HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-01-26, Page 5iipt xf1b 'SUlk•"itOsdy, ratans tri good bRtahex entele were -• Calan cent "day. , and cold slow es the pig .were ganot basins o 3�vBy and the ,800 ORbptotgb�eea ed"9uqqppa 1p of 2 0 lido to WM _ !t�hhe� a .bgQlkl of :the bLaeva ateeea at for � brought 1$ Ito 0 cense, with .Pae lo$d avaagiaa 1.210 to Swage Turefa by E. and market and J. beeves. Rani. tot 8 theroa.rT etb «al but baby Intbv at 18 rents. The Ir plc 4f choice bntabea undue l,With ppoou�t, broughtndat to es/a 18 OW tchernia. cows, b t of wt 5 to s o, a arterar ntos, er bat a tow tow. 'wase • on bullter seat smarm 4 to 6 rents, while 'good bulk brought from 41/4 to 5 coma, and Bold readily. The outlet for stockere ant feeders was narrow, though an odd load of choice feeders, sold as§ high as 6 cents. Quotation.; ,Heavy esteem, $7.00 to $8:00: butcher steers. choice, $6.60 to $7.00; do. Coed $8.76 -to $0.26; do. medium. $5.00 to 80.75.; de. comlmon, 1446 to 44.16; butcher 9reifens, choice, $6.60 to $7.00; do. medium, $6.00 to $6.00; do. common, $4.50 to $5.00; butcher come, choice, $4.50 to $5.26 ; do. medium. $3.00 to $4.00; tanners and cutters, $1.75 to 42.26; butchers bulls, good. 84.50 to $5.25; do. .wmgron $2.25 to $2.50; feeder steers, good, 55.00 Ito $6.50; do. fair, 44 to $5.00: stockers, good, $4.00 to 54.50; do. • fair, s5.50 to $4.00; calves, choice. $10.00 to ! do. medium, $9.00 to 511.00; do. common, $5.00 to 46.00; milch cows, choice, 110.00 to 590.00; epringers, choice, $80.00 to 8100.00: lambs, choice, $12.00 to 313.50; sheep choice, $7.00 to $7.50: do. culls, $3.00 to $1; I bogs, fed and waterel, $10 to $10.75; do. f.o.b., 40.25 to $10; do., country points. $9.001 to $9.76. Hog Quotations are based on the pricer of thick, smooth hogs, mold on a graded basis, I er eelMts, sold on a flat rate Bacon selects, I cold on the graded basis, bring a premium of 10 per,cent. over the price of thick, smooth hog.. BIRTHS Coleman. --In Hibbert, on January Dlh, to :dr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, a daughter. Allison. --In Springfield, Elgin County, on Sunday, January 14th, to Mr. and Mni. John Allison, a daughter. McDonold.—In Srcrforth, on January 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald, a son— Gordon Alexander. Peck—In Henson, on December 16th, to Mr. and Mrs': Bert Peck, a son. Sohhwartzentruber.--1n Hay Township. on January 12th. to Mr. and Mee. Joseph Schwartzentruber, a son. MARRIAGES Jenkins—Mitchell.—At the Victoria Street Methodist Parsonage, Goderich, on January 10th, Henry ;James Jenkin to Ellen Mit- Wilson—Kerr.--On January 6th, at the rai- denoe of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Rose, 22 Euclid Ave., Toronto, by Rev. P. M. McDonald, of St. Paul's Pres- byterian church, Georgina, eldest daughter of Mrs. Josie Kerr, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, to Carry J. Wilson, Morris Township. DEATHS Donovan.—In Seaforth, on January 22nd, David Donovan, in his 95th year. Bmeenberry.-At Zurich, on January 15th, Sophia Pauline Spath. beloved wife of Mr. Ed, Beasenberry. aged 73 years, 9 months and 11 days. Fraser.—At Dederick, on January 13th, 1923, Catherine Fearer. Miler.—At Goderich, on January 11th, Ann McIntosh, beloved wife of Mr. Robert Miller, aged 82 years. Spence.—At Goderich, on January 17th, Mary Bo'nley, wife of Charles J. Spence. In her 64th year - i IMPORTANT NOTICES r . WOOD FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF good hardwood, delivered in quantities to suit purchases Prices right. Phone 14-133. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW. 287441 WARM.FOB BALE.—FOR SALE 40 ACRES of land with first alma -home and oat- buildinge. Lot 16, on the 14th Concession of McKillop. near Walton. For farther par- ticulars apply on the premise. or .phone 8 on 230, Seefedth Central. JOHNI R. R. No. 1, Walton. 28754 FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 22, Concession 2, Stanley, containing 160 acres. On the premises are a.. bank barn with cement floors and water in the barn and a good frame home. Ten acres hard- wood :bush, the balandq is well, drained find fenced and in a good state of cultivation. There are two good wells and two never failing springs on the farm. Situated three miles from Brucefleld station. This is a goof farm and will be acid on reasonable terms. For further particalaeu apply on the premises or address Brumfield Pont Office. R. R. No. 1. THOMAS CAMPBELL. 2876-tf DR, A. NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hogrs, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , This is to certify that C. Roy Ryckman, Whom parents reside at Hensall. Ont. is a 4rog clerk in my employ and has been for the past year, and hes no connection what- ever with one Roy Ryekman, now serving s term in jail for stealing. (Signod��sing rC Pha.B, i 775 King St.. East, H.aihemist xea. 1 9876-1 AUCTION PASTURE FAH Ar �4p WOOD $Ui111l, ha '.,To of Thcker l$b The =hes his beat 111,1=ots� io telt DAYA>:'7koi$ e1'1 'on VCIOCII v414.. • tl{bt cin et!ent• Au rid bleb as igh NI. containing } hun- '. 'dp apll, wrm some k on merw ,y. ,only • ebtet pIe tacice Dinar the, Hipper, atnt1on so the timber OAP be readily slapped, ?y4 .sit-yfwr Wage _ AAs through the pro- norty- nand. makes Wan -ideal Partitive : harm. balance 1n0 80 ILS.+ -10 per cent ouch and days without iaterat For further partknlare !mob to PETER HILPATRIC$ sad HA'h(;ARLT J. HAY, Itneoutan Joe C. McLean Estate. (MADMAN & STANBt1ET, Homan, and Baehr. Solicitors for Rotate. Prank Taylor, AUcgoneer. AUCTION SALE of VALI4ABLE FARM AND BUSH LAND in the Township of Stanley The undersigned has been instructed to eell n the premises on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 81st 1923, at 2 o'clock p.m., that valuable farm and bush land known as Lot 10, Lake Road East, containing 106 acres more or less, and Lot 11, Lake Road .Fast, Stanley Town- ship, containing 100 acres more or leas. On Lot 10 are 50 acres of hardwood bush with setae ash. elm and hemlock, good spring water. On Lot 11 a brick Ph storey louse with galvanized iron roof, good bank barn 44376 with cement floors in stable and water piped through; straw shed 80x40; good root home, drive shed and wood home; aim black- smith and repair chop. On the property is an apple orchard of about three acres, an artesian well and 25 acres of mixed bush. The two lots will be offered, both eepar- ately and as one parcel. TERMS OF SALE. -10 per cent cash and balance in 80 day. without interest For further particulars apply to THOMAS M. SNOWDEN, Executor M. D. Westlake Estate. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Heneall and Exeter. Solicitor. for Estate. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. 2874-8 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF. feete.—The Executors of the estate of Catherine Parsons, of Bayfield, have aa- lrueted the undersigned auctioneer to cell by public auction at the residence, Hayfield, on Tuesday, Jangqdry 30th. commencing et 1.30 o'4ock sharb. the following:. Organ, C<.deirch: 6 rocking chairs, writing desk and book case combined, 8 bedroom suites, four mattresses, stretcher, cupboard, 6 dining room chairs, fall -leaf table, large plain kitchen table, bureau, parlor carpet. 2 parlor tables, 4 sets springs, 2 bedsteads, extension table, glass cupboard, 6 kitchen chairs, clock, lounge, 3 toilet sets, wardrobe, coal oil heater, Hew Perfection 3 -burner oil 'stove, New Wil- liam. cabinet sewing machine, Raymond ow- ing machine, lawn mower, washing machine and wringer., about 30 hens. a quantity of linoleum, number of picture., parlor lamp and s, d other lampa quantity of fruit and pples, crock churn and butter bowl, Happy Thought cook stove, parlor heater, dishes, conking utensils, and other articles. Terms— All slime of 510.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 menthe' credit on approved joint notes, bearing 6 per cent. interest. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2876.1 'UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF HIGH Grade Fenn Stock,—T. M. ,Kelly, auc- tioneer. ' hae received imtructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession 18, Township of Logan, near Kennicott on Tuesday. JanuaSy 80th, 1.928. the following: dioses—Team of geldings rising four and five year.• good driving horse sten yearn old. Cows—Durham cow fresh January 2nd, Hereford to freshen January 28th. Durham cow due to freshen January 26th, 2 Durham cows due to calve in March, 3 Durham oowa due in February. Young Cattle -5 steem two years old, 2 Durham heifers two years old, 2 Durham heifers one year old, 2 Durham steers one year old. Piga —Yorkshire eow with litter of ten six weeks old, Yorkshire now due to farrow April 10th, Yorkshire sow due April let 8 sows due March 16th, Yorkshire sow due to farrow February 15th. Yorkahire Sow due March 20th, 2 Yorkshire sown due April 6, Yorkshire sow due April 20th, 4 sows due to farrow May let 8 ehoala about 75 The. A quantity of 8 and 9 foot cedar peen. Sale at two o'clock p.m. Terme—Nine months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. F.D. LONGEWAY, Proprietor; Ed. Gels, Clerk; T. M. Kelly, Auctioneer. R. B. No. 1, Sebrdngvllla 2876-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK and Implements, Seed end Feed.—The un- dersigned has received instruction to sell ' by public auction on Lot 18, Concession 2, Tuckersmith, one mile and a quarter east of Ktt'een, on Wednesday, February 7th, 1923, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following, Homo -1 driving horse 6 yens old good single or double, 1 filly rising 2 yeas old by "Commodore". Cattle—Cow due at time of sale, cow due March 24th, Cow due April 13th, cow doe July 23rd, cow due July 29th. cow due September let, cow supposed to be in calf, one fat cow. These are all young cows and in good condition. Three fat heif- ers rising 2 -years old, 2 fat steers rising 2 year. old, 9 calves 3 to 10 months old, 90 hens, also a quantity of hay and Sorge, 250 bushels of seed oats Siberia Cluster, a quantity of potateo. Implementa—Massey- Harrie binder 6 -foot cut with sheaf carrier and truck as good as new, Massey -Hauls mower 6 -foot cut, Deering 11 -disc drill with clover seeding attachment, Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator, disc harrow, steel roller, 2 Hamilton walking ploys, 1 gang. plow, 11 -foot hay rake, bean harvester and scuf9er, box stove. The farm will be offered for sale at the same time, containing 100 acres, ail, cleared, fenced and tile drained; 12 acres fall wheat, SO acres fall plowed. On the premises there is a 7 -roomed frame home, good cellar, soft water inside. Telephone and rural mall delivery; bank barn and good stabling, also barn for hay and implements, hen Some and drivehed. 3 never failing wells, wind mill, good orchard; IA miles from church and Kippen; 4 miles from Hen- eali, 90 rods from acheoL Terms on Farm - 10 per centon day of sale; balance in 16 days. Stock and Implements—All sums of $10 and under, coats; hay, grain, potato,,, hens, each; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint not®. Five per centoff for rash on credit amounts. ROHR McCULLY, Proprie- tor: P. Taylor, Auctioneer. _ 2874-8 HIBRERT COUNCIL TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: i Gm HiliSh Owing to an aftetlnn which hos tamed Mr. W: L. McLaren to resign the office of Aneesor of the Township of Hibbert, a aPeameeting of the Council will be held in ttJhe Dominion Hotel, Dublin, nn Saturday. January 27th, at 9 p.m., for the purpose of receiving. npplicatkrns for the office of Aceoor. A meeting of the Board' of Health will be hold on the same day at 3 o'clock p.m. j JAMES JORDAN, 2878.1 Clerk. AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. phone ts-98. rge 1a no longerSkipper for the Stanley, Co-opetntive Association. Mr. Mort. Elliott having being appointed Shipper. dny 0,10 having cattle or hogs rends, phone 10 on 826. HUGH McLAUGHLIN, President. 2876.2 Braeefreld, Oct. Farm Help HARE. TO FIND A..GOOD MAK? Then we warrantsou have Bever ordered one at thin Shop. Our steaks and chops are ,kno vn the len xCh and breadth of this town, a we suggest that you try some foto droller to -night. Of course, our roasts§ and other cuts are mighty fine also. D. H. sTEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. Dominion Stores. SUGAR - 10 pounds for CANADIAN qA� CHEESE, per pound 3 CASTILE SOAP 2 large bars for.......... 36c BLUE ROSE RICE 25r. 3 pounds for BREAD, from our own bakery, per loaf 7r4C ALL ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN. Dominion Stores. the Olivi tlb5 de rap f10g4tikkl, teRo spy 1)0 090 shod rot have race vq� Detect at Om fa> JiyLaLL kSU-4 •. P.iecntey oR wlw NOTICE Aa .al Winter Sale Beginning Monday, Jan. 29th, until Saturday; Feb, 10th, we are going to sell our Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladies' aad Children's Underwear 25c to $2.00 Ladies' All Wool and Cashmere Hose50cto $1.00 Ladies' and Girls Sweaters, Half Price Men's Heavy Rubbers ,..,..,$2,25 to $3.50 Boys' Heavy Rubbers ......,..,,........$2.00 to $2.50 Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, each 75c Men's Ali Wool Underwear, each $1,00 Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, each..... .........70c Boys' Fleeced Underwear, each 50c Men's and Boys' Sweaters ....,....... .$1.00 to $5.00 Mitts, Caps, Etc., also reduced. New 32 inch Giughams arriving, ask to see them. TERMS CASH PHONE 13-822 E. A. McAsh & Son, Varna Notice is hereby given that the annual meet- ing of the Unborn & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held In the Town lfail. Farquhar, on Monday, February 5th, 1923, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiv- ing the reports of the Directory and Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Directors and two Auditors and for any other businese In the interests of the Company,• The Directors, whose term of office expires, but who arc eligible for re-election, are James McKenzie and John G. Roy, Farquhar. January 6, 1923. W. A. TURNBULL. 2875.2 Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING This Week, ice. instead of `Aldo k d ii i ES Special Prices, we are going to give you l o -wit thing Free. We are doing this for one, , end only, just to demonstrate toyou what y 1 can Save every week•by taking advantage of OUR Week End Specials. C S We will sell the following Goods at regular prices, and to every purchaser of the complete g. order as listed below, we will give FREE your choice of I 6 Bars Palm Olive Soap ' _= 6 Bars P. & G. or Surprise Soap ti 1 4 -String Broom Y ,hr lbs. Christies' SoI�das • 35c 5 1 lb. Rex Coffee, (fresh ground) 60c 1 lb. Minto Tea 65c 2 Tins Corn 30e 5 2 lbs. Pure Cocoa 40c = 2 tbs. Rose Rice 25c 2 Large Bars Castile Soap 40c 3 Packages; Jelly Powder 25c McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. The Annual Meeting of the member, of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth. on Friday, February 2nd, at 2 p.m- The business of the meeting will be to receive the annual statement and Audltolh Report, the election of three Dlrectom add two Auditors, and other business which might be considered of interot to the Company. The retiring Direc- tors James Connolly, William Rion and Robt. Ferris. who are eligible for reelection. JAMES CONNOLLY, THOS. E. HAYS, President Secretary, 2876-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 C. G. THOMPSON O Phone 25 O 0 We have on hand at 0 all times Oat, Barley, O Corn and Pea Chop, O O also Ground Flax Seed O in any quantity. See 0 these if in need of feed. 0 Milverton Flour, 0 Bran and. Shorts. O O Grain Buyer. O Custom Chopping. 0 O OATMEAL MILLS, O Seaforth, Ont. O 00000'0'0'0'0 0 0 PUBLIC NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF Seaforth, McKillop andTuckersmith Whereas cases of contagious diseases have for some time past been occurring in the above municipalities, the source of which it has not been easy to find, it would appear that cases of such diseases are occurring and are either not being recognized and reported, as required by Statute, or are being intentionally concealed. It has therefore been :decided to publish : sections 53 and 54 of the Public Health Act, width 1(ead• as follows: 58.—(1) Whene'Ver any householder knows or bas'lieason to suspect that any person within his family or household, or boarding or lodg- ing with him, has any communicable disease, he shall, within twelve hours, give notice thereof to the secretary of the local board or to the medical officer of health. (2) The notice may be given to the secretary 'or -to the medical officer of health at his office, or by letter, addressed to either of them, and mailed within the time above specified. R.S.O. 1897, c. 248, s. 86. Amended. 54. No householder, in whose dwelling there occurs any com- municable disease, shall permit any person suffering from such dis- ease to leave, or any clothing or other property, to be removed from,iI his house, without the consent of the medical officer of health, who may forbid such removal or prescribe the conditions thereof. R.S.O. 1897, c. 248, e. 87. Amended. And anyone disregarding these regulations is liable to fine or imprisonment. Notice is hereby given that if circumstances arise to indicate that these sections are being further disregarded the Provincial Authorities will be requested to investigate and prosecute, as they may see fit. This notice is given that the expense and inconvenience of quarantine may be avoided as far as possible and more particularly that further loss of life and serious and permanent impairment of health such as has already occurred recently among those innocently exposed in our community may be, if possible, prevented. Issued by the authority of the Boards of Health of the MUNICIPALITIES of SEAFORTIi, McKILLOP and TUCKERSMITH Total—$3.20 Dependable Cash Cream Market. Guarantees to You Accurate Weight, Accurate Test Dependable Market Price Safety and Promptness Courteous Treatment We ask a Trial to Convince you of the Profitableness and Pleasantness of " Silverwood's Cream Market" S• ilverwood's,Limited, London, Can, The Bureau of Colonization and Immlgra- ' tion tepeets a large number of first elan men from the Old Country during the latter part of March and aneceeding Menthe, name experienced, some partly and same inexpert. oneed young men, and experienced arried men and partly experleneed married mrgpn with end without families. ,Farmer with vaktrlaclee will kindly write .31. A. Moedonell, Director of Colonisation, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, or to their Agricultural Representative for Information and application forms. Ap- plications will be dealt with as far as pos- sible in the order in which they are received, preference being given yearly engagmnente. S. D. STOTHERS, 2876-2' Agriealtnrnl Representative. Western Ontario's Largest and Finest Equipped Creamery ISAAC HUDSON, Main St., Seaforth, Branch Mgr. Phone 112 Our Local Branch Store is open from h ;t., m. each week day, and Saturday evening until 11 o'clock. Phone arrangements made for night, delivery. - F. O'Brien & Son,Staffa II li ' 1 I 'i IN ! I I. I; GI1 Sale commenced and Slashin WE NEED THE GOODS Just Tuesday, DON'T is still MONEY 6 Sale LEAVE . s 1Our THE with a Bang on Saturday, going strong. P ' g rices AND STILI. HAVE YOU NEED Days Left Closes Jan. 30 IT TOO LONG A FEW SPECIALS THIS WEEK: Brooms worth 90c, for 75e Brooms worth 75c, for 60e Brooms worth 65c, for 50e Brooms have advanced in price and should be , . picked up quick at these prices Cotton Serge, worth 60c, for 30e Towelling, worth up to 40c, for25c Scrim for Quilt Covering 25c Eggs, Cream and Poultry Taken as Cash ALL OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS MUST BE ` SETTLED BY FEBRUARY 1st, 1923. F. O'Brien Itc Son, Staffa, Ontario jai _�-