breaking the main bone. -During last week, Mr. W. Purdy bad the misfortune, whilst in the act of cut- • I tmg off a limb. to fall, severely in- • juring his ribs. It is to be hoped they will both make a speedy re- "Leveleen," recently patented in covery.-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc - Ottawa, is the ideal anti- .0 Lean have been confined to the house ; septic for a dentifrice. a elk week suffering from influenza. es 5 ,PIIEPARATIONS Brush your teeth with "Leveleen" Tooth Paste, no other quite so perfect. Strand BLAKE Notes. -The regular meeting of the; Blake Mission Band will be held in the church Saturday afternoon, Jan. 27th. A full 'attendance is request- ed -Mr. and Mrs. Bellestein have re- turned from their wedding tour, which they spent with friends in Kitchener, Hanover and Brucefield. , They will spend a week or two at • the home Of the bride's parents, Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, and with friends at Dashwood prior to leaving for their home in New Ontario. -Mr. Edgie Finlay returned home after a pleasant visit with friends at Kin- eardine.-Miss Ada Meyers return- ed home after spending a few weeks 'with friends on the Sauble Line. - Quite a number from this vicinity attended the carnival at Zurich last Monday night. -Mrs, A. Meyers and children are visiting friends near Hills Green. -Mr, Harold Johnston, of Zurich, is spending a few days under the parental roof. 1923, at the close of the service. The meeting. was opened by singing Hymn No. 746s We then bowed our heads and repeated our Mission Band prayer to er. Annie J'arrott then read the pture lehson, Luke, 10, Verses 25 to SOL The roll was then called with 81 members present; 15 for the "Silver," and 16 for the "Red". The birthday money was al- so received, The classes then separ- ated for their lessons. TRW year there are four classee, the primary" pupils being taught by Miss Annie Cochrane; the intermediate p its by e'r ere , That. will make many new friends for this store and draw the old ones closer Don't miss the big values in Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Suits, Waists and Skirts this month. Don't miss January values in Millinery, Dress Goods, Silk Fabrics, Furs, Etc. Values so good that they will convince any woman who will compare, that at this store you receive greater real worth for your money than elsewhere. Give us a chance to make a customer out of you and Awl' do it. We'll sell you such satisfactory goods that you'll soon learn that this is the store for you. We are dry goods dealers a nothing else. Our heart's in it and our d's on it. We devote our every effort and all our energies that we may constantly know.what, is newest and best for Women to wear and then provide it for you in the best qualities at the lowest prices. We want your business -but we don't expect it if you can do better elsewhere - and we want you to know ,by your own ex- perience that this store Wthe best store. it • THUR., FRI., SAT. To The Girl in Love With Love! Famous Players -Lasky Corporation, presents MARION DAVIES "ENCHANTMENT" ' Supervised by Cosmopolitan ProduCtions. • A Paramount Picture. For darighters,Who think their parents old-fashioned, For par- ents who wonder '"what in the world our young folks are com- ing to." Filmed on a lavish, lively bark - ground of the "younger set's" Ws in New York. -ALO- THE BALLROOM BOYS "BEACH NM" Adults 20c. 8.15 pin. Children 10e guests at the' honie Of Mr. and Mrs. ' • john Sclater last week.---Idies Sparing•Sheatta as spending her vacation tit her home Am ,„„, t 0*7k14.1% '07 = , Walt "Itla HILLS GREEN Mission Band. -The Hills Green Mission Band met in the basement of the church on Sunday, January 21st, Miss Grace ; th Is by, Mrs. Lund', 'and tite senior bn by Mr, 'Carille. After the Kitson was! over the barrels were distrilnitedby lady' Stepl*twou, Bevel SecelAry. 'Jbe Meeting Wes elose6 bpsin r1 ig' ymn No, 721, Mk Ltrildydosed r in pro*. , e Week End Specials Regular Special Flared Galvaninzed Pails 14 inch diameter 75c 60c Flared Galvanized Pails, 12 inch diameter 65c 55e Straight Galvanized Pails, 12 inch diameter 60c 50c Straight Galvanized Pails, 11 inch diameter '50c 40c Lined Blankets, large size $6.00 $4.50 Lined Blanketa, large size •$4.50 $3.50 Mitts and Gloves, Special Discount, 25 Per Cent. Bronze Weather Strip with nails, • enough for one door, 11/2 inches $1.75 $1.35 enough for one door, 1% inches $1.85 $1.45 enough for one door, 11/2 inches $1.95 $1.50 Black Diamond Cress Ciit.Saws, 51/2 feet long, fully guaranteed $7.50 Handled Axes $2.75 ' $8,00 51 Handled Axes •$2.50 $2:00' Axe Bits $1.75 $1.40' Snow Shoes $4.75 Snow Shoes $4.25 Skates, Special Discount, 25 Per g1it. - 11 The Big Hardware a6vastetwausa *50 $3,25 EDGE 4' I 4. Sot 41.